
Over the weekend, I was distracted by the likes of Malaysiakini’s Steven Gan, Premesh Chandran, Aliran asst. secretary and blogger Mustafa K Anuar, Press Freedom advocate Chuah Siew Eng, Centre for Independent Journalism V Gayathry and PKR’s Balik Pulau MP, Yusmadi Yusof . (More, including pixs are availabe HERE).

It was the 10th Anniversary of the Southeast Asia Press Alliance in Bangkok and these usual suspects were present.

I was also briefly distracted, for the second time in my life, by the speech of the ASEAN secretary – Surin Pitsuwan, who graced the SEAPA event.

The rethorics were in high gear, as Surin has a way with words, but I was highly skeptical about his thoughts on ASEAN.

What is ASEAN, when ASEAN countries treat their neighbours so badly?

I was distracted, too, by the upcoming ASIAN Peoples’ FORUM in Bangkok next month. Yours truly is tasked with running the media centre!

However, the euphoria of seeing all my fellow Malaysians in Bangkok evaporated when I logged into my PC and see that idiots were at work again: 

* A “racist” was given a hero’s welcome in Penang (read this) while several Anak Bangsa Malaysia were treated as “criminals” (read this).

Life can be so unfair!

* The (GO) home minister Syed Hamid Albar wants to challenge RPK’s release from ISA detention (here). The minister can’t accept that his signature was ‘illegal’; he should be very afraid. 

The remaining 64 in KAMUNTING should challenge the Home Minister’s order to incarcerate them without trial!

It’s a shame that the Minister who does not respect the rule of law (by sending citizens to detention without trial) now want to seek an appeal at the very courts he does not respect.

Ironical, indeed!

74 responses »

  1. Jed Yoong says:

    Hey post some pics ler. 😉

  2. malaysian says:

    we r malaysians not umno mca mic n goverment we will bring tem down like america barrack obama!!tey useless by using isa n police 2 arrest ppl rakyats malaysians bt tey will nvr catch umno ppl!! dis is unfare for us we will gether in 1 unity 2 let tem dwn hiduprakyat kuasa rakyat the ppls power!!

  3. rakyat power says:

    Aiyo! When did this warlord servant follow the rule of law? Like father like son! This little warlord servant is ignorant and just wants to protect his little power and ill-gotten assets and especially when Umno Party election is near.

    This is the greatest joke, even peaceful gathering by the rakyat (the boss) is not allowed in Bolehland. The polis (servants) is very adept when bullying the boss and issuing summons for minor traffic offend but when comes to hardcore robbers, they are just a bunch of useless polisputras.

    Thanks to the BN putras (servants) for their effective corruption.

    Yes! The Bn warlord servants incorporating the legitimate gangsters (polis servants) are indeed the rule of law in Bolehland.

    They are traitors of the highest level.

  4. rakyat power says:

    Just like this principal Kua Kia Song of New Era College, the rakyat (boss) hires the Board to take care of the college. When the boss wants to sack that pj traitor (selling nomination ticket to MCA opponent in 1995 GE), this traitor is adopting a confrontational mode against the boss ala the legitimate gangsters at the command of BNputras.

    This has to be stopped. If this pj traitor is defiant to the boss, then all the ‘products’ he produced is a replica of this pj traitor, ie. this pj traitor is churning more little traitors into the market place.

  5. rakyat power says:

    Right now this pj traitor is teaching his students how to ‘deal’ with the boss! Sigh!

    This Pj traitor will never churn out good academicians- for a leopard would never change its spots!

    Will a boss want to hire graduates churning out by this PJ traitor? Will employers want to hire traitors and let traitors work in their companies?

    This pj traitor is the epitome of all the wrong doings in organizations.

    This pj traitor must go before he destroys the fine system in Bolehland.

    Now this pj traitor is setting a very bad example to the students, instigating the New Era students going against their boss (the rakyat).

    Ya! This Pj traitor had sodomized the PJ voters in 1995 with impunity and now want to sodomized the boss using the students.

    This PJ traitor is just the impossible ala the Bn putras and the legitimates gangsters in terrorizing the boss.

    If that is the case, why want to feed all these BN warlord servants and legitimate gangsters?

