
Oh, what a diversion: Shoot those who back Chin Peng’s return. But we do not know how many really want him back.

But we do know how many want Najib to leave: Only 45 percent happy with Najib.

I leave it to you to decide: which is more serious?

440 responses »

  1. giam2020 says:

    When a treaty is signed to allow the communist to resettle
    in malaysia, it should be honoured. in this case even among thieves
    there is no honor, so how do you expect the citizens to trust
    whatever the government says and do.

  2. PeoplePower says:

    I’m totally dissatisfied with Najib as a PM!

  3. justgovt says:

    God is great and god is fair. The real result will be known in the next GE.

  4. mahathiu says:

    So if today elections are held, BN gets only 45% votes… 1 month that figure will be lower…….in 2 mths even lower

  5. mahathiu says:

    Barisan Najis (BN) the zombie party

  6. anonymous dud says:

    reminds me the germans chose hitler as chancellor in 1930s….

    ust becaose p-r oppos hate the current gov, i donno they become so low to idolize and hail the mass murderer ….

  7. same2 says:

    Najis Tong Rosak is is the UMNO communist whose father also committed atrocities and died with cancer. Son must follow father`s footsteps.

  8. monsterball says:

    It takes a dud to give his idiotic comparison.
    Najib may end up…much more less than 45% support.
    Swearing by the Koran has done him up.

  9. JOHN says:

    same2 how do you feel if your father’s name was made mockery….u will jump like monkey……….talk about fairness and foot

  10. same2 says:

    “same2 how do you feel if your father’s name was made mockery….u will jump like monkey……….talk about fairness and foot

    My father was not Tong Rosak,…..and your foot is of very little concern. So how can you expect me to “feel” for your father Tong Rosak?
    Justice will be done when the son Najis is absolute najis and maggot food.
    Thank you for your concern.

  11. same2 says:

    Is Najis Tong Rosak jumping like a monkey? I know khairy jambanluddin has…….I am so very glad John thinks so.

  12. Menyalak-er says:

    Sampling error? Statistically insignificant? Next spinspin mah…
    If you throw in the PKFZ ‘error’ and Stim I&II ineffectiveness, betcha you will get a ‘better’ response.
    Btw, how does the Merdeka Center do their research?
    Notice there wasn’t any mention of East Malaysians, ‘cos they hold the ‘key’ right now.

  13. Joshua says:

    Najib is not my PM. So I have no response.

  14. masza says:

    najib? who’s that?

  15. China backed Chin Peng. Chin Peng is banned and PM Najib vists China tomorrow to improve relationship??? duh???

  16. wits0 says:

    “Btw, how does the Merdeka Center do their research?”
    With a large dose of political correctness expectedly. It’s sampling simply cannot be seen as being too anti-establishment naturally.

    The M’sian PM is always just the umno’s warlords’ choice since after the Tungku. Has always been so.

  17. Today’s ntv7 news poll shows 82% disagreed with the proposal to shoot people or send them to ISA for agreeing to Chin Peng’s returns… that is public opinion Najib!

  18. witsO – the Merdeka Centre poll is of 1000+ registered voters making up of proportionate percentage of the three races according to the population. I believe it was conducted first 2 weeks of May with an error of 3.00%.

  19. same2 says:

    Robert Whiting, an elderly Canadian gentleman of 83, arrived in Paris by plane. At French Customs, he took a few minutes to locate his passport in his carry on. “You have been to France before, monsieur?” the customs officer asked sarcastically.

    Mr. Whiting admitted that he had been to France previously “Then you should know enough to have your passport ready.” The Canadian said, ”The last time I was here, I didn’t have to show it.” “Impossible! Canadians always have to show passports on arrival in France !”

    The Canadian senior gave the Frenchman a long hard look. Then he quietly explained, ”Well, when I came ashore on D-Day in 1944 to help liberate this country, I couldn’t find a single fu*king Frenchmen to show a passport to.”

  20. kittykat46 says:

    According to the Merdeka Review survey, Malaysian Indians are very easy to satisfy. Release a few ISA detainees, make a few polite noises about doing “something” for Indians, and, lo and behold, 64% approve of Najib, and only 15% are dissatisfied……
    So Thanenthiran should be applying for BN membership soon for the Makkal Sakthi party..

    Are we back to the bad old days when Malaysian Indians generally automatically vote for BN ? Somehow, I don’t think so, based on my interaction with the Indian community.

  21. wits0 says:

    A great tag line from the ’64 Samuel Bronston Productions and The Rank Organisation film, “The Fall of the Roman Empire”, was, “Empires do not fall because of conquest by enemies from without but because the people no longer believes in it.”

    Well, it appears that the people no longer believe in bn/umno. The crossing of the Rubicon has begun on March 8th ’08. Events after that time have vindicated that people’s action.

  22. kittykat46 says:

    Najis Tong Rosak…….1Malaysia my foot…
    Read the Utusan Malaysia Awang Selamat editorial condemning pendatang ….that’s the real UMNO talking, dahulu, sekarang, dan selamanya….

  23. wits0 says:

    The 64% Indian satisfaction from that Merdeka Poll is particularly unconvincing to me as well.

  24. jinjangjoe says:

    it’s a fake poll result.

    that’s all i wanna say.

    the actual numbers that are satisfied is actually in RED.

    trust me.

  25. chan says:

    S`gor: From RM400 m to RM780 m after one year of Pakatan Rakyat


    If the Indonesian Secret Agent, Khir Toyo, returns the money he stole, PR Govt would have more.

  26. anthony says:

    Chin Peng is a communist. A vicious murderer. Can’t you see?

  27. jinjangjane says:

    There is something wrong with the survey. A new one has to be done by e.g. AC Nielsen, I can never trust these Merdeka Survey fellrs again.

  28. anonymous dud says:

    “Chin Peng is a communist. A vicious murderer. Can’t you see?”

    unfortunately these p-r oppos supporters were blinded by their hatred to the ruling gov, so watever ruling gov oppos, they go support, even a once mass-murderer… and this is scary.

    remember hitler won election even he was clearly anti-semite, just because the germans were anti gov that time ……

  29. mahathiu says:

    Oxford Jamaluddin’s bullshit about Chin Peng
    Saturday, May 30, 2009
    He says, I wholeheartedly applaud the Government’s decision to quash once and for all former Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) secretary-general Chin Peng’s wishes to return to Malaysian soil – the land where he once wreaked terror, causing death and suffering to so many. This pipsqueak has no standing whatsover to comment on this. Why? He was, maybe just a dirty glint in his Dad’s eyes, when the insurgency was active, secondly, he would not have sullied his hands hunting them down, as he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He needs to make all the right sounding noises after taking over from Kerismuddin.You think they are gonna give you a ministership if you make the right noises. Dream on! Hip, hip cheerio!

    In his reasoning he fails to discuss the double standards? See images of other Communist Terrorists here, in Malaysia. See more double standards here where an enemy of ours, Shamsiah Fakeh, and her family who applied to the Malaysian government for permission to return to the country from 1985 onwards. Following the terms of the 1989 peace agreement signed between the CPM and the Government of Malaysia in Haadyai, Thailand, permission was finally granted on July 23 1994 and Shamsiah returned along with her husband, their three sons and their four grandchildren. Upon their arrival, the family was met by Special Branch officers who took them to a resort and for about 10 days, they were debriefed and briefed on the local customs and political scenario in Malaysia. Oh, I forgot, no one must question the special rights? Right?

  30. mahathiu says:

    KJ does not know the meaning of honour, he is the guy who associates himself with ‘Mat Rempits’ and Keris carrying thugs. In 2006, during a visit by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in Kuala Lumpur, Khairy, together with members of the ruling UMNO party and some members of the Malaysian Islamist party PAS, led a demonstration supporting Palestinian Terrorists. Look at video clip at his thuggish and boorish behaviour, leading a mob.

  31. wits0 says:

    “KJ does not know the meaning of honour’

    To understand honour, you first have to understand and accept the equality of men.

    Arabs have been shrilling throughout history about honour but the Saudis were the last to ban slavery in the nineteen sixties under international pressure. Hypocrites don’t possess honour, only hubris and bathos about race.

  32. looes says:

    A person like anonymous dud I would not trust with even 5 sen…..he dono the meaning of honour.
    I will rather give the 5 sen to a beggar.

  33. anonymous dud says:

    “I will rather give the 5 sen to a beggar.”

    good lah like that. at least beggars got 5sen for all the “BS” i lashed out. why don u up rm5 instead.

  34. anonymous dud says:

    “KJ does not know the meaning of honour’

    at least he is not mass-murderer worshipper like those blind p-r oppos supporters…… his dignity even greater than you ppl …..


    Are all men equal before the same laws
    Or are some deemed to have more flaws
    And are thus denied entries through the doors
    Without any chance to even make a stand on the floors

    (C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng – 020609
    Tue. 2nd June 2009.

  36. tt says:


    Hanya 45 peratus pengundi yang berdaftar di Semenanjung Malaysia puas hati dengan prestasi Perdana Menteri, Najib Razak ketika negara berdepan dengan krisis kewangan global dan kemelut politik di Perak.


    kah kah kah… HANYA DAPAT 45% ?… kah kah kah..
    kah kah kah… KALAU AMBIL SPM ….DAH KANTOI… kah kah kah…
    kah kah kah… KALAU AMBIL HSC…. JAMIN KOYAK…kah kah kah..
    kah kah kah… KALAU KAT UNIVERSITI MALAYA… JAMIN KENA BUANG..kah kah kah..
    kah kah kah… APA PUNYA TUUUUUR… APA PUNYA POYO… kah kah kah..

    Dicatat oleh Tukar Tiub

  37. sandy says:

    “at least he is not mass-murderer worshipper like those blind p-r oppos supporters…… his dignity even greater than you ppl”…..anonymous dud

    Ya? No wonder the mat rempits do wheelis for ah long anonymous duds whose ancestors were murderous japanese collaborators

  38. looes says:

    why don u up rm5 instead – anonymous dud

    Thief take your hands out of my pocket.

  39. looes says:

    “…… his dignity even greater than you ppl”…..anonymous dud

    “Dud Thugs” got dignity now…..i spit on that

  40. sandy says:

    ‘Khairy berani cabar kita, sebab dia menantu beruk yang duduk di celah ketiak Pak Lah,” kata Naib Presiden PAS Haji Mohamad Sabu.

    “Kalau bukan menantu Perdana Menteri, letak muka dia di Chow Kit pun tak laku,” ucapnya dengan disambut sorakan dan ketawa 2,000 hadirn yang mendengar ceramah di Taman Melewar.

  41. monsterball says:

    No matter what the subject is…..these pro UMNO idiots will go against truths.
    No matter what by-election results against UMNO…..these same idiots have no brains to think..why the results are against UMNO.
    No matter what People’s Power have spoken and done…these idiots who are now..the minority are going mad.
    What matter most have been seen and done…leading to change of government….favored by vast majority Malaysians.
    These idiotic buggers with maggots in their brains will keep on disturbing…because this blog convert lots of UMNO voters to PR
    UMNO is famous…as poor loosers…never admit defeat when defeat is so clear.
    These maggots are trying their best to do protect UMNO.
    Like General Custer..these maggota are foot soldiers.. all will go back to kampongs and be farmers…with Najib …last man standing…to fight ….a lot cause…before going to jail and be hanged for murder.
    These maggots have no more brain…..cannot think..cannot change.
    Like a tape recorder..they will keep on disturbing and put out…same messages…. over and over again i this blog. They feel no shame.. as these maggots have upset Susan’s blog..using me as an excuse.
    But these maggots are Malaysians worms.. dressed up as human beings.
    The magician is Lucifer…..alive and well in Malaysia.
    The power of evil against good….light over darkness..are tested to the limit s…right now.
    The grand t master of all evils is alive in Malaysia.
    As such….these maggots have become zoombies..look so alike like us….but actually not humans.
    Will evil win over good?
    Maggots think so. What say you?

  42. Menyalak-er says:

    I wonder if there is anyone who is of Beru Teruk Khairy’s age has been more maligned? His Oxford degree doesn’t mean anything if he ain’t ‘educated’ or ‘adept’ , merely literate.
    He being a ‘convenient’ politician, can only pull the shades on the illiterate bumno youth aka mat rempits, who can’t distinguish a B.A. from S.R.P. Woe on Oxcam for producing such grads!
    Btw, did naif really, really graduate from Nottingham, or will they award him with a posthumous honorary D.Litt? I read some hype of him being an ‘economist’ by training. hahaha…

  43. toadstool says:

  44. toadstool says:

    same2 how do you feel if your father’s name was made mockery….u will jump like monkey……….talk about fairness and foot
    JOHN – June 1, 2009 at 10:08 pm

    For me I feel quite good if Najis plane goes down in South China Sea. Then his wife and all the monkeys with him can go with him also.
    If you hurry you can catch up with Najis a/l Tong Rosak in Beijing befo the plane goes down. Your foot might be recovered later and preserved.
    I feel sad for the Air France plane that went down in the Atlantic.

  45. toadstool says:

    PERCEPTION IS EVERYTHING!….His father died when he was 23….he rushed home!…..then he was made the candidate to replace his father….and made the youngest MP (of Pekan)…..since when is he A BRITISH TRAINED ECONOMIST?…..see how lavish this STUPID press COINED this ’so called title’ to Najib!…..this IS purely naive and PATHETIC to say the least!…..In the first place DID HE GRADUATE FROM NOTTINGHAM U?…..or THEY (the University President) award him a degree WITHOUT finishing his class!?

  46. jean says:

    Aiyo uncle Monty… don’t get too emotional. It can shorten your life and you might miss the chance of seeing PR ruling Malaysia. After your tireless and successfull effort in converting thousand of BN to PR, you don’t want to lose the opportunity to witness Anwar as PM and people like me to “balik kampong.”

    Additionally, I don’t think anyone who disagree a thing or two with susan will automatically “upset” her blog and turn into a “maggot that becomes zombie.”

    But I do like your “maggots with agenda.” Sounds like Lucifer. Good vs evil. Light over darkness. Catchy. Cliche. You believe in democracy? Free Speech? I am sure you do and that is why you are from the good side and they are evil.

    Send my regard to Chin Peng too eh uncle. I am sure there are many of us would love to wait for him at the airport to say thank you. Forget about those who got killed, raped and tortured. It was a war then and he did what he had to. Killing some orang kampong is so heroic too and they deserved a medal for that. Karadzic and Hitler would agree and so should we.

  47. Loo Si Fer says:


    So we dont forget your relative collaborators who “killed, raped and tortured” also? What do we do with them?

  48. Loo Si Fer says:

    Your papa Tong Rosak was given a car during Jap occuptaion kan?

  49. Loo Si Fer says:

    Not enuff collaborating with japanese to kill chinese, may 13 had to do some more. jaguh kampung

  50. Loo Si Fer says:

    “In hindsight, the apologists and conspiracy theorists rationalize that the Malay Regiment ran amok in revenge for the killings over two weeks by the Communist Party of Malaya’s Malayan People’s Anti-Japanese Army which virtually had a free run of the country while awaiting the return of British troops in strength following the Japanese surrender after the 2nd World War. The Japanese looked on. The MPAJA’s victims were mostly Malays seen as Japanese collaborators. There were feeble attempts in official circles to blame the communists for May 13 but these were quickly denounced and roundly condemned by the man in the street. At the height of the Vietnam War, the communists were the eternal bogeyman in Southeast Asia and everywhere in the Free World.

    The Malay Regiment, disgraced in the eyes of the non-Malay population, was replaced by the Federation Army and the Sarawak Regiment and calm quickly returned to the burnt-out streets of Kuala Lumpur. There had been a heavy price to pay in innocent lives, all because extreme-right Malays in Umno, the lead player in the Alliance, had been rattled by the electoral setbacks suffered by the MCA and feared the unraveling of the Social contract. Apparently, the rightwing game plan was to intimidate the political opposition, punish the voters and force the MCA back into the Government. The fact that the political opposition had never been party to the Social contract was lost on the rightwing instigators of the May 13 bloodbath. ”

  51. Loo Si Fer says:

    PERCEPTION IS EVERYTHING!….His father died when he was 23….he rushed home!…..then he was made the candidate to replace his father….and made the youngest MP (of Pekan)…..since when is he A BRITISH TRAINED ECONOMIST?…..see how lavish this STUPID press COINED this ’so called title’ to Najib!…..this IS purely naive and PATHETIC to say the least!…..In the first place DID HE GRADUATE FROM NOTTINGHAM U?…..or THEY (the University President) award him a degree WITHOUT finishing his class!?
    toadstool – June 2, 2009 at 1:44 am

    The bargher got a honorary degree only, in return for allowing Nottingham Univ. to open campus in m`sia, mat salleh bankrupt and needed money. In other words, he “beli” the degree.
    Now Rosmah also got degree in GRO.

  52. wits0 says:

    “PERCEPTION IS EVERYTHING!….His father died when he was 23….he rushed home!…..then he was made the candidate to replace his father….and made the youngest MP (of Pekan)…..since when is he A BRITISH TRAINED ECONOMIST?…..see how lavish this STUPID press COINED this ’so called title’ to Najib!…..this IS purely naive and PATHETIC to say the least!…..In the first place DID HE GRADUATE FROM NOTTINGHAM U?…..or THEY (the University President) award him a degree WITHOUT finishing his class!?” – Toadstool.

    Rumours of the late seventies, was that he was hopeless academically and did not finish his studies. Clearly his principal ideology is, “PERCEPTION IS EVERYTHING”(Truth Nothing!). Later when he was promoted like a prodigy behind the scene by the MSM of that time his hair was fully black but “became” quickly grey as time when on, over a short span of it. Had to look ‘wisely’ senior enough.

    Big hoo haas over his single status(when he was) was included in the MSM promotion. “Most eligible, blah, blah. But later, little about his divorce and remarriage.

    Just wanna look grey fast like Obama during the last few months of campaigning. Now look at O’bummer, his scrubby hair is black again after becoming prez!

  53. wits0 says:

    “The Malay Regiment, disgraced in the eyes of the non-Malay population, was replaced by the Federation Army and the Sarawak Regiment and calm quickly returned to the burnt-out streets of Kuala Lumpur.”

    Only from about the 3rd day or so onwards and for a little time.
    Then the Kg Baru big time umno politicos complained about the impartiality of the Sarawak Rangers and this was quickly withdrawn and sporadically recurred!

    The Sentul massacre was about 2 weeks later.

  54. Kancilandak says:

    Aah, dont trust the indian fellows lah. The 64 percent is indian bluffing eveybody lah. Morning they said something, night after drinking many many bottles of big black beer they say another thing. This Merdeka Poll stupid poll by stupid people.

  55. wits0 says:

    Jean scornfully craps with all her characteristic sophistic spins and moral equivalence of the typical half-baked cumlately apologists for umno.

  56. parrotok says:


    but voting is daytime not nitetime. So how?

  57. monsterball says:

    Jean’s trademark is compliment with sarcastic remarks.
    And she like to put words into my mouth.
    I did not say I converted thousands to vote for PR. i said…I wish I can…as thousands do visit this blog and read comments.
    At age 70….everyday is a bonus day for me.I am ready for anything.
    Feeling much younger and very healthy….you bet your sweet life….my vote will be cast on the 13th GE.and live to see the results.
    If dead..I will search for you..sleep with you..making woopies…OK?
    I am not your messenger boy to Chin Peng.
    And your remarks of this great hero of Malaysia confirms you are an UMNO racialist.educate in Tong Sampah school in Ijok..with one sided false history…producing Malaysians like you….with a sharp tongue….to talk so insincere for UMNO…and not from a heart for Malaysians.
    Strange you are back…followed by “Sohiadina”..when Sherry is being clobbered….dreaming of the rape of Peking by Japs.
    My last advise to you .is be very grateful to Chin Peg who may have saved your mother being raped by Japanese.
    Without your mother….no Jean.
    Expecting UMNO members to be grateful is near impossible.

  58. parrotok says:

    “typical half-baked cumlately”

    I dont think jean has cumlately so “scornfully craps”….belly frus.

  59. wits0 says:

    “and violence sporadically recurred! “

  60. parrotok says:

    “If dead..I will search for you..sleep with you..making woopies…OK?”

    Hee hee hee like incubus

  61. wits0 says:

    CT Central, are Jeans, Sofia and Sherry the best that you have, apart from the swarm of ascaris?

  62. parrotok says:

    Wat to do, quality all gone the other side

  63. parrotok says:

    The final confrontational scene between Hassan and Japanese collaborator (brilliantly played by Salleh) Buang.
    Clip taken from Sarjan Hassan (1955) directed by Lamberto V. Avellana and P. Ramlee

  64. sherry says:

    Dear Susan,

    Freedom of speech……yet starting not to post my comments ya!!!

    What a blog!

  65. monsterball says:

    If Jean does not understand UMNO is evil..then she can go to hell…with me guiding her to that hole to meet grand old Lucifer…whom she ls also admire.
    Yes..light over darkness..good over evil….worm killing agent.. in aerosol cans against maggots…cats over rats….people over snakes…you name them…we are ready with all weapons to fight and win. It’s call People’s Power..against racialists.
    Yes…Jean can go to hell. Her game is up.

  66. sherry says:


    Jean wrote to a monster:
    1. I am not sherry and I haven’t been posting any comment till now. It is up to you to be abusive because I think you are beyond reasoning. Even the Sofiairdina – May 31, 2009 at 12:16 pm is a copycat.”

    Sherry: Hi Jean, thanks for the info. I did not know too, but guess what, I still think Sherry is Jean, coz that monster always know “the truths”.

  67. monsterball says:

    Sherry..go search for your freedom of speech in Straits Times and Star papers… and stop complaining.
    Your godfathers are champions of freedom of speeches.

  68. johanssm / khun Pana says:

    I am for Chin peng to return and najis to leave.
    It is my right as a voter to have a say on this.

  69. sherry says:

    Morning Dew wrote to Sherry:

    “I hardly read monsterXXXX’s comment and most of the time whenever I hit the…… I would start to scroll down. His thoughts were disjointed and it is really a “torture” to read.”

    Sherry: Morning Dew, that’s not true, cant be! I know that is not pro-truth. Coz ONLY the monster always know “the truths”.


    Time to sleep, and no hard feeling please guys. GOOD NITE…..

  70. parrotok says:

    GOOD NITE…..sherry

    enjoy the nightmare, the incubus cometh

  71. monsterball says:

    The truths I am talking about is Malaysian economical…political and social blockhead.
    Whether you are are three are one or three is three.. does not matter.
    That’s not truth. That’s mistaken identity.
    This shows.. how smart you are..and the way you think…pusin sini ..pusin sana…just like jean.
    You two or one…come in pairs or single…I will put you in my pocket….like my chihuahua dog.

  72. parrotok says:

    Interesting how the “worms” came out when “toadstool” exposed the lie of Najis Tong Rosak`s so-called Univ qualification? Makes me wonder….ok repost and see if the worms come out again:

    PERCEPTION IS EVERYTHING!….His father died when he was 23….he rushed home!…..then he was made the candidate to replace his father….and made the youngest MP (of Pekan)…..since when is he A BRITISH TRAINED ECONOMIST?…..see how lavish this STUPID press COINED this ’so called title’ to Najib!…..this IS purely naive and PATHETIC to say the least!…..In the first place DID HE GRADUATE FROM NOTTINGHAM U?…..or THEY (the University President) award him a degree WITHOUT finishing his class!?

    toadstool – June 2, 2009 at 1:44 am

  73. parrotok says:

    The bargher got a honorary degree only, in return for allowing Nottingham Univ. to open campus in m`sia, mat salleh bankrupt and needed money. In other words, he “beli” the degree.
    Now Rosmah also got degree in GRO.

    Loo Si Fer – June 2, 2009 at 2:15 am

  74. monsterball says:

    hhhhmmmmmmm…GRO….. Guest Relation Officer
    Plenty in bars and rub rub joints.

  75. kiasu says:


    Yo Shar,
    couldn’t help but go into Susan Lone’s “not so free speech” posting and saw the latest comment by Shit Stirrer Goh’s asking Susan to go for the Guiness record for the most number of comments in 1 posting-total 303 comments. Let me tell you there was 151 of the cigar puffing “hobbit’s” (monsterball) comments alone !!! How now ??? what a silly old coot !Like I said ,just ignore the idiot, he’ll just fade away ! Hahahahahahahahah !

  76. parrotok says:

    another “worm”……… like tag team wrestlers

  77. monsterball says:

    If I am dead before 13th GE as Sherry hope I do…she maybe pregnant without a man.
    That’s me….turn to Spirit-Man….child claim to be holy holy… not so…as Sherry …not virgin.

  78. monsterball says:

    hahahahaha….yes parrotok
    Goodnight everyone.
    I manyat takot “kiasu”…who self appoint.. to be my publicity manager..FOC.
    But my read is .Susan telling me to go t sleep too…..hahahahahaha
    One must learn to read signs la……hahahahahaha

  79. parrotok says:

    kahkahkah shanghaistephen is jealous, trying to move hits to his blog…..sneaky barger kahkahkah

  80. wits0 says:

    “another “worm”……… like tag team wrestlers”
    If Susan Lone’s a “not so free speech” commenting blog, why bother to come at all? If Kutuksan, e.g., can shit stir everyday, why can’t Monsterball have his says? No one’s forcing anyone else to read his offending(definitely so to fat worms)comments.

  81. 103East says:

    Zero marks for those who did this poll and came out with the average of 45%. If we assume that the satisfied percentage in the “no response” as the same as the one in “satisfied” then average would be 47%. How do the 45% figure come about?

  82. The Penquin says:

    Differences in opinion also will get shot ? Are we going back to the jungles ?

