The likes of Khairy, in calling bloggers “monkeys‘ should be more sensitive and try not to insult our primate brothers and sisters. Please keep yourselves updated with what’s happening in the world these days. that is, if you have such high ambitions of becoming the PRIME MINISTER!

Referring to bloggers, Khairy had said: “There are no laws in the cyberworld except for the law of the jungle. As such, action must be taken so that the “monkeys” behave”.

i wonder what these animal rights activists (below) would say to Khairy ‘monkeying’ around with bloggers, if only they knew.

CBS news reported :

“In a case that could set a global legal precedent for granting basic rights to apes, animal rights advocates are seeking to get the 26-year-old male chimpanzee legally declared a “person.”

(Top) Hiasl, a 26-year-old male chimpanzee looks through the glass at his enclosure at an animal sanctuary in Voesendorf, south of Vienna, on Friday. (AP Photo/Lilli Strauss)

Hiasl’s supporters argue he needs that status to become a legal entity that can receive donations and get a guardian to look out for his interests.”Our main argument is that Hiasl is a person and has basic legal rights,” said Eberhart Theuer, a lawyer leading the challenge on behalf of the Association Against Animal Factories, a Vienna animal rights group.

“We mean the right to life, the right to not be tortured, the right to freedom under certain conditions,” Theuer said. “We’re not talking about the right to vote here.” (AP, read this here)

48 responses »

  1. Carrey says:

    I could be one of the ‘monkey’ too, hehehe…

  2. monsterball says:

    “If you behave like a monkey…we will treat you like a monkey”….so goes the saying and Khairy using that saying that bloggers are like monkies…and we all know what monkies characters ares.
    Khairy….such a smart Oxford educated man…should be the first to identify the monkies and not lump all bloggers into one group. But then..this is a case…the pot calling the kettle black… it not.
    Poor young bloggers…never harm anyone are now call monkies too.
    Why can’t Khairy be brave enough and list out all those bloggers under govt. suspects. It cannot be more than 10 amongst hundreds of bloggers.

  3. notsosmart says:

    Looks like this monkey is much better looking. Sue, you should use more ugly picture. Some people are worst than animal.

  4. RoadRunner says:

    If you look like a monkey, talks like one and walks like one, you must be a monkey.

  5. RoadRunner says:

    All this monkey stuff, I think it is racial profiling and an animal rights issue. I thought this blog is all about human rights issues.

  6. speloo says:

    Is it Khairy???

  7. monstermeatball says:

    It’s monsterball 😉

  8. wits0 says:

    Apparently, an anagram for that Oxfart Big Foot, Khairy is “Yah Irk”.

  9. rahman ibrahim says:

    Mungkinkah Raja Petra diperalatkan?
    Oleh Rahman Ibrahim

    Pengendali laman web Malaysia Today, Raja Petra Kamarudin, sering mendedahkan sesuatu yang “luar biasa”, memukau dan sekali gus berani. Namun, sewaktu pendedahannya tentang dakwaan rasuah Ketua Polis Negara bar-baru ini, tokoh alam siber itu tersilap arah? Maklumatnya disogokkan oleh seseorang, atau sesuatu pihak, yang dipercayai sebagai “god father” di Bukit Aman?

    Musa Hassan sendiri sudah membuat pengakuan terbuka bahawa maklumat seumpama itu datangnya daripada orang-orangnya sendiri di Bukit Aman. Ulasan sebuah akhbar berbahasa Inggeris, The Star, bertajuk “The seat gets hot for top cop” (1 Ogos) meringkaskan percaturan politik tajam di Bukit Aman.

    Dipercayai seseorang yang menyerang Musa itu bukannya calang-calang orang; banyak pihak percaya ia datangnya daripada pucuk pimpinan atasan barisan pasukan polis sendiri. Lagi pun, polis kecil setakat jawatan “prebet” tentunya tidak berani menyerang bosnya sendiri dengan tuduhan rasuah RM2 juta!

