najibs-runningmateKETUANAN MELAYU is just downright racist, so is Ketuanan Cina, India or whatever.  (Read this).

So Mukhriz Mahathir, what do you mean “misunderstanding” of it is a result of lack of unity? The concept itself separates and divides Malaysians, because it bleeds into the country’s policies and how one citizen is differently treated from another.

Oh, but don’t worry, the MCA, another racist party, is taking the opportunity to respond to Muhkriz by championing the cause of vernacular schools!

And if you are so bloody interested in UNITY in the first place, resign from UMNO coz how do you promote UNITY when you keep shouting KETUANAN MELAYU???!!!

Also I agree with Richard Loh’s “MALAYSIANS for ALL” blog, that before Muhkriz can talk about abolishing vernacular schools, can he also suggest these:

1) Close down “malay only” schools and form only national schools where all Malaysians can study together.
2) Remove the ketuanan melayu idealogy. All Malaysian citizens are master of this land.
3) Close down Mara or open it to all Malaysians that qualify for entrance.
4) Remove the nep and let all Malaysians be equal as citizen of this country.
5) Make meritocracy the norm for all universities entry, promotions in civil service and other aspects of businesses, cabinet posts etc.
6)Dissolve umno and all bn component parties and form one party where any races can apply and be a member.

Hmm, that’s a good one, Richard.

By the way, I do not think that the reason for disunity is vernacular schools. I have many friends, close ones at that, who are from vernacular schools. I have no problems understanding their worldviews, just because I do not think mine is the GREATEST! or that I am the BEST! or that British and American education is the FINEST!

If one can be humble enough and see others worldview and where they come from, would it be just a lovely world?

Sadly, some people think their opinions and their education, including their worldviews are the greatest, finest and the best.

6) Make it illegal for anyone to pass racist remark against any Malaysian or calling Malaysians to leave the country if one is not happy.

152 responses »

  1. Cina Not Babi says:

    When u have idiots like GGMM, u will realise Mukhriz and gangs are from the same streamline!

  2. Drachen says:

    Instead of closing down vernacular schools why don’t they improve the standard and discipline in gomen schools? The word “compete” doesn’t seem to exist in umno’s vocabulary.

    Can the small M also ask the big M why after 22 years in power there are still schools without water and electricity?

  3. huh? says:


    Why didn’t you ask Hishamuddin yourself after 5 years of knowing there are schools that do not have water and electricity?

    Better yet. I know a person who works in the ministry. Can you please list down the names of those schools here so that they can take a look at it?

    Ada berani? If you do not have the names of those schools, then just keep ur mouth shut. We need solutions. Not more criticisms. Will gladly forward the names of those schools once you disclose the info.

    Thank you very much.

  4. matt says:

    First of all are his kids studying in this country this pariahs truly keralian breed.

  5. wandererAUS says:

    The vernacular schools have produced some outstanding students and have done pretty well in contributing to the nation building. So if a thing is not wrecked, why change it?
    This young fart, a chip of the old block is following the footsteps of his old man… using racial politics to enhance his standing in UMNO. A racial party like UMNO produces small minds but ‘BIG MOUTHS’. Screwing up the educational system in Bolehland is nothing new.
    One selection of Education to one’s siblings is a right of an individual, not for mud head politician gaining political mileage.

  6. huh? says:

    By the way, please read the more detailed report before expressing opinions. That way, full information can be churned before making any comments.

    This is to cut down unintelligent comments and skewed remarks that will defeat the purpose of national integration and harmony. Better yet, please read the other side of the story;

    Thank you.

  7. kittykat46 says:

    In a way, I agree about the problem, but not the solution.

    In urban areas, many Chinese kids already grow up in mono-ethnic environments. When they go on to attend a vernacular school, it just cements a mono-ethnic outlook in a person who has to grow up into a multi-cultural society. Unfortunately Chinese-centric racism is as real as the Malay-centric racism which UMNO promotes.

    (I’ll probably get flamed for writing this).

    It takes a concerted effort by enlightened parents to counter this mono-ethnic outlook. I send my kids to SRJK(C), too, but they do not grow up in a mono-ethnic environment – I make sure of that. Our home is filled with books in English and Bahasa Malaysia, and the kids have a multi-racial circle of friends.

    Unfortunately, I’m well aware maybe 80% of their schoolmates don’t have that advantage.

    The solution ? Make Sekolah Kebangsaan back into truly National Schools, where children of all races are welcome, and feel welcome, and address the parent’s concern on declining school standards.
    I live just down the road from a Sekolah Kebangsaan, and I’m well aware its definitely NOT a National School in the real sense.

    Over time, with a lot of hard work, some of the Nons could be convinced to send their children to SRKs.

  8. robin's left boot says:

    Mukhriz can talk lah. SPM grade 3 from MRSM, want to talk about education. at lesat KJ from oxford and KT is a dentist. they have more ground on education.

  9. Shower says:

    Sabahan- go to look up for Mark Koding to comment on this matter.

  10. huh? says:

    I absolutely agree with Kittkat46. National schools or rather, the teachers in the national schools should stop trying to ‘Malay-nise’ the national schools too much. It will turn off the non malays to attend them. I see no problem back in the 60’s or 70’s. But when DSAI came intp the picture, his ‘Islamisation’ of the govt machinery took the wrong turn and mutated into a narrow ‘taliban’ like approach.

    That was why vernacular schools gained prominence. The national schools were very pre 90’s. We should return to the time when the National schools were the premier source of churning out respectable leaders that understands the concept of social harmony and national integration.

    That way, there is no need for the likes of Kittykat to send his/her children to SRJK (C) and still have to provide other source of reading (English and BM) for his/her kids to learn at home.

    Too much burden on the kids I might say.

    Thank you.

  11. huh? says:

    Robin left boot,

    Please do not fall with the propaganda of belittling one’s grade. What does it got to do with this issue. For your info. Khir Toyo also support Mukhriz’s stand.

    Do you still want to question Khir’s qualifications too?

    Please focus on the issue at hand. Do not be sidetracked with trivial matters.

    Thank you.

  12. setia says:

    Tun Mahahthir has done more damage to race relations in Malaysia than any other PM.
    Mahathir being a mamak had to show he was more malay than malay as he found out that patronising the real malays will bring him huge power and wealth !
    His Son now want to promote the racist ‘ketuanan melayu’ concept to rise to power. How despicable and low can any politicians get when he use all tactics to get to the top as shown by Mahathir when he fix and frame Anwar Ibrahim when Anwar refused to bail out his Son’s Shipping Co.

  13. Kaypee says:

    WE had no such problem before they closed down the English medium schools. Those from the vernacular primary schools who chose to study in the English medium secondary schools were the lucky few who had all the races studying together, playing together and eating together. We had a good mix of teachers of all races. There were no racial slurs, segregation or even favouratism among the teachers. Even after the May 13 incident there were no racial incidents at our school Bukit Mertajam High School. Let us go back to the good old dayslah. End of argument.

  14. eagle says:

    The best place for this moron is in my toilet bowl. What the F@#$ ass H?%^.

  15. Menyalak-er says:

    Kk 46, I’d absolutely agree with you.
    The ‘fault’ lies in both sides of the equation and i agree that in the long run, it is better to have a single educational sytem for our youngsters.
    Instead of the ‘regression’ that begun since the early 70’s-80’s and getting worse by the day – we must re-intergrate the schooling systems within the next generation.
    There is a significant loss in national identity due to the “Rule and Divide” mentality of all by the rascist-feudalistic parties in the present ‘gomen’ – who are presently ruling by sheer corruption.
    I deal daily with all three major races in the Peninsula – besides the malay and indian urban youth who speak pasar malay, the chinese blokes remain monolingual and find it exteremely uncomfortable to speak in any other language other than “wah-yee”. There are many Chinese schools who insist on academic and literal excellence without holistic ‘education’ – remaining in the cast of the “Confucian” rote learning. This does not augur well for their tertiary education. Look at the ‘cyclone in teacup’ about the New Era thingy… sheesh.
    My elder son who was an international student rep in Australia while studying there, had to regularly plead with varsity authorities for some of these flurs whose english was so bad, that they simply plagiarized their entire dissertations from the net…
    The only way is to kick out the ‘ketuanan’ syndrome from all sides, retrain the teachers and cull out the recalcitrant ones (eg the monster rascist teacher in S’gor recently and psychos’)and improve the environment of the SKs’, physically, morally and mentally. Revamp the whole Education Ministry. Difficult but not impossible.
    All the points stated by Susan above are relevant.
    Meanwhile, junk the NS – which only serves to pad up Mdm Lumpiolus Losmah’s loot and reinforce the ketuanan syndrome!

  16. ohteenanger says:

    dont just abolish UMNO.we are talking about “Malaysian Malaysia” here.abolish all political parties that are based on race.dare or not?

    we are still “sensitive” here.yes,we are.we are not ready to challenge our status-quo.we are not ready to be out of our comfort zone.Mukhriz just merely express his suggestion then some quarters (mostly non-malays) go all haywire about’s just the same when Soi Lek express his opinion and people (mostly malays) go all mad about it.

    malays and non-malays should undertstand how each other feels when one got pinched.

    if Mukhriz being labelled racist for his suggestion,then what about Soi Lek regarding his saying of “ketuanan Melayu”?


    Before we can go and get anything to abolish
    Let’s get our acts together in a fine polish
    Instead of trying to rush into anything foolish
    Let’s get the myths and monsters to be demolished

    (C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng – 021208
    Tue. 2nd Dec. 2008.

  18. Sabahan says:

    In todays borderless world we have a Monkey who preaches the Bahasa Monyet as the language to solve the racist problem. No wonder the hair is not growing on his head no more. This baldy is barking the wrong tree. If you are a dog don’t try to talk like a monkey. Comeon man growup….

  19. Malaysian Mother says:

    I understand why the Chinese here are so ‘Chinese-centric’, as one of the commentator said. Well, who won’t! – if they (govt) keep telling you they are the Ke’Tuan’an, then they have all their privileges, quotas, etc etc but continue to demand that others be ‘Malay-sensitive’. Heck, it’s a natural defense mechanism for the other races to be ethnocentric. If one keeps getting suppressed, they will one day react, in a manner to be expected, as world history proves to us time and time again.

  20. chris chong says:

    small M, KJ and toyol, which is the worst among the three?
    damn… it’s like comparing demon, vampire and ghost…

  21. Sue says:

    “small M, KJ and toyol, which is the worst among the three?
    damn… it’s like comparing demon, vampire and ghost…”

    Spot on…

  22. huh? says:


    Bloody hell!