  83. monsterball says:

    The worms here are inspired by what UMNO is doing to Gobinda..Anwar and Lim Kit Siang..and all who opposed them.
    These worms are from the kampongs who believe their UMNO fathers have divine rights over all Malaysians and the wealth of our country…be it naturally.. god gifted or our income tax money are for them to do as they like.
    All become bloated worms…eat drink and be merry with thousand of millions stolen from us each year after year after year.
    They use part of the money to buy loyalties…buying souls ..the greatest sin of anyone ever committed against God.
    They build thousand of mosques to cover up their sins…hoping Muslims will buy the con job.
    They allow MCA to build chinese schools and temples to win chinese votes….same tactics apply by MIC.
    Indians were the first to realized how much sins they have committed to support Samy Vellu….paying their sins…in the most brave and glorious and magnificent ways…that make God..llove them most.
    The spirit of Mahatma Gandhi felt by all Malaysians with power to vote. The stage is set to fight the devil.
    Chinese joined in..and best of all….so many UMNO members resigned…or stayed as members….but join in to vote UMNO out.
    Truths to liars and cheaters are painful stuffs…….more painful than getting physically knock out cold.. by a boxer.
    Actors emerged by the dozens..hiding the pain well…but their characters can never change…no matter how good they act and try to fool Malaysians.
    Never in the history Of UMNO did not participate in any by-election.
    Using all sorts of excuses..except admitting…they know UMNO is no more strong and powerful. No only that..never in the history…UMNO is so disunited itself.
    Never in the history of UMNO..a new PM……not elected.but appointed by UMNO…received so much disrespect by voters..from day one.
    Have you ever seen a big time thief..stealing billions… or a murderer confess in court….make in simple for judge to pass sentences?
    They will not confess…as they can buy up few judges to swing ridiculous verdicts to free them or close case….siding..not enough evidences…that kind of stuffs to keep fooling Malaysians.
    Yet…voters keep running way.
    It is back to fear and provocations…and yes…back to jungle laws…because nothing they do.. can swing vote …back to UMNO.
    No more freedom of speeches..although they find it very hard to shut up mouths…growing by the thousands…..speaking without fear.
    Worms of UMNO are here to do their best…to get me out of this blog.
    Few have encouraged me to go on…….and almost all are protecting me and Susan…whenever they appear..
    They come…..because Susan Loone’s blog is very locals and oversea readers.
    Mad worms have become clowns.
    Insults upon insults….same old stuffs said over and over again..for years…have actually made me younger and stronger mentally ad physically.
    I am determine to cast my 13th GE vote…and they can hope and pray to Lucifer I die before that….which Sherry will be my main target to visit in spirit…. to sleep with her.

  84. wits0 says:

    Btw, the people must no think!

    The great PKA Report sez:

    (3) You are not authorised to use or rely on the Report to arrive at any conclusion.
    Holy cow!

  85. bee yong says:

    Communisim is an ideology, just like all other ‘ism’, including racism.When CPM was organised in Malaya, the ideology was imported from Communist China. As a leader of CPM, Chin Peng has to obey the instruction from his master in China. In all ‘ism’ the leader must carried out the ideology; the crusaders have to follow instruction, the colonalists have to follow instruction, the Nazis have to follow instruction, the japanese army in Malaya have to follow instruction, the lap dogs have to follow instruction, the media spinners have to follow instruction, the racial stirrers ahave to follow instruction, etc.
    So go ahead and shoot all those who have a flu or a cold and spare the virus. Why shoot Chin Peng only, why not C4 China next week?

  86. apapunboleh says:

    How about the bloody Japanese who raped and killed so many Chinese Malaysians, those bastards who brought them in for investment should be shot or arrested under ISA as well.

  87. When KJ says he has crossed the point of no return, what he is telling every one is he will continue to behaves the way he has been doing and will never ever be sorry or repent for what he did.
    Please, KJ, millions have been to Oxford and return with Double First, including the Prime Minister of Singapore and the son of the late Jeyaratnam (it is way beyond your dream and reach) while the very ordinary, especially the Ketunan Melayu returns to the kingdom of the blind,as one eye of the blind, behaves like you.
    Both my two children, both of them, went to Oxford and Cambridge and both of them came out with Double Firsts in professional degrees not in History or Political Science. Did not have to become a politician or have to marry a P.M.’s daughter to become what you are.
    They are real professionals, earning decent living and most of all really serving and saving lives daily. These is service to human kind !
    What has Oxford taught and gave you ? You are a bloody disgrace to your race and to Oxford !

  88. ajajal says:

    I am an ex service man. I was in the era of the CPM and the
    Mslaysian Indonesia confrontation.. The ex service asso is run by a group of UMNO parasites they only hope for handouts. They do not understand what is treaty. Should we also ban and shoot all our Indonesian friends??? just because our service friends were also killed by them. Those who leads the
    ex service asso are most grandfathers time for them to think wisely even some are my good friends. I dare to claim that some of them in the asso have not even been in active war only table jobs.

  89. monsterball says:

    Very well said….bee yong
    UMNO only know how to bully and carry China balls….all because of Chinese votes.
    Offend China….all gone. You think they really like China?
    Look how they keep shooting down USA……because no orang puteh votes.
    It’s always politics….making UMNO……most unreliable…totally insincere toward Malaysians.

  90. monsterball says:

    Bottomline….Chin Peng is not a Malay and Muslim.
    TAR would have forgiven him and let him come keep up with the time and move forward.
    Not UMNO BARU….bringing country and people backward to be landlords and rulers…..over legitimate rulers.

  91. middleground says:

    Chin Peng was a true freedom fighter and a pure nationalist…C4 is simply a nationalist pretender came out from a hole of a privileged political family…nothing mush to shout of his achievements!
    Pink lips is best placed in the underworld…where he is more comfortable with strangers of the nights.

  92. wits0 says:

    There’s a world apart when comparing a spoilt and effete person with a true fighter(any fighter). The first is ‘created’ and sustained by unearned ‘entitlement’.

  93. 64% of Indians satisfied with Najib??!
    Doesn’t sound quite right. Maybe the Indians who took survey are all MIC members lah

  94. Kancilandak says:

    Behind succesful PM is his wife. She take care his life by moral support him even in all crisis. She help the children go on with they education. With all the accuseation heap on her she still manage a smile in her the charity work. This iron lady must be admired. But our own people call her gro bar waiteress and insulted her. If this insult happen to our wife sister or mother how we take it? Becoz the 1st couple highly educated people they take it with a smile. They dont blahblahblah like drainage workers. The PM and he wife have a duty to all Malaysian. A job to be done, and they doing it very well!

  95. wandererAUS says:

    When you became an UMNO PM, we owe you no respect…unless you earn it from us.
    Your introduction of “Operation P#g A#se” speaks volume of your evil intentions and stupidity…man cannot live on bread alone, Mongolian C4….

  96. Kancilandak says:

    Hi dev, my english writing improve or not?

  97. Kancilandak says:

    This Monahara case is ashame on the PAS goverment of Kelantan. See what will happening if PKR rule whole Malaysia. This another exsample of the kind of polis work in oppoisition govement.

  98. wandererAUS says:


    Screwing someone’s wife and making her your own is not a very creditable situatation for an ideal couple, is’nt it. So don’t give me your shit!
    Normally, I take very little interest in someone’s personal affairs…until you demonstrated your shallow thinking and uncalled comments. Sometimes, dishonorable matters best kept in the cold storage, dig UMNO numskull?

  99. wits0 says:

    First Lady of Charity :

    Also over photoshopped.

  100. wits0 says:

    Brain damaged Hedgehog tells us that in Kelantan, the cops there are not the same PDRM.

  101. tanda says:

    With a murderous couple at the top, the roof is falling on m`sia:

    BREAKING NEWS The roof of the 60,000-capacity Gong Badak stadium in Terengganu collapsed at about 7.30am this morning.

    HRH is from Terengganu, right….appointed Najis PM, right….these are signs

  102. tanda says:

    “Should we also ban and shoot all our Indonesian friends???” – ajajal

    That bugis Najis first, then khir toyo

  103. casava says:

    UMNO is tearing itself up:

    Anonymous said…

    WK, as an UMNO die hard fan, what do you suggest that the bloggers do with Zambry and Perak?

    Dont you see theres no choice but to just live with the Perak issue for the next 3 years and try to make the best out of the situation?

    I think Najib’s worldview is that he still has 3 more years to live , rather than call a state wide election now , gets nuclear bombed out of Perak and i think he wont even last till the end of 1 year !!!
    June 1, 2009 6:25 PM

  104. monsterball says:

    Naif Ton Raza……..want to be people’s PM should start thinking…why churches and temples….you see Chinese and Indians praying together and in mosques….100% malays only.
    If Ton Raza reply saying that’s their free right to choose which religion they want…will be another low class bullshit.
    If he said….all should be muslims..thus he is representing all people….means he does not respect other religions.
    But if he say nothing…maybe ..saying “sensitive issue…no comments” like big mouth Hishamuddin……he is an idiot.
    Saying we made it that way…control all Malays…their minds…body and soul…then he is telling the truth.
    How can one separate races.. to reprerent all races…made purposely difficult….not an easy task….only smart Niaf Ton Raza and UMNO can manage it.
    Therefore..we must vote them in forever to guide us to paradise.

  105. sandy says:

    His trip is a major opportunity for him to reassure local Chinese that he is “accepted and endorsed” by Beijing, burnishing an image battered by numerous controversies.

    “He hopes to win acceptance by playing the China card with local Chinese,” said political analyst Khoo Kay Peng. “It worked for Razak but will not for Najib.” Khoo said, pointing out that China is no longer such a mystery.

    “Malaysians know China well. They travel to China often. Chinese visit Malaysia often. The old magic is just not there any more.”

    Veteran opposition lawmaker Lim Kit Siang agreed, saying Najib would do better by dismantling pro-Malay policies, and promoting human rights.
    “Not just Chinese but all Malaysian races desire reform and change,” Lim said. “As Malaysians, we Chinese don’t hold China in great awe any more.”

    -South China Morning Post

  106. sherry says:


    read more….


    In this Penanti election, a win is a win, even by one vote…so every one should accept the result.

    In the case of electing an Adun or MP, popular votes count. But in the case of electing a State or Federal Government, the party or alliance with the majority of elected Aduns or MPs counts, even by one Adun/MP.

    Likewise, in Perak case, the State Government is elected on Aduns count, therefore as it stand now, PR should rightfully be the “legal” Government since “31-3 is bigger than 28+3″ or if you exclude the Frogs, “28-1(Speaker) is bigger than 28+0 (Speaker)”.

    I borrowed YB Dato Seri Nizar’s latest Camry,…oops Calculator, so you know his “calculator” can never go wrong…even if the PR alliance is not “legally” registered.

    So, Najib and Zambry, cant you count correctly?

  107. whispering9 says:

    “….. Lim said. “As Malaysians, we Chinese don’t hold China in great awe any more.”

    Hey YB LKS, you shouldn’t make such politically incorrect or down right stupid statement when LGE is trying to revitalize Penang economy. At this moment, the whole world is in awe with China ability to stabilize the world economy albeit the bankruptcy of GM and, in some ways, USA. Don’t just oppose for the sake of opposing.

  108. kittykat46 says:

    The whole roof has come down….must be a omen of sorts for Malaisie…..

  109. goodnessgracious says:

    “Hey YB LKS, you shouldn’t make such politically incorrect or down right stupid statement when LGE is trying to revitalize Penang economy…..”

    LKS is absolutely correct. But you are being infinitely stupid in your assesment. If you hold China in awe, then you can blardy well fark off from this country.

  110. goodnessgracious says:
    The whole roof has come down….must be a omen of sorts for Malaisie…..

    Only the begining, with the 2 murderers at the top the roof must come down. This only appetizer mah.

  111. jean says:

    So we dont forget your relative collaborators who “killed, raped and tortured” also? What do we do with them? – Loo Si Fer

    Jean: Good question Loo. You should pardon them, hail them as freedom fighters and make them as a national hero like Chin Peng.

    Not enuff collaborating with japanese to kill chinese, may 13 had to do some more. jaguh kampung – Loo Si Fer

    Bottomline….Chin Peng is not a Malay and Muslim – Monsterball

    Jean: See guys. Its not so hard to be truthful. Now you finally say why Chin Peng. I completely understand the desperation for an alternative hero now and Chin Peng fits your specifications.
    CT Central, are Jeans, Sofia and Sherry the best that you have, apart from the swarm of ascaris? – wits0

    jean: You are the best wits0. I didn’t know what is ascaris until I read your wisdom and my stomach began to grumble. Should’ve known that some fortune cookies carry worms.

  112. goodnessgracious says:

    “Chin Peng fits your specifications.”

    Stupid cow, Hang Tuah already there befo chin peng lar.

  113. goodnessgracious says:

    So we dont forget your relative collaborators who “killed, raped and tortured” also? What do we do with them? – Loo Si Fer
    Jean: Good question Loo. You should pardon them, hail them as freedom fighters and make them as a national hero like Chin Peng.

    Ask ghazali shafie, propaganda minister for kempetai. Your own history dunno opening slutty mouth.

  114. goodnessgracious says:

    So we dont forget your relative collaborators who “killed, raped and tortured” also? What do we do with them? – Loo Si Fer
    Jean: Good question Loo. You should pardon them, hail them as freedom fighters and make them as a national hero like Chin Peng.

    Ask ghazali shafie, propaganda minister for kempetai. Your shit umno made him tan sri….Your own history dunno opening dirty mouth.

  115. monsterball says:

    That means Jean agrees all must be racialist and muslims… like her to live happily united?
    You can stuffs your logic into your maggot hole.

  116. goodnessgracious says:

    This jean in love with najis, very fast to post comment first after “toadstool” expose, now after

    Only the begining, with the 2 murderers at the top the roof must come down. This only appetizer mah.
    goodnessgracious – June 2, 2009 at 11:06 am

  117. kekekeke says:

    You can stuffs your logic into your maggot hole.

    Umi Hafilda also said her “bottom line is intact”

  118. Ah Ling says:

    “He hopes to win acceptance by playing the China card with local Chinese,” said political analyst Khoo Kay Peng. “It worked for Razak but will not for Najib.” Khoo said, pointing out that China is no longer such a mystery. – sandy

    Many Chinese I knew do not like the Communist Government for it’s Tiannamen Square massacre and it’s suppression of free speech. I can say that for myself, as a Chinese, THE PROBLEM is the domestic problems which Najib has little respect – the respect for exculpatory free speech, good and fair government institutions
    like the police, and other enforcement agencies. For me, race, whosoever presided over their duty regardless of any race do not matter as long as it is fair. It would be better off if the Americans sits in as police, judge, etc. I trust outsiders esp. foreigners rather than locals, whatever fuckin’ race they are.

  119. kittykat46 says:

    If I read Lim Kit Siang’s overall post, I think I understand what he meant, but he could have worded it better, to avoid giving offence.
    China is perhaps the world’s strongest economy right now, and rightly regarded highly.

    The idolisation of China as the “mother country” by many of the older generation back in the 1960’s and 1970’s , even now, is a palpable thing. Among some of my old uncles and aunties…don’t you dare say a negative thing about the PRC in front of them, or you’ll get a tongue lashing, though they are all Malaysian-born. Tun Razak’s visit to China in 1974 was a big hit with the Chinese community then.

    Among the younger generation, they are quite conscious of Chinese culture and respect China’s emergence as a world economic power, but That sort of emotional reaction seldom arises anymore.

  120. dragon says:

    What 64% indians favours Najis. The survey must be joking or they only interview MIC surpporters.And do this guys read Utusan Malaysia, where they still condemn the non bumi as pendatang.

  121. monsterball says:

    ‘Desperation for an alternative hero”….she said.
    Her eyes are completely blind.
    Millions of heroes sprung up…putting her out of place….yet she still thinks…she is the in thing.
    Jean only fashion is wearing jeans and blouse.
    From racialist kampong..Ijok…where muslim lady gangsters are famous too…sponsored by UMNO….to further study….this racialist is still searching for one man..when I threw 3 women away from my life…making room for one more……..hahahahahaha
    She is very lonely person….so work work work…till she is totally tired…found Sherry…maybe will change love life with different strokes?

  122. goodnessgracious says:


    The word at contention is “awe” which does not equal “they are quite conscious of Chinese culture and respect China’s emergence as a world economic power” (which everyone including India does).
    But not “awe” an important ingredient of which is “fear”.

  123. kekekeke says:

    “From racialist kampong..Ijok…”

    Monty remember,
    Sometime back she pretended not to know what “ky” is, still using minyak sapi lar

  124. Ah Ling says:

    why my comment got stck somewhere. This is my 1st time here and i m feelin’ like a virgin….

  125. monsterball says:

    Who wants Umi Hafilda.
    Her bottom line intack of broken….who cares.
    Jean have lots of experiences.
    She will do the job….you relax and all hell will go loose.
    kittykat is too serious when Malaysia is calm and serene for awhile.
    He should do more research on PKFZ and make Ong Tak Kut job..easier.
    I suspect.Ta Kut will become Bak Kut in a forest…if ever he dares to tells the truth.

  126. monsterball says:

    Felt the pain and seventh heaven ….Ah Ling?
    Welcome to fun blog on politics.

  127. monsterball says:

    But it is no fun. if you agree with Sherry and Jean.

  128. boombang says:

    Does anyone know if Mas Selamat is from Ijok?

  129. monsterball says:

    UMNO have no choice….must balls carry China.
    Offend means Chinese votes…all gone.
    China is no fool…play their game with smiles…..and see what’s next.
    UMNO famous to insult USA because no white skin votes.
    Such is UMNO sincerity to Malaysians and to the world.

  130. Chandran says:

    “Send my regard to Chin Peng too eh uncle. I am sure there are many of us would love to wait for him at the airport to say thank you. Forget about those who got killed, raped and tortured. It was a war then and he did what he had to. Killing some orang kampong is so heroic too and they deserved a medal for that. Karadzic and Hitler would agree and so should we.”

    posted by jean – June 2, 2009 at 1:59 am

    well jean, if you happen to go to Irag, you can help me buy a bouquet of flowers and place in on the grave of Saddam.

    well jean, if you happen to go to Indonesia, you can help me buy a bouquet of flowers and place in on the grave of Suharto.

    Like the American Muslims who once called for the boycott of the movie “The Siege” (starred by Bruce Willis, Denzel Washington),
    they shouted “Why Moslems are always painted and described as terrorists and why Holloywood never reckoned any Moslems a hero?”

    Answer : Easy – “they” are popular for detonating plastic explosives and blowing up innocent men, women, children, uncle, unties, nephew, niece.

    *I believe that you have male hormones which make you very aggressive. Will you please pack your bags and fly off to the terrains of Afganistan and join your uncle (Osama bin Laden), please? I love to see you hit the headlines in bodybags.

  131. kittykat46 says:

    The great PKA Report sez:

    (3) You are not authorised to use or rely on the Report to arrive at any conclusion.

    Yup, I’m wondering what kind of Terms of Reference Ong TK gave to the PWC people.

    People who carry out Forensic Audits know very well the information they unearth may be subject to civil or criminal litigation. So the standards required are very high (and the audit fees very different too 🙂 ).

    Methinks, in the middle of talking about transparency, BN-UMNO is still doing its best to be non-transparent.

    Any bets on who, if any, gets charged in court over the PKFZ ?

  132. wandererAUS says:

    Pink lips modern ‘Malaysian Godfather’ running a mafia organisation…engaged completely in daylight stealing and robbing of the nation coffers…those dare to confront them will simply go missing!
    Communism is an idealogy, men fight for their beliefs…rightly or wrongly.
    Do you expect the same from these CELAka UMNO samseng mongrels?!!

  133. nightmare says:


    Now please do not mistake nightmare as Caligula`s horse

    Najis sleeps with a umno mare

  134. nightmare says:

    I think better avoid all this KLCC dll. That one collapse means…….

  135. monsterball says:

    And Jean yearn to sleep with Ton too…while I yearn to sleep with Sherry…be it male or female..hentam butul2 …..when I become….Spirit-Man…she wants me to be.

  136. zainal says:

    Permohonan Maaf YB Nozula, Kisahnya
    Notis Mohon Maaf Seperti Tersiar Dalam Akhbar Berita Harian Hari Ini, 2 Jun 2009

    Permohonan Maaf YB Nozula, Kisahnya

  137. monsterball says:

    Collapse means huge corruptions wanted…to get tender… making contractors put out inferior quality building materials….to earn a living.
    Same thing….using government contractors.
    Life is not important. Money to UMNO is.

  138. whispering9 says:

    “you can blardy well fark off from this country.”

    Hahahaha….goodnessgracious….I know your other nicks. You shouldn’t ask me to fark off when you are not even in Malaysia. Double standard here I see, ‘They cannot mention pendatang but you can blardy well ask anyone to fark off’. She is right u know ‘How can such people think they can rule Malaysia?’ Try to argue or articulate without foul words okay.

  139. monsterball says:

    nightmare…..Samy Vellu will say “It’s God’s will”.

  140. Ray-of-Hope says:

    Quote M’kini: “Emotions run high as the country’s former soldiers suggest the use of ISA or even shooting those who back the call to allow the ex-communist leader to come home.”

    Such reactions r so typically UMNOputras, try to “mengamok” n threaten to kill others with their Keris and/or guns, whenever these mental retards get intellectually challenged.

    Savage to the core…..!!!

  141. wits0 says:

    Indeed who cares about Ubi Half-fill-duh. Her own father disowned her and ain’t that rather dramatic enough? Whether her bottom line is foolfilled or not isn’t of much interest. She is the archtype for Jean (one with the bovine ogre by the name of Id(iot)zan as mother-in-law). Zorro’s blog has that unfogetable impressionist portrait of Id(iot)zan. Their BUT-TER apologist message is the same and that is, umno is god’s gift to the denizens of Bolehland. It being sacrilegious to even think otherwise!

  142. bkho says:

    If approval less than 50%, so Agong should sack the PM as precedent is set by the Appeals Court recently.

  143. kekekeke says:

    I think about 1 week ago jean comment she is virgin…macam Ubi Half-fill-duh lar tu

  144. kekekeke says:

    “You shouldn’t ask me to fark off when you are not even in Malaysia.”

  145. Menyalak-er says:

    All said and done, the present day Chinese govt., no longer holds to true Marxism nor even Maoism. Deng XP being a pragmatist more than a commie at heart, led them away from that self destructive mode. There is no way true communism will let China become the economic power it is now.
    A massive nation like China requires a very strong Central gomen. Although the CCP uses the word ‘communist’ – they are only organized and structured in that sense; and will use their dogma when the occasion arises. PROC has adapted to the times, being more like a police state to boyscout stage depending on the circumstances. They have too many internal problems to deal with than go ghost busting. The history of China is not a pleasant one with recurrent cycles of civil war and intervening short periods of ‘peace’, ‘commerce’, ‘industry’ and ‘harmony’.
    What we have in this blighted nation of ours is the oft repeated race/pendatang, discriminatory, degrading epithets. Even the so called Merdeka Survey uses this methodology, as it is Reality. If a Garguatan entity like the CCP can evolve gradually, why does that small futt bumno cling on to their rascist, fascist, feudal and archaic mode of existence? Their ‘social-contract’ is a convenience.
    Power = money, sexual gratuity and other lusts.
    Is this what bumno is all about? The 53% of Malays in that survey are unfortunately saying that they have no confidence in themselves and must be protected at all costs, for they are afraid – is it not? They have been incalculated with this sense of dependency, and are more than willing to let the servant toyols do their manual labor. They complain about Indons, while bumno goons are surreptitiously bandying to them blue i.c’s. so they can ‘win’.
    I won’t even hazard a guess why the Indians answer the survey the way they do… If this were the case, Makkal Sakthi is indeed a short one, with temporal awareness limited to transient things.
    As for the Chinapek, they tend to see things in gray and with the economy, education and other factors weighing in – they will definitely err on the side of PR. The unmentionable parties that they’re represented by are in purgatory, the dustbin of history.

  146. jean says:

    To Chandran – June 2, 2009 at 12:00 pm

    Dear sir, I don’t think u even understand what I wrote. You blasted people for the wrong reason. Now, take a deep breath and read again. Slowly. Sometimes the message is the exact opposite of what’s written, my friend. You related to monsterball ah?

    And monsterball, I know that you are proud of your personal life, your wives, kids, business and all. I am proud of mine too. Lets not get into it I-good, you-bad business, okay?

  147. Kancilandak says:

    Dear Wanderer Aus, We are not celaka umno samseng monyet. We are the people of this country who start the patroitic call for merdeka before my, your and most here father been born. We the patroit who oppost British rule during Maharaja Lela time. It started from there until very2 later the MCA and MIC join us. We unite to wrench inderpendance from British. Now Aljuburi must come like monkey kena belacan inside beautiful garden to messy everything up.

  148. kittykat46 says:

    Jean doesn’t live in Seri Perdana anymore ?
    Its Rosmah now….

  149. whispering9 says:

    Actually jean, do you remember the time you said that not everyone understood hidden messages, ironies, sarcasm and the ‘Really, you are difficult to understand sometimes’?

    The double standard I mentioned in plain Inglish is ‘How can we allow CP off the hook from suspected killing when we demand that the killer(s) of Altantuya and other suspects be condemned and trialed?’ It wasn’t about the Jap or the German. CP could have waltzed into Malaysia without anyone stopping him like Mat Selamat and the 500,000 or more illegal workers. Guess he wanted a public redemption. How many read the Treaty or Agreement? There is a clause that specified that the return of any MCP member should not be published? Personally, I don’t care whether he is allowed or not to come back. Just no double standard as far as possible.

  150. kittykat46 says:

    Maharaja Lela was just the local “protection money” collector.
    He pocketed easily 30% or more of everything he collected “on behalf” of the Sultan.
    Naturally, he got very angry when James W.W. Birch moved into his turf and started expropriating the funds for the British instead.

    He reacted like any Mafia Chieftain would against a new competitior….he terminated his opponent.

    J.W.W.B. had a taste for the local Malay girls too…in those days, there were no available Caucasian females anywhere within a thousand miles…and that added to the injury.