    Tetapi siapakah orang itu dan kenapakah media massa kita tidak bersedia mendedahkannya? Apakah pegawai atasan polis yang menyerang Musa itu dilindungi oleh orang politik atau gengster tertentu?

    Ada pihak menganalisis, tuduhan kepada Musa itu sebenarnya tidak betul. Malah, pihak yang menuduh itu sendiri yang melakukan jenayah tersebut — yakni mempunyai hubungan dengan samseng dan mengambil wang perlindungan. Pihak itu berkata, berita yang disiarkan dalam New Straits Times tentang seorang pegawai tinggi polis menyimpan RM27 juta dan kini disiasat Badan Pencegah Rasuah sebenarnya “counter-attack” pasukan pro-Musa terhadap puak yang menentangnya.

    Jadi, pihak yang menuduh Musa menerima rasuah RM2 juta sebenarnya mempunyai simpanan wang RM27 juta! Tetapi jumlah wang sebesar itu, apakah untuk dirinya sendiri? Atau, untuk membiayai sekumpulan pegawai tinggi polis untuk melakukan sesuatu yang mereka suka di luar pengetahuan kerajaan, menteri dan masyarakat?

    Babak-babak ini semakin menarik. Sama-samalah kita lihat, siapakah yang akan ditamatkan kontraknya tidak lama lagi dan siapa pula yang akan dinaikkan pangkat atau ditukar.

    Menurut laporan The Star di atas, salah satu punca Musa dibenci oleh pegawai-pegawai kanannya sendiri ialah penukaran pegawai, dan beberapa langkah yang diambilnya, dalam usaha menentang rasuah. Apakah geng yang sama yang menentang pelaksanaan suruhanjaya bebas IPCMC sehingga berani mengugut Perdana Menteri, yang juga Menteri Keselamatan Dalam Negeri?

    Kita tidak tahu, setakat ini, tetapi coraknya kini makin jelas. Musa, sebagai pemegang jawatan rasmi dan tertinggi pasukan polis, dikatakan anti-rasuah seperti yang diuar-uarkan oleh Perdana Menteri.

    Tetapi terdapat beberapa pihak tertinggi di Bukit Aman tidak menyenanginya, dan mereka ini disokong oleh beberapa pihak dalam Umno, termasuk yang pro-Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, sehingga terang-terangan menolak IPCMC. Jadi, sebenarnya usaha menolak IPCMC ini datangnya dari Bukit Aman sendiri, dengan sokongan dan lobi dari beberapa pihak dalam Umno yang anti-Perdana Menteri.

    Apabila NST dijadikan pentas untuk mendedahkan wujud pegawai tinggi polis yang mempunyai RM27 juta, maka jelaslah bahawa pihak pro-Perdana Menteri dan pro-Musa melakukan “counter-attack” terhadap pihak yang menyerang Ketua Polis Negara.

    Dan, khabarnya, pegawai tinggi polis itu “bersalah” apabila mempunyai sebuah syarikat perladangan di Sabah. Jika Musa jujur dan berani, jika Perdana Menteri jujur dan berani, kenapa biarkan pegawai polis tersebut menguasai sebuah syarikat perladangan di Sabah?

    Tidakkah pegawai kanan perkhidmatan awam seharusnya bebas daripada kegiatan perniagaan?

    Babak kedua cerita ini belum tamat. Ada cerita, kononnya isu panas di Bukit Aman ini merebak juga ke Putrajaya melalui kes siasatan dan pendakwaan wanita Mongolia, Altantuya Sharibu. Kedua-dua puak yang bertelagah di Bukit Aman terlibat dalam siasatan.

    Pegawai polis yang pro-Musa, seperti arahan Perdana Menteri, mahu siasatan dan pendakwaan berjalan secara telus dan profesional. Tetapi ada pihak dalam polis yang tidak mahu sebab mereka ada kepentingan tertentu dengan seorang tokoh politik tertentu dan juga orang kuat Jabatan Peguam Negara.

