It’s really a great Friday joke. Thanks to Bernama, and to the SJS Team for alerting us. After puking at all that happenned yesterday,Bernama steals the show by giving us a new PM.

His name is: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Naif Ton Rasa.

The article can be found here @ April 09, 2009 22:15 PM:

(Read the second last line)

I have screen captured the story to keep for all eternity. It is indeed a rare piece by a government propaganda media, and mainstream at that.


To poke fun at the PM in his first few days of being PM, why! Even the ‘brave’ Malaysiakini dare not do it.

Well, it may not be Bernama’s fault as it was Unity minister Koh Tsu Koon who said it.

That was how he thanked Najib! Hahaha.

Of course it was insult all the way that someone (who was former Penang chief minister) who could’nt unite his own party Gerakan was given the task of uniting the country.

Najib, Najib…I want to say that your brains are ‘you know where’. But I remember you don’t have balls to begin with.

Sigh, this country called “MALAYSIA”.

280 responses »

  1. kawan dell says:


  2. kawan dell says:

    Sigh, this country called “MALAYSIA”.

    The french spell it “MALAISE”
    – probably since the time that Bomoh Tua from Langkawi`s daughter married the chef from Club Med.

  3. lanwm says:

    hehe now we miss paklah dont we

  4. Joshua says:


    I like the ‘hyperbole’ effect!

  5. eeyaw says:

    Another version…

    ‘Pee-M Datuk Seri Naik Batang Turun Dua Bukit’ & Wanna-be First Lady Dottie

  6. wits0 says:

    Malaise really need a (failed)King Bodek with an US PhD in physics to handle cabinet statistics! Soon, toilet cleaning requires a degree too.

  7. kittykat46 says:

    Hohohoho……”Naif” is a rarely used, but recognised standard English word, meaning an inexperienced or ignorant person…..maybe very appropriate…..

    Perhaps not everybody in Bernama is a loyal government automaton……you never know…there are such things as a ‘deliberate error’……Hohohoho…

  8. Hamba says:

    Dare I say it? Heads will roll! But I admire whoever it is with huge bukits to do this. Datuk Seri Naif Ton Rasa ( curious that it sounds like Naive, Tun DM Rasa???).. A swipe at his cowardly act of accepting the advise of TDM?

  9. kawan dell says:

    kittykat46 Says: Perhaps not everybody in Bernama is a loyal government automaton……you never know…there are such things as a ‘deliberate error’……Hohohoho…

    Khairy Jamaluddin, unrecognised umno youth head, has very strong media connections. Look forward to more of the same.

  10. wits0 says:

    It’s doubtful if the eunuch has balls(he will surely deny it), therefore it gotta to be a deliberate Banana unplugged moment.

  11. dodgy inc says:

    What do you expect from a brand new cabinet lineouts that come recycled materials”?

    Green indeed. However, don’t be surprise with the obsolete leftovers.

  12. alantanblog says:

    What a big mistake of typo error!

  13. nikmj says:

    I dont understand how come Naif Ton Rasa could have appointed Gerakan chief as Minister since he dont have a mandate from the people to be an MP as well as Shahrizat… there are many more MP that could handle the job… anyway its Mamak cabinet anyway… what could we say… just lough kakakakkakak

    Mahathir Shadow Cabinet

  14. Allen Tan says:

    Koh Tsu Koon. That fella sounded out that he wanted to resigned after he lost Penang. And I wondered why he pushed himself up as a minister? Didn’t his party contemplate to pull out of BN?

    Now Najib gave him the post is bribing Gerakan. Dosen’t matter. After all Gerakan was already a bamkrupt. To include it is to make BN collapse faster.

  15. LKL says:

    For a while I thought there is hope for malaysia. After all anybody is better than the man who didn’t know the woman-whose-name-cannot-be-mentioned.

  16. limpek says:

    Uncle hokkien who speak little england asked me is NAIF TON RASA sounded kollect or not when he try to read out as NAIP TUANG LASAP.

    I replied kollet little bit only but not so respect loh. Lasap in Hokkien dialect means something rubbish.messy or dirty…

    Uncle hokkien got angery and replied Lasap is Lasap ma , what rubbish you are talking.

  17. berambus says:

    Keng Yaik: Follow your father, Najib

    Spitter tell Ton Rasa son to “Pick keris again”

  18. mannavab says:

    well, bernama tv gave the former mic deputy president datuk s subramaniam a return to cabinet when it put up his picture during their news programme.
    It only realised after the tv station was alerted by the viewers on their faux paus.
    i dont know whether those who are putting the news programme know who are the ministers.

  19. wandererAUS says:

    Mongolian has no choice ma, have to scrap from the bottom of the barrel…only scums are left. What desperation! need even to recycle ‘old engines’ savaged from the junk yard, only capable of making a lot of loud noises but, without high grade performances.
    Only UMNO malays will sokong this kitchen cabinet!

  20. Menyalak-er says:

    Thnks kk46 for the Englsh meaning, the Kamus Dewan also says it like this:
    ‘Naif’ – Bersahaja, terlalu mudah, tidak canggih atau komplets; kilurus, tidak matang (pemikiran dll), keanak-anakan.
    ‘Ton’ – IB Satu ratus ribu rupiah.
    Rasa – look it up-lar…
    Well, we may never know if ‘double Phd minus chin’, really said it or not; or it was the reporter’s/editor’s/typist Freudian slip but it does sound like a pretty accurate description of Dear Leader.
    Cheers, Susan – this will be the highlight for today in teruk beruk-land.

  21. hahaha! says:

    We have a DPM who said BN will have one batang and two balls.
    It ended up, him having ONE BATANG and NO BALLS!

  22. Joshua says:

    The ‘error’ has been corrected.


  23. wits0 says:

    Knowing the chinless double PhD eons ago in school as a science student from MBS, Pg., fully cramped and prepared by full tuitions for academic success then, I should think that he wasn’t the imaginative book worm wrt story books and old classics. There was no time for such exercise, really. Therefore I don’t expect his English vocabulary off the cuff can be that powerful.

    I would think it’s a Banana job and not accidental. The eunuch also just don’t have that sort of balls.

  24. berambus says:

    Naif knife damage done – one up for guruji::::

    “Rasa Yoga” can be a valuable part of any yoga tradition, just like Tantra Yoga contains Mantra Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Laya Yoga, and Raja Yoga. Rasa Yoga can be performed twenty-four hours a day without consuming time, so it represents an ideal complementary exercise.

  25. berambus says:

    Zaid also mocked the idea that Umno wanted its longest-serving president back.

    “It is not that Umno wants to take him back but he wants to rejoin. But nobody is brave enough to stop him. This shows Umno is very weak and its leaders are not brave enough to stand up to him because they are afraid of ending up like Pak Lah,” he said of Abdullah, …..”

  26. berambus says:

    Zaid also mocked the idea that Umno wanted its longest-serving president back.

    “It is not that Umno wants to take him back but he wants to rejoin. But nobody is brave enough to stop him. This shows Umno is very weak and its leaders are not brave enough to stand up to him because they are afraid ….”

  27. berambus says:

  28. monsterball says:

    Error corrected or not…..this is low class paper.
    Where got quality control.
    Editor went to play golf?

  29. wits0 says:

    Bernama is Banana. Still not top spot in the abyss taken by venomous Kutuksan. A runner’s up.

  30. monsterball says:

    So it is translate as “young…priceless good looking” leader?
    I guess childish idiot is somewhat adorable.
    But this is suppose to be…our PM.
    Should be manly…tough and totally sincere.
    Gosh!! Don’t tell me Allah give us a Bushy too.

  31. amoker says:

    Kah kah… i imagine soo koon asking for the KPI report card. Would he dare to stand up if someone is under the KPI? He so scared to offend anybody. Penang is better with LGE.

  32. pjam says:

    appointment of new leaders can lift the spirits of its people.. a good example is Obama’s inauguration.. Obama was chosen by the majority of Americans to lead their country in the midst of economic downturn.. people placed high hope on Obama.. some think Obama can perform a miracle, which is scary.. one word to best sum up Obama’s election as President – CONFIDENCE.. in Malaysia’s case? if every citizen has the right to choose it’s Prime Minister, i would say the current PM would not get the majority of the votes.. do u have confidence with the current PM?.. credibility?? nil, beyond any reasonable doubt.. any sane leader who has criminal accusation against him will definitely step down as the country’s head (leaders who placed their country’s image as no.1 priority)

  33. vengai says:

    Kawan dell.
    What u said is true.BAPAK JAMBAN.But its better to call Bapak nak Jamban or Or laki jamban.Know Y? Fatty Dottie known as Minah Jamban during her U time.The u males use to address her like that.In not joking .This is true.Cause one of her X mat jamban is defeated Hang Tuah state head once.

  34. vengai says:

    ..BAPAK JAMBAN.But its better to call Bapak nak Jamban or Or laki jamban.Know Y? Fatty Dottie known as Minah Jamban during her U time.The u males use to address her like that.In not joking .This is true.Cause one of her X mat jamban is defeated Hang Tuah state head once.

  35. Idzan Ismail says:

    Come on Susan I thought you are bigger than that.
    A typo error overblown to excite a village.
    The people here are hungry sharks.

  36. monsterball says:

    After ambil bodek..being exposed….now say typing error.
    Hungry for freedom and truths..interpreted as hungry sharks.
    That’s insulting.
    Let others deal with him.

  37. Menyalak-er says:

    Aiya monty, it’s not insulting la…that typo error so ‘chun’la…mdm Idzan just refuses to admit to that refuse stinko…why Naif Ton Rasa’s CTs’ so sensitive ah?
    We should actually refer to him in this manner, so that we don’t expose Susan to peril…hahaha…

  38. monsterball says:

    OK…I will spread the news.
    It’s “Datuk Seri Naif Ton Rasa”.. from now onwards.

  39. rider says:

    God has a way of telling us to enjoy the wee bits of life even in these trying times! Heh heh.. just take it literally.. Naif Ton Rasa it is then! Kaah! kaah! kaah!

  40. monsterball says:

    Jean has gone to kickdefella and hentam Sheih for not being a racialist to support UMNO BARU and Naif Ton Rasa.
    I hetam her back…hahahahaha
    Now I recall why Jean once said…she will not comment here anymore.
    Too many hungry sharks…….hahahahaha
    So adorable….yet so fickle minded.
    Must be falling in love with an UMNO BARU bugger…..right now.

  41. Kancilandak says:

    Why so naughty one? Purpously spelt PM name wrongley. Najib is the long awaited star PM in 50 years time. Just wait an see how Malaysia going prosper.

  42. wits0 says:

    “Too many hungry sharks…….hahahahaha”

    No, not sharks, just dolphins who can whup bumno sharks in these waters flat.

  43. monsterball says:

    “Naif Ton Rasa ” sudah masok otak saya.
    Jean needs to straighten her fickle minded personality.
    I treat her like a daughter..and she turned out to be the black sheep.
    Will Jean ever be possible to change back to the good side?
    Her next message will reveal progress or gone case.

  44. willy says:

    monsterball Says:
    April 10, 2009 at 2:41 pm

    Error corrected or not…..this is low class paper.
    Where got quality control.
    Editor went to play golf?

    You are low class yourself monsterball, so stop calling the kettle black!
    Of course you cannot control yourself from passing shit in cyberspace especially in susan’s blog, when she went to play golf! Go get blown up by C4 monsterball. People are sick your stupid idiotic comments. You are out of date, please get out of sight!

  45. sang kancil says:

    yes agreed with you willy. That idiot monsterball has nothing better to do except to post his silly comments in cyberspace which people simply ignore. many people put off reading a blog when they see the haprak he posts. Ugh!!! makes me want to vomit. Monsterball better put his face in the shit bucket toilet latrine whose shit he has been eating everyday

  46. monsterball says:

    A small deer agrees with a fish.

