Someone finally said it. Mahathir Mohammad squandered billions of money while he was Prime Minister.

I am sure, without checking its merits, without even reading the book, Mahathir’s Machais (you know who you are), will denounce the soon to be launched ‘Malaysian Maverick: Mahathir Mohamad in Turbulent Times’ by Barry Wain as a worthless piece of crap.

And  Wain, have you got yourself a lawyer? Coz the old man’s definitely gonna sue the pants of you. Or maybe, he’s just gonna ignore your book and label you a CIA agent, or Zionist that’s out to wreck Malay Muslim unity or Malaysian sovereignty. That you are jealous of the successes of Malaysia, that maybe, just maybe, you’re Anwar Ibrahim’s gay lover. Ignorance is after all worst than ridicule, or is it the best form of ridicule. Insulting.

Whatever! I want to do a review of this book! Palgrave Macmillian, send me a copy quick!


1,410 responses »

  1. ???? says:

    Mukhriz got how much?

  2. weng says:

    keralakuty have a lengthy story and legenda to tell..
    take your tea pot.. hear some bits..

  3. rebena says:

    some other bn moron half blindly chat abt ks.

    the moron shld ask abeno leads..
    currently chin peng is not a threat.

  4. wits0 says:

    Every Gomen servant had to declare his assets to him but to whom did he declare his own?

  5. ???? says:

    The UMNO devil quoted scriptures to his own purpose and now UMNO has got better and found a new god in the murderer Najis a/l Tong Rosak.

  6. kittykat46 says:

    “Coz the old man’s definitely gonna sue the pants of you. ” – Susan

    Heheheheh – Mahakutty is a jaguh kampung….he’ll just say he cannot get justice in Australian courts, so its not worth suing foreigners there.
    The same way Sarawak Taib dare not take action against Hong Kong and Japanese newspaper articles about allegations of his family involvement in the massive corruption related to Sarawak’s timber exports

    Of course, Barry Wain won’t be allowed back into Malaysia again under a UMNO government, unless he wants to have an interview with “Special Brunch”

  7. wits0 says:

    What does one call a most unjust man who cries the loudest about injustice?

    I have to disagree some with October who likens him to a good sophist vis a vis Abangkai. It’s just that he got the big stick and a sycophantic media and the later only a pair of chopstick to stir sh*t with in blogs.

  8. kittykat46 says:

    If you have been wondering what happened to the Massive Multi-Multi Billions of Oil Revenue from the late 1980’s to the early 2000’s… much of it was squandered.
    Went into hair-brained schemes, UMNOputra pockets etc. etc.
    Those Multi-Billions, if wisely spent could have made a big difference in alleviating poverty, improving real education standards.
    Then again, very few countries spend Oil revenues wisely.
    Money you get from stuff just flowing out from the ground tends to be wasted…easy come…easy go…

  9. renmin says:

    How much did lks & son make out from all these squandered billions?

    At least we know Mahathir is a true pure devil with billions of loots but lks & son?

    Hey man! Time to declare your assets! How much have you got in your offshore bank accounts?

  10. straycat's strut says:

    Who need to read the book first before opening their mouth. Who need to establish the truth first anyway. Its too good to pass.

    The gut must have access to BNM records and Petronas and MOF to come up with the figure. But who cares where he gets the figure. He is a westerner based in Singapore and he don’t like TDM so he must be damn good and he must have the truth. What other proof do we need? Just look at his name and we know for sure that he is definitely not a CIA agent, or Zionist that’s out to wreck Malay Muslim unity or Malaysian sovereignty.

    And that is the truth.

  11. kittykat46 says:

    “How much did lks & son make out from all these squandered billions?” – renmin.

    I suppose if you add up the lodging cost for LKS/ LGE when they were guests of University ISA Kamunting , and LGE jailed for 18 months for exposing Tamby’s pedophelia, you could charge that to their account.

  12. kittykat46 says:

    “Just look at his name and we know for sure that he is definitely not a CIA agent, or Zionist that’s out to wreck Malay Muslim unity or Malaysian sovereignty. ” – the stray

    Yeah, anybody who doesn’t worship Mahakutty is either a CIA agent or Zionist provocateur…

  13. altano says:

    The Great Pretender of the century…

    It’s during his time Corruption Blossom , Public safety deteriorate ,
    Justice denied…Billions was spent to upgrade his personal image.

    Aren’t we sweet and innocent ??

  14. mirip says:

    straycat sl*t, (*=”u”)

    Barry Wain has been in M`sia for a very long time, have you been sleeping with him in s`pore? Does he like it when you open your back?
    At one time the Great Economist Mahathai used to insist on Barry Wain being present at UMNO lying conferences. Yes, Barry wain has more knowledge than Mahathai`s sl*t who is now a straycat (like mokhzani).

  15. renmin says:

    Looking at Mahathir’s blatant corruptions, this lks & son are just conspirators with the ISA sort of just a camouflage.

    Hey! A lot of dap ‘warriors’ purportedly went to Kemunting just for holiday but after coming out they can brag to the whole world they fought for justice.

    This lks & son are worst than this Mahamonkeykutty.

    At least Mahamonkeykutty didn’t allow his son to get involved in politics.

    Unlike this mother fakkerr lks blatantly practicing nepotism which is worst than what the Umno snakes advocating Ketuanan Melayu.

    In Thailand and Indonesia, this Mahamonkeykutty would be thrown out long ago but in Malaysia and look at these two idiot and son, and look at these two idiot and son again and again… one wonders how Mahakutty could rob billions & billions of $$$$ from Malaysia… these two idiot and son must have a handsome share of the squanders and loots.

  16. kittykat46 says:

    Ahbengkai is back…..

  17. ???? says:

    “At least Mahamonkeykutty didn’t allow his son to get involved in politics.”

    Oh dear, Mukhriz is your bast*rd son izzit?
    Mokhzani`s contributions came from your mother`s moonlighting huh?
    Marina getting MAS contract was you bending over for godfather mahathiu then.

  18. amir says:

    When Mokhzani was umno treasurer no accounts were tabled. No one knows what happened to the umno money. Daim also donno.

  19. Hamba says:

    Mahathir is and always will be excrement. And malaysia was drowning in excrement when he was PM for 22 years. We are still trying to clean up his excrement but the problem is that his excrement is huge (billions of tons) and after that AAB and Najib is adding their excrement to that too.

    Malaysian will forever be cleaning the excrement of Mahathir, AAB and Najib unless these crappers are buried under the GE13 mega tsunami. And only a mega tsunami can clean up all these billions of tons of excrement left by the shitters!

  20. AB LIM says:

    Olee shit man you mahakutty…..cry baby cry….huhuhuhuhuuuu

    huhuhuhuhuhu i will lost my ((100 billion)) that i squandered from Malaysian during my past 22 years as PM and now i have to answer all this corruptions…huhuhuhuhu crying again
    This mamak is finally caught with his pant down this time !!!
    Always blame others and ‘pa lan’ now this mamak get his karma coming after him……….

  21. davis says:

    “At least Mahamonkeykutty didn’t allow his son to get involved in politics”…renmin. Do you really beieve in the statement that you made? Are you trying to mislead the people (renmin in Chinese is people) Here is a renmin trying to mislead the renmin.

  22. Kancilandak says:

    Who know what CIA is having hidden agenda in this book? All negative proganda against a proud malaysian son.

  23. davis says:

    “one wonders how Mahakutty could rob billions & billions of $$$$ from Malaysia”…renmin. Here renmin is declaring and comfirming what we have suspected all this while that Mahakutty robbed the country. Thank you comrade. Now what are you going to do to recover the billions robbed,Comrade renmin ?

  24. davis says:

    Kancilandak, I am sure you know many a son has robbed the family. The son that you so admired may be the son that robbed the family.

  25. meet joe black says:

    m conned the country, pak la sleep on the country, now najib kill the country, what a joke? very soon all of us become walking zoombies

  26. davis says:

    Kancilandak, not only the country was robbed, many shareholders and loan stock holders of many listed companies were robbed .

  27. Captain Marvel says:

    Mahathir has perfected the art of what the Ancient Masters’ called – “The Art Of Master-Manipulation”.

    He was in the perfect place(Tanah melayu, yeah), the perfect time (retrospectively the race to be superior to other races are at it’s peak), and at all the times (when he manipulated the minds of the Malays( which are very very smart and most have multiple Master degrees from the University of Bruce Lee) poisoning them to hate esp. the Chinese.

    The Master-Machiavellian’s 22 year rule resulted in, inter alia:

    (a) the erosion of independent judicial system (remember former H.C. Judge Ian Chin who averred how he and other judges were humiliated in boot camps)

    (b) the most corrupted police force whose duty is to ensure justice, but the “great Machiavelli” used the institution as his personal tool to achieve his ill purpose.

    (c) corruption – The most corrupted and most foul – Mahathir and daughter (oh, oh, your mastery in the “badger-game” will only work on the lame). Ever wonder that every con-artist have in common – active in charity works. President of AIDS, WOW!, member of the liberal Sister In Islam (SIS), ……CLAP x3! 😀 “Bravo!” 😉

    (d) And the racism that the great manipulator manufactured – almost all of the top 20 richest person in M’sia every now and then are Chinese and:-

    TS Eric Chia was your best friend of friend aye? ;). Tun Ling Liong Sick ammased bilions through nepotism aye?, aiya, adalah, don’t be like that…

    I have previously written about the master-manipulation of MM families and at one time almost blogged – “The 8 faces of Mahathir Mohamad”.

    Talking about the Ancient Masters, to the clever Malays, Mahahtir is a superhero, but to George Soros, he will make you run anytime, anywhere for his money.

    Aiyah, janganlah macam ni, ada cakap ada lah, Captain Marvel pun pandai sembang-sembang dalam BM. Hahaha. 😀

    Straycat strutted : “And that is the truth.” (refer to her arguments)

    The lawyer’s truth is not the Truth, but con_sistency or a con_sistent expediency” – Henry David Thoreau

  28. Medicine Time ! says:

    Dey Kancilmamak,go to stay in your belukar jungle there and never come back!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhaha
    If you feel dizzy or crazy now you can go and have your medicine first before you open your crazy mouth!
    Wawawa your mamak god father so rich! Why not you ask him to transfer for you 1% into your account will do and enjoy carrying your mamak god father bola forever?

  29. renmin says:

    “At least Mahamonkeykutty didn’t allow his son to get involved in politics”…renmin. Do you really beieve in the statement that you made? Are you trying to mislead the people (renmin in Chinese is people) Here is a renmin trying to mislead the renmin.

    davis – November 26, 2009 at 11:12 am

    To my knowledge, Mahamonkeykutty didn’t install his son as the MB of Kedah during his 22-year reign unlike this dap farkerr installing his son as the CM of Penang while he is still in absolute power!

    This blatant corrupt nepotism ultimately will be the epitome of dissolution of the nation!!!

  30. renmin says:

    “one wonders how Mahakutty could rob billions & billions of $$$$ from Malaysia”…renmin. Here renmin is declaring and comfirming what we have suspected all this while that Mahakutty robbed the country. Thank you comrade. Now what are you going to do to recover the billions robbed,Comrade renmin ?

    davis – November 26, 2009 at 11:23 am

    Aiyo! ‘Comrade’, What is your rank huh in the party? Hahahaha!

    Looking at what happened to Marcos of Philippines, Suharto of Indonesia, Chen Sui Bian of Taiwan, Saddam Hussein of Iraq….. We want something like that lah!!!

    How did they do it? You don’t need a rocket scientist to invent and accomplish that man!

    Looking at our rockets, they are obsolete and outdated and needed to be scrapped and buried.

    These rocket idiot and son are complacent with their luxurious lifestyle enjoying their caviar and lobster.

    They are not the hardcore type ala RPK who is willing to fight for justice over his dead body!

    As for the rocket & son, you machais marching up and be the human shield ala TBH… (May TBH rip…….)

  31. davis says:

    “involved in politica” does not mean being MB or CM. Please do not try your art of misleading here. No double talk or as the Red Indians would say speak with the tongue of a snake. Comrade renmin, my rank is a private, marching with thousands to wipe out corruption and oppression. Are you with us?

  32. Ahbengkia says:

    //Then again, very few countries spend Oil revenues wisely.
    Money you get from stuff just flowing out from the ground tends to be wasted…easy come…easy go…// meow meow

    that is called the curse of oil, read thomas friedman’s books. If you don’t know what i am talking about, google him.

  33. […] Give me back my RM100bil ! « *SUSAN LOONE's Blog* […]

  34. renmin says:

    “involved in politica” does not mean being MB or CM. Please do not try your art of misleading here. No double talk or as the Red Indians would say speak with the tongue of a snake. Comrade renmin, my rank is a private, marching with thousands to wipe out corruption and oppression. Are you with us?

    davis – November 26, 2009 at 1:42 pm

    Aiyo! ‘Comrade’, I was the only non-Indian in the Hindraf protest two years ago in front of the British Council running for my life from Badola’s chemically mixed water canon together with my fellow Indian comrades..

    Are you with us? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  35. pilocarpine says:

    serious. i would like to have a copy of that book. just for collection.
    how can i get it from malaysian soil?

  36. monsterball says:

    Yes …that “clean..efficient and trustworthy” is everything but clean efficient and trustworthy.
    Copy Robin Hood …rob the rich to give to the poor…to create a middle class…he give to chosen poor and his machais……leading every UMNO politicians to be corrupted.
    First and foremost….he made sure his two sons and family members are filthy rich.
    This is the man disuniting Malaysians for 22 years.

  37. renmin says:

    Aiyo renmin capati
    :)) :)] ;)) 😀 😉 😛 :(( 🙂 😦 :X =(( 😮 :-/ :-* :l 8-} ~x( :-t b-( :-L x( =)) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 0)
    testing renmin

  38. Dr.Sidd says:

    have u read the book? if not yet then keep quiet la. you are too noisy ma

  39. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho makathir rm100bil with me,inside Santa bag Ho Ho Ho
    ;;) 😀 😉 :p :)) :)] :p

  40. wits0 says:

    “Here is a renmin trying to mislead the renmin.” – davis.

    He, Abangkai, should have spelled it ‘Renmen’ so that it call be sold alongside instant Sudomee in any local store.

  41. monsterball says:

    As Susan predicted…that is exactly how straycat’s strut wrote.
    Out to wreck Malay Muslim unity…said she.
    This low class racist still dreaming like Najib to unite all Malays and vote for UMNO to govern forever.
    Right now…the evils that UMNO have done…..makes all Malaysians find difficulties to make ends meet.. and that includes Malay Muslims.
    When you have that….there is no such ting as race unity.
    It will be Malaysians ..uniting to vote UMNO out.. and people like straycat’s strut ..will find it strange to live in Malaysia.

  42. wits0 says:

    “Out to wreck Malay Muslim unity…said she.”

    Unity without Integrity will be self-wrecked for the betterment of all mankind.

  43. Ho Ho Ho says:

    :)):)];)) naughty ahbengkia

  44. monsterball says:

    I was expecting this post with ahbengkia coming out to defend vigorously….”His Master’s Voice”…his God.
    He claim to know so much..yet when come to own home matters…pretend to know next to nothing….for fear his balls with be cut off by …the son of “His Master’s Voice”….who has a logo of a dog..blowing his own trumpet…all his life.
    Come on balls carriers of UMNO ….why so quiet?
    At least straycat’s strut shows what a stupid cat she is….repeating word by word….what Susan wrote.
    Come on MCA buggers…you God is going worldwide with news….biggest robber of all time…based on 27 million population country. Another record for Guinness Book Of Record.

  45. monsterball says:

    ahbengkia…do you know….who created music?
    I am sure weach time you get dot dot feel
    booom boom booom” in your body..being pounded by one.from the back…correct?
    That must be music from your heart ….enjoy and get paid….what a nice profession….correct?
    Come here…call us all stupid…..cannot meet your standard…..correct?

  46. fairplay says:

    This book on MM will become a ‘must read’ like LKY’s Singapore Story. Finally this ‘kucing kurap’ will become world famous, although for the wrong reason.

  47. storm62 says:

    he admitted he engineered the sodomy 1 and surprisingly nobody dare touch him, did he bribe all of them?

    mamak kutty, if u kick the bucket anytime now, pls bring ahbengkia along to service you……insyaallah.

  48. monsterball says:

    I only bought one book amongst so many about Mahathir.
    This is a must for me.
    I have LIVED throughout his 22 years…noticed all his speeches…so much passion…so much power…our very own Hitler…great actor.
    All my life…I knew he is a devil reincarnated…but what to do…live with powerful…talk too much….into the jail you go….live with it…..until before 12th GE…signs of freedom…signs of better choices…against UMNO..all there and still there.
    Now it is not a matter of choice.
    It is a matter…to realize..People’s Power..people’s mighty votes…people are government servants bosses….not they boss us around.
    To achieve that…you must vote UMNO out…to show UMNO… you mean business and you are his boss.
    Very good reasons……so much revealed …so much to UMNO reacts..under Najib.
    Only useless racist will vote for UMNO…how many more?

  49. budak malaysia says:

    This mamakkutty is a snake oil cha*latan.

    All the money he plundered must be confiscated and charged this mother farkker snake oil charl*tan of all times in court and sent him to the locked-up for life.

  50. budak malaysia says:

    This mamakfarkerr sn*ke must be skinned alive and let the skin and carcass rot under the sun!

  51. monsterball says:

    Remember…”Clean…Efficient and Trustworthy”….Mahathir’s slogan.
    Now judge his 22 years….from each word.
    How much have that slogan came true.
    It should be..”Dirtiest….Unproductive and Unreliable”…and that’s putting it mildly.
    No matter how much you prove UMNO BARU is a band of racists robbers and thieves….you will still get ahbengkia and straycat’s strut…to say how unreasonable we are.
    Why like that? Small money can buy their loyalties.
    Strut is itchy .ahbengkia…worth Rmoooo

  52. davis says:

    I wonder how many of the BN leaders ended up poorer than when they first entered politics. Did they ended up with the same houses? Did their children ended up as clerks? Did their children obtained scholarship based on merit?

  53. monsterball says:

    Come on you pro UMNO….MCA ..MIC Gerakan commentators.
    This is about your greatest hero…..and a book said he cheated RM100 billion.
    Mahathir said he never cheated one sen. I believe that too.
    He is too smart to be caught red handed..with money in his hands.
    All crooks also know how to do that… to look clean.
    So many have spoken against him.
    One involved in MAS said Mahathir used him.
    One prisoner .can leave Kajang prison freely…a machai for Mahathir.
    Eric Chia was his best friend…Berjaya steel secrets died with him.
    Yes…Mahathir needs millions…overseas…money will be delivered to his hotel room in various currencies.
    Even in Alaska…any amount…no problem.
    He is the only PM that visited almost all countries…by plane load….all paid by tax payers……approved by UMNO….as a reward to show their appreciations.
    Every minster became…multi millionaire…under him.
    Under Mahathir for 22 years…..UMNO is corrupted to the core…..yet he is teaching us to have morals and principles in life…..teaching UMNO politicians not to be corrupted….and yet winning a by election with a proven corrupted man as candidate…..that is OK.
    Mahathir and all UMNO ministers are sickening twisters…liars ..hypocrites…with no shame….because greedy crooks and thieves have no morals in life…just acting and keep fooling Malaysians.

  54. Ahbengkia says:

    //I wonder how many of the BN leaders ended up poorer than when they first entered politics. Did they ended up with the same houses? Did their children ended up as clerks? Did their children obtained scholarship based on merit?//

    These are some of the most stupid questions i have ever seen. Did monsterball ended poorer when he first started out cheating his customers? Did monster still staying in the same low cost house? Did monster’s children still working in pasar malam? Did monster’s children also get to study in boarding schools althought failed repeatedly.

  55. mangali says:

    Your mama start wat age ah? I kan wait.

  56. Ahbengkia says:

    These are some of the most stupid questions i have ever seen. Did monsterball end up poorer when he first started out cheating his customers? Did monster still stay in the same low cost house? Did monster’s children still work in pasar malam? Did monster’s children also get to study in boarding schools although failed repeatedly like his father?

  57. Ahbengkia says:

    mangali, this who you are, you can’t wait to do that to your mama each nite.

  58. mangali says:

    Your mama start wat age ah? I kan wait.

  59. mangali says:

    i learn you mama, then you folo bangla we learn my mama. we becom happy family.

  60. mangali says:

    you can’t wait to do that to your mama each nite.

    y only i mus do nite you maker your mama daytime oso

  61. mangali says:

    not fair like that, i oso want daytime your mama we factory offday. my 2 fren oso can come?

  62. Ahbengkia says:

    Mahathir was able to roam freely and rule with impunity because we stupid Malaysians have allowed it. You fellows can talk all the cok here, there will be another one coming along to rule this country for another 22 years and this time he is going to scr*w not just monsterball, mangali and other nincompoops, but also thier sons, daughters and grandchildren.

  63. mangali says:

    your mama first give

  64. mangali says:

    your mama many poop got ah?

  65. mangali says:

    wat parfum u put inside her ah?

  66. Ahbengkia says:

    ok, mangali, you do that during the daytime also, i am sorry, i missed you. I am sure when you do that, your father and your sister watch and maybe help you a bit.

  67. mangali says:

    can invite ah. your mama so nice oh. we then hapi fambly. dog also can come back fark your mami like? i got faktry dog. strong one oh. sure make your mami veli hapi

  68. wits0 says:

    Mangali = Abangkai bantering each other. So is Badak Cina the same psycho trying to display a change of heart kinda and using short prose to avoid ready identification.

  69. mangali says:

    i no bantering him i his fren. i entering his mami back hole he teach

  70. Ahbengkia says:

    witso, please wise up lah. Why must you keep second guessing who is disguising and changing handles? Most of you here do, except me. I said it unequivocally. If you can conclusively prove that I used another handles or disguise as someone else, I quit this blog for good. You prove it; otherwise, I suggest you are coward who cannot fight fair. You are no difference from those who used different handles and used foul words.

  71. Ahbengkia says:

    Monsterball, you want to know who are the real saboteurs of this blog? These are people like mangali, ?????, and all the sh!t filled mouths.

  72. wits0 says:

    Aha, for sure, now we know who is sorely allergic to foul language. Hahaha!

  73. kittykat46 says:

    “If you can conclusively prove that I used another handles or disguise as someone else, I quit this blog for good”

    RM 0.000 will just be back as Bruce Willis..

  74. Ahbengkia says:

    meow meow, and maybe you are mangali or ?????

  75. kittykat46 says:

    My nick is a registered WordPress user ID.
    I’ve been a regular commentator on Susan’s blog since September 2006. In those days, often there were only one or two comments on her posts.

    Multiple nicks are for RM 0.000 bankrupts

  76. Ahbengkia says:

    those who falsely accuse others of multiple nicks, even though they do not practise it, are also bankrupts.

  77. Kancilandak says:

    It means Musa Hitam, Ghaffar Baba and Anwar Ibrahim just did not lift even they little finger to stop the astrocities of MM.

    It also mean when Anwar Ibrahim hihee..hee.. got greedy, thought MM had enough, and is about time he (Anwar) dip his hand into the pie he got sodomy by MM and chucked into prison..?

    And that now AI is a changed man and Pakatan is our only hope… or choice to redeem this country from MM’s legacy.

    Then what were our parents, sifus community leaders and wiseguys doing… all their lives.. endorsing such a man for 22 years? What I dont understand is, why were they all so freaked out about this old silap mata kaaka?

    I will buy this Barry Wain book just only to laugh at the hee..hee..hee.. stupidity of our oldies… who was fooled by a master politican… if that is what our actual history is all about.

  78. wits0 says:

    “In those days, often there were only one or two comments on her posts.”

    Off the cuff, I call that rubbish. Simply spat out! I was with Susan’s blog way before, not long after it started.

  79. Ahliankia says:


    mmmmmm…like you (blush…)

  80. Ahbengkia says:

    Even till today there are gullible Malaysians who are still longing for the “golden days” of Mamakthir’s era, forgeting that this country grew despite of him not because of him. I knew him and his antics way before you fellows woke up in 2008 (but who is going to believe). But was it not too late. Most damages are already done and now almost irreversible.

    If there is one thing, PR must warn current leaders that they will be prosecuted and called to account once PR come into power. I have hardly heard of such statements being made by PR leaders. Sometimes I feel that this may not happen. It is like I cover the past leaders so that future leaders will cover me. We are not forgiving, but we are slowly inculcating irresponsible behaviour among the ruling elites.

  81. Kancilandak says:

    I knew him and his antics way before you fellows woke up in 2008… -Abengkia

    So what did you do about it Abengkia?
    Did you part with your knowlege to the rakyat?
    Did you creete an impact on the thinking of the masses?
    Did anything positif come out of your efforts to inform the rakyat about this astrocities?
    Did you suffer the consequence?
    Were you branded a rebel?
    Or were you thrown out of your party?
    Pray tell people like me, Abengkia, so that we may not think of Abengkia as someone who blow his own trumpet for nothing.

  82. lisa says:

    wawawawa kancillandak, what are you doing? Beware, you are taking on a giant!

  83. wits0 says:

    ‘BTN promotes unity? My foot’
    It’s simply world inverting fascist perversion to suggest so.

  84. kancilandak says:

    see.. lisa,

    witsO… as above, is doing something appopriate to educate/inform us young people… but Abengkia simply blahblahblah without any fact.

    Hihee..hee.. giant? I think I make him little bit edgy.. hee..hee..!

  85. Ahbengkia says:

    kancil, that is why I said who is going to believe. You are entitled to feel that way. I can only say about myself in generalities, not the specifics. That is why blogging all about unlike some big mouth here like they own big house, car, have five wives, etc. We contribute in various ways depending mainly on our ability and strength in certain areas. I write and contributed ideas on national development and public policies, sometimes even in main stream media because my objective is to get the messages across even it means watering down some of the criticism or policy recommendations. How effective are they? Well, sometimes I feel that they work but mostly they don’t.

    What and how I could have done more? Well, I did not shed blood or go to Kamunting if that is you are looking for.

  86. Ahbengkia says:

    If you have the standard of monsterball, I am sure you don’t understand what I am talking about.

    All the praising from one to another, are they not one person using different nicks? God bless this countries, even the sc-called freedom fighters are despicable, foul mouths and cheats.

  87. Ahbengkia says:

    sorry repost, mistakes:
    kancil, that is why I said who is going to believe. You are entitled to feel that way. I can only say about myself in generalities, not the specifics. That is what blogging is all about, unlike one big mouth here who likes to show that he owns a few big houses, cars, have five wives, etc. We contribute in various ways depending mainly on our ability and strength in certain areas. I write and contributed ideas on national development and public policies, sometimes even in main stream media because my objective is to get the messages across even it means watering down some of the criticism or policy recommendations. How effective are they? Well, sometimes I feel that they work but mostly they don’t.

    What and how I could have done more? Well, I did not shed blood or go to Kamunting if that is you are looking for.

  88. Ahbengkia says:

    //witsO… as above, is doing something appopriate to educate/inform us young people… but Abengkia simply blahblahblah without any fact. Hihee..hee.. giant? I think I make him little bit edgy.. hee..hee..! //kancilandak \\

    I think on the contrary, you are longing to read more of my ideas and contributions. There is no need to use reverse psychology on me. Just be humble and say you want to read more of my ideas, I will be most glad to share my experience and knowledge which I sincerely believe none of you here have as rich or as deep as I have.

  89. Menyalak-er says:

    O.K, shoot ahbeng, your deep and experienced wisdom.
    Let us listen you answer pico(??!) first. You are in a public forum and no holds barred as RPK would say, sans foul language…
    No spamming though.
    Pico, we might promote you to nano(not the blogger), if you keep up the ante.

  90. Ahbengkia says:

    first use proper English, no slang or short form or talking Chinese or tamil here. so what is pico, sans and nano. All these are not standard words or acceptable forms. Are these words usually used by people from the gutter?

  91. Menyalak-er says:

    Ahbeng don’t fudge, no terms and conditions except foul language. You have a free rein.
    English good or bad, none of our concern. Pico is my friend, despite our arguments and disgreements. That is Malaysian, is it not?
    “Wisdom” is not pollution. Discernment is for us to see and understand, not for you to decide.
    Shoot… or forever hold your piece.
    I won’t answer you until your thesis ends, although others might.

  92. keris says:

    Wow! Looking at the eagle claws Mahamotherfarkkerr is showing, these eagle claws must be amputated… hehehe

  93. keris says:

    The best time to shaft buffalo’s di*k is at this moment, when Mahamotherfarkkerr mouth is wide opening.. kia kia kia…

  94. cached says:

    In Time Asia magazine issue on March 15 2004, South East Asian economist at Morgan Stanley in Singapore Daniel Lian, figures “that the country may have lost as much as U$$100 billion (RM320 billion) since the early 1980s to corruption.” Mind you, this is only corruption and it does not include wastages!

  95. budak malaysia says:

    The Malaysians’ prayer
    ‘Ya Allah, we thank you for your gifts of timber, oil and grain.
    But then the devil sent us corrupt Mahathir without a Brain
    And look we are back to square one again
    So just take Dr Mahathir back to Hell
    And we will be alive and well.’

  96. kittykat46 says:

    “first use proper English….so what is pico, sans and nano”
    RM 0.000 as his usual exposing his ignorance here.

    All 3 words exist in the Oxford English Dictionary.

    Pico = 1/ Million-Million or 1 divided by 1 Thousand Billion.
    Sans = Deprived of or Removed. French root word but is accepted English usage.
    Nano = 1 divided by 1 Billion

    Ahbankai = Sans Brain

  97. budak malaysia says:

    Dey! Mahataikutty, return NOW all our money, 100 billions $$$$. Can you not understand simple language before we go after your as*hoel?

    You think you are still living in the stone age where you can do whatever you like at your whims and fancies?

    This is the modern world with advanced informations and communications using sophisticated technologies.

    Where can you run and hide, you mother farkkre of the worst king???

    Dey! Mahafarkre kutty, return all the money you stole from us before it’s too late! Hahahaha!

  98. kittykat46 says:

    I think I was not mistaken when I mentioned that Susan’s blog attracted very few commentators back in 2006.

    Give you one example, which ought to have been a controversial post at the time.

    DAP + GERAKAN: to ally or not?

    There were no comments at all.

    The only reason I mentioned the point was to show that the Ahbangkai has got no credibility on Susan’s blog.

  99. kancilandak says:

    Abengkia agreed I am entitled to feel however I like about him. I feel he is not for anything constructive criticism but here only to discredit sifu… and distract intelligent conversation and to disrupt young people and fence sitters from learning anything out of this site. Confirmed paid ct.

  100. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho Ahbengkia confirmed paid ct 🙂
    Confirmed by Kancilandak good boy? 😀
    Ho Ho Ho

  101. wits0 says:

    kittykat46, this present blog of Susan’s was a restart/revamp in ’06 after a long hiatus. Few readers were then aware of its re-appearance and that’s why there were few comments.

    I was also referring to her original that came b4 this present one that began in ’06.. That had a lot of comments.

  102. Ahbengkia says:

    In Time Asia magazine issue on March 15 2004, South East Asian economist at Morgan Stanley in Singapore Daniel Lian, figures “that the country may have lost as much as U$$100 billion (RM320 billion) since the early 1980s to corruption.”

    I met Lian. Maybe you want to know what happened to him Morgan Stanley?

  103. Ahbengkia says:

    discredit sifu… and distract intelligent conversation and to disrupt young people and fence sitters from learning anything out of this site. Confirmed paid ct. kancil

    prove it, otherwise just shut up. in my short span i think i have written and provided more constructive views than you.

  104. Ahbengkia says:

    Does it matter who was in Susan’s blog earlier? Does it matter who wrote more here when all the writings are incorrigible rubbish or porn?

  105. kittykat46 says:

    “otherwise just shut up” AhBangkai RM 0.0000

    Hihihihi….everybody here comes and goes as they please, as long as they don’t get banned by Susan.

    Whether people place any value in what you say is purely dependent on the credibility of what you write.

    Nobody gives a sh*t what or who you are…The Web is in a way the ultimate meritocracy….

    Now…..Susan has been known to ban multiple nicks….which she does have the means to confirm conclusively…..
    But I think she has more important things to do right now.

  106. wits0 says:

    “Maybe you want to know what happened to him Morgan Stanley?”

    Tell us then. Btw, that is not “him” but it. If Stanley Morgan is in financial difficulties today, this does not ameliorate M’sia’s corruption.

    “when all the writings are incorrigible rubbish or porn?” – sez da BIG mouth.

    Yet ‘every night’, he keeps coming back like thus in Cher’s song, “Gypsies, tramps and Thieves”:


  107. Ahbengkia says:

    kancil, I know what is constructive to you – it is when everybody must agree to jointly and blindly condemn in the most vulgar form what the BN government or BN component parties do. Any other views even in the mildest form are not tolerated and should be condemned or ostracised in the strongest terms. I experienced this from day one I came here.

    For me it is that simple, you can’t participate in discussing issues of national importance if the participants are so depraved, parochial, chauvinistic, narrow minded, poorly educated, and boastful. I declare I was deliberately rude and irritating in the past, just to knock some senses into some of the bloggers here.

  108. Ahbengkia says:

    sorry what i meant was, do you know what happened to Lian (him) in Morgan Stanley? and this was before Morgan Stanley got into difficulties.

  109. Ahbengkia says:

    kitty, you can carry Susan whatever way you want. Yes, she should know whether one has multiple nicks or not. I can openly declare to her here i have only one nick here – one and one only ahbengkia. can you do the same thing?

    With regard to contribution to “Malaysia”, i have also declared earlier i did not shed blood (yet) and have not been hauled up to Kamunting or any police lockup (yet) if that is what you Malaysian heroes are looking for.

  110. wits0 says:

    ” …you can carry Susan….I can openly declare to her here..”

    Not all declarations are the same like not all cats are :

    Where’s the police report on Monsterball?

    Obama, where’s your birth certificate?

  111. Ahbengkia says:

    kitty, yes maybe u know better than me about pico and nano, but you must know by now there is no monetary economy, only monetary policy.

  112. kittykat46 says:

    ” there is no monetary economy, only monetary policy.”
    Ahbangkai RM 0.000

    I almost choked on my evening cup of coffee.
    I could quote you more authoritative texts, but I think your limited Intelligence would barely, barely understand Wikipedia

  113. Ha Ha Ha says:

    Ha Ha Ha ahbengkia sound and act like Hitler not 😀
    Hitler ahbengkia said : You better shut up,you all ninconpoop,what my little hitler finger can do to you,you all are nothing to me and many more he might forgotten 🙂 ah ha police report ? 🙂 😀 😮
    Ha Ha Ha

  114. Ahbengkia says:

    Hey, second upper, you learned everything from wikipedia? Is it conventional to use monetary economy to convey what you want to say that day? The “monetary economy” you quoted is monetised economy, not monetary economy. Be humble, learn.

  115. Menyalak-er says:

    Mana itu thesis ah?

  116. kittykat46 says:

    For a dumbo like you, even Wikipedia would be like climbing Mt. Everest.

  117. angry peasants says:

    we want to ch*pped this blood suc*er to 100,000 pieces, eat his pieces and drink his blood, then only can we dissolved our hatred against this mother of all crooks, heiheiheihei…

  118. Ha Ha Ha says:

    Ahbengkia value at RM0.000 Ha Ha Ha 🙂

  119. davis says:

    Ahbengkia, are my questions posted this morning at 8.32 am that difficult to answer? For someone who claim to have an Ivy League education, those question are not that difficult. You know the answers and you also know that the answers will reveal the corruption practised by the BN leaders. In your usual way, you try to push the questions away by raising other matter. That is your trademark. They taught you well how not to be truthful. I wish I have followers like you who will do anything including selling your soul to protect your leaders. BN leaders are lucky to have such slaves.

  120. kittykat46 says:

    ” In your usual way, you try to push the questions away by raising other matter. That is your trademark”

    That is the typical BN trademark.

    The most obvious case is with Ah Koon – an Ivy Leaguer from Princeton , no less, but lacking in moral fibre.
    Failed Penang Cheap Minister, now Failed KPI Minister.

  121. monsterball says:

    All said ahbengkia is worth RM00000
    Is that how he defend Mahathir..saying someone will be worst than him.?
    Bragging he know so much so many things…even kancilandak cannot stand him anymore….for kanciladndak must have learn zero from the braggart.
    Yes….he cannot defend Mahathir. He cannot defend MCA or Gerakan.
    All he knows is I have big balls…that I take that as a compliment.
    witsO…kittykat…Davis..the 3 wisemen….”After the ball is over.” What does that mean…all know..except self appointed.. smart man worth RM00000
    So big ball also got another meaning to me…also compliment la…..hahahahahahha
    Why ahbengkia so nice to me?….trying to be my friend…err?…or is he a nut….not knowing it.
    Not worth RM00000 …a nut…….never teach kancilandak….all kopitiam fellas hate him like poison…and he is my arch enemy…who seems to reminder me of Captain Hook….I wonder why.

  122. Dr Stupid says:

    After my diagnostic and test report on Ahbengkai dic, it is confirm now his dic is now can go to max 4.5″ below average man size! That will mean he need to go for surgery to enlarge his very 1 dic or no woman will ever entertain him in the park toilet.
    Give me back my actual dic size! Ahbengkia kindly visit to my web site!
    Ahbengkia,if you follow my course then we can guarantee you of your dic size enlargement of 6.88″ from your present only 4.5″ only.
    Please do not feel shame to contact us at this above website as your estimate dic grow will come to 11.3″ extra large size after this dic growth treatment.Congratulation on 11.3″ as a mangali or horse size!
    Waiting for your reply the soonest,
    Dr Stupid!

  123. monsterball says:

    And ahbengkia have no moral fibre too….ktttykat
    Ahbengkia have accumulated fibres collected into his stomach…that one day he will shit all out as a rope to hang himself….AIDS is watching this braggart.

  124. monsterball says:

    hahahahahaha…Dr.Stupid and mangali…..are ahbengkia’s new nightmares.

  125. davis says:

    “depraved, parochial, chavinistic, narrow minded, poorly educated and boastful” Ahbengkia, these words were used by used to described others. Quite a handful. Do you know these are the very words that most think of you? I add one more word, if I may, bigoted.

  126. davis says:

    used by used to read as used by you

  127. monsterball says:

    Anyone who have the entire lot of commentators that have so clear wisdom and great characters…disagreeing with him…should seriously check his own character and messages he put out.
    No not ahbengkia.
    Defending Mahathir by saying one worst than him come…then we all know…like a small boy…what shit brain has he got.
    Now we all know…he went under UMNO’s scholoarship to Loooootoon to study world affairs….talk money matters….Stanley Morgan and Wall Street.
    He knows next to nothing about Malaysia’a affairs…..for his affairs is always go and have dinner with rich BN guys…such balls of various sweet nothing flavors…..come home….mouth full of germs….talking kok all the time.

  128. wits0 says:

    Abangkai does kamikaze with his credibility here, then claims victory. Any person without integrity and any sense of shame will serve Be-End well. Kan ne neh, ngeh ngeh lai fulat hotair. No normal person will keep up his failed banzais like these without a paying agenda in the process.

  129. monsterball says:

    Yes..Davis…he has the most filthy mouth….all those used by him on others…..which is exactly him.
    You have one word….bigoted.
    Kittykat said he is worth RM0000
    witsO agrees with kopitiam fellas…so many smart replies…makes all readers laugh…..including me.
    But a simple man like me call him a SKUNK.
    Before that…I had such long descriptions of him….all foul words. No more.
    He has 5 days to keep his promise to leave this blog…….but he has broken so many promises in the past…so he can stay on and add one more feather into his already well decorated hat.
    Bet ya….go to kopitiam ….all can smell a skunk coming.

  130. wits0 says:

    “depraved, parochial, chavinistic, narrow minded, poorly educated and boastful”

    That’s the reflection in his mirror but, of course, he haft eyes and seeth not.

  131. Ahbengkia says:

    I have already answered your questions:

    “These are some of the most stupid questions i have ever seen. Did monsterball end up poorer when he first started out cheating his customers? Did monster still stay in the same low cost house? Did monster’s children still work in pasar malam? Did monster’s children also get to study in boarding schools although failed repeatedly like his father?”

    Mahathir was able to roam freely and rule with impunity because we stupid Malaysians have allowed it. You fellows can talk all the cok here, there will be another one coming along to rule this country for another 22 years and this time he is going to scr*w not just monsterball, mangali and other nincompoops, but also thier sons, daughters and grandchildren.

    Even till today there are gullible Malaysians who are still longing for the “golden days” of Mamakthir’s era, forgeting that this country grew despite of him not because of him. I knew him and his antics way before you fellows woke up in 2008 (but who is going to believe). But was it not too late. Most damages are already done and now almost irreversible.

    If there is one thing, PR must warn current leaders that they will be prosecuted and called to account once PR come into power. I have hardly heard of such statements being made by PR leaders. Sometimes I feel that this may not happen. It is like I cover the past leaders so that future leaders will cover me. We are not forgiving, but we are slowly inculcating irresponsible behaviour among the ruling elites.

  132. monsterball says:

    ah….witsO have labeled ahbengkia… a person without integrity
    All wise men have spoken.
    I and my kopitiam fellas…less educated..will do our part…which Davis have already said all.
    Hi…one who beng bung…..with useless messages..come out from your shit hole and beng beng more.
    We are waiting.

  133. green pea says:

    Just by the look at the pseudonym we know this monsterball is a farking stupid useless eunuch ball lic*ers with monsterballs.

    It’s li*king time, monsterball.. the rocket eunuch monsterballs need lic*ing before blasting off to the moon.

    The ancestors must be all with monsterballs and all were ball li*kers..

    This monsterball is just waiting for the cows to come home to shaft his monsterball’s as*hole!

  134. monsterball says:

    There he goes….me cheating this…me doing children this and that…to start his nonsense.

  135. monsterball says:

    Out come….green pea ….which is ahbengkia’s twin brother …talking kok.

  136. storm62 says:

    Did monster’s children still work in pasar malam? – ahbengkia

    wei ahbengkia, what wrong with working in a pasar malam? people working in pasar malam are earning a decent living, you idiot!!!

    you’re NOTHING ahbengkia, even my dog have more respect than you idiot!!! nect time tell your mum to use better quality condom for her customers so that she won’t have to give birth to you. she might be wondering who your father was! kah kah kah.

    i guess he’s not pasar malam or kopitiam workers, maybe it’s the illegal immigrant workers who frequent yr mum. pls go get your DNA check!

  137. monsterball says:

    hahahahahahaha….I love reading “green pea” message…copy one word or sentence here and there…to form his most stupid message.

  138. davis says:

    Ahbengkia, you know very well the answers to my questions posted this morning will discriminate you and your BN leaders. Why did you not plead the Fifth Amendment? You are supposed to know the American Constitution. You mentioned about it earlier somewhere. They also teach the American Constitution in Ivy League universities. Are you going to tell us that you forgot ?

  139. dr dna says:

    Looking at the dnas, it’s confirmed. Monsterball with his monsterballs just can generate useless sperms which can’t swim through the fallopian tube because the sperms carry monsterballs, hahahaha.

    Monsterball, you are an obsolete farker but a usefull ball li*ker. Hehehe..

    Please golah and li*k the rocket eunuch & son’s monsterballs to main your mass/volume ratio! Kia kia kiakia…

  140. Ahbengkia says:

    You see storm 62, you must understand people like you so depraved and uneducated have certainly no credibility to take about fairness or equality. Yes, you want others’ children to work in Pasar Malam but certainly not yours; am I right? You want your sons or daughters to be pilot but not express buy drivers, although both the function of both professionals are about the same – transporting passengers.

  141. monsterball says:

    hi ahbengkia….you keep bragging Mahathir roam freely….inspite of so many proven corrupted acts.
    One hard cover book will be on sale… tell you in writing….how he squandered RM100 billion tax payers money.
    Yet he is roaming freely….is that it?
    Do I need to tell you Malaysia is govern my a band of robbers and thieves.using money to buy up protections… much so…a protector is now…an protect himself?
    Does it gives you so much pleasure to run me and my family down?
    Thanks to storm62. You had it coming and many more..will come to tell you who you are…just wait.

  142. Ahbengkia says:

    Those who know no integrity shouldn’t use that word.

    You fellows owe yourself this much: you must at least read what others are saying before putting down your two cents worth. You don’t just come here to write; more importantly, you come here to read, provided they are not porn or depraved stuff.

  143. dr dna says:

    This Mahakutty is a useless mamak but has the same dna as monsterball.

    Mahakutty must have apportion a huge amount of the squandered $$10b to monsterball’s account in a monster cave since they are twin brothers.

    Monsterball, time to go back to the cave and count your loots! Hahahaha!

  144. Ahbengkia says:

    monster, please tell me something i don’t know, i am dying for it!

    repost mistakes:

    You see storm 62, you must understand people like you so depraved and uneducated have certainly no credibility to talk about fairness or equality. Yes, you want others’ children to work in Pasar Malam but certainly not yours; am I right? You want your sons or daughters to be pilots but not express buy drivers, although the function of both professionals are about the same – transporting passengers.

  145. monsterball says:

    hahahahahaha….Davis is right.
    Same words to storm62 from ahbengkia…that all kopitiam fellas described hm.
    He is trying to be too smart .to learn the art …how Mahathir tal….accusing others….being accused by others…same labels.
    This skunk sure have ding dong bell balls.

  146. storm62 says:

    hello ahbengkia, what makes you think pasar malam workers are not educate? i’m a known a malay english teacher driving a taxi at night? what’s so great to have son who was a pilot but was caught smuggling child porn to Australia?

    don’t you bloody insult my degree holder friends trading at the pasar malams and owning big kopitiams all over the country, you idiot!!!

  147. monsterball says:

    Wait longer..or die waiting…who cares……”report mistake”

  148. storm62 says:

    i’m a known a malay….should read as” i’ve known of a malay”

  149. Ahbengkia says:

    If you fellows are discerning enough, you should take notice why the high court has made a decision making all summons issued by local authorities invalid or not prosecutable unless the AG said so. I see none of such posts here. Some of nincompoops here may feel happy about it – no need to take responsibility of the summons, am I right. Dream on…. and we shall see my friends.

  150. Ahbengkia says:

    sure storm62, sudah terasa bukan? good, balik bagi tahu anak-anak you jadilah penjaja di pasar malam, tak perlu jadi pegawai, bapa akan terus bangga, you idiot.

  151. davis says:

    “You want your sons and daughters to be pilots….” ahbengkia. Maybe you want your children to be one up against others. That is your right but don’t count me in. I want my son to be happy and to have job satisfaction. The designation of his job is not important. What is important is whether he is happy and not his income or his job designation. Maybe this thinking is beyond you who measure everything in dollar and cents (ringgit dan sen). In your quest to have the ringgit and sen, you may sell your soul but not me. In this aspect, you and I are different.

  152. storm62 says:

    i come to a conclusion that this idiot ahbengkia, have never been to a pasar malam, dine in a kopitiam, took a cab, eat at a hawkers centre or even have a mamak teh tarik before.

    he eats at expensive restaurant, wine and dine at 5 stars hotels, shop at KLCC only to show off but pity her mum have to hook like hell.

  153. Ahbengkia says:

    It is not about whether or not your children are educated or not. It is not whether pasar malam traders are educated or not. It is about a direct question to you: do you want your children to be pasar malam traders? Tell us straight on our face you will not be disappointed despite the years of education you put into them. You fellows are hypocrites, dishonest and fake, period.

  154. storm62 says:

    ka ka ka…… ahbengkia trying to speak his master’s language to me….ka ka ka…..siapa makan cili dia rasa pedas la wei, bahlol!!!

  155. Ahbengkia says:

    //That is your right but don’t count me in. I want my son to be happy and to have job satisfaction. The designation of his job is not important.//davis

    yes another fake, another hypocrite. many garbage collectors are happy people, tell that to your chidlren, encourage them to be one. please lah, i have goose skin already.

  156. Ahbengkia says:

    sorm62, that is why you have no standard. My mum has nothing to do with you. She was a fine lady who lived her life with honesty and integrity and has taught me to be one.

  157. referee says:

    Hello monsterball, with your dna, you are categorized as a light weight.

    So don’t be stupid to spar with a heavy weight.

    Every time you kena knock out but still want to continue playing, you are just wasting people’s quality time here.

    You are good only li*king the rocket’s eunuch & son monsterball to maintain your light weight. Hehehehe

    Please go now… they are awaiting for your lic*king…

  158. storm62 says:

    ” Yes, you want others’ children to work in Pasar Malam but certainly not yours; am I right? You want your sons or daughters to be pilot but not express buy drivers,” – ahbengkia

    there you see, how this idiot trying to spin his way out…..he started this and above he tries spin “putar belit” like his masters…..what an idiot.

    many was right here……ahbengkia? priceless…..ooophs, sorry, worthless rm0.00000….hi hi hi

  159. monsterball says:

    Post after post ahbengkia brag…insult all…starting with me first.
    He thinks I am easy meat for him to handle.
    All professionals from UMNO ganged up…nonstop….2 years…also cannot succeed. Even my life was threatened….what happen to all those UMNO guys?
    Those out of job….is working for Rocky. Those UMNO speech “think tank” fellas…are not able to think out anything to make Najib look good. Days are numbered too.
    Ahbengkia…..a raw kid trying to do a man size impress Najib.
    Is he getting Najib’s attention to recommend him to be someone in MCA?
    Najib cannot take care of himself…yet this idiot still dreaming to strike it rich..carrying Najib’s balls.
    Chance sudah mari…defend Mahathir in this blog to save Najib.
    The rest is all written in this block….worth RM00000 ahbengkia is.
    Putting out imaginary scenario .life will be worst than under Mahathir..if PR comes into power…. and…keep churning out nonsense about my working life and including my children..right now..
    What kind of creature is ahbengkia….who will stoop so low to carry balls?

  160. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho Ahbeng’0.000’kia sudah amok jadi lanciaukia 🙂 😮 😦
    You are useless now as even this Kancillandak good boy also angry at you! Ho Ho Ho 😀 :((

  161. storm62 says:

    sorm62, that is why you have no standard. My mum has nothing to do with you. – ahbengkia

    ka ka ka….ya, you’re right i’ve no standard, i use to dine in kopitiam and road side stalls, i go to pasar malams, i support the cabbies, i support the garbage collectors who help so much into recycling.

    ya you’re mum has got nothing to do with me, but certainly have a lot of things to do with you and her clients!…ha ha ha.

  162. kittykat46 says:

    referee = Dr. Dna = Ahbengkai RM 0.000

  163. monsterball says:

    haghahahahaha….Now I am a light weight..ahbengkia is heavyweight…hahahahahahaha
    Some says I am champion of several weights.
    They say it…I did not..get it clear.
    These weightless …..worst than feather weight…want to talk boxing language now.

  164. davis says:

    Don’t you call me a fake. Ahbengkia. My son is not a director . He is not a doctor or a lawyer. He works for his living. He works hard and is respected by his peers. He is happy. I repeat, these are things beyond you comprehension. You only think in term of ringgit and sen. Just because you are a hypocrite do not think others are hypocrites too. You owe me an apology. Be man enough to apologise.

  165. Ahbengkia says:

    kitty, for a moment i actually believed that you graduated with a second upper and was paying top income tax. now i think my driver earns more than you.

  166. monsterball says:

    yes…HO HO HO…calling me light weight is what you describe ahbengkia that RM000 man is…running amok!!

  167. Ahbengkia says:

    davis, you can wait, if you there is anyone who needs apology, it is ME, got it?

  168. monsterball says:

    HAHAHAHAHAA …self proclaimed heavyweight ahbengkia is taking on all real heavyweights.
    HO HO HO is such a smart observer.
    I keep quiet and enjoy.

  169. Ahbengkia says:

    If ho ho ho is not monsterball, I will quit this blog for good. Monsterball you have forfeited your no foul word within two weeks. I am proven right again.

  170. Dr Stupid says:

    ooPs Goose i just accidentally cut off a dic into two today Ahbengkai! But not to worry because this accident will only happen in 0.0001 % only in my case but i can guarantee your dic safety if you can trust me. O.k Ahbengkia?
    Just to boost your confident on me ( Dr.Stupid ) i need to tell you that i am far more better and famous than your stupidest Dr.Khairul Ass man or another Dr. Pra*cunt.
    Thank you ahbengkai and hope that my statements here will get your full confidence to sign up with me (Dr.Stupid) to do operation on your (Ahbengkai) dic enlargement to 11.3″ size ASAP.

  171. monsterball says:

    I will come out as Super Heavy Weight a wrestler…..not a boxer…with my friend King Kong and sit on his smelly arse….to flatten him up…so he can keep quiet for few hours …when time is right.
    Meanwhile…heavy weight boxers are doing real fine without King Kong…Hulk..and Captain Marvel.
    Storm62 will drown him soon.

  172. whispering9 says:

    {It is about a direct question to you: do you want your children to be pasar malam traders?} Sure, why not? It is better than squandering all your wealth, joining triads, becoming corrupted politicians or corrupted public officers. 😛

    {Tell us straight on our face you will not be disappointed despite the years of education you put into them.} That is the problems with many parents nowadays. They view educating their children as their investment or parenting achievement. Such…we have many children who are became unhappy and disillusioned with life. Really, it is similar to putting a turtle on the fencepost. I know of many disappointed parents whose children (all highly paid professionals) deposited them into foster homes and seldom visit or care for them . And they wonder why?????? 😥

    {You fellows are hypocrites, dishonest and fake, period.} Lol. 😈 I have been called that by some lately.

  173. storm62 says:

    davis, you can wait, if you there is anyone who needs apology, it is ME, got it?

    Ahbengkia – November 27, 2009 at 7:38 pm

    ha ha ha…this must be the joke of the century, idiot!……you bloody hell apologise to all pasar malam and kopitiam fellas first before you run amok and stop dreaming that you have a driver idiot.

    anyway are you a cripple? can’t you drive by yourself or you can’t even afford a to pass your driving test? …..sombong bodoh !!!

  174. davis says:

    Ahbengkia, are you a man? Happiness and job satisfaction is beyong you. The only satisfaction you get is to annoy others on this blog with your lies, half truth, abusive language etc etc. You are satified when some BN leaders give you a pat on your back and say to you “Well done and carry on lying” I feel sorry for you being such a miserable being.

  175. Ahbengkia says:

    If you fellows are discerning enough, you should have taken notice why the high court has made a decision making all summons issued by local authorities invalid or not prosecutable unless the AG said so. I see none of such posts here. Some of the nincompoops here may feel happy about it – no need to take responsibility of the summons, am I right? Dream on…. and we shall see my friends.

  176. monsterball says:

    “If ho ho ho is not monsterball. I will quit this blog for good”
    i swear upon my father and mothers names…that ho ho ho is not me.
    If I tell a lie…let God strike me dead and make all my children suffer…for my sins.
    Everyone knows me ……including all my arch enemies from UMNO…that…from the day I started to comment….up to now…only one nick. I had to add
    “monsterballssg” briefly due to computer problem.
    Ahbengkia…now get lost or forever be cursed by all…being such a braggart .. a liar and full of shit man.

  177. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho i believe now beside AMOK this Ahbeng0.000kia lost his mind totally to say 😀 Ho Ho Ho is monsterball 🙂
    { If ho ho ho not monsterball,iwill quit this blog for good.} ;)) by Ahbeng0.000kia
    What about you police report on monsterball and two others ct if i am not mistaken Ahbeng0.000kia 😮
    You sure have to eat your own shit if i am not monsterball Ho Ho Ho 🙂

  178. Ahbengkia says:

    davis, you must be dead blind if you said i am the one who abused others. Why don’t you look at the records. Have i seen you once condemning those who persistently used abusive and foul words on others? A fake is a fake, you can run, you can’t hide.

  179. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Do not worry Mr Sir Monsterball 🙂
    This Ahbeng0.000kia will quit and eat his own shit in front of so many witnesses 😮 😦 😡 Ho Ho Ho

  180. whispering9 says:

    It is Friday Today….or what left of it. Finally, it is out….”Dubai debt default concerns continued to send shockwaves across the world on Friday”.

    Saw a quote and felt like doing a Marina. So here goes….

    {No man or business is an island in today’s interconnected and globalised world, said Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. } Reply: Sure, we have accomplish. 😯

  181. davis says:

    Ahbengkia, don’t try your trick again. We are not taking about summons now. We are talking about your attitude towards the pasar malam traders, the taxi drivers, the coffee shop workers. You have insulted these honest people. We know you only think highly of those who throw you a few coins.

  182. Ahbengkia says:

    davis, i did not insult them; you have taken the discussion totally out of context. i just asked a question, would you want your children to be in one of those professions you mentioned. If you say yes, so be it, if you say no, i would not condemn you because i understand.

  183. monsterball says:

    Now ahbengkia not only need to eat his own hit…is also trying to accuse Davis is a fake..not supporting him.
    I tell you…this ahbengkia is totally impossible to be trusted.
    His strings of bad labels given to him… is longer than Mahathir and Najib put together.

  184. Ha Ha Ha says:

    Ha Ha Ha ahbengkia really a sick liar 🙂

  185. davis says:

    Friends, good night. We shall carry on in our quest to find the truth. Sleep well and sweet dreams.

  186. Ha Ha Ha says:

    Many sure believe ahnengkia@fatimah zuhri are one sick and pathetic carrying najibs ball liar Ha Ha Ha 🙂

  187. Ha Ha Ha says:

    Ha Ha Ha so early Mr Davis 🙂
    Anyway Good Night to you Sir. 🙂 😮 😦

  188. monsterball says:

    hahahahahaha…”I did not insult them”…..starting all comments ……..focus to insult me..loved by all kopitiam fellas…and calling all kopitiam fellas less educated…unsuccessful to him….we live in terrace houses…he live in a palace.
    He is such a liar too….which no need to repeat again.
    Such a braggart….such a useless man….such big mouth…trying talk like a two timer….out of timing.

  189. storm62 says:

    ya davis, you got it right….this idiot is trying to divert the topic again….he’s been caught spinning lies many times, when cornered, he change the topic, what a fork tongue snake this idiot was.

    he sure got a bloody attitude problem. never change……anyway we can’t teach an old dog new tricks, can we?

  190. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Taking over Ha Ha Ha brother 🙂
    Ahbeng0.000kia must eat his shit for sure 🙂 😮 😀
    Ho Ho Ho 🙂

  191. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho cry out laud and eat your own shit Ahbeng0.000kia bull-shit liar 😀 🙂 8)

  192. monsterball says:

    Good night Davis.
    I don’t blame him.
    Why must he waste so much time talking to stupid.. ahbengkia.
    But we kopitiam fellas will protect the blog and young readers not to be fooled by ahbengkia.
    We respond vigorously…and spiritually …..hahahahahahaha

  193. storm62 says:

    hey ahbengkia, calling pasar malam and kopitiam fellas “uneducated” is NOT an insult to you?……..please go and jump down from the twin towers, will you?

    with your attitude, i think it’s not just worth living for!

    read my lips….G T H !!!