    “In todays borderless world we have a Monkey who preaches the Bahasa Monyet as the language to solve the racist problem. No wonder the hair is not growing on his head no more. This baldy is barking the wrong tree. If you are a dog don’t try to talk like a monkey. Comeon man growup….”

    BAHASA MONYET??????!!!

    how dare you??? !! bloody racist. Susan, I am appalled you can tolerate this kind of remarks from your commentator!

    Did Mukhriz said anything demeaning about YOUR language Sabahan???!

  23. Collateral Damage says:

    My kid goes to sekolah kebangsaan and there is nothing very kebangsaan about it. Everything is tilted towards the “chosen” ones. A recent example and one which I just came to know about is that my kid’s school streams students as follows. Class A: 20 bumi, 10 Chinese and 5 Indians, and so on in the following classes. All in the name of better integration as espoused by Mukriz. WTF!?!! And my kid says that this is not fair and ask me why it is like this? What do I say? That we are not the “chosen” ones? This is what will drive the future generation apart as my kid is already experiencing the unfairness of it all, all in the name of “Ketuanan Melayu”.

    My next kid is going to an SRJK Cina. Why? So she will not be exposed to this sort of discrimination and will not feel the unfairness of it all at a very young age and will therefore not hesitate to have friends from other races outside the school. So if you think about it, isn’t it better to maintain all the vernacular school?

  24. joenathan says:

    I have no qualms about streamlining the education system and do away with vernacular schools simply because Malaysian children have to learn to integrate and interact from grade one as those are the formative years.Infact in the 60s and 70s many non-malay parents’ first choice were the national schools because during those years the schools were very much multi-cultural and multi-religious both in term of the population of students and teachers.The teachers then were very dedicated,hardworking,intelligent,efficient and had their students at heart.Can our govt restore that image to our national schools again?Then I am sure more and more non-malay parents will send their kids to our so called `sekolah kebangsaan’ again.

    Look what is happening today in our `national schools’?From malaynisation its now creeping islamisation.History syllabus have been totally revamped to teach only malaysian history,all the great civilizations of the world have been removed from syllabus.Look at the standard of the teaching staff,most could hardly speak or write correct english.Students in schools are being segregated in different classrooms in the name of non-malay and malay.Doa are being recited during assembly when there are many non-muslim students present.These are not religious schools,they suppose to be national schools.Even the food taken by non-malay students from their homes have become an issue now.Never was such issues ever cropped up in the 70s.Why now?We even have teachers in our `national schools’now who abuse their Indian students with racial slurs and call them thieves and children of prostitutes yet left scot free by the racist UMNO controlled govt worse still being promoted.So do this guy Mukhriz expect the non-malay students to be bullied even in schools?He must revamp the national schools first and make it attractive to non-malays and stop all those islamisation of these so called national schools before even talking about vernacular schools let alone to close down those schools.All these fellas are nothing more than a bunch of misfits out there to create further divisions amongst peaceloving malaysians just to pursue thier political ambitions and to protect their ill-gotten earnings.Like father like son.

  25. huh? says:

    dear joenathan,

    to my understanding, the full text of his speech touches on the revamping of national schools.

    (just to clear the air)

    thank you.

  26. Botak says:

    Tun is GOD and MUKHRIZ is the SON OF GOD. Be prepared to be lead to another golden era by the SON. All ordinary citizens please bow and take heed from the wise advice from GOD & SON.

  27. kittykat46 says:

    Keris-Hisham, Najis, all did not send their children to Sekolah Kebangsaan.

    Do they know something we don’t ?

  28. Hee says:

    Ha ha… the comment that the defend of vernacular school, man, I hope you wake up, and when you do, you’ll realize how emotional, stupid and loop sided you are, Malaysian Malaysia? Kah kah kah, only in open tender and subsidy I presume.

  29. Drachen says:

    Fri, Jun 06, 2008

    KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA – One-third of Malaysia’s schools do not have water and electricity, a minister said according to a report Friday, pledging to fix the problem by 2010.

    Deputy Education Minister Razali Ismail told state news agency Bernama that all 9,806 schools in the country will have access to basic utilities by the end of a four-year education development plan.

    While children at public schools in the capital Kuala Lumpur enjoy computer facilities and sports grounds, Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi admitted that hundreds of rural schools lack the most basic facilities.

  30. Hamid says:

    most of them send their children to international school!!! thats why their children could perform better than ours whether in local uni, oversea uni and came back to the country as politicians, CEO, and all the high profile career you could think of. While our children would work as their humble servant. kekeke

  31. Fair to All says:

    This Mukhriz aka MORON is like father like son; cannot see the detrimental effects of unbridled speech. His father provoked the Clinton Adm to attack Malaysian financial system in 1997/8. Now this MORON is causing divisiveness in Malaysian society. Definitely a candidate for ISA!!!

  32. joenathan says:

    Dear huh,
    Thnx for your prompt reply.From my understanding Mukhriz mentioned about the need for streamlining the education system to bring about interaction amongst the various races but he failed to address the reasons or the factors which had led to the deterioration of non-malay enrolment in national schools.As I have always mentioned,one school system is definitely the way forward if chinese and tamil can be taught during school hours with greater emphasis and comittment and this can only be an asset to a country and not a threat,but is the govt of the day sincere enough to carry out what it preaches?I perceive this latest rhetoric by Mukhriz is only a tit for tat against those politicians who questioned ketuanan melayu and nothing else.And the timing of his statement just before the UMNO youth elections make it more doubtful as to his sincerity in trying to streamline the eduaction system.It is an open secret that UMNO is surviving by their infamous divide and rule policy,so they can never be sincere in uniting all Malaysians.You must remember this young man,that as long as UMNO can stamp their authority on malays and make them weak and instil in their minds that without UMNO,the non-malays will be a threat to them,UMNOs political survival is guaranteed.The onus is on us as the ordinary Malaysians to show our kindness,respect and love for each other regardless of race and religion then we can take our beloved Malaysia to greater heights.We dont need politicians to tell us what to do and who is a threat to us.I would go a step further and tell you that,the greatest threat to the ordinary peaceloving Malaysians are not the vernacular schools or ketuanan melayu etc,etc but our very own politicians,they conveniently forget that we the rakyat are the masters who put them in power and allow them to enjoy all the luxuries in life,while they create divisions amongst us.Sad though,but this is the fact today in Malaysia,where many Malaysians dont seem to decipher.Good luck Malaysians.

  33. wits0 says:

    One really gets bored listening to the argument about education in Bolehland(really yawn!).

    No real solution will be found because officialdom cannot, and will not approach such a problem with the right spirit. It’ll be forever stuck in the original muck of racist politics and is destined to make the country less and less competitive and rightly deserving too, in the process.

  34. wits0 says:

    Hasn’t anyone noticed that Mukhriz and Najib makes really a fine pair of humsup looking No.1 and No.2?

  35. bodonomic says:

    Mukhriz and Mahathir should go to kamunting to enjoy the fresh air and food.

  36. wits0 says:

    From the beginning(meaning here, from the 70’s), the widespread flourishing of the tuition industry itself was the clear indication that the quality of school education was failing. But the root cause was always avoided for political reasons and suppressed by persistent spins and utter nonsense ever since.

  37. hasilox says:

    If the standard of the national school is high, vernacular schools will die naturally. Vernacular schools are less damaging compared to mara, uitm and many other brainwashing centres.

    The worse blow is from the private institutions. They educate people according to market needs. Not everybody can afford like these hypocrites can. Ask them if they send their children to the vernacular or national school?

    For normal people, turn left crippled, turn right die.

  38. telur dua says:

    What is the attraction in Sekolah2 Kebangsaan? If it is so damn good quality, people would be queuing to join and vernacular schools would die a natural death. There is no need for legislation to close them down. But the situation is reverse. So, what does that tell you?

    Market forces, my friend, market forces. Why did people voluntarily learn Japanese in the 70s and Chinese now? This is because they are economic powers and knowing the language would make one more marketable and in turn they can contribute to the country.

    English schools were in vogue in the late 50s, 60s and up till early 70s with vernacular schools in decline. Then the BN Gomen changed the medium of instruction to Bahasa Melayu. The rest is history.

    BTW, nice try Mukhriz. Everyone knows your father was talking through you.

  39. wits0 says:

    “For normal people, turn left crippled, turn right die.” – hasilfox

    That’s the situation. One that’s out to keep people poor and stupid, therefore easily manipulated by the elites. That’s why MahaKutty was so much against individualism in his fake explanation about “Asian values’ which to him essentially spelt, “blanket submission”.

  40. panca says:


  41. bodonomic says:

    Sekolah Kebangsaan are necessary so the non-malay students can be insulted and beaten into submission. History taught is false history to promote ketuanan melayu.

  42. why key? says:

    Like father, like son. He forgot that he has some mamak blood in his
    body. Shame on you, little m.

  43. irika says:

    Abolish NEP, abolish ketuanan, abolish one race political parties, abolish one race govt (& GLC) employees, revamp sekolah kebangsaan, stop bumi/non bumi classification, then only talk about Malaysian unity, otherwise DON’T talk nonsense! Mukhridiot !

  44. SMK says:

    Susan, I find your website interesting with thought-provoking articles but the grey text on black background gives me a pain in my eyes.

  45. Pakistani Boyfriend Baru says:

    Blardy conman Mukriz Mahathir. Like your father, -“the game is on”….Oh yeah, what game? His latest contrivance of integrating the vernacular schools to a National school (one system) is to instigate Malay Supremacy and to justify he is a defender of malays’ rights. Oh, yeah, false defender, I forgotten.

  46. wits0 says:

    “Sekolah Kebangsaan are necessary so the non-malay students can be insulted and beaten into submission. ” – Bodonomic.

    That’s the underlying official intention with the vile revision of history as the older and better educated denizens know it.

    It can’t be done with people living happily ever afterwards but there’s nothing to stop ’em from trying the impossible and head towards greater ruin but the voters themselves, mainly. BN, especially umno has to be booted out first before a solution can be possible.

    What’s the malay equivalent of the term “moral morons”? That’ll be the Mahathirs. Yet there’re forces at work trying to deitify ’em no end.

  47. JoeHisham says:

    So the non-malays want equality but gets all defensive about maintaining chinese and tamil schools. Do you realise how hypocritical some of you sound

  48. Fair to All says:

    Mukhriz aka THE MORON should keep his big mouth shut and not emulate his father’s big mouth which brought fnancial ruination to hardworking Malaysians in 1997/8 !!!!