    That’s my alternative history of Perak….. 🙂

    Back during the Bukit Gantang Buy-election, I sat down for lunch with a guy who says he’s a direct descendant of Maharaja Lela….he’s an Al-Juburi supporter now.

  151. . says:

    “Hahahaha….goodnessgracious….I know your other nicks. ” -Whispering9

    No disrespect to you hitherto but Please substantiate your claim or else you are another of those phony self-proclaimed expert.

  152. whispering9 says:

    “However, there is a big caution for the Opposition in Peninsular Malaysia. Straighten up, Pakatan Rakyat, and take note of a loud wake-up call now ringing. Rest early on your laurels and you are a dead duck, the visuals of Putrajaya doomed.

    The Merdeka Center findings indicate that people who think the country is moving towards the right direction has accentuated from 37% (April 3) to 41% (May 15), a steady climb within six weeks and still counting (see Page 13 of 24). ” from Screenshot.

    ., u are right. I am a phony expert. It is an old trick from a fable. ;0

  153. Lai says:

    can we use sediction act to those veteran soldiers? who give you the power to shoot this n that?

  154. Menyalak-er says:

    Ah so. porcupine/pangolin’s egerlish has improved tremendously since the advent of vertebrate colonization on land. He equates the time of ‘Eden’ (beautiful garden) with his metazoan hertage. Btw, jean, ascarids are roundworms that inhabit your gut. Just hang around, but don’t get so ‘curled up’ with personal stuff.
    Surely, this blog can accomodate more than one sided views, can’t it? If there are any CT using more than one nick, that’s cyber dishonesty and depravity.

  155. 103East says:

    Our hm minister SG says Mas Selamat was kept free to help track other militants. Wow..thats a very orginal idea. Something the US intelligence should learn from Msia. No? Special treatment for this terrorist?

  156. Menyalak-er says:

    Mas Selamat? Is he in anyway related to OOtuson’s bAwang Selamat? The flur who’s terribly constipated and jaundiced, and ought to be put to sleep?

  157. dev says:


    Good, atleast you are trying and I will be happy to lend a hand. Just to reminise the past, before and just after independence when we had the Malayan Civil Service, there were many Malay gentlemen who spoke impeccable English and from this group many were appointed as district officers,teachers,majistrates and sessions court presidents but sadly today, we have university lecturers, professors and most of all senior government officers who can’t seem to converse in English at all. Therefore, if efforts are being made, then it must be supported for atleast we will be on par with the others.

  158. kittykat46 says:

    “The Merdeka Center findings indicate that people who think the country is moving towards the right direction has accentuated from 37% (April 3) to 41% (May 15), a steady climb within six weeks and still counting”

    Interesting….from my assessment, in the last six weeks, the local economy’s performance actually worsened. There is a time lag in how some of these indicators affect the Real Economy, and the really tough effects are now beginning to bite.

    A lot of businesses are being downsized or closed down totally. Retailers are offering deep discounts…with no real buyers, just window shoppers. The end game is, of course, closure.

    Can you eat Ketuanan Melayu ?

    I suppose we deserve the government we get….support Najis, and Najis is what you get…

  159. dev says:


    Good, atleast you are trying and I will be happy to lend a hand.

  160. whispering9 says:

    Yes kk46….the local economy is really bad. At this rate, if the Government does nothing to stem corruption and leakages, it is going to be real ugly. We are now liken to the experimented drowning rats. The listing of Malaysia as the 4th riskiest place to invest will further dampen recovery. How will DSN’s trip to China fare? I have my doubt because the last time he went for the squatting incident, he was badly received and his wife was snubbed at an official dinner for arriving late. Past and present reputation is very important for businesses and economies. Something the current administration leaders lack and seem to be making matters worse. But they may get their acts together eventually… never know in politics.

  161. monsterball says:

    Goodessgracious me…Jean is a mother?
    Whisper can be secretive.Say it loud and clear…for goodness sake.
    Lai going o 103East street munching a kitkat choc…not interested in small talk. He wants soldiers to be arrested talking out of line.
    Small landek….whatever it is…getting morning dew for health.
    Leaving code decipher….professor of higher studies in politics aside….I am disappointed with Jean….out of three…talking bout is wrong.
    I love my children and business….yes.
    I love my wives…wrong. If I love them……why divorced all?
    I took care of them after divorcing…correct.
    One got married .two are find richer hubbies?
    My business is bad ….mainly due to fine government we have..not due world economic crisis. We so rich..what crisis? But crisis we are in ..worst than those who have no pennies from heaven.
    Jean business OK…and why not….UMNO always help their own party members….leaving the same kind of their own in PAS ignored.
    The same kind team up with Chinese do not actually depend on UMNO at all….are now suffering. Jean business is OK. How fair can that be.
    Blog is calm and nice….to read ad relax.
    All I know….tomorrow is one day nearer to 13th GE…and counting.
    When the day comes..I do feel 10 ft. tall.

  162. goodnessgracious says:

    “you can blardy well fark off from this country.” – me

    Double standard here I see, ‘They cannot mention pendatang but you can blardy well ask anyone to fark off’. – whispering9

    Sorry mate, that`s definitely over the top, stupid, and uncalled for, thousand apologies,
    but, really, Bondi Beach is nice this time of the year 🙂

  163. monsterball says: complexes offering huge discount .get window shoppers…very few buyers.
    Previously..customers rush and grab things at will. One need to spend 1/2 hour…lining up to pay. No more such things.
    Chinese will not sting on food…..but most have gone from restaurants to food keep up their way of live with families.
    Muslims seems to have the money power to continue expensive life style…..makes me look like an idiot….being a failure in business.
    I am used to that ….knowing it is not true. I do not fail. The government failed me.
    What’s up next few months?.I wait for kittykat monthly reports.
    He is good at he speculate in shares.
    But of late…I find certain months…invest in foreign exchange can make you a bundle..that is if the bundle you keep to spend at that country. Convert it back to RM… are back to square cone.
    RM is shrinking worldwide. Be prepared for much dearer imported stuffs.
    Najib will keep on telling Malaysians…..Malaysia is tiny and depend on Europe and USA. How logical that sound to Malaysians…but guys like kittykat knows..totally not true.
    Imagine no huge billions corruptions and sound management….what will be Malaysia.
    One said General Motors… going bankcrupt…Proton must be so well managed by UMNO…no bankcrupt.
    GM is 1000 times more bigger than Protion and is suffering from world recessions.
    Proton is tin can car….actually went bankcrupt ….when all is well worldwide. It is going to make huge looses right now…and UMNO wil bail itout…after 13th GE. meanwhile cover ups upon cover make things look nice….hoping Malaysians will think…”Don’t rock the boat. Lets continue with UMNO”

  164. whispering9 says:

    Hey goodnessgracious….we had our differences yeah 🙂 but it is very nice of you to make up. I am humbled. No hard feeling ok.

  165. goodnessgracious says:

    No worries mate

  166. wenger says:


    Roof collapses on our hopes

    …this an omen of things to come?

    In his his latest posting, blogger Voicey has given voice to the dramatic collapse in support Prime Minister Najib is getting from members of his own party.

    Maybe a more appropriate moniker for the PM’s economic team should be the “Commitee to Save Our Skins”!

  167. monsterball says:

    UMNO will need lots of billions to cover up….next few months
    Oil prices should reduced further..few months ago…no such thing.
    Earning billions that should be given back to Malaysians will cheaper oil….not such thing. The billions
    ‘rob’ from us…cannot be seen… not enough for cover ups.
    Car petrol prices will increase… very soon…with their usual stories..for cover ups…and little from here and there in daily essentials…making it look insignificant…but your monthly budgeting income will tax you to the fullest…dearer stuffs…same income.

  168. wits0 says:

    Proton’s Kar-ma is about to be run over by its (umno)Dog-ma and the public need not shed a tear or two for a chimera built on hubris and flagrant fleecing of the auto trade via taxation. Up to this day, these Potong buffoons still do not know how to sell cars.

  169. Kancilandak says:

    Thank you dev and Menyalak-er for apprecate my english.
    Not garden of Eden, but Malaysian were peaceful after 2008 election until Aljuburi become Oppoisition leader talk about 916 and jumping party idea not little bit worried about economy! The joker Raja Prata fitnah make it worst.

  170. monsterball says:

    Yes…wenger….it is a good omen to let Malaysians judge…why roof collapse.
    Where there is massive corruptions…all thing good will not be permanent.

  171. monsterball says:

    Straits Times needs bail out. Malay Mail needs bail out.
    Tenaga National needs bail out.
    Airlines needs bail out.
    Ton Rasa may need to bailout one son from prison.
    Samy Vellu is paying for some of his sins….son no good.
    Who knows..Bank Negara may need bail out..playing UMNO’s game.
    Here comes Santa Claus from USA…China or Japan.
    China help…f…king USA continue…..but UMNO dare not f….k Japan too.
    Smart ass UMNO knows ..where their bread being buttered.

  172. wits0 says:

    Old story : The nasi lemak on MAS being contracted at RM 150 per plate. Everybody needs his cut along the way and the passenger ends up paying for it. They(umnoputras) proudly call it business. Ethics for them!

  173. monsterball says:

    witso …I think you mean RM15 per plate…plus taxes..close to RM18 per plate?

  174. wits0 says:

    The late MGG Pillai once reported this way back, it was over 100 bucks a plate for premium class passengers.

  175. monsterball says:

    That’s not true.
    He must have nasi lemak …with one bottle whiskey.

  176. wits0 says:

    Not only biz is bad, shopkeepers nowadays seem to have constant stories about the security situation as well. Consensus seems to be that reporting crimes to the cops is quite ineffectual and this is not from big city living.

  177. wits0 says:

    “That’s not true.”

    Not necessarily. Maybe they quickly withdrew that because of the expected outcry. Journalist Joe Fernandez has also mentioned the same thing.

  178. candid says:

    “witso …I think you mean RM15 per plate…plus taxes..close to RM18 per plate?”

    I think that was army breakfast contract for soldiers in e.msia for 15 years awarded to Badawi`s brother when former was Defence Minister. Badawi said he left the room when decision was made. After that, TDM made him Foreign Minister and kicked him out of the country.

    Now Najib makes Bodowee MAS advisor, and bodowee bro has MAS catering contract.

  179. monsterball says:

    Yes Mara bankcrupt…no more loans to students.
    Thousands never pay back after graduating and earn good salaries.
    UMNO Malays have very bad habits….know how to borrow…seldom pay back.
    Because all are Muslims…MARA showed to Malaysians…they sued ..but took no actions at all…just for show. Racialists they are.
    So now needs hundreds of millions….to continue. UMNO cannot afford t make false moves.
    LKS and RPK dangerous fellas…self appointed policemen.
    False moves….these two Freedom Fighters will give UMNO hell.
    Better run….before Kuasi come and haunt me.
    So much truths…suspicions… presumptions revealed….how can they stand monsterball?
    They do not debate or prove me wrong. They just want to insult and belittled me.

  180. candid says:

    The Brothers Four
    Don’t Let The Rain Come Down lyrics

    Oh, no, dont let the rain come down
    Oh, no, dont let the rain come down
    Oh, no, dont let the rain come down
    My roofs got a hole in it and I might drown
    Oh, yes, my roofs got a hole in it and I might drown.

    There was a crooked man and he had a crooked smile
    Had a crooked sixpence and he walked a crooked mile
    Had a crooked cat and he had a crooked mouse
    They all lived together in a crooked little house.
    Well, this crooked little man and his crooked little smile
    Took his crooked sixpence and he walked a crooked mile
    Bought some crooked nails and a crooked bat
    Tried to fix his roof with a rat-tat-tat-tat-tat.
    Now this crooked little man and his crooked cat and mouse
    They all live together in a crooked little house
    Has a crooked door with a crooked little latch
    Has a crooked roof with a crooked little patch.

  181. Morning Dew says:

    Sherry’ closure :
    Sherry: Morning Dew, that’s not true, cant be! I know that is not pro-truth. Coz ONLY the monster always know “the truths”.


    Time to sleep, and no hard feeling please guys. GOOD NITE…..

    You see psychologically you needed closure by taking this swipe at me before you could sleep. If your psychological need in times of peace and plenty is so important why don’t give the same consideration to chin peng and those countless soldiers who came out to say that chin peng shouldn’t be allowed to return. These soldiers needed closure as much as chin peng and if the bn government understood this simple need of the nation’s psyche they would organise a meeting of the two sides. Both sides need to forgive – both sides lost a lot , mostly their humanity when innocent victims were killed by people from both sides.

    The nation needed to come to terms with its past otherwise the hate will be propagated to the next generation.

    Jean’s equating chin peng to hitler and karadzic was really a cheap swipe without any real understanding of what hitler and karadzic did. But then again in “war” of words anything goes or does it ?

    May you, sherry, have peace and happiness.

  182. wits0 says:

    “Jean’s equating chin peng to hitler and karadzic was really a cheap swipe without any real understanding of what hitler and karadzic did.”

    That’s when her ‘face water’ pretension towards “class” got washed down the gutter.

    “May you, sherry, have peace and happiness.”

    Hehehehe! They’ll have to wait at the end of a very long line indeed.

  183. atmospheric pressure says:

    Chin Peng is just an old stupid dog.

    If Chin Peng wants to see his ancestors here but won’t allow, just dig the bones, put in a urn, and ship to Thailand, then Chin Peng can be with his ancestors forever and wherever he goes.

    No wonder Chin Peng could not reign Bolehland because Chin Peng simply don’t have the otak udang!

  184. atmospheric pressure says:

    Looking at those traitors like Dr. M, adr, gb, ai, na, sv, rapi, mh, nj, lls, lks, lka, lal, okt, kv… they are all traitors of the highest order.

    These traitors have/had been selling the denizens to the dogs and main their buntut kow kow from 1 gen to another gen.

    Now they want to ban the old bodoh communist from coming to Bolehland?

    Bolehland is just a bodohland filled with leaders with pig brain.

  185. atmospheric pressure says:

    No wonder Bolehland with all the natural rich resources ending like Congo, Zimbabwe, Nigeria…

    These political traitors should be sent to the deserts in Sahara deserts and let the camels main their bunt*t kow kow.

    The Bedouins there just love watching this facorite scene of theirs!

  186. kekekeke says:

    “aiyoh!….. atmospheric pressure let go steam…going to burst like a stinking bomb..with brain went hay wild…talking like a lunatic” – monsterball

    The lunatic is on the grass. Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs. Got to keep the loonies on the path …

  187. haha says:

    “…Jean is a mother?” – monsterball – June 2, 2009 at 4:42 pm

  188. atmospheric pressure says:

    Kekekeke! Chin Peng screwed razak before, now najib is screwing back Chin Peng.

    What you did to others, others would do to you now.

    How true! How true!

    Fark yew, chin pen zee, kekekeke & monsterball! Kekekeke…

  189. kekekeke says:

    Fark yew,…kekekeke …….Kekekeke…atmospheric pressure

    Anytime honey, I got the KY…bring jean also…we`ll make movies together. Here`s 3

  190. Amir says:

    “Najib seharusnya mendapatkan usul kepercayaan apabila Parlimen bersidang pada 15 Jun, jika tidak, adakah ia kerana beliau khuatir tidak akan mendapat sokongan 100 peratus daripada Ahli Parlimen UMNO dan Barisan,” kata Kit Siang.

    “Mantan Perdana Menteri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dan Tun Hussein Onn masing-masing meletakkan usul kepercayaan terhadap kepimpinan mereka sebagai agenda pertama apabila Parlimen bersidang,” kata Kit Siang.

  191. lostnajis says:

    UMNO lost Manek Urai buy-election today:
    Tuesday June 2, 2009 MYT 6:00:00 PM

    KUALA LUMPUR: Umno assemblyman for Paloh Datuk Nozula Mat Diah, a defendant in a RM6 million defamation suit filed by Pas vice-president Datuk Husam Musa, issued a public apology Tuesday in a Malay daily.

    The apology, which appeared on the notice’s page, read as follows:

    “I, YB Datuk Nozula Mat Diah whole heartedly and unconditionally apologise to YB Datuk Husam Musa for making an untrue and baseless report against him to the Anti-Corruption Agency in 2007.

    I hereby retract all my allegations and express my deepest regret because the allegations have caused stress to him and his family, and tarnished his character.”

    According to Husam’s lawyer Ahmad Shabrimi Mohamed Sidek, the public apology was issued after an agreement between Husam and Nozula to settle the matter out of court.

  192. hamid says:

    Si penakut yang mengaku kuat

    Presiden Umno, Najib Razak pula menyatakan bahawa itu bukan kemenangan mutlak juga harus menutup muka kerana beliau sendiri, berdasarkan kajian Merdeka Centre didapati hanya mendapat sokongan kurang 45% sebagai Perdana Menteri.

    Sepatutnya pada masa ini beliau letak jawatan. Jika tak puas hati dengan Kajian itu, Najib boleh buat pungutan suara, biar satu negara bagi jawapan.

  193. monsterball says:

    You guys are really pleasure to be with.
    Atmosphere have a tool than need to be pressurized…like a balloon…not natural….no voom power..soft and meaningless.
    Cannot express with actions.
    Previously roar like a tiger… just fut out steam….hating monsterball the most… for o reasons….except maybe jealous of my big balls.
    On medication….prescribed by himself….like a real idiotic ….take that daily….got hooked and star .picking on everyone…like we owe him something.
    Without mediation…he is another person.
    Jean a mother? Never hear her said anything about her husband. Maybe pregnant with no man…claiming to be the father.
    But she is a smart lady…one day with hook a sucker again.
    If that sucker turns out to be PR…active politician….she will turncoat and f..k Najib.
    Siti …..I understand supported PR…admires Anwar….but hubby …die hard UMNO..
    How long will this couple last? I hope forever. New broom sweeps well.
    Videos are fun. Thanks for thinking to make others happy.
    Only BN buggers may come out… to spoil our nice evening.

  194. monsterball says:

    You guys are really pleasure to be with.
    Atmosphere have a tool than need to be pressurized…like a balloon…not natural….no voom power..soft and meaningless.
    Cannot express with actions.
    On medication….prescribed by himself……take that daily….got hooked and start .picking on everyone…like we owe him something.
    Jean a mother? Never hear her said anything about her husband.
    Videos are fun. Thanks for thinking to make others happy.
    Only BN buggers may come out… to spoil our nice evening.

  195. monsterball says:

    As expected UMNO mouth piece….the Foreign Minister said PR won nothing at Penanti….bla bla bla
    These shameless creatures can never say anything truthful.

  196. semivalue says:

    They are leaving——–

    B Braun’s VP said that that the company was considering to move part of its operations, specifically pharmaceuticals, from Penang to Indonesia because it did not wish to go through “medical middlemen” to sell its products. The current practise is to go through a third party.

  197. monsterball says:

    Why is atmospheric pressure farking everyone?
    Never once… put out a battle with intelligence.

  198. sherry says:

    Hi MD, great to hear fro you again. After 2 days, I m still grasping to figure it out whether your lengthy novel the other day was an advice directed to me of to your goodself.

    Sorry, m too slow to respond coz there was too much delusions and you took so much trouble to provide your own answers to your own questions based on every shortcoming arguments you could detect from my prior comments. Leaving me little to response and making “pre-judgemental” statements on what would be my next course.

    Literally and educationally, my English is not as good as yours in expressing my comments so I hope you could bear with that in my quality of wordings.

    My comments that you pasted was actually only a portion of my original comments not posted by this blog. Earlier, I thought this blog is special as it posted all friendly and unfriendly comments compared with Anwar’s and RPK’s blog. However, the last 2-3 days made me realized Susan’s blog is not much diferrent either. Some monsters were lucky to be under special protection here, but what would expect anyway.

    I will still respond to your earlier lengthy comments later on, but let me first response to what you just said, below:-

    SD: “——-why don’t give the same consideration to chin peng and those countless soldiers who came out to say that chin peng shouldn’t be allowed to return. These soldiers needed closure as much as chin peng and if the bn government understood this simple need of the nation’s psyche they would organise a meeting of the two sides. BOTH SIDES need to forgive – both sides lost a lot , mostly their humanity when innocent victims were killed by people from both sides.”


    SIDE A – CHIN PENG Peng was the CHIEF COMMANDER of the BANNED CPM (pertubuhan yang diharamkan) and was a DECISION MAKER. He decided war, not peace with the legal authority i.e. Malaysian Government (not just Army). Chin Peng received order from Communists China so he was a TRAITOR. Since the 1989 Peace Treaty until NOW Chin Peng has never “officially regretted” his murderous actions nor “officially abandoned” his COMMUNISM IDEOLOGY which is BANNED in Malaysia. He could still harbours his communist idealism in CHINA, Thailand, Russia, Cuba or anywhere else if these allow, but this is MALAYSIA and this country’s current authority i.e BN Govt decided that KOMINIS IS BANNED. So if PR becomes the next Government and decides that KOMINIS is allowed, then the people whether pro-PR or pro-BN must then accept the next Govt’s decision just as they have to accept the current Govt’s stand.

    Shamsiah Pakeh, Rashid Maidin and other ex-communists were allowed to return because they had openly express their regrets and had abandoned communism, not because they are Malay or Indian or Kadazan or because they grew very old, sick, have many grandkids on humanitarian grounds. Chin Peng is not so lucky because he cant even pretend that he “has abandoned his communism” or that he is now a “champion of democracy”. He is not allowed to return home not because he is a Malay or a Chinese. That is the difference.

    Worst still, he cant even proof that he is a Malaysian Citizen or a Gambir Permanent Resident (sic, Gambir battleground in Kedah). If even he is a citizen, the present BN Govt has every right to revoke his citizenship, of course only until PR takes over as the new Govt and appoints the racist Lim Kit Siang as PM and gives Chin Peng his citizenship and a heroic welcome (surely PM Anwar wont dare doing it).

    SIDE B – THOSE COUNTLESS SOLDIERS were loyal citizen of this country, they fought for the nation, they follow order from the Government of the day, they suffered deaths, legs amputated and handicapped for life, could lead normal life like us younger generations, psychological damage, loss of family members as much as civillians of Malaysia (surely there cant be civillians on “both sides” coz legal civillians cant be communist, or are you saying communist civillians???).


    Heck, your so-called “NEXT PR GOVERNMENT” must be the most forgiving, most charitable, most humane and most noble government in the whole Universe.

    MD, you said “The nation needed to come to terms with its past otherwise the hate will be propagated to the next generation.”

    Yes, I totally agree, and in order to do that the current and next generation must be told about the real truth and facts of history and the repercussions, and not being mislead by the lies and distortion by poilitical duds like DAP’s Kia Kua Soong for their malicious political agendas.

    By the way, if the communists army suffered much more that the Malaysian Army, they have no bloody right morally to suffer less than others. And Civillians, they were all civillians not on any side.

    MD, try to look at the “bread” that I wrote, not the way or words that “Mr X” presents in his writing. Otherwise, you will only detect his “defects” on the wrong side of the roof.

  199. Amir says:

    Dengan Notis Permohonan Maaf ini maka terbukti bahawa segala tuduhan liar yang dibuat terhadap anakguam kami adalah fitnah semata-mata, tidak benar dan tidak berasas. Ini juga bermakna kerajaan negeri juga bersih dari segala salahlaku yang didakwa. Pihak kami akan membuat tindakan seterusnya bagi membersihkan nama baik anakguam kami. Kami juga dalam proses rundingan penyelesaian dengan para defendan lain.

    Sekian, terima kasih.
    Yang benar

    Ahmad Shabrimi Mohamed Sidek
    Peguambela dan Peguamcara
    Tetuan Saiful Kasri & Associates

  200. Amir says:

    The article made reference to the rights of citizenship given to non-Malays before independence, comparing Malaysia to other countries which according to the weekly had rejected their immigrant communities.

    The article also quoted former MIC president Tun V.T Sambanthan as comparing Malaysia to Burma, where the Indian community had been forced out.

    Muhyiddin pointed out that such articles are irresponsible and goes against the government’s 1Malaysia concept. He said that it is important that the media should preserve a good sense of judgment.

    “We are talking about Malaysians of all races working together in unity. That is very important because we do not want to create unnecessary problems among ourselves. We must treasure the good relations that we have developed among each other and we must continue respecting each other,” he added.

    Utusan Malaysia had over the past week ratcheted up racial tensions by running daily stories criticising calls to allow former communist leader Chin Peng to return to Malaysia, linking it to what the newspaper says are moves to question Malay rights.

  201. monsterball says:

    So many huge companies have left their production plant from Malaysia to Indonesia and elsewhere… for the past 10 years.
    We are now importing…..more than exporting..on essential items.
    Previously bragged to be world largest toys… air-cond …detergent …hand phones…toothpaste…TV…world exporter..and many more…..all gone.
    Never know how to stop compnies from leaving…because UMNO knows next to nothing about business. Infact ..UMNO knows next to nothing about anything.
    Refused to learn..and work….keep getting elected ..leaning only the art to .brainwash voters…with false hope…promises….succeeded to fool millions.
    They still think they can keep fooling and win elections.
    UMNO can claim to be the biggest hypocrites in the world.

  202. james says:

    The number of Malaysian taking up permanent residence elsewhere is, at best, guesswork since they will not tell the Malaysian government that they have PR overseas.

    However, we can make an educated guess. A workshop held a few years ago at a Chinese-based think tank in Kl suggest that since 1970, more than a million Malaysians have moved overseas permanently. More than 80 per cent are non-Malays and, in particular, Chinese.

    The reasons are varied but centre around three basic issues……

  203. monsterball says:

    Sherry has a clear mission to upset this blog…with repeating long meaningless messages.
    This shit lady cannot take so many new comments put out and respond.
    It must always be hers.
    So many have actually responded to all her points…she keep ignoring and out came the same message again.
    Read a person’s character by reading the messages….and you will note….she is one screw loos too.
    Yearning for someone to talk to her….she has now chosen…MD.
    Who is MD?