  6. samurai warrior says:

    This is my experience and will be my last at last night’s Anti ISA vigil. I was a newbie at the Amcorp Mall vigil which took a violent turn when the police and FRU stormed the rather docile gathering. I was there because I felt that as a conscientious Malaysian I had to stand up and be counted. I risked my butt to support RPK and the anti ISA cause. During the commotion I ended being in RPK’s group of friends seeking shelter and respite in a restaurant in the vicinity. I guess I was the only stranger there because everyone seems to know one another. I tried striking up a conversation with the Man,RPK but he seemed uninterested. My efforts at communicating with the group was futile and after half an hour,I felt like an outcast. It finally dawn upon me that I was being treated with suspicion. Perhaps they thought I was a Special Branch in plain clothes or something. Anyway,to cut to the chase,I really got really pissed off with the bunch of old farts rabble rouser wannabes. I had expected to meet with people whom would inspire me to be more politically conscientious but instead what greeted me was a bunch of paranoid grumps. So,feeling indignant and out of frustration,I walked out and drove home. When I reached home,I took out the ‘I’M WITH RPK and NO TO ISA’ T shirts and shredded them with a pair of scissors. That is my 1st and last walk with self important rabble rousers. No,you’ve won no converts last nite..least of all not me.

  7. propkr says:

    LOSERS are like that, use tactics to intimidate the rakyat! RPK mentioned the LOSERS in his most recent article.


  8. rakyat power says:

    Hi samurai warrior!

    I was at the scene last night and everybody has the same goals and was compassionate to one other.

    I have been there since the beginning of candlelight vigil and rather enjoying the warm atmosphere there.

    Might be this was your first time and feeling a bit tense. Just relax and enjoy yourself the next time when you are over there.

    Don’t expect hospitality like in a new year open house with foods and drinks served on you.

    Makka Sakthi!

  9. Special Agent Mat Bond says:

    Hey Samurai Warrior,

    Its crap that you took the trouble to go to the event and felt the way u felt….

    Drop me an email at

    Couple of things to chat with you.


  10. samurai warrior says:

    Hi Rakyat Power!

    What hospitality like new year open house with foods and drinks? I was just hoping to get to know the guys or ‘comrades’ without being viewed with suspicion. Why gather in the 1st place if not for the camaderie or ‘brother in arms’ solidarity thingy? If I wanted to mind my own business,I might as well stay home with my family and not risk getting my head bashed in and my ass hauled into a waiting Black Maria. Btw,I was not tense nor afraid when the FRU charged.I just walked away and fate dealt me a kind hand and I managed to escape unscath. Anyway,I’ll still oppose injustice in our soceity..but in my own pacifist way. Yes,Makkal Sakti and Change and Yes,we can!

  11. Jarod says:

    Samurai warrior… if one day one of your family members is in the ISA, will you still take the lead to come out and support the abolishment?

    I DO NOT KNOW any one of RPK’s group of friend. Neither do i know personally of Zorro nor Haris Ibrahim nor anyone that are close to RPk. I did not even want to talk but use my presence yesterday night to support the abolishment of ISA. It indeed a hard night to digest. If your initial idea was to support turn out that you prefer to have your sweet time, Malaysia has not reach the period yet.

    think about yesterday night. Not about your self, but the country that are filled with so many injustice parties. etc

  12. imwatchinu says:

    No need to get upset with the shit-head, Susan. These are all losers who are trying to gain attention. The lesser said about them the better for everyone. Treat them like stray dogs looking for scraps.

  13. verine says:

    Samurai Warior,
    dont be disheartened when u feel outcasted… do you blame them to be more careful? It is because ISA is a threat to everyone, and so we must all be careful and not to easily trust anyone. And you know it for sure that there will be spies pretending to support the vigil and they will do anything to get anything from this group for a reason to make the gathering illegal.

    So remember your intentions were genuine to support the ‘anti ISA’… not to make friends or feel at home in the big crowd. Eventually, everyone there will be your friends. Take it easy.

  14. bamboo river says:

    The vigil has been going on since the last four weeks and widely publicised to gather support.
    Why now did they take action against the good people?
    Becos, RPK is free from ISA and now they are taking revenge?
    Probably some sore losers are prodding the authorities to take action. Most probably from the political circle!

  15. miracle says:

    it can only happen in ammo land …. another unfairness in this ketuaan land ..