  194. storm62 says:

    ok, good nite guys and have a nice weekend ahead!

    stay tuned to the latest news and see if somebody jumped off from the twin towers tonite……..if not we’ll be back and stuff some najis into his filthy mouth….ka ka ka.

  195. monsterball says:

    hi ahbengkia…monsterball and HO HO HO have spoken as two different persons.
    Are you going to quit or eat your own shit?
    Come in…don’t quit..just eat your on shit and defend Mahathir will your finest bullshit messages.
    He needs you badly.
    Actually he needs any tong sampah man he can find…right now.

  196. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho Good Night to you to Mr Stormy 🙂
    Ahbengkia eat his shit now Ho Ho Ho 😀 :))

  197. monsterball says:

    Good night storm62.

  198. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho Mr Sir Monsterball the real hero and winner 🙂 😀 :))

  199. monsterball says:

    Remember….ahbengkia….for a true Malaysian Chinese who dares to swear by his parents is no joking matter and much more powerful than swearing by any holy book.
    Don’t you dare to make fun of my swearing.
    Now that settles….I want my reward…you promise.
    Expecting you to apologize to HO HO HO and me….once you utter those words…I may have a heart attack. …so stay…be yourself and eat your own shit.
    Kopitiam fellas are so used to your much so kancilandak is fed up with you too..kittykat feel so happy and witsO…the most patient man is getting sick of you…..right now. He reads and keep silent…what to do…teach you or f..k you.

  200. Ahbengkia says:


  201. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ahbeng0.000kia should make public appology to everyone he has insulted after he eat his own bull-shit later 😮 🙂 😡
    Good Night to all. 🙂

  202. sosong says:

    Either Barry Wain will be sued, or ignored as a Zionist, or a worthless western writer out to sabotage Malaysia image, the latter is more likely

  203. kittykat46 says:

    “he’s been caught spinning lies many times,” – storm62

    He’s even been caught posting as Ahbengkia when he was “supposed” to be another nick..kekekekekek…

  204. Time After Time says:

    Time After Time we joint forces together as one! Always.

  205. monsterball says:

    Ahbengkia will not apologize…..copying Mahathir……and when he says sorry to small matters…he is building up an image…how gentlemanly he is…..also like Mahathir.
    His respond with a smile…speaks volumns of his thick skin….making Davis retire so early…fed up of his nonsense.

  206. monsterball says:

    Yes..”Time after Time” Always together as ONE…wait for right time and date to chase all these umpoo bodek worms to work for the money..or else stay in the gutters and beg for kopitiam fellas generosity and good moods to the some coins to them…buy a meal or starve to death.
    The return of “Truths” governing the country is real.
    All liars ….cheaters….braggarts..will serve less educated kopitiam government offices. It’s not how well educated you are. It’s right attitudes and have lots of commonsense that matters most…and only kopitiam fellas have that….because kopitiam fellas are down to earth fellas..not snobs…and their influence over the new 2 million voters are real and powerful.
    I am so proud to be a kopitiam man.

  207. monsterball says:

    Goodnight HO HO HO.

  208. monsterball says:

    No one dares to call kittykat meow meow except that braggart.
    He asked for it.
    Kittykat is an expert in money matters
    This ahbengkia wants to insult him and debate.
    Yes he ask for it and get it proper from kittykat…which knows who ahbengkia really bis..
    One said he is MCA Tan Beng Kia..
    Who the heck is that person?
    Anyway…..MCA to me is not important.

  209. monsterball says:


  210. referee says:

    Ahbengkia is Rm0.0000 which means no gain no loss in his balance sheet… and is harmless.

    WhereasThis monsterball is a waste of natural resources and oxygen.. and a liability to mankind.

    This monsterball and his rocket pondan, son & parasites are a bane to the nation and must be obliterated before more precious resources are squandered…

    Mahafarker has squandered $$10 billions + $$$ trillions in tangible and non-tangible of assets and resources of Malaysia…

    This rot must be halted at once…

  211. Ahbengkia says:

    Hello, Ahbengkia is a very profitable company, no gain no loss is not good enough for me, understand?

  212. davis says:

    The MB of N. Sembilan is alleged to have transferred RM 10 million to London in 2008. How much is the salary of the MB? If the allegation is true, how did he accumulate that amount of money?

  213. monsterball says:

    Good morning to all my friends.
    There they go again….it must start with one to insult me.
    Anyway..that idiot calling himself a referee is accusing me squandering billions of tax payer money!!
    My goodness…..what is happening to those supporting BN?
    Everyone so weird…including ahbengkia…”smile”…was his last message….telling all of us…he is so happy kopoitiam fellas are generous to eat his own shit and need not quit the blog…with his usual braggart and wrong conclusions or information.
    This referee must join him for a drink….as he sound weird…like ahbengkia…long lost brother with whispering9 may need to start a lunatic house to pity all..and care for them with loving kindness.

  214. monsterball says:

    Davis…ahbengkia said no gain no loss is good business.
    No wonder he works for UMNO.
    We heard him brag he worked 2 days earned more than kopitiam fellas earned in a month…again contradicting what he put out…right now.
    I hope you slept well enough … have the patience and clear mind to withstand ahbengkia’s nonsense…which you must always remember.he call you a fake.
    He desperately needs you to support him la.
    Tell him answer all you questions..and you will consider.

  215. monsterball says:

    Yes….Davis…news also reported at Malaysiakini…but then….are we all not having enough of so many news that MACC just ignored.
    You see..UMNO is cornered left and right….and right now telling Malaysians what can you do to them.
    Their silence and tidak apa attitudes.. are telling Malaysians…they are governing the country and have IGP and some Judges on our side.
    RM10 million…nothing compare to much much more by others.
    Go check all the properties bought by UMNO buggers in Australia …England….even Indonesia….and many more countries and tell me how can all afford such properties with their salaries.
    Mahathir will tell you he is very smart….bought half of Langkawi Island with Diam…developed the said Island with tax payers money…by the billions…and now land is worth 1000 times more..all legally done…using our money to enrich themselves.

  216. referee says:

    Hello, Ahbengkia is a very profitable company, no gain no loss is not good enough for me, understand?

    Ahbengkia – November 28, 2009 at 8:06 am

    According to our auditor kittykat accounting report, that’s the perception.

    If yours a profitable company! Congratulation.

    Now this old and obsolete farkkerr monsterball and his useless kopitiam fellas are wasting time in the kopitian waiting for the god of deaths to call upon them!

  217. davis says:

    Monsterball, good morning. You forgot about that chap who has properties in India. I should have joined politics and have properties all over the world and to have stars and starlets around. Are money changer allowed to help their clients to transfer money out of the country?

  218. kittykat46 says:

    The Negeri Sembilan MB ?
    Politically he’s damaged goods now. But unlikely to be any legal or criminal charges. Like so many Regime figures, he’ll get off scot-free or on some technicality.

    As far as Negeri Sembilan politics go, the “exposure” is likely to pave the way for Isa’s 2nd coming as MB. UMNO’s assessment has been there is a danger of NS falling to PR in GE13 if things continue as they are. BN currently rules with a simple majority. Seremban is presently a lethargic, sleepy hollow, courtesy of 52 years of BN rule or misrule… Isa is their magic weapon to keep NS.

    The leak about Mohamad Hasan’s activities was quite deliberate I expect.

  219. kancilandak says:

    Who is Abengkia? Abengkia a/l Kaakakutty.. hihee..hee..

  220. kittykat46 says:

    Ahbengkai talking to himself again…

  221. R4Os says:

    Dr. Mahathiu a/l Kutty = Maharaja Rasuah Malaysia

  222. wits0 says:

    “Ahbengkai talking to himself again…”

    That’s his characteristic compulsion after spamming the S’gor Sultan’s thread with pure gibberish out of frustration.

  223. monsterball says:

    Yea Davis…although an Indian by race…..not welcome in India.
    Yea….that one will swindle his own race too.
    kittykat…ahbengkia smiled and talking to himself…happily worth RM0000

  224. wits0 says:

    “Ahbengkai talking to himself again…”

    Not even a rational rogue.

  225. kancilandak says:

    Thank you Abengkia a/l Kaaka kutty… as soon as I saw your nick on this site .. I run away to watch tv… just so to avoid you.
    What coinsidense… a program about Mahathir on History Channel (11am to 12noon). There were interviews with Barry Wain and others in the program.

    Guys and gals… susan is right… go grab this book while you can… before it is banned…. it bound to be contriversial…!!!

    As for Abengkia, I decided to go tebang belukar at my kebun as soon as I see the Kaaka kutty son’s name in this site.

    Thank you again Abengkia… my 200 odd buddies and me (that a significant amount of votes, you know) have decided to vote for Pakatan this coming GE… just to stay away from you…hee..hee..hee..!

    And to BN or 3rd force or 23rd force which Abengkia works for… sack Abengkua immediately for he has done you a disservice… by commenting long hours on non benefical things and boring us to death.. hee..hee..hee.. and for making you lose our 200 over votes.

  226. monsterball says:

    God of death will call upon kopitiam said referee.
    Useless religious fanatic…so upside down is his brain….discussing issues and keep cursing me and kopitiam fellas.
    He can feel sorry for ahbengkia….getting coocoo..but why blame me and kopitiam fellas?
    We claim no magicians….but the power of truths stands by us…regardless whatever…this useless “referee”says nor how much Astro want to publicized how good is Mahathir.
    A racist he is…using an idea how to help Malays and be a dictator….and put Anwar into jail…for 6 protect his PMship…for 22 years.
    OUT came Anwar…12th GE UMNO lost like blame Pak Lah.
    Useless Najib…he is….UMNO still need Mahathir shows what quality people UMNO as got as ministers.. …Nothing!!
    UMNO keep revealing itself….useless…only good for talking and acting……..needing “referee” to pray I and kopitiam fellas talk no more….wishing all of us die now.
    Wish an old ma like me…die…OK…but all kopitiam fellas?
    He is asking for trouble….just like ahbengkia….worth RM00000

  227. Monstergirl says:

    Now after a long absence, I am back. To “referee’, Monsterball is far better than you. He’s a great man.

    I heard that “referee” is also a true life referee at Chow Kit in a ring where 2 pondans fight. Hehehehehehe.

    Good afternoon my family of Monsters, Senior commentator, Monsterball, Kittykat46, Wits0, Captain marvel, Five Star Kopitiam, davis and all Kopitiam friends….

  228. monsterball says:

    Welcome to the real world…….kancilandak.
    Now f..k ahbengkia if he insults your sifu.
    hhhhhhmmm 200 voters pull by you to vote for PR?
    Great news!!
    i blogged for 5 years and counted….maybe 20 converted by me.

  229. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😀
    Do no evil and fear of no evil. -) Ho Ho Ho
    Welcome to the world of Happiness and Truth.Ho Ho Ho
    Good afternoon to all and have a great weekend and holidays ahead. Ho Ho Ho :((

  230. monsterball says:

    Good afternoon Monstergirl.
    Glad to see you back.

  231. monsterball says:

    Kancilandak…I converted brought 200 along…which means through you…I achieved 201…….correct?
    So balance 19 morex200=..another 3800?
    WOW!!….am I dreaming?

  232. monsterball says:

    hi kancilandak… vote for RP..not enough.
    Prove you are not a racist and supporter of Mahathir.
    Put out a message and f..k him….dividing Malaysians..

  233. Ahbengkia says:

    if monsterball has tua lan par, monstergirl has what? This is an intelligent test usually given for those who want to enter ivy league.

  234. Ahbengkia says:

    I don’t what you fellows are talking about. Ahbengkia’s comments anytime more encompassing, mature and fair. PR would love my comments too.
    Kanchill, tell me which parts of my numerous comments you disagree with and we can discuss further.

  235. wits0 says:

    To clog susan’s Blog,
    The Most Contemptible Assh*les
    Sends its bestest dog,
    Presuming the virtuous casserole,

    That Colossus of Rogues
    Kissed the dust over night,
    For it pulls no torgue
    And t’was a jolly sight!

    Amidst the dusty rubble
    Of restless madness
    The lingering vultures rumble,
    Denying BN badness


  236. davis says:

    Ahbengkia, if your comments are that encompassing, mature and fair, why do most of the bloggers disagree with you? Why are they so annoyed with you or rather, is it you who so annoy them that they curse and swear at you? Have you read my questions about the MB? care to give your answer.

  237. Pegasus says:

    The BN regime has declared a 4% GST…the robbing continues….we have to put a stop to this….in the coming 13th GE…kick this pirates sky-high and out for good…!

  238. Pegasus says:

    davis, ahbeng has sold his soul to bn…and he is stuck in bolehland..he brags about himself..just like those half past 6 ministers in BN cabinet…!

  239. Ahbengkia says:

    So what about MB sending money through a money changer to London? What do you want me to comment on. Must I have a position on everything? Why don’t you say something and we shall see whether they make sense or not. Seriously, what do you want me to do? Go to the MB’s residence carrying placard demanding him to wire the money back? May I ask you why we have so many bad things happening in our country? Why Malaysia has such a bad governance standard. What can do about it? I don’t what is the best way we can prevent all these. Of course I don’t expect dogs like witso to know the answer either.

  240. Ahbengkia says:

    Pegasus, you show to me which part of my comments are pro BN or anti PR, show it to me. Don’t be parrot and don’t use your posterior to talk.

  241. referee says:

    if monsterball has tua lan par, monstergirl has what? This is an intelligent test usually given for those who want to enter ivy league.

    Ahbengkia – November 28, 2009 at 1:11 pm

    Tough guy does not fight against girls – Chinese proverb.

  242. davis says:

    Ahbengkia, you can register your anger on this blog that the MB is breaking the rules. Is that too much to ask?

  243. referee says:

    Wow! Wow! What kind of match is this? 12 against 1?

    Monsterball! You are a despicable ba*tard. If you have the guts… let’s have a duel… one on one… monsterball against Ahbengkia.

    Others just fark off!

    You should not seek assistance from others!

    Round one goes to Ahbengkia..

    2 more rounds to go! Hahahaha..

  244. Ahbengkia says:

    //why do most of the bloggers disagree with you?//davis

    Simple, most are poorly educated, depraved and know next to nothing. You show me which parts of my comments are irrational or stupid? I have no problem debating with you if there are serious disagreements. Sometimes I just keep quiet when you fellows said something. I may agree or disagree or even feel that that it is not worth responding to. Do I have to agree with you fellows all time when most of comments are so blatantly obvious or stupid?

    I don’t understand why I have to subject myself to constant harassment by nincompoops like you all. Debate me on substance; don’t keep telling who my mum was. Most of you here are f perverts, not me.

  245. Ahbengkia says:

    davis, i eat salt more than you eat rice, you think i don’t know about stuff you fellows think are so profound, wise lah, fellows.

  246. Pegasus says:

    ahbeng…its you who seem to be using your posterior to think… you seem to be a parrot asking everyone whats bothering them…when you should look into the mirror for the answer…!

  247. Ahbengkia says:

    and one more thing, most of you are f slow, for lack of ivy league education perhaps. Yes, i love to insult all of you, so what, come and get me. my little finger is better than all of you put together.

  248. Ahbengkia says:

    Pegasus, be more specific, show me where, what did I say which do not make sense to you. Show me. You should exclude the insults. I have every right to retaliate all the f accusations and depraved words used on my mum. f all of you, try me, I am not going to be gentle anymore.

  249. kittykat46 says:

    “i eat salt more than you eat rice” – Ahbangkai RM 0.000

    Some people grow wiser with age, some people grow rotten with age.

    I have no doubt which category the RM 0.000 Zero belongs to.

  250. Ahbengkia says:

    Tough guy does not fight against girls – Chinese proverb.//referee

    This proverb is archaic, women want equality and equal pay, don’t they? They want to participate and take position; they should face the same consequences, simple.

  251. Ahbengkia says:

    talking about zero value, hmm, let me see, someone who pays top income rates, naaah, i don’t think so. my driver is paid higher than this fake.

  252. davis says:

    Ahbengkia, you may have eaten more salt than me because you were brought up on salted fish , salted eggs and salted vegetables. Having eaten a lot of salt does not make you wise. The salt has made you stiff in your thinking like the salted fish that you have consumed so much.

  253. davis says:

    Referee, you must forgive ahbengkia fighting with girls. Firstly he ate so much of salt. Secondly, he comes from a society that does not know chvalry.

  254. davis says:

    chvalry to read as chivalry

  255. Ahbengkia says:

    Ok, forget about the salt then. Tell me which parts of comments you disagree and we shall debate man to man. Let’s cut all the baloney.

  256. Ahbengkia says:

    Oh yes chivalry, of course! To you nincompoops, you don’t even know men are dying specie. Soon, they will just keep some of you for reproduction, and even that is fast becoming redundant, you stupid moron.

  257. Ahbengkia says:

    I real, first, Ahbengkia.
    Other Ahbengkia is bodoh AhKua (pondan).

    Bodoh Ahbengkia get money from MCA and UMNO (both – korup-lah) to scold DAP in Belogs. But now he only know to quarel with Belog other komentator. UMNO will cut his balls soon.

  258. Pegasus says:

    You see storm 62, you must understand people like you so depraved and uneducated have certainly no credibility to talk about fairness or equality.

    Of course I don’t expect dogs like witso to know the answer either.

    Ahbengkia – November 28, 2009 at 1:52 pm

    well ahbeng , the 2 above remarks…on storm62 & witso…both who are excellent fair minded guyz in this blog…don’t deserve such remark from you…give respect and earn it…don’t ask for it…by boasting about others here.!..

  259. Ahbengkia says:

    see how despicable some of you are. seriously the cause of PR is better served without assh*le like you.

  260. Ahbengkia says:

    why don’t you read what they said of me first. I give you this undertaking: i have never started any of these. I only responded to insults. Don’t tell me I don’t have that rights. Some of you here think they are taiko and should be respected even though they gave stupid comments. Over my dead body, if that is what you fellows expect.

  261. Ahbengkia says:

    well ahbeng , the 2 above remarks…on storm62 & witso…both who are excellent fair minded guyz in this blog…//pegasus

    you must be f blind to say that.

  262. davis says:

    I am still waiting to debate with you on the RM 10 million. The topic is ” The salary of the MB cannot be RM 10 million in 2 years “

  263. Pegasus says:

    ahbengkia,…you’re a lost course…!

  264. Pegasus says:

    davis,he won’t take the debate…lest he lose and has to answer his mentors…

  265. davis says:

    Ahbengkia (of Ivy League so claimed) associate chivalry with reproduction. Chivalry has nothing to do with reproduction. Since you, ahbengkia, is a strange to chivalry, let nme tell you chivalry is a code of conduct. Have the standard of Ivy League universities fallen so low and so fast ?

  266. Ahbengkia says:

    i agree with you completely. there are too many instances of mismanagement, corruption and incompetence. But:

    If we ask why corruption is so endemic in this country, there are answers probably as many as the respondents to that question. Similarly, if we ask why our governance standard is so bad, there are probably as many reasons as they are people. These are all big and complex issues that have no simple solutions. Most often than not, we are merely reacting each time a problem emerged.

    Now some people are saying the Maltrade project has no open tendering system to ensure transparency and good governance.

    But i would venture to even say this:
    Is the absence of open tender on the Maltrade project the only problem? What about this: Do we really need this project in the first place? If it is, we need to ask why and how they are able to circumvent open tender. Why the authority is so ever willing to defend this project so vehemently? Are there collusion, corruption, cronyism and incompetence involved? If some of these underlying are not right, do you think tendering alone will be able to solve all the problems associated with it? We can all do things rightly for a wrong reason/motive, can we?

    Now it is your turn to tell you what great ideas you got, Davis.

  267. Ahbengkia says:

    Coming back to the 10 million issue. It is a governance issue and I must say he was unfortunate to be singled out. They are probably numerous others involving even bigger amounts. There is not a single that has passed by without me pondering over why and how we, as a nation, could reduce this scourge. I have no answer so far, do you? I would like to get some ideas why corruption and pilferage have become our national ethos.

  268. Pegasus says:

    abhengkia, what twisted tale are you writing?..davis is asking about the RM10 million .
    The topic is ” The salary of the MB cannot be RM 10 million in 2 years “ .
    are you clear mate?

  269. Pegasus says:

    Ahbeng kia,The obvious answer is Mamak kutty… go & get the above book …& you’ll get the idea…

  270. Ahbengkia says:

    too slow lah, i think it is better for me to read a book.

  271. Ahbengkia says:

    pengasus, thank you for telling me, yes I do not know about all these before, it is very profound and very enlightening to me, thank you again.

  272. Ahbengkia says:

    hey, i forgot to tell you, i met Daniel Lian of Morgan Stanley way back in the early 2000. i have read all the stuff way before some of you finished form 3. But one thing i am not telling you. Do you know what happened to Daniel?

  273. Monstergirl says:

    “Tough guy does not fight against girls – Chinese proverb.//referee”

    Alright ABK or “referee”, I am waking up now. So, you wanna fight hand2hand combat? Alright, I do take on men as well.

    If I win in a 3 minutes/5 round mix-martial-arts contest, I want you to strip down your jeans and do a nude squatting at Mid Valley Shopping Centre for 1 hour.

    If I lost, you can do anything on me but just don’t ask me “How’s your boiling temper, ok?” The game is on…….when , where can we fight?

  274. Ahbengkia says:

    you got it now, davis? we are dying specie, they may not even keep us for reproduction anymore and yet you fellows are talking about chivary, what a stupid idea.

  275. davis says:

    Ahbengkia,it is a simple topic, why are you asking about other things , about the tender system etc etc. Let us deal with the MB salary first. After that we can debate on other matter and as you rightly stated there are many. Let us start with the MB’s salary and the RM10 million.

  276. Ahbengkia says:

    are u an idiot? have i not answered you. i agree with you, MB in two years (or even 10 years) can not get 10 million. Hello, i am already in the fifth floor lah, you are still at the basement.

  277. Ahbengkia says:

    i repost here what was said earlier:

    Coming back to the 10 million issue. It is a governance issue and I must say he was unfortunate to be singled out. They are probably numerous others involving even bigger amounts. There is not a single day that has passed by without me pondering over why and how we, as a nation, could reduce this scourge. I have no answer so far, do you? I would like to get some ideas why corruption and pilferage have become our national ethos.

  278. davis says:

    We are not a dying specie. It is about chivalry. When was the last time you opened the door for a female specie of the human race? Maybe never, You always open open for the datuks and Tan Sri, That is expected of you. Have you forgotten that the human being who carried you for nine months in her body is also a woman? Have you opened the door for her or pull out the chair? Some mothers are just unfortunate.

  279. davis says:

    open open to read as open doors

  280. Ahbengkia says:

    ok, we are not debating chivary here. i have asked you specific questions, do you have answers?

  281. davis says:

    Ahbengkia, you know that for a MB to have earned RM10 million in 2 years smells fishy (not salted fish). This is not governance but corruption. YOU KNOW IT and yet you will not say it.

  282. kittykat46 says:

    “i met Daniel Lian of Morgan Stanley way back in the early 2000. i have read all the stuff way before some of you finished form 3. ”

    Usual braggart….by the way the statement on Malaysian corruption attributed to him was back in 2004.

    “Do you know what happened to Daniel?”

    He is no longer with Morgan Stanley. I heard he’s out on his own….
    He was embroiled in some other controversy involving Thailand politics, hard to say what exactly happened to him at Morgan Stanley.

  283. Ahbengkia says:

    our thinking processes are just different. Corruption is obvious, and i don’t talk about obvious things. We must ask why corruption has become so endemic and rampant, and that to me is a governance issue. I don’t think i want to debate any further, because things which are obvious to me but to you it is an eureka. Sorry, i dont think we are at the same wave length. It is ok, you can say what you please and i will contribute whatever i can. Thanks.

  284. davis says:

    To prevent corruption that is so rampant, the leaders must be clean themslves. A fish start to rot from the head. If you are truthful, you will agree with me that many leaders are not clean themselves. They can make RM 10 million in 2 years and to have that money transferred out of the country. Do you think he is the one and only one doing that? You also know that the smarter used their kins to transfer the money to other countries like Australia to buy a farm bigger than Subang Jaya.

  285. Ahbengkia says:

    a braggart, even if true is better than a fake.

  286. Ahbengkia says:

    //the leaders must be clean themslves.//

    you see your ideal state statement? how are we supposed to ensure that the leaders must be clean? what mechanism is there to ensure such a thing happens. Please lah, read carefully what i have written and posted above. you owe me that much to read and understand what i wrote.

  287. Ahbengkia says:

    I have no disagreement with your observations that there are rampant corruption, pilferage and siphoning of money out of the country. I can even quote you the parallel happening in many Latin American countries where for many years, their biggest export has be the US dollars (by their ruling elites) to European banks especially in Spain.

  288. Ahbengkia says:

    If you said it is 2004 after checking with wikipedia, so be it. I may have messed up the date, but that does not negate the fact that I met him, not just once but a few times. I will brag to all the Tan Sri and Datuk, but certainly not a fake like you.

  289. Ahbengkia says:

    …but certainly not to a fake like you.

  290. davis says:

    How to ensure that the leaders are clean? Well asked, ahbengkia. It may not be possible to ensure that they are clean at all times. If we know that they are not clean then KICK THEM OUT. Simple. Do you have any problem with the solution? If we can’t do it today, we wait. We collect more evidence. The day has to come, ahbengkia do you when is that day?

  291. wits0 says:

    “I would like to get some ideas why corruption and pilferage have become our national ethos.”

    I have some ideas, we have some ideas but we’re not about to tell it to the knows-all and selective pretender of ignorance, a one slimy operator of dissimulation. One who cannot understand a simple preliminary need for diaper change but deviously waffle here and there endlessly.

  292. wits0 says:

    A man went to the Buddha insisting on answers to these questions, but the Buddha instead put a question to him: “If you were shot by a poison arrow, and a doctor was summoned to extract it, what would you do? Would you ask such questions as who shot the arrow, from which tribe did he come, who made the arrow, who made the poison, etc., or would you have the doctor immediately pull out the arrow?”

    The Abangkai Colossus tells us not to have the arrow pulled out until all such questions are revealed – to his satisfaction!

  293. Ahbengkia says:

    Well, the incumbents have certain inherent power. If it is that easy, “to kick them out” why are they still there after 50 years? I don’t have any problem with the solution you proposed, but I have problem with how to achieve that. You said we collect more evidence. May I ask who is we here? You and I or the authorities that have the legal authority to charge, prosecute and convict. I don’t think the issue here is lack of evidence. The issue here is selective investigation and selective prosecution.
    When can we see the light of the day? You probably think it is the next general election. Well, I wish also, but I just want to warn you that don’t be cok sure there will be a general election when due and don’t be cok sure the results will be in PR’s favour or worst still, the result will be honored.

  294. Ahbengkia says:

    well, if we know who made the arrow, what poison one used, i am sure it facilitates the doctor’s work greatly, nincompoop.

  295. davis says:

    Lawyers can argue anything in court. A lawyer can even submit to the court that milk is black, even thogh he know it is not. That is his right but whether the court will accept that submission is another matter. However, on leaving the court if he still maintains that milk is black , then something is wrong with him. Ahbengkia, you at times behave like that lawyer.

  296. wits0 says:

    Despicable scum abanhgkai, you cannot depart from your devious nonsense at every turn. On this, you’ll have the patient first die. What doctors would that be? This is the point you obfuscated. Therefore likewise you could advocate no diaper change for a baby having diarrhoea until a doctor has examined it! Hit bottom and dig!

  297. davis says:

    ” don’t be cok sure there will be a general election “…ahbengkia. Are you tell us that the present government will not hold the next general election when due? Do we take it that you have been informed by your leaders that they fear they may or will lose the next election? Are we to understand your leaders are prepared to do anything illegal and immoral to stay in power? So, are we to say that the 1 Malaysia is just a slogan? Are you saying that your leaders do not believe in democracy? “We” are the ordinary people, the voters.

  298. Ahbengkia says:

    davis i don’t understand your argument or logic in your last posting.

    and to you witso, you are an assh*le. i wish you are poisoned someday and you shall see whether or not the doctor will first ask you which poison you took to kill yourself before he tries to save you, moron.

  299. davis says:

    QAhbengkia, are you happy that there will be no election, no change of government and that corruption goes on as usual?

  300. Ahbengkia says:

    you asking me again? what do you think of my answers will be?

  301. davis says:

    Witso did not take poison as stated by you. We are talking about a person being shot by an arrow. What should be the first step to be taken to save his life. Here you are trying to cloud the issue. You understand about the lawyer and the milk.. You are supposed to have Ivy League education.

  302. davis says:

    Ahbengkia, please just answer my question.

  303. wits0 says:

    Nice death twitch, Abangkai, I’m sure you’ve helped steeled many who reads this Blog to vote out your MCA/BN scums, come next election.

  304. Ahbengkia says:

    not, i don’t. I don’t see how it is relevant here if you understand correctly what i wrote earlier.

    what is the difference: if you are hit by a poison arrow, the first thing the doctor needs to find out is what poison was there on that arrow.

  305. wits0 says:

    “…supposed to have Ivy League education.”

    Yes, but as a snake in the vine. 😀

  306. Ahbengkia says:

    Nice death twitch, Abangkai, I’m sure you’ve helped steeled many who reads this Blog to vote out your MCA/BN scums, come next election.

    really? my job is done then.

  307. Ahbengkia says:

    it is that simple, based on my records, have i ever pretended i dont undertand. if i dont understand, i will tell you so. and in this instance, i dont really understand the lawyer and the milk.

  308. kancilandak says:

    astafirullah… does it ever end with you Abengkia?
    What do you expect to gain or propose by bulldozing just about everybody in this blog with your insults until the extent you call people dogs?
    If this be the kind of public relations they teach in Ivy league, I dont want to send my children there.
    Look at the Japanese… the way they bow down from the hip… the humility… we got to learn from them this humility to reach their levels.
    It shows, Abengkia… by being this crappy, it shows you are livid and exasperated.. it shows your weakness!
    What do you expect to prove?
    Present your case, call for a discussion, argue if you may… and bow out courteously if needs be.
    Why do you need 29 year old kampong boy like me to teach you this?

    Unless of course, if you used to play rugby with all those regulars you are bulldozing in this blog, you know them personally, then I got no say.
    But even then, your language shows how uncouth your are. I dont blame anyone if they call you all kinds of names.

  309. Ahbengkia says:

    davis, i am not obliged to answer you. i have that privilege just like you. But i guess we should have that discernment to impute and draw inferences. if you have none of that, then may be you shouldn’t debate with me.

  310. Ahbengkia says:

    kancil, check the records first, are you f blind? don’t talk cok with me if you can’t be fair. Have you read how they have abused me my mum non stop, using all the worst possible depraved words. yes i specifically call witso a dog. why don’t you check what he called me before that. Now i am labelling him an assh*le, why don’t you tell him in case he pretend to miss it.

  311. kancilandak says:

    Yes, sifu might seem to be crappy, but he shows great preserverance in an argument and informative in the process… does not show his weakness by being livid… and in the end it just feels like kind of jovial family like, like an older brother teaching his young siblings to behave… and those bad words he uses can be taken in jest.

    With you, Abengkia no sibling going to behave at all.

  312. davis says:

    Ahbengkia, I can only conclude that you will be happy if there is no election, that the present set of leaders carry on robbhing this country and that corruption goes on. I understand your feeling and why you will be happy.

  313. wits0 says:

    “davis, i am not obliged to answer you.”

    Why are you and your mad morphs here any way? You love your own spectacular fulats, don’t you? You’re “Ivy League” and yet cannot start your own blog, eh, to place your priceless message to the stupid world? You must come and attempt to trash this one? Everyone else is either a moron or a nincompoop and you’re the last wise man standing. it seems.

  314. wits0 says:

    “Now i am labelling him an assh*le, why don’t you tell him in case he pretend to miss it.”

    Your tungsten penetrator is of much too inferior quality to dent my composite armour and your sabot is backyard fake. There being no truth in its core content. 😀

  315. davis says:

    Kancilandak, do you know that ahbengkia does not have the grace to admit his mistake? He must win even it means telling a second lie to cover the first. Now, you can see the person that he is. However, we must excused him as he is only a puppet. There is a puppeteer above.

  316. Menyalak-er says:

    Ahbeng, just go take a hike or fly some kites – you have nothing to say, you contribute nothing, you suffer from pnemocephaly (airhead) and frankly, you seem to revel in decerebrate controversy and are imbued with megalomania that transcends simple delusions of grandeur.

    Your ‘education’ has been wasted, because you are educated way beyond your innate intelligence. Go debate with yourself in your 6,000sf toilet.

    Since we are all ‘morons’, we can accept this curse, if you just disappear for you are ‘nought’. We morons can’t argue with a cretinous cripple, like you because our brains are different from yours. You obviously need narcoleptics with a huge dose of psychotropics… Ignoring you will be bliss!

  317. monsterball says:

    Ahbengkia is suffering from great inferiority complex to put out superiority fronts.
    He is not a free man like kopitiam fellas.
    He must depend on carrying balls to get some rewards.
    Kopitiam fellas do not carry balls for a living.

  318. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho ahbeng0.000kia high on drugs or ? 😀

  319. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho you should go and kiss 😛 your own ass today Ho Ho Ho 🙂

  320. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ahbeng0.000kia amok again today Ho Ho Ho 😉 😛 😀

  321. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho ahbeng0.000kia 😉 i will recommend you to go and see this latest Jim Carey 😀 show ‘Christmas Carol’ and you will come back a better person after you watch that show Ho Ho Ho 🙂 😉 😛

  322. monsterball says:

    As usual Davis and witsO have been very patient with this braggart.
    Every opportunity he gets..he like to insult Davis and witsO hoping both get upset ..mind blur and he win an argument……not a debate…at all.
    What is the use to brag so much about International affairs….when all he knows how to succeed in Malaysia is not what one study to knows..but what one like ahbengkia study whose balls need more polishing that the other.
    He contributes and teach youngsters…how to succeed not from what you know….but from who you know.
    World affairs he knows…my foot.
    kiitykat corrected him….he ignored and pretend not to notice…..his trademark in so call debating.
    Local affairs….which matters most to all Malaysians…he dare not discUss or debate…knowing he will loose in all subjects…….and offend his master….Najib.
    It a nature of a skunk to behave like a sly fox.

  323. monsterball says:

    I think his cold weather…backside itchy needs servicing…Ho Ho Ho.
    No customers…drink with pills to spike his brain…like youngsters…cannot afford real cocaine nor drug.. and out come…the devil… ahbengkia .
    Wait till he swear we are one and if not he walk leave the blog….hahahahahahaha
    He dares to say I am a liar..he have my parents ghosts.. coming after him..and God may strike him dead with alighting rod….one day playing golf.

  324. monsterball says:

    No matter how rich ahbengkia is by carrying balls to earn enough to buy a 6000sf ft palace…he is like kittykat said…worth RM0000…because his money earned are worthless to all of us.

  325. kittykat46 says:

    This Ahbengkai RM 0.000 is a joke.
    Strutting around so high and mighty, when he’s actually exposing himself as lesser than just about everyone else in this forum.

    Ha, ha, Monty, yes, I’ve corrected him a few times, very basic errors, but he just pretends nobody noticed.

    Ignorance of basic facts and principles which a true practitioner will normally know very well, is one of the easiest ways to catch a fraud….I caught one of those fake “PhDs” that way once.
    He was such an impressive talker, some of the top management had been successfully conned by him, but too bad, I had to make sure we didn’t hire a charlattan.

  326. monsterball says:

    Now I rest and let that skunk DEBATE wth me…
    “give me back my RM100 billion”…showing respect to Susan.
    An idiot like him with no manners..know next to nothing about Malaysians overseas few years…and now think he is half orang puteh too.
    ENOUGH…I keep quiet now.

  327. Ahbengkia says:

    Yes, personal attacks and that is what all of you are good at. i have no doubt in my mind none of you can take me on any substantive issue. I think for too long some of you have held sway in this blog thinking that you are tuan here. Yes in the world of the blind, the one eyed is the king. But don’t forget, no matter how great you are, you are half blind.

  328. Ahbengkia says:

    I’ve corrected him a few times, very basic errors, but he just pretends nobody noticed. // fake aussie top uni graduate

    Ok, show me which errors you have pointed out that I ignored. Substantiate what you said. You are already more than a fake, don’t make it worse.

  329. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho half blind 8) half funny 😛 under ahbeng0.000kia fingertip Ho Ho Ho world full of shit ‘DICTATOR’ 😦 😡

  330. Ahbengkia says:

    He dares to say I am a liar..he have my parents ghosts.. coming after him..and God may strike him dead with alighting rod….one day playing golf.// tua lan par

    You are more than a liar. You are depraved moron full of superstition and archaic belief.

  331. Ahbengkia says:

    Ahbengkia, I can only conclude that you will be happy if there is no election, that the present set of leaders carry on robbhing this country and that corruption goes on. I understand your feeling and why you will be happy.// davis

    How you could arrive at such a conclusion is beyond me. I have already told you, if you are discerning enough, you should be able to draw the right inference. In any case, I am not loose cannon like some of you here. I don’t make specific accusations on our leaders if I don’t have the facts and figures as much as our intuition tells us otherwise. The most I did was to postulate.

  332. Ahbengkia says:

    What else, oh yes, for witso and Menyalak-er, they just want to write some archaic words to impress others. But i am not.

  333. Ho Ho Ho says:

    😉 six sense i know Ho Ho Ho
    eat you shit 😛 out ahbeng0.000kia Ho Ho Ho

  334. monsterball says:

    hahahahahahaha…He is the one eye jack in the kingdom of the blind.
    I think he is the stupid cyclop with 3 eyes and cannot see.
    He must always brag….how smart he is
    hi smart ass….lets debate on Susan’s post.
    Do you know where the RM100 billion Mahathir had stolen.. gone to?
    Everyone is a fake. Everyone’s brain…below his. He said he is working at 4th floor now…meaning he us he adviser to Najib.
    Go read all his messages..lined up with insults….sarcastic remarks and down right rude….keep lying…ignoring good answers back to hm…change the subject…forgot…just hours ago….Ho Ho Ho and I made him ate his words…eaten all forgotten and start over again.
    What kind of a stomach has he got?
    Evey Christmas season you find Jim Carrey changed for the better.
    ahbengkia getting from bad to worst…ONE EYE JACK!!…huh that CYCLOP with 3 eyes cannot eye…he is going to the gutter to beg……very soon.

  335. monsterball says:

    hahahahaha….ahbengkia eaten his own shit..wants more from me.
    He actually does not know how to feel shameful at all.

  336. Ahbengkia says:

    Actually I have no mood to quarrel with you, bec you are not my match.

    Where have the 100 million gone to? Let me see, part of it has gone to dishonest businessmen Mamakthir helped to inculcate. Otherwise how can all the half baked businessmen make so much money if not for the deserved profits they got through Mamakthir’s help. Having made themselves rich, these ungrateful dogs now want more. One example here, the half baked monster.

  337. monsterball says:

    ‘The most I did was to postulate”
    What he meant was…”The most I did was to be a prostitute”
    Do not be sky…it’s OK…we know it is bad time for lazy fella like you.
    Are you saying.the most to did was you keep assuming this and that written by you are facts?…claiming how an innocent nice guy your are?
    Well I have news for you…skunk…your trade mark is welknown.
    Your stinky mouth is welknown. Your insult to others are so welknown,
    Your everlasting art to carry Najib’s balls.. clear as a crystal.
    What postulate are you talking about?
    Go and prostitute and stop making excuses.

  338. kittykat46 says:

    “bec you are not my match.” Ahbengkia RM 0.000

    You are right. You are way , way below the class of any of the others here.
    I don’t care if you have a 6,000 sq foot toilet, but you have zero class.

  339. monsterball says:

    hahahahahaha….I am no match for him…yet he must brag to respond with such an idiotic reply.

  340. wits0 says:

    “What else, oh yes, for witso and Menyalak-er, they just want to write some archaic words to impress others. ”

    Obviously this “Ivy League” member does not understand the meaning of even the word, “archaic” before using it! That’s how learned he is.

  341. monsterball says:

    hahahahahahaha…seldom kittykat work him self up to such a frenzy mood.
    When he is good…he is really good. When he is better…he is the best……hahahahahahaha. .6000 sq ft toilet.

  342. monsterball says:

    witsO is holding up all his bullets…ever so patient to teach ahbengkia.
    That skunk is ungrateful.

  343. monsterball says:

    skunk want to challenge witsO in the command of the English language?
    hi skunk…witsO is waiting……hahahahahahaha

  344. monsterball says:

    Davis and most kopitiam fellas are laughing with fingers numb…cannot type……..hahahahahahahaha

  345. wits0 says:

    Menyalak-er is spot on. This is a case beyond mere delusion of grandeur. It’s one on the threshold of insanity.

  346. monsterball says:

    I am using my full power to control my fingers to type and part my thoughts…for the love of young readers.
    The clown is back in town…enjoy!

  347. Ahbengkia says:

    monster, since you challenged me, i have told you where part of 100 million has gone to. so tell me what do you think? am i right or wrong?

  348. Ahbengkia says:

    hi fake second uppeer paying top income tax, i have 6000 sq feet, BUT, do you have 6000 sq inches?

  349. Ahbengkia says:

    for the love of young readers.// TUA LAN PAR

    look, you only love yourself, and nothing else. You do not know what love is.

  350. Ahbengkia says:

    Menyalak-er is spot on. This is a case beyond mere delusion of grandeur. It’s one on the threshold of insanity.//witso

    are you describing yourself? yes must be, who else could fit in.

  351. Menyalak-er says:

    Oh no ahbeng, fyi, those are very current words – it’s you that’s archaic. Wits and i are trained in a very different way than you. KK and davis are also trained very differently. But what we lack is gullibility. What our real professions are, you can’t possibly know or understand, because you are so superficial that you don’t know who you are. That’s why you don’t count.
    Go ask your psychiatrist or counselor. Period.
    No further replies on this matter, time to move on.

  352. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho repent ahbeng0.000kia and get your life back 😉 😀 😛

  353. monsterball says:

    Menyalsk-er is to refine and polite to a skunk like ahbengkia.
    He is already insane long long ago.
    He needs thrashing to beat the devil out of his body.
    We must all try to save him.
    And like good parents…saving him cannot always be nicely to him. You must be cruel to be kind to naughty weird child like ahbengkia.
    We are the low class..he is the one and only high class. We are all blind..he can see with one eye….on and on. Go read and pity him….but f..k him right and proper.. Don’t give him any face. He will climb over your head. He never appreciates kindness. He does not know how to be grateful. Does not all these remind you of UMNO ministers?
    That is why..I said…ahbengkia is not a Malaysian Chinese…although he is from MCA…just like all those MCA members..all drowned with racists attitudes…submitting into UMNO traps…for personal benefits.

  354. Ahbengkia says:

    Wits and i are trained in a very different way than you.// the sage

    you mean both of you are trained in garbage collection?

  355. Ahbengkia says:

    He never appreciates kindness. He does not know how to be grateful.// TUA LAN PAR

    YES, this country through mamakthir has helped you to make lots of undeserved profits and yet you are so ungrateful, whole life cry father and cry mother, you f moron.

  356. monsterball says:

    hahahahaha….Now ahbengkia cannot stand loosing….went home crash program…study little on “LOVE” and now challenging to talk love.
    This skunk who just ate his own shit…have worms crawling into his brain.
    Only witsO and menyalak-er can see that…and try to help…yet he insult both kind souls.
    What kind of an animal is ahbengkia?

  357. Ahbengkia says:

    someone trained in garbage collection must be a garbage collector. yes time to move, i want to watch my game now.

  358. monsterball says:

    No no no ahbengkia…I will not talk “love” right now to change my moods to holy holy…you smart ass.

  359. kittykat46 says:

    Folks, I’m sure you have noticed since we all collective got Ahbengkai RM 0.000 feeling well and truly cornered, NO Multiple-Nick Nematodes have appeared in Susan’s blog ?

    Its down to just the Original McCoy, The Source, and the name is Ahbengkia RM 0.000

    I rest my case.

    Good Night Malaysia, wherever you are…

  360. Ahbengkia says:

    there is only one animal here – tua lan par.

  361. monsterball says:

    “I want to watch my game now”…said ahbengkia.
    What he meant was…to watch every mouthful move he makes.. making sure the game he is playing with one of his rich customer……customer is fully satisfied…..hahahahahahaha

  362. Ahbengkia says:

    fake second upper, no matter what you said of me, i am not a fake like you. What did you say again?, oh, was it second upper engineering from a top ranked aussie uni, got your MBA and now paying top income tax rate?

    Hello fake, what top ranked mba school when you have less than 500 gmat score?

  363. Ahbengkia says:

    making sure the game he is playing with one of his rich customer……customer is fully satisfied…..hahahahahahaha// tua lan par

    yes for the depraved, this is what they think all day. what else can i say, freedom fighter, my foot.

  364. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho better watch your Daddy carol show and repent funny ahbeng0.000kia 😀 Ho Ho Ho

    Ho Ho Ho second chance in life 😉

  365. Menyalak-er says:

    Btw monty and all my friends here, i would like to ask you all, what should true Malaysian do with that BTN?
    How many billions it has cost the gomen to provide this rascist-fascist-terrorist course?

  366. Ahbengkia says:

    ho ho ho my ass you stupid moron.

  367. monsterball says:

    yea..I rest and read and test my patience..not to be irritated by a skunk….over and over again.
    My kopitiam fellas will l defend usual.
    God help that poor soul..ahbengkia.

  368. Ahbengkia says:

    that is stupid question – question that you will expect only one answer. any answer will not be tolerated. See, you are not as smart as i expected.

  369. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho { ho ho ho my ass you stupid moron} Ho Ho Ho 😛
    Ahbengkia talking to his own ass maybe gonna shit anytime and Ho Ho Ho ahbeng0.000kia go and eat your own ass shit 😛 ;D

  370. Ahbengkia says:

    God help that poor soul// tua lan par

    don’t invoke god’s name in vain.

  371. Ahbengkia says:

    Ho ho ho my ass, I bet you don’t have 100 words in your vocabulary, stupid ass.

  372. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho ahbeng0.000kia ass pain and going to shit now Ho Ho Ho 😀

  373. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Oh why you so angry play play with you only mah 😛 you can kiss your own ass ahbeng0.000kia Ho Ho Ho 😉

  374. monsterball says:

    Menyalak-er…as for me..I will vote all out….before many more billions are being squandered…and bankrupt our country.
    That will sure kill ahbengkia so and craft…only skunks like him know how to get rich…..with his special art…no decent human being want to learn at all.
    His mouth is filled with shit and urine…of different flavors and smell.
    Can you imagine a prostitute trying to teach us something?
    He knows kopoitiam fellas will never be his customers…so go to hotels coffee houses…right now waiting to play a game…twisted it to watching a game.
    Ask that smart ass same question and let him respond.

  375. Ho Ho Ho says:

    I am so strong and can play you until you fainted 😛 Ho Ho Ho 😉

  376. wits0 says:

    “what should true Malaysian do with that BTN?” – menyalak-er.

    Chemo and excise it or simply wait to perish. This long standing malignancy and metastasis has already done tremendous damage to the body system.

  377. monsterball says:

    God always looking for lost sheep..lost souls….you bloody ahbengkia idiot!
    I wish he help you….and here comes your idiotic respond.
    By the way…what God are you praying to?
    UMNO money God?
    At get it clear, bloody idiot..God is word.
    You want to debate God stuff?

  378. Ahbengkia says:

    ya strong my ass, you puny dik can’t even poke through a taufoo.

  379. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho feel irritate by me 😛 sure this ahbeng0.000kia will be fainted and cry whole night later 😉 Ho Ho Ho

  380. Ahbengkia says:

    you f low life, you think you can irritate and use vulgar words on others all day. Now f you, you can shaft your puny dik into whatever now.

  381. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho i am very very big and strong from top to toe and my middle bro 😛 are even more better than yours Ho Ho Ho 😉

  382. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho your soul and your mind sound very unbalance and need to call ambulance for help Ho Ho Ho 😀
    I can make you gone mad like a mad dog or mad bull Ho Ho Ho 😛
    I am a very strong and patience person Ho Ho Ho 😉

  383. monsterball says:

    Now he call Ho Ho Ho stupid ass with 100 vocabulary.
    Presuming he us right….and he knows monsterball have a fantastic flavor of the english language….yet ahbengkia sworn HO HO HO and monsterball are one. If not he will quit the blog. That were his exact words….right here at this post.
    If he cannot differentiate a so call….100 vocabulary man to me…HO HO HO may have limited English words.but every word he put out is so powerful and meaningful…to kopitiam fellas.
    ahbengkia can write a mile long…yet all are meaningless and full of shit.
    HO HO HO is ready to screw him alive..with few words..more actions……hahahahahahaha

  384. kittykat46 says:

    “i would like to ask you all, what should true Malaysian do with that BTN?
    How many billions it has cost the gomen to provide this rascist-fascist-terrorist course?” – Menyalak-er

    OK, I’m going ignore the Multiple-Nick Lunatic here and get back on track about national issues.
    Huge amounts of money have been spent on “Kem Bina Negara” – overpriced and often poorly built. On top of that, the many contracts given out to cronies to run the camps, and to run the courses. Its the same Modus Operandi as the PLKN National Service. Contracts for the boys.

    The guys who designed the courses must have copied the manual from Hitler Youth camps. Incorporate things which youngsters everywhere love – physical challenges, group outdoor activities, chance to meet members of the opposite gender, sing-a-longs….
    Interspersed with racist hate talk (Chinese have stolen the country from the Malays), historical distortions (only UMNO fought for Merdeka), partisan politics (DAP are all disloyal commies).

    The solution….same with any company which needs a serious turnaround. Fire the top management. Keep the physical camps. Throw out the syllabus – replace with one emphasising the Constitution and the Rukunegara. Camp management contracts on Competitive Tenders. Replace the instructors with those who can show a true Malaysian outlook, and they need to reflect the country’s composition, instead of looking all from Kampung Jawa and Kampung Kerala (the worst racists, actually).

    It won’t happen this side of BN/ UMNO of course…..

  385. monsterball says:

    hahahahahaha..ahbengkia said HO HO HO cannot poke through a taufo..confirms HO HO HO did poke him…try to be gentle…and now he is complaining…not hard enough…not siok..enough.
    He gets paid…and HO HO HO is doing for free..yet he compliant.

  386. monsterball says:

    National issue?….so simple UMNO out..all problems solve.

  387. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho ahbeng0.000kia how are you now? 😉 FAINTED ?
    You see how polite i am to ask you how do you do! 🙂

  388. Ahbengkia says:

    Why write long story. I have a better idea – shut it down and don’t ever run any national building course again. Any form of “national ideological training” program is a hot bed for indoctrination and brainwashing. So today it is UMNO ketuanan Melayu. Tomorrow it will be someone’s else.
    Simple question: Does USA have any national ideological training camp?
    Racial unity and integration can not be promoted by formal training or by asking people to give up their identities for some illusionary notion of commonality. National unity and integration is brought about by genuine desire of individuals to sacrifice a little of themselves in exchange for the greater common good that they can see happening in the society and country they live in.

  389. monsterball says:

    hi ahbengkia….want to debate God stuff?
    Even witsO with his powerful knowledge on religion…saw me dismentle fanatics… want to try me?
    I say…..JESUS never claim he is a God…neither did Buddha.
    Which Dog….I mean God do you pray to?

  390. Ahbengkia says:

    What I have just written, for monster and ho ho ho it is like ugly ducking hearing thunder.

  391. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😀
    ‘How the gov’t ‘looted’ up to US$100bil ??????
    Ho Ho Ho looting goment like thief! 😡

  392. Ahbengkia says:

    monster, when i am not responding to you, it means it is not worth my effort. You are a confirmed nincompoop, period.

  393. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho ahbeng0.000kia want to be a duck already 😛
    Ho Ho Ho ahbengduckia duck can earn fast income using his sick dik every hour until it drop dead Ho Ho Ho 😀

  394. monsterball says:

    That bloody ahbengkia trying to hero worship USA not knowing US government educate their citizens to think USA is all mighty and know next to nothing about outside word……until got exposed…and changed for the better.
    Just because he was educated in USA in recent times…he knows next to nothing how dirty and cruel..USA Govt. can be.
    Shit..I eat more salt that ahbengkia eat more rice…..yet he keep insulting me.

  395. Ahbengkia says:

    See, duck, I know exactly your standard. That is the only sentence in my whole passage you understood.

  396. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho ahbengduckia must be busy everyday doing a pro service and that is why he said he earn more than others ::D
    Ho Ho Ho sure lah Duck earn more $$$$ than chic-chic Ho Ho Ho 😉

  397. monsterball says:

    Yip…ahbengkia is a very sick man.
    So many wise men say I am wiser.
    So many young ones..respect me…yet he call me a nincompoop..exactly like Mahathir accusing others what he is.
    Just count the countless calling him a nincompoop…learn and got the idea from all…now apply to me…with no shame.

  398. monsterball says:

    Yip…ahbengkia is a very sick man.
    So many wise men say I am wiser.
    So many young ones..respect me…yet he call me a nincompoop..exactly like Mamak accusing others what he is.
    Just count the countless calling him a nincompoop…learn and got the idea from all…now apply to me…with no shame.

  399. monsterball says:

    ahbengkia sure look down on the less educated Malaysians..and all kopitiam fellas..which consist of..are some lawyers..doctors….engineers ..all successful and rich…amongst us…all humble.. never ever show off…like that skunk.

  400. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Good Night Mr Sir Monsterball and to all 😉 😀
    ahbeng0.000kia can kiss his duck ass good night 😛

  401. monsterball says:

    hi ahbengkia.let me teach you how Mahathir took RM100 billion…read and learn.
    Right now…NAZA going invest M628 million to build a building on a land worth RM1.5 billion….and when fully completed…the entire area is worth RM15 billion.
    Remember..all these land belong to Malaysians…not UMNO.
    Present the project…. to many bank…all will rush to finance or lend to NAZA RM700 million or more.
    This means NAZA can make billions from not one sen investment.
    Not an open tender giving all sorts of bullshit reasons..UMNO is using NAZA as a crony.
    Can you imagine…if it is an open tender..guys like Yeoh Tiong Lay…Genting Bhd….even Sime Darby..will put NAZA out of business?
    NAZA is known to have financial problems…involving hundreds of millions..
    Is this not a bailing out…disguised into a business venture….with a chosen crony?
    Multiply that 100 can understand how Mahathir cheated RM100 billions with 10% commission.. to his family.
    The pattern set up my Mahathir is faithfully applied by Najib now.

  402. monsterball says:

    Good-night HO HO HO..

  403. Ahbengkia says:

    actually i am busy watching game now. OK, i will give a “c” for effort, just enough to pass, but you can’t do honours or master, ok.

  404. Menyalak-er says:

    Well the grime and fecal detritus that’s accumulated in BTN is laudable says Avon Lady Sharizat.
    I think anyone who had gone thruough the course will say otherwise, unless they are gullible to rascist/fascist taunts.
    During my time in civil service, it was less drastic and composed of solely indoctrination of how Islam(their version anyway) was the only ‘valid’ religion. The rabid rascism came later.

    BTN is a dirty word and breeds mediocrity and insolence.
    However, civil service requires some measure of ‘indoctrination’ does it not? What happens to INTAN and by extension PKLN which is a privatised national service? JPA revamp is sorely needed and what is the criteria ‘meritocracy’?

    How can the alternative gomen proceed with this?
    The kopitiam flurs also includes ex-gomen servants, does it not?
    That is my discussion, not blind broadsides without a shred of knowing what happens within the service.

  405. wits0 says:

    Menyalak-er, I presume that you (had you continue to serve) had to take that whatchamacallit JPA civil service exam, part 1 and 2 to get beyond a certain bar ? It started from there didn’t it. The greed for for indoctrination only increases as time went on. The dirt wasn’t accumulated in a day, but over decades and only got more putrid. The predictability of which indicated the fascist underscoring of bumno governance all along. Things that developed while people slept and the complicit MSM like the Star never dared reveal.

  406. storm62 says:

    hello everybody, pasar malam and kopitiam fellas,

    what a good day i have today, i don’t make much money today, but i’ve met many friends out there whom are humble and down to earth Malaysians…….what a day!

  407. storm62 says:

    what is this ahbengkia doing here? why is this idiot who can make more than what we earn in a year within 2 days doing here???

    wei ahbengkia, you certainly have insulted the chinese malaysians here by using the name “ahbengkia” here…..please give your real name and phone number so that i can debate you on the phone and see if you’re really what you said you are, idiot !!!

  408. storm62 says:

    wow…. even our cute little cross breed kancil & landak “kanlan” doesn’t like you!!! you sure have an attitude problem man, that is if you’re a man.

    you surely are the “black sheep” of this blog….ha ha ha.

  409. storm62 says:

    i guess this “ahbengkia” is a cross breed of “ahmad+ah beng+kanineh a/l bangbola” very muhibbah punya anak, in hokkien it’s called “chap cheng”……must have “dll” printed in the “bangsa” column of his IC….ha ha ha.

  410. monsterball says:

    That bloody idiot is betting on football games….giving me a “c”…teaching him.
    Hi idiot…do you know how to make football games?
    hi strom62…glad you are back.

  411. storm62 says:

    ahbengkia ar, you bloody hell have NO STANDARD debating with me….i can give “ceramah” in pasar malam and kopitiam but you’re NO WAY compare to me……BODOH sombong idiot.

    the proudness you embedded in your pea-size brain will definitely betray you one day, that i guarantee you……please go get high before you jump from the twin tower or do a Z.deros, the earlier the better!

  412. storm62 says:

    hi monty, you mean he’s a “bookie”?… no, i think he’s a “pookie”….sorry guys, i just can’t help it, just a kopitiam lingo….ha ha ha.

  413. monsterball says:

    Now he wants to be a proffeasor…marking exam papers.
    Ahbengkia honouring UMNO crooks as…his kok all the time.
    Honours and Master degrees from Malaysia.. Tong Sampah Uni or sponsored by MARA to an unrecognized jarkun U in USA.
    All he learned from 3 years in USA…is how great USA is.
    With a poot round and juicy..cannot get any girl to marry him….decides to compete with gals who can use poot better to thrill UMNO crooks.
    First customer every month..FOC…must be MARA that he will not get sued for not paying loans.
    What grade will he give me….able to indentify his character?

  414. storm62 says:

    you’re right menyalak-er, even some pasar malam and kopitiam owners are ex-civil servants, they have their reasons for early retirements from the civil and army jobs, earning a decent living without betraying their other non-malay friends and religion.

    dengan ikhlas.