  47. monsterball says:

    Mosquitoes are coming.

  48. berambus says:

    HAHAHAHA Idzan Ismail punya BAPA JAMBAN a SHARK

  49. berambus says:

    This by Haris Ibrahim is true:

    Can BN reform?

    Yes, but not under its present leadership.

    Najib and the current crop of UMNO leaders are too integral to the very problem that plagues BN.

    As are the top leaders of all the component parties.

    Samy, Tsu Khoon, the Ongs, Taib Mahmud.

    They’re all the same.

    Self-serving politicians, interested in holding on to power only to serve their own ends.

    If ever BN had the interest of the people as their first and only port of call, that ceased a long time ago after Dr M took the helm.

  50. berambus says:

    Zaid also mocked the idea that Umno wanted its longest-serving president back.

    “It is not that Umno wants to take him back but he wants to rejoin. But nobody is brave enough to stop him. This shows Umno is very weak and its leaders are not brave enough to stand up to him because they are afraid of ending up like Pak Lah,” he said of Abdullah, who was handpicked by Dr Mahathir but then suffered years of harsh criticism from him.


  51. jean says:

    Monty, when did I hentam Kickdefella? I wa only asking him not to be a typical opposition. Oppose and oppose. Passing sentences even before the crime is even committed. Gentleman lah a bit.

    BTW, the only reason I stopped posting in FSZ was because someone had been using and posting using my nick. So, no choice mah…

  52. wits0 says:

    “Can BN reform?

    Yes, but not under its present leadership.”

    If you have to upgrade every major hardware component in a personal computer, just buy a new one. What’s there in the old one that’s so indispensable as to warrant keeping. It’s just an absurd clinging to old superstition out of a hopeless habit. New software upgrade needs new hardware matching. Softwares are idea based. Write new ones.

  53. ptui says:

    It was a government of Najib, by Najib and for Najib….
    And so it goes the Government of Najib, by Najib and for Mahathir, has arrived.

  54. ptui says:

    It smells of nepotism, it is an abuse to the people and therefore is doomed to fail.

    Mahathir might not have said it so openly but the very fact he demanded that Khairy be excluded and the fact that Najib did just that and instead put Mukhriz in is a clear sign of who is going to be calling the shots in future, as my friend Ajit so aptly put it “in MITI the tail is going to wag the dog,” the newly appointed Minister will have to jump each time Mukhriz (Mahathir) shows him a bone or he’ll get the stick, oh!, that poor Minister.

    Hishamuddin’s appointment to the Home Office is a clear sign of nepotism, it could have gone to an east Malaysian instead, but this second most powerful position in the government has gone to Najib’s first cousin, Kerisamuddin (Hish).

    The entire state of Penang rejected the Gerakan and Kho Tsu Khoon in particular, but now he is a minister in the PM’s department, what an insult to the people,
    Mukhriz was rejected by the UMNO youth and yet he is there in favour of Khairy,
    the scorn they have piled on Dollah is clearly seen here after literally kicking out Badawi, then at the handing over time having said all the good things about him Najib stabs him in the back again by taking it on his son in law, Mahathir is afraid because this boy Khairy is an Oxford graduate and Mukhriz is no match for him.

  55. ptui says:

    I expected him to bring on the fat lady but then I forgot Mahathir was just behind him looking over his shoulder, you may remember Sharizat first thanked him Mahathir, (her mentor one mamak to another) after her great win over the fat lady, and the fat lady must be crying.

    If I were her, I’d resign my Parliamentary seat, how can she go to Parliament looking like that, it must be an insult to her intelligence, and her arrogance as well.

    To a certain extent she brought it upon herself, in the days when Mahathir attacked her left, right and centre, Dollah stood by her, but when she became greedy for power she rebuked him after the March 8 elections and Dollah rightfully put her in cold storage, she read the game plan very wrongly, and she is being made to pay, anyway it is not Najib calling the shots but her old mentor who turned tormentor, and who now hates her.

  56. mauryaII says:

    WTF cares whether it is Najis/Naib/Jibby Tun Razak or Datuk Seri Naif Ton Rasa. So long he can carry out his 1Malaysia concept without hijacking it like what was done to the NEP and coming clean so that the Mongolian model’s soul can rest in peace, Malaysians would be happy. Would NTR be bold enough to put his head on the chopping block manned by the UMNOputras? Khairy has the answer.

  57. ptui says:

    Khairy has a lot to think about in the coming years, he may decide to remain and fight or just throw in the towel, I would advice him to call it a day at UMNO, move out of UMNO for good, its of no use, they have told him in no uncertain terms that he does not belong.I think he is smarter than many others in the party especially Mukhriz who got there on Mahathir’s subtle but powerful insistence. Khairy should take leave of UMNO and consider going for PKR, he’d be able to contribute to nation building there.

    As usual the east Malaysians are the pariahs of the flock, nothing substantial, all insignificant positions and they seem happy, their contribution to the BN is nothing to Najib, it is not even worth a senior Ministers post, Defence was given to an outsider, education is taken by the deputy, the Home Minsitry has gone to Najib’s cousin, while the east Malaysians suck thumb, and I think they do not deserve it, their Members of Parliament are shameless running dogs of UMNO, they have sold their own people.

    I said it before and I’ll say it again, the Dayaks and the Kadazaans are worse off then the Indians in West Malaysia, and why after having been in Malaysia for so long, termed Bumiputera, what has happened to the privileges supposed to be accorded to them, was this allocation lop sided? One doesn’t have to look far the only people who have thrived out of the NEP were the umnoputeras, not even the the Malay, we have all been short changed and cheated, all of us.

  58. wits0 says:

    “The entire state of Penang rejected the Gerakan and Kho Tsu Khoon in particular, but now he is a minister in the PM’s department, what an insult to the people,”

    Well, ptui-ed, O “Ptui”. He couldn’t have done a better job at that – insulting all thinking ppl!

  59. anak malaysia says:


    what can you expect from an idiot like monsterball who always gets his facts wrong? He has what we say become someone who is so shameless, face thicker than durian skin, wants to keep on posting his shit which stinks not only susan’s blog but also other blogs like LKS, Hsu Da Ren, Rocky’s bru, etc.

  60. ptui says:

    Najis liar speaks about the one Malaysia. It has to be one, and not an UMNO Malaysia- so will a non Muslim become the Prime Minsiter of this country

  61. johnny says:

    monsterball Says:
    April 10, 2009 at 5:41 pm

    A small deer agrees with a fish.



  62. ptui says:

    When Jeffery Kitingan once asked Mahathir when a Sabahan would become PM he lost his cool, he lost his cool because he could not fathom an east Malaysian especially a east Malaysian who is not a Muslim become PM.

  63. johnny says:

    monsterball Says:
    April 10, 2009 at 5:41 pm

    A small deer agrees with a fish.



  64. Salleh Awang says:

    berambus Says:
    April 10, 2009 at 6:09 pm

    HAHAHAHA Idzan Ismail punya BAPA JAMBAN a SHARK


    ka ka ka ka…..monsterbola lagi besar bapa jamban….ka ka ka ka

  65. machitam says:

    specially to Idzan,
    we are happy people. all work no plan make ones dull…
    yeah … the whole village is enjoying…wanna join?

    naif – he’s naive specific to altantuya.

    Ton – his dotty weight 1 ton and a gm of c4 can give a 1 ton force.

    rasa – siapa makan cili dialah rasa pedas….mcm idzan

    c’mon idzan…..don’t be so naive……er…..heh…hee

  66. Menyalak-er says:

    Hmm… please clarify 1Malaysia ‘concept’, mauryaII?
    Chopping block? Nah, just the recircumcision.
    Thanks ptui for that obvious question of “…so will a non…?” The answer is when ptui become ‘phthooi, hark phthooi!’, meaning no offence.

  67. ptui says:

    Najib is a hypocrite with that hippopotamus

  68. ptui says:

    Now that the ministers have been sworn in, they are fair game to be sworn at.

  69. Y SMK says:

    The spelling has been corrected

  70. wits0 says:

    How could Naif not lie? Mahathirism means amorality and unprincipled presumption of an entitlement to rule like being divinely decreeded. It’s one thing to say a person’s mad but what if he is actually madness itself?

  71. ptui says:

    Jeff Ooi:
    Why does Najib’s Cabinet so resemble Rosmah?

    Both are bloated in physique, bosom-full with refused and rejects.

    That’s the latest beer-time joke I’ve been hearing in the last 48 hours.

    Cheers! Urrg… Cheers!

  72. ptui says:

    Y SMK Says: The spelling has been corrected

    Not to worry, it`s been captured for posterity – “I have screen captured the story to keep for all eternity. It is indeed a rare piece by a government propaganda media, and mainstream at that.” (Susan)

    Now some1 should start a “Naif Ton Rasa” blog to popularize

  73. kon-dom says:

    “Mahathirism means amorality and unprincipled presumption of an entitlement to rule..”

    Oh, macam Jean or Idzan sit on face to be p***y thrilled

  74. shong says:

    i think we can defeat the old tiger this time.

  75. kon-dom says:

    “Nai” in tamil means “dog”

    This is a sign of the future where DPM will be charged for sodomy and replaced by mukhriz. The “dog” can only serve 1 term.

  76. Idzan Ismail says:

    I am really amused, happy indeed to read all your postings especially the ones lambasting me.
    I am not angry at all, no siree.
    99.9 percent of you are off your rockers.
    But it sets me thinking.
    Is this the quality of PKR supporters who so want to rule Malaysia.
    Aha like leaders, like followers right..No?.
    P.s. Before I forget you guys are invited to my squatter colony at Kampung Medan (not far from Sharlinie’s house) to a thanksgiving tea-party for Najib and Thank You for Abdullah.
    Time 3 pm Sunday March 12.
    Food are prepared by us through gotong-royong.
    WitsO, Machitam and Matt are especially welcomed.
    Susan of corse can’t come. Maybe she’s busy organising demo against Najib together with the red-shirted Thais.

  77. Idzan Ismail says:

    Oops its April 12.
    Before i amchidd like bernama.

  78. kon-dom says:

    An updated guide to new Malaysian terms

    Things are much more difficult these days. But fret not, cos here’s a rough guide.

    Mongolia Mari/That woman: refers to murdered Mongolian woman Altantuya.

    Katak: a term used to describe elected MPs and state reps who jump parties.

    Jelapang Whore: refers to a certain female state rep from Perak.

    To be a Kugan: To die in police custody.

    CAT: used to refer to the feline family. Now it’s an acronym of Competence, Accountability and Transparency.

    Technical visit: Holidays and shopping trips by local politicians and their families to places like Disneyland, Dubai and Paris.

    Old ways: Referring to a time when Umno was stronger; where every taxi permit had to be endorsed by and Umno division chief, among others.

    Balkis: A Travel and Shopping Club for wives of Umno politicians. membership includes free luxury shopping, gifts and travel.

    Bapak Koridor: the politician formerly known as Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

    Jimat: a term that used to mean savings or frugality. Now it means to “neutralise” a target. This is an internal code among the Police Special Forces (UTK).

    Glokal: To rape country’s coffers and use the money for international visits.

    An updated guide to new Malaysian terms

  79. kon-dom says:

    Najib doesn’t need a new cabinet … to keep all of UMNO’s skeletons in!

  80. kon-dom says:

    “Food are prepared by us through gotong-royong.”

    Sure kiok in nearby university hospital food poisoning

  81. kon-dom says:

    I’ve heard a similar version of the same gossip: that the greasy warlord Mat Deros was ordered to unleash his thugs May 13-style, right after the elections.