  49. tourman53 says:

    last time UMNO means undur Mahathir negara ok, but now is undur UMNO negara OK.

  50. fukonima says:

    This son of Mamak Kutty is exactly like his father. Now the people can see “the fox tail”. Same species and same DNA (the Botak min also likes DNA very much…)

    So to be the future youth chief, you must act like a racist hero in order to hurt other races, is this a norm in this racist political party? I guess it is. How pathetic.

    How come there are more than 60,000 non-Chinese kids studying at the SJKC? Why their parents want to send their kids to SJKC instead of SK?
    Has he ever thought about it? I am sure those parents are equally angry and upset with this flur.

    Hishamuddin has put up a PIPP to enhance the SK, billions are being poured in to lift the SK, SJKC and SJKT can never challenge the SK in the near future in this sense, and therefore sooner or later, all parents will send their kids to the SK, so why worry? Cannot wait ah?

    Our neighbour, Indodnesia has been encouraging communities to set up their own private schools with special focus on the vernacular languages, but here we have some “heroes” trying to shut down vernacular schools instead.

    With this kind of mentality, no wonder Bolehland can never stay ahead in the SEA and Asia-Pacific region.

    By the way, Musa and Ghani must now charge him under Seditions Act, and he must be punished like the former MP from Sabah. There is no turning back now.

    The people are watching.

    To the Chinese voters of KT, please come out and vote during the up coming by-election day, but remember to deliver the protest votes to both BeeEnd and the UMNO mole in PAS as well. Both are equally bad.

    Now, the wicked son in law must be laughing in his dream, what a big relief for him, I guess.

  51. chinforTruth & Justice says:

    MM junior, do you know hundreds of Indian and Malay families send their children to cross vernacular schools. This is trully a right direction for the future in promoting Unity and multiculturism. Ask the many Malay parents not to sent their children to Chinese schools, they will stick the middle finger in your face, you shit head junior. You have no sense of JUSTICE in your blood. You coward , why don’t you say close down or open up all the special residential colleges etc for one race only all over the country to all races.

    The damn problem with you guys ( many of you around in UMNO, including the senior MM ), who only make statements ” like you cannot do this while I can do what I like, you cannot question me ). Hey ! many of out here, will turn around and tell you guys ” drop dead ”

    You are desperate to be a minister and finally get to be PM someday, you can dream come GE 13, you will be nobody. You cannot conceal TRUTH anymore in this present time.

  52. the little dragon says:

    Dey!@ ! You can abolish Umno but you can’t abolish vernacular schools, especially the Chinese schools, period.

    They are sky and shits apart.

    Why want to abolish the best language in the world and replacing it with an inferior language?

    Use your otak udang before blurting out shit from your mouth!

  53. bodonomic says:

    JoeHisham duno meaning of hypocrisy and equality. Another towering but tottering tuan.

  54. fade says:

    Ketuanan melayu is inavitable.

    Melayu will always be the ‘tuans’ in their own lands.

    Just like the chinese in china and the indians in India.

    This is something that the chinese and Indian minorities need to understand and accept. By 2020 the malay population will be almost 70%, so like it or not melayu will always be ‘tuans’ (masters).

    It surprises me that the minority groups choose to seperate themselves by going to different schools, rather than integrating and getting to know their ‘tuans’.

  55. wits0 says:

    “Ketuanan melayu is inavitable.” – fade

    “Assimilate! Resistance is futile ” – just like the typical Borg. Don’t think that’s how things really work in this universe.

    Just like JoeHisham who does not understand the issue even when in plain sight of it.

  56. the little dragon says:

    This is something that the chinese and Indian minorities need to understand and accept. By 2020 the malay population will be almost 70%, so like it or not melayu will always be ‘tuans’ (masters).

    Looking at Iraq, Afghanistan, very soon Malaysia will be like them if you want to use fists.

    Very soon the Malaysian Chinese and Indians will be the majority of Malaysia.

    Sorry, Ketuanan Melayu will have to balik kampong, tanam kankong and makan jagong, living on trees and wear banana leafs.

  57. the little dragon says:

    This is something that the chinese and Indian minorities need to understand and accept. By 2020 the malay population will be almost 70%, so like it or not melayu will always be ‘tuans’ (masters).

    Looking at Iraq, Afghanistan, very soon Malaysia will be like them if you want to use fists.

    Very soon the Malaysian Chinese and Indians will be the majority of Malaysia.

  58. the little dragon says:

    Sorry, Ketuanan Melayu will have to balik kampong, tanam kankong and makan jagong, living on trees and wear banana leafs.

  59. ktak says:

    The students intake of vernacular schools, which are partially funded by government, are open to all races (with no quota).

    The mere suggestion by Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim in August this year on opening up 10 percent intake of non-Bumiputera and foreign students into Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), which is 100% funded by taxpayers money (not UMNO’s money), has angered the UMNO Malays as if it is funded by UMNO.

    Who is causing disunity ?

    Which schools/colleges should be abolished (or open up the student intake to all races) ?

    To put Mukhriz’s word into his mouth
    “You cannot have your cake and eat it too” .

    Mukhriz has committed the offence of sedition in proposing closure of Chinese/Tamil primary schools

  60. Nyonya Khan says:

    The English medium schools would have evolved into excellent and competant institutions if it had been left untouched by the then umno regime and King Mamak the Great started the rot while DSAI followed it up with their inferior concepts. Now we are thousands of miles behind next door Singapore educationwise. Can’t figure out how Prince Mamak proposes to undo what his daddy’s junta already knotted.

  61. c53k says:

    Some people r just very single minded even though they might be ‘educated’!

    Get this: vernacular schools r the scapegoat to ‘separate young kids from tender age to young adults is the main issue of un-united Malaysia.’

    The religious zealots & the racist bigots r!

    Under the current ‘ketuanan’ settings, the young children of the different ethnic groups have been forced to face the nefarious effects of racial discrimination even when they r under the same school.

    Primary school children r colour blind even when they have not much chance to mix among the the different ethnic groups. They r less impressionable about adult issues. In fact when they r back to their village, kampong settings they tend to mixed. This has been proven in the 60s when national schools & vernacular schools co-existed. Racial tolerances were the highest & the best among children then.

    These children had not problem to mix when they were combined in the secondary schools, under the English medium education.

    Fast forward to late 70s, when the education policies tended toward ‘ketuanan’ mindset. The perception of our children about race took a huge free-falls. In SMK, when the ‘others’ started to learn that academic excellency did not guarantee a place of choice in Unis, skin colour did. Our children started to drift away from each others.

    Meanwhile in primary national schools, the forceful single religion implementations, the lackadaisical attitudes of the teachers compounded with the low standards & qualities forces 90% of the ‘others’ parent to send their offspring to vernacular schools.

    The rest of the story has been repeated umpteen time & yet sound like falling onto deaf ears.

    Or more likely, the messages have been lost within the subconscious sieged mind, reinforced subtly by years of BTN indoctrinations.


  62. ericind says:

    Dey,Fade,u can go n join the mamak group n go to hell please…

  63. no name one says:

    Contrary to KityKat46’s experience, most of the students in urban middle class SJK(C) read and speaks English more than Mandarin in school and at home. Let the rakyat choose, if SJK is better than SJK(C) than the latter will disappear by its own. Their continued prosperity is more a reflection of the failure of SJK.

  64. voltaire says:

    “Ketuanan melayu is inavitable.” – fade

    `My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
    Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!’
    Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
    Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,

  65. voltaire says:

    “Ketuanan melayu is inavitable.” – fade

    `My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
    Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!’
    Nothing beside remains. Round the decay

  66. ventura says:

    Stupid and darn stupidity the expression of Malaysia politic and politician. Some part of “unindependence” Bangsa Malaysia.

    “Gabungan Graduan Melayu Muda (GGMM) hari ini menuntut Timbalan Presiden MCA, Datuk Dr Chua Soi Lek supaya memohon maaf kepada orang Melayu berhubung ucapannya yang menyentuh tentang ketuanan Melayu minggu lalu, yang didakwa berbaur hasutan.”

    I think this GGMM is a pro- Malay supremacy player. Just about asking the apology of the MCA Datuk Dr Chua Soi Lek and also demand RM 2 Million to be distributed and donated to all cause of Malay ingenious race. There that is the point that the latter try to point out and thus it has come true.

    The Ketuanan Malays is suppressing the freedom of speech and opposing the freedom of expression and gaining unity as a “Bangsa Malaysia”. Judging from GGMM comments and Mukhriz the real change should start from within their own proximity and insider. The other minority can accept the Malays leadership but not Malays supremacy this is correct because the “Malays supremacy: notion build on favoritism of race, color bar and religion.

    This world need more liberty and freedom; as America nation is undergoing changes on leadership and racist liberty. Similarly we hope that Malaysian government too able to accept the changes of mindset as to move forward in building the nation; first of foremost of all unity of the people, ill respect race, color bar and religion discrimination in government policy and standard.

    Malays supremacy privilege and right has no longer being shouted because it is all abscond by the UMNO elite leadership who forsaken their own race and believers. An why this group GGMM which is not afflicted to any political party can talk about Malays supremacy right and privilege knowing not that for the 50 years of independence there have far more privilege and right for them to gain their very racist “independence” within the provocative of wealth and prosperity in the nation of Malaysia? Talking about forefathers commitment this GGMM does not understand the privilege and right constitute enshrine in the Federal Constitution; the right of Islam as the main religion and captivity of the tradition of monarchy of Sultan and Agong. How long Malays supremacy needs to continue with its own privileges; 10 year more? 30 years? 100 years? Or 1000 years? The Malays need to rise up and take the privilege and gain it own “independence” surfing from their 50 years of “unindependence” self from this National Independence of multi race and harmonious nation. This is where we proud to called in one Bangsa, one Malaysia!

    “Gabungan Graduan Melayu Muda (GGMM) is DEFINATELY NOT a Pro – “Bangsa Malaysia” nonprofit organization that constitute to the growth of nation of Malaysia.”

  67. ericind says:

    Again this botak mamak kerala trying to be hero since umno youth election is near,he realise that the evil old mamak’s ketuanan melayu concept still works among racist really sad to have this kind of fanatic leader to rule our belove country when ppl now r talking about globalisation n we r moving backwards

  68. kittykat46 says:

    Wah, Susan’s blog macam-macam ada.
    “Voltaire” quoting Percy Shelly here.

    Ozymandias or Ramses II – a parable for hubris and arrogance.