    Kini isu panas itu sudah meletup. Akhbar Internet terkenal (1 Ogos) melaporkan ketua bahagian pendakwaan meletakkan jawatan sebagai membantah sikap bosnya. Berita itu menyebut, Datuk Yusuf Zainal menafikannya. Tetapi berapa lama beliau boleh bertahan di bawah Tan Sri Gani Patail? Gani sudah berusaha untuk memindahkan Yusuf sebagai hakim tetapi setakat ini gagal. Ada dua, tiga usaha lagi dijalankan oleh Jabatan Peguam Negara untuk menyingkirkan Yusuf tetapi setakat ini gagal.

    Tiba-tiba bertiup kencang berita Yusuf akan meletakkan jawatan atau dipindah keluar dari Jabatan Peguam Negara. Yusuf hari ini menafikan perletakan jawatannya tetapi …. tunggulah apa akan jadi pada nasibnya, seperti yang pernah terjadi pada bekas Peguam Negara, Dato’ Seri Ainum binti Mohd Saaid.

    Siapakah yang menyingkirkan Ainum? Sekarang masanya semua cerita-cerita di belakang tabir ini didedahkan kepada umum.

    Sallehuddin Saidin, timbalan pendakwa raya yang disingkirkan daripada mengendalikan kes Altantuya, telah meletakkan jawatan. Alasannya: Persaraan awal. Betulkah? Atau meninggalkan Jabatan Peguam Negara yang semakin tercemar?

    Begitu juga Yusuf Zainal — kesian, tidak ada orang politik mahu membela nasib birokrat-birokrat yang profesional dan jujur sehingga percaturan politik di Bukit Aman dan Jabatan Peguam Negara nampaknya akan dimenangi oleh tokoh-tokoh yang dicurigai kejujurannya?

  10. RoadRunner says:

    Someone please translate??

  11. monsterball says:

    Susan..8.44pm not mine!

  12. monsterball says:

    Apparently he does not know this is an English blog.
    What he was saying is…
    Niamah…oo nan tak git char say gua …yong gua mia . a chiar tiok bor? char loo kar gua.. kang kor kon tiok su.

  13. bola says:

    what?? tiu na ma?? this is too much man! you need to show some civility and keep those obscenities to yourself!

  14. oA says:


    sebenarnya usaha menolak IPCMC ini datangnya dari Bukit Aman sendiri, dengan sokongan dan lobi dari beberapa pihak dalam Umno yang anti-Perdana Menteri.


    Go ask dpm. Go ask the keris man.

    Their ilk supports the like of IGP, the useless big crook AG etc.

    They are also the ones voicing against ipcmc.


  15. ghenjis khan says:

    following on Darwin, bloggers must have reached higher up the tree of homo sapiens …..

    and mind you, Monekys given just the typewriters, [you the old ancient machines] , are know to have composed Shakespeare’s work ….

    what more bloggers with qweurty key boards ….. 13 thick volumes of Bloggerpedia …. far awesome than wikipedia …

    BTW what was the film about the Apes ….. ?

  16. notsosmart says:

    Hey Monty. Didn’t know there was an original imitation copy you at 8.44. Famous-lah you. Like the video 9 version. Or he is your retarded clone due to mutation defect ah? Hahahaha….he has the ….meat…don’t know which parts he’s referring to..

  17. bamboo river says:

    Well, Monkey ain’t so bad.
    But looks who is talking. Potential Primate Minister ?
    Heard of ‘Ser Wu Kong”?

  18. omigosh says:

    Oh no!, I simply refuse to accept an Oxfart Monkey to be our next Prime Minister.

  19. […] I’m a monkey, so what?! [image] The likes of Khairy, in calling bloggers “monkeys‘ should be more sensitive and try not to insult […] […]

  20. gserdfd says:

    First, Mahadir chose a dummo to step into his shoes, and then that dummo’s daughter chose a monkey to wed…OMG

  21. wits0 says:

    Ser Wu Kong? The most noble and powerful one in that delightful, “Journey to the West, story”?

    Yah Irk is from the Dark side of the Force and cannot even be accepted as a follower.