    In the version I heard: surprisingly he refused (or was unable to comply) and then came under such intense abuse from the hardliners and leaders that he dropped dead in PWTC and had to be smuggled out.

  82. wits0 says:

    Who wanna take food prepared by any, “who cares”(not about a most foully murdered Mongolian girl) party.

    It’s a known observation that even hungry stray street dogs would not go near food that had been ceremoniously offered to demons.

  83. storm62 says:

    sorry typo, should read as “Najis Tong Rosak” – Bo nama.

  84. Idzan Ismail says:

    When I was studying in the (US) States, I found myself being seen and being treated equal by Americans. I like their way of life, had sexual romps with their men even on the beach and at the parks. I live an open-minded person and liberated from any sorts of sexist and racial discrimination but…..

    when I returned to Malaysia, I support the “ketuanan Melayu concept” coz it benefited my bunisess. Why the hell should I care a$$ long as I live a silver-spooned life. Of coz I will say that I have not benefited from the Government projects, but buying a house and get a 10% off is not discrimatory policy yeah…I see….

    that’s mighty kind of you Tun Razak for implementing the NEP. Wow….. what a righteous woman I am…… 😉

  85. Idzan Ismail says:

    Hahahahaha. Comment under moderation. Cool…..hahaha

  86. ChicagoismynewBlog says:

    Susan, congratulations on your successful blog. Hopefully you’ll take a quick look at my wordpress blog:

  87. Lid says:

    I clicked the link “” and there wasn’t any Naif Ton Rasa there.
    Maybe they have corrected the error.

  88. rafraf says:

    Najis -I swear I never met that tree, old newspaper – i chop that tree down

  89. monsterball says:

    Jean….You are mixing up one’s right to conclude with his/her free mind ..put out a statement as opposing without facts.
    I guess all that voted against UMNO BARU are unfair and unjust in you way you are thinking too.
    What about all those pro UMNO BARU blogs? Are the factual?
    Please do not focus to ask for facts from a situation where the govt controls everything and doing so much with double/treble standards.
    Was kickdefella arrested under ISA for 3 nights fair? What about all those spent months in ISA and all of a sudden released…doping as the like with Malaysians.
    If you are luring and looking for an argument here or put out your smart typical UMNO BARU style of message to tell everyone….how unfair Kickdefella/Sheih is…you are wasting your time.
    Do it here to Susan…just wait and see. Do it there..perhaps kittykat may give you his piece of mind……diplomatically…..not from nice Kelantanese commentators.
    If anyone wants to confuse readers with your nicks being copied….which I saw …also in current post.s……not only at FSZ…..I did my best to encourage you to ignore and keep commenting. Do you remember that?
    As you can see…I am the main target ..right now..from those idiots too. Will I run away? NEVER!!
    I just stop commenting..not giving them pleasure to rojak Susan’s blog.
    It is OK…when all have spoken seriously…..and out come these idiots…no harm done. They just want some fun..insulting me……which I take it as a compliment..paying so much attention on my messages.
    To conclude….I think you have been rather rude to Sheih…..telling him like that. Is that….a fact…you know he is a Muslim….so is you….and subconsciously…you think you can apply pressure more on him than on Susan?
    Please change your cunning way…..trying to be too smart. Your reason are not accepted.
    You are insulting People’s Power.
    Finally…..when Sheih was in jail….where are all his good friends?
    I guess….spending 3 nights for the sake of the country and his family…gave him lots of time to think what are really true friends….which you are not one to him.
    So forget the suadara /saudari stuff.
    We came a long way..5 years or more.
    You have confirm I am not a racialist when Sheih put out a post mentioning me. But I say….read that message again.and you will know…you are behaving like a racialist.
    You have defended me have I to you….and if you seriously respect me as a smart wise man…take my advise…vote for change in government and apply “Against” UMNO BARU.governing with unfair and unjust totally insincere towards all Malaysians.. Even if they change to be better….we still need to vote them out. 52 years is enough of one party. Let others try it out…and that’s applying democratic rights..showing voter’s power.

  90. monsterball says:

    Ismail……Without inviting monsterball…..all will not go to your party.
    Say… RM1000 anypow ready for witso….he may go…ignoring me…..hahahhahahahaha

  91. wits0 says:

    My comment(s) have been arrested by Susan’s overzealous spam daemons but I’ll let it be because it could cause fits to someone.

  92. […] Bernama gave us a new PM It’s really a great Friday joke. Thanks to Bernama, and to the SJS Team for alerting us. After puking at all that […] […]

  93. kittykat46 says:

    Idzan Ismail = Jean ????

  94. Azril says:

    New cabinet? Don’t give a damn… But how it pleasures me that Mat Taib is booted out…and hey Albar …for consolation…at least you’ll have more time to save your hair.

  95. 14u14me says:

    This Pak Sleepy-Head Lah has wasted 6 years of precious time of the Rakyat.

    The only thing this useless sleepy head has achieved during his 6 year era is just 1 Lobang 1 Malaysia.

  96. freak says:

    Star, March 8, 2008

    Koh: No senator post if I lose in Batu Kawan

  97. 14u14me says:

    Now he got this 1c4 1Malaysia for us.

    This 1 lobang 1 Malaysia should surrender all the corrupt money he plundered from the Rakyat during his 6 year era..

    Pak Lah Denies Sleeping On The Job

  98. Idzan Ismail says:

    Jean is my stepmum.
    Like all stepmums, she’s fiierce.

  99. nstman says:

    Najib Cabinet – dominated by old faces, old ideas and old approach rejected by Malaysians

    Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak claims that his cabinet announced yesterday is not only a new team with a new face, but also a new approach to administer the country better in a more responsible and transparent manner that focuses on the people.

    This is not the perception and reaction of the Malaysian public who find the Najib Cabinet dominated by old faces, old ideas and old approach rejected by Malaysians in the March 8 political tsunami last year and the Bukit Gantang and Bukit Selambau by-elections on Tuesday.

    Most of the media headlines screamed “28 Ministers, 40 Deputy Ministers” when actually it should be “29 Ministers, 40 Deputy Ministers”.

    How could Najib, with his new slogan of “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now” make such a small yet colossal mistake?

    Has Malaysian educational standards fallen so low after five years of Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Hussein as Education Minister, that the government is incapable of the most simple calculations?

    What “Performance Now” when the Najib premiership cannot even count whether there are 28 or 29 Ministers in the Cabinet?

  100. nstman says:

    Mahathir said Najib had dropped most of the Cabinet members accused of corruption. Who are they?

    Those dropped from the Cabinet are from a very small circle, seven Ministers, viz:Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar (Home); Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said (Tourism), Senator Tan Sri Muhammad Muhammad Taib (Rural and Regional Development), Senator Datuk Amirsham Abdul Aziz (Prime Minister’s Department), Datuk Ong Ka Chuan (Housing and Local Government), Datuk Mohd Zin Mohamed (Works), Datuk Seri Zulhasnan Rafique (Federal Territories) and two Deputy Ministers, Datuk Idris Haron (Higher Education) and Datuk Noraini Ahmad (Human Resources).

    Everyone of them may want to clear their names and reputation from Mahathir’s public aspersions on their integrity.

  101. 14u14me says:

    This Muhyiddin is just rotten to the core ala Mahakutty s/o kutty.

    The is true for the axiom: like pole attracts the same pole.

  102. 14u14me says:

    This Muhyiddin is the enemy of the rakyat based on the theory-

    if a=b and b=c, therefore a=c since Mahakutty is the number 1 public enemy of the rakyat!


  103. Idzan's Mother says:

    Idzan Ismail Says:
    April 10, 2009 at 8:12 pm guys are invited to my squatter colony at Kampung Medan (not far from Sharlinie’s house) to a thanksgiving tea-party…

    ‘zan,… why didn’t you tell mom you ‘re having a party ?… mom wants you to invite all my friends too…especially Anwar, LKS. LGE, Tok Haji & Gang, and..and don’t forget to send all the invitations to the people of Bkt. Selembau and Bkt Gantang and thank them for their support….. you must not be ungrateful… ah..
    Don’t forget what mom have taught you…. be gracious and respectful..and thank them all profusely when they come over… ok ?

    ….So… do not forget..’zan… you will not like mom when she is ANGGGGRY!!!

  104. najisliar says:

    Cabinet lineup a mockery of democracy

    “Bear in mind that it should be the people that elect the government. When they are rejected by the people, why should they be in the cabinet?

    This is a mockery of our electoral system. It is also a robbery of power from the people, hence violating the abovementioned first principle of democracy.”

  105. jean says:

    Monty, I don’t think sheih would misunderstand what I wrote like you did so I would not bother explaining again. You contradicted yourself all over the place and I tried hard to understand. Too hard I guess, so I’ll just pass.

    Idzan Ismail = Jean ???? – kk46.

    No kk46. You should’ve known that by now and I really regret the fact that my pic was used.

    If u ask me who Idzan is, I will say thay he is one of the regular here acting like an UMNO right wing giving simplistic and naive remarks opening himself to ridicule and be a punching bag. Its a way to ridicule and humiliate whoever is not on your side of the divide. Create a dummy. Just like creating an effigy of a person you don’t like and burn in an orgy of anger and hatred. Then what? Declare yourselves as better people?

    Before I go, to monty and all, please don’t look at yourselves as the owner of “truth” about the whole thing. Its wrong to conclude that the “truth” you were defending is absolute and beyond any question. You did just that and ignored everything else. You have the tendency to ridicule opposing views, branded them with not so nice and stupid names and threw all the four-letter words you know at them. In the process, what “truth” were all of you talking about? The issue was drowned, the “truth” was no longer relevant all that is left was obsession over personalities. Its about witch-hunting instead of truth-seeking. You took anything and everything to defend and enhance your version of truth, from the colour of the lips to typos, from the not so Siti Norhaliza-like wife to the line on her palms. Petty ain’t it?

    Nice weekend everyone.

  106. machitam says:

    either Jean impostering Idzan or Idzan=Jean and forgot to swop identikon. i’m with you kitty. both Jean and Idzan have similar style of firing salvo. and notice this Jean uses 2 different crop on the identikon .
    mosterball should know jean very well. wonder why he treat jean and idzan as two diff. person. unlike the rest, i still regard idzan as a male umnoist(totokist) who thought himself to be “hutang budi” to mahathir for god knows reason.

  107. harrison says:

    kittykat asked : Is Idzan Ismail = jean?

    I almost missed this one. I am wondering of that as well. The ideology seems quite indifferent. Maybe someone forgot to alter the 1/4 mug avatar. Good laugh…..

  108. Cynically Yours says:

    Najib will make peace with TDM; for the time being at least, while re restrategize. Otherwise, TDM will cry baby like what he did to Pak Lah and spill the beans. TDM still have Najib’s dossier while he was in office. Najib will need to play ‘good obedient’ boy.

    Najib is probably praying the TDM drop dead before the next GE. So, he can close the gap with KJ. I am sure KJ will resurrect somehow. He is too devious just to lie low and let things going against him.

  109. wits0 says:

    Jean tried all along to spin ideas in favor of her beloved umno failing which she assume another personality to trash Susan’s Blog. Do we have better reasons to presume otherwise? Susan has the IP addy, she’ll easily know.

  110. minda pelajar says:

    I think the verdict is incomplete, and the matter has to be further investigated as to the motive of killing Altantuya, since it is established that Azilah and Sirul are guilty.

    We also know that these two are from the UTK and thus would either work or act on their free will or by a command from a higher authority.

    His Majesty should ORDER these 2 to talk to clear his govt of all suspicion.

  111. minda pelajar says:

    I think the verdict is incomplete, and the matter has to be further investigated as to the motive of killing Altantuya, since it is established that Azilah and Sirul are guilty.