  16. samurai warrior says:

    Jarod and Verine,

    Like I said in my last post..I’ll still continue to oppose injustice in the country of my birth,Malaysia. But I’ll do so without having to interact with the ‘elite old pot bellied blogger groups’ who thinks too highly of themselves and their cause. If they think they can hold the fort on their own without fresh converts,they’ve had their wish come true. Like I said in my previous post,I came just because I wanted to stand up and be counted. I had absolutely nothing to gain but attended the vigil just to show solidarity with people fighting for a just and fair society.

  17. Bless Tun says:


    You have my sympathy. The Only ONE PERSON who worth your support is Tun Mahathir. He will be back in power very soon and Malaysia will once again relive its past glory that had been laid to waste by the sleeping ABB.

    Support the return of Tun !

  18. M says:

    RPK should make himself scarce now.Why make it easy for them? Just make your internet presence-DON’T make a physical presence.A virtual revolution is virtually unstoppable-just look at Obama.

  19. Azmin says:

    Samurai Warior,

    Thanks for taking the initiative to be there. We all have the same intention,i.e. Anti ISA, thats our goals. Don’t feel disappointed whatsoever as long as our goal is the same ‘ANTI ISA”. RPK doesn’t owe anyone of us but instead he is sharing the same goal and he is the only daring one to fight openly against the govt which many of us fear to do so. So with this, we owe him that.
    Cheers!! and May God Bless ALL MALAYSIANS.

  20. Moonrider says:

    No Face Mah , RPK released adi , now they want to revenge and kacau ..
    I think the gomen think the candle is as danger as carrying a M-16 .. So guys , dont play candle especially during Mooncake festival ..

    The UMNO meeting throw chair here and there , saw the newspaper two guys holding each other neck .. But no arrrest ..

  21. caravanserai says:

    The late evening rain
    It didn’t dampen the people’s spirits
    For when the time arrived
    Ipoh mari say No to ISA
    At the D R Seenivasagam Park

    The road was wet
    The ground of green grass shone
    In the candle lights
    By then in the tent people gathered around
    Waiting for the speeches
    The well known politicians and bloggers

    LKS, Kulasegaran, Nga
    Din Merican and Zorro
    Say No to ISA
    Released all prisoners in Kah Moon Thing
    Binned ISA let history says its peace

    The people decide
    We make the changes
    We have the power to do it
    We can change the government

    The shining moon sparkled
    The candles light up the dim environment
    I looked around my surrounding
    I knew these people would make the changes
    In their true feeling they know

    Ipoh mari say No to ISA
    Probably about 150 people came
    3 policemen stoodby at the entrance
    Watching the proceeding
    Let no incident interfered

    The cool breeze
    It made the gathering coolly
    Let this be the message
    “Ordinary people can do extraordinary things
    In their special ways changes can be made”

    Say no to ISA
    We can’t be living in its shadow
    It is time this draconian law put out of business
    It has no role in our lives at all

  22. “never underestimated stupidity of idiots”

    now only u know why americans donwan woman and blacks to vote in 17/18 century….

    if malaysia to do the same, probably malaysia would be better place to live….

  23. kittykat46 says:

    Jed Yoong wrote in her blog “what did DAP do to antagonise the normally civil police?…..Police are usually reasonable unless provoked”

    Mahathir-UMNO apologist….wow, the reward must be good.

  24. clearwater says:

    Samurai Warrior,

    I am sorry you are disillusioned by your personal experience but perhaps you expected too much. It’s not all hugs and kisses for unknown new supporters, especially at tense occasions where Special Branch personnel may have infiltrated. Next time [if at all] do go with a like minded friend for company. That way, you won’t feel left out. Thank you for attending and I hope you will give it another go, this time with company. Cheers.

  25. whispering9 says:

    Dear Samurai Warrior,

    I can’t help but smile when I read your comment. Similarly, I will rally some of the ‘elite old pot bellied blogger groups’ causes, but, I ain’t going to shake their hands unless they shake mine first. Self esteem meh. 😉

  26. Drachen says:

    Dear Samurai,

    We’re LUCKY to have these “pot-bellied” folk fighting for our rights. They could be at home thinking about how to make more money or worse – how to screw the rakyat! Be patient with them. They need our support!

  27. kittykat46 says:

    Samurai Warrior,
    Sorry to hear about your experience. I think its unfortunate that your first opportunity to interact with them was the tense aftermath of the police offensve. Things would probably have been different if the meeting had been a normal social occasion.