  204. james says:

    The plight of Manohara and her wrecked fairy-tale marriage raises grim questions for the Malaysian government, which refused to grant Fajarina and her second daughter a visa to visit the country to attempt to rescue Manohara. The mother claimed Manohara had been kidnapped in Saudi Arabia after a February visit to the Muslim holy land to and hustled back to Malaysia aboard a private jet, leaving the mother standing on the tarmac.

    The refusal of the Malaysian immigration department to allow the two into the country again raises questions of the disappearance of the immigration records of Mongolian translator Altantuya Shaariibuu and her two companions after she was murdered in 2006 by two of Najib’s bodyguards.

  205. monsterball says:

    After 13th GE….most may return….with good offers…james.
    UMNO loves all Chinese to leave too.
    We must not give them the pleasure to discourage us so before…as right now… a change of government with a strong non racialist government under PR is clearly… a reality.

  206. chan says:

    Has MARA run out of funds leaving hundreds stranded without their bumiputera student loans – and how can such a financial scandal happen?

    I have received the following email from a Malay student in a private college:

  207. monsterball says:

    Your 9.26 pm refers.That’s why we must vote UMNO out…James.

  208. chan says:

    Politically he came out of nowhere when the former PM brought his out of the woodwork after retiring from Maybank and made him a minister.

    That rightly gave rise to all sorts of rumours on why Abdullah recruited him. He was in Maybank and did a good job as a diligent conservative banker until just before he retired when Maybank belatedly ventured into Pakistan, Vietnam and Indonesia.

    It is public knowledge that all these purchases were overpriced and now Maybank is beginning to suffer huge losses due to the non-performing loans of its overseas banks.

    Sadly, while the bank officers may claim that all these deals were done transparently and above board, the ultimate losers are the unit holders of Permodalan Nasional Berhad’s unit trusts.

  209. chan says:


    People are asking these questions. The impression is the government seems not to be in a hurry to solve the crisis. People are suffering and there is no sign that ministers and top civil servants are is worried.

    There is no gesture on part of Cabinet members and top civil servants to reduce their salaries and allowances to show sympathy with the people. When the rakyat are suffering, it would be nice if Ministers, Menteris Besar, Chief Ministers and deputy ministers make some sacrifices.

    Back here among the padi farmers to take care of my ailing dad, I hear their cries of pain as their padi crop is destroyed by the parasitic snails and their living standard eaten away by inflation.

    -Kadir Jasin

  210. rajiya says:

    Vote of confidence dare for ‘sour grapes’ Najib
    Jun 2, 09 5:57pm

    Is the PM afraid of seeking a vote of confidence in case he is unable to secure 100 percent support from Umno and BN MPs? asks Kit Siang.MORE

    Hussein Onn and Pak Lah did it
    45% approval rating ‘shocking’

  211. Menyalak-er says:

    If the ‘Economist’ naif decides that a ex-banker is an economist, so it shall be. To the rest of the world, an economist can be a banker amongst many other things, but a banker playing an economist is hard sell. Amirsham must be a ‘produdgy’.
    As for reducing the salary of the top gomen servants – their pay ain’t that great in comparison to many other countries – but the ‘bawah meja’ is stupendous!
    Now if they were to give up these ‘perks’, or never did it in the first place they would be driving Potongs like the rest of us. Maybe then, they should deserve the MARA loan.

  212. sherry says:


    Hi MD, great to hear from you again. After 2 days, I m still grasping to figure it out whether your lengthy novel the other day was an advice directed to me or to your goodself.

    Sorry, I m too slow to respond coz there was too much delusions and you took so much trouble to provide your own answers to your own questions based on every “shortcoming arguments” that you could detect from my prior comments. Leaving me little left to response.

    And you made “pre-judgemental” statements on what would be my next course(what made you so certain that I would shy away from commenting on the Lina Joy and “body snatching issues”?Are you trying to encourage or instigate me not to?

    Literally and educationally, my English is not as good as yours in expressing my comments so I hope you could bear with that in my quality of wordings (also the reason why I have to re-post, and some monsters would screamed on this “Mr X” mishap).

    My comments that you posted was actually only a portion of my original comments not posted by this blog. Earlier, I thought this blog is special as it posted all friendly and unfriendly comments compared with Anwar’s and RPK’s blog. However, the last 2-3 days made me realized Susan’s blog is not much diferrent either. Some monsters were lucky to be under special protection here, but what would you expect anyway if your views are”not admired”

    I will still respond to your earlier lengthy comments later on, but let me first response to what you just said, below:-

    SD: “——-why don’t give the same consideration to chin peng and those countless soldiers who came out to say that chin peng shouldn’t be allowed to return. These soldiers needed closure as much as chin peng and if the bn government understood this simple need of the nation’s psyche they would organise a meeting of the two sides. BOTH SIDES need to forgive – both sides lost a lot , mostly their humanity when innocent victims were killed by people from both sides.”


    SIDE A – CHIN PENG Peng was the CHIEF COMMANDER of the BANNED CPM (pertubuhan yang diharamkan) and was a DECISION MAKER. He decided war, not peace with the legal authority i.e. Malaysian Government (not just Army). Chin Peng received order from Communists China so he was a TRAITOR.

    Since the 1989 Peace Treaty until NOW Chin Peng has never “officially regretted” his murderous actions nor “officially abandoned” his COMMUNISM IDEOLOGY which is BANNED in Malaysia (In fact TILL TODAY CHIN PENG STILL PROUDLY WORSHIP COMMUNISM, DO YOU?).

    In the name of Freedom, Chin Peng can go on harbouring his communist idealism, in CHINA, Thailand, Russia, CUBA or anywhere else if these countries allow, but this is MALAYSIA and this country’s current authority i.e BN Govt decided that “KOMINIS” IS BANNED. So if PR becomes the next Government and decides that “KOMINIS” is allowed, then the people whether pro-PR or pro-BN must then accept the next Govt’s decision just as they have to accept the current Govt’s stand.

    Shamsiah Pakeh, Rashid Maidin and other ex-communists were allowed to return because they had openly express their regrets and had abandoned communism, not because they are Malay or Indian or Kadazan or because they grew very old, sick, have many grandkids i.e. humanitarian grounds.

    Chin Peng is not so lucky because he cant even pretend that he “has abandoned his communism” or that he is now a “champion of democracy”. He is not allowed to return home not because he is a Malay or a Chinese. THAT IS THE DIFFERENCE.

    Worst still, he cant even proof that he is a Malaysian Citizen or a Gambir Permanent Resident (sic, Gambir was battleground in Kedah). Even if even he is a citizen, the present BN Govt has every right to revoke his citizenship, of course only until PR takes over as the new Govt and appoints the racist Lim Kit Siang as PM and gives Chin Peng his citizenship and a heroic welcome (surely PM Anwar wont dare doing it). (Or the noble PR Govt still keep the 6 BOXES which amongst other contained the old ID of the monster Chin Peng)

    SIDE B – THOSE COUNTLESS SOLDIERS (they cannot command) were loyal citizen of this country, they fought for the nation, they follow order from the Government of the day, they suffered deaths, legs amputated and handicapped for life, couldnt lead normal life like us younger generations, psychological and mental damage, loss of family members just as much as civillians of Malaysia (surely there cant be civillians on “both sides” coz legal civillians cant be communist, or are you saying they exist communist civillians???).


    (One could possibly forgive and forget a thief who stole his wallet containing RM20, but could one easily been asked and expected to forgive or even forget a murderer who killed his loved one, or a grandfather who raped his granddaughter? Perhaps the grandfather (the alligator), but certainly not the granddaughter’s mother(the victims)) and some monsters!!!

    Heck, your so-called “NEXT PR GOVERNMENT” must be the most forgiving, most charitable, most humane and most noble government in the whole Universe.

    MD, you said “The nation needed to come to terms with its past otherwise the hate will be propagated to the next generation.”

    Yes, I totally agree with you, and in order to do that the current and next generation must be told about the real truth and facts of history and the repercussions, and not being mislead by the lies and distortion by poilitical duds like DAP’s Kia Kua Soong for their malicious political agendas.

    By the way, if the communists army suffered much more that the Malaysian Army, they have no bloody right morally to suffer less than others. And “Civillians”, they were all civillians not on any side.

    MD, try to look at the “bread” that I wrote, not the way or words that “Mr X” presents in his writing. Otherwise, you will only detect his “defects” on the wrong side of the roof.

    sherry – June 2, 2009 at 9:00 pm


  213. monsterball says:

    Semivalue……B.Braun has a distinctive color scheme working place and out look……all green.
    I have the pleasure to visit the factory in Penang who is using my drink machine to serve drinks to staff and visitors.
    No doubt it will be a great loss to Penang….if they move some productions away. They have few offices all over Malaysia.
    Why must there be a condition….by government..they need to sell to third do business?
    Who is the third party…… of UMNO’s company?
    I hope silly rules to upset marketing be discouraged.
    B.Braun dominate certain medical products in the world…and UMNO is very good at cashing monopolized business that they have no business to monopolized.
    So used to bully and control….this attitude has chased so many away..which I have listed in previous comment.
    Do not always believe cheap labors is the main factor.
    So many more reasons…..much more important the cheap labor not known to the public…..such as expensive routes…poor power and water supply….not fair and sensible terms and conditions set up by government.
    They do have conditions that awarding tenders must go through a Malay company.I guess that make B. Braun extremely unhappy.
    I lost so many tenders due to the fact..I do not have a 30% Malay partner. When I offer to few UMNO’s group..for partnership….they actually want it free!!!
    I refused to do business with UMNO government.

  214. MggPillai says:

    Who is the third party…… of UMNO’s company? –
    monsterball – June 2, 2009 at 10:46 pm

    Fleecing At The Pharmacy

    The health minister, Dato’ Chua Jui Meng, now discovers generic drugs. He says in view of higher pharmaceutical drug prices, as much as 30 per cent, people should go for generic drugs which he now says is equally reliable. But he does not say where they could be got. Ask a pharmacy, any pharmacy, in Kuala Lumpur or the major towns, and most would tell you they do not stock them. As your doctor to prescribe generic drugs, and he invariably would not have any in stock. But generic drugs are easily available in other countries without difficulty, and doctors often give you the option of a branded or generic drugs.

    Not in Malaysia. The medical fraternity and the pharmaceutical drug companies discourage it. They are a powerful lobby in the dispensing of medicine. If the doctors do not stock them, you cannot get them. The doctors do not stock them because the drug companies give them incentives so lucrative that they ignore the patient’s needs. It is not unusual for drug companies to give the double the drugs ordered for the price of one, which adds to the doctor’s income.

    But pharmaceutical drugs cost more than in the rest of the region because of the monopoly shared by a company controlled by the Prime Minister, Dato’ Seri Mahathir Mohamed’s son, Mokhzhani Mahathir, and the finance minister Tun Daim Zainuddin-controlled Renong. No drug company can tender unless a Mokhzani-controlled company is paid a commission, variously between three and per cent, a commission which should make him laugh all the way to the bank if it were not for his huge bank loans.


  215. MggPillai says:

    Fleecing At The Pharmacy (contd.)

    This ensures that drug costs remain high. The Renong-controlled PharmaNiaga also controls the privatised National Pharmaceutical Control Library, which must test all drugs brought into the control, and can decide which can and which cannot be sold on the local market. If the Prime Minister remains long enough at the helm, his son’s venture into the medical field would ensure he would provide all support services of hospitals in Malaysia. He already controls the Pantai Hospital group. However much the government talks of a fair deal for Malaysians, it is no more than a fair deal for the two groups.

    The cost of branded drugs rise so frequently that, like the road tolls, they are beyond the reach of most Malaysians. Common everyday drugs like pain killers are far too expensive. Cardiprin, a specially-concocted aspirin to thin the blook, which I take, cost about RM9 for 28 here, but I get them from Australia through a friend and there is costs about A$7 for 100 tables. Aspirin, which is what Cardiprin is, is easily available in the United States for a few dollars for a bottle of 500. The cost of one branded multivitamin tablet cost the equivalent of 14 sen in India and RM1.50 here. Price gouging is common in most pharmacies, though they justify it by rising prices.

    Life-saving drugs you need to keep you alive, like blood pressure tables, rise so fast so often that many cannot afford it. I cannot now afford, and could not for years, routine checks on my heart — I have had a heart bypass 13 years ago — for the costs have become prohibitive — and that in a government hospital. I am lucky my doctor, in my view one of the best general physicians in Kuala Lumpur, reduces the risk by stepping in as best he can. Medical care is beyond the reach of most Malaysians. The high cost of all medicine makes it a burden for any who is not a government servant or retiree or has group medical insurance.

  216. MggPillai says:

    Fleecing At The Pharmacy (contd.)

    When the system breaks down, as health and medical services have, the health minister tries to calm down the growing anger by suggesting alternatives he has no intention to bring about. He provides no explanation why drug prices must rise so sharply as now, why we pay far higher prices than citizens in neighbouring countries, why some drugs used widely is not allowed into the country. A friend orders his vitamins in bulk from the United States until he found he could get them cheaper in Singapore. This particular brand, one of the best known, is not allowed into Malaysia.

    All sorts of political and marketing games are played to keep drugs in the hands of a few companies and groups to keep them costly. There was some form of competition when the two monopolists did not take over the hospital and medical care services. Not any more. There is a way out of it, but this suggestion would never be allowed to become a fact: insist that when generic drugs of branded drugs are available they must be stocked in every pharmacy or doctor’s clinic. The patient then has a choice to what he wants.

  217. MggPillai says:

    Fleecing At The Pharmacy (contd.)

    I am not impressed with allopathic claims that alternative and native cures are useless or dangerous. They are no more dangerous than the cures they prescribe. I move away from allopathic solutions where possible, indeed I look for other than allopathic cures for most of my ailments. As one who is, by common definition, an old man, these ailments become common companions. I have become allergic to several common allopathic cures for some of them, and resort to traditional methods of cure. If anything, I am the better for it. I am surprised at the number who do think so too. I am lucky in that my doctor has an open mind, and concedes that all that he can do is to help you find a cure. It does not interest him if that be allopathic or traditional.

    But this is not an option for many. They depend on drugs that must be bought, especially if they are expensive and the doctors would not supply them — as often happens in government hospitals — and are then caught in this monopolistic strangle in high drug prices. If the government wants to address this — it does not — it must look seriously into taking steps to ensure reasonable medical costs. Dato’ Chua can call for more generic drugs to be used, but when his own ministry drags its own feet and the two monopolies have no desire, nothing would change. And so we must adjust ourselves as a man swallowed by a python has to until he is crushed to death.

    [I wrote this for my fortnight column in Harakah for its issue 1-15 March 01.]

  218. MggPillai says:

    Is Chin Peng a Malaysian citizen?


    MALAYSIA AND THAILAND SIGNED on Dec 2,1989 an end to the communist insurgency with the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) that had begun five decades earlier. The insurgency had spluttered to a stop by 1960. Why it did must await the judgment of history. Malaysia insists the CPM was defeated by superior force and strategy, but a commissioned book on the Emergency suggests otherwise: the CPM had decided in the early 1950s that the insurgency could not be sustained.

    The Baling Talks between the future prime minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman Putra, and the CPM leader, Chin Peng, provided it an excuse, and the insurgency faded away. The infighting and splits within the CPM led to territorial battles on Malaysian soil, which was mistaken in Kuala Lumpur as proof of CPM’s continued danger to Malaysian integrity.

    From the mid-1950s, the CPM had operated out of Southern Thailand, its presence an irritant in bilateral ties with Malaysia. Bangkok would agree to keep the CPM on a short leash only if Kuala Lumpur contained the Thai Malay separatists on its side of the border. Thailand decided, in the 1980s, to make peace with the CPM, to which Malaysia at first disagreed, but had no choice but to join in. And so, after tortuous negotiations, an agreement was reached which led to the signing of the accord in 1989.

    The CPM members with links below the border were allowed to return, given a resettlement allowance, and after interviews, rather than interrogation, and return to private life. What transpired at the talks must await the judgement of history. The reports published so far are first person accounts which exaggerate the writer’s role in it, and hardly authoritative.

  219. MggPillai says:

    Is Chin Peng a Malaysian citizen? (contd.)

    The Baling talks failed principally because the Tengku and the British insisted that Chin Peng’s offer to lay down arms meant surrender. In the way Chin Peng used it, it meant he would lay down arms, and fade away; if he had used the other word, surrender, the Malayan government could punish the CPM and its members as it wished. When the talks began in 1989, the then prime minister, Dr Mahathir Mohamad, said if that is what he wants, let it be so – but we would regard it as a surrender.

    What intrigued me, in Chin Peng’s account of his life, was what he said in Malay in Haadyai: “As Malaysian citizens, we pledge our loyalty to His Majesty the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the country. We shall disband our armed units and destroy all our weapons to show our sincerity in terminating the armed struggle.” No Malaysian official has contradicted this statement, even when Malaysian press gossip at the time suggested he would contest the elections.

    I asked several officials, at the time and since, if he was, and they thought he was not. This still seems the official view. He is not a citizen since he took up arms against the lawful government. A strange act by a government which has stripped the citizenship of Malaysians and exiled them to China for their communist connections.

    He is a Malaysian citizen because he was born in Kampung Koh, in Sitiawan, Perak, then part of the Dindings, whose main port, now known as Lumut, the British wanted as a naval base. The Dindings became part of the Straits Settlements in 1874, when it was ceded to Britain, in the Pangkor Treaty that brought its colonial overlordship over Malaya.

    All born in the Dindings between 1874 and independence on August 31, 1957 had automatic Malayan citizenship, wherever they may be on that day. In all the years of the emergency and since, no attempt was made to revoke his citizenship. All he needs to prove is that he was born in the area.

  220. MggPillai says:

    Is Chin Peng a Malaysian citizen? (contd.)

    The Baling talks failed principally because the Tengku and the British insisted that Chin Peng’s offer to lay down arms meant surrender. In the way Chin Peng used it, it meant he would lay down arms, and fade away; if he had used the other word, surrender, the Malayan government could punish the CPM and its members as it wished. When the talks began in 1989, the then prime minister, Dr Mahathir Mohamad, said if that is what he wants, let it be so – but we would regard it as a surrender.

    What intrigued me, in Chin Peng’s account of his life, was what he said in Malay in Haadyai: “As Malaysian citizens, we pledge our loyalty to His Majesty and the country. We shall disband our armed units and destroy all our weapons to show our sincerity in terminating the armed struggle.” No Malaysian official has contradicted this statement, even when Malaysian press gossip at the time suggested he would contest the elections.

    I asked several officials, at the time and since, if he was, and they thought he was not. This still seems the official view. He is not a citizen since he took up arms against the lawful government. A strange act by a government which has stripped the citizenship of Malaysians and exiled them to China for their communist connections.

    He is a Malaysian citizen because he was born in Kampung Koh, in Sitiawan, Perak, then part of the Dindings, whose main port, now known as Lumut, the British wanted as a naval base. The Dindings became part of the Straits Settlements in 1874, when it was ceded to Britain, in the Pangkor Treaty that brought its colonial overlordship over Malaya.

    All born in the Dindings between 1874 and independence on August 31, 1957 had automatic Malayan citizenship, wherever they may be on that day. In all the years of the emergency and since, no attempt was made to revoke his citizenship. All he needs to prove is that he was born in the area.

  221. MggPillai says:

    Is Chin Peng a Malaysian citizen? (contd.)

    He was a British subject from birth, as those born in Penang and Malacca. He was given an Order of the British Empire (OBE) for the CPM’s role against the Japanese during the Second World War, and marched in the Victory Parade in London in 1946 with another OBE from Sabah, the late Tun Datu Mustapha bin Datu Harun, who rose to be federal cabinet minister, Sabah chief minister and governor. The OBE was revoked when the CPM rose in revolt against the British two years later. But not his birthright.

    It is curious, as Chin Peng notes in his memoirs, the then Special Branch chief (later Inspector-General of Police) Rahim Noor, wanted the Muslim fundamentalists detained around the time to be included in the amnesty for political prisoners that the CPM had insisted, and later withdrew.

    It was in one sense a replay of what Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s difficulties in his negotiations with the former Singapore prime minister, Goh Chok Tong, over bilateral differences. Mahathir could not get the peace accords accepted if it meant that the CPM members would be accepted into society.

  222. MggPillai says:

    Is Chin Peng a Malaysian citizen? (contd.)

    Malay members allowed in
    In short, Malaysia had to renege on important aspects of the agreement. Chin Peng is told he cannot come in, though how it could, without cancelling his citizenship is unclear. Nor could it refuse him a passport, should he ask for one. But it puts every obstacle in Chin Peng’s path to allow him into the country.

    At the same time, Malay members of the CPM are allowed in, often without the usual period of detention normal when other CPM members return. The chairperson of the CPM, Musa Ahmad, and his wife, Shamsiah Fakih, were allowed to return from decades of exile in Beijing, and their daughter, a medical doctor from an unrecognised Beijing medical school, allowed to join the Malaysian medical services.

    It threatens to become a political issue. As more public documents are available of those tumultuous post-war years, historians now view the role of the Left, Chinese and Malay, as pivotal in the attainment of Merdeka; that the Malay right, with their solid connexions with Britain, were pushed to form a political movement that could make the Left marginalised. As new research and records are revealed, the Left, especially the Malay left, had an important role in the march to independence.

  223. MggPillai says:

    Is Chin Peng a Malaysian citizen? (contd.)

    When the CPM revolted in 1948, after the British refused to honour promises it gave for its help against the Japanese, the Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) was formed of Koumintang grandees and backers, after the People’s Republic of China was inaugurated in 1949, to take on the CPM. More than Umno, the MCA is terrified of a return of the CPM to Malayan political life.

    That the CPM also had prominent Indian leaders, several of whom fled to Beijing after the Emergency was declared, is not lost on the National Front. The CPM was a registered political organisation from 1945 to 1948, when it was banned after the insurgency began. The Parti Keadilan Nasional’s feeble presence in Malaysian politics frightens the BN no end. If another political party with a proven talent for organisation comes into the fray, rigor mortis in BN is assured.

    Chin Peng, a Malaysian and in his 80s, is not about to be allowed into Malaysia.

  224. sherry- says:


    ….in fact PR WON MORE! SHERRY- LIED

    Let me borrow DS Nizar’s (never go wrong” calculator yet again to calculate “plus” and “minus” below:-

    PAS= -1 (DEATH), PAS=+1 GAIN PR=0
    PAS=-1 (DEATH), PAS=+1 GAIN PR=0
    PKR=-1 (Escape to India Tour), PKR=+1 GAIN PR=0
    5. ADUN BATANG A.I. (not his)
    BN=-1 (DEATH), BN=+1 GAIN PR=0
    PKR=-1 (dcm1 further study), PKR=+1 GAIN PR=0

    Therefor, using Nizar’s True Calculator,

    Further, please “plus” the following LOSSES, I MEAN “GAINS”:



    gosh SHERRY, RAIS YATIM, UMNO goons, these shameless monkeys can never say anything truthful.

    They cant even smell the truth of witsoup’s Guiness Book of Records’ “MAS RM150 per plate” gold rice nasi lemak.

    DS NIZAR, thank you for the Calculator Model MB28-1. You may have it back after the Federal Court.

  225. sherry- says:

    Sherry- had lied earlier:


    In this Penanti election, a win is a win, even by one vote…so every one should accept the result.

    In the case of electing an Adun or MP, popular votes count. But in the case of electing a State or Federal Government, the party or alliance with the majority of elected Aduns or MPs counts, even by one Adun/MP.

    Likewise, in Perak case, the State Government is elected on Aduns count, therefore as it stand now, PR should rightfully be the “legal” Government since “31-3 is bigger than 28+3″ or if you exclude the Frogs, “28-1(Speaker) is bigger than 28+0 (Speaker)”.

    I borrowed YB Dato Seri Nizar’s latest Camry,…oops Calculator, so you know his “calculator” can never go wrong…even if the PR alliance is not “legally” registered.

    sherry – June 1, 2009 at 11:49 pm

  226. wits0 says:

    “They cant even smell the truth of witsoup’s Guiness Book of Records’ “MAS RM150 per plate” gold rice nasi lemak.”

    Being a female canine you can naturally smell better.

  227. sherry says:

    haha, thats about all you have to say. Where can I order your RM150 nasi lemak? Or did you missed the figure?

    Haha, pathetic reply….I wont bother you anymore. Say what you like, none of my business!

  228. MggPillai says:

    Nasi Lemak at RM125 a plate


    The Prime Minister, Dato’ Seri Mahathir Mohamed, says MAS’s RM10 billion debt and its slide into certain bankruptcy is not because of mismanagement and thievery but a victim of the sharp decline in world travel after 11 September. Tan Sri Tajuddin Ramli had bought control of MAS on easy-payment schedules available only for Establishmen cronies, made a mess of it, sold it back to the government for a RM900 million profit. Only after the handover was it known how he broke up the airline such that MAS was responsible for the debts, and he made profits for himself, his family and their companies by providing necessary services for MAS. The Treasury representative on the MAS board raised not a smirk, nor the government its golden share to circumvent this rapacity?

    The government decides it is now necessary to order MAS to lodge police reports about it. The man himself made money from running the airline at its expense, and got a huge bonus for destroying the airline. Tan Sri Tajuddin is in a spot because UMNO and the Malay community wanted the heads of those responsible for Malaysia’s economic crunch. And who is more expendable than one who is aligned to a man UMNO and the Malay community would like to see down.

  229. MggPillai says:

    Nasi Lemak at RM125 a plate (contd.)

    Dr Mahathir wavers from putting the knife into Tan Sri Tajuddin. So he blamed on the 11 September terrorist attacks for MAS’s problems. One can see why. The pressure is on Tun Daim Zainuddin to return to UMNO what is UMNO’s. In bits and pieces it is. Now he worries that if the pressure on the Daim cronies continue, that money may stop coming in. So he needs to soften the attacks. He takes the most believable reason: the 11 September terrorist attacks. I asked several people, those in aviation, tourism, the transport ministry, and MAS staff past and present. Not one believed the Prime Minister’s apologia. If those who know what happened cannot believe him, would UMNO then believe it. His cabinet, for survival, are no more than “Yes Men”, and undependable.