    We also know that these two are from the UTK and thus would either work or act on their free will or by a command from a higher authority.

    Only a Royal Inguiry will make these 2 talk.

  112. minda pelajar says:

    kekekekeke FUNNY GIRL

  113. jean says:

    Witso… I was trashing susan’s blog? Just because I have different views on things? I guess I accorded you with too much respect all these while.

    My previous post is still being moderated, I think. But for the time being I would love if susan could staraighten things this idzan=jean things and it would be a good example of what an assumption can lead to. How about it Sue? Just say whether we have the same IP addy.

  114. jean says:

    I almost missed this one – harrisson.

    I am sure you did.

  115. Qiu Qin says:

    I hope Susan will urgently approved this comments of mine if it is spammed 🙂

    Jean is a cunning Napoleaness negotiator and instigator who is indifferent from Rocky Bru. The right-wing UMNOrista who are die-hards of Mahathirisms. Wits0, spot on….

    Monty is quite right esp. in Kickdefella’s blog- when Jean chided Sheih (yeah, i read that one) for being pro-rationale in his philosophy rather than being political and racial. Jean is like that old tale (not old wives tale) of a midget who cleverly fathom a way to kill 2 giants. He poked one of the giants CREATING TURNS when both are asleep to crate a strong thesis that the one poking was done by one giant against the another and vice-versa creating a whole atmosthere of animosity between the 2 giants who then fought until both died leaving the midge to walk away freely.

    Read her at Rocky Bru, Kickdefella using almost all nicks she could think of – like Straycat Strutts, Jean/cumlately n Sofiairdina and possibly others.
    When attacked after a failed onslaught against her rival commentators- she cried misogynist – crating the impresion that she was bullied and drawing the “gatal” opportunists’ males to intrude in her favor.

    I am not saying that Jean is evil but a small time manipulator that one should be watching out for. It all starts from here.

    -and btw, what does IP means so much to equal an alibi when one’s house may have 2 or more computer with different ISP for example? Grow up kid, sorry as I am only referring to the presumption from the picture of that avatar. No hard feelings alright….

  116. storm62 says:

    who cares about who’s jean or idzan?

    we care about who’s the muderer of Altantuya, who gave the order to kill? who supplied the C4? don’t tell me the police carry C4 around in their normal duties.

    the court have really make Malaysians a fool.

    please publish the photos of these judges to the people of Mongolia!

  117. whispering9 says:

    ‘either Jean impostering Idzan or Idzan=Jean and forgot to swop identikon’

    No machitam…you got it wrong. That Jean-like avatar under Idzan is not jean. That pesky impostor is actually an owner of a porn blog.

    jean is definitely not idzan ismail. There is an easy way to detect the difference but better not reveal it least those pesky impostors improved their camouflage.

    Susan’s blog can never be interesting without commentators who don’t agree with you. Saturday is never an enough day before Sunday. So have a wonderful Saturday night out. 🙂


    Well done Bernama.

    PLP suddenly slips and become ass licking, too bad.

  119. machitam says:

    whisp, thanks for the reminder….
    but i had noticed a month ago, Jean had posted using that particular avatar(above under idzan). we were discussing under “eli wong naked photo” thread. i responded to her but she did not respond. she never responded to anyone accept to a few e.g monsterball. the writings is very similar to jean style, bragging, feeling inferiority complex, bold and anti-anwar. m.o signature is identical to idzan. but maybe i was wrong but….i don’t buy it if a ‘porn” webmaster would care to discuss this kind of issue as in susan blog. or maybe er..errr..Jean is a porn webmaster…er…er..heh

  120. chicago bulls says:

    This monsterball has been castrated long ago and is now an eunuch!

    Castrating Mosterball->

  121. wits0 says:

    Heyheyhey Mac, I tend to agree with you…you don’t have to do the same with me about other things, such as Palmistry tho’., hahaha.

  122. lakers says:

    chicago bulls Says:
    April 11, 2009 at 2:46 pm

    This monsterball has been castrated long ago and is now an eunuch!

    ho ho ho, chicago bulls, that’s a good one. But inspite of this, he still wants to expose his crotch minus his balls to show people he’s king of the world, malu tersangat. Apa buat lagi monsterball. Get lost cepat!

  123. whispering9 says:

    Hey…Mac, I never implied that jean is a porn webmaster 🙂 . I was referring to that impostor who has been using jean’s avatar. That thread where you thot was jean isn’t her lah even though MB took the bait and hook eh. It was the impostor….a porn webmaster who tried to talk politics like u said….hehehehe. Won’t reply again….have to go and get my bad back rub. 😉

  124. whispering9 says:

    ….I am sure this porn webmaster will target me again. Whatever eh!

  125. chicago bulls says:


    ho ho ho, chicago bulls, that’s a good one. But inspite of this, he still wants to expose his crotch minus his balls to show people he’s king of the world, malu tersangat. Apa buat lagi monsterball. Get lost cepat!

    Hello LA lakers!

    This monsterball is a confirmed impotent eunuch but has the propensity of adding little balls like …. in his every comment.

    The sum of all little balls ….. add up to monsterball.

    Thus monsterball aka impotent eunuch has the chimera of seeing all the sums of little balls like …… in his every comment and thus believing that he has a monsterball.

    Poorrahhhh monsterlessball!!!! Go play basketball lah… it’s more like your imaginary monsterball!!! Hahahaha….

  126. chicago bulls says:

    This Muhyuddin is just another otak udang!

    Mahakutty s/o of kutty is an outright reject by the Rakyat of Bolehland but he still thinks he sees a star in his otak udang.

    He didn’t give face to Najib whence Najib should be the brightest star during the winding of Umno GE.

    No wonder now this otak udang is relegated to Minister of Education.

    Sigh! Before we have Umno Samseng wielding kris, now we have an otak udang as the minister of MoE.

    Our children will have no future with an otak udang as the Minister of MoE!!!

    Timely interruption

  127. Najis Be End says:

    Definitely slip of the pen….but fault of the mind on purpose

  128. doit says:

    That is what is a Freudian Slip:

    A Freudian slip, or parapraxis, is an error in speech, memory, or physical action that is believed to be caused by the unconscious mind.

    Some errors, such as a man accidentally calling his wife by the name of another woman, seem to represent relatively clear cases of Freudian slips. In other cases, the error might appear to be trivial or bizarre, but may show some deeper meaning on analysis.

  129. monsterball says:

    machitam….if what you and witso are suspecting what jean is…I am sorry for her. I recalled she repeatedly complaint about someone copying her…here and in FSZ…..frustrating her to stop commenting for sometime.
    All are Malaysians and it is her rights to be pro UMNO…if she chooses.
    I am against her methods trying to be too smart to corner few….with her typical…twisting art…so famously used by Mahathir.
    Yes…so many thousands Muslims…love Mahathir for his smartness to steal…yet can rule for 22 years. These Malaysians are racialists..including Jean. That’s what I am trying to expose her…with the hope she will change.
    Yes…..I have a clear picture who Jean maybe…and she can also be what you suspect too.
    Extremely smart ladies seldom can get married..unless one submits to all her commands.
    Such creatures can also be the doctor jekyle and hyde.
    Has Jean turned to be a creature?
    I say NO. I think someone has succeeded to chase her out.
    I have lots of pro UMNO friends. We may disagree.but we are friends….and sometimes..they prove to be better and sincere friends that the ones that agree with you.
    Blogging is to pit out our thoughts.
    So far..I do not like Jean’s dominating attitude..even to Sheih.
    Out of respect and love for her…I am holding back as much as I can.

  130. Anonymous says:

    “Out of respect and love for her…I am holding back as much as I can.”

    Definitely reccommended in Karma Sutra

  131. monsterball says:

    This suddenly bring my thought s to poor Elizabeth Wong.
    I sincerely hope she has completely recovered fro her shocks.
    Being lonely and have a loving soft heart is dangerous.

  132. wits0 says:

    Speaking of Freudian Slips, would that ultra racist umno incident in TPCA in 1987 resemble it as well when someone then infamously drew his keris demanding blood and saying that, “May 13 has begun!”? In the sense that he knew fully that his dad was behind that? And that all his hard core supporters supported him on account of that?

    Related, Sim Kwang Yang in M’siakini asked,

    ” Apr 11, 09 12:55pm
    In all those three decades of Najib’s unimpressive career in government, when was the last time that you heard something inspiring or original from him? “

  133. monsterball says:

    witso…Najib did nothing for 3 decades..mostly years … under Mahathir.
    It is nursing the devil’s reincarnated adopted son….to be in power again.
    And speaking of May 13th 1969….I lived and nearly died….and only recently…the real truths have been revealed.
    Yes…Najib’s father orchestrated a coup with Harun Idris against TAR..creating said 13th May.
    Najib have shown he is like father….betraying Razaleigh..betraying Mahathir…now pally with Mahathir again.
    Anything that can benefit Mahathir..all are his son is in the cabinet.
    This is the modern methods of Najib copying his father.
    Father is such a racialist…what is “1 Malaysia” mean??

  134. monsterball says:

    hahahahaha….I like the interpretations of..Freudian slips…by “doit”..inspired by “Najis Be End”…taking to another level by witso….hahhahahahahaha

  135. aiiiiiii says:

    “1 Malaysia” mean??

    UMNO & MCA presenting new No.1,……….this one:

  136. Anonymous says:

    Is there reason to believe that there are grounds which would justify the detention under s 8 of the Internal Security Act of Tan Sri Dato Seri (x9) Vincent Tan Chee Yioun, and his lawyer Dato VK Lingam?
    It should be obvious that “seriously undermining and eroding the independence and integrity of the judiciary as a whole” is prejudicial to the security of the country.

  137. Anonymous says:

    Is there reason to believe that there are grounds which would justify the detention under s 8 of the Internal Security Act of Vincent Tan Chee Yioun, and his lawyer VK Lingam?
    It should be obvious that “seriously undermining and eroding the independence and integrity of the judiciary as a whole” is prejudicial to the security of the country.

  138. Anonymous says:

    Is there reason to believe that there are grounds which would justify the detention under s 8 of the Internal Security Act of Vincent Tan Chee Yioun, and his lawyer VK Lingam?

  139. monsterball says:

    I think….”I Malaysia” is a message to Sabah and Sarawak
    It takes UMNO BARU more than 45 years years to recognised them. Why now?
    Soooo simply….UMNO BARU desperately need them in 13th GE.
    That’s the typical hypocritical character of UMNO BARU.
    Also needing MCA and Gerakan…to promote BN…look at the line ups!!
    Never in the history of Malaysia… many loosers are appointed as Ministers ad deputies.
    It is indirectly saying…go to hell with voters……yet they keep saying…lets listen to the people. Are not the people who voted anyone is speaking to you…Najib??
    Hypocracies and acting …..never sincere to Malaysians….always UMNO BARU matters most…have been on and on for decades.
    Don’t blame Education…Police and Judicial.
    It’s all UMNO BARU dictatorial plans to rule forever.
    People’s Power must never be afraid… matter how cruel…how cunning….how much we may need to suffer being disobedient and non violence Malaysians.
    Let them do the worst.
    Come 13th GE…we will all speak again with no mistakes anymore.

  140. monsterball says:

    They can have Sabah and Johore….teach him English and manners.
    This is my prediction….4 years ahead of time..HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  141. monsterball says:

    MCA….MIC…Gerakan completely wiped out.
    185 UMNO BARU candidates….66 lost deposits and only 66 elected.
    66 is the downfall of UMNO BARU….66 years old..not healthy anymore……66 times sex ..then cannot pakai anymore…66 will go to jail.
    Monsterball have spoken.
    Let it be written.
    Let it b done.
    Expecting many bullets. ADIOS!!