  415. monsterball says:

    he a bookie? Not in a million years. Bookie runner…maybe.

  416. storm62 says:

    can anybody confirmed this “ahbengkia” is only 17+???

    born : 25-02-1992 ???

    check it out here :

  417. monsterball says:

    hi ahbengkia….5 more days for you to cabot again…..if I do not use foul language.
    You got HO HO HO and me pardoned you.
    I have also forgave you so many times….always smile and come back…no change…always bragging.
    MU won…how many goals?

  418. monsterball says:


  419. storm62 says:

    good nite monty…..sorry i scared ahbengkia away…hi hi hi.

    surely missed all his nonsense.

    sweet dreams everyone, susan too!

  420. monsterball says:

    Good morning everyone!
    Every young reader and kopitiam fellas understand my message how Mahathir rob RM1OO billion from tax payers….and here this sickening ahbengkia gave a ‘C’ …based on English and composition…..not based on facts and informations.
    I did 3 hours solid sleep….wake up…to take a peep at Tiger Woods and right now with a 1 shot lead…playing normal when all are better better than him… catching up.
    It should be another exciting final Sunday.

  421. referee says:

    Tough guy does not fight against girls – Chinese proverb.//referee

    This proverb is archaic, women want equality and equal pay, don’t they? They want to participate and take position; they should face the same consequences, simple.

    Ahbengkia – November 28, 2009 at 2:21 pm

    This proverb has been practicing by the Chinese all over the world for a long long time because this is in the Chinese Culture. Though it’s archaic, but still practiced by the Chinese.

    If one follows the Chinese culture which has been practicing since six thousand years ago by the all the Chinese all over the world, one will find life more meaningful- living in peace, harmony and prosperity for all his/her entire life .


    Tough guy does not fight against girls – Chinese proverb.//referee

    This proverb is archaic, women want equality and equal pay, don’t they? They want to participate and take position; they should face the same consequences, simple.

    Ahbengkia – November 28, 2009 at 2:21 pm

    This proverb has been practicing by the Chinese all over the world because this is in the Chinese Culture.

    If one follows the Chinese culture which has been practicing since six thousand years ago by the all the Chinese all over the world, one will find life more meaningful, living in peace, harmony and prosperity for all his/her life.


  422. monsterball says:

    What BTN courses are UMNO talking about…menyalak-er?
    Corrupted to the core…want to teach Malaysians how to be patriots?
    No .it is brain washing hero worship UMNO.
    All opinions are given in Malaysia-Today blog…..all know UMNO is trying to brainwash young Malaysians….to vote for UMNO.

  423. monsterball says:

    hi….bloody referee worm!
    Do not bring religion or Confucius great sayings to talk politics in a blog.
    Want to talk like so….go to temples and speak all you want.
    F…k off your sermon to kopitiam fellas.

  424. monsterball says:

    hahahahahaha…Hoping all Malaysians value peace and harmony to vote UMNO in again.
    That was in the past..where we have no choice.
    After 12th GE….WAKE UP….ahbengkia alias referee.
    You cannot fool or frighten young voters anymore.
    Certainly kopitiam fellas waiting for 13th GE….to make sure…you go back to be farmers and taxi drivers..joining most of MCA guys…while those so call… doctors can repent and start saving some save their souls.

  425. monsterball says:

    hi referee..I dare you to show that video in a mosque or to an UMNO meeting.
    Lets see they decorate you with a Datuk…or hurl you to Tanjong Rambutan…..mixing you religion with politics.
    Come on man….show your wonderful video of great Confucius sayings to UMNO crooks…i DARE YOU.

  426. monsterball says:

    This post is exposing the biggest devil reincarnated from UMNO…and here comes an idiot…in the name of “referee”…to tell us forgive and forget crooks.
    Knowing Malaysian Chinese…be it Christians or Buddhists….do respect their roots and CONFUCIUS….apply this low class stunt in a Malaysian Chinese blog.
    Put that at Rockybru’s blog…Big Dog…or Chet Det..blogs….black maria van come knocking at his doorstep.
    This pariah UMNO idiot…disguised as MCA racist thinks ahbengkia and he ..playing wayang kulit… have SOUL?
    Come on…put that at Mahathir’s blog…..I dare you.

  427. wits0 says:

    “can anybody confirmed this “ahbengkia” is only 17+???” – Stormy.

    Does not matter whether he is 18 or 48, because he’s hopeless and an enemy to this blog and to whatever that is honest, honorable or of true integrity.Therefore, whatever garbage he spews are actually of little concern or consequences.

  428. peasant says:

    This monsterball is just a useless mother farkkerr good for nothing except squandering earth’s natural resources, now bodekking the rocket parasite and son.

    How much has these two rocket mother farkkers picked up from the RM 100 billions squanders and the trillions in Petronas & national resources-tangible and intangible??

    And how much this mother farkkerr monsterball sub-picked up from these two racket mother farkkers?

    Wow! If these two were to reveal their assets, it will be billions of ringgit in their surreptitious accounts.. hence they would never declare their assets.

    To the Ipoh Timur & Bagan voters, well, you booted out the corrupt BN dogs, now voted in the useless rocket outstation dogs.

    Come next GE, if they still don’t declare their assets, time to kick them out from the states. These two mother farkkres don’t deserve to be paid using voters sweat & blood money, let alone shitting in these two states, Hahahaha..

    Mahathir has squandered Rm100 billions of our money.

    Mr. mother farkerr LKS & son all the while zzzzzzzz all the times while Mahathir is burning, raping and robbing Rome… and joining in this mother farkkerr Mahathir when awakening..

  429. wits0 says:

    “How can the alternative gomen proceed with this?” (wrt BTN) – Menyalak-er.

    No way, man. Such an alternative government would have to be a clearly a fake one.

    “BTN is a dirty word and breeds mediocrity and insolence.”

    Absolutely! But it is central to the very nature of umnoputraism and hence has to be organised and openly institutionalised with an appearance of legitimacy, a repackaged fascism to look even respectable.

  430. peasant says:

    These Mahafarkker & the two farkker & son are the enemies of the State conspiring among themselves, living in comfort zone… farkking around with young & corrupt rocket concubines…. living like the eunuch emperor…

    These two power crazy mother farkkers must be juxtaposed together with this mad mad king cobra and be …… hahahaha

  431. monsterball says:

    Anwar loves to frequently quote CONFUCIUS sayings to…insult UMNO crooks.
    “referee” alias ahbengkia…trying to teach kopitiam fellas here?
    Come on….WORM…promise you got balls…and post that video at Najib’s or Mahathir’s blog.
    A least UMNO Muslims fanatics are more sincere….like kancilandak did in the past…quoting Koranic verses…and changed for the better..awakened and know who ahbengkia is.
    This sickening “referee” alias ahbengkia.. is another religion fanatic…knows next to nothing about Buddhism nor Confucius sayings..feeling so guilty…with sins he hide so long… one knows .except himself…..memorize word by word….speak them out….hoping to be saved…..not going to hell….when he dies.
    If one have attain some enlightenment… understands the meanings of great Confucius sayings…one will have a balanced mind……and know where to prick guilty souls.
    Insults upon insults…these low class worms will try anything here… carry Najib’s balls.

  432. monsterball says:

    First a referee …now a mad dog…name peasant.
    Peasant can sure talk kok alot…..hahahahahahahaha

  433. monsterball says:

    Repeated over and over again….this peasant…I suspect is kaisu..all no brain idiots….just bragging and foul mouth.

  434. peasant says:

    This monsterball is a real true pure mother farkker. When the BN was in charge of the state, this mother farrkerr would unabashedly li*kking BN dogs’ balls.

    Now with a different government, this mother farkkerr monsterball will li*k different balls.

    These monsterball & his useless mother farkking kopitiam fellas must be sent to a monster island and let the monsters there shaft their as*hole kow kow.. kakakakakakaka

  435. monsterball says:

    3 mass destruction weapons…all eaten up by King Kong….HULK and Captain Marvel…like roasted pea nuts.
    Now referee/kaisu….peasant/straycat’s strut…ahbengkia/W9….6 but actually ONE.
    Sunday…want to give Confucius sayings in this blog…to tell us nincumpoops need some sermons…while someone is mounting ahbengkia…right now.
    “An eye for an eye” makes the whole world blind…but sometimes it makes sense…when situations force you to retaliate.
    However..that’s exactly what UMNO we go back to be disobedient Malaysians to UMNO government…with no violence….to make them mad.
    It is working in this blog…right now.,

  436. monsterball says:

    Li…kking BN balls?
    Me …monsterball li..kking balls?
    You are so used to that….you think everyone is like you?

  437. peasant says:

    This monsterball is literally a true blue mother farkkre with no principle and philosophy but literally a monster..

    This uneducated mother farkkerr monsterball will sell his mother to the BN dogs ala the rocket concubine of Jelapang Hee Jit Fung selling the voters to the Umno dogs… whenever a deal is being offered….

    Well! Vote these mother farkerr & son at your peril… these have been happening all over the nation… Kua Kia Soong, Lee Lam Tyle, Hee Jit Fung, Lee Kim Sai, Kerk Choo Ting…… just to name a few…the list is endless… hahahaha

    Mahakutty, Rocket & son have squandered RM100 billions +++ our money!

  438. monsterball says:

    Those who want to talk “Biro Tata Negara” or BTN….go to Lim Kit Siang’s blog.
    LKS devoted few post…..just on these subject with great comments….all against sly fox UMNO.
    Here too many ghosts cachow cachow the blog….must hentam these intruders…which are all supporting BN.
    Giving Confucius sayings to teach kopitiam fellas is an insult masterminded by ahbengkia idiot…..calling all of us… nincumpoops to learn from him.

  439. monsterball says:

    aiya peasant…how many times you want to repeat same thing…literally this….literally that about me.

  440. monsterball says:

    peasant…..seriously…you need your brain to be examined.
    Your messages make no sense at all.
    Steady la…speak with some sense…you bloody young fut.

  441. davis says:

    The book that is the topic of this blog is about the billions squandered by Dr. M during his term of office. I wonder how DAP is linked to this loss of billions. As far as I know DAP was not part of the government. DAP was not a crony of Dr. M. How did DAP lay its hands on the billions as alleged by one writer? Would be much obliged if the writer could forward evidence on this blog.

  442. wits0 says:

    “Would be much obliged if the writer could forward evidence on this blog.” – davis.

    That’s a punk spammer, rather than a writer, firstly. Had there been any available evidence throughout the decades, wouldn’t the Dark side of the Force have instantly capitalized on that earlier?

    Meantime here’s Sari(bang)zat and BTN :

  443. Five Star Kopitiam says:

    Good morning,morning,morning,, 😀
    (( Wah lau eh ))) Confucius words of wisdom!
    This must be good words of wisdom for Taoism peoples but true Confucius teaching was twisted by peoples with bad intentions that makes lots of other peoples confuse instead,,kakakakakakaka
    Main point is that is a person like ahbeng@ or some other things listen again and again this wisdom words of Confucius also no point because of ‘HEART’ not good enough! Why? Example : if they watch games or gambling 😡 for sure this bad intention peoples will pray for winning and do not follow the words of wisdom from true Confucius teaching! 😮
    likewise this is what we truly call nin-com-poop person that is a insult to religion without their conscious mind.Umm they will know what is consequences in their after life! 8)
    Peoples with good ‘HEART’ will pray for world peace before themselves and cares for others than always insults others,,My goodness why still a lots of this nin-com-poop still do not understand like beng-beng kia @ many many 🙂
    Wow))) Lets enjoy our morning breakfast peacefully first with our pure black coffee less sugar and a wonderful breakfask,,kakakakakaka
    Remember to drive carefully as we can see and listen to most news lately that accidents cases on the rise during this holidays season,,take care.

  444. wits0 says:

    I first heard about Mr. 10% in circa ’82 and it was done in fearful whispers. It even sounded a bit incredible then because of the flagrancy involved and about Mamakry around that time too, thanks to to damn noosepapers’ self censorships.

  445. Five Star Kopitiam says:

    OoopS ))) One last speciality for all our FRIEND’S out there by 😉
    KENNY G -SONG BIRD going home and drive extra careful and safety this Sunday :),,kakakakakakka
    Relax your soul & mind now with KENNY G – SONG BIRD 😀

  446. wits0 says:

    This call that should have been raised long ago(even B4 1 BS) but was not. The accrued momentum is like the dammed up water in a dam unreleased.

    ‘Najib, build 1Malaysia by demolishing BTN’

  447. Five Star Kopitiam says:

    Happy morning to Susan loone,wits0,monsterball,davis,menyalak-er,harrison’s-ex,Captain marvel,monstergirl,rebena,kancilandak and many many more exciting friends and good peoples out there 😉
    I really enjoy you guys and gals wise comments and Thank you for everything 🙂

  448. Ahbengkia says:

    Some are serious commentators, some rabble rousers, some depraved talkers and this morning (as like most mornings) a lousy, crude, and ball carrying cheer leader.

  449. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Good Morning to all 😛 😀
    Ho Ho Ho what a crazy early morning for ahbeng0.000kia Ho Ho Ho 😛

  450. kittykat46 says:

    Ahbengkai RM 0.000 @ peasant

  451. Ahbengkia says:

    Some are serious commentators, some rabble rousers, some depraved talkers and this morning (as like most mornings) a lousy, crude, and ball carrying cheer leader.

    Watching a football match to you fellows is gambling and betting. Does that surprise me? No, this is who you are, you have to face reality.

    You fellows can talk about BTN etc, what about thriving gambling industry in Malaysia today? The government said no new outlets, but look at the numbers of sport toto, magnum and others sprouting up like mushrooms.

    Most Malaysians are addicted to gambling. Another addiction is watching zombie movies. You tell me now why mamakthir can roam around for 22 years scr*wing most of you. Now another one is coming up to scr*w your sons, daughters and grandchildren, watch my lips.

  452. Ahbengkia says:

    hi fake second upper, i have openly declare here to ask susan to check whether i have used another nick or otherwise. Can you do the same? I don’t think so, for this is the pattern of behavior of a fake. You know that in Malaysia if you earn less than 2,600 a month, you pay almost no income tax. Now we know why you pay no tax, not max tax rate as stated by you. fake fake fake.

  453. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho ahbeng0.000kia @ peasant AMOK in the early morning 😡 😛

  454. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Good Morning to Sir Kittykat46 😉
    Ho Ho Ho ahbeng0.000kia start his usual crazy insults again 😛

  455. wits0 says:

    “Now another one is coming up to scr*w your sons, daughters and grandchildren, watch my lips.”

    That’s because you whetted his appetite with your rump’s offering.

  456. davis says:

    Ahbengkia, can you tell me what has tax or rather the personal income tax has to do with one character ? Are you saying that if one does not pay tax or do not have to pay tax because of low income one does not have character?

  457. Ahbengkia says:

    davis i canhelp imparting knowledge, but not intelligence or analytical abiltiy, sorry.

  458. Ahbengkia says:

    witso, yes it is the rump from you died of poison, remember?

  459. 1unitedvoters says:

    Would be much obliged if the writer could forward evidence on this blog.

    davis – November 29, 2009 at 7:00 am

    It’s all in the balance sheet.

    These two great rocket farkkerrs have been screwing the Malaysian voters for decades without declaring their assets..

    It’s time the voters in Semenunjung boycott any politician who doesn’t declare his/her assets come this 13th GE.

    Penang should lead with honest asset disclosures

    State government officials must declare assets now

  460. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho ‘ninny’ 😛 ahbeng0.000kia and many many crazy @ coming to town talking nonsense again Ho Ho Ho 😀

  461. wits0 says:

    Anyone who has been around knows that A-Nil is anti LGE over KBP. That he’s also madly pro Palestinian and a true blue believer in Al Gore’s ‘Global Warming’. All the air head populism that’s PC to assume.

  462. davis says:

    Ahbengkia, please answer my question, if you can. If you cannot (most of the time you cannot), it is ok with me. Please don’t try to evade the question by raisng other issue such as knowledge and analytical ability and intelligence. That is your trademark, we all know. Anyway, I understand why you are doing so. Your master, the puppeteer has so ordered and you obey.

  463. wits0 says:

    1unitedvoters = peasant = referee = Abangkai = toxic wastes.

  464. Ahbengkia says:

    If I want to identify a typical no brainer Malaysian, a nincompoop Malaysian, a Malaysian who allows the ruling class to scr*w him with impunity, he is Ho Ho Ho. He does not know he is stupid and ignorant and therefore has continued embarrassing himself and his friends and family. The day when Malaysia is free from people like Ho Ho Ho, the ruling elites would stop scr*wing. Sometimes we have to get rid of imbeciles who were kept alive by modern science and civilisation. In the law of the jungle these people would have been eaten up long ago and yet they have come here to continue abusing others.

  465. 1unitedvoters says:

    Anyone who has been around knows that A-Nil is anti LGE over KBP. That he’s also madly pro Palestinian and a true blue believer in Al Gore’s ‘Global Warming’. All the air head populism that’s PC to assume.

    wits0 – November 29, 2009 at 8:34 am

    Anil strikes the same chord as the 1unitedvoters’ voice.

    Ignore at your own peril!

  466. Ahbengkia says:

    1unitedvoters = peasant = referee = Abangkai = toxic wastes.//witso

    this is how another imbecile fights.

  467. wits0 says:

    Abangkai toxicant also tried to steer the discussion from BTN towards gambling. He has no analytical ability and intelligence but parrots.

  468. kittykat46 says:

    Ahbengkia RM 0.000 still doesn’t realise he’s been methodically stirred to expose just how low a character he is…..

    Anyway, its the 7th Day, I’ll just lay back and enjoy the fun….Ahbengkai is way out of his depth facing our 5-star kopitiam team.

  469. Ahbengkia says:

    Abangkai toxicant also tried to steer the discussion from BTN towards gambling. He has no analytical ability and intelligence but parrots.// imbecile

    You know what is the difference btw most of you and me? I read all the posts even lots of them are garbage. Did you? I doubt very much. You basically fell in love with your own writing and you don’t really read and understand what others have to offer. This applies to most of you, the so called senior or taiko bloggers. My foot.

  470. davis says:

    What has not declaring one’s asset has to do with the billions that were lost during Dr. M term of office? I cannot see any link.

  471. Ahbengkia says:

    Some kopitiam fellows have accused me for gambling when what I did was to watch my favourite games. That is how gambling industry was brought into picture. I am always succinct, pertinent and relevant.

  472. Ahbengkia says:

    Abangkai toxicant also tried to steer the discussion from BTN towards gambling. He has no analytical ability and intelligence but parrots.// imbecile

    That is not true, I have contributed meaningfully to the discussion on BTN, but did you? Oh, let me see, still trying to find some big words to show how learned you are in English literature?

    You know what is the difference btw most of you and me? I read all the posts even lots of them are garbage. Did you? I doubt very much. You basically fell in love with your own writing and you don’t really read and understand what others have to offer. This applies to most of you, the so called senior or taiko bloggers. My foot.

  473. davis says:

    Ahbengkia, I have read your writing and I find your writing to be half truth (sometime) and lies (most of the times). I think most who read your posting wonder why iare you trying to mislead .

  474. peasant says:

    This monsterball is a first class honors basta*d trying to advocate Islam to the non-Muslims here on the pretext that he is a Chinese.

    This mother farkking bast*rd is just a wolf in sheep skin… must be skinned alive and let the carcass rots in the Sahara Deserts.. the Bedouins there might consider letting their eagles feeding the rotten carcass… hahahaha

  475. Ahbengkia says:

    Like for example that fake second upper said about revamping BTN as if he is a typical CEO. Can you not see my post is more succint and more out of the box as follow:

    Why write long story. I have a better idea – shut it down and don’t ever run any national building course again. Any form of “national ideological training” program is a hot bed for indoctrination and brainwashing. So today it is UMNO ketuanan Melayu. Tomorrow it will be someone’s else.
    Simple question: Does USA have any national ideological training camp?
    Racial unity and integration can not be promoted by formal training or by asking people to give up their identities for some illusionary notion of commonality. National unity and integration is brought about by genuine desire of individuals to sacrifice a little of themselves in exchange for the greater common good that they can see happening in the society and country they live in.

  476. Ahbengkia says:

    Ahbengkia, I have read your writing and I find your writing to be half truth (sometime) and lies (most of the times). I think most who read your posting wonder why iare you trying to mislead .//davis

    that is too general an accusation, tell me where and when and i will be happy to respond to you.

    What has not declaring one’s asset has to do with the billions that were lost during Dr. M term of office? I cannot see any link.// davis

    this is a stupid question again, but i shall leave to other time.

  477. monsterball says:

    ahbengkia is so proud Mahathir can roam freely…inspite of being proven a liar and a thief.
    He said….one come after him maybe worst than mamak.
    Same old story with his accusation to be taken as all mighty truth….to start off his nonsense.
    It also revealed he watch football with no money to place a bet for more excitements. Sounds like a hypocrite UMNO muslim with a Chinese nick.
    He love to talk kok to Davis…nowadays. i guess he thinks Davis is easy meat. Dozens of questions put forth by Davis….all ignored…out come his insults to cover up his stupid ignorance.
    Naturally….mean and most kopitiam fellas are considered nincumpoops….and he judge people by how much income tax…one pay every year..
    This ahbengkia look down on the poor…insult the intelligent folks….not knowing when come to voting…these are the mightiest voters can will, send him to Timbuktu for further studies.
    Yes….he reads about world affairs..and become world affairs expert.
    He read high class English books and become an d English language expert..with witsO and Davis quoting Shakespeare….just to hint to him… he cannot claim to be an expert …in English language..unless you master Shakespeare’s works.
    Both are so humble….and ahbengkia….thinks his english is the best.
    i think my english far more better as what I write…..from professors to road sweepers……all understand me.
    Ahbengkia keep saying .we are “depraved” people…..which means morally corrupt fellas we are.
    What a stupid man he is..using that word to describe us…when he has no balls to say that to the right people…his boss…the BN crooks.
    Yes….ahbengkia simply love to twist and turn…….to fool young Malaysians.

  478. monsterball says:

    Davis..he is asking you for PIN POINT proof…yet he keep accusing others with no proof and put out assumptions to say that is proof enough…for him to .bla bla bla.
    Focus on his character..based on his writings..and you can read him like a book..with a picture in your mind…a snake with two heads.

  479. peasant says:

    Mahathir has squandered Rm100 billions!

    Sloone: Give me back my RM100bil !

    Well! Wtf these two useless farkking eunuch & son doing? Still seeking orgasms with the young and brainless rocket concubines.. drinking wine, devouring abalones, caviar and lobsters?

    Wow! Sure they are living a hedonistic lifestyle… dancing, singing, embracing, farkking relentlessly with their sweet & petite concubines while the peasants are having tough times tilting land- rain or shine- just to make ends meet… and have to pay all kinds of taxes to sustain these two useless far*king bas*ards decadent lifestyle… instead of rolling out… but rolling over & over the bed with orgasms…

    Time to boot these two useless idiots out from the peasants’ sweat & blood payroll.. and seek some hardcore maverick taking charge in recovering the RM trillions looted by Mahafarkerkutty & all BN motherfarkres! Hahahaha…

  480. monsterball says:

    hi IDIOT!!….all UMNO ministers need to declare their assets la. They govern the country.
    Where PR guys govern which State…those parliamentarians need to declare their assets …which all did.
    Why must you keep harping DAP or LKS must declare their assets.
    Do you have proof they stole from tax payers .on sen?
    Stop your nonsense and stop protecting UMNO and MCA crooks with such low class argument.

  481. kittykat46 says:

    peasant 9.02 am = Ahbengkai RM 0.000 9.03 am = Ahbengkai RM 0.000 9.06 am

    This multiple-nick lunatic is really a serious nutcase.

  482. monsterball says:

    When you read “peasant” message….that style…that art…that way of talking…..can only come from an UMNO half past six person…living in cloud nine.

  483. monsterball says:

    kittykat is a time and code expert breaker…..hahahahahahaha

  484. 1unitedvoters says:

    When you read “peasant” message….that style…that art…that way of talking…..can only come from an UMNO half past six person…living in cloud nine.

    monsterball – November 29, 2009 at 9:31 am

    The voters are the boss! Is that how you treat your boss?

    Take heed of the boss’s voice and rectifies, else just pack and balik tongsan hahahaha

  485. monsterball says:

    Bloody ahbengkia keep talking about USA as if he is the US President closet aid…knowing everything about US government….everything….no secrete to ahbengkia idiot.
    Just look at all the time….he brags he know so much about US..govt. policies.
    Yes…kittykat46…he is a serious nutcase.

  486. 1unitedvoters says:

    Politicians are servant, voters are the boss.. this monsterball thought his master is the boss, kiakiakiakia…

    Hey you useless mentally retarded monsterball, you are talking to your boss’s boss la!

    Do as you are told or shut the fa*k up, understant my dear little grand servant?? Hahaha

  487. Ahbengkia says:

    kitty is an expert in faking, if she is a woman she will fake “that” too.

  488. monsterball says:

    Are you saying “peasant” is the voter and our boss?
    BALDERDASH!!!…those half past sixes bosses can go to hell…sooner or later.
    Ask his big boss…..Najib to declare 13th GE….and lets see who will be the bosses after that.

  489. 1unitedvoters says:

    Monsterball our servant, go and collect back our RM 100 billions which had been squandered by Mahafarkskutty…

    Don’t waste your time here you stupid fool… you are paid to work for the voters (your boss)… and not screwing here for nothing…

    Don’t ever come back here without the RM 100 billions recovering from Mahafarkingkutty… or else you can jump from the Twin tower’s 88th floor together with Mahafurkingkutty! Hehehehe..

  490. monsterball says:

    hahahayahahahaha..kittykat… old friend. Ahbengkia so smart….says you are a woman faking love play…with false “woooohahaaweeeho” sound.
    I repeat..WOMAN…..hahahahahahaha
    Shall I reveal who you are?
    Better not. Let him keep making a fool of himself.
    See….your nick…got a simpleton fooled.

  491. monsterball says:

    Another nick from same person….bossing me around..with no shame.

  492. monsterball says:

    hi….”1unitedvoter”….you grab Mahafurkingkutty and push both of us from the twin tower..I will hold his hand and mile..flying to never never land….both penniless.
    At least I can die…same status with more Tun…this and that…become like me….not me like him.
    Mission accomplished!!

  493. 1unitedvoters says:

    Are you saying “peasant” is the voter and our boss?
    BALDERDASH!!!…those half past sixes bosses can go to hell…sooner or later.
    Ask his big boss…..Najib to declare 13th GE….and lets see who will be the bosses after that.

    monsterball – November 29, 2009 at 9:50 am

    Come 13th GE campaigning time, all these rocket farkkres will beg for forgiveness for this mentally retarded cuckoo’s blunder.. Hahahaha..

    Knell and li*k monsterballs you useless farkking monsterball if you want my votes… hahaha

    This monsterball is a first class honors stupid basta*d trying to fool around with his boss… even though his boss the rocket old farkkre would not also try to offend the voters- the boss… hahaha

  494. Pegasus says:

    ahbengkia…protrays himself as a fence sitter…neither here or there…this idiot seem to be in the blog to gather info on what the people want to do in the coming election …what are the plan & steps to be taken…he acknowledge corruption is there ..but does not know what to do… simple ahbeng…if you can’t decide when to stand…suggest you stand in the middle of the Federal Highway…the Malaysian drivers will do the rest…..when you’re history …or just statistic…..fear not…we will exhumed you 2 or 3 times….and have Dr.Pronthip ( no less ) to do the only have a pea brain… ha..ha..ha..!

  495. monsterball says:

    hi “1unitedvoter” can keep your vote for Naf Ton Raza….on 13th GE…and see who will boss who after that.
    Don’t dream to li..k our balls. We don’t take bribes.

  496. Pegasus says:

    1unitedvoter …keep your vote for umno/bn…they need it too…either you fight corruption or get the F**k out…!!!

  497. monsterball says:

    ahbengkia….see ..all the nincumpoops wrote fantastic intelligent messages…all against you.
    Why you so thick skin la.
    kiitykat a woman meow meow?
    Why you keep asking for trouble and love insulting everyone la.
    You want to be famous in this blog….not like this la.
    4 more need to disappear again…or have you forgotten?
    Anyway…pray for a miracle…monsterball will use foul language….and stop claiming you changed me.
    An old man like me..have a set pattern of life..cannot change for better or worst..but daily I can see you as a snake with two black heads.
    kittykat sees you as a nutcase.
    Davis sees you as a fake.
    WitsO sees you gone case.
    menyaka-er sees you a devil between the deep blue sea.
    Kopitiam fellas see you as a Najib’s balls
    Paragus ask you to jump from Federal Highway
    HO HO HO..King Kong…HULK…Cpt. Marvel…all want to swallow you up.
    All are facts…based on written proofs.
    I ask you to eat your own stool…if you do not keep your word and quite from this blog.
    You have actually created a record in blogging with so much shit thrown to you….yet smiling and still happy.
    Yes kittykat46 is right….you are a nutcase.

  498. monsterball says:

    ahbengkia……Have you tasted so much insults on a glorious Sunday?
    But you best…one word…’nincumpoops” insult all.

  499. monsterball says:

    Silence is not golden from you to us… la.
    Silence from kopitiam fellas is a big team keeping quiet…to strike when needed to.
    Where is your team?
    You mean you transform to be ‘”peasant “referee” and “1unitedvoter”..we don’t know?
    Always 3 new nut names..all like the original nut ..ahbengkia who are puppets on the string…to one master mind.

  500. kittykat46 says:

    Any of you folks have money saved in CIMB Bank ?
    CIMB “slipped” through the announcement of its RM 8.4 Billion Non-Performing Loans just before the weekend. Parked it in a “special purpose company” just like Enron eh ?

    Bank Bumiputra, the core of the CIMB group, has a sad, sorry history of multiple collapses requiring taxpayer bail-outs. This may become the 4th Mega Bailout in 32 years.

    Be Careful, though your savings are supposed to be covered by Deposit insurance up to RM 60K per account and Bank Negara guaranteed all deposits, regardless of amount until December 2010.
    Next year is looking very gloomy indeed, forget the “talk-up” by Najib.

  501. monsterball says:

    And we know who is the CEO of CIMB Bank….don’t we…kittykat….Naf Ton Raza bladder.

  502. davis says:

    Ahbengkia with his trademark of telling half truth and lies is symbolic of BN ideology. He is paid by BN leaders to defend BN on this blog. Readers of this blog know what he is. He cannot answer most of my questions. No, he is not stupid. He is smart. He knows very well that if he answers my questions he would have to discriminate his puppeteers. He would have to discredit his bosses. That he cannot do. Now he has to lie and to use bombastic words to convey a simple idea creating an illusion that he is learned and that his opinion is the truth. At times, he even resort to abusive words. Ahbengkia, please don’t counter what I have said by saying that this is just my opinion. It is not only my opinion of you but also the truth,

  503. kancilandak says:

    …suggest you stand in the middle of Federal Highway… -Pegasus

    I suggest Abengkia, peasant and 1united voter carry banner say,”we hate monsterball” go stand at parliament lobby.. so tonight you can spend time in Tg.Rambutan leaving susan blog to conduct in peace.

    Abengkia a/l kaka kutty tokok whole day.. tak habis habis.. rocket ball l*cker, motherfarker.. this your hobby or what, Abengkia??? meluat nak muntah lah!

  504. monsterball says:

    kittykat…for years CIMB needed our service after sale.
    All of a sudden ..all 10 machines packed up….saying changing for better system….yet strange enough…keep buying new models…last year.
    it seems closed shop and move out…somewhere….all 10 floors!!

  505. Pegasus says:

    davis, well said man… you sum it well… on RM0.000!

  506. monsterball says:

    Yes yes….Davis….very well said.
    if he is a man…he should respond…or leave quietly…never to come back.

  507. Pegasus says:

    kittykat, thanks for that info…next year is indeed looking gloomy…even now..things have not pick up in the true sense of the word…najib forecast is for himself…..and with the 4% GST..that IS gloomy…

  508. Pegasus says:

    Monty,another bail out maybe ?

  509. monsterball says:

    Ahbenkia is 100% UMNO Muslim..not a Malaysian Chinese at all.
    He is one of those who worked for UMNO that kept insulting me.. few years ago. .when I exposed “All Blog” is a fraud…out to con people for donations.Two famous ones….Shah101 and Big Dog…..but ahbengkia sounds more like Shah101.
    Rocky is a real double headed snake…that have machais to do his dirty work.
    Yes…UMNO men are here to rojak this blog and try to chase me away.
    straycat’s strut is jeancumlately.
    Whispering9 sitting on the fence…keep fanning in favour of BN to win 13th GE…..for own selfish reasons.

  510. monsterball says:

    Looks like it….Pegasus.
    Kittykat have said it all.
    It is a matter of time…..all will be revealed.
    Did you read..billions overpriced exposed in Sarawak …today’s paper?
    All these cannot be hidden from papers…….must be published.or else documents will suddenly appear…to tell who are the corrupted crooks.
    MACC is playing the nice guy image to expose in general..what’s happening in Sarawak. They know all details and will not act.
    They will protect UMNO as Najib will protect MACC as much as possible…to protect himself.
    Yes Pegasus…UMNO BARU need the old man badly.
    Najib goes….UMNO goes….unless Mahathir is still alive and carry the fort….from behind ruling……advising stupid no brain…DPM…. as PM..what to do.

  511. wits0 says:

    “…He cannot answer most of my questions. No, he is not stupid. He is smart. He knows very well that if he answers my questions he would have to discriminate his puppeteers. He would have to discredit his bosses…” – davis.

    Verily. He’s smart but not enough for he has already fallen flat on his face but because there’s payment involved, he keeps bouncing back shamelessly. He supplants his presence here with multiple nicks and morphs to imitate supports and the fact that he works for BN, easily emboldens him to threaten Monsterball and then pretends that never happened. He’s not smart enough because he’s openly snooty and a crappy liar and denier.

  512. monsterball says:

    Sounds like Shah101 .whose blog is a ghost blog now.
    One ever famous post..”The Gremlin”….all about me with 75 comments….long long ago….some defending me…with Zorro against me..even though he came and ask me for help twice.
    This skin and bones divorcee living with his old father…is a die hard UMNO man with a real shit personality…no morals at all…simply fuil of shit.

  513. Pegasus says:

    Monty,come what may….doomsday are here for BN…as you say all will be revealed …as it is …a lot are being exposed…MCA,MIC ,and UMno are turning into maggots…Gerakan…are not going to Gerak..they are at standstill..dead…by next 13th GE…we will get rid of these bast**ds out for good…!!!

  514. wits0 says:

    “kitty is an expert in faking, if she is a woman she will fake “that” too.” – sez A Bangkai.

    You’re not even a great CT and may be soon replaced by your dumb employer.

  515. Ahbengkia says:

    smiles,,,,,,,C- materials, sad, that is why Malaysians in generally will be forever scr*wed.

  516. monsterball says:

    I can only pray the 2 million young voters will register and go out to vote.
    I hope all will not take slogans as TRUTHS.
    I hope all put on their thinking caps….read all the pros and cons…not allowing newspapers all good news about UMNO…to brainwash them… internet news…that UMNO will never publish.
    Being young….not many can afford to subscribe to Malaysiakini……but never mind…so many blogs to read..with so much comments.
    Don’t simply believe what I write…but I write with my feelings and observations what UMNO is and where are we heading with UMNO keep poisoning minds.
    I write with no personal ulterior selfish motives…as I an 70 years old..and honestly do not care who governs Malaysia.
    But I do care so much for Malaysians country and my children and grandchildren.all futures being f…ked up by UMNO.
    For that…i promised myself to write till i drop dead…walk the talks as much as I can… with no fear nor favour any poilitcal party.
    But I strongly support change of matter how much UMJO claim they have changed or showing how good they are now.
    It is time voters realised a how powerful they are and not allow any civil servants elected by them…to treat them like animals.
    I have tasted UMNO water cannons and tear gas for no reasons.
    Yes….UMNO treats me like an animal….even though they never show that.
    Using guided democracy as an excuse….apply ISA..and all sorts of arrests…just to make sure…they win and govern again in 13th GE…to avoid criminals charges….so many…is a band of robbers out to protect themselves,.and not doing any good for Malaysians.
    I hope I can live to see the day….UMNO is voted out.

  517. Ahbengkia says:

    Kitty, a sincere advice for you: what you have just said about CIMB is seditious and spread a false rumour which is tantamount to subversion. I am sincerely advising you to be more circumspect. If BNM found this out, I don’t think they will let you go lightly. We must take responsibility of what we said, no matter how angry we may be. We are not a non identity in the cyberspace. I said this without malice, and you should be smart enough to know this.

  518. Ahbengkia says:

    sorry repost, mistake:
    Kitty, a sincere advice for you: what you have just said about CIMB is seditious and spreading false rumour which is tantamount to subversion.

  519. monsterball says:

    ahbengkia can stuff his advise into his arsehole.
    I and 2 others are waiting for his police report.
    One who keep breaking his promises..keep putting out comments like simply full of shit and a nut…keep coming back with no shame at all.

  520. Ahbengkia says:

    davis, tell me which one i said is half true and which one is lie. I shall see what i can do. If you make general accusations like this, there is nothing much i can do as much as i want to make you smarter and more informed.

  521. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho ahbeng0.000kia is a gone case ( liar,nut case,ball lic-ker,fake,no principal,no guts,no ball,no love,no good,no value0.000,ninny,nincompoop,duck-duck ) and must be terminated by his dumb employer or by ‘TERMINATOR’ boom-boom-boom 😀 😉
    Ho Ho Ho 🙂

  522. davis says:

    Ahbengkia, what about the RM 10 million transferred to London? The MB salaryin 2 years?

  523. Ahbengkia says:

    keep coming back with no shame at all.//monster

    Me feeling shame? Actually i am ashamed of you and a few others here. This how i described ho ho ho. Please don’t think it does not apply to you when you are the grandfather of all nincompoops.

    If I want to identify a typical no brainer Malaysian, a nincompoop Malaysian, a Malaysian who allows the ruling class to scr*w him with impunity, he is Ho Ho Ho. He does not know he is stupid and ignorant and therefore has continued embarrassing himself and his friends and family. The day when Malaysia is free from people like Ho Ho Ho (and monster), the ruling elites would stop scr*wing. Sometimes we have to get rid of imbeciles who were kept alive by modern science and civilisation. In the law of the jungle these people would have been eaten up long ago and yet they have come here to continue abusing others.

  524. Ho Ho Ho says:

    D – for ahbeng0.000kia gone case nut duck-duck 😛 Ho Ho Ho

  525. Menyalak-er says:

    There seems to be no direction in the drivel that the ct’s are dishing out in this blog, is there? They seem to be reacting with insults instead of saying anything concrete. Rampaging spree of zilch, nada, eleh-poreh, 0.00, zero, kosong, nought etc.

    How much are they been paid to do this, pico-nano, KK, anyone?
    Their psyche gets so screwed up that even they can’t recognize themselves… even their own mothers would discard them!
    They are so BTNed that they actually serve as vermiculture for their farmers.

    And they are being paid for, with our taxes and natural resources!

  526. Ahbengkia says:

    Ahbengkia, what about the RM 10 million transferred to London? The MB salaryin 2 years?// davis

    are you a moron? did you not read my postings earlier.

  527. monsterball says:

    kittykat46 does not simply write anything without reading the facts from somewhere else.
    We know how truthful newspapers are…..and here comes ahbengkia trying his stupid low class stunts over and over again.
    He is indirectly telling young readers do not believe kittykat..yet he kept insulting kiitykat. He should be very happy…to see kittykat get into trouble….NO?
    I sure will be very happy to see him jump from the Twin Towers or get run over at Federal highway.
    Usually I am ever forgiving and generous…but with ahbengkia…he simply cannot give him any face.
    Lets see who sleeps in the gutter…he or me.

  528. Ahbengkia says:

    And they are being paid for, with our taxes and natural resources!//

    How much tax do you pay? I think on the net net basics, you are the recipient of transfer payment. Who is throwing all the insults here? Are you saying i have no right to defend myself. You can dream on, garbage collector (yes i remember you were trained differently, what a f assh*le)

  529. davis says:

    THere goes ahbengkia with his trademark of not answering directly. Do the MB earn RM10 million in 2 years? Please answer yes or no.

  530. monsterball says:

    HO HO HO…keep it up!
    He will go NUTS with you at his back.
    You are like ShellTox…he cannot stand it….hahahahahahahahas

  531. Ahbengkia says:

    f you davis, i am not your f witness in the court house. If you don’t understand what others were saying, blame your f stupid brain. i have no patience with you anymore. Your intention is not to debate, you are no difference from the rest.

  532. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho ahbeng0.000kia should be garbage collector 😀 always like to collect garbage 😛 come back to insult and ‘AMOK’ again after he has finish eating his own luncheon full of his own shit Ho Ho Ho 🙂

  533. Ahbengkia says:

    F you Davis, I am not your f witness in the court house. If you don’t understand what others were saying, blame your f stupid brain. I have no patience with you anymore. Your intention is not to debate, you are no difference from the rest. Goodness me, there are more nincompoops here than I thought.

  534. Ahbengkia says:

    anyway i am going for a funeral service now, care to join me?

  535. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho ahbeng0.000kia must gone nuts again by using his gone case brain talking nonsense and full of his nonsense smelly shit 😛 Ho Ho Ho

  536. davis says:

    Ahbengkia ‘s answer just reinforces what I wrote earlier about his half truth and lies and use of abusive words. Readers of this blog, I hope you now know the kind of person this ahbengkia is. All of you know that no MB earns RM 10 million in 2 years.

  537. monsterball says:

    Davis…he is trying to test your patience….to see how long can you can last ARGUING with him.
    He knows you are a man of few words…precise.. wise and true.
    That is why..he wants to call you a fake too.
    hi kopitiam language…Davis is asking you…Mentri Besar much in 2 years?…Is it RM2 million?
    So simple…answer la…..yes or no..and why so.
    Understand kopitiam English?

  538. monsterball says:

    Yes…go to the funeral and see your own funeral comes into reality soon.

  539. Ahbengkia says:

    All of you know that no MB earns RM 10 million in 2 years.// davis

    You could be wrong. If you really want to accuse others without evidence, you should say, “no MB earns RM10 million in 2 years based on his official salary”. Can we not have a rich person becoming MB?

  540. monsterball says:

    Lets go..see you there.
    Which funeral? Don’t talk vague talks…which funeral?
    All kopitiam fellas will be waiting outside for you.

  541. monsterball says:

    Which rich person became MB..tell us…smart ass?

  542. Ahbengkia says:

    Which funeral?// monster

    it is strange, is it yours?

  543. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho ahbeng0.000kia gone to his funeral so early ( Christmas Carol Jim Carey movie ) ? 😀 Ho Ho Ho

  544. monsterball says:

    See..he has no balls to reveal which funeral he is going to….talking kok as usual.
    One is so truthful need not fear anything or anyone.

  545. kittykat46 says:

    Too hot for Ahbengkai RM 0.000 in the kitchen

  546. storm62 says:

    hello everyone, what a beautiful sunday.

    i nearly throw out what i’ve taken for lunch just now, hearing ahbengkia going to perform a funeral service… he a medium? a “lam mor low”?…..ka ka ka.

    rest in peace ahbengkia… go first, we have many things to discuss here!

  547. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho ahbeng0.00kia planning for his own funeral now! 😀 Ho Ho Ho

  548. monsterball says:

    You mean Toyo the dentist who pulled 10 million teeth before he became MB.. is that it?
    hi NUT…which funeral?
    I am still alive. I wonder can you live as old as me.
    You smoke 10 cigars and drink 6 cups of coffee a day….you will drop, dead in a week.
    If not……I will quit this blog.

  549. storm62 says:

    ahbengkia’s profile…..check it out here :

    let’s see what he says about this.

  550. monsterball says:

    But I think…if you smoke 10 cigars a day…your bank will seize your palace for auctioning…showing off….monthly installments….all burn out in smoke.

  551. monsterball says:

    HUH!!..17 YEARS OLD ??
    Storm great service to mankind.

  552. storm62 says:

    wei ahbengkia, don’t forget to bring along an extra pillow with you….ha ha ha….i’ll donate an extra bed with blanket for you…..go on sleep ahbeng sleep……rest in peace, ahbengkia.

  553. davis says:

    “Can we not have a rich person becoming MB ? ” ahbengkia. Yes, a rich man can be MB. Is the present MB of NS a rich man or was he rich before he became MB? When one becomes MB, one has to give up one’s business, all business.. I am sure ahbengkia knows that. How does he earn RM 10 million in 2 years? The MB salary plus allowances cannot be more than 50 thousand a month. Why is the RM10 million transferred through a money changer and no a bank?

  554. Menyalak-er says:

    Yep, the barger also admits to being a ct, bad one at that. Probably, majored in filth, and minored in well… minors, miniscule, microscopic corpuscules.

  555. Search the Web on says:

    no on the last line to read as not

  556. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho ahbeng0.000kia duck-duck-duck only 17 years old naughty boy 😀 Ho Ho Ho

  557. monsterball says:

    I will donate a 4 by 6 bed to him FOC..made of sandal wood….to last 10 years… pests can disturb him…sleep peacefully..and to top it all…I get few Buddhist monks …to perform for 7 days…bribing all the make sure he sees Confucius and learn more…to come back…a wiser animal or human being…depending on the God of Judgment…judging him.

  558. storm62 says:

    davis, the NS MB Hasan was too green and was played out, let’s see soon he’ll get booted out. and that shortie Isa will be back as MB….even in umno we can see “dog eat dog”…….ka ka ka.

    if najis is pm then mat isa will be MB, remember the PD issue? mat isa have the photos of najis fling in PD, he’s pressing his balls, same like S’pore and France.

    najis balls have been squeezed, US have no time for him when he was there…..what a shame. the world knows this najis have balls full of scandals……only ahbengkia will deny this….hi hi hi.

  559. Ho Ho Ho says:

    An old man full of guts and respects wish to come back to his homeland!

    ‘Unapologetic Chin Peng final wish’

    Ho Ho Ho cuccoo cuccoo ahbeng0.000kia where are you now cuccoo cuccoo 😛 😉 Ho Ho Ho

  560. monsterball says:

    See ahbengkia…you wish I as many f…k you right and proper.
    Why you like this all the time?
    Change la…like kancilandak.
    But this UMNO Melayu have a mission..will never change. Change he and whole family…KAPOOT!!…liow le.

  561. Menyalak-er says:

    Stormy, the PD escapade needs to be exposed for what it is…, “Raiders of the Lost *ark.” Of course Mme Lumpiolus will be livid with rage.
    Just as our ‘resident evil’ will say “so what, what can you do about it?” Nothing…, just for a good laugh and to compare notes with the other wonderful CSL vid, to see whether who is more canggih/tegak. Hmm… better than watching soccer, and making the wrong bet, ya?

  562. wits0 says:

    A bangkai advises Kittykat without malice? And then wishes others, like Monsterball, dead? Oh yes, we’re all born yesterday too!

  563. monsterball says:

    I wrote a piece for young voters at 12.56pm
    Out come ahbengkia at 12.59pm…to divert our attentions.
    I sincerely hope young voters read my message at 12.56pm and think what I said.
    This has always been the pattern of UMNO’s machais like ahbengkia….throw everyone out from reading serious stuffs…especially anything that can convince young voters to vote against UMNO.

  564. wits0 says:

    Back to the Mr. 10% and his wealth, can we believe that during his epoch of “Buy British Last”, was resolved without any goodwill soothing afterwards? And the following look East policy and one time attempted Sogo shosha thingy promotion, similarly?

  565. monsterball says:

    Seriously speaking….I do not think ahbengkia is that 17 year old boy.
    He is close to 40 years…a bachelor…like I said…very much like ..shah101….cunning…reasonably good command in English…have learn alot of bombastic words…starring at a dictionary…a 100% Muslim..working for UMNO.

  566. storm62 says:

    menyalak-er, ha ha ha… “Raiders of the Lost *ark.”…”f” missing.

    najis went shopping in US for XXXL size chasity belts for bigmama after reading so much about the carpetman. i wonder if the pay taxes when they come back from their shopping spree in the US?

    and the idiot slammed us with a 4% GST here. WTF!

  567. storm62 says:

    aiya monty, what this ahbengkia idiot wrote here or elsewhere i don’t belief him at all, he’s just spewing what he is paid to do, why bother?

    like wits0 says who cares if he’s 18 or 48 or retarded?
    he’s here to provoke and we’re here to make him eat his shit !!!

    can’t even answer Davis questions, he divert to other issues.
    i notice most of the time he answers a question with a question.

    what a lousy spinner he was. is that the best bn/umno can do?

  568. wits0 says:

    “is that the best bn/umno can do?”

    The crumbled Colossus of Rogues, mah.

  569. kittykat46 says:

    “is that the best bn/umno can do?”

    Unfortunately, for them , yes.
    BUMNO’s cyberspace effort is laughable, still laughable.

    Remember MCA’s ? 🙂
    I heard the girl got paid RM 20K ++ for running the website :):)

    Susan’s totally unpaid blog runs circles around her….

    Najis’s 1Malaysia costs RM Millions…and they have to force school kids to go there to pull stuff for their school assignments, to get the necessary “Hits”

    There’s Rocky’s toxic Bru, I suppose…

  570. The Sign says:

    The Sign :
    The Bala interview Part 3 of 3 ( THE TRUTH REVEAL )

  571. Ahbengkia says:

    The last time I checked, the “morons” from BN is still ruling and calling the shoot. As for the “smart” people here, they are shouting hoarse and there is still not an iota of difference.

    Think and act strategic, not like loosers which most of you here are. Pathetic.

    As for MB of NS, we should ask the followings (not like the moronic questions asked earlier):

    1. Where did the RM10 millions have come from? Can the source/s be explained?
    2. How did he manage to transfer the money through a money changer?
    3. Who is this money changer, how often did this particular money changer deal with other politicians?
    4. How does the modus operandi work? How come BNM has no information on this before the transaction took place?
    5. Did BNM, as the regulator, condone or deliberately overlook this? Who in BNM knew about this before the actual transaction took place?
    6. They said they are investigating, but did the opposition insist on a specific timeframe for the completion of this investigation?
    7. What about the terms of reference, what are investigating on?

    For all we know, there was a swap of currencies here and in London. The MB gave the 10 million ringgit to someone (say monsterball) in Malaysia. And in return, monsterball’s mistress in London (who has been cheating on him), gave the equivalent amount in pounds to the MB’s accout. Can you nincompoops follow?

  572. wits0 says:

    The sole Mt. Rushmore wannabe, sorta, in spinning terms :


  573. monsterball says:

    Thank you all for supporting me.
    I feel very much alive..although someone is dead silent….attending a funeral…he said is mine.
    Like I said…he is out to divert our attentions with our serious discussions.

  574. Ahbengkia says:

    TO BNM,


    “Any of you folks have money saved in CIMB Bank ?
    CIMB “slipped” through the announcement of its RM 8.4 Billion Non-Performing Loans just before the weekend. Parked it in a “special purpose company” just like Enron eh ?

    Bank Bumiputra, the core of the CIMB group, has a sad, sorry history of multiple collapses requiring taxpayer bail-outs. This may become the 4th Mega Bailout in 32 years.

    Be Careful, though your savings are supposed to be covered by Deposit insurance up to RM 60K per account and Bank Negara guaranteed all deposits, regardless of amount until December 2010.
    Next year is looking very gloomy indeed, forget the “talk-up” by Najib.”

  575. kittykat46 says:

    Hehe…Ahbengkia…the report is in Bintang Nov 26, 2009.

    I won’t give you the link…you go figure it out yourself….

    Ahbengkia RM 0.000 parading his ignorance and stupidity again.

    This is the Ahbengkia RM 0.000 guy who claims to have dealings with Morgan Stanley ? …..

    Ahbengkia RM 0.000 MCA Multi-nick cybertrooper…

  576. storm62 says:

    wei ahbengkia, who the phuck are you to report to BNM here in susan’s blog, why are you so stupid?

    go and report in the police station you idiot!!!

    this proves that you are not that smart afterall…ha ha ha.

    what an idiot, you are!!!

  577. The Sign says:

    The Sign :
    What a waste for this nincompoop ‘Ahbengkia’ ass double hole and double head snake!
    Beware of this moron ‘Ahbengkia’ that feel and act very desperate now from all the truth being told and publish here about his dark side ass master involvements in the c4 and murder of Altantuya Sharibu’s.Do not let this moron divert our attention to find the truth.
    ‘ Give me back my daughter Altantuya Sharibu’s! ‘
    The very clear sign : Faces of evil.

  578. storm62 says:

    ha ha ha…ahbengkia treat this blog as a “police station” for making reports to Bank Negara Malaysia…..ka ka ka…..hi hi hi.

    what an idiot, even pasar malam and kopitiam fellas knows where to make a report and this self confessed “ivy league” idiot doesn’t know!

    wei ahbengkia, pls go back home and continue eating your own shit!

  579. Menyalak-er says:

    Dey, ahbeng, they are still working on no.7 la, o.k? Always stuck at the first question, The BTNed Macc.
    No.1-6, definitely irrelevant. Confused. Stumped.
    10 mill came from sale of cows, goats and other rumninats raped by beastial “smart” flurs, not nincompoops
    Modus opearandi? Why so dunggu one-ah? It was the qumquat seller cum rubbish collector. If the money-changer had gone on MAS flight it was you, but couldn’t land at Heathrow because the crows were too threatening.

  580. storm62 says:

    ahbengkia, pls also forward your stupid report to “Hell Bank”, how much did you withdraw just now? if not enough i’ll burn some for you soon.

  581. monsterball says:

    Such a sickening low class skunk …..ahbengkia is….never ever feel shameful with his stupidity…his lying….twisting…..and full of shit messages.
    He is so easily led by kopitiam fellas to have a foul mouth right now…..yet he said he influenced me not to have a foul mouth.
    Look at that clown…keep contradicting himself.
    Davis have described him very well…and ahbengkia is so proud…of it.

  582. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho ahbeng0.000kia in deep eat shit 😛 trouble doing shit lies again 😀 Ho Ho Ho

  583. Ahbengkia says:

    Hehe…Ahbengkia…the report is in Bintang Nov 26, 2009.

    I DON’T CARE WHERE YOU GOT IT. What you said is obviously seditious tantamount to subverting the financial system of Malaysia. Don’t talk big with me. Retract if you still can before they come to you. You fellows have been talking asses for too long; you don’t even know what is proper and improper anymore. There is a difference between you and monsterball, you got it? Monsterball is lunatic and therefore can be excused, but not you. You better be careful, I am advising you again, out of my good conscience.

  584. storm62 says:

    ahbengkia, you certainly have insulted the chinese using this name!

    like somebody mentioned just now, yr parents would hv discarded you long time ago. what species are you anyway?…ha ha ha.

  585. wits0 says:

    ABangkai is simply yan char, wat. What else to expect from such?

  586. kittykat46 says:

    I’m having a very good bellyache at your threats.

    Go make your police report and at least earn a bit of your RM 300 allowance from MCA. Hohohohoho…

    Morgan Stanley dealings, my foot…

  587. Ahbengkia says:

    i have had dealing not just with Morgan stanley, kitty. I have dealings with more importants institutions and agencies than you can imagine, you dumb head. Please, learn one thing from me, don’t ever make that kind of stupid statements or accusations again.

  588. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho ahbeng0.000kia 😀 why not you just cut off your sick dik out and be an eunuch 🙂 😉 😡 8) 😛 😦 Ho Ho Ho

  589. wits0 says:

    “..out of my good conscience.”

    Now, he uses condescending hypocrisy. FOAD, ler!

  590. kittykat46 says:

    Hohoho…because if you really do move in Financial and Economic circles, you would know CIMB’s RM 8.4 Billion NPL is actually stale news among Institutional insiders (but not the general public).

    If fact if you had chided me for publishing what is Old News among Professionals, I would have given you a bit of grudging respect.

    Again, Morgan Stanley dealings, my foot…

  591. storm62 says:

    dear admin,

    am i too hard on this ahbengkia? if not pls release my previous comment as i feel this idiot have threatened kittykat46 above.

  592. Search the Web on says:

    Ahbengkia seem to know how money can be illegally transferred out of the country. I must admit I do not know because I don’t indulge in this kind of transcation. Ahbengtkia, thank you for the information. Must have years of experience in this field. If I have masters who indulge in this sort of transcation, I would have pick it up too.

  593. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho ahbeng0.000 is very sick and full of shit 😛

  594. monsterball says:

    “monsterball is a lunatic…so he can be excused”…he said.
    wa learning to insult two with one message.
    He has giving me all the desciptions he can think of…hoping I get mad and use foul language again.
    Kittykat46 sort of telling him to go to hell.
    He now have 4 police reports to be made.
    I guess he attended my funeral and forgot.
    Maybe tomorrow he can remember.
    Have you all ever seen such a terrible liar in you whole life?

  595. Ahbengkia says:

    it is an old news, i know that. it is the manner you wrote, again, i am telling you, you better be careful. please don’t listen to your stupid friends; they will leave you the moment you are in trouble, trust me.

  596. whispering9 says:

    Aiyo AbengK,

    I am very very surprised that a high flyer as claimed by yourself is ignorant of this news.

    On 29th Aug 2005, Nizar disclosed that CIMB-BCB has a huge NPL portfolio, amounting to RM9.7 bn, which has a carrying value of RM 3.4bn. Since early last week, it was all over the business flash reports that CIMB has a serious NPLs problem. Year 2005 it was RM9.7…..but what is the actual NPLs now? Apparently, there was no improvement or recovery of the NPFs. Mitigating possible fall-outs, CIMB Bank will dispose a portfolio of mostly legacy NPLs comprising approximately 45,000 accounts with gross loan amount of RM8.4 billion and net book value of RM928 million to SEASAM, a special purpose firm. The transaction is not expected to affect CIMB Group’s earnings.

    However, CIMB Bank’s gross NPL ratio and net NPL will drop to 2.8 per cent and 1.3 per cent respectively once the legacy bad loans are carved out. Loan loss coverage will improve from 91.8 per cent at the end of September to 116.1 per cent. There will be no change to the group’s consolidated ratios.

    Well…that was the accounting report. All nice and proper. In reality it is just like what the a friend used to tell ‘Aiyah…trying to cover 10 boiling pots with one cover.’ 😦

  597. Ahbengkia says:

    storm62, please don’t cry to Admin hoping to get me barred. I am sure the admin would appreciate my good intention. you simply cannot do that, it does not matter which bank.

  598. kittykat46 says:

    All the evidence I can see here is the Institution Ahbengkia has most experience dealing with is Hospital Bahagia.

    Now, let him figure out what that is….Ahbengkia RM 0.000

    Ignorant fool, but doesn’t realise he’s an ignorant fool – the worse kind of fool.