    Let us look at how the private Tajuddin company that ran MAS catering services charged the airline for the food it provided. MAS could not order what it needed; it had to order food for every seat on the airline, filled or not. Breakfast for the first class section of MAS was usually nasi lemak. What costs RM15 dollars in a five-star restaurant cost MAS RM125, and it had to be buy for all 12 seats, filled or not. If only one passenger decided to have nasi lemak, his breakfast would cost MAS RM1500. If other breakfasts are ordered, that must also equal the number of seats. An egg costs RM5. A meal in business class RM70, slightly less in economy class, ordered for every seat, filled or not.

  230. MggPillai says:

    Nasi Lemak at RM125 a plate (contd.)

    Another company supplied uniforms and shoes. The shoes supplied pilots cost RM3,000 a pair. MAS Cargo was run by Tan Sri Tajuddin’s brother. In other words, his aim was to bleed MAS, not run a succeessful national carrier. The MAS aircraft was transferred to a company he owned and leased back at a profit. And so it went on in every area money could be made at MAS’s expense.

    When Tun Daim, as finance minister, recommended buying back MAS from Tan Sri Tajuddin in a deal that allowed him a profit for failing, he should have known about it. He is a street-wise business man. He should have advised the Cabinet not to buy it at the price Tan Sri Tajuddin demanded. He did not. In fact, after a public outcry, the government halved what he demanded to RM900 million. The predicament is also Dr Mahathir’s. He had implicitly trusted Tun Daim, and did not look too closely at his recommendations.

    That worked well when the government’s rosy expectations could be justified. But not when it cannot. When UMNO supreme council demanded an accounting of UMNO finances, the Prime Minister hummed and hawed, and eventually ask Tun Daim to give it. He took two months leave to prepare it, and then resigned as UMNO treasurer, finance minister and minister in charge of economic policy.

  231. I-4-C says:

    45% is a very good score putting way above many western leaders hehe !!!!!

  232. zambrykrisis says:

    Najib is only a baton-relay PM. He is not my pm, only umno pm.

  233. sherry says:

    These PR hardcore implying that the Merdeka Centre Poll shows only 45% supports Najib (BN) while the rest 55% including ‘no response’ supports PR.

    Yet some of them call this poll a fake when the % race supports doesnt favour PR. What a contrary!

    I think this poll could be far from accurate…but probably MC has a calculated professional approach in conducting it and making the findings as accurate as it could. I could be wrong.

    Yet, the Penanti By-Election Poll is NOT FAKE. Any If we apply PR hardcore’s teory that only 45% supports BN from the MCP, then one could say only 36% supports PR while 64% including ‘absentees’ supports BN.

    Then again, these hardcores only read poll figures that favour PR, so to speak some may say the Penanti Poll is a fake too. What a coincident.

    So dont read too much on the MCP….coz, really it doesnt favour any side.

  234. zambrykrisis says:

    Najis got 100% support of the people

  235. zambrykrisis says:

    My calculator said so

  236. madhat says:

    “Najis got 100% support of the people”

    Insyallah we can have GE very soon then

  237. madhat says:

    “If only one passenger decided to have nasi lemak, his breakfast would cost MAS RM1500. If other breakfasts are ordered, that must also equal the number of seats. An egg costs RM5. A meal in business class RM70, slightly less in economy class, ordered for every seat, filled or not.”

    Apa macam dia bankrap?

  238. sherrycherry says:

    haha, thats about all you have to say. Where can I order your RM150 nasi lemak? Or did you missed the figure?
    Haha, pathetic reply….I wont bother you anymore. Say what you like, none of my business!
    sherry – June 3, 2009 at 12:35 am

    betoi!!! “none of my business!” shaddup…… tu MAS punya business…umno punya busines……duduk diam2 lu jgn merepek sangat

  239. sherrycherry says:

    45% is a very good score putting way above many western leaders hehe !!!!!

    kahkahkah….kau ingat kau taming sari…..lbh baik ko pakai sari wanita india……kahkahkahkah….bukan saja bodo……bangang pulak…….kahkahkahkahkahkah

  240. hang jebat baru says:

    Dear chin peng,
    i blame you for losing the war and now we are stuck with a killer

  241. sherrycherry says:

    Speaker Parlimen M`sia pengecut takut siNajis

  242. I-4-C says:

    Banyak bloggers sini sudah gila babi lah lol

  243. monsterball says:

    MggPalli….Thank you for your respond to my question.
    I know third party means B.Braun will not allow UMNO dictate terms to them…selling stuffs to government.
    What you wrote…..I read long ago and I hope….for the sake of human kind…UMNO do not keep thinking how to reap profits… keep covering up their misdeeds and evil desires.
    USA is constantly talking about medical care for their citizens.
    Here it mans all take cared off with public hospitals..using cheap inferior medical products. Poor do not deserve to live as long as the rich.

  244. monsterball says:

    hahahahahaha…..alternative pressure add the word….”no” in his new nick!
    “No alternative pressure” means gone case… pressure…his little brother like rubber band…… his whole body…anything goes alternative cure….his maggot hole can throw out watery stools…and he will shrink to skin and bones….becoming..the living dead…waiting for the Devil to bless him…for a job well done.
    First sign is blurring out more nonsense repeating again and again.
    No alternative pressure at brain…cells are dying slowly.
    Everyone ignores him….poor fella.
    He needs attention from me only.
    PS: Imagine get up in the morning and need to f…k one nervous pressurized guy ..with no alternatives gas to bloat him up to normal…..whenever he needs help.
    Maybe the stuffs he takes all stocks seized by custom dept……supplier cutting ration to him….having no choice…….only one supplier can give him credit?
    Why f..k me for your misfortunes?
    You think I am your punching bag ah……punch punch punch..sweat it out and feeling better?

  245. monsterball says:

    bodoh 1-4-C…Banyak bloggers sini ….gila makan babi la
    Makan babi ….kerchil adek..tahan lebeh lama. Perumppuan manyat sayang cinta …makan babi.
    Ku bohon besar…curi curi makan babi ..uluar dan angin daging di Indon.
    Balek….buat wanyang kulit..samayang2…sampai mati…Allah tak sayang ku la.
    Allah benchi munafiks.

  246. monsterball says:

    There are “sherry” and “sherrycherry”nicks now.
    As usual..sherry keep talking nonsense…needs a man’s attention.
    Her cherry got itchy…chose witso to hentam…….hahahahahahahaha

  247. monsterball says:

    I remember… it was..”alternative pressurized”
    Then to “alternative pressure”
    Seeing sherry comes out with..”sherrycherry”….turn him on… he responded…with new nick…”no alternative pressure” to guarantee sherry…no foul gas let out…if she give him another chance.
    “no ” is simply getting mad thinking of the cherry …sherry is exposing for all.
    Choosing witso was her first choice.
    But witso not interested….what next?

  248. monsterball says:

    Decoding is a tough job!
    I hope all of you are satisfied.

  249. […] Najib vs Chin Peng. Oh, what a diversion: Shoot those who back Chin Peng’s return. But we do not know how many really want him […] […]

  250. monsterball says:

    Maybe “no alternartive pressure” is a hint to sherry to let him play with her cherry.
    He will not force and apply pressure to convince her.]
    Or it simply means he knows UMNO have no alternatives or will apply-pressure anymore…..knowing UMNO is beaten?
    But that weird man…….keep insulting me….why so?
    I think he got mad….I say I want to sleep with sherry.
    He totally ignored only when I turn to Spirit-Man.
    Jealousy do make a man become mad….turning coocoo.
    Let go…be practical and brave…looking forward….but he and those clowns are trained to look backward by UMNO.

  251. rockybabi says:


    These barghers semua that Najis Rocky punya kaki lar. That A*rsehole racialist who is fond of “ethnic cleansing” is after susan blog again. He does not know the meaning of “metaphors” and keep talking of susan offering RM1 million for the Altantuya photo.
    Where susan got that kind of money huh?
    If we say “million dollar question” does it mean we actually pay million?
    Monkey is going to become MM boss again….that is the kind of dirty work he is well known for..Lying.
    So the threadworms (a different type of ascaris) are creeping over to this blog from his A*sehole while he protects murderers.

  252. kittykat46 says:

    Kuala Terengganu stadium roof collapses.

    The stadium interior looks like it was hit by a B-52 airstrike.
    The VIP box, where perhaps the Sultan and other Biggies would have been sitting during a major match, smashed to bits.
    If this happened during a popular match, the casualties would have been 1000 ? , 5000 ? 10,000 ? 30,000 ?

    This is what you get when contracts are simply awarded to UMNO cronies.

    Undilah Barisan Nasional….

  253. Kancilandak says:

    Kittykat46, if direct desendant of Maharaja Lela is Aljuburi supporter then he lost his heritage, his roots, he is the melayu senget like Aljuburi himself. See Aljuburi is destroy a sense of national heritage and patroitsism to this country. He the parasit that bleed the malay heritage and will sell us all wholesale in the internasional market!

  254. nuttyrocky says:

    The only good thing “drunk on beer” Rocky ever did was drag the then buffoon Gerakan`s Jeff Ooi with him into court. Both were champions of “plagiarism”.
    In N.Sembilan muslims have been sentenced to whipping for beer drinking. Rocky and his Atan could do with some whipping oso. The racist now says only 16% dont support his adopted father (who is younger than rocky) najis.
    This is the monkee who is supposed to boss the “classified advt” newspaper.

  255. whispering9 says:

    Today is the eve of Tiananmen Square June 4 incident. Is it a coincident or is our PM visit to Beijing being used as an official distraction from the world attention on tomorrow anniversary. Boy oh boy what a poor PR. Wisma Putra should be de-briefed. No longer Beijing news is only filled with DSN visit.

  256. wits0 says:

    Whatever that “scribe”, that burit melayu racist Card-deal Justsins writes, when it happens to be true, it is still a matter of just the Devil quoting scriptures. All the fats he earned his way cannot fatten him, it surely figures.

  257. nuttyrocky says:

    Burit Rocky, Ahiruddin “Atan” dah buka kaki untuk Carls-berg dari belanda.

  258. nuttyrocky says:

    “Today is the eve of Tiananmen Square June 4 incident. Is it a coincident or is our PM visit to Beijing —-”

    Tu lah ertinya “irony”. Semua pembunuh berkumpul satu tempat.

  259. wits0 says:

    “Sherry, duduk diam2 lu jgn merepek sangat” – sherrycherry.

    Dia suka karut mengarut saja tunjuk pandai. “Berhidmat untok kentut”.

  260. kittykat46 says:

    June 4, 1988….Tiananmen Square….the day the People’s Liberation Army turned its tanks and machine guns on the People.

    I suppose it was inevitable. China, 20 years ago, wasn’t prepared for that kind of opening. There was a possibility things would spin totally out of control. For the next 20 years, China’s basic state policy was that if people are well fed , they won’t be chanting on the streets for democracy.

    Does that hold true for Malaysia as well ?
    Somebody was telling me, if BN can get 8% economic growth going in Malaysia again, Anwar Ibrahim and PR will be history.

    You can always dream on….

  261. babirocky says:

    “Today is the eve of Tiananmen Square June 4 incident. Is it a coincident or is our PM visit to Beijing —-”

    This is definite proof Najis father Tong Rosak was communist sympathizer to destabilise TAR. After that die of cancer. Najis boleh tahan berapa lama lagi?
    Mahakutty aledi after Najis a*se, very soon tear up badly then kutty kecik Mooookris become DPM and Mahakutyy think he can die in piss.

  262. babirocky says:

    Sang Kancil: The DPM’s comment on Awang Selamat’s article is just another sandiwara directed by BN.
    Rightfully, Awang Selamat should be sacked and Utusan Malaysia should be suspended indefinitely.

  263. kiasu says:

    MONSTER-NOBALL, still lemember me KIASU your lover ha!

  264. wits0 says:

    “You can always dream on….” – Kittykat46.

    Man shall not live by bread alone. That person who suggested that 8% thingy is reflective of such typical shallowness in a land debased by poor intellectual and moral capability.

  265. kiasu says:


    why u talk2 kock Indon ha, u go2 f..k2 there goblok!

    Lu cakap Sulutan Johol ala tampak muka Tunku Mahalir, lu butul2 ada itu gambar atau tape ka itu mahalir kasi sama lu?

    Atau lu kaki Tembelang juga, sama macam lu kaki pulumpuan.

  266. rockybabi says:

    “poor intellectual and moral capability.”

    Rocky time in NST it was well known as a “brothel”…………kiasu could have slept with many pros there.

  267. rockybabi says:

    keekeekeekeee NST “Red Lantern” made famous with Rocky “Atan”

  268. babirocky says:

    ya even the female clerks not safe…….but some really like it….they ingat they “glamour”

  269. babirocky says:

    Only reason Malay Mail sales good karena property market good, jadi real estate agents have to buy and advertise in that paper. Classified advertisements is reason for MM sales, not mabok Rocky punya pandai.
    Now he spin macam dia misai tuhan.

  270. whispering9 says:

    “You can always dream on….” I guess you meant “if BN can get 8% economic growth going in Malaysia again,”.

    It is definitely not possible to achieve that target. This is an extract of DSN statement for his China trip.

    “In recent months, my government, too, has announced two historic, targeted stimulus packages. The second alone, at RM60 billion, is the biggest in Malaysia’s history and accounts for 9 per cent of our gross domestic product. According to Bank Negara Malaysia, the packages will boost economic growth by 1 to 1.5 per cent.” If that assessment is a truth, it will takes RM480 billion to achieve 8% if our economy starts at baseline and not in the negative territory. So if BN only depend on the economy to boost her failing status, good luck. Got better luck if she dissolve Perak Assembly and call for a re-election. 🙂

  271. monsterball says:

    Nak gambar….nak witness….nak written proof…tetapi tak nak repot….lawan tetap di makmah ….takot bitca lobang.

  272. wits0 says:

    “but some really like it….they ingat they “glamour””

    It figures. Some adores and worship the randy country god Pan notwithstanding what they profess otherwise. The I(diot)zan Ismail gotta be one example who dreams of incubus.

  273. monsterball says:

    Rocky also known as Attan have sold his soul to Najib.
    Mahathir bought first…released…Attan free man…keep hentam Dollah……pleasing Mamak…and Najib employ Attan to please Mamak too.
    Him or anyone can never improve Malay Mail…except monsterballl……..hahaahaha
    I go there …sack everyone….sit alone and start all over again….focusing only afternoon news…news that never appear in morning papers and equal spaces for PR and UMNO..making it a People’s paper.
    Do that Attan job will be short lived.
    He must ambil bodek to survive.

  274. babirocky says:

    “if BN can get 8% economic growth going in Malaysia again,”.

    Is There Anyone Really In Charge of Our Economy? If The Central Bank, Treasury and EPU Can’t Get Their Facts and Figures Right, How Can Najib Get It Right? – By Matthias Chang (30/5/09)

    Let me say it here and now, loud and clear – we will have negative growth even in 2010 and will be lucky to see some “green shoots” in 2011.

    Recent appointments by the Prime Minister, specifically the former CEO of Malayan Banking to be the chairman of the NEAC do not inspire confidence when this banker was responsible for the acquisition of an Indonesian bank which turned out to be a multi-billion ringgit scandal!

    It goes without saying that Malaysia’s economy will definitely be beyond repair when our Prime Minister appointed the 5th Prime Minister, Abdullah Badawi as adviser for the development of the various “economic corridors” when these pet mega projects of Badawi have been utter failures.

    Adding fuel to the fire, there have been rumours that Najib is putting his cronies in charge of Petronas – our country’s cash cow!

    I suppose, if one is going to be a one term prime minister, there is only so much time to loot the dwindling coffers!

    Malaysia deserves better.

  275. O says:

    “you can blardy well fark off from this country.”

    Hahahaha….goodnessgracious….I know your other nicks. You shouldn’t ask me to fark off when you are not even in Malaysia. Double standard here I see, ‘They cannot mention pendatang but you can blardy well ask anyone to fark off’.

    BULLSHIT!. his/her claim or ability to detect “who-is-who” and from where the source of the comments comes from is totally absurd.

  276. babirocky says:

    Who the fark cares. Rocky punya Atan get torn mo fun. Publicity pun lebih. Front page Malay Mail nanti.

  277. rockybabi says:

    The issue is the integrity of the newspapers. Since they would have been privy to the inside scoop, the very least the NST should have done was to issue no comment.
    June 2, 2009 9:07 PM

  278. Menyalak-er says:

    The economy has shrunk 6.2% (official fig). To achieve 8% growth in 2-3 yrs. is the height of idiocy even if it was qualified with an ‘if’. To reverse that 6.2% negative by itself is impossible in the short term, because an export driven economy like ours is extremely vulnerable esp with dearth of FDI’s.
    Yes, it will remain a dream of chief ascaris, who after all a brilliant economic strategist.
    Free economic per se in this country is corrupted and hobbled by gomen policies, and the way forward may be to rethink the whole strategy – by expanding the services sector while maintaining the export growth (negative now). Kenyesian economics is dead.
    The stimulus packages announced thus far are just ticklers; and with 275million RM stadium roofs collapsing 1yr. after construction tells us that the leakages/hemorrhaging will not stop.
    Naif is using the ‘carrot and stick’ method when the horse has bolted the barn last year. That’s why the nag, Lumpiolus Cellulite is not letting him outta sight, lest an Altan…. happens in Tianenmen Square.

  279. rockybabi says:

    Menyalak-er anytime got more brains than ass Najis (apa itu “trained in economics” bodo pekan boy) and his machai “Lusty Rocky”.

  280. wits0 says:

    What’s in a name?

    A-tan, where ‘tan’ = egg in cantonese. An egg, iow. Only one?
    Can’t find any other international meaning.

    The fake “samurai” that pretends to be a ronin is just a mercenary. Good to see Monterball no longer wear jeans or give mention about the one baller. Belated is better than never becoming awakened or convinced. 😉

  281. I-4-C says:

    The gila babi syndrome affecting bloggers here is symptomised by gila support for that arse banger and disloyalty to the country !!!

  282. babirocky says:

    “The fake “samurai” that pretends to be a ronin..”

    Kalo dia berani betul, cuba dia ronin kat sentul ka pandamaran. Hilang kepala, tangan, kaki semua. Satu bola pun hilang. Shit is a coward.

  283. Search the Web on says:

    Matthius C. being Octo’s hatchet, is tokking about politics, as if his great grand tentaclous grandmaster has any concrete ideas to put forth. The ascarids have no idea of what they are doing and neither has cephalopods!

  284. Morning Dew says:

    Sherry, my post is also not posted. Perhaps susan wanted to edit or truncate what I said. I hope not.

  285. wits0 says:

    “Free economic per se in this country is corrupted and hobbled by gomen policies, and the way forward may be to rethink the whole strategy..”

    This, the gomen can never do. It can’ think. Even when at certain moments of lucidness appear, these will always be fleeting like a temporary breeze. The will to follow up is a certain still-born thing.

  286. babirocky says:

    Ini munkee sudah bangun:
    Asian young leaders for KL meet in November
    Jun 3, 09 10:33am

    As a prelude to the summit, a public forum will be held tonight in which Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin will be one of the main speakers

  287. monsterball says:

    Now one UMNO idiot said Chin Peng blew his chance to return.
    This means…UMNO knew all the time….he ca return..filling in forms.
    Chin Peng ignored that and prefer to go to court……which should easily pass by a fair humane judge…to let Chin Peng win the case.
    It become political issue…..out of no reasons…as UMNO love to make an issue out of no issue… indirectly hero worship one race…using Chin Peng as the scapegoat for this matter.
    SherryCherry can shout and yell how evil Chin Peng is until her maggot hole is filled with more maggots…making her so itchy… needing male attention. She can go to hell having no feeling for a true Freedom Fighter ……like Chin Peng.

  288. monsterball says:

    Chin Peng is a Freedom Fighter .not an ordinary man.
    Why should he fill this or that form?
    He is a VVIP!!
    UMNO can easily make it and said,…”welcome home”…showing how great Muslims they are…ever forgiving and taking the good points…of Chin Peng….so many…so important to Malaysian history…yet they ignored all that and focus on painting Chin Peng is evil.
    All these race and religion started by Mahathir…bringing Malaysians backward……never forward..

  289. babirocky says:

    Kuomintang MCA don want Chin Peng, jadi UMNO bend over lah.

  290. babirocky says:

    Alleged royal violence not a ‘personal matter’
    Prema Devaraj | Jun 2, 09 5:36pm
    We refer to the Malaysiakini report Manohara: I was treated like an animal.

    The Women’s Centre for Change Penang (WCC) views with great concern the allegations made by Indonesian teenager, Manohara Odelia Pinot regarding the physical, emotional and se*ual violence she has endured in her marriage to Kelantan Prince, Mohammad Fakhry.

    Najis oso *x predator

  291. babirocky says:

    In the first place Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak who according to your reports, knew this prince, was shielded from the Indonesian press seeking answers from him during his recent trip to Jakarta.

  292. whispering9 says:

    “BULLSHIT!. his/her claim or ability to detect “who-is-who” and from where the source of the comments comes from is totally absurd.”

    Will be busy again but let me enlighten “0” or “.” how it is done. Why? Because lots of commentators leave anonymous comments thinking they can’t be traced. Everyone has a specific frequency of response, uses certain words or alphabets repeatedly, uses certain phrases repeatedly and show certain temperamental repeatedly. Sometimes a tracer is introduced into the comment section for target to pick up. When all these variables are stringed together and profiled into a search program, who and who is the same can be accurately deduced. You see they don’t have to be 100% correct, they only wanted suspects so a 80% margin of error is an acceptable criteria. Having done that, they only need is to access the cookies and hidden codes to find where you are. In short, we can get predictable. That is also how they catch would be terrorists. But if you are a small fry, no one is going to waste much resources on you. As for me, I have commented before that I can mentally do a narrow search with some of the above parameters but I get a terrible headache and high bp. Btw, I am a he but telling u might actually be a tracer? Go enjoy yourself. Life is too short. I comment a lot in Susan’s place ‘cos it is one place i think i have cyber friends :). Even then I have to stop ‘cos I am getting too predictable. Sayonara yeah. Just get unpredictable then you are safe, lol.

  293. monsterball says:

    But I am an ever forgiving person..witso
    If Attan and Jean come back to our good side…to is like the prodigal son and daughter returning home and we need to celebrate the home coming.
    Mine is not an issue…better late than never.
    Mine is….they changed to bad side……I hentam……back to good side….they are still my friends.
    In life..we mixed with the good…bad and ugly.
    In politics..I am 100% with you…FOR or AGAINST.
    Problem is…some can change their minds…like changing clothes.
    And some may speak well for UMNO…but will vote for change in government. Can you identify them?

  294. whispering9 says:

    “And some may speak well for UMNO…but will vote for change in government. Can you identify them?”

    Do you, MB, believe in Ying and Yang? Too much good is as bad as too much bad. Once I read a story about an immortal who lived for 2000 years. He started as the good guy but he realized that he could get away by being the bad guy too. So for 1000 years he brought peace and wealth. The next 1000 years he brought wars and poverty. The trick is to have two immortals and let them take turns to be the bad and the good guys.

  295. wits0 says:

    “‘Charge Utusan writer with sedition’
    Jun 3, 09 12:39pm

    A vexed MIC president S Samy Vellu shreds the writer over his racial slur and demands that he apologises to all Malaysians for his ‘despicable’ act.

    badua ini diISAkan lama dulu lebih baik”
    This contemptible dinosaur now pretends to have just awakened to the fact that Utusan has been long and exclusively vaccinated against the sedition virus and is the most patriotic of the patriotic mainstream toilet papers… much so that it can do no wrong in manufacturing a whole plethora of aggravating demons!

  296. wits0 says:

    “Problem is…some can change their minds…like changing clothes.
    And some may speak well for UMNO…but will vote for change in government. Can you identify them?”

    I respect consistency rather than vacillation.

  297. monsterball says:

    Your interpretation of Ying and Yang is not my cup of tea.
    Ofcourse I believe in Ying and Yang.
    When that is balanced in my body…see no doctor…no illness….live healthy life.
    You seems to somewhat hint bad rulers is part of Ying and Yang…….now that UMNO rule only 53 odd years…what is another 100 years more?
    I mixed with pro UMNO buggers in business…so are some racialists from MCA. The main point is to have a clear mind…pray to know more truths…and do not be influenced to the dark side.
    Failing to achieve change of government….I will survive as usual…caring two hoots…who is next PM. I never depend on government for anything.
    But for the sake of young Malaysians and Malaysia..and seeing right now…the great opportunity that a change must be done…i am doing my part.
    Witso is FOR change. I am FOR change plus fishing for votes.
    Do not forget…..I am blogging …to win votes and some are lost sheep in the wilderness..

  298. monsterball says:

    I am very consistent…..maybe different style..but leading to the same road with you ..witso
    Perhaps I am also a businessman and very socialble…different from your lifestyle.

  299. Menyalak-er says:

    Oh, the toupeed one speaks again for the edification of the sinister mics, wits0?
    Sami, O sami, thou of greatest folly sitting on the white peacock throne, we heard that you were in Singapore for eye treatment. Why? Did your ‘mandor’ and ascarid overlords damage your peepers with loa-loa? Don’t you trust Kak Wan’s Tun Hussein Onn Eye Hopital?
    We also heard that you are anointing you beloved fruit of your loins, the Vile Paraquat as your successor as per dear leader Kim JI. Why? Aren’t you toxic enough? Haven’t you been paying your tithes to TTLE?

  300. monsterball says:

    witso..if you think I keep changing my mind is because your mentality…your character..your way of life is totally different from mine.