  142. monsterball says:

    MCA….MIC…Gerakan completely wiped out.
    185 UMNO BARU candidates….66 lost deposits and only 66 elected.
    66 is the downfall of UMNO BARU….66 years old…not so healthy after that……66 times stealing ..then no more.forever…..66 will go to jail.
    Monsterball have spoken.
    Let it be written.
    Let it b done.

  143. kittykat46 says:

    The website you referred to is quite an interesting one…..lots of articles showing hardworking women. Some of my young Malay friends use it for R&R when job or political matters get too pressurised.\

    I’m quite confident its nothing related to Jean…..heeheeheehee…

    The blogger occasionally talks about politics. He sounds like a PR sympathiser…aiyoyo….I’m not sure PR, especially PAS wants to be known to be keeping such company.

    Naif Ton Rasa’s 2-day honeymoon is over. Time to get down to work.
    For the sake of Malaysia, I wish he and his shiny new Cabinet gets the job done. But I’m pretty sure its all going to be in vain. I’ve seen with my own eyes UMNO’s disgustingly racist campaign in the kampungs in Trong, Bukit Gantang, even as his Naif Ton Rasa’s One Malaysia was being trumpetted.
    In the end its just another UMNO skim-cepat-kaya.

    I’m amazed Naif’s spinners didn’t know how to manage expectations downwards before the Cabinet announcement.
    They could have come clean to the public – he had no choice but to appoint UMNO heavyweights, keep each state happy, reward Sabah, keep the BN lapdogs…oops…components on board, yadda, yadda, so don’t expect anything earth-shattering from the new Cabinet line-up.
    I suppose these guys have been having near-absolute power so long, they just can’t imagine that public reaction can be damaging.

  144. Anonymous says:

    Aiyah naif is jinxed man. First summit overseas also called off. Now he have to ISA semi value 4 threatenng Govt.
    Kepala sak it oh!!!

  145. Anonymous says:

    Aiyah naif is jinxed man. First summit overseas also called off. Now he have to ISA semi value 4 threatenng Govt.
    Kepala sakit oh!!!

  146. Anonymous says:

    Aiyah naif is jinxed man. First summit overseas also called off. Now he have to ISA semi value 4 threatenng Govt.

  147. Murdoch says:

    Sesungguhnye konek Murdoch bersabda melalui mulut Murdoch (sebab kepala butuhnye tak boleh mengeluarkan suara):

    Barang siapa yg berenang dlm sungai darah orang lain disebabkan fikrahnye lebih rendah dari atau sama dgn Mugabe (United Mugabes National Organization: UMNO) akan …

    Bacalah buku-buku agama masing-masing utk pengetuhuan lebih lanjut. Kepada yg ada otak extra, bacalah surah-surah Alkitab Darwin.

  148. Semos says:


  149. observer says:

    Susan why are you letting monsterball run wild in your blog? He is literally shoving his views, many of which are nonsense and do not contribute to the debate. The quality of your blog has deteriorated because of monsterball’s numerous nonsensical postings!

  150. kittykat46 says:

    Actually I’m quite surprised how the protests got out of hand in Pattaya, Thailand. I’ve stayed at the Pattaya Royal Cliff hotel before. There is only one road going there, and it shouldn’t have been difficult for army troops with multi-ton armoured vehicles to completely block the protesters, no matter how many, from getting to the hotel.

    Must be quite a shock for Naif Ton Rasa’s first outing.

    By the way, a Chinese fortune teller told me, looking up Naif’s almanac and comparing to the date he took his oath of office as PM – 3rd April – said its a very bad day for him……expect him to face many, many obstacles and problems in the first year in office.
    Then again, we all know that’s coming…

  151. Murdoch says:

    Sesungguhnye Murdoch bersabda: There is no such thing as God.

    Logic and understanding of this world will help us to leave this earth satisfied, it will assist us to live life and during the transformation. Such satisfaction cannot be described (but of course, it is much better than continuous orgasm). The ultimate wisdom gained through understandings (not beliefs and faiths) will lead us forward, towards…the unknown…the believers call it, the life after death…some may call it, recycling of matter and energy…whether these matter and energy are conscious, does not matter.

    Anything said clearly beyond this point is dangerous, as it might lead to violence…because, we cannot explain the beauty of a rose to a monkey. Leave them, they will evolve, somehow in the far future, we have to make sacrifices, let them own the name Allah, let them have everything they could have, because they have decided to learn and gain understandings through difficulties.

  152. wits0 says:

    Monsterball was not pushing his balls on this:

    May 13: Four decades of secrecy exposed

    Naif not only have baggages, he also has bad karma for which he was also instead rewarded as is so common in ironic Bolehland. But you can dam up the water up to a point.

  153. Murdoch says:

    Actually the almanac is the other way round: He will face such problems (cause) and that is why he took office on the 3rd april (effect)

  154. wits0 says:

    Kittykat46, wonder whether there was panic like the fall of Saigon as the dignitaries were being evacuated by small chopper(s)? That would have been really undignified, hehehe! It seems like the Thai army, for some reason, had no will to prevent the storming of the Pattaya Royal Cliff hotel – the only logical deduction.

  155. monsterball says:

    hhhmmmm Observer is such an observant person..
    Those insulting me with foul language….all OK.
    Such a concern fair minded person for Susan’s blog.
    For 5 years..thousands of my messages read…including by Observer.
    Otherrtwise how can he comment on me?
    At least witso said something good. Thanks.
    When will those idiots ever learn the truths?
    UMNO BARU turned Malaysia into a house of thieves and robbers..yet Observer closed both eyes. Remember…..”You turn my father’s house into a house of robber”????
    What are you actually observing……my backside?

  156. angkor says:

    witso, monsterball has no balls anyway. he is nothing but full of hot air and shit

  157. monsterball says:

    hhhmmmm Observer is such an observant person..
    Those insulting me with foul language….all OK.
    Such a concern fair minded person for Susan’s blog.
    What are you actually observing……my backside?

  158. monsterball says:

    One is observing my backside.
    Another said I have no balls.
    Two more came and gone….saying no one wants to read my messages..yet all of them faithfully read them and commented.
    These are the signs….truth hurts!!

  159. mohd ali ismail says:

    Hey guys!
    Keep cool man!I think name calling is out of context and chidish.Be professional and propel ourselves to a good image so that people will look up at you as learned,well brought up and idolised.The fact that UMNO/BN is being rejected by tha masses is because of their arrogance and bad behaviour.We don’t want to emulate their style and no sooner we do that we would be seen as no better than UMNO/BN.The typing error i believe was deliberate and i am afraid that all of you have fallen into their trap.

  160. wits0 says:

    A rather strange sort of typing error, taking into consideration the position of the keys on a QWERTY keyboard and the restricting of that “error” to the name portion only.

  161. monsterball says:

    Falling into the divert our attentions…so that we make fun of him… ignoring the RM60 billion distribution…mostly to UMNO BARU’s saving bank?
    That makes sense.

  162. wits0 says:

    Angkor, whether Monsterball has balls or not is not going to materially or morally affect anyone else seriously but this “Super” ball-less and chinless minister would and and continues as an afront to others and their sensitivity in his furtherance of his ass(others’)-selling nonsense:

  163. kittykat46 says:

    Raja Bodek ?
    Aiyoyo…..of all the people Naif Ton Rasa could have picked for the Cabinet, the-one-rejected-by-Batu Kawan-voters was a really big mistake.

    Its not going to revive Gerakan’s fortunes one itsy bit, and he’s just going to be a glorified and expensive KPC (Keh-Poh-Chee) clerk.

  164. angkor says:

    witso, yes I agree with you. but most of the time monsterball is posting nonsense, wasting valuable bandwith of susan. he tends to repeat himself, posts things people already know. what’s more he writes in very bad english, spelling, disjointed thoughts, etc. etc,. such the many people get fed up. worse of all he’s very long winded…has big ego, thinks much of himself, but many people find him nothing but a bloody nuisance. Just refer to the archives Malaysia Today and you will know what I mean. Have a nice day witsO

  165. Anonymous says:

    ‘naif ton rasa’
    anagrams to
    ‘On fair Satan’

  166. kittykat46 says:

    We may be seeing Karmic energy (cause-and-effect) unfolding right before our eyes with regard to Naif Ton Rasa.

    Its manifestation is usually slower and more subtle than that, and we have, all of us, done wrong in our lives. But where major misdeeds have been committed, the energy can be very powerful indeed. In Naif’s case it spans generations. Since he is a direct beneficiary of the earlier generation (would he be PM today, otherwise ?) he , too, cannot escape the karmic cause and effect.

  167. monsterball says:

    WOW!! angkor reads ALL my messages.
    Thanks again…witso

  168. johnny says:

    angkor has exposed you to be nothing but a trouble maker and fraud in cyberspace, monsterball, that’s nothing to be proud of. you think you are smart, but angkor has shown that you are in fact a buffoon. again nothing to be proud of

  169. wits0 says:

    Kittykat46, “..he , too, cannot escape the karmic cause and effect.”

    Unless I’m mistaken, Jellyfish Koh lost his son to cancer – many personal things about him are deliberately made hush hush. He is still furthering his own selfish irrelevance despite all known and well founded criticism. It isn’t necessary to actually commit violent crime to have done evil, exploitative self interests is sufficient.

    Musa Hitam lost his grandson in the Highland Tower collapse. Wonder if they learnt anything. It appears that the first hasn’t taken the hint. They usually cannot.

    The evil person usually believes(with utter cynicism) that woe cannot befall them because of money, power and position, until it does. That’s their “positive thinking”.

  170. chitty chitty bang bang says:

    Najis got the shock of his life in Pattaya, thought he might be blown up by the Thai rebels there using C4.

  171. chitty chitty bang bang says:

    Maybe all those who hate monsterball should also pack him off to pattaya and get blown up by the Thai rebels there….ho ho ho…..

  172. chitty chitty bang bang says:

    Witso, you are wrong on a few scores. Musa’s son,carlos rashid, died in the highland towers tragedy 1994, not his grandson. His daughter in law also died, but his grandson miraculously survived. Koh Tsu Koon’s wife is suffering from cancer and his son has a tumour which can’t be operated on without causing death or something. But I agree with you that all those who do evil, they will pay for it in some way. I’m sure all of us are hoping that the Najis would pay, and pay heavily for blowing up altantuya.

  173. chitty chitty bang bang says:

    Witso, sorry I forgot to mention that Koh’s wife and son are still alive

  174. Amirul says:

    I love u sofia…

  175. […] 12, 2009 at 2:46 pm (Uncategorized) (Bernama, 马新社) 这是偶然间从 Susan Loone […]

  176. monsterball says:

    Jean …do not keep saying I keep misreading your messages like I am an idiot.
    And spin off saying Sheih understands you.
    What you are saying….a melayu understands another melayu way of talking? Maybe UMNO..but not Sheih.
    Do not try to convert him to be a devil like you.
    You do not wish to respond to my message….fine.
    Go read all those commentators about you.
    I am actually getting quite sick of your double twisting fork tounge.

  177. monsterball says:

    I am smart….Johnny.
    That’s a fact.
    What else?
    Oh yes…dear chitty chitty bang bang…rebels in Pataya sees me….will welcome me with open arms.
    Freedom Fighters do not kill each other.

  178. monsterball says:

    I am smart….Johnny.
    That’s a fact.
    What else?
    Oh yes…dear chitty chitty bang bang…rebels in Pataya sees me….will welcome me with open arms.

  179. monsterball says:

    Observer have been observing my backsides from Rockybru’s blog too…..putting out same message.
    Yes…these are typical UMNO weirdos.

  180. mohd ali ismail says:

    Chitty chitty,
    sorry to have to correct you that musa hitam’s grand daughter that survived the tragedy at highland tower.