  599. monsterball says:

    storm62….calm down and rewrite with some foul words disguised.
    I have few..I needed to rewrite to get through..
    I am sure kittykat appreciates your support for him.
    We will support each other and be united and strong.

  600. wits0 says:

    “ me.” – A bangkai.

    Crocodile might say to a kancil, this. Or a bridge salesman out to sell a bridge.

    Kittykat, a most astute sayer here, would be so indiscreet as to commit libel with ‘false news’? 😀

  601. monsterball says:

    hi Whispering9..keras sikit lagi la
    Tora tora tora dia butul butul.
    That man wish I am dead…so defend me also la.

  602. Ahbengkia says:

    ok then, i have done what is humanly possible to enlighten all of you. But i can only bring the horse to the water.

    Bye bye, i need to go park now, yes, park to exercise, not to park cars or vans which you drivers and delivery boys are so accustomed to the word. sorry, don’t mean to be rude. reality hurts.

  603. Search the Web on says:

    Ahbengkia, concerning the seven questions that you raise on the MB, can we have the answers. You with your connection should not have any problem getting the answers. Please share your knowledge.

  604. storm62 says:

    hello ahbengkia, i won’t let admin ban you here, this is not my blog idiot. i’m not like you telling others to retract here, idiot….i’m all for freedom of speech here.

    don’t be an ar$$hole saying i’m trying to get admin to bar you. why? you felt you spew too much lies here ka?…hi hi hi

  605. monsterball says:

    He is going to park to look for customer…service his backside.
    Cold weather…hole itchy.

  606. monsterball says:

    hahahahahahahaha…ahbengkia said he tried to enlighten all of us!!
    Yes…this poor chap is a NUT!

  607. storm62 says:

    wei ahbengkia, tell me which park you’re going to please….i’m going to park you too…..where is your driver, why can’t he park for you?

  608. monsterball says:

    HAHAHAHAHAHA…A man living in palace needs to go to the park to exercise.
    Might as well watch out for Mahathir…Toyo…Rafidah.. Samy.. doing that too.

  609. storm62 says:

    thanks for your advice monty,

    i’m still keeping my cool…..when you see my comments in “hokkien” then you know i’m mad, cos hokkien fouls words will surely get thru…..relax bro….hi hi hi.

  610. monsterball says:

    yea.tell us the park.
    ‘We want to join you and thank you personally.. for teaching us.

  611. storm62 says:

    ha ha ha you said it monty, i guess this idiot is rent a room in some flat out skirt of KL, now taking his bike to a park for a ride.

    maybe some of my taxi friends are his driver sending him to and fro to work when his bike breaks down….hi hi hi….what a fake he is!

  612. monsterball says:

    What driver..storm62
    He carries a screw driver to protect his adorable ..juicy backside.
    No pay play…and by appointment only.

  613. storm62 says:

    adious guys….it’s shokubutsu and dinner time now.

    have a nice sunday evening all of you and you too susan!

  614. monsterball says:

    Never ever done one thing he promised to do….yet have time to enlighten us.
    A teacher must gain the trusts of his students.
    Who are his students?
    He looks like a man…who is half drunk…half dead…half man …half woman…calling me an idiot.. a morally corrupt person… a lunatic…attending my funeral this afternoon.
    So what is he?
    A damn big shameless thick skin liar.
    No Malaysian Chinese matter how bad …..even anyone from MCA..can stoop so ahbengkia.
    His pariah is from UMNO.

  615. monsterball says:

    Yes me too…got to rest and relax.

  616. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho cucuu must be very sick today 8)) Ho Ho Ho

  617. peasant says:

    Kan Nee Neh! All these eunuch CTs are being paid thro their mother farkker and son collecting sweat and blood money from the poor & miserable peasants and now wasting time dicking each other as*holes, wasting precious time in the moribund farkedup kopitian…

    Go lah collect the RM1000 billions Mahafu*kingkutty owned to Sloone and all the Malaysian people since your useless mother farkkerr and son just don’t have the guts to confiscate the $1000 billions owed to us from Mahafurkingkutty themselves!

    Please gtf lining up and saving my bullets starting from this mother farkkerr kancillantooi which had been disowned by his jalan Hj Mohd Taib’s mother, next Mohdmonsterfucrksball bin lim, bang bang, bang bang……. hahahahaha

  618. 1 Toilet says:

    This so call /ahbengkai chickidee/ should come to my park 1 Toilet to suffocate inside by his own shit until no one notice him.he he he he he he he he he

  619. 1 Toilet says:

    Hello ‘crazy peasant kan nee neh’ you are invited to my 1 Toilet to shoot your own assh*le wide bang bang open.he he he he he he he he

  620. whispering9 says:

    “hi Whispering9..keras sikit lagi la
    Tora tora tora dia butul butul.
    That man wish I am dead…so defend me also la.”

    In real life….I did have a fierce temper. Now…I have mellowed a lot. Tak mau keras sikit lagi la.

    MB….methinks you do know him from a long way back in this blog. Probably, the same guy who also wanted to ‘help’ you, talk of your fish & sperm creation and promised us some pink forms. Remember?

  621. Bujang says:

    Let’s read this:
    Foreign writer Bryant’s comments on Mahathir’s article : Kaki dalam Kasut where he says Chinese is the real master of Malaysia … This is a rational article written by a foreign observer in Malaysia .

    The highly respected Tun,

    China is coming up, India is coming up, Vietnam is coming up and now even Russia is on the rise. In this flat world that is all wired up
    and regardless whether we are Malaysian Malay, Chinese or Indian, and if Malaysia does not progress, all of us would become history of this
    country! Without the Malay, Chinese could not do well in the country and without the Chinese, Malay would not do well. Both have to work
    together to bring up Malaysia and mitigate the ascute impact that is being brought about by the globalisation. For me, a true leader is someone who has the foresight that not only focus on one particular group in the country but take care of the future of everyone. A good leader is someone who know what is the biggest threat the country is facing and direct the people to fight off the threat. A leader is also someone who is impartial that has the ability to promote harmony in the country for a long period of time.

    UMNO is a political loser that leads the country to nowhere. They do not understand what is going on the outside world. They have no clue
    where Malaysia will be in the next 30 years. With the 3 new superpowers, i.e Indian, China and Russia standing tall and high together with USA and the Europe Union, they do not know what kind of world it would be and how Malaysia is going to compete and share the ever smaller slice of cake of the world economy. They only know how to get the Malays to fight with other Non-Malay on tiny issues within Malaysia , while the two races know jolly well that the issues they are fighting are trivial and is totally self-satisfying. UMNO does not give a damn to how the poor Malay is going to live in the future and they do not care about the real benefits of the poor Malays. They only want the votes from them. The NEP is a good evidence on how they benefit the cronies, instead of the poor Malay.Despite all their despicable acts they are still in the power.


    The highly respected Tun,

    As you are aware, the Malays control the rights to all the lands and all other natural resources in this country. They control all government institutions, GLC and State owned companies. The Malays dominate the lawmaking process in Malaysia ; The Malays control the decision making process in formulating the economy policies. The Malays own the largest national assets and the Malays are given shares
    in the public listed companies for free. The Malays have also been given all kind of priorities when it comes to buying properties,
    awarding of public contracts, tertiary education opportunities, awarding of scholarships and even getting a job in government departments. With all these privileges and rights enjoyed by the Malays, you are saying nothing has been done enough to help the Malays to catch up with other races, mainly the Chinese. Then what else should Malaysia do to satisfy the Malays? Did the Chinese seize or rob anything away from the Malays or all their wealth was a result of their hard work? If it is all due to their hard work, why do you say it is unfair? I don’t quite get your point here.

    May I humbly ask you what do you expect the Chinese to do if your so-called NEP did not achieve the desired result? Would the Malays be
    happy if the ethnic Chinese in this country do any of the followings:

    – surrender their assets and hard earned money to the Malays unconditionally;
    – not to engage in any business activities;
    – not to score As in all sort of examinations;
    – not to make money that is more than the Malays are earning;
    – not to advance to higher education; or
    – renounce their citizenships and go back to China or migrate to some other countries?

    I am a foreigner but I am surprised that your intention is to divide your own country. I think you are mainly targeting the Chinese.
    Frankly, tell us, what do you expect the Chinese to do in order to achieve what is so called “equality” meant by you?

    —————————— —————————————–

    Tun, after all these criticism you have against the present government, I feel that you are starting to lose your rationality on your arguments. You have run out of good reasons to convince us. I guess it could be due to your accumulating jealousy of Mr Lee Kuan Yew, your former counterpart in Singapore . But reality is always hard to accept. No matter how, you have to accept the fact that he is regarded the Father of Singapore but you are not regarded the Father of Malaysia; you have to accept the fact that Mr Lee is able to influence the government of Singapore until he the day he dies but you have not been able to influence the government from the moment you stepped down as PM. You must also accept the fact that he is still very popular on the world stage and a leader respected by many but you are not quite. Because of these jealousies, you are starting to accumulate imbalances in yourself that lead you to embark on a series of action to attack your successors. It is very obvious that you are not happy when your successors are more popular than you. Is there any good of doing that? What is your intention? Can’t you take it easy? During your time, you criticised most of the developed countries especially the Western Countries out of jealousy and after stepping down as PM you criticise every single soul remained in the cabinet for not listening to you. When will you ever stop criticising any people?
    Can’t you respect the decision of others?

    Back to your recent blog, is there anything wrong with Chinese in this country? Did they seize or rob the money away from the Malays? Did they have the ability to come out with any policies to marginalise the Malays? Did they dominate the lawmaking process of this country? Did they formulate the economy policies in this country? Did they control the government departments in this country? Did they control the state owned companies and GLC in this country? Did they control the country’s largest oil companies and banks? You know the answer right?
    Malays are the one who dominate the the lawmaking process of this country; Malays are the one that formulate the economy policies in
    this country that favours the Malays. Malays are the ones that control the government departments, state owned companies and GLC. Malays are the one the control the funds in this country. Malays are also the ones that control the largest oil companies and banking industry in this country. With all these rights enjoyed by the Malays, what else do you want the Chinese to do? Surrender their houses and savings and their wealth that they earned with their hard work to the Malays, for no reason? or ask all the Chinese to renounce their citizenship and go back to China ? Have you ever thought of after 30 years of implementing NEP, why it does not achieve the desired result? Don’t forget under the NEP there are a series of policies that favors the Malays. The obvious ones would be the distributions of APs and awarding of contracts. If with all these policies, it still does not give the Malay what they want, what else do you want the Chinese to do? Is the Chinese to be blamed because they are too hard working? Or the Malays to be blamed because they do not treasure the opportunities given? You know very well the NEP has been misused and it only benefits the cronies. So if you have designed NEP to only benefits the cronies, please don’t say it is the problem of Chinese that NEP does not achieve its result. It has nothing to do with the Chinese but NEP and the Malay themselves.

    This is a globalised world, Chinese and Malays should not be fighting against each other because Malaysia is competing with other countries. China used to be backward and lagging behind Malaysia but now they have caught up and have even surpassed Malaysia . Can we ask them to slow down their development? If they refuse to listen can we make a complaint to the United Nation that China is developing too fast and this is very unfair to Malaysia, which adapts a more a passive approach? Who give you the right to prevent others from progressing? Who you think you are? This is a flat world (Obviously Tun did not read the book named “The World is Flat”). Don’t be so narrow minded to only focus on the Chinese or Malay in Malaysia . We should now look at the world as a flat world.

    If Malaysia does not progress, no matter we are Malay or Chinese, we would be extinct one day!

  622. 1 Toilet says:

    In real life….I did have a fierce temper.Now …I have mellowed a lot.Tak mau keras sikit lagi la.—-whispering9
    Ai ya,ai yo sure la cannot keras sikit lagi bcoz 1 Toilet seen your co*k and your that one (*l*) middle one mati pucuk and cannot use anymore he he too old already la.You just go back rest la and do not play hard anymore very risky for your health down there!he he he he he he he

  623. Ahbengkia says:

    A H B E N G K I A

    Ahbengkia not asksi
    Abbengkia beh tahan see people lansi
    Ahbengkia actually kampong kia
    Because rich because chin par piah

    Ahbengkia studied hard
    Ahbengkia work also hard
    More important, Ahbengkia also very smart

    Ahbenkia is not howlian
    Ahbengkia beh tahan see the country going down the drain
    Ahbengkia want to contribute ideas
    But disturbed by people with diarrhoea

    Ahbengkia now disappointed
    When see so many nincompoops wasted

    Nincompoops obsessed by zombie movies
    Distracted by 4-D lotteries
    And endless shopping orgies

  624. billauchris says:

    I Just wonder RM100 Bil has been understate.

    According to headline of Sunday Star 30 Nov 2009, Sarawak BN alone squandered RM60 Bil for the past six years, as claimed by MACC.

    For Mahathir, the squarndered sum is anyone’s guess.

  625. 1 Toilet says:

    Hello /ahbengkai chickidee/ you better put your co*k inside my 1 Toilet bowl and slam or bang it hard until you pochi inside la.he he he he he he he

  626. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho ahbeng0.000kia cannot stand anymore 😀
    Ho Ho Ho ahbeng0.000kia wanna move to kampung to stay 🙂
    Ho Ho Ho this time really ‘cau hui liow’ gone case crazy already 😦

  627. storm62 says:

    hello ahbengkia,

    kindly remove your advertisement from this blog entitled “A H B E N G K I A” and then say sorry to susan for using her blog to advertise your stupidity and selfish act here.

    if you do not have the money to advertise, pls say so, hope we, pasar malam and kopitiam fellas can chip in our hard earned money to help poor souls like you. don’t be shy.

  628. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho Billions gone: 😀 ‘You deserve the leaders you elect’ 😦
    This Barisan Najis and his fat mama sure going to be kick out very fast Ho Ho Ho 😛 They are the worst leaders of the century 😦 robbers their actual name and low standard.Ho Ho Ho

  629. 1 Toilet says:

    ”AHBENGKIA” will be flush out from my 1 Toilet big shit hole he has created.he he he he he he he he
    HO HO HO you can let him eat all your whatever hohoho shit you have for him he he he he he he he

  630. storm62 says:

    hello ahbengkia,

    why can’t you respect this space provided by susan for others to comment and debate on the topics posted by susan?

    don’t act like the alongs and simply paste your sympathy ads in this blog or anywhere you like. aren’t you ashame ? let me provide you with some space on my kopitiam walls if you really and badly need it, ok?

    no money to advertise in electronic media ke? we can help you, no need to boast that you are rich but “kedekut”…..ha ha ha.

  631. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😉

  632. Ahbengkia says:

    Ahbengkia just joking
    ahbengkia not advertising
    ahbengkia not making people angry
    on the contrary want to make people happy

    ahbengkia now say sorry
    hoping Susan will accept apology
    but maybe Susan also not angry
    to whom then I must say sorry?

  633. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho since ahbeng0.000kia say sorry then 😀 this present only for your eye to see ” You Nincompoop ” ahbeng0.000kia show! Ho Ho Ho 😛 Sorry you are like this Ho Ho Ho no hard feeling ;(

  634. storm62 says:

    ahaaa…thats a good boy ahbengkia, ok, your apology accepted.

    oh i see, you are just joking just now, not advertising and you mean you want to make people happy?

    ok ok ok, to make people like me and others happy, please shut the phuck up, ok?

  635. monsterball says:

    If you all believe ahbengkia is apologizing….you have been fooled by him.
    Anyone is sincere will write it straight and simple…..not in a poem form.
    He is showing to all….he can write poems too..and how smart he is.
    Did you read…he said sorry to Davis…kittykat.. HO HO HO and me ?
    Did you read him saying sorry to kopitiam fellas?
    No he said sorry ONLY to Susan.
    Can it be..many of his messages moderated…trying to sweet talk to Susan?
    Come on guys…..that ahbengkia can never change…..just like UMNO crooks.
    PS: Maybe Sunday…wish I am dead attending my funeral….he just had a slight accident..a sign to say…Mr.Death follows him?

  636. monsterball says:

    W9 speaks in a riddle form…saying he knows me personally and wanted to ‘help” me something.
    What something…..what help? What pink forms is he talking about?…sick leave..hinting he is a doctor?
    But that’s plain white form. What govt. give you pink form?
    Come on Whisper9….after so many years…you claim you know me personally….speak it out in plain simple language.
    Why hint like no balls when you claim you had big balls. Surely you cannot loose all the trademarks of a big ball man.
    I am Goh Swee Soon…who are you?

  637. monsterball says:

    I never ever forget anyone helping me.
    One teacher helped me to pay two months car installment 55 years ago…I gave him so many things…including a car.
    One man trusted me…sold me some office equipment…….not exceeding RM1000 on installments…to set up my own business…..38 years ago…I gave him more than RM1 million business back.
    That are those who helped me…and few wealthy people helped me as i others to be millionaires… a way of life.
    Help anyone you can..but don’t brag or tell who they are.
    I am just trying to teach sometinmg…my own way..not needing to brag at all.

  638. whispering9 says:

    Aiyah…..AbengK is probably that Hawk guy or something who used to duel with u constantly back in Free Speech Zone 2 or 3. He also hinted that he was an abeng with no need for a degree, yet became very successful in life. Same nick who also claimed to live in big house and talk with important people. Finally, he promised to give each of us pink forms before he kaput…never heard again. Remember….you know this alternate AbengK lah from those days. Last comment on this issue….still have plenty of computing works to do tonite. G9.

  639. Ahbengkia says:

    you just did, monster, you just did.

  640. Bananarama says:

    “I am Goh Swee Soon…who are you?” – Monsterball

    You mean Whispering9????? An patient interned at Hospital Bahagia. That cracko only mumbles something he knows asserting it on other (different)commentators in his faulty presumption that the cracko’s guesses was right falsely and faultily linking one-with-another thinking that they are the same person.

    He got temper, vicious and dangerous. Precisely needs to be cooped from sane peoples.

  641. monsterball says:


  642. Heart 2 Heart says:

    Don’t worry and just be happy..

  643. peasants says:

    Barry Wain’s Malaysian Maverick, Turbulent Times is divided into 3 Parts, as follows and the cost is $60 per hard copy.

    Table of Contents

    Politicized by War and Peace
    An Early Introduction to Brutal Politics

    From Outcast to Presidential Premier
    The Vision of a Modern Nation
    A Volatile Mix of Business and Politics
    Scandal, What Scandal?
    Big, Bigger, Bust
    An Uncrowned King
    The Perils of a Pragmatic Islam
    A Strident Voice for the Third World
    The Destruction of a Designated Heir
    A Bare-Knuckle Brawl of One Mans Legacy
    Politicized by War and Peace
    An Early Introduction to Brutal Politics
    From Outcast to Presidential Premier
    The Vision of a Modern Nation
    A Volatile Mix of Business and Politics
    Scandal, What Scandal?
    Big, Bigger, Bust
    An Uncrowned King
    The Perils of a Pragmatic Islam
    A Strident Voice for the Third World
    The Destruction of a Designated Heir

    A Bare-Knuckle Brawl of One Mans Legacy
    A Place in History

  644. 1unitedvoters says:

    Mahathir is a maverick?

    Come on Barry, are you living in Malaysia? Your perception on Mahathir is just based on images received in the market place by a foreign journalist.

    We Malaysians under his 22year reign will prefer to classify him as a snake-oil charlatan, hahahaha.

  645. 1unitedvoters says:

    Give me back my RM100 billions. Sloone

    Mahathir has squandered RM1,000 billions of our oil money alone.
    Dey! Sloone, why are you so cheap huh, RM100 billions where got enough? Hahahaha..

    Malaysian Insider

    Dr> Mahathir: Where did Petronas money go?

    KUALA LUMPUR, July 3 — Petronas adviser Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad today asked what did the government spend with the RM253.6 billion payment from the national oil company over the past six years when his successor Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was prime minister.

    The former prime minister, a trenchant critic of Abdullah, wrote in his weblog that Petronas has been paying dividends, taxes, royalty and export duties to the government since 1976, after it was set up as the national custodian for fossil fuels.

    “Where has the money gone to?” Dr Mahathir asked.

    He said Petronas began by paying RM300 million in 1976, rising to RM2 billion in 1981, when he assumed office. The total from 1981 to 2003 was RM168.8 billion for the 22 years that marked Dr Mahathir’s tenure as the country’s fourth prime minister.

    “From then onwards it increased from RM19 billion in 2004 to RM67.8 billion in 2009. The total for six years is RM253.6 billion,” he said. It is not known if the figures were adjusted for foreign exchange fluctuations as oil is usually quoted in US dollars.

    “I am sure the government had spent the money wisely. It would be interesting to know what the RM253.6 billion was spent on,” said Dr Mahathir, who retired as prime minister in favour of Abdullah, who stepped down in early April.

    His remarks today came after a June 25 announcement by Petronas that it had paid RM30 billion in dividends to the federal government for the financial year ended March 31, 2009.

    The amount was despite a 14 per cent decline in net profit to RM52.5 billion due to lower crude oil prices and higher operating costs and included a special dividend of RM6 billion which was declared in the last calendar year. Petronas paid out RM24 billion in the previous financial year.

    Apart from the dividends, Petronas — the country’s only Fortune 500 company — also paid RM29.4 billion taxes, RM6.2 billion royalties and RM2.2 billion export duties for the last financial year, totalling RM67.8 billion to the federal government against RM56.8 billion in the previous year.

  646. 1unitedvoters says:

    Malaysia economy was better off than South Korea before 1971 and ranked third in East Asia behind Japan and Singapore.

    By 1990, Malaysia is falling behind South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong, and the gap continues to widen.

    Economy of South Korea now is a developed, largely free economy and is the fourth largest in Asia and 15 in the world and was one of the four Asian tigers and has a high income economy as classified by World Bank!

    South Korea has an extremely competitive educational system and motivated work force… advocating Knowledge Economy based on scientific literacy and mathematical literacy..

    South Korea has the world highest internet access per capital, the 11th largest exporter in the world providing high quality of life for her citizens.

    Well! The total value lost in terms of monetary, human capital, institutional and future developments to Malaysia as compared to South Korea is infinite and no amount of money can be determined… even if established can be easily in the region of RM 1,000 trillions..

    Mahathir is a Maverick? Nowhere man!

    Mahathir is a true-pure snake oil charlatan!

  647. monsterball says:

    It takes a snake to know a snake.
    Imagine an UMNO Malays teaching an Englishman English.
    There is no level of shame for
    “1unitedcoter” nor knowing….how thick his skin is.

  648. monsterball says:

    I did what….you bloody ahbengkia idiot?
    I brag…is that it?
    I need not have an idiot like you to judge me at all.
    Let everyone read and judge me…..not you.
    I put out how return loving kindness with loving kindness…is bragging?’Say you are damn jealous.
    I guess in your life you have never met a generous person…as you is trully a braggart and one hell of a scrooge to think of me like that.
    I knew your apology….ONLY to Susan is to make sure she approves all your messages. Many got thrown out lately?
    You think Susan was born yesterday?
    I also know one who agrees with us…is actually playing agree with you indirectly.

  649. monsterball says:

    Hi ahbengkia…have you ever made any big donations to the poor…since you live in a palace?
    I guess RM1 is like a bullock kart wheel to you…..correct?
    Don’t be shy..tell us who have you donated and how much.
    Telling out my life story with no fear is bragging?
    You skunk must always start to insult me?

  650. monsterball says:

    I teach my children to watch out for those students during school recess time….that have no money to buy anything to eat…approach them and give them a treat.
    I tell them to mix with everyone…and not choose one race.
    My children bring home Malaysians of all races very frequently to play with them…especially.. my daughters.
    Is that teaching them…how to brag?
    I am 70 years old….you want to judge me?
    What have you achieve so far? Can you guarantee you can live ..up to 70?
    You have no manners at all….nor know what is respect for the elders.
    You are born and brought up..from the gutter.
    Saying you are attending my funeral shows how great your mind is.
    Davis…witsO and kittykat…all intelligent and cultured gentlemen have described you so well…yet you feel not one bit of shame at all….keep insulting them.
    You apologize? The moment I read your apology in the form of a poem…I knew you are not sincere.
    Yes are a hawker son…never seen real money in your whole life..made some and start bragging.
    You are the biggest braggart in this blog……not me.

  651. monsterball says:

    hi kopitiam fellas!!
    ahbengkia is BRAGGING he can write poems too.
    Go read that verse saying..”to whom then must I say sorry”…..clearly shows he will not say sorry to all of us………..and out come his insults to usual…calling me a braggart….reading my message…that he knows he can never reach the level of success …… me.
    I always feel very lucky….in life and health…and try to help as much as as I can….and realised few years ago.,….the help needed most is not money..but me parting all my knowledge and support change of government and to speak with no fear.
    I reached the age of wisdom..and some have thank me.. learning from me….reading my messages.
    What have ahbengkia taught others?

  652. monsterball says:

    Lets debate…you smart ass.
    Two subject .you choose.
    1.’Where does a clown like you originated from?
    2.’You wear a watch. Tell me where do watches originate from?”
    Why so smart to talk USA this and that .when daily lives needs and wants..knowledge .you do not know.
    People will not brag.when they are young and learning.
    Everyone learn till the day they die..but you have stop learning and know everything. What you son of Buddha ah?

  653. monsterball says:

    I really me CLOWNS..yea circus clowns…smart ass.

  654. monsterball says:

    Talk USA this and plenty smart…what for?
    You are not qualified to talk LOVE as your 4 inch tootsie…no power…for the greatest love of all…dot dot dot drinking kopi kau kau like Khairy……hahahahahahahaha
    Khairy also dare not talk LOVE with me…if I show my credential…he .reads and will say…..”I surrender” Only a braggart like you dares to talk love with no love experiences. Al you love is money…as if we do not know…… UMNO maggot.

  655. monsterball says:

    See you all after 5pm

  656. Heart 2 Heart says:

    Good Morning monsterball and to all.

  657. budak kampong says:

    This monsterball betul bodoh mesti mahu kena c*ckok belakang tiap tiap pagi sambil taik keluar dari bu*tut besar nya.

    Insy*alh, ini monsterball satu hari akan di langgar mati dengan kereta lembu kerana niat nya jahat.

    Monsterball mesti kena di harpus kan jikalau tidak hari perak sini, bau sangat busok, macam hati hitam nya.

    Monsterball, pergi la mangpus lu bardua.

    Semua anak anak awak ada la buatan Abengkia. Bodoh monsterball ini, anak pun tak tahu buat kena panggil Abengkia buat!!!!

    Bini monsterball: Betul la, bila monsterball pergi kerja, saya co*gkek dengan Abengkia hari-hari sambil taik saya keluar. Abengkia memang banyak handal. Hadapan masuk, belakang p*kitaike ini pun masuk. Amboi, banyak syok yoyo! Semua anak kita ada la buatan Abengkia dan kami. Ini monsterball buah pulih banyat besar, kaki pun tak boleh masuk, mana boleh masuk lobang? Kasih Bangali main belakang lagi syok!!!

  658. Old Town Coffee says:

    Ahbengkia say 1/4 sorry.
    Chua Soi Lek say “How can, 1/4 not enough”
    Moo-yi-deen say “Tiada Maaf Bagi Mu”
    Lingam say “Correct, Correct, Correct, Correct”
    Kopi Tiam friends say “Wait and See how, loh…”

  659. a Canadian says:

    This monsterball has a failed life and nobody would like to know his failed life.

    Better confining in the kopitians…

    Now the world is reaching out again to the ancient great thinker Confucious…

  660. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho ahbeng0.000kia @ budak kampong and the shit gang is playing and eating their own shit again Ho Ho Ho 😛 😉 😀

  661. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho Good morning Mr Sir Monsterball Ho Ho Ho 😀

  662. wonder boy says:

    It takes a snake to know a snake.
    Imagine an UMNO Malays teaching an Englishman English.

    This monsterball is a farkking racist (like frog in a well) trying to preach his monster ‘philosophy’ here.. hehehehe

    Stupid as*hole, go and preach in the ancient cave to the dinosaurs… hahaha

    Can’t even use computer & write proper English and yet want to be a teacher… kiakiakia..

    This monsterball is really a stupid no-scrap-value cuckoo fart*rd!

  663. kittykat46 says:

    Exit Ahbengkia, Enter Nematode worms.

    This is so silly transparent, the dude just doesn’t know how to cover his tracks.

    “A Canadian” = “wonder boy” = “budak kampong”

  664. wits0 says:

    “A Canadian” = “wonder boy” = “budak kampong”

    His intention being to spam, he doesn’t care to cover his tracks.

  665. mangali says:

    …..38 years ago…I gave him more than RM1 million business back…monsterball

    mi bladder ahbengkia more best, he big komision from begars now got plenty big house.

  666. doggy says:

    This Kittykat’s as*hole is itchy agian, time for servicing!

  667. doggy says:

    After listening to the wonderboy, my as*hole feeling more itchy, needs a thorough scratching.

  668. mangali says:

    doggy oso mi ahbengkia bladder c him kno so muchh famos pu ssy

  669. doggy says:

    Witso: I like to brag. After bragging, I need a real li*king to quench my thirst and itchy mouth.

    doggy: I am waiting for you, witso meow…

  670. mangali says:

    joli gud shos beli good doggy ahbengkias is we champuns

  671. kancilandak says:

    budak kampong abengkia has deposited his excrement all over the blog. he says ‘buntut’ and in the very next breath say ‘Insya allah’
    What kind of upbringing is this? What kind of family are you borne of? Are you insulting us muslims?
    You are the greatrest liar… a demon.
    doggy, mangali, what? Are you insulting the singhs too? I suggest you nick yourself pelesit.

    Teri pehn thi p*thi… mangali!

  672. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho these are the true evils ahbeng0.000kia,budak kampong,mangali and doggy Ho Ho Ho 😮 all of you can go and eat your own shit 😛

  673. doggy says:

    What the farkk is this kancilantooi doing in this blog whereas this mother farkkerr kancillantooi should be farked by elephant in a jungle!

  674. kittykat46 says:

    Hi Kopitiam friends,
    Now you know the real intention behind Ahbengkia’s Non-Apology.

    Ahbengkia was the “respectable” persona (not that it ever really was). Since Ahbengkia’s been neutralised and exposed as a fraud,
    he’s just switched back to Super-Polluting Mode, basically to rubbish Susan’s blog.

    Anyway we know who the culprit is, its all just down to one Nut Case.

  675. kittykat46 says:

    So this doggy has an Ivy League education and a 6,000 sq. foot toilet….I suppose he needs it because he “releases” everywhere he likes…his mother never managed to toilet-train him.

  676. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho yes Sir Kittykat46 this ahbengkia@doggy0.000 is also brainless by insults everyone and really put all their stupid shit rubbish in our Susan’s blog Ho Ho Ho 😛
    This good boy Kancilandak trying to advice them to stop this brainless insults also get this stupid doggy demon response Ho Ho Ho
    You stupid doggy better go and shit in some bushes and eat your own shit Ho Ho Ho 😀

  677. doggy says:

    Hi Kopitiam farktards, all gaji buta screwing each other backside in the kopitians wasting tax payers’ fund just like the mother farkerr & son which should be fighting with their lives recovering the $$1 trillion which plundered by Mahafuc*ingkutty.

    This two mother farkerrs instead are screwing, li*king * sodo*izing around the young and brainless rocket concubines in the rocket blasting off to the moon jay walking…. should farkk off …stopping wasting tax payers sweat & blood money or else must be skinned alive and let the rotting skin & carcasses rot under the blazing sun!

    Dey! Farkking idiots, recover the RM 1 trillions from Mahafu*kingkutty or fark off!

    Else lets others with guts doing the job!!!!

  678. Gila says:

    Woi, anjing gila doggy you ini makan tahi kah?

  679. kittykat46 says:

    Ahbengkai/ doggy having his full foul-mouthed parade.

    Wow ! Its good to see him expose his true self….

  680. Ahbengkia says:

    Ahbengkia is a trade mark. Ahbengkia busy sorting out big deals this morning. Ahbengkia never write depraved stuff or scold others’ mums, sisters or dads. Ahbengkia got dignity and has proper upbringing eventhough he was from the kampung.

    Anyway, Ahbengkia is going to airport again soon and will be away for a few days to make mega bucks. If Ahbengkia is free, he will keep you all entertained.

  681. Ahbengkia says:

    Ahbengkia is my one and only nick

    It has already adequately served my need

    How much do I have to convince you more?

    If I say those who used depraved words and scolded LKS and son incessantly are spineless souls.

  682. mangali says:

    mi deerst bladdr ahbengkia i mis u. mani hopi go ings.
    U c this kampung kancilandak is trooly stoopid cretur kal u bad. kal singh mangalis he is. we not singh so hou singh is mangali. is no got brans him.

  683. yipyip says:

    OTK has “stomach cancer” now from 7-day Muhyiddin sacrfice:

    Ong Tee Keat was admitted to hospital with “stomach pains”.
    Ong was reportedly admitted about 3.30pm yesterday to Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, issuing instructions that only family-members should have access to him.
    -nov.30, mkini

  684. 1ToiletMalaysia says:

    “Anyway, Ahbengkia is going to airport again soon and will be away for a few days ..”

    Airbus said Wednesday it was investigating a series of toilet problems on Cathay Pacific jets, including blockages that forced a flight to divert to India, according to a report in Malaysia’s Sun newspaper.

    “Toilets on the Hong Kong-based airline’s A330 and A340 Airbuses have become blocked three times in the space of 11 days, with one flight diverted and two others forced to reduce passenger numbers,” The Sun reported. “In the worst case, a flight from Riyadh to Hong Kong on Nov. 17 with 278 passengers on board had to divert to Mumbai when flight attendants discovered none of the 10 toilets on board were working.

  685. davis says:

    Ahbengkia, a Chinese misnomer comes from the kampung, not kampung baru (new village). Is he a Chinese?

  686. storm62 says:

    ahbengkia is a chindian muslim.

    father = chinese, mother = indian, wife = malay

  687. Ahbengkia says:

    davis, before i board the plane, just want to tell you this: does it matter i am chinese or non chinese? We can be of any race or tribe but we are Malaysians first and last.

    To you, if a Chinese Malaysian had come from a rural area, he/she must have come from a new village. For you info, there are thousands of Chinese Malaysians living in traditional kampung.

    By the way, i am not telling you whether i am a Chinese or a non Chinese Malaysian and also I am not telling you whehter i have come from a traditional kampung or a kampung baru. It is just like the ivy league “thing” you know.

  688. Ahbengkia says:

    storm62, your imagination is boundless, good. keep it up. really got to go.

  689. monsterball says:

    No Davis….He is not a Chinese but a Muslim pasar malam hawser son. His father was a good for nothing lazy ex policeman…caught after duty time..dressed up as policemen with 2 others….stop cars …find faults and take bribes….along Cheras road few years ago.
    This is the latest e-mail I got.
    Just lot at him bragging every trip he plan is making mega bucks.
    One who makes alot of money on each trip need not brag and tell the whole world.
    I tell you…this low class ahbengkia does not now what mega bucks is.

  690. davis says:

    Ahbengkia, I like the part about we all are Malaysians first and then Malaysian Chinese or Malaysian Indian or Malaysian Malay. Please tell your masters that they should treat all as Malaysian and stop this racial division. Think you can do that?

  691. monsterball says:

    Saying storm62 imagination is boundless…thinking storm62 will take that compliment and fall into his trap…like he tried on Susan.
    Got to go….got to go….go la….who cares!
    Look at that idiot ….how he talk to Davis…real ceong hay…talk so much…trying to make all sorts of excuses.. dare not even reveal his own race. This coward hides under blogging to brag and talk kok….for he has 4″ one wants….so fly fly away…selling pooot is his mega buck earning power.
    hi ahbengkia…4 more days….you need to quit this blog again.
    But all kopitiam fellas know you will never keep your promises at all….not even dare to step into a police station..afraid many will recognize you as the son of a gun ex.police officer.. that took bribes…got sacked.

  692. monsterball says:

    Davis..If he does that…he will be kicked out from UMNO…and looses his job.
    Where he got balls to do the right thing.

  693. monsterball says:

    stirm62…i presume you know ahbengkia is not complimenting you at all.

  694. whispering9 says:

    304,358 Malaysians migrated from March 2008 till August this year.
    The figure for 2007 was 139,696 citizens.

    ….more like fleeing than migrating. Since majority are professionals or highly marketable talents, how is DSN going to achieve 6% GDP except with a stroke of the pen. Malaysia really going to have a rough patch in 2010.

  695. monsterball says:

    storm62…i presume you know ahbengkia is not complimenting you at all.

  696. Pegasus says:

    ahbengkia…this will be the last flight for you…just jump out…as you’re passing the cemetery…we wil ensure enough postmortem are done…to confirm …your stomach is full of shits…you have pea size brain..he..he and no balls….! Take the doggy with you…!…real low -class !

  697. Pegasus says:

    ….more like fleeing than migrating.-W9

    What to expect,with all kind of policies which only benefit the malay race..of course many do not see any future here and are fleeing the moment they have the chance & money..

  698. Pegasus says:

    also know one who agrees with us…is actually playing agree with you indirectly.
    monsterball – November 30, 2009 at 5:32 am

    Yes Monty, guess the same..the leopard in the jungle does not change its spot easily…

  699. monsterball says:

    hhhhhhhhmmmm…..Migration news is on………just like Najib big photo …headline news…saying no Bangaldashi workers allowed in Malaysia…next page…big photo…101 Indian children got ear pierced…..and nothing is complete without OTK smiling to a old Muslim…talking kok.
    All races must be promoted…even with no reasons at All….as much much more important news..all avoided….because all are against UMNO.l
    Like..W9….so many topics to choose…all important..yet he chose migration…which UMNO is always happy to see more non malays leave the country. Why talk migration?

  700. notnajib says:

    NEW DELHI, Nov 30 — India’s economy grew an annual 7.9 per cent in the September quarter, much faster than expected on government stimulus spending and a surge in manufacturing, adding pressure on the central bank to lift interest rates as inflation rises.

  701. davis says:

    W9,three youth after SPM left Malaysia to study in Singapore. Not on JPA scholarship. They went on FS (father’s scholarship) . Now, that is 20 years later, they are still in Singapore either as citizen or PR. When asked why don’t they want to come back? They said that they have no future in Malaysia because they are non bumi. They are professional. One of them said, ” What the Singaporean can do, I can do.”

  702. ookook says:

    Md Imraz Muhammed Ikhbal: Yet the majority of the idiots will still vote BN back to power just so that it could squander more of rakyat’s wealth. Don’t believe, sit back, watch and see! I guess there is just no limit to the stupidity of BN supporters. Like I said before, the rakyat deserve the leaders they elect!

    Freemsia: And Umno still have the face to say that our country has “progressed by leap and bounds” … with all this happening. I am just wondering when all of this will take its toll.

    SusahKes: And to think that there are still people out there who want Umno to remain in power. Sigh…

  703. monsterball says:

    Everyone is struggling to make ends meet..ahbengkia is out to make huge amount of money.
    Davis…as long as UMNO is governing..those who left the country will not return…but are mostly proud to be MALAYSIANS.
    It is not only money that lure them away. It is out of no choice.
    Change the government … new govt must race and religion politics…no corruptions…no favouritism… .almost all will come back to help the country for lower salaries.

  704. quovadis says:

    MB Negri Sembilan can no longer use money changer
    “The central bank is investigating a local money changer which was allegedly involved in the transfer of RM10 million to London by Negeri Sembilan Menteri Besar Mohamad Hasan in 2008.”

    Ini baru kaki rasuah: Bank Negara probes MB’s RM10 mil fund transfer/Negri Umno warlords seek to unseat MB

    Now the MB (Mentri Bontot) uses Ahbengkia for mega deals

  705. monsterball says:

    One must NEVER forget…who who have migrated know Malaysia isa land of plenty and blessed by God…to be one of the best county in the world. Only a handful countries can claim that…and all who migrated….knows that too well.
    I know many doctors…engineers…gave up their professions .. and went to Australia…Canada..not for money…but for better educations for their children.
    They will wash dishes….if necessary.
    Is that for better salary and personal future.. .or for family sake?
    Malaysian Chinese and Indians place children most important…while UMNO Malays find ways and means how to get millions….never ever enough….most important.

  706. monsterball says:

    UMNO is always trying to slow down other races to suit the Malays….and not push the Malays to catch up with other races.
    Just say..”Look East”…..not enough..when not one UMNO bugger ever practices what they preaches.
    Decades of pleasing half psst sixes…that are now permanently half pass sixes….Mahathr blames his race…..when he can change his race to be at par with all were respecting him.
    No….he want to play dirty politics…so that he could stay as PM for 22 years…as a Dictator.
    This man is the architect to Muslim failures in Malaysia…by encouraging corruption.

  707. monsterball says:

    Notice that ahbengkia needs to travel almost every week?
    What kind of a successful person…ho needs to go here and there to earn money……huge RM amount,…he said.
    Successful businessman sent machais out to earn money for him.
    Ahbengkia ia a small fut machai…yet he behaves like big tycoon.
    He needs a blow him away from this blog for good.
    And I am his tornado…so many are twisters…few are lighting rods..
    liow le…ahbengkia will eat shit again………..hahahahahahaha

  708. wits0 says:

    “Now the MB (Mentri Bontot) uses Ahbengkia for mega deals”

    ABangkai is NOTHING but a spammer here. Let’s not give him any undue credibility or get the least excited or disturbed over his daily drivels here. The more we react, the more he is motivated to continue his spews. You don’t take the insane seriously.

  709. iguana says:

    Perak DAP chief Ngeh Koo Ham today conceded the move to step on images of the three political ‘frogs’ who caused the fall of the Perak Pakatan Rakyat state government had received a “mixed reaction” among party members.

    Aiyah everytime must think for them. Sell voodoo dolls of Najib & $osmah for RM5 each, then people can poke them with needles (curses supplied). Potential market 25M X RM5.

  710. The Big One says:

    This ‘ci pe’ ahbenglanciau will be chop off when i am free.
    This ash*le will get the my big one inside him then only he will know what is pain.This lanciaukia kan hi e a ka chui lik tua tua kang,chau nia bo ahbeng lanciau kia.

  711. The Big One says:

    Wooooo pain pain shout ahbeng lanciau kia when i use my ‘TUA KI’ on him.Pu nia bo ci pe ‘cap ceng kia’ talk coc he will know what is ‘TUA KI’ when i put it inside his ka chui kang. ‘ci pe ni’

  712. doggy says:

    This monterball is a homogeneous brainless hp6 useless obsolete farkerr.

    Kan Nee Neh, Malaysia has got lots of problems created by Mahafurkingkutty and now these two mother rocket farkkerrs went moonlighting with their hp6 rocket in other planets screwing around with other monsters… bringing back this obsolete monster with monsterball squandering further earth’s natural resources..

    Looking at the problematic Executive, Judiciary, parliament, local authorities, the attorney general, pdrm, the printing press, ISA, the RM1,000billions squandering by Mahafurkingkutty, and all the corruptions and whatnot… these two rocket mother farkerrs are creating more problems importing this useless hp6 and obsolete monsterball spewing all kinds of shits on this planet earth…

    No wonder how terok these Umno-led BN mother farkerrs are, the voters still vote for these Umnomother f*ckkingBNdogs… because these two useless mother farkers are trully useless bas*ards…

  713. The Big One says:

    Dey lanciau doggy, you better go and fuc you own unmo terbalik najis assh*le and then bite off his dic and then kill yourself.’ci pe doggy’ lanciau siow kow.

  714. doggy says:

    Just like in the 1999 GE, all the voters hated Umno-led dogs but because these rocket farkerrs’ protracting rancor and being reported by Umno-led news media, papers, all the rakyat got fed up with the rocket mother farkerrs and booted these two mother farkers out from Parliament.. and wtf, they were quick to blame due to alliance with the terrorist pas.

    My foot! The voters booted these two farkers because of upright disgust of the internal strife of these farkerrs in the party…

    Now looking at the Perak fiasco, the rakyat would not be surprised of selling voters backsites to the Umno dogs because of these two useless mother farker’s incompetence!

  715. The Big One says:

    lanciau doggy talk coc here.Go and bite ahbeng lanciau and your own lanciau and do some hotdog for your own dog food to eat. hahahahaha

  716. The Big One says:

    cut off your doggy dic ‘ci pe’ siow kow lanciau gau kap siow tang,ni te ma ki ho kau kang ka chooi.hahahahaha

  717. The Big One says:

    Dey doggy up there! Why you are so stupid when i fuc you and you still so quiet! Are you afraid of me assh*le doggy?

  718. The Big One says:

    Are you a gay bo lan umno dogs? lanciau sama lu doggy.

  719. whispering9 says:

    davis…I don’t know the statistics but in 2006, majority were Malays. Majority of the non-bumi who left were the result of the non-bumi discrimination or so-called affirmative action. Education and employment being the main issues. Curiously, after getting so much from the government, albeit UMNO bumis getting more than others, many bumis still view mat salleh land as being better than Malaysia. Crudely, non-bumi left ‘cos there isn’t much choice in Malaysia. While, we can assume that the bumis chose to leave. But at 300K+, statically, methinks even BN politicians families are fleeing this country. Guess, they do not have much faith in DSN 1Malaysia or that Petronas oil is running out soon and the Gmen might come around to collect back dated taxes from them (the BN politicians, that is). Lol. Five of my own family members are leaving this month, too.

  720. Menyalak-er says:

    Hahaha.. The Big One, i like your hokkien – show them how ‘siau’ you’re!
    Hey monty, doing good job keeping the up the ante on that virus. Barger got skin thicker than babirusa witout the tusks.
    Wits, vodoo dolls? I think those inflatable adult toys better la. Everytime you prick them, they deflate, just like in real life. Supply patches though. Look at what the cabinet makers are saying about BTBe-End now…, revise curriculum!

  721. The Big One says:

    Dey lol lanciau lu whispering9 ‘ci pe’ you better go and buy your own big luggage and run away like hell ‘ci pe u’ don’t teach others or twisted your old coc here.HAH,do you have a coc or ‘ci pe’?

  722. The Big One says:

    k them kuat kuat menyalak-er.
    u see we don’t disturb this dogs but this morning this dogs really no manner to all our senior here.This umno dogs really want 2 cari pasai.shit ‘ci pe’

  723. Menyalak-er says:

    Yep, u’r right W9. But running now ain’t the right solution, esp. if our ancestors were already migrants, including the melayus.
    Life is no bed of roses elsewhere either. There many horror stories about these clowns sold everything and have left. Yes, they deemed themselves as “professionals” and when they reach the distant shore, they find out they are nothing – reduced to beggers.
    For some who have left, they yearn to come back – even for a piece of ‘char siew pow’, visiting kopitiams, eating durian by the roadside and squatting in the mamak stalls.
    The point is that people who can leave have the means to. KK, wits, monty etc can do that too, but we ain’t – becuz this is where we are born and where we’ll die.
    Lawan tetap lawan!

  724. wits0 says:

    Doggy is rabid and having Montyphobia. It’s neither here or there, like all mad Abangkai morphs. At least there’s no doubt about Whispering’s sanity.

  725. The Big One says:

    The talk coc and no coc one will all run away from this country because they r not patriotic.The real one will fight this stupid ‘ci pe’ umno dogs until they run like hell.This umno dogs should migrate or run away and not all of us who born and die here.shit ‘ci pe’ umno dogs.

  726. cellphonespy says:

    davis…I don’t know the statistics but in 2006, majority were Malays.

    Muslim names….converts who want to get out…..they leave…..and get out of Islam

  727. wits0 says:

    W9, everyone’s circumstances is/was different. Some of us didn’t have the economic means or even the right direction in earlier life. The comparatively well-to-do never or seldom take this fact into consideration because they never experience any hardship(even a mild form of that). That’s a common human myopia wrt to judgement and appraisal of other people’s actual life situation.

  728. wits0 says:

    In many ways, before umno racism came into being and ruinously took hold of every nook and corner in life, the demand of children on parents were much less unlike today. Children grew up with more character and demand less on parental support. with quality education(real ones) tuitions were only for the particularly rich and weak.

  729. monsterball says:

    1. Port Klang Free Zone RM14.5 billion tax money stolen…whty’s latest news?…..NONE.
    2. RM28 billion yearly overpriced on tenders…..what actions?….NONE.
    3. RM28 billion overpriced in Sarawak ONLY.. exposed!! Any actions?………..NONE.
    4.Mahathir RM100 billion stolen from us…all written… a white….MACC investing?….NO
    5. Bala spoken. Lawyers confirmed….all truthful. Any actions to question those being accused by Bala?……NONE.
    Why not?…Worldwide interest to see justice done to C4ed murder case. Why not?….NO ANSWER.
    6. BTN courses banned from Penang Selangor…Kedah…Wilayah…replaced by another. You think Hishammuddin is right….saying PR nothing else to that to get cheap attention?
    And many many ore.
    You see..Whispetrng9 can take anyone and argue about it…or put out list …….like remind all….no to easily forget..he chose not to.
    OK….He started it….can he confirm or deny my simple comment on migrating….true or false?
    No..he chose to say…5 of his own family are leaving Malaysia. He will not tell you all are leaving fr what study abroad…to get married to an Aussie..or mountain climber in Canada?……just migrating……period.
    And I am sure…….all those going for overseas studies are migrating…and only UMNO malays study and come back..not migrators.
    Anyway…..6 subjects I put out…and Susan keep revealing new things.
    Did she talk about migration….bad bad news for us?
    No…because it ius not an option nor important matter…right now…when 13th GE is around the corner.
    Many thanks for…The Big One….and witsO…taking care of doggy…a useless brainless full of shit mouth…exactly like ahbengkia.

  730. wits0 says:

    Muk stands for whatsover things that are bourgeois.

  731. wits0 says:

    So, Monsterball, somebody is Father of Development or simply Father of Corruption?

    Whispering9 has to right to philosophize matters but his conclusion may not be widely shared.

    ABangkai and Doggy plus others is one and the same. they’re not about to quake us here, unlike the one at Kuala Pilah just.

  732. monsterball says:

    yes menyalak-er is right….Chinese migrate to Malaysia…from China.
    Are they idiots to migrate elsewhere when Malaysia is paradise?
    No they need to RUN AWAY…band of gangsters took over Malaysia…..and it will be the Kopitiam fellas to stand tall and confront them with no fear….with no weapons..just pure brave hearts and nerves of steel…against the mighty rouges with cannons and tear gas…against machine guns…and bullets from everywhere…shooting at us..stand tall….no fear…willing to….die for the country…so that others will live.
    Yes..we are prepare to die…and many will be awakened from that evil side…and die for us too…turning against their devilish UMNO boss…they once serve. That has always been the results…..when TRUTH fights over EVIL.
    That will be the ultimate scenario…..if UMNO want to try and chase other races…to migrate.
    Meanwhile the try to fools us..we talk back to expose them.

  733. storm62 says:

    wow…we have “the big one” here….ha ha ha

    chi pai chin tua ki liao la…..ha ha ha.

    george soros reply to mamak kutty that wasn’t published by the msm during the financial crisis years back!

  734. monsterball says:

    Father of Bullshitting

  735. storm62 says:

    hello susan,

    can we donate a copy of this book to mamak kerala a/l kutty?

    where can i buy this book? can somebody let me have that mamak’s address?

    can we organised a convoy to donate this book to him, in due respect of what he have “doned” for our country?

  736. monsterball says:

    Najib is no Father to this and that….witsO
    He is a pure puppet…chosen by Mahathir.
    Mahathir must retire…but his show must go on.
    He was mad,.Pak Lah disobeyed him..and did not play the show…he planned..
    Now son is in happy Mahathir is….mission accomplished.
    All have titles of Father of this and that…..what title will we have for Najib.
    All of you put on your thinking cap….and say la…right one..sorry no RM5000 price…just praises from us.

  737. monsterball says:

    Get a young child..with a flower….mother with cakes and sweets and brave Daddy with the book…knock at his gate and present the book.’Make sure.all reporters are present.
    OR….just throw few into his compound and run like hell.

  738. wits0 says:

    “Father of Bullshitting” and Incitement – born of jealousy and narcissism.
    The Jaguh Moral Moron.

  739. sai ful says:

    I am very sad to say that Mahathir missed a unique opportunity to become a great man, and to push Malaysia into the developed world. I think this was largely through his misunderstanding of the democratic process, and of his role as prime minister.

    By acting as an emperor, he benefited a few people to the tune of millions, perhaps billions. By acting as prime minister and servant of the nation, he could have benefited every single Malaysian; in terms of sustainability and quality of life.

    His legacy is a politics is self-serving ego and greed; racism; environmental destruction; religious intolerance; and a poor level of education. He had Malaysia in his hands – and he blew it.

  740. monsterball says:

    Yes sai got it right.
    Mahathir could have unite all….but he chose to call LUCIFER ..his God.
    No one to be blame. It is his own greed and ambition to be a Dictator……mastering the art to play the dirtiest politics ..ever seen before him.

  741. monsterball says:

    wa witsO…i put out kopitiam english…you add so many bombastic words to describe him….must be all bad….for him…OK la..

  742. wits0 says:

    Narcist = Someone in love with themselves.

    The term narcissism refers to the personality trait of self-esteem, which includes the set of character traits concerned with self-image ego. The terms narcissism, narcissistic, and narcissist are often used as pejoratives, denoting vanity, conceit, egotism or simple selfishness.

    If he ain’t one, no one can be.

  743. monsterball says:

    Teoh Beng Hock had more than 1000 comments with our love.
    I think Mahathir will have that too…with our shit thrown to him.
    If we can reach 1000 comments here…someone get the book and print this out…make sure he gets it…by Pos Laju …to at least get him and me acquainted…..hahahahahahaha

  744. monsterball says:

    ‘Father of Bullshitting”…if he ain’t one, no one can be… said witsO
    So simple…so nice…all kopitiam fellas understand…even all young readers.
    Keep it up witsO.

  745. Gan Yang says:

    Do you know that:

    Last year, Petronas gained a total pre-tax profit of RM86.8 billion and so far, it has earned about RM600 billion. As the surge of international oil prices, it’s profits will as well substantially grow. But the government has reduced fuel subsidies by a wide margin, turning Malaysia into one of the world’s most expensive oil price oil-producing countries. It makes the people wonder where the huge profit of Petronas has gone?

    Former Work Minister Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu said in the Parliament last year that the government has compensated a total of RM38.5 billion to 20 highway companies. Also, as the government has stopped building the Scenic Bridge in Johor, it has to compensate RM300 million construction cost to the bridge contractor. Isn’t the spending of such huge amount a waste?

    Former Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim revealed that the Central Bank has lost RM30 billion in foreign exchange trading in the 1990s. Who was the manipulator behind it? (Second Finance Minister was in charge of Bank Negara’s Forex trading at that time)

    Malaysia Airlines was said to have suffered losses every year. But why to spend RM1.55 million to buy three paintings to decorate its chairman’s office? And why to spend RM7,525 per day to recruit a foreign senior general manager?

    Proton Holdings bought a 57.75% stake in MV Agusta for €70 million but sold it at €1 (RM4.50) a year later, causing Proton to lose €75.99 million (RM 348 million)?

    Other excesses and wastages:

    1. The Bank Bumiputra twin scandals in the early 1980s saw US$1 billion (RM3.2 billion in 2008 ringgit)

    2. The Maminco attempt to corner the world tin market in the 1980s is believed to have cost some US$500 million. (RM1.6 billion)

    3. Betting in foreign exchange futures cost Bank Negara Malaysia RM30 billion in the 1990s.

    4. Perwaja Steel resulted in losses of US$800 million (RM2.56 billion). Eric Chia, was charged with corruption for allegedly steering US$20 million (RM64 million) to a Hong Kong-based company

    5. Use of RM10 billion public funds in the Valuecap Sdn. Bhd. operation to shore up the stock market

    6. Banking scandal of RM700 million losses in Bank Islam

    7. The sale of M.V. Agusta by Proton for one Euro making a loss of €75.99 million (RM 348 million)

    8. Wang Ehsan from oil royalty on Terengganu RM7.4 billion from 2004 – 2007

    9. For the past 10 years since Philharmonic Orchestra was established, this orchestra has swallowed a total of RM500 million

    10. In Advisors Fees, Mahathir was paid RM180,000, Shahrizat Abdul Jalil (women and social development affairs) RM404,726 and Abdul Hamid Othman (religious) RM549,675 per annum

    11. The government has spent a total of RM3.2 billion in teaching Maths and Science in English over the past five years. Out of the amount, the government paid a whopping RM2.21 billion for the purchase of information and computer technology (ICT) equipments which it is unable to give a breakdown.

    12. The commission paid for purchase of jets and submarines to two private companies Perimeker Sdn Bhd and IMT Defence Sdn Bhd amounted to RM910 million.

    13. RM300 million to compensate Gerbang Perdana for the RM1.1 billion “Crooked Scenic Half-Bridge”

    14. RM1.3 billion have been wasted building the white elephant Customs, Immigration and Quarantine (CIQ) facilities on cancellation of the Malaysia-Singapore scenic bridge

    15. RM 100 million on renovation of Parliament building and leaks

    16. National Astronaut Programme – RM 40 million

    17. National Service Training Programme – yearly an estimate of RM 500 million

    18. Eye on Malaysia – RM 30 million and another RM5.7 million of free ticket

    19. RM 4.63 billion, ’soft-loan’ to PKFZ

    20. RM 2.4 million on indelible ink

    21. Samy announced in September 2006 that the government paid compensation amounting to RM 38.5 billion to the highway companies. RM 380 million windfalls for 9 toll concessionaires earned solely from the toll hike in 2008 alone.

    22. RM32 million timber export kickbacks involving companies connected to Sarawak Chief Minister and his family.

    Bailouts –
    23. Two bailouts of Malaysia Airline System RM7.9 billion

    24. Putra transport system, which cost RM4.486 billion

    25. STAR-LRT bailout costing RM3.256 billion

    26. National Sewerage System costing RM192.54 million

    27. Seremban-Port Dickson Highway costing RM142 million

    28. Kuching Prison costing RM135 million

    29. Kajian Makanan dan Gunaan Orang Islam costing RM8.3 million.

    30. Le Tour de Langkawi costing RM 3.5 Million

    31. Wholesale distribution of tens of millions of shares in Bursa Malaysia under guise of NEP to cronies, children and relatives of BN leaders and Ministers worth billions of ringgits.

    32. APs scandal had been going on year-after-year going back for more than three decades, involving a total mind-boggling sum of tens of billions of ringgits

    33. Alienation of tens of thousands of hectares of commercial lands and forestry concessions to children and relatives of BN leaders and Ministers worth tens of billions of ringgits

    34. Travel around Malaysia and see for yourself how many white elephants like majestic arches, roads paved with fanciful bricks, designer lamp posts, clock towers, Municipal Council buildings that looks more like Istanas, extravagant places of worship, refurbishment of residences of VIPs, abandoned or under-utilised government sports complexes and buildings, etc! Combined they could easily amount to the hundreds of billions of ringgits!