    Yes, our politicians and leaders should read this sonnet and understand its message on the ultimate futility of pride and arrogance…

  69. selun says:

    Takkan nak suruh tutup sekolah2 tu pun nak melenting dah?Kata nak bersatu padu dan hak sama rata? Macam tu pun tak boleh buat? Dah nak marah pulak? Apo kobondo ni jang?

  70. zztop says:

    This by-product son of Mamak kutty is trying to win votes from those Umnoputras on the coming umno youth chief post.
    Again, this bum works like his father using the race card again to garner votes. Like father like son.
    Trying to be the champion of malay race. My foot. However, he conveniently forget he himself is NOT a Malay but a product of a mamak from India.
    In Bolehland, the most trouble makers especially on race are the mamak who try to behave more than malays themselves by stirring racial issues whenever it suits them.
    What a despicable and undignified bunch.
    As a matter of fact, this bum should be charge for sedition and kick out of Parliament.
    Of course, how to expect the HM pea-brain, arrogant, baldie toad take action. He himself is not a Malay either.
    As usual, the same scenarios will happen whenever we have despicable, undignified and apportunistic politicians running the country

  71. JS Ong says:

    Hi All,

    Have anyone ever heard “Unity in Diversity” ?

    Look around the world, for instance Spore our nearest neighbour. They thrive on diversity in many respects i.e. social and economy. Singapore is not the only country enjoys this position.

    Instead far too many examples in the history of men when a monolistic system, belief or religion was the chief social agenda; inevitably enmity, unrest & war happened. More recently Hitler’s Aryan agenda – one of the underlying key reasons of WWII…..the rise and fall of communism…..

    In Malaysia, overlaying all the pursuit a dominance monolistic system through Ketuanan Melayu, NEP and etc by Umno; instead of thriving on the power diversity, unwittingly we grow apart from each other and sink deeper into the trap of diversity – the exactly flipside of its positive power. Additionally, when gross unfairness, chronic corruption, failed judicial, ineffectual policies and gutter politicians (like mahathir and son) in no time Malaysia will never in the position of cherishing the positive power of diversity.

    Again, history is clear that never a regime has ever become successful in a sustainable manner by oppressing minorities into submission of assimilating a dominance civilisation, belief and religion. Instead, disastrous outcome ensued in all the historical events. On the other side of the coin, countries and empires prospered, thrived and lived gainfully and peacefully when a policy of being opened to all cultures and civilisation so long the sovereignty was guarded.

    My hope is to see Malaysian reject and kick the butt of low creatures like mahathir, his son and those that likeminded into the abyss of political wilderness eternally lest Malaysia as a country will sink into the trap of selfish and chronically corrupted gutter politicians.

  72. […] Mukhriz, abolish UMNO first, then vernacular schools! KETUANAN MELAYU is just downright racist, so is Ketuanan Cina, India or whatever.  (Read this). So Mukhriz Mahathir, […] […]

  73. Ketuanan Melayu my ass,
    Mukhriz please remember your father ,the racist Mahathir, can pass thousands of quarter cooked graduates from Malaysian Universities but he can’t pass the Medical Specialists.
    In recent times your UMNO led government sent several delegations to persuade or better to say begged these non Malays professionals to return to serve in Malaysia.
    These Professionals, to begin with, were asked to leave Malaysia in the first place when they and their parents were in Malaysia. They were not allocated places of their choices in Malaysian Universities and now the Malaysian government delegations are begging them to return to serve in Malaysia.
    And above all with lots of incentives and I might add with lots and lots of incentives ! What happen to the Ketuanan Melayu ? What a joke !
    If you were to take a count of the Medical Specials serving in Malaysia
    most of them are non Ketuanan Melayu. Take for example your Health Minister in recent week revealed that the entire Malaysia of 26 millions are only served by 39 Oncologists when the need is 400 of them.
    Most of all how many are Ketuanan Melayu ?
    Is it because the Ketuanan Melayu cannot pass them the way they can with 30 the thousands quarter cooked lawyers (I am being polite here), many of them are still unemployed lawyers ?
    Is this Ketuanan Melayu ?

  74. Ctizen Me says:

    Bahasa Ketuanan Melayu adalah Bahasa Inggris. Sorry I do not speak england.

  75. yipyip says:

    UMNO puppy questioned by cops:

  76. billauchris says:

    Mukhriz’s suggestion to abolish the vernacular schools is getting too much as a desperate attempt to influence some hard nuts in UMNO to vote for him as the Youths’ Chief.

    I just wonder whether he understands the education system of the country or pretends not to know. The strength of the vernaclar schools in a multi-racial country like Malaysia is undoubted.

    Perhaps, Mukhriz meant the “occasional” schools that have been harassed and threatened to be demolished every now and again by the authority

    I do not think Mukhriz is as smart as his father; perhaps he should go back for private tuition from his daddy on what to say and how to say it.

    If at this stage he is showing his racial bias and proclivity, I hope the sensible members of UMNO will vote him out. UMNO needs brainy guys to plan ahead and move forward and not to retrogress.

  77. Pegasus says:

    Umno with leaders like Mukhriz will lead Ketuanan melayu among the malays to make Malaysia become a Indonesian country, then evolve it to Pakistan or Afghanistan and finally turn to be like Sudan and by then most of the malays will turn out to be pirates , probably robbing the ships going through the Malacca straits.!!! Watch out Somalia!!!.
    Well ,what a crap of a guy!, economic global crisis and we are arguing about petty things coz’ thats what the BN leaders have brought us to be . The Malaysian public on the ground themselves,the Malays ,Chinese,Indians and other race are not racist but its the Umno/BN politician who are harping on race and religion supremacy to stay in power and rule this great nation of ours.
    We need a change of government to correct this fast and hopefully PR will fulfill this hope.
    We are supposed to be one of the top nation in the world ,better off then Singapore or Hong Kong ,with all the natural resources and wealth that this nation has along with the brains ,we would have been a great nation, but unfortunately ,the past 30 years or so , we had the mamak and gang of bandits who have robbed the nation off its wealth and corrupted the entire system . This has to stop and hopefully that the coming months will makethat happen or we will need to wait for the 13th GE.!!!

  78. irika says:

    Even if with only 1 type of school, but 2 types of Pre U, NEP, ketuanan, one race GLC/govt employees, bumi/nonbumi on housing, scholarship, U entrance quota, 1 race VC for govt U, Mara colleges (1 race) etc, racial polarization will be the same, Mukhridiot !
    Malaysia (under UMNO) will be a gone case according to many ppl.

  79. yipyip says:

    “8. Is it NRD receive payment other than cash ?
    Yes, NRD comply accept payment electronically namely via credit card, card debit and MEPS. However, there were limit minimum sum accept to payment via credit card there is as many as RM 50.0”

    And this is the website of a major Government department you know. Still believe that we can teach Malaysian children English on 45 minutes a week?

  80. ikram says:

    No the reason of disunity is not only vernacular schools. Its a lot. We lack respect for each other. Vernacular schools can HELP unity. Teach children by not seeing colour. Dont. Ever.

    I dont get all of you. Why are you so afraid?

    Does anyone know what ketuanan melayu really means? You really believe the crap some politicians say and how they abuse it. I have always believed our politicians lack a good PR officer and our journalists at times appear they are copy and pasting words rather than doing ‘real’ reporting (only from me, a reader’s point of view)

    NEP – seriously, what made me laugh so hard is that a woman from an MCA convention said, it should be abolished so that everyone gets the same slice from the big pie. Hello. That’s why it is there. Dont worry about stats. Open up your eyes. The economy (businesses) are mostly chinese. There are bumis here and there but mostly chinese. you (the chinese) dont need to worry about how big is the slice of your pie. its big already. The problem with NEP is abuse. Aiyo. It is a good thing for all because the NEP does not only focus on “30% bumi ownership”. This issue so lapok la. Even with or without NEP, the chinese are unaffected. You should be more worried, in the spirit of unity and unselfishness, why is it not really working for the bumis, or, is it only working for ‘some’ of the bumis. Jeng jeng jeng.

    Vernacular schools – now, I support Mukhriz. In the spirit of unity, we need one education system. Just one where all races can mingle, speak one language, sing one song (national anthem) and try, to learn from one another. I’m not saying vernacular schools are bad, I think its time we really walk the talk (or talk the walk…) You want unity? we have to get them from young. If you are 30 plus and have all these stereotype embedded about another race, forget it. You’ll always be prejudice. We need to teach our children (I dont have any yet, but i got nephews) about not seeing colour at all.

    By having vernacular schools, we are teaching them about segregation already. What would you think the kid will say when they see, “oh, this is a Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina”, wah got chinese, indian and malay boarding schools (which aren’t that great either). Its time to PROPERLY embrace bahasa malaysia (or melayu, whichever, I’m confused, they keep changing it back and forth).

    It is without no need for a survey, when ducks gather, they quack. By mixing more (i know there are non-chinese/indians in vernacular schools) they will have to find a common language, that will either be BM or English.

    And Mukhriz’s statement is not seditious. Debate with him. Not go and write a police report. Ask him to come for a debate. Prepare proper debate. If you go racial, thats just low. Very low. This is for unity. Teach our children and let them mingle more with other races. Now, i can write more about this but , its too long. haha

    Last but not least Susan, yes, close down malay only schools too. Tell it to his face. I agree. Its no point. Unless the boarding school is for underpriviliged children. Those who have no water, electricity or have to hike 2hrs to school. Boarding school should fit them. Times have changed man.

    Now, embrace malaysia. Ketuanan melayu does not mean Melayu is super-master. Embrace malaysia by embracing its history. Without it, none of us will be here. Our way of life will never exist. Sultans were the masters of the land. Of course, you can say they were sumatrans but this is what it means by ketuanan melayu. And you have to admit, it is true. Their ancestors (the sultans) fought for us and one of many reasons we are here. Ketuanan melayu is not an ideology. Its history. Denying it is just disrespecting our history.

    Plus, why la so scared. All talking only. Its not a law. Its not like you pass every melayu you have to bow. aiyo people. Like sultan selangor mentioned in his interview, politicians squabble over such trivial things.


  81. kotehtuan says:

    “Ketuanan melayu does not mean Melayu is super-master.” – ikram

    Aiyah your bahasa so bad go improve it lah stupid fellow. Go to sekolah kebangsaan and learn bahasa. If got tuan, must have hamba you idiot.

  82. kotehtuan says:

    KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 3 — Gua Musang MP Razaleigh Hamzah said Abdullah Badawi does not need to step down as the Prime Minister after Najib Razak takes over as party president in March.