  181. novice101 says:

    The Malaysian Insider says Muhyddin and Mahathir wonder why the Chinese and Indians have disdain for the BN. What are MCA, Gerakan and MIC doing? Can’t they do a correct analysis and provide an answer or is UMNO not listening? Totally ignoring its ‘partners’?

    There is no hope for peace for ordinary Malaysians when the people ruling the nation are ‘confused, perplexed and puzzled’ why part of the populace show disdain towards it. They think tossing millions of ringgit to build Chinese lanaguage schools should do the trick for them. This as what they did and it worked for them in past. The Chinese now realise they have been taken for a ride but it looks like BN is still in ‘FantasyLand’.

    Chiinese language schools are just that, schools! They are lifeless structures but here we are talking about human beings, emotional issues concerning the Chinese should be properly addressed.

    I think Muhyddin is faking ignorance because in his very next breath, he issues a veiled threat by asking if the Chinese and the Indians are beginning to think they are now the kingmakers. With this type of arrogance how can you win the hearts of the non-Malays.

  182. Idzan Ismail says:

    Hey fellas

    I am back.
    Why is Susan not posting anything new.
    Is she in the demo? Is she safe?
    WitsO why did’nt you turn up at my do yesterday.
    We had a great time.
    After washing the dishes and clearing up, our colony went to bed at migdnight, tired but happy.
    WitsO, please don’t be gloating over Koh’s misfortunes amd Musa.s loss of son and daughter inlaw.
    Who are we to judge that its because they are evil.
    The Quran and bible say if god loves you, you are always tested.

  183. jean says:

    Thanks w9 for straightening that thing out. Iou1.

    And thanks also for those giving their expert analysis on what I am, like “…the writings is very similar to jean style, bragging, feeling inferiority complex, bold and anti-anwar.” I don’t expect any apology though.

    And Monty said: Go read all those commentators about you.
    I am actually getting quite sick of your double twisting fork tounge.

    I sure will uncle. How about you? I am sorry for giving different views. I should’ve known that its not ok to disagaree with you, its wrong not to worship anything pkr and its stupid to agree with anything umno. I am sure that you are not a racist and pkr will be in power in the next GE. I am convinced after reading your opinions.

  184. Anonymous says:

    Who asked the cow to change ger religion from umno to pkr?

  185. Anonymous says:

    Who asked the cow to stop worshipping umno?

  186. Anonymous says:

    UMNO is the oldest party in the world – kerala “hisss-torian”

  187. Anonymous says:


    umno vp “moo-yid-in” the cleverest ever – “shadow cabinet” is an instrument to overthrow govt

    another cow job cow-sai all the way.

  188. andreas says:

    monsterball Says:
    April 12, 2009 at 11:54 pm

    Jean …do not keep saying I keep misreading your messages like I am an idiot.


  189. monsterball says:

    It is so simple Jean.
    If you support UMNO BARU..MCA..Gerakan….MIC…you are a racialist and don’t you try to convince Sheih any any become like you.
    I am 100% for change of government and you have the rights to battle it out….giving your reasons why you prefer UMNO BARU..and not say all against UMNO ..OK..but those support UMNO…not OK..hinting how unfair and idiotic we all are.
    That is always your sarcastic style.
    NO N0 NO….You put out tangilble proofs UMNO is for Malaysian Malaysia…and not keep asking us to give you proofs there is a murderers and even…..who C4 UMNO and all are corrupted to the core.
    Our young generation of Malaysians depend on how accurate we are.
    Their futures depends on our wise choice…who to vote for.
    I will ignore how sarcastic you are to me…and treat you…with love.

  190. monsterball says:

    It is so simple Jean.
    If you support UMNO BARU..MCA..Gerakan….MIC…you are a racialist and don’t you try to convince Sheih any any become like you.
    I am 100% for change of government and you have the rights to battle it out….giving your reasons why you prefer UMNO BARU..and not say all against UMNO ..OK..but those support UMNO…not OK..hinting how unfair and idiotic we all are.
    That is always your sarcastic style.
    NO N0 NO….You put out tangilble proofs UMNO is for Malaysian Malaysia…and not keep asking us to give you proofs
    Our young generation of Malaysians depend on how accurate we are.
    Their futures depends on our wise choice…who to vote for.
    I will ignore how sarcastic you are to me.

  191. machitam says:

    “umno vp “moo-yid-in” the cleverest ever – “shadow cabinet” is an instrument to overthrow govt.”

    well! moo-hee-din look like an amature. a proactive opposition will create a shadow cabinet to oversee it back to back running of goverment. Shadow Cabinet will have their own cabinet meeting to discuss progress, new govt policy, issues and problems. though shadow cabinet do not hv executive power but they sit in the parliment.

    i don’t like to call umno supporter “stupid” but look…. e.g o fthe stupidity of their leaders.

    to jean….i’m sorry….but clarify please… about that wm thing…er..heh

  192. Anonymous says:

    “i don’t like to call umno supporter “stupid” but look…. e.g o fthe stupidity of their leaders.”

    In the land of the blind, the one-eyed is king.

  193. Anonymous says:

    “If you support UMNO BARU..MCA..Gerakan….MIC…you are a racialist..”

    Led by “naif ton rasa” (On Fair Satan).

  194. wits0 says:

    “If you support UMNO BARU..MCA..Gerakan….MIC…you are a racialist..”

    Please refute this FACT instead of attempting the same old tired denial using rancid Arab-style BUT-TERs. The dolphins are more intelligent than sharks anytime. Pleas don’t insult them anymore here.

  195. Jean's ex says:

    Thanks w9 for straightening that thing out. Iou1. -Jean

    Yeah. I’ll take his word for it (for everything he said unsubstantiated). Remember if he said that Monica Lewinsky did not suck Bill Clinton’s manhood, but Whoopi Goldberd did, we’ll just have to take his word for it or whatever he says.

    Personally, I think jean may have been impersonated by someone, but a thought is a thought, nothing more- at least for me.

    Question is – how to steal or use one’s avatar????? 😉

  196. si rusa says:

    No use explaining away monsterball, because neither Jean nor anyone believe what you say because you are an idiot who cannot even tell the difference between your arse and your mouth. Go back and suck Khairy’s balls now that he is sulking because he is not made a minister. Go pronto, what are you waiting for? Don’t waste your time in cyberspace. Go to your master lapdog monsterball. He’s waiting for you

  197. wits0 says:

    In a single stroke of ‘brilliance’ as the clock struck nine, and Moo Hee jumped over the moon with this old and infamous trashy “ingrate” thing:

    “KUALA LUMPUR, April 13 – DAP leader Lim Kit Siang has described as “shocking and offensive” the statement by Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin that Chinese voters are ungrateful in voting for Pakatan Rakyat and that they deceived the Barisan Nasional (BN) in the recent by-elections.

    The deputy prime minister made the remarks in an interview in Mingguan Malaysia yesterday…..”

    Kit Siang is shocked but many of us aren’t, not really. The umno’s arrogance of entitlement is so well known to us. Actually Kit Siang has need of more filler/padding words to write a composition of sufficient length as a statement.

  198. Idzan Ismail says:

    WitsO, racism aside, isn’t iit the stark truth?
    The Cihnese do not love Nizar more.
    It’s because they hate Hee most.
    This is a dangerous way of voting.
    Like the proverbial marahkan nyamuk kelambu dibakar.

  199. machitam says:

    Ivan grewal observation”..The yearning for a cleaner, fairer and more just government is something that the BN must address. There is nothing racial or unreasonable about these demands, in fact is it non-racial and apolitical in nature and permeates all sections of society.”

    PR coalition is yearning for a good governance i.e clean, fair and just to all. after 52 years of ignoring it. the BN is now searching. is it true?

    i hope idzan and jean can answer this

  200. Anonymous says:

    moo-hee got nice cow cheeks for suction..
    I don`t mind giving him some grateful.

  201. grasscutter says:

    Despite this irony about being marginalised, there remains one critical difference: those voters astute enough to recognise that the MIC ignored and even abetted the marginalisation of Indians decided to move and find themselves a new political home; someplace where they’re welcome.

    But it looks like as the MIC becomes increasingly marginalised in the BN, despite what the MIC and the Central Working Committee may like to project, the donkey has very little options. At the end of the day, it’s got to eat the grass provided by the master.

    And eating the same grass merely makes it even sicker.

  202. machitam says:

    there is a cow like..”Who asked the cow to stop worshipping umno?

    and dolphin & shark i.e “..The dolphins are more intelligent than sharks anytime..”

    and donkey e.g “…the donkey has very little options. At the end of the day, it’s got to eat the grass provided by the master. ”

    not to miss out the pig, dog, cat and chicken…

    am i in a farm or what..?

  203. 1 people world says:

    Why are we having cacophony on this sacred web-blog of our dear sloone?

    Sloone is doing a great job in bringing justice to Bolehland and all of us should give her our best-best support and not vitiate her holy & sacred web-blog in order to helping her achieving her supreme-sacred goal.

    The rakyat in Bolehland are advocating 1 people 1 world but alas Mr. Najib is still advocating kampong type of 1 Umnoputra 1Bolehland.

  204. 1 people 1 world says:

    Bolehland will never transcend the boundary of racism if the rakyat consent his doctrine of 1 umnoputra 1 Malaysia and will not go far and be circumscribed by it indefinitely.

    If the rakyat have the eternal altitude, attitude and aptitude in their their hearts, no one can prevent the rakyat and the people of the world in achieving this 1 people 1 world.

    This is the supreme goal of the people of the world.

    Yes dear folks, please give unfettered support to sloone in accomplishing this 1 people 1 world dream…

    Video: 1 people 1 world

  205. awang salleh says:

    Dear all,

    please note that for being a bull in a china shop or rather a pariah dog passing shit in cyberspace, monsterball is being whacked left right and centre at rocky’s bru, especially the blog on the red shirts in Thailand where as usual our idiot made a fool of himself, not only by his shit but also his provocations of others, and invited a ton of bricks to rain down on him

  206. grasscutter says:

    Animal Farm
    Chapter X

    YEARS passed. The seasons came and went, the short animal lives fled by. A time came when there was no one who remembered the old days before the Rebellion, except Clover, Benjamin, Moses the raven, and a number of the pigs.

    It was a pig walking on his hind legs.

    Yes, it was Squealer. A little awkwardly, as though not quite used to supporting his considerable bulk in that position, but with perfect balance, he was strolling across the yard. And a moment later, out from the door of the farmhouse came a long file of pigs, all walking on their hind legs. Some did it better than others, one or two were even a trifle unsteady and looked as though they would have liked the support of a stick, but every one of them made his way right round the yard successfully. And finally there was a tremendous baying of dogs and a shrill crowing from the black cockerel, and out came Napoleon himself, majestically upright, casting haughty glances from side to side, and with his dogs gambolling round him.
    For once Benjamin consented to break his rule, and he read out to her what was written on the wall. There was nothing there now except a single Commandment. It ran:

    After that it did not seem strange when next day the pigs who were supervising the work of the farm all carried whips in their trotters. It did not seem strange to learn that the pigs had bought themselves a wireless set, were arranging to install a telephone, and had taken out subscriptions to John Bull, TitBits, and the Daily Mirror. It did not seem strange when Napoleon was seen strolling in the farmhouse garden with a pipe in his mouth-no, not even when the pigs took Mr. Jones’s clothes out of the wardrobes and put them on, Napoleon himself appearing in a black coat, ratcatcher breeches, and leather leggings, while his favourite sow appeared in the watered silk dress which Mrs. Jones had been used to wear on Sundays.

  207. grasscutter says:

    Animal Farm
    Chapter X


  208. grasscutter says:

    In Pattaya the heads of state ran away when naif ton rasa turned up.
    Will yankee Obama shakae naif`s hand.