  22. monstermeatball says:

    Greetings. Khairy actually not bad in person, lah.
    He’s just playing games to move ahead in Umno Youth.

  23. wits0 says:

    Sure, sure, Monstermeatball, just a harmless game too. Now we clearly know where you stand.

  24. M&M says:

    who wan to vote this monkey as our next PM?

    he is described as:

    1. racist
    2. religious basher
    3. corruption
    4. M&M follower
    5. stage actor
    6. malay-ultra
    7. insult bloggers
    8. opposition abuser
    9. detestation
    10. endanger other monkeys

    so what exactly have this monkey done for society over the years that make us proud?

  25. copycat says:

    opps! shesss….

    we been watched, cyber troopers are here 🙂

    get your ip proxied if you scare.. hehe…

  26. wits0 says:

    A faster and efficient one – all in one:

  27. galadriel says:

    Darwin says we are all monkeys, and I’ve no problems with that. Monkeys are intelligent anyway….not no mention precocious.

    i’m glad i’m a monkey cos that means i’m of a different species than that I-Phone toting Pompous Jackass.

  28. smellysea says:

    i kinda like the picture of the ape…. it reminded me of someone i’ve seen in the papers….. and its HAIRY!!!!!!

  29. monsterball says:

    If monstermeatball said this three years ago…I may agree…as I fought tooth and nail…defending Khairy at MT blog…all the time…since youthful and lack of experiences….and everyone hatam him…not fair.
    But these two years…he and his Youth boss are hand and gloves playing race and religion dirty politics.
    All it matters will be how they fair in coming general election. Voters decide…..then win by big margin….how to understand?
    Just live on as life is not perfect or fair anyhow.
    But if both are oust out by oppositions…I will pray to all the Gods having answered my small tinnee winnee prayer….maybe defy the law and light up few fire crackers.

  30. Sorry says:

    Peanuts anyone?!

  31. copycat says:

    more news!

    the hairy hatam anwar this time:

    “…The (coming) general elections is not about politics but the future of the Malays.”

    “…Anwar is a puppet of the United States and the Jews, thus he must be hounded until there is no more place for him to run to,”

    “…He wanted to abolish it simply because he wanted to win the support of the non-Malays,”

    sound like no future already for other race… so pity…

  32. jamil says:

    no wonder we no longer hearing “malaysian”. instead, we heard “malays”.

    yeah.. the others is a second class citizen!

    so, here… it proved that he is unprofessional. running around on street protest like loose monkey!

    no wonder he is defined as “a low standard politician who is in rush to climb the political ladder.”

    yet not to forget he is trying to make his way out of ECM-Libra scandal…

  33. zsedfd says:

    so what exactly have this monkey done for society over the years that make us proud?

    It (this monkey) has managed to graduate with a degree from Oxford, which no other monkeys in the world have ever done before! But since it has been jobless and unemployable all these years, what use that degree for?

  34. kittykat46 says:

    First simian to graduate from Oxbridge, eh?

  35. wits0 says:

    “so what exactly have this monkey done for society over the years that make us proud?”

    What did FIL do about his wink towards his SIL(Simian-In-Law)besides
    a Janus faced, “I dunno” in the public’s direction?

  36. copycat says:

    NOTE: The Malaysian bloggers (ie ‘Monyets/Monkeys’ as classified by UMNO Youth Deputy Chief, Khairy Jamaluddin,) are :

    Lim Kit Siang, Jeff Ooi, Ahiruddin Attan, Anwar Ibrahim, Bakri Musa, Azly Rahman, Ong Hock Chuan, Husam Musa, Malik Imtiaz Sawar, Zainol Abideen (“Mahaguru58”), Ronnie Liu, Ruhanie Ahmad, Raja Petra Kamarudin, Marina Mahathir, Nuraina Samad, Hajjah Fuziah Salleh, Rustam Sani, Ahmad Zaki Yamani, Faisal Mustaffa