    Personally, I have no interest in any face-to-face social interaction with most bloggers, except maybe Susan 🙂

    There was one blogger whom I’ve exchanged friendly e-mails before. Saw him at a shoppping centre in KL. I could recognise him, of course, from his blog, but he doesn’t know what I look like. Thought of walking up to him and introducing “Hi, I’m xxxxx, and I’m the person you know as kittykat46” but decided not to.

    My normal social circle is totally separate from my on-line persona.
    A bit like a double life, right ? Hehehehehe….

  28. whispering9 says:

    ‘except maybe Susan’ 🙂 Me too. lol

  29. wits0 says:

    “Personally, I have no interest in any face-to-face social interaction with most bloggers, except maybe Susan 🙂 ”

    Susan’s motto: ‘Integrity above Unity’. 🙂

  30. peace brother says:

    Like that also can! finished lah my country like this!

  31. hasilox says:

    ASEAN? Imagine what a group’s profile is with a trashbag myanmar as a member. Well, just a showcase of who is worse.

  32. Douglas Moore says:

    “Jed Yoong wrote in her blog “what did DAP do to antagonise the normally civil police?…..Police are usually reasonable unless provoked” – elucidated by kittykat46

    The normally CIVIL POLICE???????? Give me a damn break! Haha.(should I even have a smirking grin???) Is that ol’ woman for real? Having just read that sentence alone without pussyfooting to the paragraphs for justification (again, haha) Jed Yoong is a mercenary blogger/reporter under the guise of fair reportage playing a pre-eminent role as a critic of Government and opposition political parties.

    (1)Madam Yoong should understand the BMC saga at Cheras wherein a young man was assaulted to a pulp. (No, that doesn’t really bother me)

    (2)the Bersih/Hindraf and other rallies wherein the police not only instigated but physically provoked the peaceful protesters’ marches in a premeditated ruse to beat and to arrest them (no, that don’t bother me too much either)

    (3)the outcome of the Royal Police Commission Report vis-a-vis the Royal Malaysian Police’s abuse of power, corruption, and brutalities and those died during detention (no, that do not even tickle me as well)

    But you know what really, really bothers me Madam Jed Yoong? You know what really really makes me wanna throw out on you Jed? Is to see a grown-up speaks like an imbecile reflecting your true attitude on the avatar! Now THAT really makes me wanna puke, you sneaky lil’ weasel !

    Douglas Duncan Moore
    Righteous American Expat in KL

  33. lhheng says:

    This arrogant, racialistic and stupid AI(arsehole idiot) is on the limelite again. Just look at his stupid pig face during the welcome ceremony by the bunch of Umnoputras will make anyone vomit.
    I believe the people of Penang will know how to take care of stupid arrogant bum like him.
    As for Gerakan, I have to say you bunch of guys are apportunists, greedy and behave like lap dogs. Now wE want to see and hear how you bunch of bums are going to do with this idiotic fool. Your master in Umno.

  34. samurai warrior says:


    I WAS with company last night. In fact,I was Invited to join the vigil by a person(can’t mention his name for obvious reasons) close to RPK’s circles. And as a matter of fact,I bought the 2 anti ISA(quite unwearable now).one for myself and one for my wife from him. I met him and his wife last night at the vigil after parking my car at the Singgahsana Hotel because of the police blockades at all entries leading to ground zero. Unfortunately in the ensuing melee.her husband was spirited off by the police. Being concerned for his safety and his wife’s,I remained with his wife who happened to be following RPK’s inner circle(I guess that’s what I should call it..) of friends. That’s how I ended up sitting at one table with a herd of aging,pot bellied so called blogging warriors,fiery with the pen or is it at the keyboards but pretty lame at everything else. Anyway,after sleeping it over,I think I’m ready to forget about the bad after taste of last night’s unpleasant series of unfortunate events and move on with life. “Yesterday’s a memory,tomorrow a dream,today’s the the moment. And that’s what I’m going to do. Cheers everybody!