  301. kiasu says:

    Sherry, my post is also not posted. Perhaps susan wanted to edit or truncate what I said. I hope not.

    Morning Dew – June 3, 2009 at 11:48 am

    I told you so, at least we agreed on this.

    Why would susan want to edit what you and me said when there’s no foul-mouthed, obscene language or name calling by either of us when discussing the issue. . I am not admired here, probably that’s the reason why some monsters could continuously smear me with dirty words and get away with it.

    Could it be we are touching on sensitive or sedative issues, but this is what the blog’s topic is all about. About you, me and “the truth.

    Alas, “civilized” bloggers rule the Cyber World these days…in their bedrooms.


  302. kiasu says:

    So now you know why I tested the “Kiasu” and seldom gets away with it.


  303. Hornet says:

    what good has Najis done so far for all races and not just for himself and 1 race????

  304. sherry says:


    and to Kiasu, good bye

  305. wits0 says:

    ‘Alas, “civilized” bloggers rule the Cyber World these days…in their bedrooms.’ – kiasu.

    It’s the Rocky-style commentators who pretends towards decorum after they have fired away wildly and becomes apprehensive about what they’re about to receive in incomings.

    If you wanna pursue your vendetta against Monsterball across Cyberspace, do you need to demonise Susan too? The old stories you tell are rather worn ones.

    Unlikely that Susan has deliberately edited away Morning Dew’s comment. Most likely its that overzealous anti Spam daemon’s work. It sometimes eat up everyones’s comment inexplicably in turn. So, trying to find a common ally or two, eh? Hehehe! Knees not so steady?

  306. SweetNoob says:

    Dear Susan

    I have been following your blog for almost 1 year. It had been informative, provocative at times and helped in fueling my passion in Malaysian Politics.
    I guess with everything, chasing for better and analytical insights were not too far behind.
    I thank you Susan for contributing to my “eye opener” experience.

  307. ktteokt says:

    Chin Peng and Najis are on different ends of the spectrum altogether. Whilst Chin Peng fought with his life against the Japanese and the British, what has Najis done? He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and destined to become the last PM from UMNO. Does he know what suffering means?

  308. Where can we read the treaty signed by both the government and the former communist leaders?

  309. Morning Dew says:

    wit0(less) wrote :
    (just a friendly banter)
    Unlikely that Susan has deliberately edited away Morning Dew’s comment. Most likely its that overzealous anti Spam daemon’s work. It sometimes eat up everyones’s comment inexplicably in turn. So, trying to find a common ally or two, eh? Hehehe! Knees not so steady?

    Actually I knew it wasn’t her. Sometimes when you set the daemon criteria too strictly it does remove some of wheat together with the tare. I am actually not angry. I tried reposting but it kicked it out as “duplicate posting.” Of course susan later can have a choice of reposting it. I will leave it to her. Actually this is not the first time and whether what I said gets read is not so important….like morning dew, we are only here for a short time 8-).

    ——- Well just to push the daemon’s boundary a bit, below was the posting that got hounded out of cyberspace —————

    My post is lengthy mainly because I had chosen to keep intact the context of my reply. Context gives meaning and I wouldn’t want sherry to do a double-take without the context.

    Sherry’s confusion :
    Hi MD, great to hear fro you again. After 2 days, I m still grasping to figure it out whether your lengthy novel the other day was an advice directed to me of to your goodself.

    If what I wrote was a novel yours is certainly an endless drivel..eerh..I mean serial.

    I wouldn’t dare offer any advice to such a brave defender of “truth”. I was merely offering a point of view that you may have conveniently overlooked – particularly the view that you see every morning in the mirror.

    Sherry’s delusions :
    Sorry, m too slow to respond coz there was too much delusions and you took so much trouble to provide your own answers to your own questions based on every shortcoming arguments you could detect from my prior comments. Leaving me little to response and making “pre-judgemental” statements on what would be my next course.

    After 2 days, of probably licking your wounded ego, this is the best you could come up with ?

    My post to you was not confrontational. You had taken 2 days to reflect on it mainly because what I had said rang true within your being but your ego would not have it and tried its level best to find a response. In short there is really no sincerity. And all you could come up with was a snide remark and side swipe.

    Sherry’s admissioin :
    Literally and educationally, my English is not as good as yours in expressing my comments so I hope you could bear with that in my quality of wordings.

    Words are just representation of the message. What is important is the message. Why do you feel that you have to give an explanation for your linguistic inadequacy when in truth it was your position that was untenable ?

    Sherry’s lamented :
    My comments that you pasted was actually only a portion of my original comments not posted by this blog. Earlier, I thought this blog is special as it posted all friendly and unfriendly comments compared with Anwar’s and RPK’s blog. However, the last 2-3 days made me realized Susan’s blog is not much diferrent either. Some monsters were lucky to be under special protection here, but what would expect anyway.

    Maybe susan would like to say something about this.

    Sherry’s backburner :
    I will still respond to your earlier lengthy comments later on, but let me first response to what you just said, below:-

    Not really necessary. More importantly is whether what I had said rang true. If it does then just accept it. If it doesn’t you should know it too but what you are doing is to have what i had said twisted and turned within your mind just to find an angle to reply to. Why ? Is it so important that your pro-BN stand prevail ?

    *************** Start of Chin Peng’s issue ***************

    Let me make it really short for you. One of the things I truly admired about islam is their practice of asking for forgiveness and to offer forgiveness. I think this was the teaching of christianity as well where jesus said that when you are making an offering to God that you have not seen and you remember the wrong you had done to your brother, go first and seek his forgiveness.

    These wisdom teachings have great merit and benefit for individuals and society. That’s the thrust of my contention.

    The bottomline is this ; you had no emotional connection with what happened during the dharurat and all your bleeding heart manipulation really meant squad to your ownself or to anyone else.

    Sherry’s historical perspective :
    Yes, I totally agree, and in order to do that the current and next generation must be told about the real truth and facts of history and the repercussions, and not being mislead by the lies and distortion by poilitical duds like DAP’s Kia Kua Soong for their malicious political agendas.

    And you would think that the umno’s account is credible ? I had relatives who were in the thick of things and Kia kua soong’s perspective is very accurate.

    Instead of just casting slurs and aspersion, address the points he raised. You really have no inkling what happened then and you just took up the position that the other side is lying without really investigating further, probably because someone gave a spin to what he wrote and you thought that was the truth.

  310. Morning Dew says:

    wit0(less) wrote :
    (just a friendly banter)
    Unlikely that Susan has deliberately edited away Morning Dew’s comment. Most likely its that overzealous anti Spam daemon’s work. It sometimes eat up everyones’s comment inexplicably in turn. So, trying to find a common ally or two, eh? Hehehe! Knees not so steady?

    Actually I knew it wasn’t her. Sometimes when you set the daemon criteria too strictly it does remove some of wheat together with the tare. I am actually not angry. I tried reposting but it kicked it out as “duplicate posting.” Of course susan later can have a choice of reposting it. I will leave it to her. Actually this is not the first time and whether what I said gets read is not so important….like morning dew, we are only here for a short time 8-).

    ——- Well just to push the daemon’s boundary a bit, below was the posting that got hounded out of cyberspace —————

    **** no go. I think probably it is the length criteria so I will try to split it up into two ….. just trying to find out the criteria she use. She should publish it so that there won’t be so much suspicion *****

  311. Morning Dew says:

    _Part 2_

    _Sherry’s lamented :
    My comments that you pasted was actually only a portion of my original comments not posted by this blog. Earlier, I thought this blog is special as it posted all friendly and unfriendly comments compared with Anwar’s and RPK’s blog. However, the last 2-3 days made me realized Susan’s blog is not much diferrent either. Some monsters were lucky to be under special protection here, but what would expect anyway.

    Maybe susan would like to say something about this.

    _Sherry’s backburner :
    I will still respond to your earlier lengthy comments later on, but let me first response to what you just said, below:-

    Not really necessary. More importantly is whether what I had said rang true. If it does then just accept it. If it doesn’t you should know it too but what you are doing is to have what i had said twisted and turned within your mind just to find an angle to reply to. Why ? Is it so important that your pro-BN stand prevail ?

    *************** Start of Chin Peng’s issue ***********
    Let me make it really short for you. One of the things I truly admired about islam is their practice of asking for forgiveness and to offer forgiveness. I think this was the teaching of christianity as well where jesus said that when you are making an offering to God that you have not seen and you remember the wrong you had done to your brother, go first and seek his forgiveness.

    These wisdom teachings have great merit and benefit for individuals and society. That’s the thrust of my contention.

    The bottomline is this ; you had no emotional connection with what happened during the dharurat and all your bleeding heart manipulation really meant squad to your ownself or to anyone else.

    _Sherry’s historical perspective :
    Yes, I totally agree, and in order to do that the current and next generation must be told about the real truth and facts of history and the repercussions, and not being mislead by the lies and distortion by poilitical duds like DAP’s Kia Kua Soong for their malicious political agendas.

    And you would think that the umno’s account is credible ? I had relatives who were in the thick of things and Kia kua soong’s perspective is very accurate.

    Instead of just casting slurs and aspersion, address the points he raised. You really have no inkling what happened then and you just took up the position that the other side is lying without really investigating further, probably because someone gave a spin to what he wrote and you thought that was the truth. Are you really that dense or are you a PR plant to appear stupid to make BN look stupid ?

  312. Morning Dew says:

    _Part 1a_

    My post is lengthy mainly because I had chosen to keep intact the context of my reply. Context gives meaning and I wouldn’t want sherry to do a double-take without the context.

    Sh wrote :
    Hi MD, great to hear fro you again. After 2 days, I m still grasping to figure it out whether your lengthy novel the other day was an advice directed to me of to your goodself.

    If what I wrote was a novel yours is certainly an endless drivel..eerh..I mean serial.

    I wouldn’t dare offer any advice to such a brave defender of “truth”. I was merely offering a point of view that you may have conveniently overlooked – particularly the view that you see every morning in the mirror.

  313. wits0 says:

    Yo! Sherry’s robotic innards, cherry and all, met morning dew and rapidly acquired that patina formation. Crawling around ain’t so much fun as before, oh.

  314. Morning Dew says:

    Trying so hard to get pass the daemon 8-)…remove cookies, changed, nic, reset connection…woh ! this part 1a couldn’t get through. One last try 8-). Lapar-lah….mahu makan.

    _Part 1a_

    My post is lengthy mainly because I had chosen to keep intact the context of my reply. Context gives meaning and I wouldn’t want sherry to do a double-take without the context.

    Sh wrote :
    Hi MD, great to hear fro you again. After 2 days, I m still grasping to figure it out whether your lengthy novel the other day was an advice directed to me of to your goodself.

    If what I wrote was a novel yours is certainly an endless drivel..eerh..I mean serial.

    I wouldn’t dare offer any advice to such a brave defender of “truth”. I was merely offering a point of view that you may have conveniently overlooked – particularly the view that you see every morning in the mirror.

  315. I-4-C says:

    Those suffering from gila babi syndrome succumbs easily to arse banger’s propaganda hehe

  316. I-4-C says:

    With the revelation from Sabah’s MPs, we now know that the arse banger was banging on Sabah’s MPs to crossover to take over the govt lah. No wonder no more dates given to take over. Instead Perak got taken over. Another failure of CIA involvement in Malaysian politics hehe

  317. wits0 says:

    Worm-Me-Sherry’s domain – Utters tiny ascari 1-4-C “it’s beautiful!!! ”

  318. sabahmp says:

    I am not admired here, probably that’s the reason why some monsters could continuously smear me with dirty words and get away with it.
    Alas, “civilized” bloggers rule the Cyber World these days…in their bedrooms.

    Why you cry cry. You are a dirty word what pretending to be civilised

  319. storm62 says:

    Najis vs Chin Peng?

    one is a fucker and the other is a fighter.

  320. sabahmp says:

    kiasu is a dirty word pretending to be civilised
    and Barisan Najis I-4-C is in the wrong place looking for arse banging-there are other sites for that.

  321. sherry says:

    Hi Morning Dew (MD), I am back, cheers.

    Part 2_

    MD said:

    Not really necessary. More importantly is whether what I had said rang true. If it does then just accept it. If it doesn’t you should know it too but what you are doing is to have what i had said twisted and turned within your mind just to find an angle to reply to. Why ? Is it so important that your pro-BN stand prevail ?

    Sherry replied:
    Why not necessary? Are you asking me to tell you that yours rang true even when my arguments rebutted yours? Ditto if mine rang true please accept it, if it doesnt please rebutt it, dont accuse me of twisting and turning yours. Which part did I twist and turn? Show me facts give counter rebuttal. Dont say not necessary.

    Just because I rebutted your arguments and some spinning works of others as I viewed it, doesnt connect to whether one is pro or anti BN. So what if you are pro PR? Whats wrong with you being pro PR or otherwise? U lectured me its about “3” you, me and “the truth”, but now you are having more. You must be confused with your own principle, hence, its not surprising that I find it hard to digest your princip (or motive).

    I am so pro BN? How could you tell? Do I have any interest/position in BN? Am I paid by BN? Did I ever ask if anyone is paid by PR here? Havent you read any of my comments lambasting UMNO/BN Govt on their corrupt practices and weak leadership in other blogs.

    If you want to talk about the “Mr X” and not about the “bread” then I dont mind we have another session to talk about it until you are satisfied. Why not, if you insist. But to imply that when I rebutt/differ from you I am pro BN, when I agree/concur with you I am pro-PR, then the “the truth” principle totally contradicts yours. You should use the word “prejudice” then. Coz you are so prejudice in your comments as I see it.

    MD wrote:

    *************** Start of Chin Peng’s issue ***********
    Let me make it really short for you. One of the things I truly admired about islam is their practice of asking for forgiveness and to offer forgiveness. I think this was the teaching of christianity as well where jesus said that when you are making an offering to God that you have not seen and you remember the wrong you had done to your brother, go first and seek his forgiveness.

    These wisdom teachings have great merit and benefit for individuals and society. That’s the thrust of my contention.

    The bottomline is this ; you had no emotional connection with what happened during the dharurat and all your bleeding heart manipulation really meant squad to your ownself or to anyone else.

    Sherry replied:
    You see, that is not “REALLY SHORT” from you. Get the point? If you want to write it long, just do it, dont explain about how you write. What you write matters.

    Yes, I too admire the practise of giving/asking forgiveness not only in Islam and Chiristian, but in Buddha, Hindu, Hebrew and other religions and societies too, coz people here are from all walks of life and beliefs, not just Islam and Christian. Dont you agree too if one is a Hindu he would also practice such principle and trust. Not just you or me. Dont be prejudicial on religious ground.

    The point is the murder, killings, rebellion by a banned CPM Army commandered by Chin Peng (who could have chosen peace than war) who never repented till now, and the deaths and suffering he incurred on the “those countless soldiers” and the real citizens. Do we just simply recite a verse in Quran and then forgive this murderer commander just like that? Even if he did not repent?

    Do we tell all police, army and enforcements, even lawyers, magistrates, judges, parents, madoffs, victims, you, me to enforce the “religion’s forgive and forget” teachings everytime crimes are repeated? WE HAVE OUR THRUST IN OUR RESPECTIVE RELIGION, BUT DONT MISTREAT AND MISGUIDE IT. DO GOD TELL PEOPLE TO ABIDE BY LAW AND BE PUNISHED BY LAW TOO? U BEG TO DIFFER?

    MD wrote

    And you would think that the umno’s account is credible ? I had relatives who were in the thick of things and Kia kua soong’s perspective is very accurate.

    Instead of just casting slurs and aspersion, address the points he raised. You really have no inkling what happened then and you just took up the position that the other side is lying without really investigating further, probably because someone gave a spin to what he wrote and you thought that was the truth. Are you really that dense or are you a PR plant to appear stupid to make BN look stupid ?

    Sherry reply:
    Where is you fact? where is your rebuttal?

    I linked you facts on Jebatmustdie’s exposure of KKK lies, why dont you rebutt the part that you disagreed. Oh, YOU HAVE RELATIVES WHO WERE IN THE THICK….AND KKK’S PERSPECTIVE VERY ACCURATE! Is that a rebuttal or a statement, OR A SPIN? I have relatives too in Dato Keramat, Setapak, Kepong and Datuk Keramat who were in the thick of actions on Sept 16, sorry May 13 1969 whose name were Ahmad, Ah Chong and Muthu….and they confirmed JMD’s perspective were accurate!!! Do I expect you or readers to believe that was “the truth” if I rebutted by the “relatives” way too? Do you. And you dont even present their names. And by the way, JMD have all those official names of people in his exposure of KKK’s lies and malice.

    Read here

    And JMD did not resort to ” I had relatives…” “The Rakyat knows the truth…. to prove his point.

    MD concluded: “…..probably because someone gave a spin to what he wrote and you thought that was the truth”

    Sherry ask: Which part did JMD spin? And if your refer to my previous comments which I wrote myself, which part did I spin? Is it about “Chin Peng a traitor”, about “only one side in civillians as oppose to “both” sides of the civillians, or what? Dont just shoot and say I spin? Tell me where?

    You quoted “a PR Plant”…”…BN look stupid”. Is this a summary of your rebuttal? Well, if you insist on the “Mr X” and not the “bread” issue, then you talk to the monster lah.

    Please forgive if my words are offensive to you….regards.


  322. wits0 says:

    Worm-Me-Sherry wishes to bog Morning Dew down into a World War 1 scenario of static trench warfare in France. 😀

  323. Robert Langdon says:

    Dear Whispering9,

    I admire your sharp IQ foremost than your expertize in the IT field. It’s an art. I’ll make you my co-star in finding the truth about who really is/are behind the murder of Altantuya Sharibuu and why(maybe we can for get the “why” coz we all know the reasons).

    What say you mate? hehe.

  324. wits0 says:

    Malaysians say politicians the most corrupt lot

    “..In the 2009 Global Corruption Barometer (GCB), 42 per cent of Malaysians said that political parties are the most corrupt institution, followed closely by the civil service at 37 per cent…”

    Of course they meant the parties so long in power.

  325. sherry says:

    Right now I still see in red ink ” Your comment is awaiting moderation.” in 7 of my postings under this title, including re-postings and partial postings at different times since June 2.

    Two days ago I saw many “unfriendly and not admired” postings unfavorable to some monsters BEING PURPOSELY DELETED, yet other “friendly” obscene postings were allowed.

    Yet some people have the audacity to know “the truth” than susan herself. Yeah, “impossible, no way, cant be true, unlikely that Susan has deliberately edited away unfriendly comments” in proctection of her “friendly” admired friend.


  326. sherry says:

    KUA KIA SOONG wrote a book entitled : Declassified Documents on the Malaysian Riots of 1969″.

    —–Some say that this bloody blotch in our history books should be a lesson learned. Some say we should bury this ghost of our past. Some even made the effort to distort history by misrepresenting the facts.

    —–Morning Dew said he had RELATIVES who were in the thick of things and as such kia kua soong’s perspective is VERY ACCURATE.

    JEBATMUSTDIE wrote 4 articles rebutting the book: read link here:

    ——some highlighted the despicable act of rewriting history to fit ulterior motive. The so-called facts presented in KKK’s book are highly presumptuous, misguided and intended only to achieve a divisive propaganda. JMD pointed out:-

    ——we would believe KKK’s “declassified documents” was a top secret document sanctioned by Government to be kept as classified and confidential from public eyes. Documents with valid and unshakable truths that are so damning, prudent to be kept as a secret.

    ——but as you read the book, these ‘declassified documents’ were nothing more than articles taken from the now defunct Far Eastern Economic Review magazine. Its writer, a journalist named Bob Reece communicated directly with the FEER’s HQ in London and British High Commission. ‘Obtained’ by KKK from the Public Records Office in Kew Gardens, London – and so he stated in his book.

    ——–KKK deemed these documents as the priceless ‘declassified documents’. They have no intrinsic value and were not data laden with factual analyses except to notify the readers that the documents were actually, only a personal opinion of a British journalist!

    ——–KKK rubbished all the investigative research and study of the White Paper of the NOC on what actually had happened. He relied mainly on Bob Reece’s writings and dispatches between foreign correspondents.

    ——-KKK’s book can safely be classified as a highly prejudice book vent on achieving a specific propaganda which is detrimental to the nation’s social harmony. Why do JMD say that? Please read all his rebuttal articles.

    Sherry said “she too could have RELATIVES in Datuk Keramat, Setapak, Kepong and Datuk Keramat (sic, Sentul, sorry) who were also in the thick of actions on May 13 1969 whose name were Ahmad, Ah Chong and Muthu….and they confirmed JMD’s perspective were accurate!!!

    Sherry, however, do not expect readers to conclude the “very accurate truth” based on the “relatives” she had.

    But Sherry agreed that JMD have all those official names of people (relatives or non-relatives) quoted in his articles to EXPOSE KKK’s LIES and MALICE.


    KKK is DAP, JMD is not UMNO (find out by reading his blog), Sherry is not BN (as she claimed) just like Morning Dew is not PKR (as she claimed). But this is not about DAP, PKR, PAS, UMNO, MIC, MCA, or BN.

    This is not worm, war or nasi lemak as about all some one could say.

    As Morning Dew put it, this is about YOU, ME and THE TRUTH.

    YOU COULD DISAGREE WITH JMD’s “BREAD” AFTER PERSONALLY READING HIS ARTICLES AND REBUTTING HIS REBUTTAL. HOW COULD YOU DISAGREE IF YOU DONT READ IT FIRST. But thats how some of us do….disagree without finding out what to disagree…and disagree with “Mr X” not the “Bread”.


    could comment

  327. monsterball says:

    This long garbage tells you what kind of person sherry is.
    Yes garbage is what she put out …with no respect to blog owner…yet complaining ..getting unfair treatment.
    Few have unsound minds and that include Sherry.
    And strange…all are pro UMNO and MCA buggers.

  328. Morning Dew says:

    _Sh’s quivering explosion :

    Why not necessary? Are you asking me to tell you that yours rang true even when my arguments rebutted yours?….Dont say not necessary.

    **** more nonsensical drivel deleted ****

    Chill out sh. So are you now talking about the bread or X ?

    _Sh’s twist :
    You see, that is not “REALLY SHORT” from you. Get the point? If you want to write it long, just do it, dont explain about how you write. What you write matters.

    It was a really short position statement. If I had to take your rambling point by point it would have been very long.

    __Shy twist and twist :
    Yes, I too admire the practise of giving/asking forgiveness not only in Islam and Chiristian, but in Buddha, Hindu, Hebrew and other religions and societies too, coz people here are from all walks of life and beliefs, not just Islam and Christian. Dont you agree too if one is a Hindu he would also practice such principle and trust. Not just you or me. Dont be prejudicial on religious ground.

    You are really a fcukwitz. Asking for forgiveness is never a practice with christian, buddhists etc. This practice is in the bible but christians don’t practice it mainly because many felt that they had been forgiven, so they continued doing all manner of wrong towards others and often think it is kindness.

    To those who really understand buddhist practice (path and fruits) they will realise that forgiveness is not necessary. But asking for forgiveness has great merit.

    Why do you have to turn everything around to vent your spleen ?

    *** As for your post been edited, I have no idea but as the blog owner she has “great power” over what gets into her blog and more than likely it was a “bot” or “daemon” , which is a tiny little software that monitors everything that went in and out. She has to set criteria for the filter. Initially a lot of my posts were thrown out because she was “reliably informed” I was a government trojan. She could do that with the filter. Now my posts are again been shut out for reasons best known to her.

    I am giving this example not to demonise her but to let you know that it is within her rights and as human all of us are fallible inspite of all the moral stand we advocate. I don’t see it as a bad thing. I see it as part of growing up and maturing.

    Peace sister !

  329. Morning Dew says:

    _Sh’s quivering explosion :

    Why not necessary? Are you asking me to tell you that yours rang true even when my arguments rebutted yours?….Dont say not necessary.

    **** more nonsensical drivel deleted ****

    Chill out sh. So are you now talking about the bread or X ?

    _Sh’s twist :
    You see, that is not “REALLY SHORT” from you. Get the point? If you want to write it long, just do it, dont explain about how you write. What you write matters.

    It was a really short position statement. If I had to take your rambling point by point it would have been very long.

  330. Morning Dew says:

    __Shy twist and twist :
    Yes, I too admire the practise of giving/asking forgiveness not only in Islam and Chiristian, but in Buddha, Hindu, Hebrew and other religions and societies too, coz people here are from all walks of life and beliefs, not just Islam and Christian. Dont you agree too if one is a Hindu he would also practice such principle and trust. Not just you or me. Dont be prejudicial on religious ground.

    You are really a fcukwitz. Asking for forgiveness is never a practice with christian, buddhists etc. This practice is in the bible but christians don’t practice it mainly because many felt that they had been forgiven, so they continued doing all manner of wrong towards others and often think it is kindness.

    To those who really understand buddhist practice (path and fruits) they will realise that forgiveness is not necessary. But asking for forgiveness has great merit.

    Why do you have to turn everything around to vent your spleen ?

    *** As for your post been edited, I have no idea but as the blog owner she has “great power” over what gets into her blog and more than likely it was a “bot” or “daemon” , which is a tiny little software that monitors everything that went in and out. She has to set criteria for the filter. Initially a lot of my posts were thrown out because she was “reliably informed” I was a government trojan. She could do that with the filter.

    I am giving this example not to demonise her but to let you know that it is within her rights and as human all of us are fallible inspite of all the moral stand we advocate. I don’t see it as a bad thing. I see it as part of growing up and maturing.

    Peace sister !

  331. Morning Dew says:

    Sherry twist and twist :
    Yes, I too admire the practise of giving/asking forgiveness not only in Islam and Chiristian, but in Buddha, Hindu, Hebrew and other religions and societies too,………. Not just you or me. Dont be prejudicial on religious ground.
    You are really a bozo. Asking for forgiveness is never a practice with christian, buddhists etc. This practice is in the bible but christians don’t practice it mainly because many felt that they had been forgiven, so they continued doing all manner of wrong towards others and often think it is kindness.