    “That is his prerogative, he has received the mandate for five years,” said Razaleigh in response to Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s contention that Abdullah was still interested to remain in power after the party polls.

  83. tuan2 says:

    Reading through these Articles of the Constitution, we are able to draw the
    following conclusions:

    1. The present clamour for Malay ‘special rights’ as sacrosanct racial privileges of
    a privileged race, especially under the ideological ambit of Ketuanan Melayu (Malay
    the master race), is in conflict with the letters and spirit of the Constitution.

    2. The special position of the Malays as prescribed under Article 153 of the
    Constitution is limited in scope to only the reservation of reasonable quotas in
    these 3 sectors: public services, educational places and business licenses. Hence,
    the present rampant racial discriminations practiced on almost every facet of our
    national life are mostly violations of the Constitution. Examples of these
    violations are:

    a) Racial discrimination in the appointment and promotion of employees in publicly
    funded bodies, resulting in these becoming almost mono-raced bodies (particular so
    in their top strata). These bodies include: the civil service, police, army and
    various semi and quasi government agencies.

    b) Barring of non-Malays from tenders and contracts controlled directly or
    indirectly by the government.

    c) Imposition of compulsory price discounts and quotas in favour of Malays in
    housing projects.

    d) Imposition of compulsory share quota for Malays in non-Malay companies.

    e) Blanket barring of non-Malays to publicly funded academic institutions (that
    should include the UITM, which is the subject of debate in Parliament referred to
    earlier in this article).

    f) Completely lop-sided allocation of scholarships and seats of learning in clearly
    unreasonable proportions that reflect racial discriminations.

    3) Our Constitution provides for only one class of citizenship and all citizens are
    equal before the law. The presence of Article 153 does not alter this fact, as it is
    meant only to protect the Malays from being ‘squeezed’ by other races by allowing
    the reservation of reasonable quotas on certain sectors of national life. However,
    this Constitution has now been hijacked through decades of hegemony of political
    power by the ruling party to result in the virtual monopoly of the public sector by
    a single race. The ensuing racism, corruption and corrosion of integrity of our
    democratic institutions have brought serious retrogression to our nation-building
    process in terms of national unity, discipline, morality and competitiveness of our

    4) At this critical juncture, when nations in this region and around the world are
    urgently restructuring and shaping up to cope with globalization, our nation
    stagnates in a cesspool that has been created through decades of misrule. Unless
    urgent reforms are carried out, beginning with the dismantling of the anachronistic
    racial superstructure, we are in for serious troubles in the days ahead.

  84. tuan2 says:

    “Embrace malaysia by embracing its history. Without it, none of us will be here.” – ikram

    In my life I have heard a lot of nonsense, but that long winded ikram is truly full of it.

  85. tuan2 says:

    Zaid said: “the Ketuanan Melayu model has failed.” This is because “it has resulted in waste of crucial resources, energy and time and has distracted from the real issues confronting the country.”

    Citing the rise of Muhkriz Mahahir (who considered judicial reforms threats to Malays) as a sign of UMNO leaning to the right, he said such trend would mean “more inefficiency, more corruption and a more authoritarian style of government.” He further said; “We are a deeply divided nation, adrift for our having abandoned democratic traditions and the rule of law in favour of a political ideology that serves no one save those who rule.”

    To cope with globalization, Zaid calls for Malays to discard Ketuanan Melayu and re-embrace democracy and the rule of law to spur an economic renaissance of reviving innovation and creativity through co-operation and competition.

    Predictably, UMNO’s reaction to Zaid’s speech was a chorus of abusive language from its leaders, ranging from “traitor to his race” to “apologize and repent, or get out of rumpun Melayu (Malay group)”. And characteristically, none of these vocal critics engaged Zaid on any substance of his wide-ranging speech, which also touched on religion, judiciary, the economy etc., true to UMNO’s traditional role as a bully good at telling people to shut up but unable to articulate why.

  86. tuan2 says:

    Zaid said: “the Ketuanan Melayu model has failed.” This is because “it has resulted in waste of crucial resources, energy and time and has distracted from the real issues confronting the country.”

    Citing the rise of Muhkriz Mahahir (who considered judicial reforms threats to Malays) as a sign of UMNO leaning to the right, he said such trend would mean “more inefficiency, more corruption and a more authoritarian style of government.”

    He further said; “We are a deeply divided nation, adrift for our having abandoned democratic traditions and the rule of law in favour of a political ideology that serves no one save those who rule.”

    To cope with globalization, Zaid calls for Malays to discard Ketuanan Melayu and re-embrace democracy and the rule of law to spur an economic renaissance of reviving innovation and creativity through co-operation and competition.

  87. tuan2 says:

    An ‘outraged parent” wrote: “The instructors blatantly told them that they should not question the rights and privileges of the Malays as the non-Malays should be thankful that they were given citizenship status and a place to stay on their soil.

    “My daughter together with the other non-Malay students was shocked and went back to their dormitories depressed. And to the Malay students, the instructors told them to be aware of this fact and not to mix too freely with the non-Malays.

    “A Malay friend of my daughter came back crying to the dormitory saying that she could not take the racist position taken by the government authority. My daughter then began questioning the bumiputra policy and was disgusted with such blatant indoctrination.

    “This incident has also made the students harbour anger and resentment. Their fear for the authorities and losing their scholarships made them keep their cool. I am not exaggerating here – ask all the JPA students to write in anonymously and you will know the truth.

    “These are young minds being polluted with racism. Tens of thousands of students have gone through this programme and more will be attending it in the future.

    “So can you blame them when they exhibit their racist tendencies when in authority? How could the JPA allow such a syllabus for the cream of the nation, who will one day be entrusted to implement government policies fairly?..”

  88. jonathan says:

    But does having one school, one language is guarantee of unity? Thais and Indonesians are schooled in their national language. Has it led to the minority group especially the Chinese there feel they are citizens with equal rights? The BN government or is it UMNOputras think that a one language, one race, one culture, one religion is the answer to peace, development and what have you but BolehLanders know its more for their political survival and maintaining their status quo. Is being homogeneous their belief and solution to resolve conflicts and woes – ensure heaven on earth? Either these people are in a world or ‘tien’ of their own or carry the ‘Aryan-DNA-gene’ in them!!! see. ‘speak one language with double forked tongue’

  89. ikram says:


    “Ketuanan melayu does not mean Melayu is super-master.” – ikram

    Your bahasa is ourtageously bad that you look at the meaning to literally. Ketuanan Mealyu does not mean master-slave, dickhead.

  90. ikram says:


    Ok, if one school, one language one whatever does not guarantee unity, what will?

    All I hear from dicktuan (kotehtuan) and tuan tuan is condemning comments borderline hatred towards bumiputras. or i put straightforward, bluntly, malays.

    You think chinese and indians dont say racist things as well?

    Think of a solution, for once. And the solution towards unity. What do you think abolishing ketuanan melayu, hak bumiputra can solve anything? Is it really a disadvantage for you? the chinese have a grip on the economy. What the fuck is wrong with you people.

    We’re not talking who should have more, who should have less. You want to teach your children to be malaysian or *insert race here* first.

    and if tuan tthings my longwinded comment is nonsense. fuck you. have you mixed with people from SJKC? not all of them are bad but I get uncomfortable stares, but that also happens in my SMK school.

    All people saying a Malaysian Malaysia are hypocrites. If you really believe that , then we should work towards everything being malaysian malaysia. That includes work opportunities, education system, language, politics and racial harmony.

  91. ikram says:

    you dickheads who no shit about history, read the first paragraph. Before you fucking comment, go do some research and stop hiding behind stupid aliases.

  92. tuan2 says:

    TDM, Awesome Leader “Bapak May 13”

  93. rider says:

    No need to worry too much, what small m said is all pure politics as their umno elections approaching, he knows he is lost for sure after GE13, it’s just the rantings of a desperate man trying to garner ketuanan support. We know that during the past 50 years of ketuanan they screwed up all right functioning institutions in this country. Let them shoot, but we will consolidate and teach them, ultimately, that they never did anything right..

  94. YSW says:

    This by-product of Mamak kutty is trying to win votes from those Umnoputras bums on the coming umno youth chief post.
    Again, this bum works like his father using the race card again to garner votes. Trying to be the champion of malay race. My foot.
    However, he did not realise that he himself is NOT a Malay but a product of a mamak of the worst kind. In Bolehland, the most trouble makers especially on race issues are the mamak who try to behave more than malays themselves by stirring racial issues whenever it suits them.
    What a despicable and undignified bunch.
    As a matter of fact, this bum should be charged for sedition and kick out of Parliament AT ONCE.
    Of course, how to expect the pea-brain, arrogant, baldie toad take action on this bum. He himself is also not a Malay.
    Real Bolehland.

  95. tuan2 says:

    Ketuanan Mealyu does not mean master-slave, dickhead. – ikram

    It does 2 you ar*ehole

  96. kittykat46 says:

    Original Constitutional understanding 1957 (Reid Commission)
    – Malays are mainly rural folk, inexperienced with commerce, very few with higher education. So they need to be given some special privileges to help them progress.

    OK, most people, including Cina dan India agreed with that.

    Mutated UMNO version 2008
    We are Tuan, we have special rights to all government contracts,
    Special rights to all positions in Government linked companies, special rights to as many university places as we want.

    If you dare question our “Tuan-ness” you will be charged with Sedition Act, ISA etc.

    Sorry, I don’t buy that.

  97. wits0 says:

    Kittykat46 :
    “Sorry, I don’t buy that.”

    It can’t be sold anywhere in this universe either where humanity may exist.

  98. Ctizen Me says:

    All of you must study what happened in history to those who claimed that they are from a Master Race. Pride goes before a fall if you do not work hard to keep it up.

  99. munkeeland says:

    One master race thinks “work hard to keep it up” means the thing between the legs.

  100. Mad M says:

    First of all national type schools should stop segregation of the pupils based on race or religion if the gov is sincere in promoting unity. Mukhriz do you know that a non-malay pupil cannot be the head prefect of the school? Do you know that there are primary schools which have classes only for malay pupils? Non- Malays have to be in the second class even though some of them are better the malay pupils. At least the pupils can be in the classes according to their ability or be a head prefect in vernacular schools. You want to stop that? Mukhriz when are you going to suggest to have only one type of kindergartens to foster unity and the best class is only for Malays?

  101. rider says:


    So you claim..! Plus an expletive..!
    You can’t do better than that???