  35. Thim says:

    Dear Samurai Warrior

    I’m sorry to hear about your bad experience. I was there too last night. I think after the FRUs and SB folks attacked the innocent, peace and justice lovers, a lot of people’s nerves were flayed (not forgetting frustration, and even fear among some). And like you, I was more or less a total stranger there, although I did manage to shake hands and chat up a conversation with some of the people there, but this was before the event started. And we did feel like one BIG family! I even managed to shake hands and chatted for a while with Marina (RPK’s wife) while RPK was giving his speech. I also believe that we all went there, not just because of RPK and his noble deeds, but because we believe in a higher cause. If so, we should continue to cherish and support this cause in whatever means possible, even if it means appearing in such candlelight vigils again. Don’t let this unpleasant episode deter you from your convictions. Stand up for what you believe in, and in your heart of hearts, know what is ‘Right’! Martin Luther King not only believed in his dream, but he stood up, and even died for it. Let us, in our own little ways, contribute towards raising the human consciousness to the realisation and achievement of Righteousness.

  36. Rocky_My says:

    UMNO Cilaka !!!

  37. Harrison says:

    “Susan’s motto: ‘Integrity above Unity’ “-Wits0

    😀 Hands High Susan….always luv ya….

    [Jed Yoong wrote in her blog “what did DAP do to antagonise the normally civil police?…..Police are usually reasonable unless provoked] – Jed Yoong

    Oh, really……………….. 😉

  38. Scott Thong says:

    Why surprised, Susan? In our neighbour to the South, thousands are mourning, adulating and taking oaths of vengeance for the three executed Bali bombers.

  39. apapunboleh says:

    Good work PDRM, arrest all these peaceful people during a candle-light vigil while the murderers, rapist, gangsters, mat rempits and other corrupted individuals roam the streets of Malaysia.

    This is what the PDRM are trained for, good work on spending the tax-payers money.

  40. anonymouse says:

    rtm 1 news reported that amongst the arrested is a wanted rapist/thief. LOL.

  41. national78 says:

    rtm 1 news reported that amongst the arrested is a rapist/thief. lol.

  42. Menyalak-er says:

    Kudos samurai warrior (11:32), for being able to forgive and continue with the struggle. Keep the faith man.., forget the sight of unsightly beer-guts!
    Anyway, bumno warlords literally killing each other and fracturing nicely and painfully, not that we care. The terrible injustice of kotor kecut using their Frus to intimidate bersih are as usual relegated to unimportant news by msm. What was more impt. was that rascist creature receiving accolades from equally stupid apes in Bkt. Bendera!
    Its quite akin to whats happening in our southern neighbor, except that it’s presently at the ‘party’ stage but will definitely morph into something worse than JI, if bumno further threatened with extinction.

  43. Kherry Scarry says:

    Home Minister being a lawyer himself doesn’t understand law and now desperately going against the law….???

    Heh !! this is so shameful lah….ayoyo so pathetic !!!! Like that screw up lah Malaysia…..

  44. yh says:

    IDIOCY PERSONIFIED. look at how he responded to charges of brutality by the police! If thats not idiocy, I dont know what is.
    UMNO, can you please stop being tarred by this fella’s idiocy by kicking him out.

  45. Balan says:

    Not surprised that with Ahmad Ismail’s welcoming party!@#$%.

    As long as these kind of racial bigot exist in UMNO, there no hope for change. It’s unfortunate that MCA or MIC have to live with UMNO warlords who are still stuck in the old mentality.

    The was also an incident yesterday where mobs (public not police) beat up 4 people including a woman senseless for causing some traffic accident. Violence is so ingrained within Malaysians I suppose.

    It is quite easy to incite huge crowd to do something at the spur of the moment. That’s why organisers of rallies can do their stuff and disperse when advised. I would support that rather than protesting against police advise and seeking to fight their way through to have their way to prolong rallies.
    Secondly we should not be denying the rights of general public to get their way around and not distrupt their daily lives. So hold whatever we want in stadiums etc like what PKR has been recently doing. That should be perfectly acceptable by all including police.

  46. bamboo river says:

    Dear Samurai warrior,
    keep your faith and desire to fight for all Malaysian’s right as strong as the blade of your samurai ! 🙂
    Don’t feel disheartened on your experience that night.
    We can’t blame them as we have to understand the high volatile atmosphere during that moment when the cops starts moving in.

    I was at the Friday hearing in Shah Alam High court and met many familiar blogging faces. Among them is of course Zorro. I was there alone in the morning and later return back at 3 p.m. to welcome RPK .
    Most of them are well within their ‘circle’.I just stood aside. But what is more important for me is the reason for being present at the court house. I am glad I was among those good people with RPK’s family got to hear the judge’s verdict .

