I guess they’ve asked Rehman Rashid to write this piece so they’ll get us bloggers to read The NST again:

Read also Rocky Bru and Marina Mahathir.

Here’s an abstract on his piece in the NST titled “Broken down in the barnyard of free expression” .

I have decoded them for you in simple, plain, English language:

“There is now a place called the “blogosphere”, touted by its denizens as a Utopia of freedom of expression.

In my opinion, what they’ve really done is prove why freedom of expression was a really bad idea. In this country, a host of folk who never had a hope of getting published are now proving why not.

(Read: Bloggers gave freedom of speech a bad name. Bloggers, who could not get their stories publish anywhere else, now can do it on their own)

The local blogosphere is the domain of life-challenged grumblestiltskins and disenfranchised pundits whose asinine maunderings only show why they should never have had day jobs in the first place.

(Read: Bloggers are grumblers, outcast of society, makes ridiculous ramblings like an ass. Go get a life. Not even fit to work in a proper job)

Rumour, innuendo, half-truths and damned lies are their stock- in-trade, and previously sacrosanct standards, principles and ethics are now laughable.

(Read: Ala – T. Adnan -Bloggers are liars, cheats, rumour-mongers. It’s their profession)

Are they not entitled to their opinion? Of course they are, as much as everyone else is entitled to ignore them. I would venture, however, that everyone has an opinion and a rectum, and not that many seem capable of telling one from the other.

(Read: Let them talk. Ignore them. Their opinions are SHIT!)

But no, it’s all good. Let a hundred thousand million flowers bloom; let all voices be heard, in however fractured language, whether or not they have anything pertinent to communicate or any information worth more than spittle to offer”.

(Read: Let them SHIT as they have nothing important to SHIT, anyway).

47 responses »

  1. wits0 says:

    Lovely Susan, whata nice translation of wht RR meant!

    I think he demolishes his own assumed credibilty, having held the mike to his chest for so long that he has acquired that vapid sense of intellectual and moral invulnerability. LOL!

    I could not have done a better job for one who expresses himself through a known orifice.

  2. bamboo river says:

    Is RR writing a poem or Biology thesis?

  3. unspun says:

    Rehman wrote this? If so it gives credibility to the joke that both PR hacks (like me) and journalists are prostitutes, but the former is an honest prostitute – they are open about who’s paying them and what for – while the latter is a prostitute in denial – they take the silver but pretend they are upholding high causes.

  4. unspun says:

    BTW Tarski Theme for blogs looks great but the comments secton is way way too low and the only way to correct this is if you tinker around with the CSS.

  5. monsterball says:

    Cannot blame him. He has ignored the real world far too long..I wonder did he get his “wisdom” by praying 5 times a day.
    hhhhmmmm so harm trying … and see what I get from it.

  6. hasilox says:

    A debate program on TV among secondary schools was shown last night in a small country down-south. The topic was something about influence of blogs and printed media.

    Several quotes were made about blogsphere in msia. All positive quotes! Even, secondary schools’ children in other country recognize the positive blogging events in msia. Yet, our supposedly renowned writer wrote a shit like that?

    Are our home clowns not even comparable to secondary school kids?

  7. bamboo river says:

    Bravo to our Bloggers!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. blueheeler says:

    Alas, after reading Rehman’s sychophantic article (thanks to Marina’s blog, since I’ve stopped reading NST), I wonder in my blog if he is an opinionated-rectum, rather than having both an opinion and rectum as seperate entities. Aiyo, brown-nosing is a skill lah; diving head-first into a pool of crap lacks skill.

  9. wits0 says:

    I wonder whether it’s also a constipated rectum since the normal anal opening has been so preoccupied with full-time spinning for a good life instead. The orifice being long bought by the high offices that reward accordingly. It’s hard to face up to a loss of monopoly on opinion in this new century. Expect more similar tantrums of the verbose and affecting sort.

  10. lucia says:

    well, rehman is entitled to his own opinion, so if that’s what he think of us bloggers, so be it…. but someone in my blog pointed out, what about those bloggers at monsterblog from NST? if they are grumblestilkskins, liars and so on, why NST allows them to blog??

    btw susan, i agree with unspun, that you got to tweak a little your theme since the comments section goes way down.