  102. CR*P says:

    “The shoe-polisher is not the Tuan (master). The man who pays you is the Tuan. I used to have a Chinese driver, he called me Tuan,” – Dr.M on Al-Jazeera

    It is clear that Mahathir wants the chinese and indians to polish shoes and become drivers to Malays so that the “equation will become balanced”!
    Such a chauvinistic racist to the core. It is shameful that one can deny his own roots – just for the sake of money and power !
    M`s disciple Ikram twists and turns with his own justifications for religion inspired slavery.

  103. rider says:

    Sorry tuan2..!


    So you claim..! Plus an expletive..! You can’t do better than that????

  104. Baby Ktemoc says:

    This one came from an Anonymous post on my Papa’s blog on this same subject.
    I found it hilarious.

    “My father believe in Muhibbah. He put me to Sekolah Kebangsaan.

    Now I no read Chinese. My Bahasa No Good. My English cannot use.

    Now I just unemployed blogger….”

  105. CR*P says:

    It has never been a racial thing when it comes to economy and education until the unscrupulous BN turned it into one –
    After they (UMNO) have ‘robbed’ their own Malays, they tell them it’s the Chinese & Indians fault.
    After they (MCA, MIC) have conspired to ‘rob’ their own people, they tell them the Malays are being unfair!
    Well, new breed Malaysians will not be fooled by these corrupted, greedy and lying racists anymore!
    BN MUST BE DESTROYED – Mukhrizes & Ikrams also.

  106. Baby Jade Yung says:

    Hi Baby Ktemoc,

    You are cute mate. All I know is that your papa is talking bull* most of the time and not too many people is reading what he wrote and hey please do not tell anyone ok?, coz I ain’t sure y my mama is so protective of ur papa.

    My mama once promise to take me shopping at Shangahi when I grow older. My mama’s a good haggler. When we are at a “pasar” the other day, my mama was arguing with a huckster for 30 minutes under the sun over 3 underwear that retails at RM1.50 per piece. However after 30 minutes of my mama’s hard work, the huckster yielded to my mama’s adroitness – for 80cent per underwear costing a total of RM.80 x3 = RM2.40 and after another bouts of haggling, the huckster let off 3 pieces of underwear at RM2.10, an additional 30cents saving.

    I like you baba Ktemoc, can I be your friend? Gu gu, ga ga. Wahahahahaha.

  107. ericind says:

    ikram,Malaysians split not bcos of vernacular schools but simply bcos of UMNO/BN policy,u idiot…

  108. Haliza Sulaiman says:

    “Denying it is just disrespecting our history.” -ikram

    According to Napoleon Bonaparte – “What is history, but fables that are agreed upon”. Actually, I think he may want to augment the aforesaid quote to – “What the f@@k is history, but bullshits that are concocted upon”.

    Malaysian history, Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh, start believing in the Malaysia’s greatest hero – Hang Tuah. All we read about Bolehland’d history to date is lies that are manufactured.

    Reminds me of what the movie “The Siege” starring Bruce Willis when it was protested by Muslims mainly American Muslims and Arabs for envisaging and branding Arabs as terrorists and not heroes. Oh yeah, yell one commentator in one forum, “Arabs, since when, what, and which hero????”

  109. irika says:

    maybe, the england ppl should not come back in Aug 1945, leave this land to the ppl from nippon, wonder what will now happen?
    malaysian not united, bcos of NEP, Mara colleges, bumi/non bumi, ketuanan m…. BTN indoctrination etc. why singaporean not so divided, answer is obvious, they dont have NEP, ketuanan, colleges for 1 race, bumi/non bumi crap etc

  110. alia says:

    If its soo difficult to create one scholl system in order to unite ppl from early age,Thats why we need at least Wawasan school ( all ethnic study in the same school system, but each ethnic gps still able to learn their own language). Its a very good idea to enable alll ethnic gps minggle around and understand each other form beginning stage. If children from USA, Indonesia, S,pore can have still one system, we should do the same..with a good faith that our future generation will more tolerant and understanding than some of you . At least we will have our own identity.. Just see nowadays..orang dari negara China boleh mengaku kononnya mereka orang M,sia bila pergi UK and salah guna VISA mereka. Orang dari Pakistan pulak mengaku rakyat M,sia dan buat onar di India. Itulah pasal, orang Msia ni dah jadi macam rojak..kalau rojak sedap tak pe jugak

  111. alia says:

    If its soo difficult to create one scholl system in order to unite ppl from early age,Thats why we need at least Wawasan school ( all ethnic study in the same school system, but each ethnic gps still able to learn their own language). Its a very good idea to enable alll ethnic gps minggle around and understand each other form beginning stage. If children from USA, Indonesia, S,pore can have one school
    system, we should do the same..with a good faith that our future generation will more tolerant and understanding than some of you . At least we will have our own identity.. Just see nowadays..orang dari negara China boleh mengaku kononnya mereka orang M,sia bila pergi UK and salah guna VISA mereka. Orang dari Pakistan pulak mengaku rakyat M,sia dan buat onar di India. Itulah pasal, orang Msia ni dah jadi macam rojak..kalau rojak sedap tak pe jugak

  112. alia says:

    Reading some of the comments, its surprise me alot.. how bad some of you bashing among each other, I can see Malay, Islam being bashed without any sympathy at all. Where all of your manners? Its so sad to see this kind of attitude. Just see how ppl in Indonesia and UK well behaved and follow the culture of native group.

  113. ericind says:

    It is disguting wn all this bn/umnoputras r talking abt closure of vernacular schools while their sons n daughters r in oversea elite institution on rakyat expenses,instead of study in sjk n local unis

  114. wits0 says:

    BTW, See the comparative skill availability of M’sia here which is a product of the neither here nor there and basically hegemonic umno “educational system”:

  115. Migrantsall says:

    alia if you dont like malaysia you can go to indonesia – and stay there. Or you can go to uk and stay there.

  116. Migrantsall says:

    alia, immigration worker, can also go and stay in pakistan so full of manners. Never abuse visas like those alia hates.

  117. Migrantsall says:

    Will UiTM continue to ensure that all its lecturers and tutors are Malay as it may be wrong to learn a subject taught by a non-Malay? Or is it alright to learn a subject from a non-Malay teacher as long as only Malays benefit from it? These are the issues which the non-Malays would like to see trusted Malay leaders handle.

    With the MIC only making a little whimper and some written protests on the Malay teacher who had verbally abused her Indian students with racial slurs, will a Malay leader step up instead to seek justice for the students?

    We know that the whole government will be in outraged if a Chinese or Indian teacher were to use a derogatory term on a Malay student. As well as it should be. Nothing less then a sacking will do in such a circumstance because no student, regardless of race or religion deserves to be abused by a teacher. So why hasn’t anything been done about the abusive teacher? Why is the education minister keeping mum?

  118. wits0 says:

    “Just see how ppl in Indonesia and UK well behaved and follow the culture of native group.” – Alia

    If in Indonesia the natives were so well behaved throughout,and their cummulative karma were so exceptionally good over time, why did the tsunami exacted such a terrific toll on them? We have our own conclusion, surely. This isn’t to say that in some ways, sometimes, they have not been more tolerant that some ppl here in Bolehland.

    Then there are people in London like those led by Anjem Choudary who calls for the beheading of those who “insults their religion”. Very polite Brits!

    I therefore think that Alia is not well educated in the self-educated and well informed ways. He talks about his tender sensitivity but knows nothing about this gem:
    American Standard Version – Proverbs 27:5
    Better is open rebuke Than love that is hidden.

    Many nons are quite trans-denomination in this respect also and one suspects that for this reason also that the umno ideologues need to hide their Light so that only their own supremacist “understanding” can shine. Hence the sloganising hubris down the decades that managed to brainwashed the tottering ones fully imbibed of the barf.

  119. Menyalak-er says:

    Wawasan schools? Wtf, i always thought that they were run by Mamasans that’s why they ain’t popular. Can’t differentiate the mindset from physicality. Inter alia, no case to answer – same as in Razak Bagman’s case.
    Btw wits, who did those tube bombings in London? Nice weather always in UK?

  120. skank says:

    Gerakan secretary general Teng Chang Yeow came out strongly, calling Mukhriz’s statement irresponsible and that it placed him in the same league as Datuk Ahmad Ismail, the former Umno Bukit Bendera division chief who had referred to Chinese Malaysians as immigrants earlier this year.

    “It is disappointing to see such a young and promising Umno leader choosing to dance to the tune of racialism in order to garner support from his party grassroots.

    “The vernacular school system has nothing to do with Malay supremacy. It is those in Umno who find their popularity diminishing that find Malay supremacy to be the best subject in creating their vocal identity under the cover of struggling for the Malays,” he claimed.

    He warned that Malaysia should not accept such a leader, “even if he is elected to lead”.

    “What hope does the nation have if someone who has been educated and is competent in the western education system makes a statement reflecting ideas of the yesteryears?,” Teng concluded.

  121. skank says:

    “….why did the tsunami exacted such a terrific toll on them?” -wits0

    Keep an eye on Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. The sun has set there also, now Pakistan is a basket case going around with a begging bowl and oil is below USD50.

    If UMNO has it`s way the malays will be doing the same – already they move around with crutches. Shouldn`t be long now that`s why alia and ikram are trying to run away (Mahathir also) like rats deserting the sinking ship.

  122. ikram says:


    When did I say malaysians are split because of vernacular school.

    you also said
    “It is disguting wn all this bn/umnoputras r talking abt closure of vernacular schools while their sons n daughters r in oversea elite institution on rakyat expenses,instead of study in sjk n local unis”

    heck, i am with you on this. But mukhriz did not say CLOSING vernacular schools. Are you blind with rage? He said change school education system to ONE SYSTEM rather than 2-3,5, 10.. He argues it will help unity. He did not say vernacular schools are causing disunity. He has a point although his argument is weak but it is a good step. I dont care if its for ‘political move’, its time people ask these hard questions and we answer it in a civilized manner.

    All I see is, being angry everywhere. Its like we just cut off your balls for fun.

    And I have never said, vernacular schools is the cause for disunity. I dont believe that bullshit. And stop saying I’m an Idiot. I never left a comment name-calling anyone so I dont deserve to be called an idiot.

    Did anyone step up to Mukhriz for a debate? No, what they did was they rather go to a police station and make a police report. Perhaps the police even helped them write it out.

    You ericind must be so enraged with the government’s policies that it has made you blind.