    P/s. Managed to say ‘Hello Bernard’ and shook his hand outside the court room after the verdict. He is so jubilated that he is walking at all places ! Anyway, what is more important is your presence at the vigil that counts.
    Don’t fret about the shreded “FREE RPK” T -shirt.
    RPK is already free now.
    Maybe we should think of getting “Free All ISA Detainees”T -shirts .

  47. kittykat46 says:

    By now, with Video Camcorder evidence posted on YouTube for the whole world to see, Botak knows the police are in for a public relations damage control.

    So he is adopting the “I didn’t know anything until this morning” excuse.

    Badawi should fire Botak as the last bit of public service of his sad administration.

  48. temenggong says:

    Dear Samurai Warrier,

    During a melee with the FRU the last things on our mind is casual chats with newbies protestors. But glad you got over it.

    BTW I too think there are many blogger warriers who think they are in the rpk elitist inner circle with condescending attitudes to others whom they think are nobodies! But thats okay, we are not there to steal their moment of glory or share the limelight. We had enough of lights in our lifetimes. We don’t mind playing the unseen backroom boys.

    We are not there for rpk either, but the cause which we all stand for. Insofar as this, we seek solidarity.

  49. erniejean says:

    You wanna know what makes a Hero in the eyes of the UMNO govn?

    Being COWARDS.

  50. Mah Ngah tong says:

    This is a great blog! Reminds me of Chowrasta Market.Thanks Susan.Luv you all for having a good time.
    Mah Ngah Tong

  51. ventura says:

    Ahmad Ismail and Syed Hamid Albar are those that incite racist sentiment and provocation of draconian rules, to control people and made them bonded within the proximity of their own personal gain and glory.

    But many of us knows that despite their action is not being counted with much more accountability because there are higher authority that have vested the full confidence of their action and behavior pattern. Therefore they are brave and without respect dare to challenge the people woes for racist freedom, “Bangsa Malaysia” and the jurisdiction proclamation.

    “Who are you? All we have is that we got and influence person to back us up!” perhaps the two above may lauded with full of pride and arrogant.

    “What can the crumble of the people and leader that have succumbed to ISA detention and the press can do? They have no jurisdiction since we are above the law with our higher authority ground and manipulation edge.” This time their whisper became bold and mighty in their boastful heart.

    That why this happening is turn over all again, first thing the Malays Supremacy still not “growth up” and be “independence” because they still need their privilege and right. They are complacent and lazy in their deterioration of certain of the cryonic way in the perspective of getting something without much effort being laid upon. In other word it is said to be lazy and envy.

    Much more effort cannot be improve thru the laziness that certain quarter of Ahmad Ismail continue to applaud the “independence” of the Chinese as “unindependence”. Their “independence wealth” that they gained is not their because they make their “independence wealth” in the “unindependence soil” of Malaysia. In most term as as “Pendatang Asing”. So by hard work you gain the independence by setting yourself better in the society of lazy and envy because the land is not bought by your sweat and blood of dignity in similar color, race and cultural believe and consistency.

    But we forgot that Malaysia was not developed and gain independence by its own core of certain heritage race but by being, prudence, tolerance and compassionate of those forefathers in agreement of themselves vested the “declaration of independence 1957” then. How those glorious day and sweet event that turns out to be a “massacre of 1969” lauded by the curse of the same group even those very days.

    How can we welcome the curse of the “massacre of 1969 and corrupt the “declaration of independence of 1957” to make Malaysia more “Bangsa Malaysia”.

    This tiny group of “massacre of the 1969” need to be killed right now and destroy before them giving birth to a greater child of hellish destruction.

    We have fear and overcome that day not to be repeated again!

  52. storm62 says:

    samurai warrior,

    what time is it when you said you’re with RPK?

    which restaurant was it?

    are you sure you’re sitting next to RPK when you wanted to ask him?

    maybe you got the wrong guy?

  53. Joe Rakyat says:

    This samurai warrior guy is a plant and is lying through his teeth. RPK would never treat people like that, those who know him and Marina would vouch for this — they are always happy to greet and chat with others. JR

  54. Segundina says:

    Racists go to hell!

