
Abdullah’s fast rising son-in-law may abandon top party post

Blogger Liyin says it most aptly: 

Read this article posted on Malaysia Today. Since we have freedom of speech let me express my views of him here. Khairy – each time I see this name appears on the media it makes my blood boil! Totally do not like that fellow. He is too arrogant as a leader! Makes the loudest noise with NO substance – Tin Kosong! Approving Mat Rempitism is totally the silliest idea a samseng like him can think of! Does he think that he can churn mat rempits into good mat cemerlangs overnight?! What the heck is he always talking about lawan lawan?! Wake up! You think Malaysia is a jungle? Masuklah hutan lawan dengan beruk lah!! No wonder, BN means Beruk Negara”.

“STEP DOWN Khairy!”

Pixs: Ijok2007

35 responses »

  1. DewA_LavaU says:

    step down monkey and go politic to Zoo Negara!hehehehe 😛

  2. Could this be real?

    I doubt it. His daddy-in-law did not abandon his post, why should Khairy? Never mind la, let him melalak like always. Just make sure that he will not get the chance to be PM one day.

  3. Farul Azri says:

    up until today, i still didn’t hear his comment on the 12thGE issue. Must be reordering, reanalyzing everything with his daddy in law. but once he get any post as a minister, he’ll sure will be back with a lot of ’empty’ noises…

    i’d really like to see he get some kick in the eye soon.. samseng my arse..!

  4. yrf says:

    yeah, i sincerely support all of u folks out there condemning KJ’s unethical, ‘tin kosong’ being as if he is the glorious, righteous person on the planet!!he just thinks that he’s perfect, being Pak Lah’s son in law & meng’anjing’kan all the people around him… *sigh* i wonder when will he ever wake up realizing he’s just nonsense in the eyes of the rakyat & might be some day when things has just got into a big mess because of his moronic attitude, i have no doubt his life will be ended near Trieneken’s garbage dispose area by those who cannot tahan anymore!!

  5. artchan says:

    He was not voted in. they gave him face becos he was PM SIL. Then the balls carriers in UMNO also gave him a false sense of power. And his sleeping FIL did nothing to “advise” him. Maybe he is worried that telling him ogg, he may abandon his wife..so PM keep quiet. Then he became “adviser” More shit..people can no longer meet the PM..even Tun remarked that to see PM..have to go through 4th floor screening.

    A powerful SIL is no good for najib..and hisham..so I stab you you stab me. So i will sit back and see who will go. Najib, Hisham Mukriz and Tun is too powerful a force for sleepy head and the ijok monkey to deal with.

    If najib and company don’t take this chance..it is goodbye for him to lead UMNO. UMNO memebers are watching whether he got balls. AAB aslo must read najib clear. Najib say he will stand by the PM. But he did not say he will stand by Abdullah….and that is two different stand.

  6. […] Immigration Watchdog – wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptThank you, KJ, if you leave Umno Youth post Posted in CORRUPTION, ELECTIONS GENERAL, ELECTIONS IJOK, MALAYSIAN MADNESS, MEDIA, NEWS, POLITICAL on March 13, 2008 by sloone Abdullah’s fast rising son-in-law may abandon top party post Blogger Liyin says it most aptly:  “Read this article posted on Malaysia Today. Since we have freedom of speech let me express my views of him here. Khairy – each time I see this name appears on the media it makes my blood boil! Totally do not like that fellow. […]

  7. […] Web Directions wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptThank you, KJ, if you leave Umno Youth post Posted in CORRUPTION, ELECTIONS GENERAL, ELECTIONS IJOK, MALAYSIAN MADNESS, MEDIA, NEWS, POLITICAL on March 13, 2008 by sloone Abdullah’s fast rising son-in-law may abandon top party post Blogger Liyin says it most aptly:  “Read this article posted on Malaysia Today. Since we have freedom of speech let me express my views of him here. Khairy – each time I see this name appears on the media it makes my blood boil! Totally do not like that fellow. […]

  8. peace in hope says:

    Well, KJ had been insignificant to me (and many others im sure) but one thing about him caught my attention. The fact that he does not have a motor-bike license and was proudly declared in NST (media by BN?)for having had lead a group of supporters during the campaingn in Rembau.