  209. wits0 says:


    The evil rancid BUT-ter that is ever so persistent with fascist scoundrels and second nature to all their beliefs and pronouncements.

  210. zainal says:


    kah kah kah… BEKAS YB AHLI PARTI APA AGAKNYA?…. kah kah kah…

    kah kah kah…. INI MESTI DARI PAKATAN RAKYAT…. kah kah kah…

  211. zainal says:

    Syarikat Proton akan mengeluarkan satu jeep baru sebagai menyambut PM Malaysia yang baru.

    Orang ramai boleh memesan jeep ini yang dijangkan akan memasuki ke pasaran pada awal bulan hadapan.

    Model ini adalah 100% rekaan tempatan.

    Model ini adalah 100% menggunakan tekoloji tempatan.

    Model ini adalah 100% menggunakan bahan tempatan.

    Kabinet telah memutuskan jeep model P-476 ini akan dinamakan Mahajib.

    Satu Malaysia akan….. kah kah kah….. sambil berkata mahajip mahajip.

  212. Anonymous says:

    Said Chua Soil Lek, deputy MCA president: “Walking from house to house in Simpang and Kuala Sepetang, it became obvious that the Chinese voters are disillusioned with promises made by BN’s YBs, that remain unfulfilled.“At the local level, Umno leaders are still playing the racial card while the more educated Malay voters feel that there are more self-serving leaders rather than for their race.”

    Kit Siang also demanded that Najib explained his recently-launched 1Malaysia vision, a platform to govern the country over the next few years. “Muhyiddin’s retrogressive interview has raised the question as to what is the real meaning of Najib’s 1Malaysia. If it rejects DAP’s Malaysian Malaysia, Gerakan’s Malaysian Malaysia, even the Bangsa Malaysia concept of Vision 2020, what does Najib’s 1Malaysia really mean?

  213. Anonymous says:

    DPM’s non-Malay comments, PM’s 1Malaysia under fire

    Said Chua Soil Lek, deputy MCA president: “At the local level, Umno leaders are still playing the racial card while the more educated Malay voters feel that there are more self-serving leaders rather than for their race.”

    Chua Soi Lek thinks Jean is not that educated kekeke

  214. Ricky Jones says:

    Dear our beloved Sloone,

    If you may, please revert to free flow of comments without moderation which was manacled by your spam for days.

    *I personally do not see why anyone should feel threatened over some innocent jokes??????? Makes not much sense to me. I hope I do not offend you or others, dear Susan, but just imagine if you commented on other’s blog and they manacled your comments….. Comments are free but facts are sacred……no one in their right sense of mind should be angry of innocent bantering…if you know that it wasn’t you…whay should you be so disquiet… i am referring to someone who claimed to be impostered and those who claimed to have the ability to decipher the gravatar..wHatever…

  215. Anonymous says:

    DPM’s non-Malay comments, PM’s 1Malaysia under fire
    Monday, 13 April 2009
    Categories: Current News • National News • Politics

    By Wong Choon Mei

    A day after raising the heckles of Chinese Malaysians, Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin has put his foot in his mouth again. This time – by offending the Indians in the country…..

    On Sunday, Muhyiddin had in an interview with a Malay daily accused the Chinese of being deceitful and ungrateful to the BN, absorbing all the election goodies dished out, but not returning in kind at the ballot boxes, where they still voted for the Pakatan Rakyat……..

    Kit Siang also demanded that Najib explained his recently-launched 1Malaysia vision, a platform to govern the country over the next few years.

    “Muhyiddin’s retrogressive interview has raised the question as to what is the real meaning of Najib’s 1Malaysia. If it rejects DAP’s Malaysian Malaysia, Gerakan’s Malaysian Malaysia, even the Bangsa Malysia concept of Vision 2020, what does Najib’s 1Malaysia really mean?

    “It is clear from Muhyiddin’s interview that he is still propounding the concept of Ketuanan Melayu (Malay Supremacy), which is a camouflage for Ketuanan Umnoputra (Umno hegemony), when after 52 years since Merdeka, the time has come for Ketuanan Rakyat Malaysia (Supremacy of the Malaysian race).”

  216. Anonymous says:

    Najis 1Malaysia is THE FAT LADY

  217. Anonymous says:

    Najis 1Malaysia is THE FAT ROSE MAMA

  218. Anonymous says:

    Said Chua Soil Lek, deputy MCA president: “Walking from house to house in Simpang and Kuala Sepetang, it became obvious that the Chinese voters are disillusioned with promises made by BN’s YBs, that remain unfulfilled.

    “At the local level, Umno leaders are still playing the racial card while the more educated Malay voters feel that there are more self-serving leaders rather than for their race.”

  219. monsterball says:

    Ricky Jones….When one is cornered…he/she will say it is not him/her. It is an impostor.
    He/she may even do not understand him/her message…somewhat between ..trying to confuse you ..or saying…you are an idiot.
    One who claims to have the ability to decipher the gravatar or whatever….like you said…is either trying to scare an impostor…or trying to prove he is Malaysia’s computer genius…..but perhaps bragging is part of his personality. Pay no attention to such commentator.
    Finally…it is not possible for Susan not to moderate comments.
    Previously….tons of garbage in her blog. Did you notice that?
    Now ask yourself…if you are Susan….why have extra work? Why not let free…like you said?
    I noticed…whenever her blog becomes so popular..those cyber-troopers are here…all pro UMNO…to upset her blog.
    Susan is a passionate freedom fighter with her blog.
    She is special because she puts out messages with comical and cheerful personality.
    So many are jealous of her..and her messages are influencing voters.
    As she gets more and more influential…she will be watched and marked by UMNO. She knows that too well.
    Back to moderation..all is well now.
    Please do not convince her to go back to old ways.
    Alot of my sensible messages are being thrown out too.
    She reserves all rights to do as she likes with her blog.
    And speaking of free flow of comments…I wish you can vigorously write to S.Times and Star…to be free.
    Susan is nothing compared to those giants.
    Will you write and protest?

  220. wits0 says:

    “A day after raising the heckles of Chinese Malaysians, Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin has put his foot in his mouth again. This time – by offending the Indians in the country…..”

    What other tricks has he got or umno has as its true self?

    He did a good job of almost immediately making a real mockery of Naif’s 1Malaysia kok tok slogan.

    Tokoh tokoh tok kok.

  221. jkoena says:

    It is that self interested glorifying umno that indulged in most racist politics thro its divisive policies of hatred and ill will towards the other races and also the non umno people. umno sowed the seeds of disunity by constantly harping on another 513, waving that crooked keris and squandering the country wealth. The umno misrule & mismanagement will certainly be our country’s most wicked, corrupted and darkest chapter.

  222. sam says:


    You are doing fine in allowing all kinds of comments in your blog. That way we get all the real feedback. But one thing you ought to do is to CURB THE EXCESSES OF THAT IDIOT MONSTERBALL. He is the one who is inviting most of the unsavoury comments in your blog. If you BAN MONSTERBALL from posting or limit him to ONE comment (on condition it must be properly written and be factual and not the rubbish he writes)then I think your blog would be very much better. The impression many people get is that you are giving monsterball a free rein in your blog to the extent that he goes round boasting that you allow “hundreds of his comments” to be posted. I think this should not be the case. Don’t give him the impression that he is special. He used to curry favour a lot of from Raja Petra, but RPK ignored his seeking of preferential treatment. What he wanted RPK to do was to give him a free rein in Malaysia Today and prevent others from attacking him. RPK allowed him to pass post his comments freely, but also allowed others to whack him hard. This is freedom of expression which monsterbal does not like. I repeat Susan, one way to stop many the unsavoury comments in your blog is to nip it in the bud – BAN MONSTERBALL FROM POSTING his nonsense. Thank you

  223. machitam says:

    Gerakan dp”…BN’s conventional practice of doling out allocations during elections no longer works as voters want problems to be attended to continuously…”
    some live for 30 years on tol land both (malay & non malays). and when PR govt. gave land titles to the poor, mahathirsm said it is trying to be populist.
    what kind of govt is BN? and yet many agreed to this mahatirsm.
    UMNO said chinese is immigrant…and a reporter held under ISA for reporting this!
    MACC was slow in taking action against UMNO….

    and yet…….they say PR is…..blah….blah

  224. Anonymous says:

    And this thing called Jean wants to sell an expired shelf life product at whose altar she worships.

  225. Anonymous says:

    “Talking of Rais, a very telling slip of the tongue on BBC’s Hard Talk programme on 13.4, this very senior experienced veteran said of the new UMNO Government before quickly correcting himself:

    “I won’t be magnanimous for the fact of the matter has been since Tun Razak’s time, it has always been an UMNO Government, the representatives from the mosquito parties are for window dressing.”

  226. zainal says:



    Pengundi bukan Melayu “tidak mahu dilayan seumpama pengemis” – apabila menjelang pilihanraya, mereka ditaburkan pelbagai projek pembangunan dengan harapan mereka memilih calon BN, kata jurucakap rasmi MCA.

    “Bukan Melayu tidak suka dilayan seperti peminta sedekah, hanya ketika pilihanraya kecil, lebih banyak penaikan taraf jalan dilakukan, peruntukan kepada sekolah, NGO dan badan amal meningkat,” kata ahli jawatankuasa pusat parti itu Lee Wei Kiat.

    “Walaupun bantuan dalam apa jua bentuk kepada sesuatu masyarakat sentiasa dialu-alukan, pengundi ingin melihat ketekalan dalam peruntukan dan pengagihan kerajaan dan bukannya memuncak sewaktu pilihanraya kecil.”




  227. zainal says:

    Jean: “I should’ve known that its not ok to disagaree with you, its wrong not to worship anything pkr and its stupid to agree with anything umno.”

    kah kah kah…. BERAPA KALI NAK BAGI TAHU DAAAAA…. kah kah kah..


    kah kah kah… BETUL KE CERITA AESOP NI…ATAU ADA CERITA LAIN… kah kah kah..

  228. zainal says:


    Shahidan Kassim sepatutnya menjadi menteri besar kerana beliau dilantik sebagai pengerusi perhubungan Umno Perlis, kata ketua penerangan Umno negeri, Hashim Suboh.

    kah kah kah…. HEBAT NYA GADUH GEROMBOLAN DI PERLIS…kah kah kah..

    … BILA LAGI NAK SEMBELIH… kah kah kah…

    kah hah kah….SEMBELIH LAH JADIKAN SEMUA ITU PRODUK HAHAL… kah kah kah…

    woit… BILA LAGI…. SATU MALAYSIA NAK TENGOK….kah kah kah

  229. zainal says:



    Pengundi bukan Melayu “tidak mahu dilayan seumpama pengemis” – apabila menjelang pilihanraya, mereka ditaburkan pelbagai projek pembangunan dengan harapan mereka memilih calon BN, kata jurucakap rasmi MCA.

    “Bukan Melayu tidak suka dilayan seperti peminta sedekah, hanya ketika pilihanraya kecil, lebih banyak penaikan taraf jalan dilakukan, peruntukan kepada sekolah, NGO dan badan amal meningkat,” kata ahli jawatankuasa pusat parti itu Lee Wei Kiat.




  230. Phua Kai Lit says:

    Dear wits0 10:28 pm

    This is the “Good Cop, Bad Cop” strategy i.e.
    the PM (Good Cop) says all the right things about a multiracial Malaysia
    while the DPM (Bad Cop) says all the nasty things to mobilise the
    UMNO base (i.e. the racist and fascist wings of UMNO)

  231. wits0 says:

    The “Good Cop, Bad Cop” strategy means doublespeak insincerity and has always been just that. After 51+ years, it simply means also that umno is bankrupt of better ideas.