    A.Kadir Jasin, Bernad Khoo (Zorro) , Syed Shahir, Dato Shahrir Abdul Samad, Shieh (“Kickdefella”) Haris Ibrahim, Kula Segaran, Imran Idris, Captain Yusuf Ahmad, Dr. Hsu Dar Ren, Husin Lempoyang, Hizami Iskandar, Susan Loone, Syed Imran (“Kuda Ranggi”), Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad, Nizam Bashir, Zaharin Mohd Yasin (“Sang Kelembai”), Annuar Mohd Nor, Ibnu Hakeem, Hishamuddin Rais,

    Amir Hafizi, Mohd Adib Nor, Nathaniel Tan, Zaharah Othman (“choc-a-blog”),Patrick Yeoh (“Niamah”), Fathi Aris Omar, Amin Yatim (“Cuit Sikit”), Khalid Jafar, Amin Iskandar, Ahmad A. Talib (“Pahit Manis”), Pak Idrus (In Passing -Malaysian”) , Saari Sungib, etc .

  37. milo says:

    looks like the monkey got a lot of supporters writing him 🙂

    especially his own race 😀

  38. monsterball says:

    yea that… Orang hutan Khairy is now calling the Chimpanzee Anwar Ibrahim …a USA pawn. Monkey fighting is fun to watch….alot of steam let out..shouts and scream…no fight…..just shadow boxing…..a wayang kulit stuffs…fit for the villagers to see.

  39. monsterball says:

    Gorillas TDM and PM are watching the outcome.

  40. monsterball says:

    Red nose baboon Najib is by nature a coward specie…sitting on the fence and act according to his smart benefits. That’s why baboons are being left out by the monkies world…look like one…behave like one…but actually not one of the monkey clans.
    Did the TRANSFORMER do something here?……hahahahahaha

  41. peter says:

    look at the monkey boxing on the street’ but it got no balls to burn USA flag.. hehehe…

    oh… not to mention he earned a lot of RESPECT from commentators there…

  42. monsterball says:

    yes …chimpanzees will fight like real enemies….but once their craze for bananas[money] are given out by the gorallas …they will unite to start another show.
    “Cats” close show after 20 years ….but our monkies show is the best..never ending for 5o years…divide to rule …seems to be best seller story line…and to make sure it goes on monkey God stuffs…real crowd catcher.
    Humans were once being convinced monkies are smarter than them…but the educated ones begin to understand monkey shows are for laughs…not to be taken seriously…then they dare not to fool us more for bananas. ..they will hide and steal.We will control their rations.
    Monkey shows for once is now under control by a goralla who wants to stay as their leader.
    Let us humans watch the outcome.

  43. fathi aris omar says:

    Copycat, ayo yoo! I am listed too? As a ‘monkey’ & ‘goblok’ blogger?

    What have I done to Pak Lah & KJ?

    I am one of the nicest ever blooger/journalist in Malaysia — never write anything negative about both of them!

    ( … sad …)

  44. monsterball says:

    That’s why you are a goblok and a monkey…fathi aris omar.
    Had you hatam and hatam them….then you are a monkey trainer ….like most of us…hahahahahahaha

  45. malaysia nut says:

    i have a question guys? who is really our malaysian prime minister- is it:

    a.Kairy jamaluddin
    b.khairy jamalluddin
    c.Khairy 4th floor

  46. hawk says:

    He is just an educated idiot.

    Look at the facial tones of MbM and KJ. They convey conceit and deciet.

    And their actions are full of arrogance.

    Lets make it known we are ready for a royal blog, so our rulers can hear us and use thier wisdom to check these pariahs.

    Anyone knows how to start such a petition?

  47. Chaptokarm says:

    Tun Haniff made revealed some very interesting things regarding PDRM and ACA. Anyone have any comments about the former IGP? Just take a look at the photo of his house when it was recently in the news about a robbery. His house looks very huge like a mansion in Hollywood with three expensive cars parked in the porch. Equate this to some talk that a very senior ranking officer was racking in a million a month and has assets worth 75 million some years ago before Musa became IGP. Money was from the connections in the illegal racketers.

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