    I learnt one thing-that BR has good reporters and sharp analysts and that the fact BN will never change – allowing KJ to over-spend his campaign budget and exempted from the law in Rembau. Hmm… wat more do we, the Nation loving people need for reassuarance?

  9. peace in hope says:

    Well, KJ had been insignificant to me (and many others im sure) but one thing about him caught my attention. The fact that he does not have a motor-bike license and was proudly declared in NST (media by BN?)for having had lead a group of supporters during the campaingn in Rembau.

    I learnt one thing-that BR has good reporters and sharp analysts and that the fact BN will never change – allowing KJ to over-spend his campaign budget and exempted from the law in Rembau. Hmm… wat more do we, the Nation loving people need for reassuarance?

    I wonder if he could be a benefit to the Nation IF he repents?…. NAYYYYY

  10. thinkvision says:

    Well, he is the Mister Know-all and F**k-All in UMNO and the single most important power broker this land has even seen. BN administration will never function without him at the back to prop up his F-I-L.

    He may have lost his head during the recent Tsunami, but rest assure that this political “ass-h***” will rear his ugly head again when the new Abdullah’s cabinets line up is announced on Monday. The shadow play will once again dominate the Malaysian political landscape.

    We will have to suffer another 3-5 years of “lemon” government, it seems, unless….. unless….. the “big lemon” will…. as a gesture of goodwill to the revolting masses….. gift-wrapped a “sacrificial lamb” to us, the people of Malaysia.

  11. javabean says:

    This Kera Jantan deserves to be castrated for what he’s done to the country.

  12. Vivien says:

    Guess I was out of touch. Never knew that there are so many
    Malays there against their own race for simple reason of huminity
    and rights of Malaysian. Malays are by nature very humble and kind
    souls and Malaysians have been enjoying cordial relationship until
    the NEP which sows hatred between the non-Malays and Malay Bumi.
    Bravo to all the Malays who stand up against their own race.

    On KJ, me too cannot stand the sight of him. Too arrogant.

  13. REDZWAN ALY says:


  14. silotape_ says:

    dats rite….
    i am totally agree wif u guys…

  15. Lim says:

    He will be another Nagib if given a chance. Womenizer, Altantuya remember? And spend country’s money like nobody’s biz

  16. Doitnow says:

    A pathetic liar and instigator. Rabble rouser and GFN (good for nothing).
    Disgrace to the Malays, only rise to fame, soon to be flame, is thru the back door (Badawi’s daughter). I didnt know he was that dumb, until he spoke. Now its confirmed. Start to earn a decent living!!

  17. Eating Ubi Kayu says:

    That monkey KJ, give his some banana & let him join Zakaria.

  18. LORD YAP says:

    It seems like nobody likes him…except his wife and our zzzzzzzzzzz! pm

  19. pj-guy says:

    wait! wait! don’t lah critisise him too much! Let him be what he is know, for the next 4-5 years… which i think by then, not only us-who-despise-him, will be the one condeming him, maybe the whole WORLD will see the true color of this so-called-intellectual-oxford-grad !! Keep your videocams ready…, record whatever he says, do…. and post it over youtube…


  20. Julia Tan says:

    Here is a man who does nothing but speaks like a buffoon and shames his own people. Instead of using his head, the oxfart is using his mouth and doing all things that sets him apart from his fellow human beings. Instead of doing something good for the nation to show innate fine culture and civilised perceptions, he shows himself to have the dna of kingkong. This is where BN has wronged us and KJ is filthy rich and arrogant due to protection from the top FIL.

    The clown may have been dreaming that he is the next DPM and further down the line the PM! As if we can’t predict it. We won’t allow Malaysia to become a zoo!