    35. Wastages and forward trading of Petronas oil in the 1990s based on the low price of oil then. Since the accounts of Petronas are for the eyes of Prime Minister only, we have absolutely no idea of the amount. Whatever amount, you bet it is COLLOSSAL!

    In Time Asia magazine issue on March 15 2004, South East Asian economist at Morgan Stanley in Singapore Daniel Lian, figures “that the country may have lost as much as U$$100 billion (RM320 billion) since the early 1980s to corruption.” Mind you, this is only corruption and it does not include wastages!

    All the rakyat’s hard earned money down the drain and they have the audacity to raise fuel prices and asking the people to change their lifestyles.

    Sourced from : Mkini.

  746. monsterball says:

    I like your down to earth English…..”if he ain’t one, no one can be” mucho…so nice.
    Believe me….you are hiding your talents far too long.
    13th GE around the corner.
    All must get ready to to go full speed.
    Right now….I need to speed off to get a qick bite…no home cooking.. today…like Tiger Woods small quarrel..not about woman…it is about carelessness….breaking this…loosing that.
    Need a quick bite and come home..sure to get great body massage as a sign of asking for my forgiveness.
    Almost 8 years together…always right…she said.

  747. monsterball says:

    Great reminder message.. Gan Yang.

  748. ainol_hasanal says:

    Lamenting that the Bumiputera share of national corporate equity is only 20 per cent, while Chinese Malaysians hold 50 per cent despite accounting for a mere 26 per cent of the population, Dr Mahathir accepts questionable methodology. The 20 per cent government figure is obtained by using the par rather than the market value of shares, and by excluding stakes held in trust for Bumiputeras.

    According to one independent academic assessment, the 30 per cent Bumiputera equity target, set in 1971, was achieved as early as 1997. Another assessment showed the Bumiputera corporate share at 45 per cent in 2004. By using the low official figure, Dr Mahathir and other Malay nationalists believe they can build a stronger case for continued affirmative action.
    -Barry Wain

  749. wits0 says:

    We have not forgotten that Dr. Lim Teck Ghee of ASLI had to resign(bullied to) for producing factual figures.

    None of the official figures quoted on such related matters can be believed today. I’m sure most of the well-informed people understands this simple fact of life in Bolehland.

  750. lestari says:

    In other countries former PMs conduct themself with dignity, in Msia this umno monkey becomes a roti babu operating from an island.

  751. storm62 says:

    hello monty & witsO,

    najis is the “father of “an unborn” Mongolian” or “father os a blown up Mongolian”……….go and ask baginda or bigmama, they’ll tell you.

    ka ka ka ka….i miss ahbengkia….hi hi hi.

  752. Menyalak-er says:

    Monopoly = exclusive posssesion or control; exclusive trading privilege.

    This is tragic for a naturally blessed nation like ours.
    Gan yang you pinned them down oredi.

    The only thing the ‘Chinese’ dare to monopolize is ‘puak kaio’, gambling that also with ‘Muslim’ directors all over the place. Soon ‘taikor’ in Genting also one. The ‘Indians’? Toddy, i guess unless you are a multi-satellite owner.

  753. wits0 says:

    Anyone following the world news knows that Iran lies to kingdom come over its nuclear weapon program. In this it is the most lying nation on Earth. I think, in economic, social and financial figures, Bolehland takes top spot, at least in this region. Wait for the second round of the World Economic Crises spurred by Dubai property crash with its tsunami effect here. Zeti already insisted that things are turning better! Hahaha!

  754. storm62 says:

    bloody umno sore losers burning up LGE photo in Penang this monday afternoon!……many are class ‘F’ contractors who doesn’t even qualify to bid in any open tenders at all!!!

    those are not ordinary wage earners, they are so free on a Monday afternoon to demo in Penang…..sore losers!!! whereas poor malays and others have to be in the offices or factories or road side stalls to earn their decent living.

    chow chee bai….umno must die!

  755. hotbuns says:

    Dubai World’s debt default will put Islamic finance to test

    A DEFAULT by Dubai will put the world of Islamic finance to the test at a time when hard questions are being asked by bankers and lawyers about the protection afforded by financial instruments based on sharia law.

    A bond that doesn’t (in theory) pay interest sounds unattractive, but in the Gulf and Malaysia, Islamic finance has flourished over the past decade.

  756. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho let them die in najibs big mama chee bai khan Ho Ho Ho 😛

  757. hotbuns says:

    KUALA LUMPUR, May 28 (Reuters) – Malaysia’s MMC Corp said on Thursday its partner Dubai World was reassessing a plan to jointly build a multi-billion ringgit petroleum hub in the Southeast Asian nation.

    now a no go.

  758. hotbuns says:

    August 20, 2009, UAE. Dubai World, the investment arm of the Dubai government, is reconsidering its investment in a proposed US$4.5 billion maritime centre in Malaysia because of the economic crisis, MMC Corporation, its Malaysian partner in the development, said on Wednesday.

    The original plan was to build dry docks, a shipyard, cargo-handling facilities, logistics parks and a property development in south Johor.

  759. hotbuns says:

    DUBAI, United Arab Emirates – The heavily indebted Dubai World is not guaranteed by the emirate’s government, a top financial official from the city state said Monday, offering little direction to anxious investors on a day when the United Arab Emirates registered a record fall on the back of Dubai’s debt mess.

    On the first day of trading since news of Dubai World’s debt crunch became public, Dubai’s main stock exchange dropped more than 7 percent while the Abu Dhabi exchange fell more than 8 percent _ the steepest fall in at least a year, according to brokers.

  760. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho protest by stupid caveman from umno AMOK kia 0.000 eat shit Ho Ho Ho 😡
    Ho Ho Ho with this binatang caveman from umno AMOK kia 0.000 stupid protest by burning LGE photo by this mamakkuty shit, then all mamak stall will go bankrupt very soon in Penang and PR will rule Penang forever Ho Ho Ho 🙂 😛

  761. wahai says:

    mamak terrorists,

    Monday November 30, 2009 MYT 8:47:00 PM
    Plastic explosives wreck soon-to-be opened restaurant

    JOHOR BARU: A powerful explosion ripped through a mamak restaurant in Stulang Darat here, jolting dozens of nearby residents from their sleep early Monday.
    No one was injured in the 2.15am explosion, believed to have been caused by a powerful bomb made of plastic explosives.
    The impact of the blast destroyed the restaurant’s back wall and ceiling and sent debris flying several metres away.
    The explosion, dubbed the first of its kind in the state, even caused zinc sheets to sever a palm tree planted at the front of the shop.
    A car parked behind the restaurant was also damaged.
    The restaurant, known as Stulang Corner, was under renovation, and was supposed to open on Dec 5.

  762. monsterball says:

    They faark Chin Peng who may have saved thousand of Malays born out of wetlock..with faces…look like… from the land of the rising sun..
    They faark Lim Kit Siang who exposed so many corruption cases…..indirectly make hantus not so daringly..with 12th GE…warning shown.
    They faark me…joining the ranks of Chin Peng and LKS.
    These ungrateful children of the padi not know how happy they make me…faarking me….hahahaahahaha….

  763. monsterball says:

    HO HO HO…he will be a bankrupt very soon. His days are numbered.
    He cannot carry one sen .up there…to bribe his way back to be a human being.
    He is destined to be ignored by Lucifer and let Almighty judge him.
    Only on Earth..Lucifer can fool with earthlings.
    Up there….Lucifer also no power..a nobody to Almighty…and I do not mean Jim Carrey.

  764. monsterball says:

    Glad no one was injured….wahai.
    When you push people up to the wall…this will surely happen..and not necessarily terrorists…but less educate and hot headed people….that are actually forced by UMNO be be so call terrorists…..just like cunning Isreal government devils…….non stop pushing Palestinians to be crazy nuts
    That may be a testing to tell UMNO something!!

  765. wits0 says:

    “He cannot carry one sen .up there…to bribe his way back to be a human being.” – Monsterball.

    There’s also a small question regarding the details of how one will exit the stage. No one knows whether he’ll be able to go in dignity. Apparently Mohtar Abdullah didn’t after a fall. One can be the richest man around, yet wealth alone cannot guarantee a dignified and easy passage in due time.

  766. monsterball says:

    You think he will with dignity…witsO?
    The Father of Corruptions….go with dignity.
    Why that will spoil his earthly legendary title.
    Furthermore…if he turncoat and play out Lucifer…he will go with weeks on non stop pains aches and terrible sufferings…no amount of pain killing medicine can stop that…given by Lucifer t o him.
    Then he will have Almighty and Lucifer as his enemies.
    Come on…being Father of Corruptions..enough las.
    Don’t he dares to be Father of All Idiots….which is reserved for Muhyuddin.

  767. monsterball says:

    Good-night to all my friends of the people….by the people and for the people in this blog.
    Go to hell with all racists.

  768. lan tooi says:

    The only thing the ‘Chinese’ dare to monopolize is ‘puak kaio’, gambling that also with ‘Muslim’ directors all over the place. Soon ‘taikor’ in Genting also one. The ‘Indians’? Toddy, i guess unless you are a multi-satellite owner.

    Menyalak-er – November 30, 2009 at 10:31 pm//

    You are a useless racist mother fuc*ker. Did your mother have to pay back her debts to Ah Long by opening her legs? Lo!

  769. wits0 says:


    “I fully agree that implementing GST will increase govt revenue, that’s
    why BN is doing it, ‘cos they’ve run out of money after wasting it in
    the last 10-20 years. It has bled Petronas dry and now it wants to
    bleed the people too.

    Lets increase govt revenue by increasing the income of the people
    (more income, more people will need to pay tax) instead of increasing
    govt revenue by increase tax rates.”

  770. monsterball says:

    Menyalak-er needs to think before uttering such words.
    The crooks spend most of their millions….on cars…travels…properties…house furnishings.. to enrich their own kind too. They employ their own kind all the commercial firms…owned indierctly or dirtectly by them.
    They are the racists…and “lan tooi” is a true Malaysian.

  771. wits0 says:

    Good read: “.. My goodness, Malaysia is so bankrupt that PM Najib has no choice but to implement GST (Goods and Services Tax) just to earn addition RM1 billion in tax revenue – at the expence of Average-Joes.”


    No Mossad or CIA agents can do this sort of coming damage. LOL!

  772. monsterball says:

    No suggestions..solution can be permanent when you deal with people who teach others to how to be productive…honest ..this and that….when the teacher is a dirty crook..or doing exactly the opposites what he is teaching others.
    In Malaysia….the UMNO teachers keep teaching so many things…such as unity .togetherness..honesty.
    They dare not teach morals and dignity……for once the touch those subjects…all Malaysians will laugh at them.
    Even if they teach those values…they keep reminding us….they are not elected to serve…but chosen by God to rule us forever….with all their evil intentions and actions.
    Who is the master of all?
    Why….Mahathir la.
    Every time I glance that photo in this post….like he is saying….”Give me freedom or give me death”….but that’s impossible.
    Most logical are words to ask UMNO haf past sixes.. to trust him…with a powerful speech..copying Hitler wholesale.

  773. wits0 says:

    “Every time I glance that photo in this post….like he is saying….”Give me freedom or give me death”…..”

    To me he seems to be saying, “Mine, mine, mine….all is mine!” Hahaha!

  774. monsterball says:

    eeeeerrrrr..{crying}….’My Kingdom for a Horse”….also impossible.
    Most likely..crying…”I made up my mind. i am resigning”..eye open wide…to see all reactions.
    This master magicians of all evil things….planned out Pak Lah….for one term.. …give up to Najib…to govern at the back…till the day he dies…trying so hard…to our beat Lee Kuan Yew…..whom he is most jealous and afraid of..all his life.
    Even now…he totally ignore Lee Kuan Yew is miles ahead as a politician…trying s hard to project the image he is Malays hero….because he know the UMNO government malays are mostly idiots..listen to him….like he is a God….no need to check out things….because they are lazy bumps…..makan gaji easy to make a living..all created by this mamak devil.
    How can a corrupted Dictator be a hero to anyone?
    He will do anything depending on his moods and fancies…and some lucky non Malays smart in carrying his balls are the lucky ones..strike it rich without morals and dignity too.

  775. monsterball says:

    hahahaha witsO.. this time you are right.
    Did you notice his fingers?…all tensed up? What a great actor he is.
    He could outbeat P.Ramlee a legend loved by all…but may die a pauper.
    So he chooses money and tell us…he does not care what we think of him…..knowing all know he is a crook…and in his mind …he is thinking…”so what?..knowing he an buy some judges and police officers…with layers to guide him step by step.
    Being exposed by righteous law royal commissioners …his “so what” works….well foir him…for he has tons of documents to put everyone into jail….if anyone tries to put him into jail.
    Even Anwar forgave him….afraid his past maybe stain with money too….but we have all forgiven he has paid his sins….in 6 yeas jail…ironically charged by the devil for something he did not do…at all..and for better or worst… we will support him to be our PM.
    Surely…Anwar is far far more truthful and better than any UMNO hypocritical crooks.

  776. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😡 Give me freedom or give me death 😡 Mine, mine, mine….all is mine 😡 Ho Ho Ho 😉 😀 😛
    Ho Ho Ho for me his hand crumble and look like he is going to be paralyse anytime Ho Ho Ho 🙂

  777. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho this Mr Cunning Ma karma too heavy for him to take it and must be one of the shit 0.000 crying gone case very soon also Ho Ho Ho 😀 😛 8)

  778. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho Good Morning Sir Monsterball,Wits0 and to all 😉 😀 🙂 Ho Ho Ho

  779. monsterball says:

    Good-morning HO HO HO

  780. monsterball says:

    witsO..He said he is a doctor .and he cures….when he was PM for 22 years.
    Cured what? But smart enough to admit he has failed as a PM too..without telling out….where he had fail?
    He failed because he is such a liar…hypocrite and crooked man…a real racist…twisting and turning..trying to unite Malays to be landlords to others.
    That’s where he failed……and the last GE under his leadership was a sign..this smart mamak knew his days are numbered…out came his best stage show… said it all.
    Judge Ian said he is a devil reincarnated. that he is.
    Respected UMNO veteran…Rittauhuddin said…UMNO corrupted to the core ….under Mahathir.
    Royal Commissioners at Lingam case said…Mahathir lied in court.
    Now……Barry Wain said Mahathir stolen RM100 billion from tax payers.
    You can expect MACC and Najib will say..all are rumors…jealous of Mahathir.

  781. zambrykrisis says:

    The only thing the ‘Chinese’ dare to monopolize is ‘puak kaio’, gambling that also with ‘Muslim’ directors all over the place. Soon ‘taikor’ in Genting also one. The ‘Indians’? Toddy, i guess unless you are a multi-satellite owner.
    Menyalak-er – November 30, 2009 at 10:31 pm//

    Well said, though the multi-satellite Indian has hedged his bets by only listing the msian operations. As for taikor this satire is good and there are many truths in it (even if some are hurt by it):

    Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong Declared a Muslim, Children ‘Disinherited’

  782. zambrykrisis says:

    Did your mother have to pay back her debts to Ah Long by opening her legs? Lo!……..lan tooi

    Applies to Fatimah Zuhri who loves the japs and praying at their shrines nowadays. She also opened her legs for jap lovers with whom she cavorted for 4 years, according to her.

  783. davis says:

    ” trying so hard…to our beat Lee Kuan Yew” “Lee Kuan Yew is miles ahead as a politician”….monsterball. Yes, LKY is a politician but he is also a stateman. Dr. M is only a petty politician. LKY set out to build a country for all Singaporean. Dr. M set out to build an empire with himself as the emperor. They came with different motives. One to build a nation. One to enrich himself, his family and his cronies.

  784. lan tooi says:

    This Mohdmonsterbinball is just a slag.

    Can’t speak, write and read Chinese but wants to shed blood for the Chinese ala his useless masters rocket motherr farker who will not hesitate to sell their mothers and/or granmothers to the Umno-led farking BN mother farkerrs.

    Looking at those mother farkkerrs wearing songco*k in the state assembly… these rocket mother farkerrs will not hesitate selling their ancestors to the Umno mantra, no wonder more Chinese, Indians and Malays are leaving this farked up country!

  785. kittykat46 says:

    Sounds like “hawk” is baaack…..

  786. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho lan tooi 0.000 hawk eat shit is back 😛 Ho Ho Ho

  787. LAWAN says:

    Dr M: There are corrupt leaders in Najib’s Cabinet Print E-mail
    Shah A Dadameah
    Thursday, 09 July 2009 10:56

    PUTRAJAYA – This comes from someone who has been hit umpteen times with accusations of cronyism, nepotism and being a dictator: “There are corrupted leaders in Umno and the current administration.”

    Dr Mahathir Mohamad did not mince words when he gauged the first 100 days of the country and Umno under the leadership of Najib Abdul Razak.

    He doubts that Najib is fighting corruption effectively.

  788. md.imraz says:

    Md Imraz Muhammed Ikhbal:

    Yet the majority of the idiots will still vote BN back to power just so that it could squander more of rakyat’s wealth. Don’t believe, sit back, watch and see! I guess there is just no limit to the stupidity of BN supporters. Like I said before, the rakyat deserve the leaders they elect!

  789. kittykat46 says:

    “There are corrupted leaders in Umno and the current administration.” – Mahakutty.

    In practical terms it is impossible for the Mother of All Thieves to fight thievery. He may put up a puppet dance show for Public Relations purposes, but it just becomes an empty exercise in the end.

  790. kittykat46 says:

    “Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong Declared a Muslim, Children ‘Disinherited’”

    This particular post was a tounge-in-cheek joke, but… has happened in real life.

    Last year, there was a case of a Muslim convert son who turned up with Religious Dept officers with “evidence” of his late father’s conversion, and snatched the body right in the middle of a Taoist funeral.

    Needless to say, the real motive was property, which the Old Man had a substantial amount.
    Once declared a Muslim, his civil Will became invalid. The other children were left with Zilch.

  791. Menyalak-er says:

    Yep, it was tongue in cheek not elsewhere, zambrykrisis and KK.
    However some can’t understand and that is why lan tooi’s are all over the place…
    The easiest thing to do is to mention ‘race’ and this whole blog goes haywire, as is apparent.
    Know thyself, first.

  792. samivellu says:

    “Last year, there was a case of a Muslim convert son who turned up with Religious Dept officers with “evidence” of his late father’s conversion,..”

    It was in malacca i think… on the list is ananda krishnan and tony fernandes for fooling around with malay girls. This indians sure to get chop chop like the everest moorthy.

  793. jayashree says:

    What happens if in a gormen school assembly all the children recite the Shahada (Kalima). Stupid Indians will do it easily bcos they will think it is praising goddess kali.
    Will the kids automatically become muslims.

  794. kancilandak says:

    Malaysia isa land of plenty blessed by God… -monsterball

    Well, no more sifu, day before yesterday Kuala Pilah felt a 3.3 richter scale tremor (Malaysia’s first earthquake, I think) Allah’s answer to umno’s sin of installing the most corrupt Isas Samad in N.Sembilan.
    We, the younger generation are going to face the wrath of God, because hee..hee.. old people (you 70 right?) like you allowed umno to rape and pillage our motherland for the past 50 years.

    We accuse our fathers and sifus of lethargic complacency in the running of they own country.

  795. Phua Kai Lit says:

    Actually, Prof Jomo K.S. wrote a book on
    Dr M’s mismanagement of the Malaysian economy a few years back. The book was called “M Way: Mahathir’s Economic Legacy”

  796. Phua Kai Lit says:

    Sorry, I should mention that “M Way” was a book written in an
    easy-to-understand style for the public.
    Prof Jomo K.S. also wrote some other books
    (scholarly ones) on Dr M’s brand of crony capitalism and
    rent-seeking capitalism.

  797. soledad says:

    “..hee..hee.. old people (you 70 right?) like you allowed umno to….” – kancilandak

    They trusted and loved Tunku Abdul Rahman (Fatimah Zuhris were little heard of till Abdul Razak came along).

  798. davis says:

    Kancilandak, yes many of the older people allowed UMNO to pillage this land for about 35 years (the first 15 years was not that bad as Tengku was not corrupted). The older people did not have the Net to inform them that the government was not doing justice to the rakyat. However, some of them did stand and did fight but their voices were drowned by the media controlled by the government. Your sifu, I believe, was one of those.

  799. kittykat46 says:

    Yeah, I had a daily subscription to the New Straits Times for years and years before I finally woke up.

    Just make me sick thinking about how many lies we’ve been fed all this time.

  800. Pegasus says:

    becuz this is where we are born and where we’ll die.Lawan tetap lawan!
    Menyalak-er – November 30, 2009 at 7:55 pm

    Agreed , we will stay and fight this Bn regime…all races should be united in this course and we can achieve this, the Signs are there…the regime have depleted the resources and rip off the wealth of the country…these ministers are there to enrich themselves while they can…if BN had manage well with trustworthy and accountability in place and given equality to all races and work on merits…we would be better off…by right we should be above countries like Brunei,Taiwan, even Singapore..but bn had screwed up big time…the last 30 years are extremely bad management,total blatant act of actrocities,….corruption was planted and allow to grow freely…now its in the core of the business and the mamak kutty is the epicenter of the corruptions in Malaysia…..he had kept silent and close his eyes allowing this to grow…telling the malays ..”melayu mudah lupa..” when things were not going his way ,now its difficult to control this disease…unless we throw them all out for good in the coming 13th GE…!!!. we need to get the country back on its right direction…and stop the greedy umno led bn from robbing and leaving the country naked…!!!

  801. wits0 says:

    “Yeah, I had a daily subscription to the New Straits Times for years and years before I finally woke up.

    Just make me sick thinking about how many lies we’ve been fed all this time.”

    The NaSTy (where N = New)became really unctuous. full of kampong hubris and despicable as soon as the umno Fleet Droup bought it over. It portrayed itself as, “the last bastion of truth, more or less.”

    Which of the “New” gimmicks(deals from tha tMahamamak) are/were really good? Always self serving and wrought for the wrong reasons.

    The Star ded in ’87 after allowed back into biz.

    VK Chin then wrote a very sickening piece in apology yo the Gomen in everything that was policy related, whereas he had a rehular characteristic condemnation of teachers and gomen servants. This shadowy bugger, btw, has never revealed his full name. Do you know, Kittykat?

  802. wits0 says:

    “However, some of them did stand and did fight but their voices were drowned by the media controlled by the government. ” – Davis.

    The people believed in the Tengku. Many would have died to defend M’sia from Sukarno. That was the high water marked capital wasted and destroyed by traitorous umno by ’65. By ’69, the component parties of Alliance all became merely completely traitorous parties. Many people were still hoodwinked until 308. But there can be no turning back now. The genie is out of the bottle since then.

  803. kiasu says:


    Malaysiakini melaporkan, peguam bagi penyiasat persendirian P. Balasubramaniam berkata, perbicaraan Altantuya telah menimbulkan lebih banyak soalan daripada jawapan di mana bukti tertentu tidak dikemukakan di mahkamah.

    Katanya juga, dua anggota unit tindakan khas didapati bersalah membunuh seorang rakyat Mongolia tanpa sebab yang jelas dan perkara itulah yang mengganggu fikiran Balasubramaniam ketika dia membuat SD pertamanya.

    NOW U SEE THE LIE: SD pertama Balasubramaniam tu dibuat pada 1 Julai 2008, manakala dua anggota UTK yang dimaksudkan pula didapati bersalah dan dijatuhi hukuman pada 9 April 2009.

    Macam mana pula dia boleh kata ‘perkara itulah (hukuman ke atas dua anggota UTK tersebut) mengganggu fikiran Bala ketika dia membuat SD pertama’ sedangkan SD itu dibuat lama sebelum hukuman dijatuhkan?


    PI BALA already knew in July 2008 that the 2 UTK guys would be found guilty of murder in April 2009!!!!!!!


  804. wits0 says:

    Kittykat, have you ever wondered about the Memali incident and that MahaKutty’s response in ’86 and that of Ops Lallang in October ’87? Both times he reacted very badly on his return from enjoying his globe trotting overseas.

    One simple deduction is this: His wealth accumulation was just entering overdrive and he really was simply privately furious that it has become threatened by those political events.

  805. lan tooi says:

    Agreed , we will stay and fight this Bn regime…all races should be united in this course and we can achieve this, the Signs are there…the regime have depleted the resources and rip off the wealth of the country…these ministers are there to enrich themselves while they can…

    But your mother farker boss must declare their assets first before all races can unite together as one…

    Otherwise all the races are just idiots doing it for your mother farker boss which are no different to the BN mother farkers…

  806. lan tooi says:

    unless we throw them all out for good in the coming 13th GE…!!!. we need to get the country back on its right direction…and stop the greedy umno led bn from robbing and leaving the country naked…!!!

    Youe masters are all liars. 12 GE, promised the local councilors will be voted by the rakyat. What is happening now!

    13 GE, out go your boss aka liars.

  807. lan tooi says:

    unless we throw them all out for good in the coming 13th GE…!!!. we need to get the country back on its right direction…and stop the greedy umno led bn from robbing and leaving the country naked…!!!

    Your masters are all liars. 12 GE, promised the local councilors will be voted by the rakyat. What is happening now!

    13 GE, out go your boss aka liars.

  808. wits0 says:

    ABangkai is back and spamming furiously.

  809. mediabuff says:

    Only handful of mad climate change mother farkers interested in local councillors to determine national polls. Anyone using that as reason is a stupid mother farker also.

  810. lan tooi says:

    This Barry Wain is another farker writing some stupid book on Mahamotherfarker to make some quick bucks just to pay his housing rental.

    Never trust an Aussie kangaroo!

    Better save the money and join the kopitian idiots dicking each other as*hole.

  811. lan tooi says:

    Only handful of mad climate change mother farkers interested in local councillors to determine national polls. Anyone using that as reason is a stupid mother farker also.

    mediabuff – December 1, 2009 at 2:03 pm

    So the voters are stupid mother farkers who elected all these mothers of all mother farkers so that they could appoint their mother farkers as councilors… Hahahaha

    Vote the mother farking liars out come this 13 GE.

  812. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho this must be crazy ahbeng0.000@fatimahkia crazy eat shit and the gang is back Ho Ho Ho 😀 😉 😛

  813. kancilandak says:

    there was no internet in Filipina during the oust of marcos. To put the blame on the press is lame excuse.
    I remember my teacher reading the star for only one article sake. The article was “without fear or favor” A doctor friend of my father even told us in 1981 that in 20 years time, there will be more unemployed graduates in this country than pebbles on the roadside.
    Even with all this knowlege what kept those learned experienced people like my father, monsterball, menyalak-er, witsO, kittykat, pegasus and many more to be complacent?
    What kept our older generation mesmerized by Mahathir?
    What was it that kept this old sheep beholden to the pastures led to them by the BN shepherds?
    What was it that led them to forgo the BTN kind of brainwashing that has and is affected their children?
    What was it that kept them from addressing the economic institutions policies which are churning out young bankrupts with land, home , car and credit card bankruptcies?
    What was it that made them lazy to counter the policies of the judicxiary and policies that make our land look like a police state? Why did they keep quiet when they know their offsprings are being made lazy and beholden to the corrupted cronies of the gomen?
    Yes, we going to kick them out coming GE13, but, the question is..why are we late? What were our forebears doing?

    Our tradition and culture says honor our parents and teachers… but see what they have done to us young people… and our future.

  814. kancilandak says:

    Aiyah…!! I sure not going to get my answers… abangkai is back with another nick and all of you will be busy fighting him… I think I go watch tv.

  815. davis says:

    We have an band on this blog singing some filthy songs but with one theme only. There is the band master who is hiding somewhere.

  816. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho why Kancilandak go watch tv 😀 you should come out to scold this shit ahbeng0.000kia together wat 😡 Ho Ho Ho 😛

  817. Menyalak-er says:

    No pico, i have never ever nor will ever vote for Be-End, in any GE.
    It does not matter what we personally vote, but we accept the democratically voted result.
    But the time has come when racism, marginalization, mediocrity, incompetence, dirty tricks, nepotism, cronyism, lack of transparency and corruption etc; i.e. bad governance becomes all too plain to see.
    Nothing can be hidden, that will not be ultimately revealed.
    And ‘lan tooi’ is attempting to hide. hahaha…

  818. davis says:

    Kancilandak, yes there was no internet in Filipina then. You forgot that there was the Church and a great churchman Cardinal Sin. Malaysia did not have religious leaders like Cardinal Sin.Another reason why the older folks did not take to the streets then was that they were threatened by the bogeyman of May 13th. People of your parents generation were just struggling to put bread on the table. They were less radical and less knowledgeable than your generation. Instead of blaming your parents, teachers and the older folks, you and your generation must take up the fight so that uour children will not say what you are saying now. Kancilandak & co, go forward. History is on your side.

  819. kancilandak says:

    This lantooi is attempting to hide truths from being revealed.. every ready to mess up freedom of expression.. must be one of those guys making a living out of dipping his hands into the ruling class pocket.

  820. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😉 break their secret 🙂 break their code 😀 break their trick and nick 😛 break their bad 8) intention to demoralized all of us and we fight them together as one 😉 Ho Ho Ho

  821. kancilandak says:

    Yes davis, we have started to think… and and we know that the pirates are already fearful of our thoughts… since we are doing the thinking we will make sure they stop thinking for us anymore. After GE13, nobody should call anybody “tuan” anymore.

  822. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho Kancilandak 😉 children will be proud of him as long as he is standing on the right side of history 😀 fighting for truth and fairness Ho Ho Ho 😛 this is call true DEMOCRACY 😉
    Bn bad leader we fire them 😡 Pr bad leader we also fire them 😡
    Fair and square Ho Ho Ho 😛

  823. Pegasus says:

    Ian tooi…you fool,you’re another spineless nut from Bn .. talking rubbish here…as long as we have idiots like you…we are not going to see the change we want…keep on l**king those umno thats what you’re good for…ian tooi …ptui! Bn as been ruling for more then 52 years and PR are just in control of few states and not IN CONTROL at FEDERAL level you scoundrel dog…!!! We can’t expect overnight change in a year or two…but they are doing great and going great guns despite all the bullshits thrown at them..from your master cowdungs….
    Rest assured…there will be fight all the way …to throw out this filthy regime..!!! with or without you…!!!

  824. monsterball says:

    Kancilandak half hearted to scold Malays….but just did so after some persuasions.
    He is still an unreliable supporters of change in government…voter with 200 following him faithfully… he claim.
    ahbengkia has transform himself to be so many nicks…making excuse he needs to go somewhere again….so that no one may suspect….it is he.
    Kiitykat and witsO …very sharp.. to spot hantu.
    All is well.
    Too lan alias kaisu.. really toolan a me….that’s good sign.
    Nothing have changed.
    Who are desperate….and who are protecting the blog and talk truths…so clear.
    Kancilandak cannot be trusted…calling me sifu…yet never faark anyone faarking his sifu.
    He is a no balls racists hypocrite….desperate to change ..for the better…but have no balls to change permanently.

  825. monsterball says:

    Kancilandak half heartedly to scold Malays….but just did so after some persuasions.
    He is still an unreliable supporters of change in government…voter with 200 following him faithfully… he claim.
    ahbengkia has transform himself to be so many nicks…making excuse he needs to go somewhere again….so that no one may suspect….it is he.
    Kiitykat and witsO …very sharp.. to spot hantu.
    All is well.
    Too lan alias kaisu.. really toolan a me….that’s good sign.
    Nothing have changed.
    Who are desperate….and who are protecting the blog and talk truths…so clear.
    Kancilandak cannot be trusted…calling me sifu…yet never faark anyone faarking his sifu.
    He is a no balls racists hypocrite….desperate to change ..for the better…but have no balls to change permanently.

  826. monsterball says:

    Oh….it is Ian tooi..not too lan.

  827. monsterball says:

    hi kiasu…I want some more.
    You sure write with the style…like one just releaed from Tanjong Rambutan.
    Your room mate and best friend is…Ian tooi?
    But your master must be ahbengkia that got kancilandak so frighten of him…saying he will keep quiet and j watch..when ahbegnkia start faarking kopitiam fellas. such a faark up budak kerchil…credit must be given to ahbengkia…able to disguise himself….can also write poems…make more money in 2 days…than kopitiam fellas earn in a month.

  828. kancilandak says:

    Is he the one who gave DSAI the black eye..? How come he singing a different tune now.. say he support Chin Peng right to come back? Rahim Noor already know his bosses going to be knock out like tenpins in two years time? He scared his b*lls going to be wrung.. so he start blabber. How long he going to live anyway.. 100 years? Hihee..hee..hee.. what a laugh!

  829. Search the Snitch on Web .com says:

    Whats this? what’s search the web on who is behind this?

  830. kittykat46 says:

    Hehe Wits0, I did know who VK Chin is, as in met him person before.
    But I know no more than you or anyone else, because his business card just says “VK Chin”.
    V could stand for Vulgar , Vulv* or V*gina for all I know….

    With due Apologies to our female readers 🙂 🙂

  831. lan tooi says:

    Ian tooi…you fool,you’re another spineless nut from Bn .. talking rubbish here…as long as we have idiots like you…we are not going to see the change we want…keep on l**king those umno thats what you’re good for…ian tooi …ptui! Bn as been ruling for more then 52 years and PR are just in control of few states and not IN CONTROL at FEDERAL level you scoundrel dog…!!!

    Hahahaha! Look! Who are the idiots here? Ya! We are the idiots alright. You know something?

    After Bodola took over in 2001, we supported him because he was labeled as Mr. Clean, aka Mr. Nice Guy. But what happened after that ? The corrupt situation was ameliorated though especially with Endon around.

    Bodola with his 90% landslide victory in 2003. The PR was totally wiped out? Why? Have you asked that question?

    Did the word incompetence ring the bell in your otak udang??? Hehehehe…

    But Bodala got carried away and corruption was rampant after the landslide victory.

    What had the PR doing after that? Nothing! It’s only the rakyat who fought boisterously against the “MR. Clean’ regime!

    The 2008 Tsunami was just fortuitous for PR for the rakyat got totally disillusioned against the corrupt and zzzzzz Bodola regime.

    Were you & PR actively in building up the Tsunami that wrecked havoc against the corrupt and zzzzz Bodola regime???? Kiakiakiakia…

    Now that PR is in control in 4 1/2 states (as usual thanks to the no-use rocket incompetence for the loss of 1/2 state), well! We know that PR will not go far!

    It’s zilch and it’s business as usual for the PR ala the BN dogs when in charged of the now PR controlled states!

    For a professional, just by a little feel one knows how the level of skill of another professional is.

    So far, the PR is just like wolf in sheep skin, no different to the corrupt and dictatorial BN regime.

    That is a perception against the PR mother farkesr, aka BNFarkerrs 2.

    The rakyat booted out the UMno-led farkingBN motherfarkerrs just to replace another set of PRmotherfarkers. hahahaha

    Sure the rakyat would be sodom*zed no matter which set of motherfu*kers they voted in!!! Hahahaha poor rakyat!!!

  832. lan tooi says:

    We can’t expect overnight change in a year or two…but they are doing great and going great guns despite all the bullshits thrown at them..from your master cowdungs….
    Rest assured…there will be fight all the way …to throw out this filthy regime..!!! with or without you…!!!

    Pegasus – December 1, 2009 at 3:49 pm

    The PR had been in politics for the past 57 years. Can PR manage the country efficiently?

    Porrahh! Looking at the internal fight and greed for powers, there are no peace and harmony in the PR parties.

    That’s why we have defection after defection- one way direction only so far from pr to bn!

    If the PR can’t manage their party, can they manage the coalition, let alone the nation?

    Are you walking on water?

    No way there will be changed when we have all these suicide terrorists/ bombers, moon/rock worshipers, dictatorial/ dynastic eunuchs, as*hole bangers at the helm!

    No wonder the BN could rule the nation for 53 years and counting committing crimes blatantly because they know PR… better stop now to save my thinking for some other productive job hahahaha..

  833. kittykat46 says:

    ” 2003. The PR was totally wiped out? Why? Have you asked that question?

    Did the word incompetence ring the bell in your otak udang???”
    lan tooi

    No, Badawi won with a landslide because he promised “a nation governed with integrity, with openness and transparency, and without corruption”.
    The People of Malaysia actually want that, and they believed him.
    When he instead simply gave an even worse government without integrity, closed, non-transparent and thoroughly corrupt, the 2008 tsunami came about.

    I repeat , The People of Malaysia actually want that….and UMNO has still not learnt the lesson.
    Najib’s 1Malaysia PR campaign is just a new coat of paint on a rotten building.

    The PR state governments have until the next GE to show their stuff. I can already see increased transparency and integrity in the state government in Penang, the Kampung Buah Pala controversy notwithstanding. The entire PR political apparatus from LGE down had either little or zero executive experience on the night of March 8, 2008.
    The inexperience shows, but I think they are doing fine as things go.

    Compare and contrast to 18 years of KTK, spineless and hopelessly compromised but “experienced”.

  834. Ahbengkia says:

    Ahbengkia read from afar
    What I read I see star

    It is natural to be BN’s crony
    Making money would be easy
    But then some say that has no integrity and dignity

    Ahbengkia knows making money is hard
    That is why he has to work very hard
    Running up and down the country is therefore not a sign of hardup

    Fighting for justice is never easy
    More so if we don’t have strategy

  835. kancilandak says:

    Dah mula lah tu.. now lantooi long long karangan and a bangkai poem come out.. like they got no other place to write graffiti other than susan blog. Tihee..hee..hee.. pity the poor ivy league beggars got no money to print a book.

  836. kancilandak says:

    But I like the last part:

    Fighting for justice is never easy
    More so if we don’t have strategy

  837. whispering9 says:

    ” 2003. The PR was totally wiped out? Why? Have you asked that question?”

    Majority of us trusted PL and his vision slogan. It might be of interest to know that PL sleeping policies and squandering attitude during 2003 to 2009 will bear the full effect in the 4th quarter of 2010, and 2011 will be bad. Whatever the present government is trying to do now is like pouring new wine into old lambskin. IT is too late and too little. Measures like RPT and GST only show the government unwillingness to change and curb corruption. They resort to taxing the poor for another mere RM1billion so as to maintain their lucullan lifestyles. Only today, one of my friend is leaving and re-starting his business in China. Reason…..many factories are shutting down in Malaysia and moving out. Even our Illuminati here is moving up and down Thailand for his big buck.

  838. Menyalak-er says:

    The so called 3rd force (Force 136) izzit, pico? Is that why you’re so interested? The same old defecation after defecation instead of defection? Do you understand where lan tooi is coming from, besides the jamban?
    Ahbengk, not that i don’t like your efforts at poetry, but yours is simply ivy-league-less and flatter than your world. Maybe someday, you will be Tennyson, hahaha…

  839. whispering9 says:

    Alfred or Ben Tennyson? 🙂

    “Half a league, half a league,
      Half a league onward,
    All in the valley of Death
      Rode the six hundred.
    ‘Forward, the Light Brigade!
    Charge for the guns’ he said:
    Into the valley of Death
      Rode the six hundred.”

  840. whispering9 says:

    …and this is one of his best quote (aptly, I would say)

    A lie which is half a truth is ever the blackest of lies.
    Alfred Lord Tennyson

    Ok time for makan. SeeU.

  841. wits0 says:

    “A lie which is half a truth is ever the blackest of lies.
    – Alfred Lord Tennyson”

    True. It always is more damaging than a complete lie. Much harder to discern or verify.

    Speaking of which, please note that in Bolehland, the BN/Umno governance with its sickening Media, have, in fact, long lost the plot.

    Having long run short of half truth and lacking behind in its rate of production, even pure lies are attempted with stupid and blatant denial of Reality. To accomodate them, the rakyak are expected to be more stupid than before! This is called “Loyalty and Patriotism”!

  842. wits0 says:

    ” 2003. The PR was totally wiped out? Why? Have you asked that question?

    Did the word incompetence ring the bell in your otak udang???”
    – lan tooi

    A nematodal lie like this is pure worm sh*t. Only a flagrant liar would attempt on the basis that others are stupider.

  843. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho ‘ahbeng0.000kia’ shit at ‘lan tooi’ shit at ‘whispering9’ = all can go squeeze their own shit juice and drink it to stop their thirsty itchy mouth from talking lies or twisted around Ho Ho Ho 😛 😀 😡 🙂 😉

  844. wits0 says:

    The free, legal and patriotic ecstasy pill:

    – all praise!

  845. wits0 says:

    Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

    Boswell tells us that Samuel Johnson made this famous pronouncement that patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel on the evening of April 7, 1775. He doesn’t provide any context for how the remark arose, so we don’t really know for sure what was on Johnson’s mind at the time.

    However, Boswell assures us that Johnson was not indicting patriotism in general, only false patriotism….

  846. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho mr M$ mahakutykutu i did not take your rm100bil 😡 don’t cry don’t cry 😛 Ho Ho Ho
    Read My Head Ho Ho Ho 😀

    Ho Ho Ho what a spin 😀 flip flap flop coocoo coo coo cu coo bird 🙂

  847. wits0 says:

    Let’s recap with the meaning of,

    1. Independent in behavior or thought

    Noun: maverick
    1. Someone who exhibits great independence in thought and action
    2. An unbranded range animal (especially a stray calf); belongs to the first person who puts a brand on it

    I believe the meaning is originally a neutral one, neither in praise nor pejorative. Therefore a positive ot negative meaning would have to come from the actual manner in which that independence of thoughts was executed.

    The immediate and visible problem with this dictatorial Kutty was that, right from the start, he really used fake assertions and instigated the negative human sentiments(racism and resentment) to promote his own political ascendancy and interests. Afterwards, he became one and synonymous with that negative force.

    Why should that be unexpected? That’s the most natural of progression wrt human actions. Like what was said by ancient Greeks, “Beware of the gods you worship, for you’ll take after them.”

    Indeed, LKY is a statesman, this one is not one.

  848. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho This LKY really a true statesman that takes his lion city into the 1st world class city standard until today 😉
    This kutty liar,robber,mamak is only develop himself rich and all his cronies and his selected one and leave our country backward with lots virus problems thats will attack us all one day Ho Ho Ho 😡 😀
    Ho Ho Ho better enjoy this Alan nice song for now 😉

  849. davis says:

    “Fighting for justice is never easy. More so if we don’t have strategy” Let us not forget that many a battle was won on sheer will power and the attitude of never die. Many a battle was lost in spite of strategy due to the sense of hopelessness. Kancilandak, if you want a better Malaysia for your children and grandchildren then you must go forward with a strong belief that you shall overcome.

  850. monsterball says:

    Ahbengkia has confessed.
    He carries UMNO balls ..the very best.
    Opening mouth to speak or hold it still
    Waiting UMNO buggers to use it .. at will
    Earning enough to survive.. each month
    Travelling every week.. to see job is done.
    Big ..fat thin or small..all can shaft in
    After that… he washes mouth with Listerine.
    Come one come all …he challenges all
    Be like me or prepare to fall.

  851. wits0 says:

    “Fighting for justice is never easy.”

    I’m sure, Davis, you’ve sense the hidden agenda of ABangkai(in his attempt at waxing lyrical) to discourage all and sundry with that presentation of a problem as seemingly intractable as the Gordian Knot.

    We know how Alexanderthe Great handle that! But for us, the answer is simple – get rid of this infernal BN/Umno trash and secure a breathing/thinking room for ourselves!

    For how many decades have the Alliance/BN been bullsh*tting us on the choicelessness of our given lot?! Especially the most comptemptible Components, i.e., with this stupid mantra.

    The American Declaration of Independence has some of the most inspiring words of Man, starting with, “When in the Course of human history it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands …— That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,..”

    Another reason why the Gomen don’t want people to be good in English for then they can gain the open sharing of vital human experience and worthy ideas very well.

  852. kancilandak says:

    Many a battle was lost in spite of strategy due to the sense of hopelessness… I will go forward with a strong belief that I shall overcome.
    Thank you davis, for this very powerful words… today you have put new hope in my heart and sincerely with tears welling in my eyes right now I look forward with fresh belief for a victorious tomorrow. Thank you again davis.. God bless you.

  853. monsterball says:

    ah ah…. beng beng ….kia kia are the sounds he constantly hear
    Performing vigorously….to please his peers.
    Parents found out.. disowned him.
    Never regret…stayed in an Inn.
    Now bought a palace to entertain clients at home.
    Short sighted bragging…budget out of control.
    Still needs to travel to make ends meet.
    Looking for su…kers and easy meat.
    Now we know how he got his name.. “ahbengkia”
    Who have learn another art…how to become a kui kia.

  854. wits0 says:

    “Strategy” itself can be overused and overhyped. Most people have heard of the common expression, “Man proposes but God disposes.”

    MahaKutty used lots of endless propaganda coupled with censorships and hired PR firms. Likewise Jibby, who has become known as one frequently mumbling about “Perception” being everything(Truth is nothing. iow!). The whole governance of bn/bumno has been using words such as , “image” for decades. Whenever it moots investments and tourists, the word i invariably always, “lure”.

    In local investment projects(e.g. Maika), “schemes”, is always used. It often just skims takers, as evidenced by history. Question is, if one has something on the level, why the need to “lure”? The implicit dishonesty therein breaks through the seams – much like the Incredible Hulk whenever he changes to that green form.

  855. monsterball says:

    Listerine and Dettol mouth washes .he must have.
    Royal jelly….whatever oil stuffs too.
    All prepared for his daily great performances.
    “No Money…No Do”…sign board says.
    All welcome with free tea tariik and tosai
    Maid outside…waiting one come out….shouting “Next!”
    This is the life of Ahbengkia…our best.
    He thinks he is the smartest…melayu kui kia.
    While kopitiam fellas …all know…he is a kow kui.
    ahbengkia daily working for red lips ..small nose.
    Happy to be the skunk…..we all know.

  856. monsterball says:

    Ahbengkia can like like a well educated poet
    So can we…kopitiam fellas
    He writes smooth and nice to read
    Kopitua fellas writes with more speed.
    He writes with limited to say nothing at all.
    Kopitiam fellas write with so much to teach one and all.

  857. wits0 says:

    ABangkai is just a wannabe dissimulator. He has little verve in writing and possesses even less truth. What can he do here except spams, attempt to upset Monsterball and shrieks madly with multiple nicks?

  858. monsterball says:

    Last message from me full of spelling mistakes
    Stomachache….still write…not good at all.
    Just let go….all relax …now back to try again
    Bad english is enough..
    No need to add more for ahbengkia to insult.

  859. Menyalak-er says:

    With the distress, helplessness and hopelessness in the 2 unmentionable ‘principal’ chinese parties in Be-End, what else can this wannabe tennis-elbow do?
    Dissimulate to confuse and buy time – notice the mood swings? Machai’s. Susan’s words.
    They seem to be resting with their multiple nicks to denigrate Dap another day, not realizing that dap belongs to a triad – with die-hard support from the kopitiam flurs of all colors, creeds and persuasions.

  860. monsterball says:

    Mahathir claim he cured all.
    Now said he has failed …looking to find more fools.
    Ahbengkia claim he knows all too
    Then saying sorry…copying Mahathir…with no class.
    Try to upset me….that he is doing….with multiple nicks.
    Nothing new….nothing stick.
    Blaring and mumbling same old songs.
    Ahbengkia is preparing to ride along.
    Where are they going..all are wondering.
    Why to ahbengkia palace for some servicing.

  861. monsterball says:

    If I slow down..correct my english language mistakes messages and poems can be better than ahbengkia.
    Time is money to both of us.
    He sells poot…I waste no time.
    My messages all understood by loving friends and kopitiam fellas.
    That’s enough…I am contended.
    Rushing to sell poot to more customers…
    With no quality control…no proper cleaning.
    Now we see…now we observed….ahbengkia ..
    Palace customers running away..needing to travel to make big bucks.

  862. monsterball says:

    To all that hates me….please keep on hating…do not change.
    You do light up my life and make me feel successful….hahahahahahaha

  863. monsterball says:

    What’s up???? Quitting this post or all making woopies with thunder storm and heavy rain…hugging each other to sleep is best.
    My 3 adorable dogs…the pug allows me to make her a pillow…a female short hair chihuahuia…love to sleep using the open palm as a pillow and the naughty long hairy chiuhuahua sleep on top of my head.
    They must had a meeting how to show their true love to me.
    Usually all three will go under the blanket near the mother.
    Every night I must sleep the air cond…as if in Alaska..freezing cold…no blanket!!….just sleep like a log.
    I wonder why I woke up….thinking Mahathir must have advised Najib…not to meet Chin Peng in Haatyai.
    He have time for Bangladash and Tobago leaders….both not important….but no time to meet Chin Peng…..when Chin Peng said he would love to meet him.
    Any noble and righteous Malaysian PM will grant that wish…be it an enemy or friend to Chin Peng with millions hero worship him as one who freed Malaya from Japanese invasion.
    Where is his so call ever gracious and noble family up bringing?
    All gone……..mixing up with Mahathir and accepted him as his step father.

  864. monsterball says:

    Lets be realistic!
    Mahathir taught our huge huge projects all worth billions….totally RM100 billion in his 22 years.
    50% arc actual prices to get the projects completed…fattening so many ministers with the 10% commission.
    Therefore he cooked up scheme to fatten UMNO bank with RM50 billion profits……which 10% or RM5 million he kept for his family…not one UMNO person dare to disagree………all making millions.
    So you can say…UMNO have lots of money to buy voters and indirectly buy up the country…and Mahathir’s family are all billionaire.
    All spent at 12th GE and for 10 by-elections…..lost 8…UMNO bank no more money now.
    Watch out tax payers….here come Najib ……giving false good news…in budget and everything…to s…k tax payers high and dry.

  865. davis says:

    For someone claiming to have an Ivy League education which would have included American history has not learned the lesson from the Battle at Alamo. Even in losing, there is glory and the human will power stood against the mighty forces. Wonder what do they teach in Ivy League universities? Or there was no such student? Cannot find his name in their records.

  866. wits0 says:

    “Even in losing, there is glory and the human will power stood against the mighty forces.” – davis.

    Especially when all were volunteers(except the commanding Col. Travis) and not regular army which is bound by orders.

  867. lan tooi says:

    Congratulations Malaysia! Our country is on the list! Hahahaha…

    Thank you very much Tun M!



    Boycott these islamic countries.

    Please do not buy goods, services or products from these countries nor take a vacation in any of them.

    Please print out the list and use it when shopping to compare with the country of manufacture of the item.

    Afghanistan Guinea Bissau Oman
    Albania Indonesia Pakistan
    Algeria Iran Palestine
    Azerbaijan Iraq Qatar
    Bahrain Jordan Saudi Arabia
    Bangladesh Kazakhstan Senegal
    Benin Kosovo Sierra Leone
    Brunei Darussalam Kuwait Somalia
    Burkina Faso Kyrgyzstan Sudan
    Cameroon Lebanon Syrian_AR
    Chad Libya Tajikistan
    Comoros Malaysia Tunisia
    Djibouti Maldives Turkey
    Egypt Mali Turkmenistan
    Gabon Mauritania United Arab Emirates
    Gambia Morocco Uzbekistan
    Guinea Niger Yemen


    Fisher Price – for islamising children

    Mattel – for Burkharising Barbie

    Random House publications – for refusing to publish a novel about Aisha

    Arla – dairy produce

    Nestlé – the world’s leading manufacturer of halal food

    Radisson Hotels

    JBS Swift & Co. – alters lunch time breaks for muslims during ramadan

    Kentucky Fried Chicken – Panders to Muslims so as not to “offend” them

    ASDA Halal meat – Muslims favoured again

  868. lan tooi says:

    In Shah Alam, we have the cow head protest.

    Now in London East end, we have the same scenario. Hahaha..

    Jesus: What you do not like others do unto you, do not do unto others..

  869. kancilandak says:

    “Many a battle was lost in spite of strategy due to the sense of hopelessness… you must go forward with a strong belief that you shall overcome.” -davis.

    After answering you davis… I spent an hour pondering on your words of encoragement, almost a prayer, that you gave me… I knelt down to pray with my wife at 2am… to envision success in a hopeless fix which we were in.

    This morning with a detemination to overcome… inspire by you, davis, we emerged out of the said hopeless fix… victorious at 10.25am. My determination helped me to select the correct english words.. apply the appopriate pressure on them to deliver a convincing statement.

    I have a christian book regard the power of positive thinking, which I thought useless for me among the heap of junk in my store. I’m going to dig for it. Thanks again davis.

    And witsO is right about the gomen not wanting people to be good in english.

  870. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho good boy Kancilandak on right track 😉 like what i am doing now Ho Ho Ho 😛 😀 🙂 😉 8)

  871. kittykat46 says:

    Dubai seeks to delay payments for 6 months on USD $ 26 Billion in debt.

    When you owe money in the Billions, the banks have no choice but to “help out”. 🙂 If you can’t meet payments on one low-cost house, you could end up on the streets.

    If you’ve been to Dubai, you’ll be amazed by the massive 24-hour construction spree which was going on up to last year. Then the party ended. It looked like a massive boom fuelled by Arab Petro-money, but in reality it was feeding on massive debt.
    The weirdest project I saw was a massive indoor ski resort, right in the middle of the desert. Just shows you the extent of the excesses and waste going on there.

    The big shock to investors was the Dubai Government chose not to support the debts of its state-owned companies like Dubai World, now saying they are just Commercial firms with limited liability, like any other company. A lot of bankers and investors who had treated these companies as low risk because of their government linkage are now getting burned.

    Back in Malaysia, it seems a substantial portion of PKFZ bonds were floated to foreign investors. Now we know why Najis was forced to declare in New York that the government would stand by PKFZ debt obligations. If PKFZ defaults, Malaysia’s sovereign debt rating will be badly hit.

    Get ready folks, especially lan tooi, your grandchildren and maybe their children will still be paying for the PKFZ and Ting Kiong Sing’s private jets.

    For BN idiots – Continue to vote Barisan Nasional at your peril.

  872. kittykat46 says:

    Second Finance Minister admits Malaysia’s economy has stagnated for a decade, from 1998.

    Malaysia has never before admitted to the real cost of Mahathir-nomics, instead many worship Kerala-kutty as Allah’s greatest gift to Malaysia.

    Anyway, I don’t see UMNO as capable of making any REAL reforms, because the real reforms needed will hurt UMNO dearly.

    Remember Najis’ much advertised “opening up” of 27 sectors in the economy back in April ?
    The response from the business community has been a deafening silence.

  873. lan tooi says:

    Get ready folks, especially lan tooi, your grandchildren and maybe their children will still be paying for the PKFZ and Ting Kiong Sing’s private jets.

    For BN idiots – Continue to vote Barisan Nasional at your peril.

    kittykat46 – December 2, 2009 at 11:40 am

    My dear Kittykat 46,

    I am here in Bolehland for my year-end vacation and will be returning to San Francisco Bay Area for Christmas with my family enjoying the natural air-conditioning and Watching our home team San Francisco 49ers.

    But don’t worry, I will lobby for Bolehland in Washington DC and will keep constant in touch with Obama & Biden to help out Malaysia from the crisis if desires, Hahahaha

  874. lan tooi says:

    I love San Fanscisco 49ERS. Go for it man!

  875. kittykat46 says:

    And you are just a despicable spammer

  876. kittykat46 says:

    As they say, a Chow Kit streetwalker can move out to San Francisco, but you can never take the streetwalker out of him.

  877. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho run ‘lan tooi’ run oOhh touch down 😀 you really likes ball and hope you don’t carry najibs ball Ho Ho Ho 😡

  878. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho ‘lan tooi’ = lazy and useless // ‘kay tooi’ = chicken drumstick Ho Ho Ho you should name your new nick next time ‘kay tooi’ 🙂 at least it taste and sound better 😉

  879. storm62 says:

    syukur allhamdullilah kancilandak !!!

    you’re right on track, wish you and family great success, insyallah!

    don’t thank us, just reject those who have cheated, lie, rob and mislead the Rakyat for their own benefits.

    just don’t take the wrong medicine again kancil. once bitten twice shy!

  880. davis says:

    Looks like we have a lot of USA around,. WE had Ivy League and now we have San Franciso. Some one went to New York of late. I thought Malaysian leaders were anti USA. Maybe I am wrong.

  881. storm62 says:

    But don’t worry, I will lobby for Bolehland in Washington DC and will keep constant in touch with Obama & Biden to help out Malaysia from the crisis if desires, Hahahaha

    WTF is this lan ciao talking about??? is he singing???

    hello lan tooi, get the F back to SF ASAP and let the people decide in the next GE here.

  882. storm62 says:

    I am here in Bolehland for my year-end vacation and will be returning to San Francisco Bay Area for Christmas with my family enjoying the natural air-conditioning and Watching our home team San Francisco 49ers.

    this lan tooi fella left his poor old man here in Bolehland and fled to SF with his mrs/mistress…..if he’s american, he won’t choose Bolehland for his vacation…..Thailand or S’pore is anytime better for a vacation.

  883. davis says:

    ” will keep constant in touch with Obama and Biden” sounds like the Ivy League (so claimed)

  884. Menyalak-er says:

    San Francisco/Bay area? Nice… Very gay capital.
    Basically back to give ‘saiful the maggot’, insights on how posterior jobs are done so that this dumb sh*t, won’t fumble/stumble in front of the audience (which precludes the judiciary).
    Yep, it’s so ivy league, davis, that the are “figgers” – dressed only in strangler fig leaves. Profane.

  885. lan tooi says:

    I know you all going to miss me… same as me. I will blog from San Francisco ala Dr. Bakri, RPK and Professor Azri…. to continue fighting for the rights and justice of rakyat of Bolehland.

    But please have some respect on the Americans ya!

    Remember you are using American technology free of charge for the fighting of justice & rights here hehehe..

  886. lan tooi says:

    In US, the umnoputras will be sent to jail for practicing racism!

  887. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho ang mo kau lan tooi talk shit 😡 Ho Ho Ho

  888. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho ‘lan tooi’ is changing very fast like si ‘Kancilandak’ 😀 Ho Ho Ho
    Wrong medicine or acting?? Ho Ho Ho 😛
    Do you believe them Mr Sir Monsterball? 🙂

  889. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😀 😛 Two headed snake found in lllinois USA Ho Ho Ho
    Not poisonous but just beware! Ho Ho Ho 🙂 😉

  890. davis says:

    “Have some respect on the Americans ” Tell that to UMNO. USA has been the whipping boy.

  891. wits0 says:

    ““Have some respect on the Americans ” Tell that to UMNO. USA has been the whipping boy.” – davis.

    Just wait and see if Motorola and Intel will finally relocate elsewhere.

  892. davis says:

    Jesus: What you do not like others do unto you, do not do unto others…lan tooi. Correction . That statement was made by Confucius. Jesus said ” Do unto others what you want others to do unto you”.