  11. susan loone says:

    hey lucia and unspun, is this better? 🙂

  12. susan loone says:

    unspun i like your frankness…if some of our journalists were more open like this…we may even forgive them a little…as for RR…hmm…maybe he’s doing us a favour, want to make us more famous :-). dont know lah what got into him. in my early days in malaysiakini, he also remarked that my writings had “no milk of human kindess” — dont know which milk he is referring to :-). anyways…he didnt even know me and have not met me….so beat me..with his remarks…but lets say thank you for his opinion, as we are entitled, like he said, to ignore them…

  13. wits0 says:

    Susan: ” to ignore them…”

    He can have his own Rectum Monologue, ah? Copycat twist of : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Vagina_Monologues

  14. joehancl says:

    Come on. He is only doing his job. If he does not sing his master’s tune, is he getting paid.

  15. wits0 says:

    All those accused at Nuremburg were only doing their duty/job too.

  16. sungame says:

    “In my opinion, what they’ve really done is prove why freedom of expression was a really bad idea. ”

    Whoa, what the man lacks in decency and common sense, he makes up for in guts!

    Not many journalists, politicians or even bloggers today would dare stating publicly that they think freedom of expression is a bad idea. What is this guy gonna do next, publish an essay on why democracy and free elections stink?

  17. susan loone says:

    hey sungame….he probably will (publish a book on why democracy and free elections stink)…but he’ll need a decoder…hahaha! 🙂

  18. wits0 says:

    Yo, Susan, you can’t err if you side with the establishment and will be well rewarded! This way, a conscience is also useless baggage too, naturally, but that’s of little consequences as compared with an upscale condomiinium or a new Merc. to such ppl.

  19. sinomalay says:

    Verbose, pompous, bombastic, circumlocutory, ambiguous, cliché-ridden and circuitous: The seven deadly sins which every cub reporter learns to avoid. And Rehman Rashid calls himself a “journalist”? Shame on him.

  20. DisgustedGAL says:

    i had a bad day today… i woke up late… i got dressed late … and went to college late… on top of it RR’s weird article… he made my day even worse.. i had a terrible migraine after reading his article.. My mom who is an english teacher for more than thirty years … was dumbfounded with his choice of words… my mat salleh frens actually thought he wrote his final year thesis with bombastic words in order to obtain his doctorate ASAP?? infact they added that his article is gibberish… once again do not stereotype people.. the nation is filled with other problems… write about that la… there is corruption… rape… unsolved murder cases.. people being blown to pieces….for gawd sake!! there are other imporant issues to higlight.. on second thoughts .. are you actually going through a phase of inferior complexity or shall i call it superior ?? don waste the rakyats time by goreng about the same freaking issue.. move on…
    LOok at MGG Pillai… classic example on how a journalist should be ( god rest his soul).. My aunty who is 75 years old who worked as a maid during the British Occupation watches BOLD and The BEAutiful and loves the internet .. so encik can go back to the ice age or paleolithic era where people engrave on bones and stones. Malaysia Boleh !!!!!

  21. zewt says:

    and i wonder whether it will get any worse….

    just watched 300… the notion is about dying for your country… your motherland. i always come out of movie feeling the passion behind it… not this one though.

  22. zewt says:

    ladies and gentleman… someone just joined the ‘skim cepat famous’ club…. are you ready?

  23. Kean-Jin Lim says:


    I can’t understand the English in that article. I learned modern English during my school time. Can I answer him in classic Chinese?

    DisgustedGAL, you are so right about this “the nation is filled with other problems… write about that la… there is corruption… rape… unsolved murder cases.. people being blown to pieces….for gawd sake!! there are other imporant issues to higlight”.

    Yang patut buat, tak buat; yang tidak patut buat, buat semua.

  24. wits0 says:

    Zewt, 300 is stirring not just because of ‘dying for your country’ but for what it stands for. Here it was about freedom versus non-freedom. While even the zombied Persians died for despotic imperial Persia, that doesn’t make them great.

  25. susan loone says:

    zewt and wits00, i saw 300 and it stirred me; becz it was going against all odds for what you believe in — put aside all the violent battle scenes and propaganda, of course. hmm…perhaps a review is in order 🙂

  26. Nstman says:

    Rehman, you have nowhere to hide. Bloggers are going after you. run, brudder, run.

  27. bamboo river says:

    Confirmed! It is about Biology thesis on his rectum. Be cos he can’t see it clearly. Maybe a mirror will help. To the face or the rectum?

  28. wits0 says:

    BR, Dracula can’t see his own reflection, hence a mirror don’t work anyway. 😉

    Yes, Susan, of course, 300 is all about worthy ideals and beliefs that triumph and persist.