  21. Tun says:

    Screw U, Bloody Racist Beruk,
    This is not a place for u to be a samseng,
    Its no more zaman paleolitik,
    Wake up dude… its politics… n U suck in it..
    Have some time with ur mates at the jungle…
    Or try jumping from the 4th floor, since its ur FIL’s fav number…
    Get A Mirror and have a good look at urself with the first month of Gaji Buta as MP!

  22. puspitariana says:

    Hello ……

  23. phuonglili says:


  24. phuonglili says:

    Congratulation! both of your blog, and this post are high ranked in
    “The top blogs of the day” report

  25. Baronshah says:

    I wonder how this idiotic moron got into Oxford with a character like his in the 1st place.

  26. gooeyglobs says:

    Come on you guys, have a heart. Why condemned him so brutally? He is also trying to “cari makan” in his own way – the short cut way. Heard that he was wooing Anwars’s daughter Nurul those days and when ANWAR fell out of grace he hopped on the PM’s daughter who is his wife today.

    His behaviour today is the reflection of his ability to capitalise on his father-in-law’s incompetence. He is brilliant don’t you think so? Oxford should be very proud of him.

    Lets see how he is going to handle himself in Parliament. He is definitely in because his father-in-law is a lame duck and his “services” are badly needed. It is withing UNMO that could kick his butt but do they have the big feet to accommodate his arse as well?

  27. Ahila says:

    Truly appreciate Malaysiakini reporters..without you dear sirs, we’ll never know whats taking place out there. Growing up with Malays and Chinese,this Indian Malaysian is waiting only for UNITY ! There’s good and bad people in all races. Lets hold hands and speak our hearts out for harmony among races be it with BN or BR. As for the ‘KJ’ species, only God can help them ! Cant stand the sight of him or his associates,either ! I am definitely for a ‘CHANGE’….I dont mind PAS either! Lets give DAP/PKR/PAS a chance. BN is trying to poison public mind…dont fall for it. Lets stick to the vote that we casted and together we shall show BN that Malaysian are matured citizens. We trust you Mr. DAP/PAS/PKR….remember ‘ UNITED we stand, DIVDED we fall”

  28. Xman says:

    While Khairy maybe intelligent, he is not wise enough to realize that his intelligent image is actually hurting him in his quest for the ordinary folks hearts. For the ordinary folk, the more intelligent the perception KJ of is, the more stupid they look standing next to him.

    But I wouldn’t say he’s a genius. While there are a lot of people more or just as intelligent as he is, not many could have accomplished what he has accomplished as he has another quality which is missing form most others – ruthlessness, unbridled ambition.

    He’s the reason why Abdullah stood a chance against a Najib takeover. However KJ has miscalculated on this election, the bad show left Abdullah’s (and in turn his own) position very much weakened. I don’t think he’ll just retire to the background, but he’ll definately rethink his strategy. If he leaves his Umno post, it would be part of his strategy, and probably not something we should be too happy about either.

  29. Umar Rentaka says:

    I hope if there is a reelection in Rembau, the opposition will put up a Orang Utan as a candidate to oppose this kera. If the Orang Utan wins, then this will be news all over the world.

  30. phuonglili says:

    Congratulation! both of your blog, and this post are high ranked in
    “The top blogs of the day” report

  31. mindspring says:

    Too much money at stake – Patrick Badawi (is that his real name?) cant afford to loose KJ at this point in time especially with Penang in DAP hands, his 2nd bridge and PCCC project are in limbo. His Equine Capital share price has tanked from RM2.59 to 85 sen. I suspect the bankers must be all making margin call on him.

    Unless you are a SLAVE to GOD, you will be a slave to someone else. KJ is a salve too….


  32. Roy Selvan says:

    The problem with this guy is that he never grew up in a true Malaysian enviroment. Born in Kuwait and educated in Singapore and other places. his dad is a Diplomat. What he knows of of our childhood together ,eating Rendang and Ketupat on Hari Raya, Tosai on Deepavali, Kacang and Kuih on CNY ,Fruit cakes on Christmas and ETC. Oh, the Joy of being a Human beyond Race. Please be Informed no Palaces allowed in 6 Feet Holes.No even the 1 Cent Coin in your Pocket. This is what my malay buddy would say:- Se Kuat- Kuat Tupai melompat akhirnya ke Tanah Juga……….Grow Up KJ….