  55. samurai warrior says:

    Dear Temenggong,

    Thanks for the encouraging and sensible advice. My expectations were just too high and after a good couple of hours sleep,I’ve my bearings back in good condition. Yes,you’re right in saying that we should be there for the cause which is for the abolishment of the ISA and the release of all ISA prisoners. Will be there again to show support at the rallies. Btw,I apologise for calling our senior citizen bloggers aging,pot bellied rabble rouser wannabes. And they’re definitely not ‘past their prime adrenaline junkies’ trying to relive their youth. They deserve better for the sacrifices that they’re making during these last few pages of their chequered lives. My hats off to ’em all. Cheers!

  56. samurai warrior says:

    Dear Storm 62 and joe rakyat,

    I was seated 3ft away from RPK at the Out Of Africa restaurant. Like I said earlier,I had my expectations too high and when I finally met the man himself..well,need repeat myself again? And joe rakyat,didn’t RPK warned us about the hero worshipping and personality cult thingy? Maybe it’s time for a reality check,joe rakyat. I already did mine last night. Cheers

  57. irika says:

    ppl like allmad ismad will ruin msia. he is nothing, but all mad n is mad! , would hv lost all his political positions if in a truly democratic country

  58. Mist says:

    The court judge was right in that even a competent authority had not acted while an incompetent authority had presumed the authority. The once unassailable jurisdiction of ISA has now been curtailed.

    Life is never fair. To expect it would be to disappoint yourself. Not to expect it would free yourself to experience life free from expectations and pre-judgement. Expectations and pre-judgement pollute our sensibility. Life can never be lived through memory or some mind-created notions.

  59. vsp says:

    The police are wearing many hats nowadays.
    They are a social escort agency. They spend most of their resources and time to escort VIPs everyday.
    They are the agents of big-time criminals. That why they do not disturb the real criminals because they might be stepping on their Tan Sri or Datuk mafia’s feet who are partners of these criminals. They are also the informer for criminal by giving advance warning of raids.
    They have turned into jellyfish and have no backbone. They are so afraid of the Chow Kit Road’s pondans and only seem brave only when they appeared in their red water cannon trucks and spread acid on helpless people.
    Why don’t you see the police in your neighbourhood anymore? Because in every nook and crannies they are afraid of shadows – their own shadows. That’s why they prefer to remain in a safe environment.
    Lately they have become overly paranoid. Even with a teddy bear they are so afraid that they have to ban the Hindraf for committing a new crime of exposing a harmless toy! Even candles can also cause a type of madness in them and they go amok and bash up innocent people.
    They are no crime fighters but only pen pushers, by taking all kinds of report but never act on them.
    They are Along-friendly. With all the advertisement and telephone numbers displayed boldly on every telephone poles and pasted willy-nilly on every available spaces, not a single along was arrested. What happen to the big hoopla regarding the compulsory registration of prepaid mobile numbers. It was bandied as a surefire way of eliminating the along menace but the police is so incompetent that this effective tool was not taken advantage of.
    Beware people, is this a conspiracy to legalise the establishment of private armies so that only approved rich and powerful individuals can afford this service? Always remember in Bolehland problems are not meant to be solved but as an opportunity for something bigger and sinister.

  60. vsp says:

    The police are wearing many hats nowadays.
    They are a social escort agency. They spend most of their resources and time to escort VIPs everyday.

    They are the agents of big-time criminals. That why they do not disturb the real criminals because they might be stepping on their Tan Sri or Datuk mafia’s feet who are partners of these criminals. They are also the informer for criminal by giving advance warning of raids.

    They have turned into jellyfish and have no backbone. They are so afraid of the Chow Kit Road’s pondans and only seem brave only when they appeared in their red water cannon trucks and spread acid on helpless people.

    Why don’t you see the police in your neighbourhood anymore? Because in every nook and crannies they are afraid of shadows – their own shadows. That’s why they prefer to remain in a safe environment.

    Lately they have become overly paranoid. Even with a teddy bear they are so afraid that they have to ban the Hindraf for committing a new crime of exposing a harmless toy! Even candles can also cause a type of madness in them and they go amok and bash up innocent people.
    They are no crime fighters but only pen pushers, by taking all kinds of report but never act on them.

    They are Along-friendly. With all the advertisement and telephone numbers displayed boldly on every telephone poles and pasted willy-nilly on every available spaces, not a single along was arrested. What happen to the big hoopla regarding the compulsory registration of prepaid mobile numbers. It was bandied as a surefire way of eliminating the along menace but the police is so incompetent that this effective tool was not taken advantage of.