    PKR, DAP all talk about malaysian malaysia. What logic, is it to have a Chinese School or Indian School Or Iban School if you want to talk malaysian malaysia? Oh. the chinese community wants it? So its ok to be selfish and ignore one education system that encourages one national language and allow races to mingle with each other. I dont get it. Seriously I don’t.

    The only problem I see its placement. What if an area is over-populated by chinese? Would SMK work? Why wouldnt it?

    Dey people. We got bigger problems la. If you want to kutuk BN, malays, umnoputras (thats the funniest thing i ever heard)

    and skank, seriously. Find a better alias. What are you saying? I dont get you. Running away from what?

  123. ikram says:

    I leave you all with 2 questions

    1)In the spirit of uniting the nation, should all government schools have one education system? Heck, whats the difference between vernacular and SMKs/SRKs?

    2) Do not twist Mukhriz’s words. Com’on lah. Grow up. He did not say abolish, close..etc. He did not say vernaculat schools are the cause for disunity. He said perhaps changing it could create unity if not MORE. when all schools follow one system…. Now, can this really help?

    Can his idea help your children not be fuming in anger with Bumiputras and all? Will it help the malays not to abuse or think they are a ‘master race’ (what bullshit. go read about what the heck ketuanan melayu is. Ketuanan/kesultanan melayu)

    3) its about time UiTM opens up. Sheesh. Competition helps. But one thing though. Of course, admission based on merit is good, but lets assume, the bumiputras are the majority in this country. What if, you get applications for 100 spots. Out of 1000 applicants, there were 600 malays, 300 chinese and 100 others. I’m just reflecting the population since there are a lot of bumis compared to other races. Now based on merit, the top 100 students were mostly malays. How? now dont tell me i’m talking cock. Fully residential schools have people scoring A1s like nobody’s business. Yeah, you might get ONE daily school kid with 32A1s but some boarding schools produce 20 9A1 students in their calss of 100 students. Thats just one boarding school.

    Will admission based on merit be fair when majority of applications will be bumis? Wouldnt a quota be more favorable?

  124. ikram says:

    To tuan dungu,

    what the hell is this link? Is this your research? how the hell did you finish college?

    who the heck is Victor A. Gunasekara? Dey, find more credible resources. He even takes ayats from the quran out of context. You take a sentence and analyze it? you cant do that. sheesh.

  125. ikram says:

    to CR*P

    hey, i’m not a greedy lying son of a bitch. I dont like how the government are handling things. I dont like our politicians who keep fumbling with statements to the press.

    I hate journalists who uses your statement out of context.

    I hate locking up people for no good reason and rapists get only like 15 years in prison.

    Never fucking ever equate me to what BN stands or what UMNO is. I did not vote. No point. We have assholes in both corners.

    Now its time for Pakatan Rakyat to show they can do work and its time the BN coalition buck up as well.

    I’m for the country. Not for my race or any of you who are overreacting as if it is ruining your life.

    And dont ever equate my religion, Islam, with ketuanan melayu. No religion in the world encourages slavery. If Someone tells you are an infidel, kafir, kufur, give them a smack. Only god can judge. sheesh.

    Whats wrong with you people? I only want to point out maybe one education system can be good for the nation. i didnt blame vernacular schools for disunity. sheesh.

    I want races to mingle with each other. We’re so fucking segregated. I play basketball. You know, there’s even a non-chinese league? and apparently, that means we’re not good enough.

    I love yasmin ahmad’s ads. I want children to be like that and if you ever, teach your children to hate malays, indians, chinese. Shame on you. NEver teach them about color. Ever.

    The problem is, no one is giving a solution. Everyone is hate hate hate hate hate hate. dont like. BN bullshit. Hey, we managed to kick them out a few states right? Especially the greedy selangor one. Thank goodness.

    So again, is it such a BAD idea to change vernacular system to SMK? i dono if there is a difference or not. I dont know what will happen to a school that is smack in the middle of a chinese populated state (ipoh, somewhere…)

    And if anyone equates me with BN /Umno greedy buggers, I dont think I deserve that kinda of humiliation just because, I THINK changing the vernacular school system can IMPROVE unity among the young.

    For us racially biased people, its too late. Its embedded too deep in our brains.

    there. I’m done. And stop saying Ikrams. Ikram is my name. I’m proud to put my name where it is with my opinions. You all should do the same. Sheesh. Its not like we’re gonna get pulled into ISA… or will we?

    oh wait, TM has a dynamic IP address system, they cant trace us… right?

  126. tuandungu says:

    “who the heck is Victor A. Gunasekara?” – a*sehole ikram

    Slavery and the Infidel
    in Islam
    Essays on Islamic Theory and Practice
    considered from a Humanist Perspective
    by Victor A. Gunasekara

    Ziyauddin Barani wrote: “If Mahmud had gone to India once more, he would have brought under his sword all the Brahmans [1] of Hind [2] who, in that vast land, are the cause of the continuance of the laws of infidelity and of the strength of the idolaters; he would have cut off the heads of two or three hundred thousand Hindu chiefs. He would not have returned his Hindu-slaughtering sword to its scabbard until the whole of Hind had accepted Islam. For Mahmud was a Shafiite, and according to Imam Shafi the decree for Hindus is Islam or death – that is to say, they should be either put to death or accept Islam. It is not lawful to accept ‘jiziya’ from Hindus who have neither a prophet nor a revealed book.”

    However, the great number of Hindus in India made it impossible for the believers to kill them all and eventually even the Hindus had the ‘good fortune’ to be accepted as ‘zimmis’.
    But to a Moslem such people have been and still are KAFIRS.

  127. tuandungu says:

    “who the heck is Victor A. Gunasekara?” – a*sehole ikram

    Slavery and the Infidel
    in Islam
    Essays on Islamic Theory and Practice
    considered from a Humanist Perspective
    by Victor A. Gunasekara

  128. tuandungu says:

    ‘Zimmi’: ‘Nasranis’ or Christians (this includes Catholics and Protestants of all denominations); and Jews.

    Kafirs: Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs, Zoroastrians, Shintos, Taoists and Animists.

  129. tuandungu says:

    Ziyauddin Barani wrote: “If Mahmud had gone to India once more, he would have brought under his sword all the Brahmans [1] of Hind [2] who, in that vast land, are the cause of the continuance of the laws of infidelity and of the strength of the idolaters; he would have cut off the heads of two or three hundred thousand Hindu chiefs. He would not have returned his Hindu-slaughtering sword to its scabbard until the whole of Hind had accepted Islam. For Mahmud was a Shafiite, and according to Imam Shafi the decree for Hindus is Islam or death – that is to say, they should be either put to death or accept Islam. It is not lawful to accept ‘jiziya’ from Hindus who have neither a prophet nor a revealed book.”

    However, the great number of Hindus in India made it impossible for the believers to kill them all and eventually even the Hindus had the ‘good fortune’ to be accepted as ‘zimmis’.
    But to a Moslem such people have been and still are KAFIRS.

  130. tuandungu says:

    A Moslem jurist called Shaikh-ul-lslam had propound ed the doctrine of ‘din-panahi’ during the reign of a Moslem king called lltutmish. On the subject of the kafirs being treated as ‘zimmis’ he was of the opinion:

    “The kings should protect the religion of Islam with sincere faith… And the kings will not be able to perform the duty of protecting the faith unless, for the sake of Allah and the prophet’s creed, they overthrow and uproot ‘kufr’ and ‘kafiri’ (infidelity), ‘shirk’ (setting partners to Allah) and the worship of deities. but if the total uprooting of idolatry is not possible owing to the firm roots of ‘kufr’ and the large number of kafirs, the kings should at least strive to insult, disgrace, dishonor and defame the Hindus, who are the worst enemies of Allah and the prophet.

    The symptom of the kings being the protectors of Islam is this: When they see a Hindu, their eyes grow red and they wish to bury him alive; they also desire to completely uproot the Brahmans, who are the leaders of ‘kufr’ and owing to whom ‘koir’ is spread and the commandments of ‘kufr’ are enforced…
    Owing to the fear and terror of the kings of Islam, not a single enemy of Allah and the prophet can drink water that is sweet or stretch his legs on his bed and go to sleep in peace.”

  131. tuandungu says:

    Out of context a*sehole ikram sez. Typical defense mechanism of his head being so far up his behind he`ll never see daylight.
    At one time they could have used that “out of context” to fool people. No longer.

  132. tuandungu says:

    who the heck is Victor A. Gunasekara? – a*sehole ikram

    Your father?

  133. Con Text says:

    “out of context” defined:

    What you are about to read is the story of one man’s courage.

    Apparently, scandalous whores in Malaysia have been exposing their ankles, wearing lipstick, and not wearing shapeless enough potato sacks and it has been driving Malaysian Muslims out of their minds. These poor men can’t pray properly, it breaks their concentration, and they can’t sleep. Is it any wonder that tuan Muslims have become so angry with this going on?

    Most men would simply suffer in silence, but not Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, the one man in Malaysia with the guts to speak the truth to power.

    KUALA LUMPUR, November 1, 2007

    Malaysia’s Muslim men are suffering sleepless nights and cannot pray properly because their thoughts are distracted by a growing number of women who wear sexy clothes in public, a prominent cleric said.

    Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, the spiritual leader of the opposition Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party, said he wanted to speak about the “emotional abuse” that men face because it is seldom discussed, the party reported on its Web site Wednesday.

    “We always [hear about] the abuse of children and wives in households, which is easily perceived by the eye, but the emotional abuse of men cannot be seen,” Nik Abdul Aziz said. “Our prayers become unfocused and our sleep is often disturbed.”

  134. Con Text says:

    “out of context” defined:

    Apparently, scandalous whores in Malaysia have been exposing their ankles, wearing lipstick, and not wearing shapeless enough potato sacks and it has been driving Malaysian Muslims out of their minds. These poor men can’t pray properly, it breaks their concentration, and they can’t sleep. Is it any wonder that tuan Muslims have become so angry with this going on?

    Most men would simply suffer in silence, but not Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, the one man in Malaysia with the guts to speak the truth to power.

    KUALA LUMPUR, November 1, 2007

    Malaysia’s Muslim men are suffering sleepless nights and cannot pray properly because their thoughts are distracted by a growing number of women who wear sexy clothes in public, a prominent cleric said.

    Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, the spiritual leader of the opposition Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party, said he wanted to speak about the “emotional abuse” that men face because it is seldom discussed, the party reported on its Web site Wednesday.

    “We always [hear about] the abuse of children and wives in households, which is easily perceived by the eye, but the emotional abuse of men cannot be seen,” Nik Abdul Aziz said. “Our prayers become unfocused and our sleep is often disturbed.”