    To those who really understand buddhist practice (path and fruits) they will realise that forgiveness is not necessary. But asking for forgiveness has great merit.

    Why do you have to turn everything around to vent your spleen ?

  332. Morning Dew says:

    *** As for your post been edited, I have no idea but as the blog owner she has “great power” over what gets into her blog and more than likely it was a “bot” or “daemon” , which is a tiny little software that monitors everything that went in and out.

    She has to set criteria for the filter. Initially a lot of my posts were thrown out because she was “reliably informed” I was a government trojan. She could do that with the filter.

    I am giving this example not to demonise her but to let you know that it is within her rights and as human all of us are fallible inspite of all the moral stand we advocate. I don’t see it as a bad thing. I see it as part of growing up and maturing.

    Peace sister !

  333. Menyalak-er says:

    Hi Morning Dew, I think you have been mislead to think that “…Christians don’t practice it (forgiveness), because many think they have been forgiven so they continue to do wrong towards others.”. Even though the statement was for another person, kindly explain this.
    I have read somewhere that you’re an “ex-Christian” – there is really no such thing.

  334. Anonymous says:

    Anonymous said…

    What survey??? In Penanti, it once again proven that PeeM, UMNO and its leaders has no guts to face the Rakyats and its outsourcing politics to independents is a great failure. The Real Elections are the real survey of Malaysian opinion of Najib’s performance and as can be seen most of the Rakyats wanted to boot UMNO/BN out to free Malaysia of corruptions and oppressions, ISA & OSA asap.

    The more UMNO leaders try to oppress the Rakyats using the Police as their tools, the more losses they will suffer in any Elections if not all Elections including the GE 13 which is their coup de grace.

    They have now a tyro Education Minister who is trying to retard the full potential of students by limiting the number of subjects the students can take in SPM’s Exams. You see this is done in order for the residential students to excel in the limited field they are taught in. Now, this how narrow minded the tyro Education Minister can be, frankly he should be booted out if his narrow mindedness which is limiting talent. You can take all the subjects in SPM but not all will be perform well as study time is limited only the best of the best will ever excel therefore it does not take an Education Minister to tell us who are the more excellent students who should be selected for Scholarships to study overseas.

  335. kittykat46 says:

    “ex-Christian” – there is really no such thing.
    All the monotheistic religions really do not recognise apostasy.

    You can become a non-practioner, even a non-believer, but your soul is forfeit once you are in. That’s why ALL of them, at one time or another, has had the death penalty or some other serious punishment for any one attempting or even suspected of attempting to quit.

    In its heyday, The Inquisition was an independent power not answerable to any European king.

    Its quite logical, really. If you really, really, think your religion is the one and only truth, and there is no other truth, it makes sense that anyone trying to leave is committing a heinous crime. 🙂

  336. kittykat46 says:

    Muhyidding, the Education Minister doesn’t have his mouth connected to his brain (assuming he has one).

    Limiting SPM to just 10 subjects just doesn’t make sense. Let me add this up for a good student studying in the Science Stream.
    The core subjects, which every student takes, already add up to 9 subjects.
    That leaves only 1 elective to make 10.

    Bahasa Malaysia
    English 1119
    Pendidikan Moral (or Islamic Studies for Muslim students)
    Additional Maths

    Many students also take English For Science and Technology (6355)
    That leaves 0 room for other subjects.

    Chinese Language (6351) ?
    English Literature (2205) ?
    Malay Literature (2215) ?

    I was in the Science Stream, but I took English Literature as a private student for the love of the subject. I’d hate to see students miss out on the option to pursue a subject they love, simply by Administrative Fiat from a dumb Education Minister.

  337. whispering9 says:

    Nay Robert Langdon,
    “I’ll make you my co-star in finding the truth.” I work alone..kekekeke. 🙂 Don’t lah believe everything I wrote!

    Hey Morning Dew….ain’t you suppose to be refreshing every morning. Cheer up lah….I admire Sherry stamina for ‘sparring’ with you. I never like her references to JMD ‘cos I hate that nick ‘JMD’. It is so historically inaccurate. But she is right though; KKS references are not all that credible with the exception to citations by Hwang. A history professor might have given him a B- for his citations. But that doesn’t mean JMD is right. JMD is just the extreme opposite to KKS assessment which is most probably wrong. Robert Langdon will tell you that the truth is somewhere in the middle. 🙄

  338. Menyalak-er says:

    Yes kk46, i’ll agree to that truth.
    But the question is not about the Spanish Inquisition or what self professed or extenalized religion does.
    What one understands and practices is not dependent on ‘aping’ others.
    True belief is dependent on doctrine and dogma, which is actually far removed its current meaning or context (which can be quite disparaging). This ‘dogma’ is the deeper contemplative meaning of any scripture be it Christian, Muslim, Hinduism, Buddhism etc. It is esoteric (hidden in a sense) and we become privy to it when we are initiated to the deeper truths. That is why we so called monotheists who understand this, respect the nontheistic and polytheistic religions and would never disparage them, for Truth is cannot be compartmentalized.
    But Morning Dew, despite his so called wisdom, did make a very ‘off the cuff’ remark, which does not bode well for one who claims to be aware – i would have defended other ‘religions’ too if i understood their ‘dogma’ on the truth.

  339. arullthevar says:

    I do not know how do u get 64 % indians satisfied with najip performance , is it because of release of Hindraf leaders ,if it is so then u get the wrong message . for u info they shouldn’t be there in the first place . indians still haven’t seen the good side of najip ,we are still lack behind in so many places ? The day malaysian PM put behind all the race nonsence issue , race based parties UMNO,MCA,MIC , threat all malaysian as one malaysian irrespective of any race they belong then that day will come to say malaysian are satisfied with malaysia PM najip . Will our dream come true .Only najip can answer with his 1malaysia concept .

  340. Faizah says:

    Sorry sir, your name is Arul. Thevar is caste name right. My father teach me say all indian with curly hair and red eyes are thevar, is it true? if what I say is true, then what you say cannot happen.

  341. sherry says:

    Morning Dew’s wisdom teachings
    (June 3, 4.38pm) –

    “One of the things I truly admired about Islam is their practice of asking for forgiveness and to offer forgiveness. I think this was the teaching of christianity as well where Jesus…”

    – Sherry agreed with this. But wait a minute, read below:-

    Morning Dew REBUTTED Morning Dew –
    (June 4, 8.37am, 8.43am, 8.47)

    “You are really a fcukwitz ( & bozo). Asking for forgiveness is never a practice with christian, buddhists etc. This practice is in the bible but christians don’t practice it mainly because many felt that they had been forgiven,…..”

    Sherry REPLIED:


    I MAY BE IGNORANT OF CHRISTINITY AND BUDDISM PRACTISES (THE SUBJECTS YOU MISGUIDED TO DEFEND CHIN PENG), BUT I AM SO CONFUSED WITH YOUR STAND! Call me fcukwitz, bozo,worm or whatever, but please dont underestimate your own intelligence!

    (p/s: I do not prefer to use the phrase ” why do stupid people always overestimate their own intelligence” coz some monster or nasi lemak LCMs may feel offended)

    So now Morning Dew I ask you again, do you want the unrepentant murderer CHIN PENG to “go first and seek his forgiveness” as what GOD JESUS IN BIBLE teaches,…

    ….OR do you want to tell CHIN PENG; Its okay Chin, you are my freedom hero, if you feel that “those countless soldiers” have forgiven you (which they did not), please continue doing all manner of wrong towards others because it is kindness. Chin, I hope you are a Christian Communist, or a Buddist Communist, coz according to my twin Morning Dew, asking forginess is “never practiced by christians, buddists, etc. and not necessary in Buddist” so say my twin brother Morning Deww”.

    Sherry: Which is your take, Morning Dew? Yours or your twin brother’s?

    Finally, a little grumble by MD

    “The bottomline is this ; you had no emotional connection with what happened during the dharurat and all your bleeding heart manipulation really meant squad to your ownself or to anyone else.”

    Sherry: How do you know I “had no emotional connection….”? Do you know my childhood background? My life history and the darurat people connected to me? Do you have that emotional connection? Oh.. I forget, you had RELATIVES IN THE THICK…AND THEY WERE VERY ACCURATE. Now, which MD will forgive me for forgetting this.

  342. mie says:

    dear all,

    im aware that everyone want to protect for what they believe in and so am i. Just one thing, me are Malaysian, DO WE NEED TO BE VULGAR AND USE VULGAR WORDS TO EXPRESS OUR SELF? does majority cant differentiate between ARGUING and DISCUSSING.

    Yes you can voice out what u want in the internet, or if u voice it out physically its better. but if voicing out by using vulgar words and cursing people… does that make u better?

    Im suggesting that rather than effecting our health with the stress and anger, why dont we act as a MALAYSIAN CITIZEN.

    we still get to voice out and at the same time keep our health.

    i always use this phrase in my lectures :

    “married people especially, and have kids, if u die… MANY PEOPLE will take care of ur PARTNER, but always think, who want to take care of ur CHILDREN”

    so people…. be RATIONAL, not EMOTIONAL.

  343. sabahmp says:


    Apa pasal you never ask ini orang?, polis pun cakap OK. Sekarang lu mau ajar sama komentar………..tak malu pun

  344. sabahmp says:

    i always use this phrase in my lectures :
    “married people especially, and have kids,…”

    mana lu lecture huh…………must warn not send anak belajar sana

  345. sherry says:

    To mie (4.11pm), thank you for the kind advise.

    people made mistakes one time or another, I too would like to apologise if some words of mine offend others.


  346. monsterball says:

    Mie..wait till after 13th GE..and you will notice how cultured and refine we can be.
    From the video…you can see how vulgar UMNO politicians can be…yet no police action.
    People’s Power have different personalities too….but all are determine to vote UMNO out.
    In blogging.we will respond as how we feel… we conclude…on those Cyber-Troopers and pro UMNO MCA buggers.
    Few like Jean and Sherry are simply too smart with their agendas.
    Reader can fall into their traps.
    One racialist want UMNO to rule forever..supported by one low class MCA member.
    Do not forget….we intend to gun them down as fast as they try to smooth talking specialists.
    Even young fut kanchilandak can be convincing…if you do not gun him down.
    So it is a slim line between diplomacy and warlike combat attitudes.
    I choose warlike FOR or AGAINST have not choices….either with me or against vote UMNO out.

  347. wits0 says:

    Now the Worm-Me-Sherry would like to apologise *IF* some words of mine offend others.

    Reminds me of Kerispuddin’s conditional *IF* too. And that of a few others, the nice and convenient, “IFs”.

    Like I’ve said, Morning Dew will likely have sufficient to say first.

  348. sabahmp says:

    “people made mistakes one time or another”

    50 tahun lebih buat “mistake” belum puas, lagi sherry nak jual cherry..sudalah ko ingin ni “kindergarten” nak bodokan orang

  349. Menyalak-er says:

    Hahaha… consistency friends: If vulgar – no offence; if saintly – also no offence, just don’t read mah…
    No problems with Morning Dew, if the CTs want to put something into this, elek poreh… just ‘airing’ between brothers. Better than stale corrupted stuff.

  350. subash says:

    This survey sis difficult to believe. The true Indian feeling:

    In his own words, ‘If they force me (to sign the conditional release papers, which among other things would have barred him from speaking at public functions), I will not do it as I prefer going back to Kamunting prison,’ (the words in brackets being mine).

    Leaders like them inspire us. They and their loved ones have suffered pain, physical and emotional, for us.

    Let us stand, not behind them but shoulder to shoulder with them, and work together for justice for all Malaysians. Let us never forget what these brave people have shown, that truth and justice will always triumph over lies and oppression.

    Let us not forget either, that all that is needed for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing. Finally, let us never forget these words of Uthayakumar: ‘Never give in to them.’

  351. monsterball says:

    “How do win friends and influence people” is a nice book for sales people to read.
    I have never read it.
    Sherry trying to sell herself to be friends with us….all depend on her messages.
    Actions speaks louder than words.

  352. ultraman says:

    “may look like haze but it is not haze! It is just….HAZY!”
    – Director-General of the Department of Environment (DOE), Datuk Rosnani Ibarahim

    I am laughing now as I make my way to the bar to pour myself a stiff whiskey. Goodnight!

  353. wits0 says:

    Serendipity Singers – Don’t Let The Rain Come Down

  354. monsterball says:

    hahahahahaaha…my dear more tan 35 years ..old friend.. Patrick Teoh …the ‘NIAMAH” bolg owner…one of he bravest freedom fighter I ever known…in forgotten old days…is here!
    Susan should be honored.
    Ultra-Man…he is..and Spirit-Man I be…sooner or later….both are too lan with UMNO….HAHAHAHAHAHA

  355. monsterball says:

    hahahahahaaha…my dear more tan 35 years ..old friend.. Patrick Teoh …the ‘NIAMAH” bolg owner…one of the bravest freedom fighter I ever known…in forgotten old days…is here!
    Susan should be honored.
    Both of us…too lan with UMNO….HAHAHAHAHAHA

  356. Morning Dew says:

    Wow! so many things to say and so little time 8-).

    @ Mie on vulgarity.

    Internet for all intents and purposes is a one-dimensional medium of communication. When it failed to serve its purpose a second dimension could be added by the use of “selective vulgarity” 8-).
    Many years ago there was a debate on the use of vulgarity in text-based messaging such as this and it seem that it is quite acceptable because we can’t project “our feelings” adequately with just words.

    When I used “_fcukwitz_” to describe sherry I did not do it in anger. It was an accurate description. All manner of rationality doesn’t seem to get into her head. When I said asking for forgiveness was a good practice amongst muslim, she turned around and accused me of been prejudicial and it became another opportunity for her to really vent her spleen. In fact after the last post I had decided to remain silent and no longer engage her delusions. But I saw others jumping on to the bandwagon. Not to ignore her but to thread carefully.

  357. Morning Dew says:

    Wow! so many things to say and so little time 8-).

    @ Mie on vulgarity.

    Internet for all intents and purposes is a one-dimensional medium of communication. When it failed to serve its purpose a second dimension could be added by the use of “selective vulgarity” 8-).
    Many years ago there was a debate on the use of vulgarity in text-based messaging such as this and it seem that it is quite acceptable because we can’t project “our feelings” adequately with just words.

    —- kept been kicked out by susan’s daemon 8-)….truncating post…

  358. Morning Dew says:

    @ Mie on vulgarity cont…..

    When I used “_farkwitz_” to describe sherry I did not do it in anger. It was an accurate description. All manner of rationality doesn’t seem to get into her head. When I said asking for forgiveness was a good practice amongst muslim, she turned around and accused me of been prejudicial and it became another opportunity for her to really vent her spleen. In fact after the last post I had decided to remain silent and no longer engage her delusions. But I saw others jumping on to the bandwagon. Not to ignore her but to thread carefully.

  359. Morning Dew says:

    @ Menyalak-er on forgiveness

    Asking for forgiveness as a day to day practice is not a part of the christian culture. I know, as you had sad, because I was a former christian. It was quite explicitly stated in matthiew but how many brothers or sisters actually do it regularly ? Muslims do it every hari raya.

    @ sherry on emotional connection to may 13

    My apology if I mistook your connection. So, do tell, how many of your relatives were massacred, or you had witness such massacre or perhaps one of your relatives did.

    @ sherry on forgiveness in buddhism

    I am a buddhist.

  360. Morning Dew says:

    @ whisper9 on sherry’s stamina, JMD and KKS

    Sherry’s stamina came mostly from a lot of pent up frustration. I think I will like her if we do meet.

    You are right that the truth lies somewhere between JMD and KKS position and this is a far cry from the position that is been pushed to the malay folks. I believe very much in closure of the may 13 incident but for that to take place there must be an acknowledgement of wrongdoing. In australia it took the government hundreds of years before they couldd acknowledge the wrong. Will malaysia ever see that day in this generation ? Very unlikely and the children and the children of those who were the victim of this horrendous crime will have to bear with the emotional scar.

  361. Morning Dew says:

    * acknowledge the wrong-

    Acknowledge the wrong that the government did to the aborigenes.

  362. Morning Dew says:

    Mie wrote :

    why dont we act as a MALAYSIAN CITIZEN.

    I don’t really follow your logic here. You mean malaysian citizens act decently and if we use indecent words we are then not acting like malaysian citizen ? I understand non-sequitur but this is really beyond me.

    And Mie continued :

    “married people especially, and have kids, if u die… MANY PEOPLE will take care of ur PARTNER, but always think, who want to take care of ur CHILDREN”

    Once there was a very rich man and he had 4 wives. He wasn’t a muslim but lived somewhere in northern india. When he was about to die he asked his youngest wife to accompany him. This wife he treated like a queen and always take care of her everyday but the wife say no.

    What am I getting at ? I have really no idea just as I have no idea what you are trying to say.

  363. hawvalga says:

    In my review today of Wag the Dog, I quoted some sections of the film that happened to employ the F word, which I deemed necessary since they were the most revealing conversations in the film…..

    But should be regular people use such words? Let’s take my two favorites, sh-t and f—k. The “SH Word” as we used to call it, is simply an Old English word for excrement, and the F word is a Middle English word for copulation. Not fornication, mind you –implying something sinful – just copulation, something that married people can do all day long without annoying anyone in heaven. I’m not theologian, but I don’t recall anything in Genesis about sex and poop being invented only after the Fall of Man. We’re talking about ordinary words that describe ordinary things. There’s nothing magical or diabilical about them, for goodness sake.

    This might seem like splitting hairs, but I honestly don’t see the awfulness of it all. There’s a time and a place for most everything, and cussing certainly serves helpful purposes in literature and in communicating more accurately one’s feelings and observations.

  364. hawvalga says:

    In my review today of Wag the Dog, I quoted some sections of the film that happened to employ the F word, which I deemed necessary since they were the most revealing conversations in the film…..

    But should be regular people use such words? Let’s take my two favorites, sh-t and f—k. The “SH Word” as we used to call it, is simply an Old English word for excrement, and the F word is a Middle English word for copulation. Not fornication, mind you –implying something sinful – just copulation, something that married people can do all day long without annoying anyone in heaven. I’m not theologian, but I don’t recall anything in Genesis about s*x and p*op being invented only after the Fall of Man. We’re talking about ordinary words that describe ordinary things. There’s nothing magical or diabilical about them, for goodness sake.

    This might seem like splitting hairs, but I honestly don’t see the awfulness of it all. There’s a time and a place for most everything, and cussing certainly serves helpful purposes in literature and in communicating more accurately one’s feelings and observations.

  365. Morning Dew says:

    Kittykat46 explained :

    “ex-Christian” – there is really no such thing.
    All the monotheistic religions really do not recognise apostasy.

    So I am now a christian practising buddhism ?

    I believe the stand against apostasy whether in christianity or islam was politicaly motivated. All the apologetic arguments put forth were used to defend this position. The politicians were locked in war against the pagans and apostasy is viewed as betrayal of king and country and not of God.

    Kittykat46 continued…

    Its quite logical, really. If you really, really, think your religion is the one and only truth, and there is no other truth, it makes sense that anyone trying to leave is committing a heinous crime 🙂

    And you can say that with a beautiful smile 8-).

    Truth in christianity is absolute(I have yet to an answer as to what is this absolute truth) while truth in buddhism is progressive. It is never static but dynamic.

    Actually christianity also spoke of how the path of the righteous one is like a light getting brighter and brighter. This is found in proverbs.

    So if you really, really, really look buddhism and christianity is not much different 8-).

  366. Morning Dew says:

    Menyalak-er hazardous guess :

    “But Morning Dew, despite his so called wisdom, did make a very ‘off the cuff’ remark, which does not bode well for one who claims to be aware – i would have defended other ‘religions’ too if i understood their ‘dogma’ on the truth.

    Who said I had wisdom ? When did I make the claim to be aware ?

    The remark on forgiveness was not off the cuff. I had a discussion once with a psychologist-who-got-angry on forgiveness. It was at that time I got the insight that forgiveness was never really a necessary part of the buddhistic spiritual path but asking for forgiveness has great merit.

    In christianity and islam asking for forgiveness is very much a part of the teachings but whether it is practised with sincerity or not is a different question altogether. Asking for forgiveness on a regular basis is certainly not very much a part of the congregations I had been attached to.

    Psychologists believe that forgiving others has great psychological benefit. How about forgetting ? Conventional wisdom has it that we should “forget and forgive.”

  367. Menyalak-er says:

    Nope Morning Dew, never said you are an apostate; that was kk46 words, not mine. That is why the parantheses.
    In true Christian ‘dogma’, it simply states that you were never a Christian, not an ex-Christian – that is different than saying that you were an apostate. True Christians don’t follow the Covenent of Laws, we follow the Covenent of Grace.
    And i agree that ‘apostasy’ is a man made ideology.
    So do I concur full heartedly with you that many ‘practising’ Christians are hypocritical and worse – but so are all ‘religious’ (externalized) people. This is called ‘folly’ in Ecclesiastes.
    Most Christians say: “we choose”, but the proper idea is to say “God chooses”. That’s why many say they are ‘predestined’ but in the wrong sense. They have a ‘little’ God of no ‘mysterion’.
    Whichever way He chooses, we obey. Just as you did. That’s fine.
    There is no conflict. You are a Buddhist.
    All religions teach us to forgive, not necessarily forget. Some call it merits, i call it grace.
    Anyway this is not the proper forum to discuss this, and we beg Susan’s ‘indulgence’ again.

  368. muhi says:

    In that case, does anyone have more info on this:

    Tuesday, May 21, 2002 9:40 AM
    4. A Federal Minister whose brother was arrested for drug trafficking – Muhyiddin Yassin

  369. sherry says:

    Dear Morning Dew,

    If you want to call me “fcukwitz”, “farkwitz”, “bozo” or whatever you want, just do it and stick to it la, no need to explain or justify your name calling in the name of accurate description ( nanti some people may think you regret or feel guilty about it). Don’t have to tell the world la that you did not do it out of “anger” (nanti some people may think you sudah angry).

    “All manner of rationality” – where are your points of rebuttal on my arguments? You keep describing about “Mr X”, not about Chin Peng (“the bread”). Even if you decided to remain silent or ignore me, it doesn’t mean you are wrong and I am right, or I win you lose. No Morning Dew, its about discussing about “the bread” issues. Let readers judge by themselves the merits of arguments here. But rebutt la your points, don’t la go merry go round talking about me.

    Remember, when we talk about “asking and offering forgiveness” it is about forgiveness between Chin Peng and Those Countless Soldiers in which you suggested the Govt arrange meeting for this purpose. We are not talking about “forgiveness as day to day, or whether its Christians culture, who regularly does or whether Muslims do it only during Hari Raya (which is not true). See here how you TWIST, TURN & SPIN. AND TRY TO AVOID THE SUBJECT.

    When you were caught with your pants down contradicting your own wisdom on forgiveness practised by christians, again you TWIST & TURN trying in vain to deny it by saying you are only talking about forgiveness in Islam. Please read again both your contradicting comments, you wrote it, not your twin brother, Morning Dew. Which part here did you said I twist?

    You offer your apology to me if you mistook my connection, yet in a sinister or sarcastic manner you asked how many of my relatives were massacred or perhaps one of them did it. If you want to apologize do it sincerely lah, otherwise don’t apologize coz I never ask you to.

    You are a Buddhist and you said that in Buddhist practise FORGIVENESS IS NOT NECESSARY. If you said so, then stand by it la. I did not come back to say FORGIVENESS IS NECESSARY IN BUDDHIST PRACTISE.

    SINCE YOU ASKED, Family members of the “other half” of me who was a kid then including brothers, sisters, uncles and friends were locked in a public building near Jalan Raja Bot (between Chow Kit and Kampung Baru) for the whole week precedence the May 13 incident. Although under police and army protection, they were all in state of fear for their life. My ‘other half’s uncle was a Datsun Tan Chong salesman at Jalan Raja Laut/Jalan Ipoh. On that day itself he had bleeded from a fall while running away from the area. No one in my family was massacred, and no one from my relatives had massacred any one during the incident. But they were all very scared, a told by my mother-in law. One of my kampung folks uncle, a distant relative in Kulim, Kedah, fought against communist in Sarawak during the early 70s. He later died of injury sustained in one of the shooting incidents. While schooling in Sungai Petani in 1973-77, I often saw injured soldiers taken to SP General Hospital not far from my boarding school. I also saw Army helicopters carrying dead bodies of communists offloaded on football field in SP. It was scarrying. I AM TELLING THIS SINCE YOU ASKED.

    I guess many of your relatives were massacred, and some managed to survive to tell you “the accurate truth”. I guess too not many left, since most of your relatives were “perhaps massacred by my relatives”. (DO YOU THINK BY INSTIGATING ME TO SAY THINGS LIKE THIS WILL NOT INSTIGATE RACIAL DISHARMONY?).

    If you still insist on continuing your diversion to talk about “Mr X” and avoids giving your points of argument to dispute my points of argument regarding the CHIN PENG STORY and the KUA KIA SOONG’S BOOK, then might as well you swallow your own medicine that is -Morning Dew 9.38pm: “In fact after the last post I had decided to remain silent and no longer engage her delusions.”

    Cheers and have a good sleep. Good Night.

  370. whispering9 says:

    Hahaha….this is getting funky. I also want to do a Marina M here.

    “What am I getting at ? I have really no idea just as I have no idea what you are trying to say.” Morning Dew. Reply: You can’t buy love baby.

    (I have yet to an answer as to what is this absolute truth) Morning Dew. Reply: Oh…there are many absolute truths. Like E=MC square. Like our PM is DSN (hehehe). Like when you died….you are dead.

  371. wits0 says:

    W9, a mundane clod asking for water without the means to hold it may even declare that lakes and river don’t exist. The largest collection of water “it” has experience being the nearby well.