    Beware people, is this a conspiracy to legalise the establishment of private armies so that only approved rich and powerful individuals can afford this service? Always remember in Bolehland problems are not meant to be solved but as an opportunity for something bigger and sinister.

  61. voice of reason says:

    but you’re a racist too, so…

  62. Payback Time says:

    Dear Susan ..this is sad. Those who are righteous are subdue..those class 1 hippocrates are worship like warlords.Want to do an Obama!!! Neverever can happened in our bolehland

  63. Bola Hangus says:

    Ahmad ismail should be the mayor of KL. That way he can help unite bumi traders and businesses from being exploited. You love it dontcha

  64. chinforTruth & Justice says:

    Dear Bless Tun,

    Are you really serious asking for Support for Tun ? Between Tun and RPK,
    even my 7 years boy knows how to pick the better guy.

    Malaysian had about enough of the 26 years of M Rule . Someone told me today if a person is being cursed everyday by someone ( maybe that someone multiply by a factor of 100,000 cursing M ) , he will not have a smooth and peaceful journey leaving this world ,with legs kicking violently . On the Day of Judgement infront of Creator, for the misery and cruelty inflicted on people during his office, M will be begging for mercy. There is still time to redeem oneself, retired gracefully and pray for forgiveness, undo one wrongs.
    Why can’t a person

  65. chinforTruth & Justice says:

    Dear Bless Tun,

    Are you really serious asking for Support for Tun ? Between Tun and RPK,
    even my 7 years boy knows how to pick the better guy.

    Malaysian had about enough of the 26 years of M Rule . Someone told me today if a person is being cursed everyday by someone ( maybe that someone multiply by a factor of 100,000 cursing M ) , he will not have a smooth and peaceful journey leaving this world ,with legs kicking violently . On the Day of Judgement infront of Creator, for the misery and cruelty inflicted on people during his office, M will be begging for mercy. There is still time to redeem oneself, retired gracefully and pray for forgiveness, undo one’s wrongs.

  66. storm62 says:

    this racist Ahmad ismail only look up on those who can feed him with projects, to those of you who thinks that he can support the poor Malays please think again.

    look at the circle of poeple around him. unless you are willing to carry his balls maybe he will entertain you.

    have anyone seen him going to the poor kampung folks or do charity works?

    only racist uses race and religion for hs own benefits.

  67. Daniel says:

    those disgusting umno parasites

  68. ktteokt says:

    So it looks like the Home Minister does not know what HOME means! He just blare anything that comes to his brains, such impulsive reactions! Incidentally, only plants and animals react to impulse but now our Home Minister does the same! So what does that make our Home Minister?

  69. wits0 says:

    “What is ASEAN?”

    Like the UN, mainly an institution to offer grand employment opportunities to elitist diplomats of little and with little expected accomplishment.

  70. tilianker says:

    Over the 70s post May 13, many have been cowed into silence and the Ultra Malays got carried away with their power. The war cry of “Hidup Melayu” and “Tak kan Hilang Melayu dari dunia” changed to “Ketuanan Melayu” and “UMNO adalah Tonggak BN”.
    UMNO evolved from championing the Nation and the kampung folks into a party that became politically pompous and arrogant.
    The spirit of the rule of the majority with due respect and consideration for the minority was thrown aside. Consensus building became consenting ‘rape’…discussions turned into patronizing…humility is a sign of weakness..ARROGANCE and EGO rule the day til today…POLITICAL REVENGE IS TAKING PLACE..IF WE DO NOT MAKE QUICK AMENDS…
    The MIDDLE CLASS UPRISING will change the political dictate of today…NO MORE KETUANAN MELAYU! Even my educated Malay UMNO friends thinks that some of the UMNO Ultras are too racist for the good of the party..
    IF PAS IS CHANGING AND ALLOWING THE MODERN EDUCATED INTTELECTUALS TO POSTURE TO THE PUBLIC GALLERY, i wonder why UMNO continue to allow their ULTRAS to spoil the party and it’s image by allowing them to posture to the gallery within the party…EMPIRE WILL FALL…

    tilianker’s last blog post..political clowns.. #

  71. traffic tickets prices…

    fight speeding ticket…

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