  135. Context says:

    All this highlights is UMNO’s schizophrenic and chosen path to self-destruct. And looks to attack those it believes it can. It chose RPK’s website. Several articles and discussions question the fundamental bases of Malaysia, the role of Islam, and other politically contentious issues that by law are declared seditious. One questioned the right of Muslims preachers to attack other religions in their Friday prayers. But instead of attacking him and his website openly, it uses newspapers and religious leaders to do the mudslinging.

    Dato’ Seri Najib kicked the ball first to insist to insist none should openly debate if Muslims could slander the followers of other religions, and promised to investigate the site, “Malaysia Today”.

    The Federal Territory mufti, Dato’ Mohamed Yusof Hussain, invites RPK over to show how he deviates from Islam and he could help him return to the fold. But instead of inviting him, he used the mid-morning Malay tabloid, Harian Metro, in the New Straits Times stable to reply. But his intent was incendiary, not resolution.

    But RPK has now come with a serious of questions on his website that he wants Dr Yusof to answer in Harian Metro before he would meet him.

    But what RPK complains of is true. Non-Malays living in the vicinity of mosques in Kuala Lumpur hear this call to arms against the non-Muslims through high-pitches megaphones often enough to be dismissed as untrue.

    I suspect Dr Yusof is annoyed a Muslim has spilled the beans; if a non-Muslim had done so, he could be ignored. Perhaps Dr Yusof should also tell us if Christmas carols mentioning Jesus should be banned at a Christmas party organised by the government.

    Was there a ban? Of course there was. Father OC Lim, who questioned it, is too senior in the Roman Catholic Church, and not a high Muslim cleric, to shoot his mouth off. The minister had to step in to defuse it, and insist it was only a suggestion. But that only proves what RPK said.

  136. Fair To All says:

    Isn’t the son of a Mamak a Mamak? So what is he harping about Malay supremacy leh????

  137. ikram says:

    “who the heck is Victor A. Gunasekara? – a*sehole ikram, Your father?”

    oh that was so uncalled for. you must be one of many racists bastards in the world who we dont need.

    “Out of context a*sehole ikram sez. Typical defense mechanism of his head being so far up his behind he`ll never see daylight.
    At one time they could have used that “out of context” to fool people. No longer.”

    my god. what the hell are you talking about? A defense mechanism? People are twisting his words. Its not that I’m a staunch supporter of Mukhriz (hopefully you understand what staunch is) but your blabbering about whatever Victor Gunasekara says just proves you have no substance at all.

    And for the insult of my head being so far up my behind That I never see daylight is very unoriginal.

    For someone who merely copies and paste text from an (awful stupid) article he can never make sense of, and never even replying to any of my questions, you have succeeded very much tuandungu to sound very much the dungu you, very true to your name.

    You are also the living proof that the Internet encourages mediocrity. Your comments and insults are that equivalent to an uneducated teenager who thinks the best way to respond to any blog post is with hostility.

    Since there can never be a healthy discussion with the likes of you, I am not visiting this blog anymore.

    next time, rather than copying and pasting text from an article you didn’t write and perhaps, not even relevant to this topic (are you still following me or am I going to fast for you?) write your own conclusions.

    Maybe you don’t even have a college degree. Poor soul.

    Have fun name-calling and leaving really distasteful comments.

  138. Context says:

    Dato’ Seri Najib kicked the ball first to insist to insist none should openly debate if Muslims could slander the followers of other religions

  139. Context says:

    Fark off ikram go slit a throat.

  140. Context says:

    Instead, many of the same people quoted in this article work to brand any non-Muslim who points out the ways in which jihadists use Islamic texts and teachings to justify violence and supremacism as a “bigot” or a “racist.” And that in itself, however effective a tactic it may be among the ignorant and easily intimidated, is revealing.

  141. Mamak Penang says:

    What Mukhriz said was opposing what his beloved father said six years ago!!!

    “Datuk Seri Dr.Mahatir Mohamed is on record as assuring the Chineese community that his goverment had no palns to close down any Chineese language schools and that any such move would be against the law and if such a move ,it could be taken to court”.
    Sources:The Star 30 March 2002;New Straits Times 15 March 2002).

    My View:

    Clearly it was technically in efficient to allow primary education to be carried out on one language and then to shift to another at secondry level.Some form of racial compromise could provide the answer.

    Note:Under the revised Education Act of 1996,the minister of education no longer has power to convert vernacular Schools in National Schools.

  142. JFK says:

    Both national and vernacular schools have their deficiencies and problems. Parents themselves are to be blamed most of the time due to their irresponsible attitudes.

    Of course many students from vernacular schools managed to succeed through grit and hard-work but a large number fell off the track before finishing secondary school. Defenders of the vernacular system remained very silent whenever this issue is raised. Close to a quarter of Chinese students (esp. boys ) chose to drop-out before completing secondary school. Say something on this matter before resorting to ranting and raving about the superiority of vernacular schools

    The fact of the matter is that the English and BM tests for UPSR sat by Chinese schools are simpler than those by national school candidates. On top of that the marking of the test scripts are much more lenient.

    Any pro-Chinese vernacular school commentators dare to dispute this fact?

  143. Rose says:

    Funny to read all your comments. Especially on the religious ones. I thought this blog entry is around vernacular schools yet somehow it got into debate on Islam? Jihadist, supremacist oh God..don’t be so emotional.Or are you purposely like to take things out of context? I’ve read all the copy-pasted links on articles some of you put in your comments. And most of them really make me laugh. By the way,dear tuan dungu, I really hope that you don’t take the Victor person’s article seriously.
    Let me elaborate.The author just did his research in bits, not by whole, not by systemically. Thus his perception is slanted. For example, many people only know about other religion only on surface. They do not know the spiritual aspect of it. For example, I am always fascinated by the kavadi-carrying ritual for Thaipusam. Yet only on the surface I would think that it is a dangerous practice, not to mention probably exposing the devotees to health issues i.s. wounds & infections. But imagine if I write on this based on surface reserach, not understanding the spiritual reason behind it. Win’t I be deemed slanderous?
    Let me elaborate. In the article, the author (Victor) as linked from tuandungu’s comment, tried to put the point that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is OK with slavery. FYI, the Prophet was born and lived at the time where slavery practice by Arabs and most places around the world were the norm. Yet when Islam came, the Prophet abolish the practice for his Muslims followers little by little. The previous slaves were freed and many of them are considered by Muslims today as among people who deserved the highest respect, for their courage & bravery alongside the Prophet etc. I don’t want to go in depth. Just that understand that the article is inaccurate.

    Going back into context, I’m surprised you even quoted/linked this out-of-context article in this your comment.
    Not to mention are you like seriously equating ‘slavery’ to Ketuanan Melayu? Ketuanan Melayu is just a term coined by UMNO. It’s not even ‘ketuanan’. Far cry from tuan or hamba. In an official letter in Bahasa, we start the body with ‘Tuan’, does that mean we the writer are the slave to our letter’s recipient? And it does not even mean ‘Master-Race’ like what most of you here tried to insinuate, blowing things out of proportion. People can also point ‘ketuanan ekonomi cina’ if you’d like. It’s just a term. No more. The fact remains we are all just racist lots. Just a few pinch here and there, everyone going out screaming for blood. The notion of Bangsa Malaysia all gone. We always want other party to give us more yet not willing to give any to the other. No unity ever for us?

  144. Rose says:

    For me, the education system in Malaysia is screwed up already. But yes the government need to find ways to not only improve the system, but ensure that it can also bring unity to the rakyat. Not only vernacular schools, but the national schools should also be changed, improved and revamped.

    But to do this, everyone must prepare to make some sacrifices and cooperate together. Nothing can happen if everyone just ask for blood frm another yet refuse to donate a drip of their own.

    If what irked people so much is the quality, then revamp the quality. If it is the religious practice, then ensure that there is compromise. If it is about the language, then ensure that all languages will not be left out.

    I like Jed Yoong’s comment on this (I don’t have the link). I just take on some gist of what suggested in her blog, i.e.
    1. one-system, like English schools (e.g. all the convents, st marys, cliffords etc.)
    2. the medium of instruction is English, as the international language of commerce & knowledge, 3. but the compulsary language is Bahasa Malaysia (as we are indeed, a Malaysian nation. This language set us apart from all other countries i.e. China, India where Mandarin, Cantonese, Tamil, Urdu are spoken. Like ir not, that’s a fact)
    4. with all other languages are elective. Meaning not only a Chinese can learn Mandarin, but all Ahmads and Rajus can learn it too.

    Or if you want more, then make it compulsary for Chinese to take this language classes (for Mandarin/Cantonese) and Indians to take classes for Tamil. If say this suggestion is then met with more resistance (e.g. perhaps with more work for Indians/Chinese, and less on Malay) then just make these classes compulsary for ALL. AFter all, we are Malaysians, would’t it be great to be able to talk in one another in many languages? I know I’d love too.

    And then to those who might say I’m even stupid suggesting this for our poor children,remember that kids’ brains are much brighter than oure. If they can and want to learn 3,5 or more languages, who are we to argue? For me, i would want my children to know at least more than 3 languages.

    Stop being so negative and know how to talk, talk only without willing to sweat.

    What’s more important here…the education system need revamp. The exam-oriented learning system has got to stop. Who cares how many As we can get if the quality is compromised, if the kids can’t even function as well in the real worls out of exam rooms. And what’s more, if we can’t even agree on unity and continuously see one another in suspicion, racist eyes?

  145. JFK says:

    Dear Rose,
    Learning many languages and mastering a few is indeed an aspiration of everyone. How many have you truly mastered? I will be frank enough to admit that English is my language of choice and I tutor many vernacular students on this subject. Yet I am humble enough to recognize that I have not truly master it and still learning each day.

    Of course some children are quite adept in learning several languages simultaneously. On the flip side, there are many who struggle to learn even one. That is after discounting those suffering from dyslexia

    My argument is based on actual experience in dealing with teaching English as a second language to students preparing for UPSR,PMR and SPM.

    If mastering Chinese, English and BM at the same time is so easy as many had claimed, then how to explain the large number of Chinese vernacular school students dropping out at secondary level. It is an important question involving the future of the Chinese community. Or are they just collateral damage to be sacrificed for the sake of defending the mother tongue?

  146. Both national and vernacular schools have their deficiencies and problems

  147. If mastering Chinese, English and BM at the same time is so easy as many had claimed, then how to explain the large number of Chinese vernacular school students dropping out at secondary level

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