  893. wits0 says:

    “Thailand or S’pore is anytime better for a vacation.” – Stormy.
    Yeah. Overhyped hi-katuk local tourist industry.

    Indeed Kittykat, Bolehland’s sukuk could also easily get sangkut with Dubai World.

    Heard Intel hasn’t been too happy lately.

  894. wits0 says:

    PROTON: Did Mahathir Rob From the Rich to Feed the Poor?
    Answer: He robbed everyone to feed the rich. And there are very much more poor than rich. The poor motorists only go for basic transportation.

  895. monsterball says:

    Ian tooi is talking kok here…to spam.
    Enjoy him….but see that he does not go out of line.
    This is a transformation from a braggart to a crazy nut …by ahbengkia.
    Both love to talk USA stuffs..talking kok al the time.

  896. Pegasus says:

    Did the word incompetence ring the bell in your otak udang??? Hehehehe
    Sure the rakyat would be sodom*zed no matter which set of motherfu*kers they voted in!!! Hahahaha poor rakyat!!!
    Thats why we have defection after defection- one way direction only so far from pr to bn!

    lan tooi – December 1, 2009 at 5:29 pm

    Ah tooi.. the whole world knows Bodowi was incompetent ..your hollow brain just got the message?…it was the reason ..he was rejected both in umno and by the Malaysian people ….

    PR may not have the best people around …but they are certainly the hope now for the Rakyat rather then the BN regime…we just have to go on with what we have..just don’t let your children or grandchildren to be sodomized by this regime by doing nothing …other then talk rubbish that we all already know that plagues Bn…the people knows what wrong with this regime..and in order to throw them out …need to combine together and vote the opposition in..

    You think Bn doesn’t have a hand on those defections by PR to Bn ? Grow uo lan toi !..there are more then the eyes can meet…! don’t sit and expect things will be okay and miracle to happen….get your ass moving ,keep the people around you inform on the despicable acts by the bn regime…you should know by now …and get them to vote for PR..or the opposition them…or you may find one fine day there is no productive work to do…!!!

  897. monsterball says:

    HO HO HO…you have sharp eyes and can see a crazy nut ….like ian tooi…good for you.
    Imagine ahbengkia dare to say you are not smart. But then .he did say..all of us are not smarter than him too.

  898. doggy says:

    This monsterbinball is a nut! Woof!

  899. kittykat46 says:

    lan tooi = doggy = najis

  900. monsterball says:

    With his muzzles all tight up…to have two hands put out with the best position for his acting….Mahathir said….’I made up my mind. I must resign”
    After 3 years …he still talk like he is the PM or owner of Malaysia…non stop talking….non stop interfering….like without him…Malaysia will be eaten up by Aliens.
    Who are the Aliens?

  901. wits0 says:

    Lan tooi : “Did the word incompetence ring the bell in your otak udang??? Hehehehe”.

    Ha! If only that (alleged) incompetence is all that’s involved. It isn’t. It’s about deliberate self-servingness cum exploitative proclivity that has become synonymous with bn/umno.

    Lan tooi aka Abangkai simply cannot resist his ravings in front of his own mirror.

  902. wits0 says:

    lan tooi = doggy is the perfect lapdog for his E-ma, that Fartimah!

  903. tembolok says:

    “Have some respect on the Americans ” Tell that to UMNO. USA has been the whipping boy.” – davis.

    Just wait and see if Motorola and Intel will finally relocate elsewhere.

    The whole UMNO supreme council towering malays will line up like trained dogs and beg.

  904. lan tooi says:

    These kopitians are real ignorant. Please go and ask Saddam Hussein wherever he is, whether his opponents had any chance to topple him?

    You are dealing with Naif Tong Rasuah man, not Pak Lah. Real naif Kopitian’s shits! Hahahaha..

    Now being sodo*ized by BNfarkers, in future, your children & Children’s children, hehehehe…

  905. monsterball says:

    Lan tooi look into the mirror will see ahbengkia.
    They love each other like long lost brothers but actually is one..trying to fool all of us.
    Yes..these idiots have the same mentalities like their UMNO masters….keep trying to fool Malaysians…non stop..for votes only.
    But these idiots keep trying to fool us…to chase voters away from UMNO….without know that.
    So it is good they keep coming back and talk kok here.

  906. monsterball says:

    hi idiot..Lan tooi..Sadam is dead la.
    You go kill yourself and find ask on our behalf.

  907. lan tooi says:

    How did Saddam being topple?

    By the power of votes? Real naif Tong Sampah Kopitian Fellas… Hahahaha

  908. tembolok says:

    I think though, that so many young Malaysians – not unlike my classmates – just feel that the country is going nowhere.

    Many of course feel discriminated against, and many more feel that the current culture of corruption is so ingrown that there is no place for an honest man or woman anymore in this country.

    I think the key to bringing the talent back home is to give Malaysians hope – hope that tomorrow will see a cleaner Malaysia with genuine integrity, a Malaysia where unity goes beyond an empty slogan.

    Hasn’t really happened under 50 years of BN rule, so I doubt there’s any hope there.

  909. mitra says:

    How did Saddam being topple?
    By the power of votes? Real naif Tong Sampah Kopitian Fellas… Hahahaha
    lan tooi

    You soooo stooopid never read news ah!!! The voters hang him la you idiot not your father. U can oso get your father to go and kill najib which is what you r really saying.
    Dont worry we will consider him hero…after he do it. No balls lantooi ptui!!

  910. monsterball says:

    I can imagine Lan tooi got squint eyes….where half the brain is knocking the other half….when ever he concentrate to utter out anything.
    He should SHUT UP…..and sleep alot to rest his brain…or else…very soon…he really will land into crazy house.
    This nut is the vision2020 of Ahbengkia.

  911. wits0 says:

    Don’t you fret, doggy, lan tooi, aka abangkai, etc., Fartimah apparently is high enough in the umnoputrid hierarchy such that she can bow and burn incense at yakasunni. It’s a certainty therefore that neither jais nor jakim dare object to her adopting a lapdog as kai chai(god son)…and more.

  912. monsterball says:

    Seriously speaking..only UMNO crazy nuts can talk like lan tooi and ahbengkia.
    It is a trademark for decades..

  913. mitra says:

    “…she can bow and burn incense at yakasunni”………wits0

    yak yak yak and ahbengkia, lantooi light incense at fatimah sunni

  914. lan tooi says:

    According to US Constitution, PAS is not allowed to take part in politics because it’s a religious party.

    DAP, LKS & son will be sent to jail for practicing nepotism.

    As for BN components, all racial parties violate the Bill of Rights and all have to be send to jail.

    But in Malaysia, it’s ok!

    Malaysia is a pariah country because the denizens are still living on trees.. Hahahaha

    Looking at Saddam hiding in the rat-hole.. Coming to Malaysia soon… HAHAHAHAHA

    So long Malaysian kopitian monkeys drinking black coffee in San Francisco Kopitian, kia kia kiakia…

  915. indiaman II says:

    semalam kanjilanda tanya lu pandei pya woran sini blog pasal bank negara pya polisi kasi bankrupt muda-muda ada betul? satu woran tatau jawap. Woran banyak pegi school sini ada tapi tada jawap.
    Kalu itu Anwar Iburahim jadi chief minister ini Malaysia, apa dia mau bikin ini bank negara pya undan-undan?
    Itu kanjilanda satu bodo tada guna pya, manya takut pya binatang. Dia takut lawan dia pya taukek, takut lawan woran pandei sakrang pigi simunyi baca keristian pya buku.
    Peegidah putumayam.

  916. mitra says:

    According to US Constitution, PAS is not allowed to take part in politics because it’s a religious party…….lantooi

    Oi bodoh PAS never stand for election in US la. Stop playing with fatima pubic hair.

  917. wits0 says:

    “Malaysia is a pariah country because the denizens are still living on trees.. Hahahaha ‘ – lan chai.

    Some lives in 6,000sq. foot rat holes though.

  918. wits0 says:

    “According to US Constitution, PAS is not allowed to take part in politics because it’s a religious party…….lantooi”

    There this also this animal call “Anti-Trust” , plus that law that forbades the government of the US from partaking in commerce, something which umno simply cannot survive without doing so and corrupting the whole country.

  919. tripes says:

    “Malaysia is a pariah country because the denizens .. Hahahaha ‘ – lan chai.

    You are free to laugh like fellow ahbengkia monkeys, but as for me I never deny zen.

  920. stripes says:

    “Malaysia is a pariah country because the denizens .. Hahahaha ‘ – lan chai.

    You are free to laugh like fellow ahbengkia monkeys, but as for me I never deny zen. I have found a lot in it.

  921. wits0 says:

    Malaysia is a pariah country because there are yan char(human scums) like Abangkai and various selfsame morphs.

  922. stripes says:

    Stop playing with fatima pubic hair…..mitra

    errrr they dont play but pray, trying to light incense and with lots of hot air their candle fell over it is now a burnt pus sy

  923. davis says:

    Do they have a cafe San Franciso Kopitian near the UMNO hQ in KL? I thought I saw one.

  924. spanco says:

    Do they have a cafe San Franciso Kopitian near the UMNO hQ in KL? I thought I saw one….davis

    The Ahbengkias go there to vote.

  925. davis says:

    “DAP, LKS & son will be sent to jail for practicing nepotism” lan tooi. Grant that USA is a great and innovative naqt5ion. Shall like to know how USA can sent a political party into jail? What kind of jail is it that have political parties as its inmate? Also like to know under which law will LKS be charged. I think lan tooi thinks the readers of this blogs are fools. Readers, here is a person trying to tell you things that are not true. We have a few on this blog.

  926. Ahbengkia says:

    Well what I see here is full of misplaced will and confidence even to the extent of being fanatical.

    There is hardly any strategic or holistic thinking or proposals. To me it is nothing more than depraved shouting and degrading of others whoose ideas are different from yours.

    Who do not know by now the ills inflicting this country? But the reality is BN is still very much in power and in fact you if guys are discerning enough, the ground may have started to shift in its favour again. You think I have no concern for the inefficiency, corruption, abuse and misrule that are taking place. The issue is not about the need for change. It is how we effect the change. I see some of you guys have attacked the Malays and Islam. Do you think it is going to serve the cause of PR? You don’t attack UMNO/BN for helping the Malays. You attack them for helping the cronies, both Malays and many non Malays.

    Ahbengkia is still working very hard and so may not be able to give you immediate response.

  927. jocko says:

    Ahbengkia is still working very hard and so may not be able to give you immediate response….Ahbengkia

    Cathay Pacific and Airbus toilets are still clogged.

  928. NajibAhbengkia says:

    Ahbengkia now approves the UMNO ban of Allah for the Bible and seize all bibles to be burnt.
    But this melanau is not having any of c*ock-cut Ahbengkia`s kaka….

    Melanau native goes to court over ‘Allah’ on CDs
    Dec 2, 09 12:29PM
    She is challenging the Home Ministry’s decision confiscating eight CDs of Christian religious teachings containing the word ‘Allah’.

  929. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho ahbeng0.000@lantooi kia cannot tahan anymore and have to come out to eat their own shit now Ho Ho Ho 😛 😉 😡

  930. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho ahbeng0.000kia still think my kopitiam friends are low iq 😀 Ho Ho Ho wait until they give this ahbeng0.000kia a big shit to eat then he will know the taste Ho Ho Ho 😡 8)

  931. NajibAhbengkia says:

    Ground work for body snatching was laid in 1956..after mahathiu and ahbengkia father saw the movie and began the NEP idea where muslims and malays would stand above others. Ahbengkia`s mother was arse farked as bonus.

  932. monsterball says:

    We say Lan tooi….lan chai…are ahbengkia….yet ahbengkia.. not too lan with us……happily talkng kok…in concert with his two machai…born out of his poot…in his 6000sq ft rat hole.

  933. NajibAhbengkia says:

    Another Ahbengkia failure ————

    KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 2 — Launched just two months ago by Datuk Seri Najib Razak, the Makkal Sakti party, one of a host of disparate political parties formed from what remained of the Hindraf movement, is now in turmoil with a majority of its leaders calling for its president R S Thanenthiran to quit with immediate effect.

  934. davis says:

    Ahbengkia, I don’t attack Malays in my posting. I know that there are many Malays who are poor, really poor. I am sure you know that too. However, what have you done for them ( you and your mega money) ? Have you and that twin brother of yours. lan tooi. told your masters that these Malays need help and that your masters should stop exploiting these poor kins of your?

  935. JACKAL says:

    Ahbengkia and his “bladder” lantooi are products of an arsebanged mother, and now display “stockholm syndrome”

  936. Ahbengkia says:

    Second Finance Minister admits Malaysia’s economy has stagnated for a decade, from 1998.//fake meow meow

    Instead condemning the Second Finance Minister outright based on past records, a more meaningful comment would be to insist on him when those proposed reforms would be carried out. In the past they have not even considered the weaknesses besetting this country. Now at least they could see that the massive distortions and cronyism is slowly and surely killing this country. For the good of everybody, we should urge him on and demand that open-ended protectionism and support for certain vested interest groups be stopped. They should come up with unequivocal timeframe for their removal.

  937. monsterball says:

    They come…thinking they can conquer….by talking kok…making this blog uninteresting for visitors and commentators….convincing young voters to support BN.
    More and more kopitiam fellas cannot tahan..ahbengkia and his many kai chai…speak out…first time..certainly not going to be the last……knowing how important they nee to f..k ahbegnkia….who is nothing less than a skunk…showing so much bad examples to young Malaysians…….all because he is so selfish …thinking of his own future…never the country or for others.
    Now he is drinking shit water in toilet bowls.
    3 more days..he needs to eat kopitiam shit….breaking his promise again and again …to quit this blog…but stayed on… he seems to like eating shit and talking shit…with his face..actually look like shit.

  938. JACKAL says:

    Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response sometimes seen in abducted hostages, in which the hostage shows signs of loyalty to the hostage-taker, regardless of the danger or risk in which they have been placed. The syndrome is named after the Norrmalmstorg robbery of Kreditbanken at Norrmalmstorg in Stockholm, in which the bank robbers held bank employees hostage from August 23 to August 28, 1973.

    In this case, the victims became emotionally attached to their captors, and even defended them after they were freed from their six-day ordeal. The term “Stockholm Syndrome” was coined by the criminologist and psychiatrist Nils Bejerot, who assisted the police during the robbery, and referred to the syndrome in a news broadcast.[

  939. monsterball says:

    This meaningful……that meaningful…ahbengkia said…putting out meaningless…..idiot comments.

  940. Ahbengkia says:

    Davis, I want to be decent with you. For the last time I am telling you I am my own man. Abengkia is my one and only nick and I have no association with anyone of those depraved people. If you label me one more time that I collaborate or use other nicks here, I would treat just like one of those asses around. I hope you will get my message loud and clear this time.

  941. JACKAL says:

    a more meaningful comment would be to insist on him when those proposed reforms would be carried out……Ahbengkia

    Yeah being another mother farker like you he will listen to you when you bang your kok on his table and “insist”.

  942. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho coo cuu coo cuu yu hoo Ahbeng0.000kia = lan tooi = doggy shit give Fat timah to eat and she will always forgive them 😛 Ho Ho Ho
    😀 😛 🙂 😉 😡 8) 100% sure Ahbeng0.000kia cannot stand anymore and will self explode into so many coo cuu bird Ho Ho Ho 😀

  943. monsterball says:

    So many Malaysians…became abducted hostages disguised as Operation Lallang by Mahathir…so important for us to discuss is right or wring….yet ignore..talking Stockholm…abduction done there…no benefit for Malaysians to discuss it at all.
    This post is about Mahathir stole RM100 billion..from tax payers.
    Is… that true or false?

  944. JACKAL says:

    If you label me one more time that I collaborate or use other nicks here, I would treat just like one of those asses around…..Ahbengkia

    Wah, davis shivering of this imposter.
    Damn koksarker ahbenkias cannot do a thing about it but go to the mosque with chabai finance minister and do meaningful things like swearing.

  945. Ahbengkia says:

    Monster, do you know whatever you said could not be taken seriously, not even by the authorities monitoring the cyberspace? Because you are a lunatic and you in fact make their job easier because you discredit PR and all right minded people clamoring for change.

  946. JACKAL says:

    Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response sometimes seen in abducted hostages, in which the hostage shows signs of loyalty to the hostage-taker, regardless of the danger or risk in which they have been placed.

  947. Ahbengkia says:

    The rest I need not comment because they are sick psycho which UMNO/BN would love to have them around. In fact some of them could be paid. Remember traitors are the ones who you least expect. That is what treachery is all about. Bye bye.

  948. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho Ahbeng0.00kia nincompoop moron shouting FACE Ho Ho Ho 😡 🙂 Ahbeng0.000kia really a moron himself and shit coming very soon for him to eat Ho Ho Ho 😀 🙂 😉

  949. JACKAL says:

    Perak DAP apologises for ‘frog doormat’ incident

    Morons, next time throw old shoes or slippers like LGE wanted to do at Bush. That is accepted in msian culture.

  950. JACKAL says:

    Remember traitors are the ones who you least expect. That is what treachery is all about……Ahbengkia

    Everyone knows about you ahbengkias

  951. JACKAL says:

    DEC 2 — The Perak mentri besar, the Wanita Umno chief and the information, communications minister have initiated a chorus criticising several DAP leaders for their ill-mannered action of stepping on posters of three Barisan Nasional-friendly independent assemblymen.

    Yet, if I recall correctly, the Barisan Nasional’s own government in the form of the chair in the Dewan Rakyat and its other ministers find it quite impossible to contain the reprehensible actions of BN’s own Tajuddin Rahman, the MP for Pasir Salak, throughout last year.

    May I remind readers, that as a woman I was flabbergasted when the Ministry of Women’s Affairs let him off lightly. This bad boy of Parliament uttered derogatory comments, made se*ist innuendos, swore at other MPs and never ceased to be rude, while the House was sitting. And amazingly, he escaped censure everytime! No apology necessary. No punishment needed.–mariam-mokhtar

  952. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho 😀 😉 🙂 😛 8)
    ooOoOhH you ALL moron but i am ‘Ahbeng0.000kia’ the biggest MORON of all Ho Ho Ho 😀

  953. davis says:

    “Instead condemning…………….for their removal”…ahbengkia. Well written. Do you honestly believe that your view will be accepted by UMNO? Does UMNO care that the ncountry is going to the dogs? Do UMNO leaders love this country more than their wealth? Do you think you can convince your masters to make the changes for the country? Your answers will be greatly awaited,ahbengkia

  954. NajibAhbengkia says:

    That is what treachery is all about. Bye bye…..Ahbengkia

    Gone to burn the bibles he confiscated because allah was hiding in them

  955. NajibAhbengkia says:

    Your answers will be greatly awaited,ahbengkia….davis

    Dont hold breath the toilet cleaner is busy elsewhere

  956. apaitu says:

    20 Dec 2008

    Malaysian minister’s praise for man who threw shoes at President Bush

    Now Mr Rais has talked in laudatory terms about Muntadar al-Zeidi, whom he called “that remarkable reporter who gave President Bush his final farewell last week”.

    He went on to say: “That shoe-throwing episode, in my view, is truly the best weapon of mass destruction to the leader who coined the phrase ‘axis of evil’ to denote Iran, Iraq and North Korea.”

    His speech, delivered at a dinner to mark the founding of the United Nations, was notable for its lack of diplomatic tact.

  957. apaitu says:

    Rais slams stepping on photos as ‘uncultured act’

    KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 1 – Information Communication and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim today described as uncultured and disrespectful of individual rights and democracy the action of DAP leaders stepping on a poster bearing the facial images of three former Pakatan opposition assemblymen now friendly to the Barisan Nasional (BN).

    Throwing shoes at Najib and Rais is OK

  958. Ahbengkia says:

    Surely everybody loves oneself more than the society or country one lives in, including UMNO leaders. The issue is how do we as citizens through our collective efforts will compel those in authority to do what is right and decent for the country. If we do not have a good and transparent governance system, i am afraid whoever that come into power would probably abuse it. Having said that, i am not claiming i have all the right answers. But I just know that shouting and condemning the present leaders are not sufficient. Perhaps the present leaders are irredeemable and therefore be casted aside. But we must be ready when we instal new leaders, we have sufficient institutions, procedures and system to circumscribe them.

  959. whispering9 says:

    “Now at least they could see that the massive distortions and cronyism is slowly and surely killing this country.”

    3 weeks ago, over a jug (ok…3 jugs eventually) of beer, I asked my friend a serious question.

    Me: Don’t they see all the bad things and harms they are doing to this country?
    Him: They don’t care. They only want to enrich themselves before everything end.
    Me: Huh? I think karma will get them before that.
    Him: Nay….they don’t believe in karma since they have been doing it for generations.

    At this point, I was really dejected ‘cos in a possible reality, karma may not apply fairly to all and sundry. Yeah….there has always been a few generations of thieves and robbers….well, at least, until they become Australians (heeheehee). 😈

    Moral of this conversation: If karma cannot or won’t work on them, then it is up to the voters to kick them out of their comfortable political positions. So please lah….don’t ask us to be patient or be empathetic with politicians who waste or take.

  960. Ahbengkia says:

    Davis, i have to go, hard pressed for time to earn a living (whether mega bucks or not, is not the issue here).

  961. apaitu says:

    KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 2 – PKR leader Tian Chua claimed today he has evidence that a former minister and a spouse of a current Cabinet member had made illegal overseas cash transactions.

    The first case had allegedly occurred between June and August 2008, when a “Tan Sri” who is a former minister transferred 3.5 million pounds sterling (RM22.2 million) to the United Kingdom.

    The second was in March 2008, involving a wife of a senior minister, he claimed today in Parliament.

  962. maestro says:

    But I just know that shouting and condemning the present leaders are not sufficient. Perhaps the present leaders are irredeemable and therefore be casted aside. But we must be ready when we instal new leaders, we have sufficient institutions, procedures and system to circumscribe them…..Ahbengkia

    Still talking kok. No one is stopping you from going and shooting them. It should be relatively easy with you hanging around the airport all the time.
    Btw with so much self acclaimed intelligence how is it you do not know the past tense of “cast” is not “casted”.

    “But we must be ready when we instal new leaders, we have sufficient institutions, procedures and system to circumscribe them” what rubbish is that huh. Total useless rubbish.
    The quality is extremely poor. Definitely an “F” for clear thinking.

  963. lan tooi says:

    Also like to know under which law will LKS be charged. I think lan tooi thinks the readers of this blogs are fools. Readers, here is a person trying to tell you things that are not true. We have a few on this blog.

    davis – December 2, 2009 at 6:17 pm

    Mr. Davis, Please refer below.

    Title 5, §3110 of the United States Code clearly states:

    A public official may not appoint, employ, promote, advance, or advocate for appointment, employment, promotion, or advancement, in or to a civilian position in the agency in which he is serving or over which he exercises jurisdiction or control any individual who is a relative of the public official.

    In other words, the president cannot appoint family members to the Cabinet.

    For some reason, this seems to be a relatively-forgotten statute. In an online “Ask the White House” feature in 2004, Deputy Assistant to the President and Cabinet Secretary Brian Montgomery fielded an inquiry into potential presidential nepotism and replied:

    I am not aware of any law or statute that prevents a member of the President’s family from joining the Cabinet. For example, President John Kennedy appointed his brother Robert as Attorney General in 1961. However, soon after President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, Robert Kennedy left the Cabinet to run for a seat in the U.S. Senate from the State of New York.

    It is one thing for the news media to be bungling the statutory regulation this week; it is altogether another thing to know that the White House itself did so just a few years ago. And while Mr. Montgomery was certainly correct about Robert Kennedy serving in John Kennedy’s cabinet, it apparently escaped his mind that nearly four decades of jurisprudence have since elapsed.

    Indeed, 5 U.S.C. §3110 was passed in 1967, a seemingly direct response to the Kennedy clan’s familiar power-play. And sometime between 1967 and 1993, at least one member of the press stumbled across the statute.

    Call it déjà vu, but after the 1992 election, people were asking some of the same questions in reverse: Could Mr. Clinton appoint Ms. Clinton to his cabinet? And the New York Times was quick to provide a straight answer:

    Because of a law enacted after President John F. Kennedy named his brother Robert as Attorney General, Mr. Clinton cannot legally place his wife in the Cabinet.

    Really, it’s that simple: The president cannot place a family member in his or her cabinet. And unless Congress feels so moved by the outstanding credentials of a current White House candidate’s spouse as to change the law before January 20, 2009, you can be sure that neither Mr. Clinton nor Ms. Giuliani has any potential to serve as a cabinet secretary.

  964. davis says:

    Ahbengkia, thank you for your answer. You missed out a few questions. Loving oneself does not mean robbhing one’s country. Work for your pay but not to rob. A good national leader puts the nation above himself.

  965. JACKAL says:

    “But we must be ready when we instal new leaders, we have sufficient institutions, procedures and system to circumscribe them”….Ahbengkia

    Your grandfather sits and makes the laws izzzit you idiot. Laws are made in Parliament, your stepfather Najib is now working for you you are claiming so you can “circumscribe” “new leaders”.
    Niamah you can only be the “Custard Geng” with the US lan tooi. How`s the IGP, he is waiting for your police reports. niamah!

  966. tua lampard says:

    This monsterball mother must have a monstercutnn to deliver monsterball.

    Don’t know whether the ball came first or the head first?

    Or this monsterhuge ball hatched from a monster egg???

  967. davis says:

    LKS did not appoint his son as CM of Penang. LKS is not a member of the Penang State Assembly. The CM is appointed by the YDP of Penang. Najib appointed his cousin as a minister. Should Najib be put behind bars, lan tooi? If so, are you going to do anything about it? Are you going to see the AG?

  968. JACKAL says:

    Obama cannot produce his birth certificate and he is still there. Anyway, wtf has US Clinton & Kennedy got to do with Msian Constitution. Lan tooi working for CIA now.

  969. JACKAL says:

    Are you going to see the AG?…..davis

    HAHAHAHA this AG will be sitting upstairs while downstairs the IGP takes the sh*t out of the lan tooi.

  970. JACKAL says:

    Is Obama Hiding His Birth Certificate?

    The “grandmother-was-there” story really began before the election. The scenario goes as follows: His mother wanted to fly from Kenya to Hawaii so she could give birth in Hawaii, but she was too pregnant to fly. She therefore gave birth in Kenya and later had Barack registered in Hawaii.

    We’ve not been allowed to see the president’s birth certificate. Instead we’ve been offered something nobody ever heard of called a “certificate of live birth” from the state of Hawaii.

  971. JACKAL says:

    “What I don’t know is why the president can’t produce a birth certificate,” Blunt said. “I don’t know anybody else that can’t produce one. And I think that that’s a legitimate question — no health records, no birth certificate.”

  972. urnut says:


  973. laosai says:

    Ahbengkia is a very stupid person. There are many malaysians like him in the lunatic asylum with delusions of grandeur. Having failed to become IGP he is now going to form institutions and new laws to “circumscribe” new leaders.
    Maybe after he has burnt the bibles which offend him he will go and circumcise and join mahatai blog

  974. Najib's Next says:

    Saddam’s Execution,who is next?

  975. davis says:

    lan tooi, sir, what do you think about the appointment of judges in Malaysia compared to the system in USA where you reside? Though you claim you are here for a visit you seem to know a lot concerning the politics of this country. I am sure you also know about the judiciary and judicature of this country.Would you care to comment?

  976. davis says:

    Good night to one and to all. Shall rise early to read your posting. Sweet dream to all and may the Almighty guard you thru the nigtht

  977. ookook says:

    lan tooi NOT RELEVANT

  978. doremi says:

    Mr. Circumscribe:

    The side-effect from this humiliation is a renewed call to disband the state Umno leadership, with party insiders saying that moves are being made to bring back former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad to lead the charge against the state Pakatan Rakyat government.

  979. kittykat46 says:

    “Title 5, §3110 of the United States Code clearly states:

    A public official may not appoint, employ, promote, advance, or advocate for appointment, employment, promotion, or advancement, in or to a civilian position in the agency in which he is serving or over which he exercises jurisdiction or control any individual who is a relative of the public official.” lan tooi.

    Other forum members have called lan tooi a stupid idiot, and I agree.

    The Constitution of the State of Penang SAYS “The Yang DiPertua Negeri shall appoint a Chief Minister from a member of the State Legislature whom he considers most likely to command the support of a majority of the Members of the Legislature.”

    After GE 12, Pakatan Rakyat – DAP, PKR and PAS holds an large majority in the Penang State Legislature, and by common consent their choice for Penang Chief Minister is Lim Guan Eng.

    It is in accordance with the Constitution and laws of Malaysia. No More, No Less.

    Go Fu*k off back to San Francisco back to your Toy Boy Lover.

  980. Dr. M Next says:

    Mahathir Mengaku Anwar Ibrahim Dizalami & Tidak Bersalah!
    Mahathir zalim & penipu yang mesti digantung sampai mati.

  981. llan tooi says:

    Ok! Dear Mr. Davis,

    This is how the US Chief Justice is selected…

    In the US, The Chief Justice, like all other federal judges, is nominated by the President and confirmed to sit on the Court by the Senate.

    The nominated Chief justice has to answer relentlessly questions forwarded by the chosen senators from Republican & Democratic parties interviewing the Chief Justice and this interviewing process is telecasting live in US Major TV Channels.

    Phew, the process of interviewing is intensive and the personality of the nominated Chief Justice is tested to the fullest.

    The appointment of the nominated Chief Justice will be voted in the senate for confirmation..

    The U.S. Constitution states that all justices of the Court “shall hold their offices during good behavior,” meaning that the appointments only end when a justice dies in office, resigns, or is impeached by the House of Representatives and convicted by the Senate.

  982. Osama Next says:

    Eat this bomb Mr Taliban Osama bin Mahathir!
    We’re coming for you, Osama Jihad your assh*le.

  983. WWE says:

    Wow??? Talk KOK

  984. monsterball says:

    hahahahahaha…….Whatever I say are not taken seriously……so said ahbengkia…..YET….all are f..king me…..including him.
    Ahbengkia talk so much about me..even my english…yet he says…I am not important.
    Readers will know who is the lunatic ad braggart…not you to say and keep making all laugh at your conclusion about me.
    3 more days….you need to eat your words or vanish.
    What will be your decision….everyone already know.
    What a great reputation you have achieved….so easy to know you…exactly like Mahathir….being expose and keep saying…he does not care what people thinks of him. Do you believe he meant that?….a man who loves the limelight….just like you?
    Yes ahbengkia…you keep twisting…keep running away and change to another. All know you too well.
    Sooooooooo….kopitiam fellas must take you seriously and accept yiur opinion …I am a lunatic…er?
    You have eyes….yet you do not see.
    You have a brain….yet you do not understand.
    You have a mouth…filled with juicy worms…making big bucks…with it.
    You get lost now…..all bullshit….reading and thinking how to make monsterball disappear .
    Yes….I am your conscience…the wish not to follow up.
    DREAM ON!! I WILL FOLLOW YOU TILL 13th GE…then you can go to hell.

  985. wits0 says:

    “Other forum members have called lan tooi a stupid idiot, and I agree.”

    One who lives by the Code of BullShitDo, rambling on with desultory assertions, signifying nothing that’s credible.

  986. monsterball says:

    A 1000 messages we pledge to expose the evil soul.
    14 more message to reach our noble goal.
    Kopitiam fellas and their loving friends…
    United and can achieve anything…to shame him and his clan.
    Ahbengkia is the leader of the a team of useless sickos…mumbo jumbos.
    Monsterball and friends will teach them how to twist and tango.

  987. Menyalak-er says:

    Aiya monty, that fkur got no class la… see how he wrote the last rambling that ‘maestro’ took such great offence to. That one, even i don’t understand. But he pretend big brained – filled with water and air, rich living in 6,00ft jamban.
    The other nick lan tooi just as rich in sai, pretending to be san francisco’s crackpot. All pretending and hypocritical.
    Yes, you should doggy them raw, curse them to hell and poke them until they become holey.
    See you guys tommorow.

  988. monsterball says:

    Ahbengkia takes me so seriously…more seriously than anyone here…yet he said no one take me seriously.
    You want evidences?….hundreds of them!
    I tell you…this ahbengkia is the biggest liar in this blog.

  989. storm62 says:

    that pookeemud ahbengkia must be a drug mule….KL to SF….crack carrier…..what say you , monty?

  990. monsterball says:

    Good-night Menyalak-er.
    And I bid goodnight to all too.
    Ahbengkia make big bucks meeting people.
    I need to train 20 salesmen tomorrow for free.
    Been doing that for years…here and all over SEA….always free……..but after that…bosses give me so much businesses…without me asking.
    See don’t let your left hand know..what your right hand does…and the miracle of life will take it’s natural course.
    Bragging and insulting old wise people are the worst sins ahbengka can commit is blogging.
    Just because he is faceless and nameless…that will not make him escape judgements from the Lord Of the 7 Gates.
    He is such a liar…he will be reborn

  991. monsterball says:

    with a twisted mouth…speak and saliva will keep dripping out…ll his life…from 6000 sq ft toilet to the 4 BY 6 gutter…uttering his stupid poems….begging for from kopitiam fellas.

  992. monsterball says:

    “for few sen from kopitiam fella”
    Need to rest…for clear mind to part knowledge to 20 young salesmen.
    To me….this is priceless …teaching others…and see them succeed.
    Others each for a fee.
    So nice to meet one in kopitiam.. suddenly…addressing me as sifu too.
    I wonder those who know ahbengkia….how do the address him.
    I guess…..all will say….’Jolly good blow job”

  993. monsterball says:

    GO FOR IT.

  994. monsterball says:

    Yes…Storm…in is on pills and a drunkard.
    Goodnight Storm.

  995. lan tooi says:

    This monsterball is truly a cuckoo monster.

  996. lan tooi says:

    If Mr. Tun Mahathir has the conscience, Mahathir should return all the money looted during his 30 year reign.. hehehe

  997. lan tooi says:

    This mohamad is just a copy cat of the other fake mohamad. This Mohamad must be sent back to the Bedouins.. hehehe

  998. lan tooi says:

    Hello, Kitty, I can go anywhere I like, when I like and how I like. Please don’t tell me to fark off la.

    You Ivy league? Hahahaha

    Better go back to Australia and live there.

    It is the second best country right now in the world to living in, hehehe

  999. lan tooi says:

    Malaysia is now being boycotted by Europe.

    Though time ahead for the people of Malaysia…

    Please be prepared to eat kankong, ubi kayu, tree barks like during the Japanese occupation… hahaha

    Monsterball will be used for cooking monsterball soup… hahahaha

    But I prefer soup kamping though… hehehehe

  1000. lan tooi says:

    This monsterball is just a silly as*hole, he thought this web-blog is his personal diary?

    What a stupid monster he is… more so with monsterball… hahaha

  1001. davis says:

    Good morning to all. ian tooi, you have only stated how judges in USA are appointed. You have not touched on the appointment of judges here. Neither have you said anything about the the separation of power. I notice that your thinking and presentation of fact are similar to one other person on this blog. You are selective in your presentation. You have left out that important part of “trial by Jury”

  1002. WWE says:

    Ya la.Ya la lan tooi /just go and commit suicide better and never to suffer so much/what la you.

  1003. lan tooi says:

    So long to all the rocket mother farkers which is no different to Mohamad..

    All can keep the looted assets to pay for their orgasms… here and overseas… hahahaha

    Voters of Malaysia, come next GE, boot all these Mother farkers out who don’t declare their assets… hahaha

    In the US, a candidate will be disqualified if there is no declaration of assets..

    Bye Bye, I will be enjoying my fresh black coffee with my buddies in San Francisco’s Cafe tomorrow..

    Please take care.. more shit power to the Kopitian fellas, hahahaha…

  1004. monsterball says:

    BRAVO!! my beloved kopitiam fellas and friends.
    More than 1000 messages….to show Mahathir….what we think of him.
    Yes……he has created a record in Susan’s blog..talking of a person…with 1000 messages.
    So clear…LOVE and HATE…both 1000 messages.
    1000 LOVE messages to Teoh Beng Hock.
    1000 HATE messages to Mahathir..the devil reincarnated that cannot and will not be allowed to continue his devilish work any more.
    I really hope someone can print this out….like in roll form…send to Mahathir’s blog. If he deletes it…post it to his palace.
    Yes there is simply not enough words to describe Mahathir.and 1000 messages is showing how kind we are.
    He deserved 10 times more.but we must move on to other protect the blog and to make sure everyone can convert ONE VOTER to vote against UMNO and BN.
    That will be a job well done.
    Good friends.

  1005. monsterball says:

    lan too…tell me which San Fransisco Coffee House…what time…after lunch time…me and my kopitiam friends will love to join you.
    I will bring lots of cigars to smoke and enjoy.
    What say you?

  1006. monsterball says:

    Firs I will push and a huge cigar into your faarking mouth….whether you like to smoke or not.
    Then I will pour coffee to make sure you swallow the cigar..
    Then all your friends will say..”Jolly good show..old chap monsterball. We hate that good for nothing lunatic.. too….always talking nonsense.”..and more truths will be revealed.

  1007. monsterball says:

    Usually a lunatic cannot stand truths.
    And Ian tooi keep reading my messages and the dark side and good side in him …are fighting each much so…he keeps faarking me exactly like ahbengkia.
    More faark I get…..more right I am.
    This Ian tooi have never voted in his whole life,
    All his messages are trash and no meaning….concerning Malaysian affairs.
    Keep advertising he is studying or working as a dish washer in USA…talk with some USA good governance…he is very clever…just like ahbengkia.
    Notice few talk with an unstable mind?
    Ian tooi is a classic one.

  1008. davis says:

    ian tooi, your one and only aim on this blog is to discredit DAP and LKS. You are just throwing a statement here, a phrase there but you HAVE NOT provided any evidence. You said that LKS should be jailed for nepotism. What nepotism are you talking about ? You have come to this blog insulting the intelligence of the readers with your half truth and at times lies. Your remark on Dr. M is just a red herring.

  1009. monsterball says:

    MAHATHIR…..Are you awake?
    hi….84 year old…still want to talk dirty politics?
    Yes must and will till the day you die…as you know…UMNO BARU days are numbered…so are your sons.
    Plenty smart er…your sons became billionaires…just like that…you saying they are smarter…that’s why they became billionaires.
    What a low down racist snake you are.
    Evey drop of your blood…is not yours.
    You are living dead.
    That’s how smart Allah wants you to know…the first sign.
    You are a real disgrace to Malaysia…and your adopted son…Najib is feeling the results…..all created by you.
    Have a nice day…..Mahathir Mohamed.

  1010. monsterball says:

    Yes Davis…Ian tooi can try to fool everyone….but ending up to advise voters.. to vote against DAP….sums up his mission here.
    I really like to join him for a cuppa….keep faarking me for no reasons.

  1011. monsterball says:

    Idiots like Ian looi and ahbengkia cannot differentiate a person hiding no secrets to truthful friends and say I use this blog as my personal diary.
    I try to hide nothing from my friends…encouraged by Susan telling her family sad story.
    TRUTH shall save us all.
    Like a cigar.. .Ian tooi?

  1012. davis says:

    What is so grand to be in San Franciso? San Franciso is being used to give the readers that the person has gone to USA (has he?) and that he knows more than us and that he is to be believed. Cheap stuff. Readers of this blog are smart and they can see thru this sham. Thousands of Malaysian have studied aboard and being in USA is no big deal.

  1013. monsterball says:

    See you the evening.
    Have a nice day to all my kopitiam fellas and friends.
    Lawan tetap lawan.
    Jangan takut hantus.
    Suma bohong besar dan ortak tak center.
    Suma tak ada bodek…mulut busok..tak berani chumpa mereka kopi kedai kawan…tak brani… isap kamu monsterball chooroot…..banyat besar..banyat siok….pun tak brani………hahahahahahahaha
    POORAH…bodoh Ian tooi

  1014. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho Ahbeng0.000kia must eat his own shit yesterday 😀 Ho Ho Ho and this lan tooi@fatimahzuri will always ask LKS and sons to declare their asset every now and then Ho Ho Ho 😛 😀 🙂 😉 😡 8)

  1015. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Good Morning Mr Sir Monsterball,Davis and to all 😉 😀 🙂

  1016. Mr Kok says:

    I really like to join him for a cuppa….keep faarking me for no reasons.

    monsterball – December 3, 2009 at 5:41 am

    Mr. Monsterball! Still remember me?

    Please take care. I am a regular sloone’s website browser.

  1017. WWE says:

    Fuc u ?? kok KOK u can go play your own kok KOK hahahahahahahahaha

  1018. WWE says:

    Watch this you regular kok KOK

  1019. siafu says:

    I love your mother’s backsite using with my big KOK! KAH KAH KAH KAH

  1020. davis says:

    ” land of the free and home of the brave” Ahbengkia ( Ivy League so claimed) and ian tooi (San Francisco), you know where the above phrase comes from. Free to express with no ISA. Free to information with no OSA. Free of want of basic needs such as food,and shelter. Free to quality education, healthcare. Are you ,have been there, brave enough to tell your puppeteers that the people need these freedom? If not, your years at USA is just another ploy by the puppeteers to have more puppets labelled “Made in USA”.

  1021. siafu says:


  1022. uzdeks says:

    i don’t talk about obvious things.
    Ahbengkia – November 28, 2009 at 3:47 pm


  1023. uzdeks says:

    Please take care. I am a regular sloone’s website browser.
    Mr Kok – December 3, 2009 at 6:23 am

    You are an idiot rocky polluting here. Go and bang your kok in bangkok or is your kok dead. Siafu can teach you a lot of koks.

  1024. uzdeks says:

    your years at USA is just another ploy by the puppeteers to have more puppets labelled “Made in USA”…..davis

    These “Made In USA” are the first who are going to be hounded all over the US as “illegal immigrants”:

    Associated Press , Washington | Wed, 12/02/2009 10:41 PM | Business

    More than a million American households lost access to basic banking services like savings accounts last year, bank regulators say.

    Those families are among 30 million households that have little or no access to such services, according to a survey released Wednesday from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Poor and minority families are especially hard-hit.

    In all, 25.6 percent of US households either lack bank accounts.

  1025. siafu says:

    Salt, pepper & a little bit of ketchap (SPANK)

    GST is a serious matter but the general Malaysians are not made aware of it. After all, tax is a complicated matter. And most will choose to ignore it although it affects the dough in our pockets. Taxes are just not our daily comic strip readings.

    There is nothing wrong with GST. The government needs taxes to run the country. But the question is, is Malaysia ready for GST?

    To debate on this question, we first need to understand what GST really is.
    GST is nothing and should not be anything but an ALTERNATIVE TAX COLLECTION METHOD. Right now we have taxes in the forms of corporate tax, personal tax, withholding tax, real property gains tax, service tax etc. Taxpayers go all out to reduce their taxpayers (naturally) via loopholes in the system or through out right illegal means. This is where GST comes in. It ensures a more efficient collection of taxes by the government by having value adding points collect taxes from their customers on behalf of the government. GST should not be a new source of tax revenue for the government that adds on to its coffer.

    With GST, the person who sold you the goods or services is now tasked to collect your taxes on behalf of the government and then remit it. The underlying objective is that the collection will be more efficient when the collection ‘agency’ is now no longer paying from his own pockets (there is no heart ache involved). He is merely collecting from his customers; if he fails to collect then he gets penalized – so obviously there is not going to be much incentive for the seller/provider to not want to collect the taxes for the government. If you understand this, then you will see that this is actually a good system. How efficient is the government in utilizing this money is another subject – we are talking about the theoretical effectiveness here.

    I mentioned that GST is an alternative tax collection method. It should NOT be an additional tax. But this does not seem to be the case with Malaysia.

    With GST, if I were a taxpayer paying RM5,000 per annum, an efficient GST system should not cause me to pay significantly more or significantly less taxes than I previously did. If I were a non-taxpayer, GST should not cause me to have to pay any new taxes. In an efficient market with GST, the only way the government should be able to add to her tax revenue is via the closing of tax loopholes.

    Now, how many percent of Malaysians are taxpayers? I do not have the figures but the figures being bandied about is about 15% to 20% of Malaysians only. That means 80% to 85% of Malaysian are not taxpayers. But with the introduction of GST, all Malaysians will be taxpayers. Every time you buy a can of Coca-Cola, you get taxed. Every time you buy an ikan kembung, you get taxed. Every time you buy a karipap, you get taxed. So what we have now are non-tax payers paying taxes at inflated selling prices. Prices are inflated as everyone in the supply chain of production and distribution have to pay taxes to the guy below him in the supply chain. So, you have taxes added on and on and on. And you finally pay the makcik additional 4% tax on her new inflated price.

    GST will work if and only if the country is one that is of high per capita income. Quite simply, a developed country. That is because when the average income per head is high, chances are most of its people are already taxpayers. And by implementing GST, the personal income tax rates will be reduced to compensate for the alternative GST. Remember, GST is but an alternative form of collection – not a new form of tax.

    If we were to implement this 4% GST, personal income tax must be brought down to below 20%. By this the higher income earners will not have their positions changed. The brackets for the lower income taxpayers must also be enlarged so as to enable more taxpayers to fall into the lower tax brackets. This is not a suggestion – but is a must. Look at countries like Hong Kong and Singapore where GST have been implemented. Their highest income tax bracket is at mid-10%.

    But even with the reduction of tax rates and changes in tax brackets, we still do not solve the problem of non-taxpayers. How is the government going to exempt them from paying taxes now? You cannot have a GST exemption card being distributed to certain income group can you? The lower income group is not paying taxes because they are not earning enough. They are low income earners. The taxes are meant to subsidise them. The rich subsidises the poor, remember? Why is the government now trying to drive the lower income group to the edge by increasing prices and imposing taxes upon them. GST implemented this way will then be inefficient and is a departure from the very objectives of GST and the key pillars of the tax system.

    What is the solution? Sadly, there is no solution. There is no solution because GST is simply not suitable for Malaysia now. We are not a country that is ready for GST. GST is only effective and efficient in an environment where the people are high income earners where most of the population are taxpayers. And we are not! There is just no 2 ways about it. Our government must go back to the drawing board and first understand the meaning of the word ‘tax’. (Ahem… actually we already know that Najib and goons think that tax means money in their personal bank accounts. Farkers!)

    Do not take GST likely. Something as simple as 3 alphabets will turn the country upside down. When the under-privileged in the society forms the mass of the numbers, forcing them up the wall will only bring trouble. When the people could no longer afford to buy rice, petrol, clothes and all other necessities, all hell will break loose. We have seen enough examples in the recent past with Indonesia a decade ago being the best example. Are we willing to risk all this just so that the greedy ruling government is able to pocket more ringgits in their personal bank accounts?

    Maybe we should we all join Tok Guru in his prayers regardless of if you a Muslim, Buddhist, Taoist, Hindu, Catholic, Protestant, or Sikh? After all, tax knows no religion.

  1026. uzdeks says:

    Malaysia is now being boycotted by Europe.
    lan tooi – December 3, 2009 at 4:29 am

    In saying that you are now a CERTIFIED LUNATIC and totally out of sync with world affairs.

  1027. uzdeks says:

    Maybe we should we all join Tok Guru in his prayers regardless of if you a Muslim, Buddhist, Taoist, Hindu, Catholic, Protestant, or Sikh? After all, tax knows no religion…..siafu

    Many already are but not publicly. Only Nik Aziz said it openly and he must be big enough for the papers to carry it.
    All must thank Utusan, NST, Star dll for the exposure resulting in the many prayers being said calling for the demise of the BN leaders.

  1028. LSD says:

    “What is so grand to be in San Franciso?”
    davis – December 3, 2009 at 5:52 am

    It is the drugs man with lucy in the sky of diamonds. Haight Ashbury is where I was born.

  1029. lestari says:

    Ahbengkia want to sell his mother poopy backside all the time but no one here buys, now he is macam popeye.

  1030. kahkahkahkah says:

    Ahbengkia is orang kartun? Gila babi like “The Mask”?

  1031. Ong says:

    If, according to Mahathir, Anwar is worth only RM1, then his (Mahathir’s) own value would be negative. To the tune of -US$100 billion according to Daniel Lian, a Southeast Asia economist at Morgan Stanley in Singapore, or -RM100 billion according to Barry Wain, a former editor of the Asian Wall Street Journal. These are estimated losses to Malaysia due to endless scams and corrupt practices during his (Mahathir’s) 22 years as PM.

  1032. wits0 says:

    Mr Kok @ December 3, 2009 at 6:23 am, are you still laying claim to the (noun)’kok’?

  1033. siafu says:

    Salt, pepper n ketchap

    These people just don’t get it do they? For a while we harboured hope that PR would be a viable alternative to the current ever-corrupt UMNO/BN government.

    But that hope has been dashed by the incessant discord amongst PKR, PAS, and DAP and also within their own parties. The people have had enough of UMNO/BN, and now they have had enough of PR. Why don’t you all just shoot yourselves PR! You have proven to be no different from UMNO/BN. Do you really have the rakyat in mind or do you just want to be in power for your own selfish reasons?

    Stop the frakking bickering and get your frakking act together for Pete’s sake! At the rate you guys are going, I doubt that you can pull it off in the next GE like what you did last GE.
    I hope Bagan Pinang was a lesson learnt for you lads and you deserved it. At the rate things are going with you guys… might as well go shoot your frakking sorry selves la.

  1034. wits0 says:

    “There is no solution because GST is simply not suitable for Malaysia” – siafu.

    Especially when undera gomen that is so corrupt as umno for so long.

  1035. siafu says:

    Salt, pepper & ketchap

    I was away to Hong Kong recently. This was not my 1st trip there but this little island of nothing never fail to amaze me. Hong Kong is actually pretty much like Singapore, but Malaysians have this ‘thing’ against Singapore. So anything said in comparison to Singapore will not be taken seriously.

    Hong Kong used to be known as a country of rude people. If you had gone shopping there years ago, browsing and flipping through items have better led to a purchase. Or else you are gonna kena from the auntie manning the store. Waiters and waitresses were infamous for throwing dishes around the table. And talking very loudly too as well. But Hong Kong today has left behind their arrogance and poor manners. The people of Hong Kong have changed to survive.

    Many attributed this character change to the 1997 crisis. Hong Kong was hit really badly then. They are a global financial hub and a financial crisis will undoubtedly hit them hard. Property prices came tumbling down. Tourism also took a hard hit. Businesses everywhere were failing and it woke the Hong Kong people up. A very drastic attitude change was required to revive the little island of dim sums. I don’t know how the government pulled it off but in a very short time span, Hong Kong took a very sharp turn in the attitude of their people.

    Today, walk into any retail outlet and you will be greeted with a big welcome – foon ying kong lam, chui pin thai ha la… That translates to ‘Welcome. Please browse around.’. And all said with some spirit and a smile. All their sales people are trained to do that – regardless of if it is a designer boutique or plain street wear store. You may even get greeted a few times in a single store. And the service is excellent. The sales personnel go all out to make sure that you get your size. And they are more than happy to remind you that so and so items are on discount. And if you purchase so and so number of items, you get additional discounts. And when you walk out, you get thanked in abundance. And it doesn’t matter if you had bought anything at all. As a consumer from Malaysia, this is indeed a very pleasant experience.

    Here in KL, we get uptight sales personnel at designer boutiques who think that they are some god sent angel simply because they have on them an Armani uniform. Or when you walk into a more humanly affordable store, you get poor service, or sometimes no service, because you are a cheapo who should scramble through a pile of clothes to find that medium size t-shirt. Apparently we consumers in Malaysia owe these stores a living. Of course you stumble upon some nice helpful sales personnel but that’s because your stars and planets have lined in the correct position on that lucky day.

    How often have you waved your hands to attract the attention of the waiters to fill up your glass of water? I had in many occasions walked to the serving counter to serve myself. There is only so long that my right arm can hang in mid air. Not in Hong Kong. You will be surprised at how quick service is offered. There is a simple reason to that – the waiting staffs are attentive. They are on constant look out for what the customers require. And food is of good quality too. In Hong Kong where rental and wages are crazy high, it is not easy to do business. I think the restaurant owners in Hong Kong must have found the right formula to success – serving quality food. In a competitive environment, quality is critical to success. Yes, it is true that the prices of food is expensive but that’s because our Malaysian Ringgit has low purchasing power. I have travelled quite a fair bit and I dare say that at parity purchasing power, Hong Kong offers excellent food quality at their prices. In Malaysia, we have to pay through our sorry arse to sample some top notch food at some fancy restaurants. And most often than not, even with your blood drained and after losing a couple of limbs, the food is still below acceptable level. You see, in Malaysia, we owe the business operators a living.

    What about cafes? This is going to be depresing. Hong Kong cafes provide better services than many Malaysian restaurants. I had a meal at Cafe de Coral – a popular modern looking chain of cafes serving very affordable food. You choose from a large menu on a wall, place your order at the cashier and collect your food at the meal counter. Pack as it may be, the entire process is quicker than your average visit to KFC. The workers at this cafe works at extreme quick pace. How they are able to cope with this speed day in day out is a mystery. But I guess that’s survival. I confidently say that our average Malaysian F&B workers will not survive at this cafe. And did I mention that the food is pretty decent too?

    Oh and a little extra on Cafe de Coral which I was pleased. Because of the sheer crowd, getting a table may be a hassle. But fear not cause the workers are so quick that the moment a patron gets up, it gets cleaned right away. What a departure from our Malaysian practice of begging the waiters to clean our table. Remember, this is a fast food cafe. When I had to wave to the auntie to come clean my table, lo and behold, she rushed over to my table, apologised and clean the trays in a blink of an eye. Yes, she apologised. She even wiped the table with a clean cloth when food is placed on a tray. I was very pleased. This is some good service.

    We in Malaysia need a major attitude change. How we are going to do it I don’t know. And I doubt even if the man upstairs know. We are in such bad shape. We need to revamp our schools and education system. Our government needs to wake up. The world is changing but we are not. In a truly level playing field, Malaysia will falter. There has to be a stop to protect our people especially certain overly protected ones. It is about time Malaysians get thrown into the sea and start swimming. The world will not wait for Malaysia

  1036. Ong says:

    We were surprised that the government had anounced in Budget 2010 that it would be setting up the 1Malaysia clinics manned by hospital assistants, which is inconsistent with the law.

    It appears that the government is now promoting a lower standard for private healthcare whereas it would have raided and shut down such clinics in the past.

    Dr Ng Swee Choon
    Committee Member, Medical Affairs Committee
    Federation of Private Medical Practitioners’ Associations of Malaysia

  1037. Ong says:

    Stop the frakking bickering and get your frakking act together for Pete’s sake! At the rate you guys are going, I doubt that you can pull it off in the next GE like what you did last GE.

    They stop and there will be zero publicity. To paraphrase:
    “The good that PR do will be interred with their bones, the evil will live on”……… and Siafu is a glaring e.g.
    If BN wins the next one, and hopefully it will be a BIG majority, then it is good for non malays as they will be forced to migrate faster than the current 630 Malaysians leaving the country everyday!

  1038. DohDoh says:

    by DohDoh – 18 hours ago

    Have you not noticed that places in Selangor are becoming cleaner since Pakatan Rakyat took over the state govt? There is maintenance of the environment when in the past, you only see projects but little or no maintenance. Trees are pruned, drains are cleaned, etc. You do feel that the air is fresher since PR took over the state govt. Yes, bring in the best people to help to improve further. I like DSAI’s idea of ‘humane economics’. The monster doctor, TDM, being used to inflict cruelty and injustice on people he does not like, obviously is not for the idea. While DSAI is on a mission to heal, the monster doctor continues to prescribe poison.

  1039. Aiyoyo says:

    While the IGP is hunting down PR people,

    “NUSAJAYA: Robbers waylaid a managing director of a construction company and his manager in their car and shot them dead before fleeing with a few hundred thousands in payroll cash.

    The two, identified only as Saravanan, 39 and Viswa, 43, were killed at 3.30pm Wednesday.”

    The Indians should jump on to boats and head for Australia as refugees.

  1040. kittykat46 says:

    Just two months old, Najib-sponsored Makkal Sakti party is in disarray and has become MIC Rev. 2.0

    Thanenthiran just came back from a Bali holiday with his whole family….no doubt paid by Najib & Co. This dude has “I’ve been bought” written all over his face.

  1041. wits0 says:

    Body language of, “Mine, mine, mine…all is mine” :

  1042. R4Os says:


  1043. kancilandak says:

    There so much to discuss about..
    the possible outcome of SodomyII or unlawful sacking of DSAI… doormat incident… sugar price hike… MCA spats… indian limbo… so we can raise pressure on the ruling elited to do things right with all our collective comments.
    But here we are… entertaining Abengqua and surfing lantooi… and their multiple nicks… who got no solid information on anything.. other than bashing Monsterball… and discrediting LKS and LGE.
    They are most bothered that fence sitters and potential voters might be converted to PR… and their idea is stop it at all cost.
    I suggest both Abenqua and lantooi start they own blogsites and we see how many hits they get.

  1044. R4Os says:

    List of Dr. M A H A T H I U ‘s corruptions, excesses and wastages, it should be recorded in the Guinness Book of World records, no other leaders in the whole wide world could come close to this pariah Kutty:

    1. The Bank Bumiputra twin scandals in the early 1980s saw US$1 billion (RM3.2 billion in 2008 ringgit)

    2. The Maminco attempt to corner the world tin market in the 1980s is believed to have cost some US$500 million. (RM1.6 billion)

    3. Betting in foreign exchange futures cost Bank Negara Malaysia RM30 billion in the 1990s.

    4. Perwaja Steel resulted in losses of US$800 million (RM2.56 billion). Eric Chia, was charged with corruption for allegedly steering US$20 million (RM64 million) to a Hong Kong-based company

    5. Use of RM10 billion public funds in the Valuecap Sdn. Bhd. operation to shore up the stock market

    6. Banking scandal of RM700 million losses in Bank Islam

    7. The sale of M.V. Agusta by Proton for one Euro making a loss of €75.99 million (RM 348 million)

    8. Wang Ehsan from oil royalty on Terengganu RM7.4 billion from 2004 – 2007

    9. For the past 10 years since Philharmonic Orchestra was established, this orchestra has swallowed a total of RM500 million

    10. In Advisors Fees, Mahathir was paid RM180,000, Shahrizat Abdul Jalil (women and social development affairs) RM404,726 and Abdul Hamid Othman (religious) RM549,675 per annum

    11. The government has spent a total of RM3.2 billion in teaching Maths and Science in English over the past five years. Out of the amount, the government paid a whopping RM2.21 billion for the purchase of information and computer technology (ICT) equipments which it is unable to give a breakdown.

    12. The commission paid for purchase of jets and submarines to two private companies Perimeker Sdn Bhd and IMT Defence Sdn Bhd amounted to RM910 million.