    Also, claiming ignorance is a convenient psychology escape hatch.

  372. wits0 says:

    “When I used “_fcukwitz_” to describe sherry I did not do it in anger. It was an accurate description. ” – MD

    Anyone who cannot tahan heat, don’t get into the kitchen and cook swill. Hahaha!

  373. whispering9 says:

    Yeah…..give me Hi Five (lol). Claiming to have better taste (wrt to women and hotel) is definitely a classic psychology escape hatch right after claiming to have sworn on the name of God. Guilt as charged (rotfl).

  374. wits0 says:

    Mentioning God and demonstrating crass insouciance in a single breath is a psychologically unsound means to convince others but then this conditioned kneejerk of indulgent fat cats and apologist Dune worm(s) is more deeply instilled and becomes a Freudian slip.

  375. Morning Dew says:

    Whispering9 penetrating insights :

    Reply: Oh…there are many absolute truths. Like E=MC square. Like our PM is DSN (hehehe). Like when you died….you are dead.

    You are cute and godsent and finally I saw the light 8-). How come the christians never thought of that 8-).

  376. Morning Dew says:

    To Sherry,

    I did quite a bit of tinkering around to try to figure out susan’s daemon setting and this is the result of that tinkering. Of course all statements are implied rather than direct.

    Susan had set the criteria using length of post to digest any post beyond certain length. Of course she could be more relax with some posters than others. Your lengthy post, just like the guy with hernia (hahaha….friendly banter MB), seem to get through. New posters with lengthy post also seem to get through and this I think is because she moderated new posters and she approve the posting.

    I think she decided to clip my wings after 2 posters said my post was lengthy. She actually misread menyalak-er statement that he can’t read beyond 3 lines of whiny posts….he was actually saying he read mine. A follow-up post, probably by a cyber-troop from down south said that my posting was “toxic”.

    She seem quite happy with some vulgarity…I think she must have realised that there are so many ways to disguise vulgarity and yet the readers could understand it. It only meant that the vulgarity also reside within our mind otherwise understanding would not be there when it is only inferred. I haven’t tried other words other than xxxx.

    I think she is giving you a lot of leeway and of course the guy with enlarged prostrate 8-).

    Have a good day, ma’am.

  377. Morning Dew says:

    To susan,

    A blog allows for comments but many of the readers here seem interested in discussion and argumentation with the free-flow of spanners been thrown into the works.

    A blog is really not a good platform for this. You may want to have an associated forum for each of your posting where threading of the arguments is allowed. I do not know if wordpress has such a feature. If not you may lose some hits, if yes than it will be great.

    Just some thoughts for your consideration.

  378. kaka says:

    yur statistics is ridiculous and bias….

  379. malaysian says:

    doesnt matter if its chin peng, najib, or your mom. the communists took many lives, and i dont support him coming back. u support him because hes a chinese? imagine if i killed ur dad, would u let me step on your homeland again? u piece of shit.

  380. Morning Dew says:

    Sherry explained :

    Climate of fear

    Who caused this climate of fear ?

    Many journalists who were in the thick of things at that time reported accurately of how things started. While it is not academic or controlled or researched it is far more accurate than any academic can hope to come close to.

  381. Morning Dew says:

    Malaysian wrote :

    doesnt matter if its chin peng, najib, or your mom. the communists took many lives, and i dont support him coming back. u support him because hes a chinese? imagine if i killed ur dad, would u let me step on your homeland again? u piece of shit.

    I don’t support him, I don’t support his actions and I certainly do not condone any killing. Even if he is a malay I will still support his coming back to malaysia.

    If you had killed my dad I would want to know why. To take another person’s life is a terrible thing. Perhaps when we know the reason why there will be reconciliation and both sides can move on. It is cathartic. By the look of things you really needed it more than anyone I know.

  382. Morning Dew says:

    Sherry taking offence :

    If you want to call me “fcukwitz”, “farkwitz”, “bozo” or whatever you want, just do it and stick to it la, no need to explain or justify your name calling in the name of accurate description ( nanti some people may think you regret or feel guilty about it). Don’t have to tell the world la that you did not do it out of “anger” (nanti some people may think you sudah angry).

    “fcukwitz” means a person’s wit, rationality, objective view etc. has been messed up. My initial posting was with this word but susan’s daemon blocked it and I changed it to “bozo” and that also did not get through and then later both went through – oh blimey !

    I think my use of the word had served its purpose for a short while….it was partly to “shock” you to look at yourself. Your self-examination very quickly turned into bitter retort.

    Not my intention to make you bitter.

    Peace sister.

  383. sherry says:

    ABOUT MAY 13, 1969

    Morning Dew, did you write below? 4:32pm
    “I had relatives who were in the thick of things and Kia kua soong’s perspective is very accurate.”

    and below? 9:42pm

    ” You are right that the truth lies somewhere between JMD and KKS position…”

    and below too? 6:28PM

    “Many journalists who were in the thick of things at that time reported accurately of how things started”.

    Sherry the “fcukwitz”:

    That means you accept that your relatives accounts were indeed NOT VERY ACCURATE really.

    And you accept that JMD’s Rebuttal rang some truths while KKS’ Book rang some untruths indeed…..I mean, lies somewhere between…

    Q: Were all your relatives who were in the thick…are the same people the “many journalists” who were in the thick too?

    Hmmm, just wondering….

    Anyway, I appreciate your reading of JMD’s Rebuttal Articles


  384. glocal says:

    What is this thing MD keeps posting……8-)

  385. glocal says:

    What is this thing MD keeps posting……….8-)

  386. monsterball says:

    glocal…He will bring our grandfather stories only God and he knows.

  387. rotfl says:

    What is this thing MD keeps posting……….8-)

    Significance of 8————(the minus sign with close bracket dunno)

    There are eight known B vitamins that play important roles in cell metabolism.
    All spiders, and more generally all arachnids, have eight legs. An octopus has eight tentacles.
    LSD guru Timothy Leary identified a hierarchy of eight levels of consciousness .
    As of 2006, in our solar system, eight of the bodies orbiting the Sun are considered to be planets.

  388. rotfl says:

    Lewis Carroll’s poem The Hunting of the Snark has 8 “fits” (cantos), which is noted in the full name “The Hunting of the Snark – An Agony, in Eight Fits

  389. sherry says:

    Morning Dew, wow, you are so God gifted…. you can read into my definition, my description, my mind, my feeling, my temperature, my messed up, my emotional connection, my self-examination, and now my bitterness….what else. I am so flatten……

    Perhaps you can also “read” if one of Sherry’s relatives had massacred your relatives. Just like your ability to cross-examine “susan’s deamon setting” for Sherry without being asked to.

    Not only you have this “super-natural brains” to make “pre- and post-judgemental” statements about people, but you also have this “super-natural abilities” to make people feel bitter, sad, sleepy, stupid, angry, etc. as and when you want them to,… you are the “Man” Morning Dew.

    Oh, you have yet to explain the meaning of “bozo” & “farkwitz”. I am sure you will after this coz many people around the globe including my “other half” will be so eager to know further the “accurate description” of Sherry, the topic of discussion, not Chin Peng the forgiven murderer.

    You are so gifted that even without speaking out any fact to substantiate your statements, your arguments are defined as “very accurate” and “the truth”.

    Sorry Morning Dew, for underestimating you “intelligence”.

  390. monsterball says:

    Always same argument…facts need to substantiate statement.
    Documents missing…witness missing to make sure no facts to substantiate.
    It is a fact… vast majority Malaysians do not trust UMNO MCA or Najib.
    Documents in the form of voting slips have proven the fact.
    No need facts to substantiate!!
    It is either you trust or do not trust..go with your feelings..and god gifted brain to think clearly.
    Many MCA low class female scums of the earth will sell…you know what get a piece of paper to substantiate…..she has won a small tender….after a hard days work with body and mouth skills.

  391. lestari says:

    Umi hafilda bottom line is intact, like barisan najis bottom line is bottom of the heap

  392. lestari says:

    “Chin Peng the forgiven murderer.” -kapala hotak nenek moyang kau who used to sell chinese and eurasians and others like sybil karthigesu to japanese kempetai. I saw one komen that chibai ghazali shafie was working for japanese, razak also . Kick this ba**ards out. I was so so glad to hear ghazali crying when he relative died in tsunami. their crying is not enough.

  393. lestari says:

    Even a real gangster have ethics and code of conducts.
    najis is simply too smelly.

  394. wits0 says:

    Worm-Me-Shery gripes about MD thus : “You are so gifted that even without speaking out any fact to substantiate your statements, your arguments are defined as “very accurate” and “the truth”.

    Eh, were you there? Yet you dismiss KKS version in favor of JMD’s spin. Yours truly was there right in the hot seat just as ppl like Menyalak-er was, “at the other end”. Why do you always ask a question rhetorically with another? Sarcasm and sophistry gets boring and threadbare.

    In any case, going by the analogy of the “Hangs”, I am more a Jebat and not a Tuah. You and JMD typos can hang and delude yourselves with your chosen “truth”, I stand by my experienced version which suggests that KKS was at least 80% factually correct.

    MD has logically posed the question about your emotional response/cocksureness to a situation using relatives as an analogy. Since you weren’t there(being most likely unspawned yet), how do you know? Where is your first hand evidence for your version?

  395. wits0 says:

    Ghazali Shafie miraculously survived the famous Cessna air crash but the other regular registered pilot takes the blame to his grave.

    Sanjay Gandhi, son of Indira Ghandi, another ‘action typo’, died in an aircrash together with another pilot. The blame was laid rightfully on Sanjay.

    Ghazali, few years ago, blamed the denizens of Bolehland for inability to think. Nice one too, after he has done much to suppress that thinking process from the climate of fear he upheld in his time!

  396. candidajap says:

    If only the british came late all this sherry collaborators raping, killing, torturing hundreds of thousands could have been hanged and shot faster…at least some got it, but not cukup. Today their children the same. Spit on their filthy graves.

  397. wits0 says:

    Meant. “Why do you always ANSWER a question rhetorically with another?

  398. Menyalak-er says:

    “Why…a question rhetorically with another?” wits0.
    As monty in a fit of brilliance said: “wine turns into vinegar…” i.e. fermented.

  399. Morning Dew says:

    rotfl confusion :

    What is this thing MD keeps posting……….8-)


    When the internet first started people were finding ways to express their emotion with text-based icons. So there a number of ways these was done. ROTFLOL is one way – this means Rolling On The Floor Laughing Out Loud. Since you know this I am quite surprised(8-0) that you do not know the many rich and useful meaning of what in the graphical world today called “emoticons”.
    You can get a load of this at :

    This resource included all the traditional format of expressing emotions. A group of us during the time of soc.culture.malaysia also came up with our own and one that really described the local context was 8-)))))), which basically means “laughing until teeth drop”. We wanted to submit it for a vote – yes, that was how the internet operated then. Almost anyone and everyone who wanted to vote on anything can….that was the era of the wild-wild west before WWW, started by a smart physicist who seem to have nothing better to do 8-).

    Interesting how you had spunned a series of nonsensical associations with 8. 8 here represents a person wearing spectacle.

    I know you knew from your ROTFL but I gave an extended explanation for the uninitiated and those who were “not spawned” yet at that time.

  400. geekool says:

    Ha, I got but Proffessori MD cannot…..aiyah stop putting the full stop after your 8 lah

  401. geekool says:

    Now Professori MD can say thank you 😉

  402. Morning Dew says:

    wit(less) wrote :

    Anyone who cannot tahan heat, don’t get into the kitchen and cook swill. Hahaha!
    That’s a cute one. I have on asbestos underwear on 8-)))) one of those great invention of the 21st century so heat is really not a problem. I have taken worst – a lot of it from well intentioned but delusional kind hearted people. These are the hardest to deal with.

    I believe in astrology and water element in my body constitutent is high while the fire element is very low so I am very cool and calm in almost all situation. Because of this my digestion is also weak.

    Just before my divorce my wife and I went to a counsellor and he commented that I had great controlled of my emotions. I was giving evidences of how my ex tried to make me believe I was insane. The doctor could say that because I gave objective proof of the scam. Finally he said that I do not show any symptom of neurosis or paranoia delusions but I still have the condition because I was very intelligent and was able to mask it. He told this to my ex. That was a strange diagnosis when the purpose of the meeting was counselling. All the evidences I gave him was dismissed. I am still wondering why he made that conclusion but much later I knew as someone came and told me the truth of the systematic effort at destroying my reputation.

    The strategy in destroying my reputation remain the same. Initially fear would be created – I am trojan, spy, will report you to the authorities etc. Then when credible objections were raised they would evoke people’s sympathy, compassion by telling them I was somehow cuckoo. What is really gila is that even after 9 years now the effort continued. Just recently I went to india, met a monk, became good friend and then I went to new delhi and met the same monk.He started distancing himself. I asked him why. He said his relatives, friends, neighbours, shopkeepers and even strangers kept warning him I was a very bad person – devious, evil etc. I asked him that I was only in new delhi, tibetan settlement for only 1 day and yet so many people warned him of me. If he could think he would realised that someone is systematically trying to destroy me. He finally realised the truth of what I said and we became buddy again. We left on very good terms.

    Could I expect any different here on the internet ?

  403. geekool says:


  404. budakindia says:

    You mix with strange monks. I mix with all kinds of people, including those who you can find with dicks cut off never heard of more strange story like that in india. In 1 day all that.
    This like reading Herman Hesse “Siddhartha”

  405. wits0 says:

    Good to note, MD, that you’re a veteran of SCuM. Had a jolly good time whopping bigots like that Hj Othman from Sabah, sightless ‘Observer’ and upsetting one Ahmad Sayuthi( if I remember that Kelantan apanama punkcorrectly) till he sent me virus in mail when I refuse to engage him further in fruitless ‘debate’ 😀 Of course, another handle was used.

    Overall Soc. Culture Malaysia is a low standard forum with mad dogs like CKSF.

    BTW, the swill cooking propensity wasn’t directed at you 😉

  406. budakindia says:

  407. budakindia says:

    Confidence motion in Parliament – Is Najib afraid that he will not get 100% support from Umno/BN MPs?

  408. surveyor says:

    39% is just 1% short of 40%. So if we round up to 40% NO RESPONSE, the picture is even worse: generally in surveys ‘undecided’ response would be less than 5%. So when almost half the respondent dare not make a committment something is wrong somewhere.

    Let me ask you, if you like or support somebody wouldn’t you quickly give an affirmative answer? Therefore it can be CONCLUDED that the almost half undecided were actually NOT HAPPY with najib.

    Therefore it is beyond any doubt that the FINAL CONCLUSION IS: 84% ARE UNHAPPY WITH NAJIB

  409. sherry says:


    by MD: …the truth lies somewhere in between JMD and KKS position.

    by “MggPillai”: …KKS was at least 80% factually correct.

    by a “drinking water seller”: ….i never read JMD’s but its all rubbish.

    Thank you, I was only expecting acceptance of JMD’s truth at the most 5% by hardcore believers, but at 20% it is quite flattening. Please continue reading – maybe the scale will drop to 0% or lower.


  410. sherry says:

    “The difference between Chin Peng and the other ex-PKM members and leaders who were allowed back on Malaysian soil is one; The other denounced communism, Chin Peng refused.

    If Chin Peng feels that denouncing Communism means denouncing his life of terrorism then he is very right. If he wants to come back to Malaysia he had better admit to the whole country that he had wasted his life committing atrocities against his countrymen and beg for apology” – Sam Y

  411. sherry says:

    “Chin Peng was chased out of the country by the army with guns,
    if they had found him then they would have killed him that is how much of a criminal he is…. some of those bigots and racist who are trying to make this a racial issue!

    Chin Peng committed crime of terrorism against the people of Malaysia…….go find someone who has lost a father, uncle, son, daughter to the communist and tell them that Chin Peng is not a criminal and see how far you can get before they pummel you head!

    – by Sam Yu

  412. sherry says:

    “Why is it that in 2009 also we have fellows thinking very emotionally and not sticking to the facts as stated by the courts?

    No respect for the courts?

    Come on Malaysians, decide and look at things in better perspectives.

    If there are some jokers asking for Chin Peng to be allowed in, then just remind them of the court decision – period.

    No need to talk about historical things.”

    – by an Anon.

    Sherry: I differ with this view. Even if Rashid Maidin or Chin Peng is Malaysian Citizen, the BN government should revoke his citizenship for not denouncing communism and not regretting their criminal acts.

  413. prima says:

    You taught me all the things the way you’d like ’em to be.
    But I’d like to see whether people agree.
    It’s all very interesting the way you disguise.
    But I’d like to see the world thru my own eyes.

  414. wits0 says:

    “No need to talk about historical things.”

    Thus Dune worm sez imperiously. But it can speaketh authoritatively on its chosen spin. Don’t flatter yourself so, queen of the Dune. If another suggests on good authority that KKS is 80+% credible, this never meant that the rest of the near 20% credibility ever belonged to crummy spinners like JMD who has been thoroughly bashed and vivisected at MT.

  415. sherry says:



    by MD: …the truth lies somewhere in between JMD and KKS position.

    by “MggPillai”: …KKS was at least 80% factually correct.

    by a “drinking water seller”: ….i never read JMD’s but its all rubbish.

    Thank you, I was only expecting acceptance of JMD’s truth at the most 5% by hardcore believers, but at 20% it is quite flattening. Please continue reading – maybe the scale will drop to 0% or lower.


    sherry – June 6, 2009 at 5:21 pm

    I TOLD YOU SO, AFTER READING JMD’S SPINNING, the scale drops to below Zero %. (Oh, MD, this swill wasn’t directed at you)

    Double Cheers. GOOD NITE

  416. sherry says:


    “on May 17, 2009 at 2:26 am | I. Ismail



    thanks for this JMD article. Even MALAYSIA TODAY is afraid to take this article into its portal. they took the previous two tho. i feel RPK fanboys having headaches to justify their racist attitude! keep typing yah!

    No, no can’t be true Ismail,… coz your name is Ismail not Raja, or Gohpal, or Ah Long.

  417. whispering9 says:

    “Jebat was a Malay hero. But despite his good intentions, his methods were cruel, misguided and unwieldy. His anger towards a Sultan, led him to murder thousands of innocent lives. In the end…”

    The opening caption from JMD. Is that a spin? Jebat being a hero, having good intentions and it was his anger that led him to murder thousands of innocent lives? Did Jebat has good intentions as written by JMD? How many read the original manuscript of the Hang Tuah and Hang Jebat legend (or story tale)? If a tale can be spun by JMD, how about M13?

  418. rembrand says:

    “No, no can’t be true Ismail,… coz your name is Ismail not Raja, or Gohpal, or Ah Long.” sherry cheri

    Oh oh TRUE TRUE bcos the name is Ismail …not Raja, or Gohpal, or Ah Long. [sarcasm definitely intended]

  419. badawiknows says:

    BN and its supporters are going to town in celebration of the latest Merdeka Centre Survey findings published on 1 June 2009.

    This is a 1% creeping rise from the 44% he received when 1Malaysia became PM on April 3

    The interesting profile details are a high percentage earns below RM1,500, and 67% has no internet access, plus 49% are secondary school education level.

    The conclusion is it DOES NOT REFLECT the cross section of the public’s opinion. If the above interesting profiles are changed say earning above RM3,000 and university education level is raised to 49%, it may have been a different result altogether.

    It is not necessarily reflective of the reality on the ground. The latest results were taking the pulse of a nation when they were probably fed up with the political imbroglios as well as the perception of the good guy in 1Malaysia with the release of the ISA detainees. It didn’t cover the period of heightened intimidation and high handed way the bluebois behaved in the latter part of May or the PKFraud Zone!

  420. wits0 says:

    “How many read the original manuscript of the Hang Tuah and Hang Jebat legend (or story tale)? If a tale can be spun by JMD, how about M13?”

    Precisely. He reeks of dishonesty but this is nectar to the Dune worm.

  421. sherry says:

    thanks for this JMD article. Even MALAYSIA TODAY is afraid to take this article into its portal. they took the previous two tho. i feel RPK fanboys having headaches to justify their racist attitude! keep typing yah!

  422. Kancilandak says:

    The polis point they guns on 13 and 14 old chidren, her brother and sister. This innosence girl will not be bluffing people in Geneva. Is good to have this strong woman as MP of Lembah Pantai.

  423. newone says:

    Rosmah Mansor’s family talks about the real ‘First Lady’, something which is still unknown to most Malaysians-at-large. See what they have to say in this YouTube video recording EXCLUSIVE to Malaysia Today. Rosmah’s disgusted brother has now left the country to join me in self-imposed exile.

    -RPK [MT]

  424. billauchris says:

    Dear Fellow Bloggers, please go to the Blog posted on 28 May under the caption, “Why No Respect For the Treaties” and scroll down to the last posting on the CPM-MG Haadyai Peace Accord signed in 1989.

    Perhaps, the popularity poll of our PM will significantly take a dive after reading the posted Accorded.

  425. batu says:

    i really want the next 13th may.. 😉

  426. jambo says:

    “i really want the next 13th may..”

    Ipoh got….”It was rather peculiar that this news was pretty much blacked out in the media, and that a “gang clash” would lead to them attacking kids playing games in Cybercafes.”

  427. jambo says:


    “i really want the next 13th may..”

    Perak got….”It was rather peculiar that this news was pretty much blacked out in the media, and that a “gang clash” would lead to them attacking kids playing games in Cybercafes.”

  428. ........!!! says:

    Tak sangka c Rosmah, isteri perdana menteri tu perangai gatal macam tu ek?? hish.. hish.. hiss.. tak pernah dlm sejarah isteri perdana menteri seteruk dia ni!!!

  429. anak merdeka says:

    i could guarantee that most of the people who had commented on chin peng was not even born during the insurgency up your eyes , don’t just blame the government blindly . My cousin was killed by the communist , do you all know know difficult it is living at the fringe of the jungle and in constant fear because the communist kept on terrorizing your house for their daily supply.I could wish that i could throw you guys back in time to experience what i had experience and i’m very sure that you guys will pee your pants off.someone must be held accountable for the astrocities that was committed by the PKM and that person is the leader of PKM, chin peng.You guys must think that i’m emotional , of course i am ,the event that happen to me during the insurgency is permanently imprint on my mind , i live through the insurgency era and most of you guys just talk and talk about the moral ideal and so on…….make an effort to chit-chat with those who had fight or live during the insurgency period and i will guarantee that you will come out a different person

  430. Wizard Of Oz says:

    Today, Umno Youth will be organising an anti-Anwar Ibrahim rally in response to his call to allow Chin Peng to be allowed to return to Malaysia.

    The rally, to be called ‘Kebangkitan Pemuda’, will be similar to the Pemuda Umno anti-Chinese rally at the TPCA Padang in 1987.

    The rally, which will be for just two hours, is headed by the new Federal Territory Minister and will be held along Jalan Yap Kwan Seng not far from Kampong Baru.

    Those who are interested in participating in this rally please contact your nearest Umno office.

    RM100.00 will be paid to each participant and food, drinks and transport will be provided.

    Banners whacking Chin Peng, Anwar Ibrahim and the Chinese will be provided free.


  431. Wizard Of Oz says:

    anak merdeka ,

    FU*K YOU, I lost 4 relatives fighting the commies, my father was in the Army and he oso says Chin Peng the Freedom Fighter should be allowed back into the country. He can easily throw you still despite his age after slapping your dirty fc*king mouth shut.

  432. kaifun says:

    “My cousin was killed by the communist , do you all know know difficult it is living at the fringe of the jungle and in constant fear because the communist kept on terrorizing your house for their daily supply.”

    Rubbish, he could easily have moved to the town and be safe if he wanted to. The truth is he was hiding karena he was japanese informer and working for kempetai till he was disvovered and killed for all the nonsense he did working 4 kempetai. Good.

  433. billauchris says:

    Are we being focused when we talked about the subject of Chin Peng, his failed attempt to return to Malaysia or communism per se. As usual, the politicians will try to politicise on Chin Peng and his terrorising activities of the past and try to work up the people’s feelings against Chin Peng. Are they quaified to speak in the first place?

    If we examine the issue at hand, it is not Chin Peng nor Mao Tzu Dong nor Lenin that we detest or loathe. It is their ideology that we oppose as we practice democracy in Malaysia. As we read about communism, we immediately realise that what they do and practice are must more centralised and austere is entirely quite different from that of a democratic government. But not all aspects of communism is bad especially when it comes to stemming out corruption and moral turpitude. Besides, it is effective in cultivating loyalty to the nation and instill discipline among the masses to become better citizens.

    Since 2 Dec 1989, the day our Malaysian Government and Communists’ Party of Malaya signed the Peace Accord, 20 years had passed. The surrendered members of CPM kept their words and their side of the bargain and did not return to their old ways of life. Besides, many with financial assitance from the Malaysian Government, co-existed and integrated well with the civilians. Do tell the people that the Government greatly assisted those who surrendered to quiickly settle in and eke out a iiving.

    Why should our Government and people be so antagonistic towards Chin Peng? In order for communism to flouish in a country, certain parameters must prevail such as wide-spread poverty, illiteracy, high unemployment rate among the working population, a highly discriminatory, corrupt and unjust government, spiralling inflation and uneven distribution of wealth.
    Perhaps or no wonder our Government is adament about Chin Peng’s return because of the last couple of factors!. But the majority of the people here are just too contented, complacent and feather-bedded to resort to armed struggles to achieve their desired goals.

    Let us call a spade a spade and not mix up the issues and cause distractions and confusions. We really do not oppose Chin Peng but rather his ideology and the formation of communists’ government.

  434. Abu Gamat says:

    Malaysian government has allowed more than 400 ex communists into the country. These people have met certain requirements set by the gov. such as filling a certain form and attending interview by security panel. So far Chin Peng has not submitted his form!

  435. cikgu_khairuddin says:

    that UMNO is a good example to teach student how corrupt politician in Malaysia. Money is just like water, the more they get it , the more they spend it.

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