  232. THANK YOU! says:

    Dear susan loone,
    Million thanks 2 u! Your site serves as an anti-depressant to a majority of people within and outside our beloved land. You have provided an avenue for us to ventilate and get it all out our chest.May you be blessed with sanity, health & protection for your invaluable virtues and purpose in life, for the sake of the country and the many.Hats off 2 u (salute).

  233. kittykat46 says:

    I suppose we should thank Muhyiddin and the editors of Utusan Malaysia (alias Awang Selamat) for preventing an unfortunate misunderstanding of what One Malaysia is about.
    In the end, its just the same Nasi Lemak Basi with the newspaper wrapping changed.

    I was intrigued when I first looked at Naif Ton Rasa’s One Malaysia.
    Could it be…..I wondered… he co-opting part of PR and Anwar Ibrahim’s Ketuanan Rakyat platform ?

    After all, as I had been telling people I know in BN – its actually surprisingly easy for BN to neutralise PR and Anwar Ibrahim’s support. If BN can sincerely resolve just 50% of the things that make people unhappy, most voters would return to BN’s loving embrace (kakakaka…).

    Alas, at the same time, its devilishly difficult, I would say, impossible for UMNO to even agree to fix the issues. The catchword is sincerely . UMNO and BN would tear itself apart, and effectively cease to exist if it tried.

  234. Monstergirl says:

    The ‘Good Cop, bad cop’ strategy was used to topple AAB. Silimar to the concept of the badger-game (is u know what that means).

    Role : Najib =Good cop

    Muhyiddin = other (Bad cop).

    Muhyiddin=others attacked while Najib plays a pacifist to gain concession from AAB.

    The game usually works not because it was smartly orchestrated but because the victim was lame. I has witnessed many of this game in my life, I once whisper into the ear of the good cop – :if you continue with your lil’ game any further, ur ass will be in the ceilings” and they stopped immediately.

    I am in a Monty family, remember?

  235. bottomline says:

    And that surely is the bottomline

  236. bottomline says:


  237. kittykat46 says:

    The other day, I saw this interesting concept of a Naif Ton Rasa family album

  238. nadi says:

    Rais: Wrong to say ISA not up to standard of humanity

    KUALA LUMPUR (April 13, 2009) : The misconception that the Internal Security Act (ISA) is not up to the standard of humanity is wrong, said newly-appointed Information, Communication, Art and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim today.

  239. kittykat46 says:

    Quote from Rais Yatim’s PhD thesis, which he wrote while in political exile after his S46 foray.

    “It is common practice that the Minister of Home Affairs signs detention papers purely basing his findings on the briefs supplied by the police. There have been instances in the past when detention orders were signed by the Minister or his deputy just within hours before the expiration of the respective detention period. In its practical sense and in such a case, the Minister cannot be said to have used his subjective faculties to satisfy himself that the detention ought to have been made because he has not read the police reports in their entirety. It could therefore be said that when a man is sent to a detention camp the Minister is making a political decision about the rights and liberties of the subject solely upon the recommendation of the police.”

    Nowadays he’s just another sicko UMNOputra

  240. nadi says:

    Friday, April 10, 2009
    Najib jadi Naif – menurut laporan BERNAMA
    Apa dah jadi? Itu yang menjadi pertanyaan apabila melihat satu kesilapan yang dari segi pemberitaan adalah serius.

    Belum pernah terjadi dimana sebuah agensi berita yang ditubuhkan oleh kerajaan dan yang turut menjadi saluran maklumat rasmi melakukan kesilapan berkaitan nama Perdana Menteri.

    Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak telah ditukar kepada Datuk Seri Naif Ton Rasa. Amat jauh sekali. Yang lebih dahsyat ialah makna “naif” itu sendiri, iaitu tidak matang!

  241. sergio says:

    Go get lost monsterball. You are not wanted here as well as in other blogs.

  242. 3 rings says:

    In polluting blogosphere, monsterball not only snorts and farts like a pig, he also wallows in his own filth…..ha ha ha

  243. wits0 says:

    “Nowadays he’s just another sicko UMNOputra”

    One no less pompous and asinine than the previous HM.

    ‘Female should not travel overseas unaccompanied by male escort’

  244. wits0 says:

    Monstergirl: “The game usually works not because it was smartly orchestrated but because the victim was lame. ”

    Exactly, and you can say that the people has been stupid for 51+ years. They can also opt to be smart after all this time. This signs are showing even as the Jeans spew sarcasm everywhere.

  245. Anonymous says:

    You are all so charitable to Jean, is it as she claims to be female?
    What is taken as “sarcasm” is more rightly defined as “snide” (contempt, superciliousness – that sort of thing) i.e. being derogatory in a malicious, superior way

  246. wits0 says:

    I know, you know, many of us long knew, Anon 10:16 am. Hehehe.

  247. wits0 says:

    Monsterball wears jeans no more. 😉 He’s outgrown that. Harrison, where art thou? 😉

  248. kittykat46 says:

    I think Jean is just one of those UMNOputras (or UMNOputri ?) who couldn’t stand Bad-a-wi, so they went along with being critical of the regime at the time, perhaps to the extent of voting PAS or PKR during GE12.

    Now that the coast is clear, with Mahakutty back in power (you bet !) and Dottie in the driver’s seat, she has reverted back to her true stripes.

  249. alex says:


    Monsterball never wore any jeans. In fact he never wore anything at all in the first place. He is like the emperor who thinks he’s got the best and most beautiful clothes, never realizing that he’s stark naked. He wants to expose what’s left of his pea-sized balls and 1 cm dick after they got tied up in knots while tried to do the twist!

  250. kittykat46 says:

    Now UMNO Terenganu is in crisis.

    Looks like our prediction here that Najis faces a perfect storm is coming true.

  251. monsterball says:

    I wear sarong…so cooling and Indonesia.
    Sometimes drop while walking..but have boxer short….all OK.
    In Malaysia.. strictly…pants and Bermuda shorts….too many grown up grands…suddenly appear.
    In Europe….worst…go every function… must have suit and tie. Not comfortable.
    All alone in my bedroom..just fall off to sleep with air-cond….wearing shorts….not shirt….like Tarzan.
    Very cold…make me sleepy…and Malaysian weather extremely hot now.
    Yes…monstergirl…you are in my family of monsters.

  252. monsterball says:

    hhhhhmmmmmm….That Alex copy my
    “Emperor wear no clothes”..”Twist” song by Chubby Checker…messages…to say my dick is 1 cm if he has held it and measured it.

  253. justme says:

    wow sniper fire still raging !!!

  254. justme says:

    wow sniper fire still raging !!! Or is it all out war?

  255. newsy says:


    what do you mean monsterball’s dick is 1 cm long? it is zero! he has no more dick left after they castrated him and made him a eunuch

  256. newsy says:

    monsterball should be called eunuch no balls

  257. […] *SUSAN LOONE’s Blog* “may the truth save us all” « Bernama gave us a new PM […]

  258. apparoo says:

    Know why monsterball talks cock? That’s because he eats only shit

  259. monsterball says:

    Bring your grown up qualified with experiences females species to me and give me permission to use my dick and let all of them report back to you idiots what is People’s Power with voom…on land…on sea and in the air.
    Real idiots..insulting my 3 ex wives ….5 children and 8 grandchildren.
    Without the power of my dick……how on earth monsterball family grew from two to extra 13 plus 2 daughter-in laws?
    Like everywhere….all these UMNO and BN supporters simply have no class.
    When one have…like…Sam…keep putting out his request which have been rejected so many times…yet still same message.
    Arn’t you all weird and full of shit.

  260. wits0 says:

    Good take Kittykat46 @ 10:56 am. Accords with good logic. What normal and well educated female(even on the web) would choose a handle that includes ‘cum’ in it, no matter how outraged?

  261. alan says:


    re monsterball having delusions of grandeur like Idi Amin. My question is does monsterball suffer from VD?

  262. monsterball says:

    Do you? Alan?

  263. monsterball says:

    The more I am insulted by those buggers…mean PR is o the right track…and I have done my part extremely well.
    Seeing hantu2 naik gila and few BN balls carriers remarks about me…here in Rockybru..blogs…means I am on the right track…as so many have encourage me to speak on.
    The more they insult me…the or votes they will loose out to PR.
    I feeel good!!

  264. monsterball says:

    I like to repeat and dedicate this song to all my loving one screw loose enemies…..
    “Come on everybody…clap your hands.
    Oh….you are looking good.
    We are going to sing our favourite song..dedicated to UMNO..and it goes like this….
    Come on lets twist again….like we did last summer.
    Lets twist we did last year.
    Do you remember when…Malaysians..happy and singing.
    Lets twist again…twisting time is here.
    Round and round UMNO goes again.
    All the BN loosers are in again.
    Yeah..lets twist again…twist till 13th GE.”
    Lets hope PR supporters sing this song in their ceremahs.
    No harm dreaming.
    Malaysia can borrow “Bangawan Solo” and made it our national anthem….why not Chubby Checker’s great lively song?

  265. monsterball says:

    Maybe Happy hour song.
    Pubs have happy at reduced price.
    So lets all be happy for few hours per day…ignoring bad vibrations or news in UMNO politics.
    Time will fly.and the cannot delay 13th GE.
    I bet you…if Naif Ton Rasa is so confident majority voters likes him..he will call for 13th get Malaysians to andorce ad support him.
    I be yiou..he will wait and even xtend the stay on a PM….for he knws.h is finished .aftr 13tyh GE.

  266. monsterball says:

    Maybe Happy hour song.
    Pubs have happy at reduced price.
    So lets all be happy for few hours per day…ignoring bad vibrations or news in UMNO politics.
    Time will fly.and the cannot delay 13th GE.
    I bet you…if Naif Ton Rasa is so confident majority voters likes him..he will call for 13th get Malaysians to endorse and support him.
    He knows he has no majority support..he he will wait .. stay on a PM…as long as he can..before we finished him 13th GE.

  267. […] like it is very difficult for UMNO propaganda machines themselves to accept Najib @ Naif Ton Rasa as the new Prime Minister. It was only last week that Bernama, main UMNO media made a terrible boo […]

  268. yay says:

    i checked with microsoft words, those typos were caused by the automatic corrections in the spellcheck.

    So prrofessional of Bernama editors to rely on microsoft spellchecker 😛

  269. […] You told us you were going to announce something BIG against the new prime minister Datuk Seri Naif Ton Rasa, during the by election campaign. Then you said, “The timing is not right now. It could be […]

  270. Afuw says:

    Kawan dell, the French exonym for Malaysia is actually Malaisie.

  271. […] can’t Anwar Ibrahim or PKR be criticised in the media? Anwar is not God, the same way Naif Ton Rasa is not God. (Read: GE gagged on Fairus […]

  272. […] baggage weighs a million tons (no wonder Bernama calls him Naif  TON Rasa), as there are too many questions surrounding his […]

  273. sofia says:

    soy de costa rica y nunca habia escuhado sobre esto, me gustaria que me digas como conseguirlo alguna pagina en internet o algo asi! me intereza porque apenas tengo 17años y tengo un sobre peso como de 25kilos ya tengo una bebe de 2años pero mi sobre peso me esta molestando en cuanto a mi salud! y no solo para mi sino tambien para mi mama, entre ella y yo hemos hecho de todo y nada nos funciona! comunicate conmigo(a mi correo si fuera el caso) lo mas pronto posible por favor la verdad nos urge!!!!!!!!! TE LO AGRADESERIAMOS DEMASIADO

  274. MAGDA says:

    Susana gracias por tu comentario frente a esos productos me parecen maravillosos, quiero saber cuanto vale el envío en pesos Colombianos; si puedes lo mas pronto posible darme la respuesta. gracias

  275. silaka says:

    No hay de quay

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