    13. RM300 million to compensate Gerbang Perdana for the RM1.1 billion “Crooked Scenic Half-Bridge”

    14. RM1.3 billion have been wasted building the white elephant Customs, Immigration and Quarantine (CIQ) facilities on cancellation of the Malaysia-Singapore scenic bridge

    15. RM 100 million on renovation of Parliament building and leaks

    16. National Astronaut Programme – RM 40 million

    17. National Service Training Programme – yearly an estimate of RM 500 million

    18. Eye on Malaysia – RM 30 million and another RM5.7 million of free ticket

    19. RM 4.63 billion, ’soft-loan’ to PKFZ

    20. RM 2.4 million on indelible ink

    21. Samy announced in September 2006 that the government paid compensation amounting to RM 38.5 billion to the highway companies. RM 380 million windfalls for 9 toll concessionaires earned solely from the toll hike in 2008 alone.

    22. RM32 million timber export kickbacks involving companies connected to Sarawak Chief Minister and his family.

    Bailouts –
    23. Two bailouts of Malaysia Airline System RM7.9 billion

    24. Putra transport system, which cost RM4.486 billion

    25. STAR-LRT bailout costing RM3.256 billion

    26. National Sewerage System costing RM192.54 million

    27. Seremban-Port Dickson Highway costing RM142 million

    28. Kuching Prison costing RM135 million

    29. Kajian Makanan dan Gunaan Orang Islam costing RM8.3 million.

    30. Le Tour de Langkawi costing RM 3.5 Million

    31. Wholesale distribution of tens of millions of shares in Bursa Malaysia under guise of NEP to cronies, children and relatives of BN leaders and Ministers worth billions of ringgits.

    32. APs scandal had been going on year-after-year going back for more than three decades, involving a total mind-boggling sum of tens of billions of ringgits

    33. Alienation of tens of thousands of hectares of commercial lands and forestry concessions to children and relatives of BN leaders and Ministers worth tens of billions of ringgits

    34. Travel around Malaysia and see for yourself how many white elephants like majestic arches, roads paved with fanciful bricks, designer lamp posts, clock towers, Municipal Council buildings that looks more like Istanas, extravagant places of worship, refurbishment of residences of VIPs, abandoned or under-utilised government sports complexes and buildings, etc! Combined they could easily amount to the hundreds of billions of ringgits!

    35. Wastages and forward trading of Petronas oil in the 1990s based on the low price of oil then. Since the accounts of Petronas are for the eyes of Prime Minister only, we have absolutely no idea of the amount. Whatever amount, you bet it is COLLOSSAL!

  1045. kittykat46 says:

    “Hello, Kitty, I can go anywhere I like, when I like and how I like. Please don’t tell me to fark off la.

    You Ivy league? Hahahaha

    Better go back to Australia and live there.” – One of Ahbengkia’s other nicks.

    Yes, Ahbengsai, you smell bad, no matter how mant times you change your nick.

  1046. kancilandak says:

    Suddenly the gomen is so worried about rakyat health… obesity and daibetes… they want to remove sugar subsidy… why now?

  1047. rococo says:

    I suggest both Abenqua and lantooi start they own blogsites and we see how many hits they get.
    kancilandak – December 3, 2009 at 11:17 am

    Hello hello, their mothers alone get more than 1,000 hits a day can afford to buy 6,000 sq ft bungalows

  1048. kittykat46 says:

    “Suddenly the gomen is so worried about rakyat health… obesity and daibetes… they want to remove sugar subsidy… why now?”

    Kancil, you should know Najib is a Very Caring Prime Minister
    (snigger, snigger)…

    Actually I never like the concept of broad-based subsidies, it just feeds the “subsidy mentality”. My problem is this Uncaring regime is simply looking at revenue increase schemes like GST, cuts in subsidy, without addressing at all the Massive, Massive Corruption and Leakages which this regime closes both eyes.

    Najib is part of the problem, not the solution.

  1049. moyoon says:

    Have you not noticed that places in Selangor are becoming cleaner since Pakatan Rakyat took over the state govt? There is maintenance of the environment when in the past, you only see projects but little or no maintenance. Trees are pruned, drains are cleaned, etc. You do feel that the air is fresher since PR took over the state govt.

    The PR are true wankers no different to the BN farkers..

  1050. kancilandak says:

    Utusan Malaysia have raised the bogeyman again… this time on the doormat incident… or is this something very sensitive we cannot discuss about?

  1051. kittykat46 says:

    The doormat incident is a bit crude, but its Utusan Malaysia AGAIN which is making it a racial issue.

    Trying to score “Ketuanan” points again. Unfortunately a lot of Kampung folks (and some city folks as well) only read either Utusan Meloya or Berita Hangus.

  1052. doremi says:

    … they want to remove sugar subsidy… why now?”

    Why remove the subsidy and leave the monopoly by that Shahidan felr? Remove that oso ler. Why should rakyat subsidise Shahidan & famly.

  1053. Aiyoyo says:

    Shahidan is rice monopoly and sugar is umno/FELDA monopoly.

    SINGAPORE, Nov 3 — Given that Robert Kuok is synonymous with the sugar trade, few would have envisaged the tycoon leaving the business that earned him the moniker Sugar King.

    His PPB group announced late Friday that it planned to sell its entire stake in two local refining businesses to Felda Global Ventures Holdings for a total of RM1.25 billion cash.

  1054. wits0 says:

    “The doormat incident is a bit crude, but its Utusan Malaysia AGAIN which is making it a racial issue.”

    Kancil should understand that if these sort of things are openly discussed, umno would fall flat on its own (no face water) face for its illogic and perpetual(one way street) ill intention to intimidate others who disagree with it.

    Bolehland is one ‘democracy’ that reserves that right to threatens its own citizens like it’s a divine endowment. Kutuksan is merely echoing what’s real gomen policy and attitude, no less, and it’s actually the major single seditious force by way of MSM. No one else should be charged with sedition as long as Kutuksan is still around.

  1055. Aiyoyo says:

    PENANG, Dec 3 — Opposition leader Datuk Azhar Ibrahim was again suspended from the Penang state assembly sitting today after he refused to apologise in connection with an allegation that he exposed his buttocks to Sim Tze Tzin (DAP-Pantai Jerjak) yesterday.

    Azhar (BN-Penaga) is alleged to have committed the offence while leaving the assembly after Deputy Speaker Tan Hock Leong ordered him to leave for refusing to retract a term that he had used when debating the 2010 budget yesterday.

    “This is another conspiracy by the Pakatan Rakyat government to gag me from continuing to criticise its administration. I just bent down to pick up my bag, I could not possibly do so with my leg, but instead I’m accused of showing my buttocks.

    “This is an example shown by a government which has no moral and dignity and is not willing to accept criticisms,” he told reporters after being ordered to leave by Speaker Datuk Abdul Halim Hussain.

  1056. Aiyoyo says:

    Rayer picked up a report on the demonstration from The Sun and accused Azhar of condoning the action.

    Azhar denied it and said that he had never been interviewed by the daily. “I would not even use this newspaper as toilet paper. That newspaper is a liar,” he said during the debate on the motion.

  1057. Menyalak-er says:

    Admittedly Perak DAP was ‘immature’ and over the top with their antics of doormats. They have apologised knowing their mistake, but the ‘privileged and profane’ won’t – they will never apologise for anything, whether in this life or the next. That is their “divine” fiat and fate.

  1058. saqa_itro says:

    December 3, 2009
    Pol-sec said to have amassed wealth under probe

    It is learnt that investigators have obtained an order to seize and freeze several of the properties — including luxury cars and houses — besides freezing bank accounts to facilitate investigations under the Anti-Money Laundering Act.

    Sources said the commission’s seizure list included at least four luxury cars and four houses which they believed belonged to the political secretary who is in his late 30s.

    They said the commission was investigating the purchased properties — all in the Klang Valley — allegedly obtained from kickbacks received from the approval of several multi-million ringgit projects.

    It is believed several of the properties seized were under the names of people believed to be proxies for the political secretary, and investigators would be calling on the people whose names were registered as owners.

    Sources also said the investigators had identified several other people linked to the case and would also be calling them soon to assist in investigations.

    Sources said a special team from the commission’s Putrajaya office started investigations about three weeks ago following information received that the political secretary was living well beyond his means.

    It is learnt that investigation into the political secretary is among a few high profile cases the commission is investigating following reports and information provided by the public.

    The commission’s officers declined to comment when contacted.


    It is strongly believed that the Political Secretary under investigation is Hasbie Satar. He is the PolSec to Minister in charge of Economic Planning Unit Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yackop.

  1059. Pegasus says:

    ahbengkia,Lan tooi..and other bn cts’…we are not fanatics..or against the malays..we are speaking up for them too..there are poor Malays, Chinese ,Indians, Sikhs, Ibans, Kadazans and many more who needs help too as well.. What we are against is the pirates, robbers, murderers, rapist, thieves staying and robbing the country clean in umno/bn party…!!!! No need for me to repeat all the scandals here.
    ahbengkia , Lan tooi , doggy,14C, fatimah, umno ct’s….job here in the blog is to demotivate,dismoralize and try to divert the subjects on hand…by talking and panning rubbish in the blog..they will poke at umno/bn ..but will not say what they want to do to correct the situation..only try to mess up the subject …these fools will regret the day they were born…!

  1060. Ahbengkia says:

    Ahbengkia, thank you for your answer. You missed out a few questions. Loving oneself does not mean robbhing one’s country. Work for your pay but not to rob. A good national leader puts the nation above himself.//davis

    When you are given the opportunity to steal with very little likelihood of been caught, chances are many will steal especially when you are given unlimited power and authority. That is why i have been adovocating institutions, system and procedure to circumscribe the power of those in positions of authority. Of course for people like mastro, given his/her extreme low level of education, ideas and issues must be put in more explicit forms before he/she can catch the ball.

  1061. ROTFL says:



    But I just know that shouting and condemning the present leaders are not sufficient. Perhaps the present leaders are irredeemable and therefore be casted aside. But we must be ready when we instal new leaders, we have sufficient institutions, procedures and system to circumscribe them…..Ahbengkia

    Still talking kok. No one is stopping you from going and shooting them. It should be relatively easy with you hanging around the airport all the time.
    Btw with so much self acclaimed intelligence how is it you do not know the past tense of “cast” is not “casted”.

    “But we must be ready when we instal new leaders, we have sufficient institutions, procedures and system to circumscribe them” what rubbish is that huh. Total useless rubbish.
    The quality is extremely poor. Definitely an “F” for clear thinking.

    maestro – December 2, 2009 at 7:59 pm


    “But we must be ready when we instal new leaders, we have sufficient institutions, procedures and system to circumscribe them”….Ahbengkia

    Your grandfather sits and makes the laws izzzit you idiot. Laws are made in Parliament, your stepfather Najib is now working for you you are claiming so you can “circumscribe” “new leaders”.
    Niamah you can only be the “Custard Geng” with the US lan tooi. How`s the IGP, he is waiting for your police reports. niamah!

    JACKAL – December 2, 2009 at 8:14 pm


    Ahbengkia is a very stupid person. There are many malaysians like him in the lunatic asylum with delusions of grandeur. Having failed to become IGP he is now going to form institutions and new laws to “circumscribe” new leaders.
    Maybe after he has burnt the bibles which offend him he will go and circumcise and join mahatai blog

    laosai – December 2, 2009 at 8:46 pm


  1062. davis says:

    ” When you are given the opportunity to steal,,” ..ahbegkia. So go ahead and steal. Is that what you are advocating? Ahbengkia, I am disappointed in you. I thought you had higher values (nilai murni) Which religion teaches us to steal whether we will be caughrt or not? Anyway, thank for telling us and confirming that BN have been stealing from us all these while. Checks will not solve the problem if the leaders are not honest.

  1063. wits0 says:

    Now, davis, you’ve irrefutable evidence why I said this jerk has no integrity.

  1064. Ahbengkia says:

    Davis, I can’t help you if you are too stupid to understand what I am saying.

    Ya, you fellows can talk all the coks you want – about the goodness of individuals, about values and ethics etc. Didn’t religions exist for thousands of years? Did mankind behave any better? Remember what Rousseau said “man is born free but everywhere he is in chains”?

    This was what I said in the other thread: “Haven’t I said words are always easier than deeds, no matter who you are and where your affiliations are. “Deeds, not words” (by the way it is my alma mater’s motto), is a truism, an axiom. So you people find it so difficult to accept what the prince has said. What is the difference when compared to many things we said everyday”.

    I see the lack of integrity everywhere. What makes you any difference? If the majority has integrity and goodness in them, there is not need for government, governance, constitution, laws and orders. Perhaps when you nincompoops get together in a deserted island, you can start thinking about letting the goodness of individuals to rule your island. But I am sure during the first night, witso would be stealing kitty’s girlfriend.

  1065. monsterball says:

    The way ahbengkia put his thoughts into words is showing…he will steal ..if ways and means are there for do that.
    No manners…badly brought up…what do you expect from a jarkun with a 6000sq ft toilet.

  1066. monsterball says:

    Here he goes again…words and deeds stuff.
    It takes a skunk to teach is deeds are better than words.
    I am just going to say…this liar…bullshitter and full of shit man..have only words…with no actions.
    Made so many promises in words…to quit…if proven wrong…all proven he was wrong….yet he stayed on.
    He said in 2 weeks I do not go back to use foul language …he will quit.
    He has 2 more days to put his words into deeds again…..and all kopitiam fellas know….him too well….don’t we?

  1067. kittykat46 says:

    So lan tooi’s other nick is advocating the hidden message that all humans are corrupted anyway, you might as well accept the Corrupt Regime as the least bad alternative.

    That, by the way has been MCA’s party line for decade.

  1068. monsterball says:

    Having achieved more than 1000 comments to tell …the father of all UMNO devils here….Mahathir the Great Rouge…….ahbengkia needs to defend mamak as long as he can.
    Well I got news for him…..kopitiam fellas…ready to battle him on …day and night..even of it means this post can go as high…to make a leader for ahbengkia meet his mamak in the sky day…very soon.
    Is it a bird?……NO
    Is it a plane?..NO.
    Is it mamak and ahbengkia hugging each other?…….YES YES YES

  1069. monsterball says:

    By MCA accepting that to please UMNO….that is also how all of them get rich too…..kittykat.
    Why do you think those worms fighting to say in power at MCA….to serve Malaysians?

  1070. monsterball says:

    By the way…because yon talk and expose UMNO and are now known as “fake meow meow” by ahbengkia.

  1071. monsterball says:

    And all of my kopitiam fellas and friends are nincumpoops….single me out. me as “depraved….useless old man”….and not one insult or bad word for Mahathir at all.

  1072. kancilandak says:

    Sifu, very simple,
    Abengkua is calling you names becoz he is a umno believer… he hates the way you relentlesly expose the stupidity of his bosses. It shows his fear… and that his cause is lost in this blog.
    Hee..hee.. Abengkua is afraid of monsterball.

  1073. monsterball says:

    Wow..kancilandak….you grown to be very smart each day.

  1074. wits0 says:

    “I see the lack of integrity everywhere. What makes you any difference? If the majority has integrity and goodness in them, there is not need for government, governance, constitution, laws and orders. Perhaps when you nincompoops get together in a deserted island, you can start thinking about letting the goodness of individuals to rule your island. But I am sure during the first night, witso would be stealing kitty’s girlfriend.”

    Hey people, see the glaring shallowness cum the deep seated cynicism of a jerk wrt his fellowmen? A miscreant’s nature is revealed through and through with his asinine defense of non integrity as something to emulate – even as a real virtue. In Psychiatry, that’s called projection(of own traits and emotions, iow, nature). Ho ho ho!

  1075. monsterball says:

    yea…witsO..he wants all of us to migrate… talk kok and bull.
    We will stay firm and solid…in Malaysia..making sure ahbengkia knows he has failed in his mission…that he needs to sit in a sampan..row as fast as he can….carrying his bolster to imagine it his girlfriend…which he has none…..except service centers girls..pretend to like him..for a fee.
    Yes… row to an island….most important..with his smelly ..dirty bolster…run away from Ahlongs…from police…looking for him….took big bucks…in advance…..producing to deliver….no results.
    Keep faarking me to keep his sanity….otherwise gone mad long ago.

  1076. monsterball says:

    He sees lack of integrity everywhere…because it does not pay to have integrity in a war against idiot!!
    wawawawa…thinking he is so smsrt to say we are no better than UMNO crooks.
    This is the only way ahbengkia can keep trying to fool young voters.
    Now…go look at PR leaders and members. Do the have integrity to represent Malaysians?
    Right on the ground….we kopitiam fellas do not talk integrity to fight crooks and devils.
    FOR or AGAINST is a war attitude. What integrity is ahbengkia talking about..when he has tons of shit in his body….exactly his his master……UMNO.
    We faaark all with no fear.
    We are Exterminators..Terminators…Ghost Busters….Freedom Fighters…Jedi….the Untouchables force to flush all into toilets.
    Come back..flush and flush again..and see who grows stronger…Hantus or Kopitiam fellas.

  1077. monsterball says:

    Mahathir took RM100 billion is the best post I have ever come across all these years.
    This is the post….to strike at the core of all evils UMNO is doing to Malaysians….and the mastermind is Mahathir.
    We spend so much time in blogging…to see Mahathir’s machais do not win the word of words…with their smart agree to disagree tactics..ahbengkia is good at.
    Now cannot use that anymore…come our with
    “Judge not others as you want not others to judge unto you”……..starting by saying we do not have integrity…,same as UMNO…and plan his next move.
    Gunned down…quickly….that argument hold no water…….let see what next…..this smart alex thinks we are easy meat for him to cut into pieces.
    Put out his sharpest knife….also cannot cut..and kopitiam fellas feeling no pain at all.
    This ahbengkia needs to give back the big bucks he took in advance from UMNO….or run to hide soon.

  1078. monsterball says:

    I wonder if all Malaysians… see the photo of Mahathir in papers..and tear it up…soften it like toilet paper…go to toilet and shit using his face to rub clean backsides…will Mahathir face eatin all Malaysians shit…will he be able to smell shit or not?
    The power of few millions doing the same thing…should produce results….but we will never know the truths…for if he does smell the shit….he will not admit it.

  1079. davis says:

    Good morning to mone and to all. Ahbengkia in his posting on 3/12/09 at 6.47pm said that while others are stealing and you do not, then you are a incompoop. I rather be an honest , god fearing nincompoop than to be a smart ,dishonest and evil Ivy League graduate who will steal and to do the bidding of his evil puppeteers. Ahbengkia, a “nincompoop ” has revealed your soul for the readers of this blog to see.

  1080. whispering9 says:

    {I see the lack of integrity everywhere. What makes you any difference?}

    Unlike AbengK, some choose to remain honest and to be the salt of the world. Imho, when karmic forces can’t fix it, bad karma is allowed to accumulate until it implore the whole civilization and culture. Anyway, the more you accumulate on earth, the more difficult is it for you to accept death eventually when she comes. That is an absolute truth too.

    “2 Timothy 3

    But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”

  1081. monsterball says:

    hi whispering9 …..we do not need you to preach to us..all those jargons.
    Your message always sitting in the fence…….no clear commitments.
    Telling all those Godly stuffs to us….how to deal with the devils?
    How many times must I tell you…this is
    FOR or AGAINST…..change of government…and we cannot change by listening to your smart ass message.
    Maybe young voters may listen to you….smart ass?
    Shit..reading what you wrote…seems like hinting to me and all kopitiam fellas …..we are so wrong…to be like them…and they are OK…to be what they are.
    hi whispeing9…I don’t think Teoh Beng Hock and Kugan’ deaths mean anything to you at all.
    I honestly think you think BALA is lying.
    You are so educated and cultured.Why don’t you join Haris Ibrahim….who believe in agree to disagree.. formula…..and God only know… who will all these smart well educated lawyers and doctors….will agree or disagree with whom…at the end.
    We idiots only know FOR or AGAINST and all your messages keep sitting on the fences and keep preaching to us sweet nothing.
    All know you will love so call… peace and harmony to vote no change in government…to support BN……for selfish reasons.
    Why not you stop your smart talk and fight for ahbengkia or Mahathir.
    You think you can fool all kopitiam fellas with you saying ahbengkia is wrong..than blare out your nonsense?
    Your style is no better than ahbengkia.

  1082. whispering9 says:

    “I honestly think you think BALA is lying.”

    I never commented that Bala lied. I just commented that he is using his videos as leverage for something. So it is best not to be too hype with his Part 1 to Part 3. By the way, where is Part 4? Is the anti-climax coming?

    AbengK is entitled to his share of opinion. I may disagree with him on some issues but I am not going to hurt 4Lws to him just ‘cos I think he is wrong.

    “FOR or AGAINST” Yes, there is always a time for everything. Time to love and time to hate. If you have read my comments without such haste & puff, you would know that I agreed that it is time to ‘Against’ now….but not after a 2-party system is in place. Otherwise, 50 years down the road, we will have another BN-type government because there is no check & balance. I believe the BN today is only about UMNO so it must be reborn from ashes like a phoenix. Do you know that the death and rebirth of a phoenix comes with great destruction ( that is, in accordance to X-men).

    Preaching? Nay….I did not ask anyone here to follow Christ. But wisdom taken from any book is still wisdom. And the Bible does have a lot of gem revelations.

    “Why don’t you join Haris Ibrahim…” Except in the net, I enjoy my privacy, believing in moderation and contentment. I stumbled upon it ‘cos I was lonely then.

    SeeU…..I am sure you will disagree vehemently. Bye2.

  1083. davis says:

    W9, It is not the checks and balances. It is the CHARACTER of the leader. So it is important that we choose leaders with character. Leaders who have the welfare of the people and the nation above everything else. The BN leaders of today do not put the people and nation first. Ahbengkia said that if you can steal……. W9, you seem to be well versed with the Holy Bible. You forgot to mention that Jesus (Nabi Isa) chased the money changers and traders out of the temple calling them thieves.

  1084. wits0 says:

    W9, “…death and rebirth of a phoenix comes with great destruction. ”

    Firstly, let’s not be too melodramatic because umno/bn is no phoenix, Secondly, we(jointly) create our own reality over time.

    Thirdly. the present bn/umno gomen cannot change its essential nature of being rooted in self-servingness. It is vile and dishonest to the core.

  1085. whispering9 says:

    O Davis…this is going to be long and I am so short of time lately but let me response as much as I can. Sorry if there is a long silence from me.

    “It is the CHARACTER of the leader. So it is important that we choose leaders with character.” Correct. We must have leader of good Character. Except in extreme time of tribulation and turmoil, this mother earth hardly produce Leaders with Character. Most are just mediocre. And b’cos PR is from all wakes and walks of lives, a leader like DSAI is most suitable for the job as the binder. And we still need the check and balance for that.

    “…..chased the money changers and traders out of the temple calling them thieves.” They were trading under the roof of His Father and so He rightly chased them out since He probably viewed them as unrepentant. But He also preached about salvation to the sinners (which include thieves and such). So the paradox is (pardon the pun) do you view a ‘AbengK’ as unrepentant thief or a sinner to be saved with this blog.

  1086. whispering9 says:

    True….UMNO is not an equivalent to a phoenix as per said. But if you are a fan of X-Men, the phoenix is portrayed as a force of great destruction when left unchecked.

    “. the present bn/umno gomen cannot change its essential nature of being rooted in self-servingness. It is vile and dishonest to the core.”

    Yes…it is impossible for UMNO to change now without some great phoenix type fire of rebirth. Even TDM blogged about the issue. Anyway, time will eventually tell ‘cos after 2011 it will be very bad timing for UMNO. So PR, please get your acts together before 2011.

  1087. kancilandak says:

    Catch Ahbengkua, tie him up and lay hands on his head.. pray hard.. and convert him.
    This is what I hear christians do.. of course, not with him tied up lah.. hee..hee..hee.. just all of us put pressure on his head and battize him with hot water. Hihihihee..!

  1088. davis says:

    W9, to be saved the sinner must first admits that he is a sinner. If ahbengkia is prepared to acknowledge his sins and to accept the Lord as his saviour I am sure the Creator will take him home. Some one once said, “Baptism is the outward sign of the inward change” So, whether one is saved or not depend on oneself. WE are assuming that ahbengkia is a non muslim. If he is a muslim, then he may have to talk to his mufti.

  1089. Ahbengkia says:

    Let me put my idea one step lower so that nincompoops will understand. See, it is easy for you all to talk about integrity and honesty etc. But did most of you use different nicks for different occasions. Now, that is lack of integrity in action. So you have integrity in words, but no integrity in action. The reason why you do this is not difficult to explain. First most of you are not really honest people but hypocrites; hence you can talk about integrity but act otherwise. Second, most of you can do this, i.e. by being a hypocrite without being found out. Hence you are no difference from politicians in power. The reason why they can steal and rob is because there is nothing much you fellows can do about it.

    Hence my postulate: while all right minded men and women want to seek power and change things, we must also make sure that in the process of doing so, we must begin to think about institutions, systems and procedures that we must put in place to provide check and balance to circumscribe whoever who are in power. Otherwise, it would be another adventurous story – one tyrant replacing another, the endless cycles of hope, expectation, disappointment and despair. Can you nincompoops get it by now?

  1090. Ahbengkia says:

    WE are assuming that ahbengkia is a non muslim. If he is a muslim, then he may have to talk to his mufti.// davis

    Where do you put this verse: make disciples of all nation…..? I do not want to judgemental when come to this – don’t tell me even in this area you are half baked?

  1091. Menyalak-er says:

    W9, i don’t usually quote scripture although i sometimes allude it. But since you brought it up: “Do not worry”.
    It of course does not mean ‘fatalism’.
    I think monty is right in your case – about inclusiveness vs. exclusiveness. Are you in or out? Don’t give conditions, for wisdom and discernment waits for no one. You either see evil or you see faith, hope and agape. Choose, don’t hedge.

    Pico, don’t start – you as usual, don’t know what you are tlaking about.

  1092. Ahbengkia says:

    sorry repost, mistakes:

    WE are assuming that ahbengkia is a non muslim. If he is a muslim, then he may have to talk to his mufti.// davis

    Where do you put this verse: make disciples of all nations…..? I do not want to be judgemental when come to this – don’t tell me even in this area you are half baked?

  1093. Pegasus says:

    you would know that I agreed that it is time to ‘Against’ now….but not after a 2-party system is in place. Otherwise, 50 years down the road, we will have another BN-type government because there is no check & balance. ..whispering9 – December 4, 2009 at 8:59 am

    W9, in order to have a 2 party system, then we need to throw out the current regime in the next coming election..then only we can have a 2 party system to have a check & balance governance..we must make a stand now…you can’t be sitting on the fence and be lallang, bending left & right when the wind blows…or you’ll be blown away when the change takes place..or the fence you’re sitting ..might just crack…which is cracking big time now…If you are against..then show it in your writing….not uncertainty in your write -ups…

  1094. Menyalak-er says:

    Pico, in case you get me wrong, let me explain ‘baptism’ to you in proper context. The baptism is about renewal, or ‘rebirth’ of Self. It is by the Spirit and of the Spirit of God. It is not by water, for the Holy Spirit is of ‘fire’. ‘Water baptism’, as davis says is just an outward expression of what is inside.
    All true Christians, see Baptism as that of the Holy Spirit or in B.Melayu, Roh Kudus.
    The Law of Moses is replaced by by the Law of Grace, in which the moral and ethical Laws are written in the hearts of men and not onto pieces of paper or what have you… Yes, we are all sinners but we have a little hope, a little faith and trying on the journey to find sacred, unconditional selfless love – agape/God.
    Ahbengk, though his words, actions and attitude, will have none of this. It’s there or its not there, some say it can never be there – predestination…, but i prefer free will.

  1095. Pegasus says:

    ahbengkia…stop scribbling rubbish in this blog…you’re just trying to complicate things that everyone knows…you’re full of humbug…better check your blood pressure…and take your medicine now…you fool..! You don’t have to put your nonsensical idea 1 step down or up…its you who is proving to be real screwball…! Go and watch Ben 10 or Astro boy…at least you’ll get your senses back…!!!

    As what menyalak-er says up here….You either see evil or you see faith, hope and agape. Choose, don’t hedge…

    Get it ..ahbeng or do you need to step higher …

  1096. wits0 says:

    Wah W9, did I really have to apply a lil push on ya to make ya admit to the fact that umno is beyond salvaging? :D.

    You know what happen to ppl investing with Madoff’s “hedge fund” for too long? He makes off with all your capital! So don’t hedge too long or imitate any KKK(Khoo Kay Kim) gambit – even remotely.

    Somethings have to be viewed with a certainty, other things may be, as a probability. The Uncertainty principle fits Quantum Mechanics better them our current situation.

    Resoluteness in ideas, words and actions is a virtuous necessity.

  1097. wits0 says:

    That humbug abengkai is also a stink bug in this blog.

  1098. davis says:

    Ahbengkia may be something alse like lan tooi, etc etc. davis is davis is davis. So, ahbengkia, don’t you come with your spin. You talk of honesty and integrity. Are these not out of your field. Your specialty is half truth and lies.

  1099. davis says:

    “The reason why they can steal and rob is because there is nothing much you can do about it”….ahbengkia. You, ahbengkia, are proud that your masters are able to steal and rob. Dear readers of this blog, here is a supporter or shall I say a servant of the BN leaders mocking you that his masters can steal and rob from you and that you cannot do anything about it. Can you do anything? Yes, you can. If not today, then on the GE 13th. Be warned that ahbengkia has hinted earlier that there may not be a GE 13th.They may even steal and rob you of that right.

  1100. monsterball says:

    hahahahahahaha……Ahbengkia talking about integrity and honesty.
    He reminds me so much how Mahathir can wiggle like a snake too.
    Ahbengkia can also easily forget……like mamak…hahahahahahaha
    He also have such a thick mamak.
    He call us ninkumpoops.. mamak call many are half past sixes.
    Now I am suspecting…..maybe… ahbengkia is Mahathir……hahahahahaha

  1101. monsterball says:

    It looks like menyalak-er is the only one who FULLY understands my message to W9.

  1102. monsterball says:

    Pegasus can also see Whispering9 is swinging like a fix commitment..for his so call against UMNO..and FOR change in government.
    Come on W9….you can do better than that.
    Go a practice how to write against UMNO and FOR change in government like all of us… clear .so simple.
    Just faark ahbengkia and Mahathir.
    This post is about Mahathir cheating tax payers to the tune of RM100 billion.
    How many times have you ever faark….. Mahathir..W9?

  1103. monsterball says:

    Pegasus can also see Whispering9 is swinging like a fix commitment..for his so call against UMNO..and FOR change in government.
    Come on W9….you can do better than that.
    This post is about Mahathir cheating tax payers to the tune of RM100 billion.
    How many times have you ever faark….. Mahathir..W9?

  1104. monsterball says:

    Pegasus can also see Whispering9 is swinging like a pendulum.
    Come on W9….you can do better than that.
    This post is about Mahathir cheating tax payers to the tune of RM100 billion.
    How many times have you ever faark….. Mahathir..W9?

  1105. kancilandak says:

    Wah… menyalak-er sir, I thought you expert in science and politics. I’m surprised you study religion too? You guys are great.

  1106. Ahbengkia says:

    menyalak-er sir? i think it is more of menyalak-er my ass. You can have all the knowledge in the scripture, but it is mere head knowledge, nothing else. If you know scripture in your heart, you will not talk to others in such as condescending manner.

  1107. davis says:

    Look who’s talking? Condescending manner? We all know who is the one who always belittle others? Here he talks about the scripture. I was told the Devil also quotes the scripture

  1108. Menyalak-er says:

    Yep monty, that’s why you have the senior kopitiam fellowship. We need to see between the lines.
    W9 is actually a very decent chap, but he has to choose now, not in 2011. While it is good for him to bring up PRs problems for discussion, he must not get tied up in Be-End’s trap of wits0’s ‘dissimulation’ description of their tactics. Thanks for bringing it up.

    Pico, i’m actually quite fond of you, and you must not call me ‘sir’. We are all equal. I don’t like to talk much about religion as i feel that religion is very personal, and must not mix with politics and science. We must be sincere and not cast aspirations about things we do not understand, like in your comment about ‘baptism’. We must be holistic (learning and knowing all the time), so that we become better beings. We must do what is right and try to know our ‘self’.

  1109. Menyalak-er says:

    Hahaha, davis – i don’t really give a eructance (fart) of what this ‘existence’ ahbengk’s opinion. Thanks anyway.
    Monty, you should organize a ‘real’ kopitiam session with Susan as the guest of honor.

  1110. Ahbengkia says:

    Show me where did I comment on baptism? I only alluded to the Scripture because someone purportedly religious has made degrading remarks on me. The problem with most of you here is you never read and even if you read, you only interpret what you want to interpret.

    Davis, please check who started the scripture stuff.

  1111. Ahbengkia says:

    Menyalak-er, do you think i give a fart to yours?

  1112. Ahbengkia says:

    put it this way: if i said some of you are nincompoops, you have to ask yourselves whether you belong to this category. If you think you are not, why do you have to feel so bad. On the other hand, if you think you are, why must you feel bad, afterall i am stating the fact.

  1113. Ahbengkia says:

    ahbengkia…stop scribbling rubbish in this blog…you’re just trying to complicate things that everyone knows…// asus or assh*le

    if what i wrote were rubbish, then why should you be concerned. If whart i wrote was somethings that everyone knows, then i shouldn’t be complicating others.

    Logic, my friend, logic, which most of you here have none. too bad.

  1114. wits0 says:

    “afterall i am stating the fact.”

    You only understand enough to fart!

  1115. kancilandak says:

    Right on… Menyalak-er.. thanks.
    Now I also know Abengkua is green with envy too..hee..hee..hee..

  1116. monsterball says:

    ahbengkia said he has the sense of logic …….speaking with commonsense……bla bla bla……and like Davis said ..he writes a thesis….on how smart he is.
    Najib and his few rouges ministers.. also think they speak with logic and commonsense.
    Surely you know they are ninkumpoops too……..that is..if you are that smart… you say…you are in many long long thesis.
    Why no balls to faark them right and proper?
    No…….bloody idiot low class…good for nothing…except good or carrying Najib and UMNO balls…you are not smart.
    We are…and that includes HO HO HO..
    We got you cornered and you are speaking from your 6000 sq ft toilet bowl….unable to convince ONE young voter to vote for BN.
    Are you smart enough to know that?
    That I know you do.
    That’s why talking kok is the only way …for you.
    You have no options.
    Kopitiam fellas and our friends…we are versatile…..we can be serious to put our thoughts on each post…we can joke to each other..we pull each other legs..we will yamyamyaaammseng together….on festival days….come back…sober and talk sense..
    You cannot do all these here…why not?
    You see…you are not wanted and we are not your friend,….you idiot!!

  1117. monsterball says:

    Menyalak-er….I do not care Whispeting9 or anyone is a decent chap or not.
    I read the messages of each person and conclude he/she character in my mind.
    So far so good…and you are right…he should not wait till 2o11 to prove himself. Prove it now.
    But Whispeing9 is a damn selfish man…for sure.
    Such kind..I may need to pray God to see he put an “X”..against UMNO..which I will not.
    So better write him order not ti be disappointed…and move forward…….and what I see…UMNO is finished.

  1118. monsterball says:

    Anwar is a politician…and he fights for two way system government.
    He cannot say….we still need a strong opposition when PR takes over the government.
    Notice ahbengkia and W9 also agree on 2 way system?
    Wait till one smart ass come out and tell you …….we better have a third Gerakan to watch over PR and UMNO.
    We agree to a two way systems for real democracy…like in England and USA…but it must start with PR governing tHe county after13th GE.
    Can whispering9 write like that? Sure he can..but be will not.
    It is not in his nature to write and feel others.
    Certainly ahbengkia needs to keep on writing kok and promote BN…because he needs to carry balls to earn a living….without dignity and honesty needed.
    Have that..he will fail. That’s why he is a skunk to me.

  1119. monsterball says:

    Yes..Menyalak-er…great idea..if one can organize al to meet Susan in a kopitiam and yam seng with chinese tea,
    I am sure..Susan will love that too.
    But many commenting no wish to reveal themselves.
    I live near Summit Shopping Complex and welcome anyone who can get at least a group of 6 to confirm meeting me for a cuppa and get to know each other…all as my guests…most welcome…but time and date must be suitable to all of us.
    If that is done..and we put out the date and time in this blog….and let Susan know ….hoping she can join our guest of honour…that wiil be great.
    I have suggested….who will organise….Captain Marvel?….kancilandak?

  1120. monsterball says:

    I will make sure Amin Iskandar ..and some of his NGO buddies…join us too. Amin and Susan are dear friends.
    This Christmas…I do not travel anywhere…short of a maid….need to look after my 6 dogs…fishes turtles and garden.
    To me..all these are living things very dear to me….or else do not keep them. Furthermore…I do need a good rest…as I am still working…..and times are very bad for business…..nowadays.
    I do not not loose money…..I am very lucky.

  1121. Ahbengkia says:

    unable to convince ONE young voter to vote for BN.
    Are you smart enough to know that?//big ball

    Yes, I agree with you I am not able to convince even ONE young voter to vote for BN. Why do I have to do any convincing when we have a father of all nincompoops here doing the job everyday?

    YOU are braging again in your last post. Hey old fart, there is nothing great to be rich when you are about to die.

  1122. kittykat46 says:

    “Hey old fart, there is nothing great to be rich when you are about to die.”

    – lan tooi talking to himself.

  1123. monsterball says:

    Ahbengkia has reached his limits…hoping I die soon.
    Well according to logic and honesty…I should die first before him…but life is uncertain…death is certain….and no one can predict who will die first….unless he thinks he is like 1-4-C…can predict the future…all did not come true….ran away….feeling shameful.
    I bragged with no selfish ulterior motives…to hit hard at ahbengkia…to expose him more…and it works!!
    Well my good for nothing …no manners…hawker son….you will be an old fart too…but big balls you do not have….carry balls… you very clever.
    Glad you know you are unproductive..cannot convince one vote for BN.
    That is one wants to employ you… you need to show your backside…your big mouth….you art to carry live in your 6000 sf ft. toilet
    hi…..ahbengkia… lets talk of your promise to quit in 2 weeks ..of I do not use foul words… before.
    1 more day…have you pack up and plan to quit?

  1124. wits0 says:

    “..there is nothing great to be rich when you are about to die.”

    That’s a sort of Freudian Slip of a person resentful of other’s wealth, real or imagined. The subconscious ming’s feelings shows through the otherwise repressed facade of pretense. A more self aware person is expected to be able to word the scolding better than that.

  1125. monsterball says:

    hahahahahah…..I die a rich man and that’s nothing to brag about??????
    hi IDIOT…I die rich…at least dying…I left something for my family.
    That’s my good luck…and fortune for my family.
    No one will ever dare to insult me to this….except you.
    This shows….what shit brain you got.
    When you die…you don’t even have a team of nice off springs to care for you and carry water…to make sure you have water to drink ..after death.
    You die…soooooo thirsty…keep suffering.that you wish you will die twice…and I will still be smoking my cigars…with coffee and few maids to take care of me…..all provided by my children….approved by the God of Happiness…and you will be sent to the God Of Hell…to deal with you.
    You know so much USA …what for….when you know next to nothing about life.

  1126. chriz732003 says:

    Yes, I agree with you I am not able to convince even ONE young voter to vote for BN. Why do I have to do any convincing when we have a father of all nincompoops here doing the job everyday?

    Ahbengkia the master of poop cannot convince me to vote for BN even if Ahbengkia sacrifice himself for BN.

  1127. monsterball says:

    And mine you..all my money are hard earned… carrying UMNO ball,… like you.

  1128. monsterball says:

    hahahahahaha…Hoping I die soon…his latest message …also exposed what a real idiot he is.
    From no where comes “chriz732003″….must comment…cannot tahan ahbengkia’s stupidity and bragging.

  1129. Ahbengkia says:

    bragged with no selfish ulterior motives// big ball

    you know what an oxymoron is? You just did. Why don’t you say you are an honest cheat, and thief with integrity. I want to puke talking to nincompoops.

  1130. Ahbengkia says:

    And mine you..all my money are hard earned… carrying UMNO ball,… like you.
    // big ball

    no way, all businessmen in Malaysia have earned undeserved profits during mamathir reign.

  1131. chriz732003 says:

    you know what an oxymoron is? ………..Ahbengkia

    Very freudian. Ahbengkia is a moron ox.

  1132. Ahbengkia says:

    A more self aware person is expected to be able to word the scolding better than that.//witso

    hey nincompoop, that is hypocrisy, you another oxymoron.

  1133. Ahbengkia says:

    1 more day…have you pack up and plan to quit?// tua lan par

    the last time i checked, you have used the “f” word more times than many others. How can i, the master of judgement of character, be wrong!?

  1134. Ahbengkia says:

    You monsterball is a lunatic
    Kitty meow meow a fake ivy league
    Witso is pseudo linguist
    Mayalar-er a religious hypocrite.

  1135. Ahbengkia says:

    Oh i forget, a new addition, chriz732003 is a chimpanzee

  1136. chriz732003 says:

    Mother farker Ahbengkia bengkia Poop Master, Moronic Ox waiting to be a kupu malam.

  1137. Ahbengkia says:

    You monsterball is a lunatic
    Kitty meow meow a fake ivy league
    Witso is pseudo linguist
    Mayalar-er a religious hypocrite and
    The new kid chriz732003 a chimpanzee

  1138. chriz732003 says:

    Mother farker Ahbengkia bengkia Poop Master, Moronic Ox waiting to be a kupu malam..

  1139. chriz732003 says:

    Mother farker Ahbengkia bengkia Poop Master, Moronic Ox waiting to be a kupu malam…

  1140. monsterball says:

    wawawawa…Now he said I have never changed at all.
    Last time….I used same language…he said I changed and will not be long to go back with my previous self…in 2 weeks…or else he will quit.
    Then he said… my change was due to his good influence.
    Davis is so right….this ahbengkia can really twist and turn ….like a snake.
    OK la…Ahbengkia….I have such a weak mind…cannot change for the better.
    I am soooooooo happy you admit you cannot convince one vote for BN…..proving BN is also good for nothing….with balls carrier like you.

  1141. kittykat46 says:

    “That’s a sort of Freudian Slip of a person resentful of other’s wealth, real or imagined. The subconscious ming’s feelings shows through the otherwise repressed facade of pretense.” – wits0

    That’s because lan tooi (and his 20 other nicks) is just a two-bit spammer, and yes, resentful of other’s perceived wealth.

  1142. chriz732003 says:

    Ahbengkia is als Fantasy Island tatoo
    ada yg benci dirinya
    ada yg butuh dirinya

  1143. Ahbengkia says:

    you see this kid chriz
    he is like chimpanzees
    f them and f thee
    do not know what voting is
    trained by adults with depravity

  1144. chriz732003 says:

    Mother farker Ahbengkia bengkia Poop Master, Moronic Ox waiting to be a kupu malam…

  1145. Ahbengkia says:

    resentful of other’s perceived wealth.//

    yes yes you guys are so rich i am filled with rage jealousy.

  1146. chriz732003 says:

    Ahbengkia is also Fantasy Island tatoo
    ada yg benci dirinya
    ada yg butuh dirinya

  1147. Ahbengkia says:

    hey big ball, last time the female productive was constantly on your lips (in hokkine remember?). Now you use the f word non stop, so you tell me what is the difference.

  1148. monsterball says:

    hahahahaha….no way can anyone earn a decent living under Mahathir 22 years……so said ahbengkia.
    I guess all my kopitiajm friends…char keow tiow…chicken rice…wat tan hor…dozens more..varieties..all need to carry Mamak balls to make a living?
    The more I read this ahbengkia’s messages…I think he… not only cannot get ONE VOTE for BN.
    He is chasing BN voters away….exactly like Mamak and his band of robbers and thieves.,

  1149. chriz732003 says:

    Mother farker Ahbengkia ahbengkia Poop Master, Moronic Ox waiting to be a kupu malam…

  1150. Ahbengkia says:

    Now the chimpanzee kid has turned into monkey
    Totally loss its sanity
    Shouting and ranting depravity
    Till the monkey becomes thirsty

  1151. chriz732003 says:

    hey big ball, last time the female productive was constantly on your lips (in hokkine remember?). Now you use the f word non stop, so you tell me what is the difference….Ahbengkia

    Mother farker Ahbengkia ahbengkia Poop Master, Moronic Ox waiting to be a kupu malam…it means you are a PON DAN

  1152. wits0 says:

    Since you, ahbengkia, consider us depraved nincompoops, foul mouth and impossible to teach, why are you here with multi nicks attempting multiple forms of dissimulation and instigation/agitation? But we already know why, don’t we?

  1153. Ahbengkia says:

    people reading this blog would know which chimpanzee has turned into monkey
    what can we expect of a monkey?
    ________________________just fill up the blank!

  1154. monsterball says:

    I need not waste my precious time to tell you you anything….ahbengkia,
    It is either you win or loose.
    Since all of us…have been categorized by you…what type of ninkumpoops ….we all are….you have actually said you are the one and only one smart man in this blog.
    You go and read all comments..and check things out.
    But since you have a half past six brain…and a sickening character…you continue feeling great and we will continue to .expose you.
    hi kopitiam fellas and friends…..mission accomplished!!
    Ahbengkia ADMITTED that he cannot convert one vote for BN….but we know he always speak with a fork tongue…..maybe…this is an art to ask for sympathy….from young voters?
    Be alert….and do not let this skunk fool you.

  1155. chriz732003 says:

    Said long enough it is established fact even if the PON DAN wants to scratch himself like a monkey…….

    Mother farker Ahbengkia ahbengkia Poop Master, Moronic Ox waiting to be a kupu malam.

  1156. monsterball says:

    chimpanzees turned into monkies….so said ahbengkia..describing all of us.
    First….according to Dawin’s theory….monkies turned to chimpanzees who learn to walk upright and be.. like him.
    See….how his brain thinks?…BACKWARDS!!….exactly like what Mahathir wanted him to be.

  1157. chriz732003 says:

    Since you, ahbengkia, consider us depraved nincompoops, foul mouth and impossible to teach, why are you here ……..wits0

    Because the Mother farker Ahbengkia ahbengkia Poop Master, Moronic Ox waiting to be a kupu malam is a masochist who only can get kok stand when beaten up. He started from young age farking his mother arse after being beaten.

  1158. Ahbengkia says:

    Pseudo linguist psuedo linguist
    There are probably more readers than writers
    My audience is not you and your group of self-indulged fellows
    You are not smart because you are wrong again and again
    I do not have multiple nicks
    Those with multiple nicks are dishonest and hypocritical
    Those with multiple nicks talk about integrity but act otherwise
    Now I want all of you to condemn with me those with multiple nicks
    Do I see anybody with me on this?

  1159. chriz732003 says:

    See….how his brain thinks?…BACKWARDS!!….exactly like what Mahathir wanted him to be…..monsterball

    Mother farker Ahbengkia ahbengkia Poop Master, Moronic Ox waiting to be a kupu malam is a masochist who only can get kok stand when beaten up. He started from young age farking his mother arse after being beaten.

  1160. Ahbengkia says:

    Spelling monkeys with monkies
    Wanting to teach me Darwin theory
    It is an epitome of stupidity
    None could take him seriously
    For he is fill with lunacy
    Plus a little insanity
    Making him the poster boy (or is it an old fart?) of baloney

  1161. monsterball says:

    hahahahahaha…Ahbengkia wants to be our teacher!! calling me Sifu..and I get lots of compliments too.
    How many calling you sifu and compliment you…..NONE!!
    What shit teacher is you?….all students faarking you?

  1162. tembolok says:

    According to the internationally acclaimed linguist Ahbengkia the past tense of “cast” is “casted”

  1163. monsterball says:

    Soooooo my spelling wrong..means my message also wrong?
    hi Ahbengkia…that will not work any more la.
    Try harder.

  1164. Ahbengkia says:

    We see gross depravity
    In this young chimpanzee
    Is he the victim of pornography?
    That he watch constantly

  1165. chriz732003 says:

    Mother farker Ahbengkia ahbengkia Poop Master, Moronic Ox waiting to be a kupu malam is a masochist who only can get kok stand when beaten up. He started from young age farking his mother arse after being beaten.

  1166. monsterball says:

    Cme on Ahbengkisa…which come first…monkies or chimpanzees.
    You spell it the way you like.I spell it the way I l.and all know what I mean.
    Are you trying to catch my weak points to win an argument?
    Catch on the message la…not my english and keep throwing insults to me.
    You answer me….and stop teaching English…to fool everyone…you hear???

  1167. Ahbengkia says:

    People calling me sifu here?
    I am not proud
    People calling you sifu here?
    And you boast clear and loud

  1168. monsterball says:

    hi Ahbengkia…why use chimpanzee…not monkey now?
    Watch pornography with strong mind…to enjoy and tnot to be influence…what’s wrong?
    You hero worship USA..yet you do not know…USA created pornography?

  1169. Ahbengkia says:

    hey, even insisting that chimpanzees come after monkeys is also stupid. My be you will never know why i say this.

  1170. Ahbengkia says:

    tembolok, so you know the past tense of cast is cast, good for you. Is this the only thing you know?

  1171. chriz732003 says:

    My be you will never know why i say this.

    Fantastic English from the Mother farker Ahbengkia ahbengkia Poop Master, Moronic Ox waiting to be a kupu malam is a masochist who only can get kok stand when beaten up. He started from young age farking his mother arse after being beaten.

    “My be you will never know why i say this.”????? now the fool has a bee he tells us kekekekekekekekekeke

  1172. Ahbengkia says:

    soory, it should be Maybe you will never know why i say this.

  1173. tembolok says:

    tembolok, so you know the past tense of cast is cast, good for you. Is this the only thing you know?

    Ahbengkia has finally found out just before he dies what the past tense of “cast” is.

  1174. monsterball says:

    See…how his brain work…”kittykat”….Mean Kit Tan..a mucho highly intelligent man…and he call him “fake meow meow”…which got kittykat hopping mad…the part of him….I have never seen before…hahahahahaha
    And anyone can guess “46” was the year…he was born.
    “fake meow meow ” eerrr?…you ugly fat ass.

  1175. Ahbengkia says:

    Scolding people also needs creativity
    If not it will show your brevity
    As in the case of this monkey
    With such limited vocabulary
    And even that half of which is depravity

  1176. tembolok says:

    “soory, it should be Maybe you will never know why i say this.”…Ahbengkia

    Now he doesn`t know how to spell, all flustered up. Explains why the state of English is all f*ucked with Ahbengkias as teachers.

  1177. monsterball says:

    hahahahahaha……ahbengkia getting English lessons.
    witsO have not yet teach him something..laughing at the back with Davis laughing too…both…so much..cannot talk..right now.
    When both come out quoting Shakespeares ….Ahbengkia will run like hell again.

  1178. chriz732003 says:

    My be you will never know why i say this.

    Fantastic English from the Mother farker Ahbengkia ahbengkia Poop Master, Moronic Ox waiting to be a kupu malam is a masochist who only can get kok stand when beaten up. He started from young age farking his mother arse after being beaten.

    “My be you will never know why i say this.”????? now the fool has a bee he tells us kekekekekekekekekeke

  1179. Ahbengkia says:

    tembolok, using the scale of 0 to 10, if chriz the monkey is zero, you are probably 0.0000000000000000000000000000000001. See my little toe? it is smarter than you by the millions.

  1180. Ahbengkia says:

    Ok, bye bye, i don’t think I should be associating with you guys for too long each day. It is not good for my intellectual pursuit. Need to work and catch up with my more serious readings.

  1181. chriz732003 says:

    See my little toe? it is smarter than you by the millions……Ahbengkia [Casted Master]

    Further proof Ahbengkia never ever got out of kindergarten now his toe is supposed to save him and his brains are all in his toe – even a chimpanzee`s brains will not be found in the toe.

    Mother farker Ahbengkia Poop Master, Moronic Ox waiting to be a kupu malam is a masochist who only can get kok stand when beaten up. He started from young age farking his mother arse after being beaten.

  1182. monsterball says:

    With my limited vocabulary…I made millions..all with the co-operation whose mother tongue is the English language.
    Ahbengkia…majoring in te English all must be…if they want to serve BN politicians. It is a must .to cover up good for nothing UMNO and MCA lousy English speakers…much worst than mine.
    Anyway.. i spoke for 2 hours in English training more than 20 new salesmen…….and all understood me….making me happy band my life useful.
    Here Ahbengkia wants to be our teacher and all are booing at him.
    I thought Samy had the most thickest skin face …. I have ever come across.
    Ahbengkia can compete with Samy for the Crown Jewel trophy.

  1183. monsterball says:

    Here I told you…he will run ….whenever cornered.
    Imagine Saturday….successful man like Ahbengkia needs to work.
    I notice almost every weekend…he is working….as if we all do not know…guys who want to dot dot dot him…only free during weekends.
    Go la Ahbengkia…make your big bucks using your mouth..swallow as much as you can and …come back. shut mouth up…use your fingers and talk.
    We are waiting for you.
    Don’t die in a road accident. Drive carefully…raining know.

  1184. monsterball says:

    At last peaceful..and this post is about MAHATHIR…so we continue.
    Right now Anwar is suing Mahathir sacking him .with no consent from the KING.
    Lets see…how this court case going t be.
    I think Anwar made the biggest mistake to call off the case on sodomy against Mahathir..declaring that before the 12th GE.
    It got PR much more votes….but giving Najib to apply same stunt.
    Since he was proven wrongly jailed for 6 years…he could have won the case against Mahathir easily……and suing him for another sodomy case….cannot be done.
    Because Anwar did not prove Mahathir plan all that to get rid of him….the said 2nd sodomy is on.
    Now if he can prove he is wrongly sacked without King’s consent…it will prove Mahathir governed with his own laws and orders…like a Dictator…and that may carry weight to the secoind sodomy…not realistic nor true.
    Furthermore.if that is true….many will come out and accuse Anwar..not just Saiful.

  1185. tembolok says:

    See my little toe? it is smarter than you by the millions……Ahbengkia [Casted Master]

    Further proof Ahbengkia never ever got out of kindergarten now his toe is supposed to save him and his brains are all in his toe – even a chimpanzee`s brains will not be found in the toe.

    Mother farker Ahbengkia Poop Master, Moronic Ox waiting to be a kupu malam is a masochist who only can get kok stand when beaten up. He started from young age farking his mother arse after being beaten.
    chriz732003 – December 5, 2009 at 9:59 am

    At least he has discovered his toes have brains and he rushes to inform everyone.

  1186. monsterball says:

    I use the phrase..”my toes are laughing” long ago..and ahbengkia copy it.

  1187. kancilandak says:

    I live in a belukar and not anywhere near summit shopping complex… and can only make it at suitable time.

    Abengkua think he can go on living 100 years by calling everbody nincompoops. At the rate he is going…by the time he 70 he will be living a nincompoop life in old people home… and his nincompoop children not caring for him.

  1188. Pegasus says:

    f what i wrote were rubbish, then why should you be concerned. If whart i wrote was somethings that everyone knows, then i shouldn’t be complicating others.
    Logic, my friend, logic, which most of you here have none. too bad.
    Ahbengkia – December 4, 2009 at 6:40 pm

    ahbeng, you will be the last person in this blog to understand anything about logic…all of us knows the ills that plagues this bn regime…andwe are speaking against it…where else you’re undermining those who are writing them…hoping the readers will turn around to support you…sadly you’re proving to be a real idiot with abundant stupidity…!!! ..and since you yourself have admitted you’re unable to convince even 1 voter for Bn…well, now ahbeng ,you’ve a choice…you can jump in at Federal
    Highway or commit hara-kiri !!…for failing your masters…as a slave ,your contribution will be hugely appreciated by bn, at least they can use your body for post mortem instead of using dummy …!!! Dead or alive , you’ve no value..!!!…no even semi..value!

  1189. Pegasus says:

    Hey old fart, there is nothing great to be rich when you are about to die.
    Ahbengkia – December 5, 2009 at 7:27 am

    ahbeng, the highway is waiting for you……!!!

    are you condescending, that its okay for the umno/bn to steal when they are young and enjoy all the ill-gotten money ? money to be enjoy while young? fool.!..a person would have work hard all their young age , to gather the richness…which would have accumulated over the years till they are old..but that wealth is due to their own hard work,sweat and blood put in .. of course ..scum like you would not understand…as you go away every weekend …to collect your dues from your masters as Monty says… using your mouth…you’re simply pathetic….!..Run along and have a good weekend with your masters..!

  1190. monsterball says: day we will meet.
    Pegasus have said it all for us.
    Ahbengkia can keep quiet…read and learn more…..come back…and lets see what lessons he wants to teach us more. he exposed what a stupid idiot he is,,,,talk so much….cannot get one vote for BN.
    This is the toll and sweat from kopitiam fellas and friends…to taste success.
    This is so clear…all MCA and UMNO supporters here know..their votes are useless.
    300,000 left Malaysia….mostly Malays….first time ever like that…and you can bet..most are UMNO supporters.
    Najib so kind…dare not sue Bala,
    Lee Kuan Yew…just the opposite.
    Now go conclude….who is Mahathir and Najib compared to Lee Kuan Yew.
    Compare UMNO against PAP.
    Compare the fruits of harvests…Singaporeans against Malaysians.
    Luckily…vast Majority are like Singaporeans of any other countries that are true to their country..with no fear to a corrupt dictatorial government.
    Yet we have one..ahbengkia….trying t teach true Malaysians.
    What a jerk he is…and one trully full of shit…that he admits….no one will buy.

  1191. Menyalak-er says:

    Yo friends – you guys have just set the record for the highest no. of comments for a blog in this country. Congrats. Guiness Book of records stuff. Ahbengk is on sabbatical, cos no salary over the weekend.