    Let me speak seemingly in “Greek”: The Universe is of Mental Construct. Mind makes Matter, Never the other way around.

    As your header says, “May the Truth save us Alll”. Truth, as in the case of Realization of how we, individually and en masse actually create our own Reality. The rest of those “must believe” instituted theistic credos may as well be essentially distractive baggages.

  29. elviza says:

    Dearest Susan,

    you know why he writes like that? To impress people with his prowess in vocabulary. Whats the point, I must give him a book on how to write in simple language.

    Okay Mr. Rehman, if you are reading this (in which I am sure you are not because you are technologically challeged) – please get yourself a copy of “Writing Tools” by Roy Peter Clark. Its RM100.

    I am sure you can afford it because your english is so showy and fake. Do you know that all great journalists, writers, and poets use simple english.

    Who do you think you are? Shakespeare? Get over yourself. Stop confusing people with your words.

    One more thing Mr. Rehman, you need to learn how to form an opinion. Hell, I dont need to tell you, you are a journalist. I rest my case Susan. Again, I am wasting time.

  30. elviza says:

    One more thing,

    People who writes like that have a low self esteem. They need to prove to everyone that they can write bombastic words.

    You are a very very sick man Mr. Rehman. You need professional help.

  31. wits0 says:

    Actually the whole bunch of dissimulators and apologists before him have also tried to impress similarly with such bombastic and circumlocutory BS arguments in their apologistic editorials in the nineties and afterwards. Guess this one ostentatiously took home the Niamah Award. Clap, clap!

  32. bamboo river says:

    Witso, he does not qualify for the NIAMAH Award. PT will not even consider! A TOWNASING Award suits him!

  33. lo says:

    at least we are free to write whatever we want and don’t have to be afraid that our boss might fire us. malaysian bloggers unite!

  34. ta says:

    Too much time spent on RR. Look what that bitch Joan Lau is doing. She used NST to promote her brother as a wine consultant. he is nothing more than a salesman. what a joke!

  35. […] Rehman, Elviza Give us a break, Rehman, Nuraina A Samad Terlajak perahu boleh di tarik Cerita Ibu Rehman Rashid’s rectum, Susan Loone Ku Nan and I, Rocky’s Bru I don’t have anything to say right now – Tengku […]

  36. unspun says:

    Elvisa, Susan: I would add Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch’s On Writing to Rehman’s reading list.

    Quiller-Couch advised budding writers to “kill your little darlings,” those little phrases that sound so clever and precious to yourself. That’s because they sound pompous and conceited to everyone else.

    If he had read Quiller-Couch he might have been a great writer instead of the courtier he seems to have evolved into.

  37. zorro-unmasked says:

    Susan, I knew his dad particularly and his maternal aunties. I didnt want to comment on him, but because he shamed them all I did a posting: Letter from the Rectum.

  38. […] all this, I am really lost for words. Even my rectum is […]

  39. bayi says:

    What a disappointment from RR!

  40. wits0 says:

    With RR bringing the rectum into exceptional focus these days, it’s really a shame that he hasn’t suggested a colonoscopy examination(conducted by himself) of the ACA chief who has said that he welcomes a probe!

  41. DisgustedGAL; What doctorate are you talking about? Doctor of Rectumology?? Rehman obtained a degree in Marine Biology, and that’s all! NO MBA!! NO DOCTORATE!!!

  42. Elviza; Calling Rehman a sick man is an understatement!! Yes he is a chronically insecure man and has a number of personality disorders that should be kept in check with regular therapy! I should know better, I was the one who got battered verbally and physically by this violent psycho who shouldnt be let loose!

  43. cikcun says:

    I wonder what The Quiet Storm were telling the truth? Just get your police report and mental reports published since you had been his punching bag n battered verbally n physically. You or him should not let loose. According to sources u betrayed him by lying about your marital status n dozens of boyfriends while so called the period u were with him!! Give everyone here a good and honest story about u n RR. If u r a married woman having affairs u should be stoned to death!!

  44. […] In the “rectum” article, Rehman basically said he couldn’t help that his English was good and that those who accused him of being hoity-toity were at fault. You can read more of it on Susan Loone’s site. […]

  45. rafi says:


  46. […] reading the NST sometime last week, I spotted this column by Rehman Rashid, on the breakdown of the Proton and Volkswagen talks. It was a very pro-Proton column, but there […]

  47. […] he had then received quite some flak at the high-traffic blogs that included Rocky’s Bru and Susan Loone – among […]

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