  33. mike says:

    Has anyone ever check whether he bought his Oxford degree just like he bought his seat in parliment?

  34. dffdfdfdfdfdf says:

    PM and kJ both are outdated on this planet. They tried to rule this country like they rule the jungle with their law of the jungle. They may be PM and Ox of the Oxford but they are wolves behind sheep skin just like their predesessor, Tun.Tun has breed all these wolves over his 30 year as a Malay communist. His breeds – AB, KJ, RAF,HISH,NAJIB,RAZ,NASRI,SAM,X-CHUA,CHAN,OKT,MUKR,AND ALL THE UMNO-PUTERAS/RIS. When all fight for power and money, rakyat’s tax money, they are white collar “robbers and terrorists” – the RAKYAT SUFFERS. WE RAKYAT ARE SANDWICHED BETWEEN THESE SUMO WRESTLERS. INSTEAD OF BATTLE OF WITS AND FILLING UP THEIR OWN POCKETS AND EMPTYING RAKYAT’S POCKETS, WHY DONT THEY GET ON TO THEIR JOBS. ALL THE ROADS GOT POT HOLES HERE AND THERE, WHO SUFFER? FOR PAST 10 YEARS NO ROAD PAVING AT ALL, WHERE IS UNC SAM? STREETS LIGHTS NOT INSTALLED IN CRUCIAL AREAS, NO WONDER SO MANY RAPE CASES. SO MANY MORE GRIEVANCES FROM THE RAKYAT BUT DID THESE UMNOPUTRAS ACT ON THEM. THEY TOO BUSY MAKING MONEY AND MAKING BUSINESS FOR THEMSELVES AND THEIR CHILDREN AND SHOWING THEIR KERIS TO THREATEN RAKYAT AND NOT TEST THEIR ABILITY. BAPA BOREK ANAK RINTIK (CORRECT, CORRECT?). Now Tun criticize AB & KJ. Tun pass on the Malay legacy to AB.Now AB do the same as what he did during his reign.Too late to undo.All have tasted honey, now ask them to taste gula.Drive BMW, MERZ, now how to drive proton.Jatuh standard lah. Who is the cause of this Malay crisis and who implemented NEP. aFTER 30 years of NEP, NEP enrich the useless and tin kosong Malays but destroyed the Malays.Its time PM teach Malays how to fish rather than PM keep supplying fish. Lama lama Malays jadi paralyzed.Abolish NEP is for the betterment of Malays and not adverse.Better late than never.The Umnoputeras are the only ones always creating racial tension not the RAKYAT. The rakyat always muhibbah but Umnoputeras not practicing muhibbahs. Change and reform your mindsets and jangan threaten and threaten the rakyat and opposition.Opposition is our only future.Wake up Paklah, there is no more racial issues, just drive around and open your eyes, do you see any Malay fighting other races and other races fighting malays.It is you guys in politiks propagating racial tensions and you guys practicing racism not the rakyat! WAKE UP NOW AND BE PROFESSIONAL-LAH!

  35. The Fact Is This says:

    The recent stupid display by penang umno clearly show that “When a decision is reached, it simply means that all the fools are on the same side” and not forgetting that our country are being lead by a SLEEPING BEAUTY who does not know what is happening even until today. Most malay woke up and choose to vote for opposition but the old umno which are being manipulate by top level umno are still running in circle. Kayu, “Ada rasa pening ke??”. Take our word for it, the raykat in 5 BR states will ensure BR will conquer more in the next election. The raykat are willing to sacrifice to maintain a fair multi race society. Everybody is equal and if umno is not happy they can pack up and leave those States! GET OUT!!! THERE ARE NO PLACE FOR YOU CLOWN HERE!!!

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