    Pico, actually you are starting to sound like the other Pico i’ve read about – Giovanni Pico della Mirandola who wrote “De Dignitate Hominis” – ‘On the Dignity of Man’, in 1400’s. Go read the English translation, if you can find it. If not migrate to Oz, many bookshops there…

  1192. ati_alma says:

    Italian metal: De Hominis Dignitate

  1193. monsterball says:

    What the hell is that….ati_alma so scary music.
    Yes this is a post of joy for kopitiam fellas and friends.
    This is a post for all kopitiam fellas and friends to be so proud…creating history in blogging.
    With all his so call millions of visitors Mahathir boasts to command……not one port….in his blog ….and for the matter… any other blog have created more than 1196 comments and counting…in one post.
    In this post…we have shown to Malaysians and he whole world…what do we think about Mahathir.
    It does not matter that Mahathir said he does not care what we think about him.
    If that is true…he will never step down . He will govern till the day he drop dead.
    You can see how hungry he is to ..after retiring…for limelight and keep talking politics…interfering…all to protect his family…for he knows…not one of those crooks dare to touch him.
    He made all multi millionaires….stealing tax payers money….by the billions….each year…to buy up loyalties for him to rule for 22 years.
    Barry Wain came out a book ……..printed overseas…to sell worldwide…how Mahathir stole RM100 billion.
    If Mahathir is man enough….he will sue Barry Wain.
    And Najib so nice…treat Bala talking nonsense..leaving him alone.
    They actually shame Lee Kuan Yew…just the opposite to these two Malaysian leaders.
    No need to compare Singapore to Malaysia…anything.
    Who is more truthful…..Lee Kuan Yew or Mahathir?
    To me…a post for Mahathir exposing him robbing tax payers.. RM100 billion…..and written by a foreigner….is the biggest shame to Mahathir…and we will not do justice on behalf of majority Malaysians..if we do not create some sort if a history in blogging….for all to remember.
    That we did….and indirectly for our love to Teoh Beng Hock and his family too.
    Continue to post here…as long as you can.
    I will not dare to dream…it can touch 2000 messages…but why not…nothing is impossible.
    Also in this post..Ahbengkia finally admitted …he cannot convert one for BN.
    This can only prove……TRUTH CONQUERS ALL.

  1194. davis says:

    In term of RM or $ Dr. M is richer than LKY, much richer. Yet LKY was drawing a bigger salary than Dr. M. At the end of his term of office Dr. M was richer than LKY. Barry Wain has now provided the answer as to why one PM drawing a smaller salary can be richer than another PM who was drawing a bigger salary.

  1195. monsterball says:

    The salaries can be the starting point to final logical answers that defies our sense of understanding.
    But Mahathir families own so much land…multi billion RM companies….which Mahathir said….his sons are so smart…they can do business and earn millions…without millions…..and can borrow RM100 million from bank..without collateral.
    Watch NAZA . That company will make billions without one sen…right now….showing how it can be done.
    I have ..explained that in details for young readers to understand.

  1196. wits0 says:

    In his 22 years as PM, how many times has he been seen in the media donating to charities on a personal basis?

    That slogan of, leadership by example(pimipinan melalui teladan) had only a very very short run. My guess is, it was far too surreal to last even under that given context. Who did he declare his own assets to while demanding the gomen servants to declare theirs – every 5 years theoretically? He could live up to such an example, neither could any of his umno warlord supporters.

  1197. monsterball says:

    From what I understand…Lee Kuan Yew made millions…from his law firm….approved by the government that all property buyers of government flats and houses must go through his law firm.
    Itis not cheating Singaporeans..but favouring LKY with the whole cabinet approval…that LKY need not bribe to get that done.
    Yes…LKY and PAP never stole any tax payers money.

  1198. wits0 says:

    MahaKutty’s children have no fear of failing in any mega business, they just switch into another when they fail. Whereas in a small business, if it fails, that can often ruin a nobody for life. When Marina cannot manage a bus company, she can always get Daddy’s bailout and switch.

  1199. davis says:

    Lee & Lee ,a law firm that LKY once owns with his wife, He stopped his law practice when he became PM. He had no share in the earning of the firm.

  1200. monsterball says:

    yes witsO…Mahathir is a very selfish and stingy man….besides being known as the biggest crooked PM of all times.
    He was a Dictator…..and he can tell everyone what he wants others to do….without showing leadership by example.
    He thinks UMNO BARU owns Malaysia and all Minsters must be grateful to him…making all ….multi millionaires.
    Corrupted to the core..all proven…how can we talk logic and honestly with these crooks…whole stole from tax payers..with no shame at all.
    UMNO BARU ministers mentalities and behaviors are welknown to be arrogant and hypocritical crooks.
    Look at how Mahathir talk and are looking at UMNO BARU speaking.

  1201. monsterball says:

    Yes Davis..but Lee & Lee did earn millions each year by what I wrote earlier.

  1202. monsterball says:

    Perhaps all buyers of government houses and flats….willingly approach Lee & Lee..that I am not sure..but his law firms is the riches in Singapore today.

  1203. monsterball says:

    But one thing is very sure…almost all Singaporeans have nice things to talk about Lee Kuan Yew..with loving kindness and grateful to him.
    Therefore…LKY resign from Lee & Lee.does not matter.
    They know…it belongs to his wife..and support willingly.
    You can never see such true love Mahathir or Najib…by Malaysian.except perhaps by UMNO members out of selfish reasons…no true love at all.
    Here it is dogs eat dogs…cats fight cats…in BN…governing Malaysia..all fighting to play politics to be multi millionaires…without working.

  1204. Menyalak-er says:

    Lee and Lee? Here, it’s Zaki and Co. for almost all gomen servants taking gomen loans.
    Who’s Zaki? Our very own Bigwig of bumno, who btw also quit the Co. In a way we are ‘lucky’ that we didn’t have more law firms like MM&family.
    The seeds weren’t able to be loyars, but still one of them got his paws on a private hospital, pharmaceutical and clinical disposal business trying to emulate their paterfamilias. Another going into San Miguel Beer and probably bosom buddies with Stanley Ho in Macau. Now, how’s that for entrepeunership and entitlement?
    At least they weren’t stupid enough to sell scomi nuclear centrifuges etc…

  1205. monsterball says:

    If you take everything from Singapore and compare to Malaysia…you can smell corruptions all over whatever UMNO is doing.
    What baffles me…is that surely Mahathir know it too…….after 22 years and he too RM1.2 billion tax payers money… to bail out his son….YET…he keep on insulting and belittling Lee Kuan Yew…even now.
    Every time Mahathir speaks ……I try to study his attitudes and mentalities.
    Having lied 14 times…questioned by Royal Commissioners..he can come out smiling and still insult Singapore’
    PR politcians said UMNO buggers are in a state of denials.
    I guess state of denials is a much stronger expression than saying they are compulsive liars..with no shame.
    But LKY political art is even better.
    He call UMNO ministers weird fellas.

  1206. wits0 says:

    “ of them got his paws on a private hospital, pharmaceutical and clinical disposal business..” – menyalak-er.

    Heard an insider subsidiary fella describe him as a fix rent collector, way back more than a decade ago. Anyway his laser label pharmaceutical cut is claerly an unkindly one on the poor needing medication. The daughter fed by property holdings also seeks glory and fame in the journalistic field, mainly harping on that rich men’s malady and other very selective focusing of topics not according to their actual pertinence.

  1207. Menyalak-er says:

    Absolutely right, wits, those packaging ‘requirements’ added 30% on the average to the cost of medication.
    Hard explaining it the poor who have complications and refusing to seek free treatment from the gomen clinics. So some tell them to get whatever stuff there is and return for review, adding or subtracting what is necessary. Even the generics have shot up in price at a rate of 10-15% annually.
    And the Liow flur is more concerned about AH1N1 vaccination and KPIs.

  1208. wits0 says:

    So now, menyalak-er, we have a situation where the brother katuk the sick and the glory seeking sister sings great pathetic songs about AIDs which is still a common rich men’s disease. The family irony that runs deep as a hypocritical legacy.

    Even the price of vitamins have increase greatly. We know how actually cheap is the basic active ingredients for paracetamol and ascorbic acid.

  1209. Menyalak-er says:

    There is only a semblance of ‘competition’ in the real sense, wits.
    Even now the contentious issues of Bakun, the ‘senget’ bridge, the grandoise Straits of Melaka bridge and multiple ‘Corridors’ that lead to nowhere, are not dead. The newest being a Sulawesi ‘rice bowl’.
    And these, they call legacies.
    Who calls the shots?
    A new generation of entitled yet carpetbagger robber barons who infiltrate their corruption into every interstice of our commercial and professional lives.
    The stated figure of RM100bil, is just a figure – the damage to our nation’s psyche/soul are much greater than can be accounted for.
    We were voices crying out in the wilderness, but no more.

  1210. wits0 says:

    “The stated figure of RM100bil, is just a figure – the damage to our nation’s psyche/soul are much greater than can be accounted for.’ – menyalak-er.

    ABSOLUTELY so! This country is very sick but few understands it well. Notice I don’t use the word. “nation” for that cannot be achieved under this ruinous manner in which everything is being run and everything enlightening replaced with a venal and self serving approach from the very top downwards. There is no leadership of much moral worth, only a control freak governance steeped in laziness and bodoh sombong entitlement elitism taking on that vile pretense of respectability. And religousity is that added opium too.

  1211. Hitokiri Yusoff says:

    What I find most unsuprising about the book is the fact that Mahathir let US troops train in Malaysia for the purposes of jungle warfare. The BN gov is and will always be a friend of the West. So don’t count on them to care how the BN gov treats Malaysian citizens =p.

  1212. Menyalak-er says:

    Hi Hitokori, welcome.

    We don’t expect nor welcome the Western democracies to fight our political struggle for us, eventhough their private citizens, like ex-US ambassador Mallot and NGOs do.
    PR with many of their elected representives are also by nature and educational nurture, are pro-democratic too.
    It is incumbent upon the intellingensia (not intellectuals, for reasons i’ve defined) to inform the general public on the present situation. Yes, sometimes we too are carried away, but many of us in Susan’s blog are not card carrying members, affliated to the opposition. We remain as anonymous voices, fighting the ills of this governance, which we see as irredemiable evil and despotic.

    Your comment is noted with appreciation, especially with regards to the present PM of Oz, Kevin Rudd, of whom many the ozzies themselves regret for voting him in.

  1213. wits0 says:

    “So don’t count on them to care how the BN gov treats Malaysian citizens =p.”

    Obummer the TOTUS, especially.

  1214. monsterball says:

    Hitokiri Tusoff san…hiet..jepun must plan to send thousands of samuri to fight the ameicarnos….and kill all malaysians traitors..if amarica use malaysia to tora tora any SEA country from malaysia.
    Mahathir san no good man…talk look east than he look west carry amarica balls.
    He bribed Bushy san US$1 million to meet him for half hour to fool malaysians too.
    Kamikasai must also get ready to kill all devils in Malaysia.
    Arigatok orjai masta.

  1215. monsterball says:

    Hitaoiri Yusoff san…me plenty smart….can plan warfare too..but very little understand high englis..but is bossy is business.
    ah so…me plenty experiences to fight warfare in business….so same same tactics Mahathir and UMNO doing.
    So cannot apply warfare tactics to UMNO.
    Must train 25 kamikasais sumurai…use sword…silent and swift…soundless too.
    Anyone fail….hari kiri no option…correcto?
    25 devls..that’s all in malaysia.

  1216. monsterball says:

    Capture or kill 25 UMNO gang leaders….all small devils will surrender.
    Malaysian no like kill kiil kill.
    Like capture and send to build railroad tracks in afrika for the poor.
    All so fat…make them plain rice and grow thin or die.
    Bridge at River Kwai….very historical. Do same in Afrika.
    Chin Peng….a freedom fighter you must not hate…as he fight jipun to protect Malaya…in war..will die a happy man.

  1217. monsterball says:

    hahahahahahaha…Kelantan Mentri Besar…PAS Tok Guru Aziz said he prayed for MAhathir’s adopted son.. Najib to have stomachaches .till it burst is not unholy.
    It is up to God to finally decides for all offenders.
    Yes…….UMNO loves to pay race and religion politics… exposed by Aziz..who has a sharp and witty mind.

  1218. monsterball says:

    Aziz is capable to capture all crooks and cage them………very fast..if Anwar is not around.
    Unfortunately..he is also old and sickly…….but heis keeping fit…to serve till his last day in life…and serving Malaysians excellently.
    I recalled he made a thump’s up good sign…..meeting Lee Kuan Yew.
    And Aziz also said Mahathir is a devil.
    Now lets UMNO supporters go and think for themselves…..and not keep letting UMNO control their if most them have no backbones…no brain.
    Mahathir have insulted his race…calling some half past sixes….which he created…….yet he insults them.
    Of late…he dare not repeat this statement…playing dirty politics to support Najib.
    Last time….under Pak Lah…he was out to destroy UMNO.
    You can see…….Mahathir is never a sincere leader fir 22 years. He always do things to please himself and to protect his family.
    He does not care for Malaysians at all…especially non Malays.
    And all non Malays he helped are those that carry his balls and he like that..or chosen by him….to do his dirty work.
    Where have you ever seen a prisoner can come and go from he likes .under another PM…except Mahathir.
    Mahathir breaks every lawful laws and apply his own laws…..ring Malaysia backward.
    He knows so many UMNO Malays love to dress up in styLe..pocket empty….no problem.
    So…he build huge monuments to make Malays feeling proud…not realising that Mahathir made billiuns out if pleasing them……..stealing their own money…..all also do not know…until now.
    Many bow low with their heads in shame and left UMNO.
    Many old ones are staying back… to try and save UMNO.
    Plenty will never admit their faults…live like actors and be hypocrites…copying Najib and his gang….hoping for a miracle.
    But miracle do not come for crooks and robbers.
    If so..there will be no God….not truths to learn and so call Vision2020 is making all to be animals again.

  1219. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho this mahathiu kutty vision2020 is full of corrupted shit 🙂 Ho Ho Ho

  1220. monsterball says:

    Yes HO HO HO….under Mahathir created all the devis in his 22 years.

  1221. wits0 says:

    GST = ‘Go Squeeze Them’

    “Let ’em eat cakes”

  1222. kittykat46 says:

    “GST = ‘Go Squeeze Them’” – wits0

    Yes, wits0, thats why I’m angry about the whole GST issue.
    Its not the concept of GST itself, which many countries have implemented as a form of consumption-based tax.

    I’m angry because the UMNOputras have plundered and bled this fortunate country dry. Billions and billions went into their pockets.

    Now the oil is running out, the FDI is drying up, Najib has the cheek to come back for even more plunder in the form of GST.

    Here’s my middle finger to Najib !

  1223. wits0 says:

    Kittykat, England had the VAT but it has a social security thing from the early days. Like with most things, it’s always a one-way street affair in Bolehland.

    We’re not even 100% sure that oil is really drying out but it’s certainly sure that the umnoputras want to squeeze the people more after misusing and wasting the past oil revenues. Where’s the Petronas accounts/balance sheet? Can never reveal – because of corruption!

  1224. JEFFRY BONG says:

    What a huge wanton of wastage………….???

  1225. monsterball says:

    Now..that bloody Mr.Speaker advice Opposition Parliamentarians to speak with soft vulgar words like Mahathir and Najib.
    I tell you….these UMNO crooks have no shame at all.

  1226. monsterball says:

    Can anyone tell me why Taiwan..Thailand….South Korea Parliamentarians always with headlines..shout and fight?
    It is because…those countries are so corrupted…one group will expose….the other …usually the ruling party…will defend their crooked deals.
    But we do read so many commit suicide…to protect their family honour.
    Malaysia join the same rank….but not one ever commit suicide at all….because UMNO think they own the country? with Singapore..USA and Britain…all in Parliament speak with soft tones and so refine.
    This is because those countries are governed by much lesser corruptions…thus people are more calm and composed.
    Now you can understand the reactions.created by a corrupted government.
    Malaysians have reached the limit to shout and expose UMNO…with total disobedient ..and no fear.

  1227. monsterball says:

    Than bloody old man Mahathir keeping playing race politics.
    He said….BTN course need not be revamp…quoting nonsense…leaving out all those parts poisoning minds…to submit to Malays.
    Mahathir is back into UMNO…as he planned.
    This man is really.. the devil reincarnated to disunity Malaysians.

  1228. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😡 this shit makatiu is such a big joker playing his ‘tiu tiu’ racist card Ho Ho Ho 😀

  1229. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😡 when he go down to hell 😛 hell GOD will confiscate all his property and corrupted money ‘tiu tiu’ shit makatiu Ho Ho Ho 😛

  1230. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho shit and ‘tiu tiu’ this makatiu 😡 i really puke looking at his cunning face and greedy hand ‘tiu tiu’ makatiu eat shit lah Ho Ho Ho 😛

  1231. monsterball says:

    Yes HO HO HO…speak till we drop dead..with no fear.

  1232. mahathiumonkey says:

    What a huge wanton of wastage………….???

    This what happens when you give a monkey flowers

  1233. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho ‘tiu tiu’ you makatiu SHIT Ho Ho Ho 😡 😀

  1234. monsterball says:

    Mahathir said BTN good need to change anything.
    Nazri said Mahathir is a racist.
    Tunku Razaleigh said BTN course should be scrapped.
    As usual..Mahathir will feel no shame…all know what a twister he is…keep playing dirty race politics.

  1235. wits0 says:

    Nazri said Mahathir in the BTN production of…….:

    Have a supply of Coca Cola and popcorn always at hand.

  1236. monsterball says:

    He said as 22 years PM….he considered …he has failed.
    Judging from what he said..and his character…he meant he failed to unite all Malays to be racists and treat other second class citizens.
    He has failed to convince all be good landlords..treat us as tenants and deal with us like animals…if we do not listen to UMNO.
    He has failed….to get all Malays to agree to use tax payers money and our oils belonging only to Malays…and UMNO can do as they like..with support from all Malays.
    He has failed to make Malays understand Malaysia is so need to work hard…relax and UMNO will feed ….clothe and support all Malays….forever and ever..relax life……no need to work hard for the money…just pray 5 times a day…live life….free and easy.
    He has failed to convert all Malays to become half past sixes.
    Mahathir is the devil reincarnated……so cruel to his own race.

  1237. monsterball says:

    If this post can reach 1666 comments…and stop….wonderful!
    1″666″…One Devil…how suitable for Mahathir.
    i “666”[devil number}..
    Nothing is impossible…..but it must stop at 1666……..more than that…mean Mahathir is a 67….meaning f…ked up good.
    He is the DEVIL…..666

  1238. davis says:

    Dr. M called Nazri a racist. Nazri served under him. If Nazri is a racist and Dr. M was his boss, what was/is Dr. M?

  1239. monsterball says:

    Also a racist.
    The kettle calling a pot black.

  1240. monsterball says:

    Tit for tat game…by two racists.
    What idiots they are.

  1241. Nice Lim says:

    My goodness dog bite dog with their idiot.oooo racist remarks…this Mahakutty is a real olf fox racist with no sense of real love…..from my survey…..most Malaysian don’t like him ( Mahathir@mahakutty)……LKY of Singapore is way better than this Mahakutty… as most Singaporean love and like their old mentor LKY even though he is strict and hard on them ( their citizen ) … make them realize how to work hard for the money and not to rob or cheat…..and that is why Singapore is far ahead than what Malaysia have achieve under this unfair and corrupted Mahakutty regime and so on now Najib’s nematode regime today…….
    Yes….this Be-end goons are real idiot….How to move forward and success with this kind of idiot peoples that lead our country….MALAYSIA?

  1242. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😀 Sir Nice Lim my one and only teacher 😉 this ‘tiu tiu’ makatiu is really bad and Sir Monsterball say this Mamak is an evil reincarnation 😛 Ho Ho Ho Correct Correct Correct 🙂 😀 😉

  1243. KOPI FREN says:

    Ai yo ini mamak mahatir banyak cakap banyak punya mulut ayam dan banyak jahat punya olang.Aunty bagi dia makan pisang panjang sampai dia tercekik baru dia tahu.heheeheee

  1244. monsterball says:

    Yes.. Nice Lim got that right and HO HO HO …an ever ready person to learn…will be earning mega bucks…much more than ahbengkia …..soon…without carrying balls.

  1245. monsterball says:

    Right now…the dogs in UMNO biting each other…even scolding Hound Dog adopted father.. the Mad dog….and Hound Dog…have no power…no control over every dog and cat In UMNO.

  1246. wits0 says:

    In the fullness of time, “dog will bite dog” and that’s the working of ripening Karma demolishing their own impure “unity”. No need of Butterfly to warn us about oppressive regimes and their killer instinct towards violent dissent. Or another one to warn us about expletives. That can be mildly threatening instead. I doubt kopitiam fellas like to be threatened.

  1247. monsterball says:

    Nazri said Mahathir is a racist.
    And the usual smart Mahathir…needs to prove UMNO is a racist party…to prove Nazri is a racist…and since Nazri is not a racist…..he suggested Nazri should resign from UMNO.
    When Mahathir is not happy…he will help destroy UMNO…like he did so….against Pak Lah… Najib made him very happy….carry his balls..and out come Nazri to spoil Najib’s show.
    Najib is a powerless UMNO leader.
    Certainly vast majority Malaysians do not treat him as PM at all….more now…after is one word respond to Bala statement.
    Let others tell me that one famous word.

  1248. davis says:

    LKY resigned as PM and went on to become MM. LKY is still respected by most of the world leaders. Dr. M resigned as PM and still wants to have a say in the government. He is doing that by making statements thinking that he is still the PM. Wonder how many of the world leaders bother with him today? Dr. M, I believe , is doing that to protect himself and his family. There must be a lot of skeletons in his cupboard. This racist issue between Dr. M and Nazri coud be a red herring to divert attention from the RM 100 billion plunder.

  1249. mahanazri says:


    A skunk sat on a stump.
    The stump thought the skunk stunk.
    The skunk thought the stump stunk .
    Which stunk – the skunk or the stump?

  1250. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😀 Both this ‘Nazri-Mahathir-tode’ ‘STINK’ like a ‘SHIT SKUNK’ Ho Ho Ho 😉 😛 😡

  1251. davis says:

    It is a wonder that the past and present leaders of MCA, MIC and Gerekan did not know the Dr. M is a racist. Are the leaders of MCA, MIC and Gerekan that dumb? From his book, one would know that he is a racist and yet the leaders of MCA, MIC and Gerekan did not know. Were these leaders busy picking up the crumbs that Dr. M scattered that they sold their souls and their communities?

  1252. kittykat46 says:

    Yes, most MCA, MIC, Gerakan leaders understood Mahatiu’s innate racism. They quite happily went along with him, lets face it, a majority of the Chinese middle-class as well, because he was seen as delivering on the economy. We now know the truth of how he allowed his cronies to plunder the country, but many of us were blissfully asleep at the time.

    Many also thought there was “no choice” but to work with the racist UMNO. People were scared stiff of PAS. DAP on its own is a permanent opposition.

    In the process MCA, Gerakan , MIC just became so hopelessly compromised its useless to talk to them about principles and ideals. They have none. All that remains is a kind of empty pragmatism, just protecting their personal position and wealth.

    Its a different country now. Most Nons can see they can work with PKR. Unfortunately PAS still succeeds in scaring the Nons now and then.

  1253. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho Sir Davis 😀 this UMNO,MCA,MIC and Gelekan Skunk only know their bank account with Million$ or Billion$ and will be kick the ass hell out very soon 😛 😀 😡 Ho Ho Ho
    Did this SHIT really voice out or show concern for the innocence death of TBH or K.Kugan and many more? Nope and SHIT for them to eat 😡 Ho Ho Ho

  1254. monsterball says:

    There is no doubt MCA and MIC..know UMNO is a racist party .and so are they.
    For decades…race and religion politics seems to work wonders for these racists parties…so they continue…relax…grow fat and filthy rich…without working.
    Gerakan claimed to be the conscience of BN…turned out to be the most hypocritical balls party in BN.
    It is after when Anwar was released..and 12th GE….Malaysians are now seeing..we do have the alternative we have been wait8inbg for…to take over the government and not just stray as a strong opposition.
    UMNO keep underestimating Malaysians smart voters…especially the educated Muslims…that hates racists politics..
    The common factor uniting….that..majority Malaysians are determine get rid of massive corruptions and that can only be done…by getting rid of UMNO.

  1255. wits0 says:

    “In the process MCA, Gerakan , MIC just became so hopelessly compromised its useless to talk to them about principles and ideals.” – KK46.

    Waste of keystroke to type things like, “BN/UMNO”. Components are just subsidiaries – wholely owned.

  1256. kittykat46 says:

    You would have noticed, there is a much disliked Nick(s) here who also has no time for principles and ideals.

    Guess which master he serves… prizes , too easy Ho Ho Ho 🙂

  1257. monsterball says:

    Ahbengkia said….if MCA and MIC quit BN…..he ill quite the blog.
    He said…. he needs to make lots of money first…than later be a freedom fighter.
    You listen to his logic….you will turn coocoo.

  1258. monsterball says:

    Went to search for the book in MPH ….not available.Now Tunku Razaleigh supports Nazri..while DPM..from Japan…knows next to noting supports Mahathir.
    Najib have no power ….no say….over UMNO. Just a figure head…for show….no power at all.

  1259. monsterball says:

    MAHATHIR is the only PM with so many labels.
    UMNO worship him and call him……
    “Father Of Modernization”
    Nazri an UMNO minister.. label him….
    “Father of Racism”
    Malaysians call him…
    “Father Of Corruptions”
    And I call him..with supports of thousands……
    “Father Of All Evils”
    ex Judge Ian Chin said…he is the devil reincarnated.
    Mahathir said…he does not care what people say about him.
    He sad his sons are billionaires because they are very smart sons.
    just look at how Najib is talking …copying Mahathir whole sale.
    But Mahathir had power to arrest anyone.he did not like…for 22 a Dictator.
    Najis is a useless …for show… with no power.
    Mahathir is still running the show from behind…and he will help us to kill UMNO..with no choice.

  1260. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho makatiu ‘tiu tiu’ the father of all evils eat SHITS Ho Ho Ho 😡

  1261. monsterball says:

    Yes…Mahathir is…..
    “Father Of All Evils”
    “Father Of Dirty Dirtiest Politics”
    “Father Of Tongue Twisting”
    “Father Of UMNO Hypocrites”
    “Father Of a Band of Robbers and Thieves”
    “Father Of Onion Faces”

  1262. wits0 says:

    Proud Son of Belial.

  1263. kancilandak says:

    Keralakutty is the Godfather of the bumno crime family that like termites have eaten into the foundations of this nation.. hee..hee.. and this muslim has a beer baron son. Mamak temberang!

  1264. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😀 dog bite dog love story 🙂 Ho Ho Ho
    He say to nazi 😀 i love you racist and nazi say to makatiu ‘tiu tiu’ i don’t love you father of all evils Ho Ho Ho 😛 😡

  1265. monsterball says:

    At long last….Mahathir admit he is a racist…and that is because he got mad with Narzi….and spoke like an idiot we know he is.

  1266. kittykat46 says:

    MACC continues its Ikan Bilis approach to corruption….what do you expect when it reports to the biggest corruptor of all….Najis Tong Rosak…

    Watch how it nets more ikan bilis in the next few days……. while the big sharks continue to pillage the country..

  1267. wits0 says:

    No one’s holding their breath, KK46, whether wrt MACC or that AG. Another 100% predictable round of BullShitDo.

  1268. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😀 as long as naji$-tode still in power everything will be drama,acting,frivolous,bullshit and eat their own SHIT-tode 😛 Ho Ho Ho

  1269. monsterball says:

    Now ikan bilis caught on PKFZ scandal.
    Expects straight away arrest Ling Liong Sik and Mahathir.will never happen.
    Band of robbers and thieves created by Mahathir…how to catch Big Boss?
    Do that…Najib will be the first…to be hanged for murder.
    So expect wayang kulit shows for idiots… and relax till 13th GE.

  1270. monsterball says:

    I hope this post can somehow be on the current……and not let it be under “previous post”
    A subject on Mahathir is much much too big to be left
    “previous post”
    It should always be current …until 13th GE.
    I am positive..if that can be done…this post can easily reach 1666 comments.. that fits Mahathir to the letter and one post to forever create a history for Susan’s blog….not easy to beat.

  1271. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😡 racist will be racist like abang adik bergaduh and doing their drama to divert attention Ho Ho Ho 😀

  1272. davis says:

    Dr. M has been branded a racist. He admitted that he is a racist. How have historians like Prof. Khoo to say now?

  1273. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😀 read my SHIT lips say Dr makatiu ‘tiu tiu’ I’m a RACIST and that is damm true what nazi and all Malaysians call me 😛 Ho Ho Ho

  1274. monsterball says:

    The real Mahathir is a 100% racist trying to fool Malaysians for 22 years with his acting and confusing Malaysians with his twisting and turning …guiding Malaysians away from truths to fictions..or half truths.
    Mahathir was never a sincere truthful PM.

  1275. monsterball says:

    Right now…Mahathir reveals himself…so much..only possible.after 12th GE…when UMNO lost majority control.

  1276. monsterball says:

    His clear weakness is…when he gets upset….like knowing Pak Lah will not be a yes man to him….

  1277. monsterball says:

    He felt threatened and armed with boxes of secret documents…to prove all are corrupted people…he confronted Pak Lah..non stop…keep insulting Pak Lah….to protect his sons.
    Pak Lah was on the right track to be
    the “People’s PM” …he promised and had 92% voters believe in him…but he began to be selfish nd play dirty politics…trying to stay as middle man and be PM for more than none term.
    Najib is doing that ..exactly like him

  1278. monsterball says:

    Pak Lah failed…Najib will fail.
    Mahathir feels great….he is needed by UMNO BARU again…that will be give voters to do the unfinished vote UMNO out completely.
    One mistake to trust Pak Lah cost us few years..but it is better late than never.

  1279. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😡 your makatiu face look very cunning and i will ‘tiu tiu’ you again 😛 Ho Ho Ho

  1280. monsterball says:

    HO HO HO is a real kopitiam fella…brave and smart.

  1281. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😉 Sir Monsterball the bravest and smartest of us all and thank you Sir Monsterball for the compliment on all of us 😀 Ho Ho Ho
    This makatiu ‘tiu tiu’ always will be the most racist of them SHIT all 😡 Ho Ho Ho

  1282. monsterball says:

    We are united and will be smart together…in times of needs and Malaysians..for Malaysia..with no fear.
    I also get my courage from all of you supporting me.

  1283. monsterball says:

    1285 comments…..shows how much Malaysians think of Mahathir…the devil.

  1284. sammy says:

    How have historians like Prof. Khoo to say now?
    davis – December 11, 2009 at 11:52 am

    That Khoo is a racist facilitator

  1285. sammy says:

    Prof Khoo, Get your Facts Right!
    The devil can cite scripture for his own purpose!
    An evil soul producing holy witness is like a villain with a smiling cheek.
    [Merchant Of Venice]

    Prof Khoo, Get your Facts Right!

  1286. sammy says:

    Racist Khoo apology……..

    The full text of University of Malaya’s Professor Emeritus (now also a serving Suhakam Commissioner) Dato’s Dr. Khoo Kay Kim’s apology to the co-authors of Alias Chin Peng: My Side of History ( Singapore, Media Masters, 2003 ), Ian Ward and Norma Miraflor, as published in an advertisement in the latest edition of the Ipoh Echo, is as follows:

  1287. wits0 says:

    How have historians like Prof. Khoo to say now? – davis.

    I really don’t give a damn. His professorship does not wow my LCE. His recording of history is likely to be nicely revised to suit the political correctness of the day. A cook that fully depends on Aji No Moto is not my idea of a good cook.

  1288. monsterball says:

    Professor Khoo is a big time UMNO balls carrier..for more than 30 years.

  1289. monsterball says:

    This useless Prof.Khoo is famous to carry Mahathir balls…got promoted to be a Dean in a Tong Sampah university…and all such guys must be decorate with false titles.
    He is a disgrace to the Malaysian Chinese community…to be a puppet to UNNO.

  1290. monsterball says:

    His apology to Chin Peng….means nothing to Chin Peng.
    Chin Peng is not a fool.

  1291. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😡 MCA,MIC,GELAKAN,PPP and etc are now puppet to Umno and naji$tode is adopt son of makatiu tiu tiu 😛 Ho Ho Ho

  1292. monsterball says:

    I noticed Mahathir is quiet for few days…quarreling with Nazri.
    Usually Mahathir needs only to hint….and he gets his work done.
    He hinted Nazri should resign from UMNO.
    Najib cannot do anything…and Nazri is giving face to Najib..saying .he will to stop to respect Najib…as his leader.
    Yes Najib is powerless…and indirectly Mahathir…powerless too,

  1293. monsterball says:

    But you can be sure…Mahathir will keep talking to brag as well to protect his sons..with no fear..according to his likes and dislikes.

  1294. monsterball says:

    Just sit back and relax and think of the past Prim Ministers.
    Have anyone behave like Mahathir?
    He is 85 years old…retired 5 years ago….still interfering with government affairs. Why so?
    Easy la…being the master of corruptions and all evil actions….he knows the idiots in UMNO may not be able to fool Malaysians as well as he can.

  1295. monsterball says:

    So..he apples his famous sweet nothing talks to try trap Malaysians voters…….like he did as PM…so successfully….and think it will work again….killing two birds with one stone…………..enjoying the limelight he yearn so much….and punish any UMNO PM…who dare to put him in jail.
    It is exactly like Samy Vellu….challenging UMNO to put him into jail…and he will make sure all will join him….that got Mahathir so frightened.

  1296. monsterball says:

    As usual Mahathir always have smart answers..and to respond to Samy insults to UMNO…..he simply said he cannot sack Samy…as he has no power to do so.
    In actual fact…Mahathir knew Samy have tons of evidences on corruptions.
    Yes…..UMNO..MCA and MIC rob and steal tax payers money.. and they must stick together….these band of robbers and thieves.

  1297. monsterball says:

    Talk to people on the streets and all will …agree Mahathir is a racist ….love to divide and rule.. to disunite Malaysians.
    He is also the most corrupted UMNO politicians …..keep playing dirty politics…to fool Malaysians.
    Yes….Mahathir is….”Father Of All Evils”

  1298. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😡 this makatiu ‘tiu tiu’ is a two face Devil with SHIT on his evil mind to lie and to fools all Malaysians 😡 Ho Ho Ho 😀 😉 🙂

  1299. monsterball says:

    Do not expect ahbengkia come here and tell the truths about Mahathir
    An MCA member..his rice bowl depends on him… carrying UMNO’s balls.

  1300. Whisper~ says:

    Just shoot him dead
    Useless old brat Mahathir

  1301. monsterball says:

    Talk kok.
    You go shoot him la.

  1302. Pegasus says:

    Easy la…being the master of corruptions and all evil actions….he knows the idiots in UMNO may not be able to fool Malaysians as well as he can.
    monsterball – December 13, 2009 at 4:16 am

    Yes Monty, Mamak kutty , the father of all corruptions also need to hang around to ensure his local investment keep going and the returns are there..if only umno are ruling…if PKR are in power, that son of a gun has to take his asset out and put together with those invested out of country…this mamak has cunningly misrule and maneuver the country to his advantage…we could have lead a better life then what we have now with all the wealth the country had….but this twister has rob at will and we are paying for it now…!!!

  1303. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😀 the talk kok kok guy whisper? should go ahead and shoot shoot his master tiu tiu bang bang 😀 😛 😡 Ho Ho Ho

  1304. davis says:

    Dr. M hastened the use of BM as the medium of instruction in the schools when he was the Minister of Education. Just before he retired he brought back English for the teaching of Maths. and Science. The standard of English is so low today. He is the cause. His children went to Sek. Ren. Jenis Keb. (Ing) , not Sek. Keb.

  1305. Pegasus says:

    The mamak kutty is practically responsible for the situation we are now, after 22 years of autocratic rule…he had mislead the malays as well the non-malays, in his exuberance to assist the malays…(which was not wrong but he only help mostly his cronies and the umno elites) he taught the wrong morals, plunder the nations wealth ..silently encouraging corruptions..having courses , seminars that were detrimental to Malaysian unity, sowing the seeds of hatred and using religion to fuel the burning hatred…..while he had developed the nation…with mega projects..he had his share too….receiving kickbacks…our education system is screwed up…UM was 1 of top university in the 70’s in asia…..but of course …it has plummet down over the years…..we are still having and paying for his mistakes…!!!

  1306. monsterball says:

    The son.. trying another stunt again.
    He organized a public to speak up all grievances.
    Public scold and yell. He say sorry sorry.
    Every voter satisfied and vote UMNO again 13th GE. smart he is….
    “People First. Performance Now”…no bluff…real stuff.
    He forgot….People’s Power are sick of small fry caught…big fish all let loose on CORRUPTIONS.
    He forgot..54 years .enough is enough…all the bullshits and acting.
    He forgot…his..”FRIVOLOUS” to Bala….up our middle finger to him.

  1307. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😀 this mahatiu tiu tiu really a siac SHIT robbing of all our children bright future with his iron hand rules for the past 22 years 😡 Ho Ho Ho

  1308. monsterball says:

    As usual….Mahathir said again “BUMIPUTRA” is KING in Malaysia.
    The word bumiputra was supposed to be not said anymore…and it needs this bloody double headed racist snake…to keep encouraging race politics.

  1309. monsterball says:

    There is not one in the whole wide world that is such a dirty racist politician as Mahathir.
    Applying out dated …to divide and rule…and fool his own race…there is no one in the whole wide world…so cunning…so hypocritical…so thick greedy and corrupted.
    Yes…….Mahathir is the devil reincarnated.

  1310. davis says:

    Asia had produced some great statemen in the last hundred years. Dr. M tried to be one but he failed. He hoped by building a cult centred on himself, he would be counted as a stateman. History is a good judge of mankind and Dr. M did not make it. With the present release of certain documents, he will be just another self seeking politican. He was one who tried to bring down Singapore. He was against the concept of “Malaysian Malaysia”.

  1311. wits0 says:

    “He hoped by building a cult centred on himself, he would be counted as a stateman. History is a good judge of mankind and Dr.”

    That guy is a 100% narcist. He rationalizes everything he decided on to his own favor and explains them with such dreadfully hollow sophistry which some people in Bolehland even mistook for wisdom.

    In Buddhist culture, e.g., it is believed that a person’s countenance takes after what he feels as his predominant feelings – whether in this present lifetime or because of spillover from a previous one. A pleasant countenance being the result of being not quick to anger.

    Looking at this fellow, that permanent smirk on his face follows what’s always been in his heart/ feelings and this has become only more and more deeply inscribed over time.

  1312. monsterball says:

    UMNO discarded ….using the word “bumiputra” {son of the soil}..with his blessings when he was PM….now he is using it again……to play his race politics.
    He is indirectly advising all UMNO continue fooling Malays…to win elections…like before.

  1313. monsterball says:

    Where have you ever seen a retired PM…some 5 years ago…in the whole wide world…daily non stop interfering government affairs?
    Worst of all….he is 85 years old…keep opening his mouth…to think how powerful he still is.
    He bring shame to Malaysia and Muslims…and Malaysians…except those from UMNO…who are half past sixes……created by him.

  1314. monsterball says:

    Recently he said he has failed as a PM for 22 years…yet still teaching others …how to govern the country.

  1315. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😡 this cunning makatiu ‘tiu tiu’ is planning his son mukritiu ‘tiu tiu’ to be Kedah m-besar Malaysia p-m after this najistode??? 😀 Ho Ho Ho

  1316. davis says:

    Dr. M is now advocating the use of English. Yet during his term of office, except the last years of his term, he did nothing about the use of English in schools. However courses at MARA were and are conducted in English. Students at MARA underwent an intensive course in English. Students at public universities were instructed in BM. Why the double standard?

  1317. wits0 says:

    The Malay College in Kuala Kangsar has always used English and used to pluck off the best English teachers from Clifford Schood to teach there.

  1318. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😀 ???? mukhriz got how much? this mukhritode got a lots 😀 Ho Ho Ho
    Ho Ho Ho 😀 corrupted sure corrupted son so rich la 😀 Ho Ho Ho

  1319. monsterball says:

    Mahathir told Malaysians to master the English language…so as not to be colonized by Europeans.
    I recalled Europeans and Britain colonized poor countries with guns and bibles.
    I ca never forget Mahathir divide to rule for 22 years.
    Such an evil man..want to tech others ….how to be good.

  1320. monsterball says:

    Davis…no double standards…..all will be well.
    Malaysia will be properous and Malaysians are happily united.
    All is well…Mahathir is finished.
    Double standard is a way to disunite Malaysians… be unhappy and he did say that…as long as Malaysians are unhappy…all is well..which actually meant…his divide to rule .. was working.

  1321. kittykat46 says:

    Last night I checked with both MPH and Popular Bookstore on the availability of Barry Wain’s book on Mahathir.

    They are accepting pre-orders on the book, but not sure of the availability date for the book…. off the record, its held up in KDN….
    if the book is “not allowed in” they will refund the pre-order.

    I paid my pre-order with Popular….I hope those KDN goons have enough sense to allow the book in.

  1322. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😀 this niamatode BNed SHIT will lost power and everything when they lost 13th GE and then all Malaysians will be very happy and we will be really very prosperous and successful as a truly develop nation without so many of this SHIT corruptions and abuse of power 😀 Ho Ho Ho

  1323. monsterball says:

    kittykat…if you recalled….”May 13th” book was also banned…but I bought few under counter and gave to my friends.
    Then it was easily available ….after few weeks later.
    Yes….I went to MPH…book not available.
    That will surely be a million seller in a small country like Malaysia.
    I hope Barry Wain can make a million RM.

  1324. monsterball says:

    Kittykat…If it is available……please announce it …for others to know where to get it.

  1325. monsterball says:

    Papers are daily showing Mahathir doing this and that….indicating UMNO is desperate to have that 85 year old man do what Najib cannot do.

  1326. monsterball says:

    That’s good.
    It shows UMNO have no leaders and vast majority Malaysians hates Mahathir.
    UMNO know that ..yet still need someone that do more harm than good.
    Why then…still depend on Mahathir?
    It shows…how useless is Najib and weak UMNO is.

  1327. over enjoy says:

    this Mahathir Bin Mohamad wil die laughing due to his overjoy with his rm100bil choke him to coma hihihihi

  1328. monsterball says:

    Mahathir is also showing to all his crooks……not to donate money to charity.. to show you are rich.
    Use a cheap ball pen…like he does.
    Yes…he sure can act….but with all his millions…he actually behave like a scrooge.

  1329. monsterball says:

    Mahathir said he failed…because UMNO crooks do not know how to act poor like he is doing….all do behave and live like Kings and Queens.

  1330. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😀 this makatiu ‘tiu tiu’ should really enjoy himself while he still can 😀 😛 🙂 😉 😡 8) Ho Ho Ho

  1331. monsterball says:

    Never mind HO HO HO… long can he still enjoy.
    Yat yaat teen wei sow ke…choe kum sow yang.

  1332. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😉 100% correct Sir Monsterball and he makatiu ‘tiu tiu’ will suffer in ‘tay gaik’ after he finish enjoy his billions in life 😀 Ho Ho Ho

  1333. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😀 today all this tiuniamatode must have eat a lots of their own SHIT and fainted and dream of SHIT for the whole night 😀 Ho Ho Ho

  1334. monsterball says:

    Mahathir must be sleeping… a baby….with all his millions…..locked in his brain with secret codes in so many International banks.
    Only his family and he can know the secret codes…to take out milliions…whenever they need them.
    He is smart to advise his children to live ordinary life styles…not like the late Soeharto Johnny…play boy and show off.
    But Indonesia is a much much more democratic country and have 10 times better government that love their citizens as equals.
    UMNO double standards are full of shit and a disgrace to Islam religion.
    Good-night my kopitiam fellas and friends.

  1335. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😀 if mukriztode get elected as Kedah MB then this makatiu tiu tiu will push his mukriztode to be next pm coming next 13th GE and this najistode will have to say bye bye with c4 sent off 😀 but he cannot last that long as PR will take over putrajaya 😀 Ho Ho Ho

  1336. monsterball says:

    Mahathir’s adopted son Najib told Malaysians to learn Mandarin.
    Wa father said learn English…son said learn Chinese……how not to vote for UMNO?
    Fantastic con jobs.
    Who are going to be fooled?

  1337. monsterball says:

    200,000 Malaysians refused to return from Britain…mostly Malays.
    First time…Malaysians are illegal immigrants.

  1338. monsterball says:

    And idiot Hussein said bloggers are telling lies.
    I a sure he agrees Utusan Melayu paper…Star and Times are very truthful.

  1339. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😀 this section 23 huseintode and evil of all evils makatiu tiu tiu tode are the same racist group that need to be SHIT out 🙂 Ho Ho Ho

  1340. monsterball says:

    You are a true Malaysian…..HO HO HO.

  1341. monsterball says:

    As usual…you can see Mahathir is lecturing to foreign diplomats… how to be noble and honest.
    Yes UMNO depend on their old master for 13th GE….and so far….all we are seeing is keep knowing how insincere he was in the past and now.
    We can see he in only the master of dirtiest politics you can ever find in the whole wide world.
    Such talents do need a very thick skin…brain and a big mouth.
    I mean a brain….that qualifies to be a con man….not one to manage a country all

  1342. Five Star Kopitiam says:

    Good morning,morning,morning,, 😀
    (( Wah lau eh ))) I’m no 1,345 commentator and this Mahatai is a real joker,,kakakakakakaka
    You see Mr monsterball, every morning that i feed my Dragon fish)) worms to eat i will imagine that this (Mahatai) will be reincarnate as a worm in his coming life as he had done so many bad things in his present life and he is out of credits to be born as a human being next life,,kakakakakakaka
    Believe it or not,it is true in the circle of life,,kakakakakakakaka
    out of credit and Gods will not help him anymore,,kakakakakaka
    Ai ya,,let us enjoy our long journey and have a relaxing coffee ‘O’ kaw kaw this morning and listen to our favourite singers Andrea Boceli & Cristina Aguilera,,, 😀
    But first guys and gals must always remember to drive your car or motor bike with extra careful and never try to be hero on the road ,, 😉

  1343. monsterball says:

    Yes…Five Star Kopitiam…Mahathir is evil and insincere towards other races.
    We have tolerated his 22 years and we know MCA MIC and Gerakan politicians are supporting BN for personal benefits. The will sell their races to UMNO for money.
    Fortunately…Mahathir and the rest of the UMNO thieves are greedy lot….never is enough.
    If they stop..we may never get a chance to see change of government this soon.
    Yes…Five Star Kopitiam…i lived so long with the hope to see Malaysians are united as one…and that can only happen…if you vote UMNO out.
    As long as there is UMNO…there will be no unity.

  1344. monsterball says:

    Mahathir is the architect to divide and rule…when the time to unite……under him was the strongest.
    Mahathir destroyed unity…and bring Malaysia backward.
    He is a real devil.

  1345. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😡 this makatiu tiu tiu must make our brother 5S very angry at him now and he should admit all his racist,corriptions and his evil sins before he ‘khoi khoi’ and go down 😛 😀 😡 Ho Ho Ho

  1346. monsterball says:

    Mahathir takes the award at Susan’s blog…with the more than 1340 comments… faarking him.
    If he is such a great PM…why do Malaysia produces so many faarkin him.
    Are we NUTS?

  1347. monsterball says:

    No we are not NUTS!
    We are brave Malaysians that cannot be bought or sold by the devil.

  1348. monsterball says:

    Mahathir is the real devil reincarnated…still talking race issues right now…at age 85….with no regrets to show to the world…who he really is..a 100% racist.that teaches others not to be so.
    This tongue twisters will never change.
    He needs to serve Lucifer till the last day of his earthly life..

  1349. monsterball says:

    The best in dirty politics…when come such another?
    NEVER!!…as w will vote UMNO out in 13th GE.

  1350. monsterball says:

    What do you think…..Mahathir?

  1351. monsterball says:

    He has gone on the road of no turning back and will always say…’I DO NOT CARE WHAT PEOPLE THINK ABOUT ME”
    He knows he will burn in hell…but he will keep denying it…like all living UMNO crooked big fishes are doing now.

  1352. monsterball says:

    That is why…People’s Power…must come out to vote….especially the young ones….2 million of them….will they be fooled by UMNO?
    It is their futures…and with so much corruptions revealed..hundreds of ….RM biliions stolen from tax payers money….stealing from their parents too….will they be so stupid to be racitss or Malaysians?

  1353. monsterball says:

    We are Malaysians.and only UMNO MCA and MIC talk on Malays and non Malays.

  1354. monsterball says:

    So do not be fooled by Najib’s “1Malaysia”
    Why talk like that after 54 years?
    It’s catching votes with that slogan.
    So young voters….make up your mind…..
    Do you want a Malaysian Malaysia …or a Malay and non Malay Malaysia?
    Only fools love to be racists…getting nothing.
    UMNO and BN politicians.. got millions doing that.
    What do you gain by ….. supporting UMNO and BN?

  1355. wits0 says:


    He did bristle when Paul Keatings called him “recalcitrant”. IOW, foreign opinion is important, local ones can just f*rk off! That’s how much he cares for all “ye scums”.

  1356. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😀 this makatiu tiu tiu is the cause for BNed fall as all young voters from kopitiams hates him and the Peoples Powers will show him the way out to tiu tiu land below 😛 Ho Ho Ho

  1357. monsterball says:

    Yes…you will find me commenting on Mahathir most of all…with no regrets or feeling shameful….as this devil is the main reason…why Malaysians are disunited…and UMNO politicians and corrupted.
    He is such an evil man….not enough words can describe this cunning devil.
    I speak for young Malaysians….not for myself.
    Who does Mahathir speaking to always?
    He is speaking and guiding UMNO.. to divide and rule… he did for 22 years.

  1358. monsterball says:

    Yes…wits0…Mahathir dare not confront and insult Malaysians that throw tons of shit to hm..but poor Keating from Australia,,,,one word..he took that and play dirty politics to divert our attentions…while he and UMNO crooks…stealing billions.
    He is UMNO hero ..because he can fool Malaysians and e away with it.

  1359. monsterball says:

    HO HO HO…Have you notice?
    We have you….and ahbengkia has created his own “tokiorain” to insult me…..miles apart from you…no comparison.

  1360. monsterball says:

    All the worms defending Dotty and Ling Liong Sik…PKFZ scandal…but no one defend Mahathir.
    How ungrateful UMNO bas…terd are.,

  1361. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😀 Sir Monsterball do not worry about those SHIT as we all can give them a big hell of SHIT to eat like makatiu tiu tiu 😀 Ho Ho Ho

  1362. monsterball says:

    800 of this book….seized by Custom.
    Why like that?
    Where is… “People First. Performance Now”?

  1363. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😀 even custom can delete Altantuya Sharibu passport entry by this evil goons and what do we expect about this minor problem 800 books ? they the evils goons everyday eat SHITS only and work like otak udang 😡 Ho Ho Ho

  1364. monsterball says:

    Good night HO HO HO

  1365. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😀 why this makatiu tiu tiu don’t have his dogs barking at us in this rm100bil subject ??? 😀 Ho Ho Ho

  1366. monsterball says:

    Just came back from MPH….looking for the book.
    Not available.
    Mahathir’s “Malay Delima”……not banned. “My 13th” not banned.
    Why this book banned?
    Anyway…no sweat..can easily buy one from S;pore and bring it in.

  1367. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😀 all this tiuniamatode BNed dogs so scared to come and tiu tiu this corrupt to the core evil makatiu like a SHIT 😀 Ho Ho Ho

  1368. monsterball says:

    In the world…only Mahathir is the only 85 years retired PM…still behaving he is so important.

  1369. monsterball says:

    For dirty politics… one in the world can beat him

  1370. monsterball says:

    The UMNO BARU he created and lead for 22 years…in the most corrupted poltical party in the world.

  1371. monsterball says:

    UMNO BARU have many world class reputations.
    None bring pride to Malaysians.

  1372. monsterball says:

    Mahathir is very afraid of smart University students all the he knows…they cannot be fooled by him.

  1373. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😀 o.k you SHIT pondan ‘tokioRain’ can eat your SHIT here everyday if you want and you can tiu tiu by all of us anytime also 😀 Ho Ho Ho
    😀 yuu hoo coo coo pondan ‘tokyoRain” coo coo come and eat your SHIT now coo coo 😀

  1374. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😀 yuu hoo coo coo ‘tokyoRain’ pondan where are you??? 😀 Ho Ho Ho

  1375. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😀 this is one of the back door short cut to riches mukriztode supported by makatiu tiu tiu 😀 Ho Ho Ho

    Ho Ho Ho 😀 “form royal commission on dr M kutty rm100bil squandered!” 😀 Ho Ho Ho

    😀 yuu hoo coo coo O” pondan ‘tokioRain’ coo coo SHIT 😀
    I will be back this evening and you tiuniatode ‘tokyoRain’ can play and eat your own SHIT first 😀 Ho Ho Ho

  1376. davis says:

    The book will show Dr. M’s flaws and his image will take a beating. I believe he has told Najib to prevent the book getting into the hands of Malaysians.

  1377. Pegasus says:

    With or without the book..the mamak kutty’s legacy is shrouded in calamity…he had destroyed the very fabric of unity among the races with his policies and program…today the nation is on the knees…with corruption at all level and segment of the ruling government…we may not get out of this easily…as the corruption roots as entwined tightly with the regime…its left to see how they are going to unwind this….

  1378. monsterball says:

    So easy to get the book.
    Just go over to S’pore…readily available.
    Mahathir soooooo honest and noble…why not sue AUTHOR?

  1379. monsterball says:

    For tiny Malaysia to get a book written by a foreigner.. on our ex PM……spending RM 100 billion…tax payers money crookedly…shows how corrupted tiny Malaysia is..under Mahathir.
    Why ban it….if that’s a lie?
    All Mahatir and Najib need to do is to give long speeches and young voters will read and believe them……and that book will be a total book stores.
    Is that not the proper thing to do.. by an honest government?

  1380. monsterball says:

    All DPM can say…is people are out to tell lies about UMNO.
    That’s how idiotic..out present DPM is.

  1381. monsterball says:

    Yes ….millions of Malaysians are liars and Mahathir and Najib are all truthful.
    These UMNO cooks are unbelievable… dirty liars.

  1382. Ho Ho Ho says:

    Ho Ho Ho 😀 2012 coming very soon with tsunami and all this liars makatiu tiu tiu,najistode and the evils gang are very afraid now and looking for more money to buy their own heaven to avoid this catastrophe and their death sentence 😀 Ho Ho Ho



    Ho Ho Ho 😀 yuu hoo coo coo pondan ‘tokioRain’ come and eat your master SHIT here 😡 coo coo tiuniatode Ho Ho Ho 😀

  1383. wits0 says:

    What happened to the balance of 45 out of 80 Skyhawks bought in 1984? What’s just an engine missing, by comparsion?

    Hello Chief: Where are the skyhawks!

    Pic :

  1384. wits0 says:

    BTW, the McDonnell Douglas Skyhawk, besides serving the U.S. military well, also served Argentina Australia, Indonesia, Israel, Kuwait, New Zealand, and Singapore.

    Why was it that the same kept crashing while with the RMAF?

  1385. monsterball says:

    One day the two multi billion submarines will be missing…..if ever UMNO keep governing.
    The crooks will steal any thingand everything.

  1386. monsterball says:

    You can all clearly see…what is UMNO BARU as compare to original UMNO.
    Mahathir encourages corruptions for 22 years.
    Is he a devil or a saint?

  1387. monsterball says:

    Not only that…he encourages the Malays to stick their claims as Landlords..treating others as tenants……and be nice Muslim Landlords.

  1388. monsterball says:

    And according to his whims and fancies…he will pick few non be multi millionaires….to show what a generous PM he was.

  1389. monsterball says:

    Then control Royalties…to show all are equals…when he treat others with double standards.
    He is a racist all his life….putting on a show…treating everyone equal.

  1390. monsterball says:

    The dirtiest Malaysian politician ever produced…..a devil reincarnated…and openly steal RM1.2 billion tax payers money to save his son..with no fear..for by then….he has made many top UMNO politicians millionaires…and all are under his control.
    The band of robbers and thieves..started by him.

  1391. monsterball says:

    Only Tunku saw him through and through…and it take Tunku own race to play each other out.
    Mahathir is most ungrateful and vicious.

  1392. monsterball says:

    Yet today…Najib hero worship him…making Najib’s “1Malaysia” “People First .Performance Now”…..FULL OF SHIT.

  1393. monsterball says:

    And Zaid Ibrahim have written a book about Malays….just the opposite to Mahathir’s racist book…’the Malay delima”

  1394. davis says:

    Dr. M now threatens to sue Berry Wain and LKS. “Knowing Malaysian judges” (ahbengkia’s words) Dr. M thinks he may have a good chance of winning. Dr. M cannot stand any criticism .

  1395. wits0 says:

    What will have to emerge in that eventuality, no? Win or lose, he will not be able to revive the fortune of umno.

  1396. monsterball says:

    Mahathir now tell Najib…..please do not ban the book.
    Why so nice?

  1397. monsterball says:

    His name is so rotten and at age 85…what does he care.
    He does not care what Malaysuans thinks of him.
    He only care what UMNO PM and ministers think about him and right now…son is in the cabinet…he is somewhat contented.

  1398. monsterball says:

    Zaid Ibrahim wrote a book.’I am Malay too”
    And looking at Mahathir’s photo…is like him saying..”I am also a Malay!!!”
    But Zaid call Mahathir…a racist…and consider himself a Malaysian Malay.

  1399. monsterball says:

    It is like two dogs of the same breed… fighting for being the king of the pack.

  1400. monsterball says:

    Mahathir the UMNO dog…..standing by for Najib.
    Zaid Ibrahim…the keDAILan stand by for Anwar.
    UMNO BARU needs the old master.
    PR needs fresh young blood.
    Old kok against young energetic roaster.
    Who will voters want to vote?

  1401. bangaladeshi says:

    PR needs fresh young blood.
    Old kok against young energetic roaster.
    Who will voters want to vote?

    monsterball – December 23, 2009 at 8:45 pm,/em>

    You mother stupid farket monsterball, , of course the voters love to vote your as*hole with a 100 amps iron rod, hehehe

    Very soon the voters will have overcooked monsterballs for supper after voting you mother useless farking as*hole kikiki

  1402. CSI says:

    jejejejejejeyayayayaya Nazri say Mahathir the father of all racism bast*rd yayayayayayayaya

  1403. CSI says:

    jejejejejejeje Dr M money money money no money no talk $$$$$$$$$100bil ”burnt” going to sue all jejejejejejejejeyayayayaya

    jejejejejejeje this old tun is a real old fark and should just go to sleep forever and never wake up yayayayayajejejejeje

  1404. monsterball says:

    And bangladeshi wants to be adopted by Mahathir…..
    Maybe Mahathir’s last supper…he will announce the good news.
    By then….bangladeshi….no more extra money to go to Internet Cafe…is as good as dead too.

  1405. monsterball says:

    Talk to you again late afternoon.
    Need to sleep and celebrate Christmas with my staffs tomorrow.
    Bangladeshi not invited.
    He is destined to be another lorry driver…wasting his life..talking nonsense. So unproductive….yet think he is so dam smart.
    Every precious minute he spends insulting me….what has he learn?…..NOTHING!!
    Please continue bangladeshi…your days are numbered.

  1406. monsterball says:

    Mahathir tried his tongue twisting ..saying…he reserve the rights to sue Lim Kit Siang and Barry Wain.
    LKS fired back….challenging him to sue….why reserve this and that?
    And all details are at Malaysiakini and LKS blog.
    What can you say of a man…who keep on twisting like a snake.
    Have you ever seen him admitting he is half Indian?

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