Why is Malaysiakini.com not interested in pursuing this story?

According to Asia Sentinel, Honorary Consul General in Mongolia Syed Abdul Rahman verified these photos to be Altantuya Shariibuu.

He had also provided these photos to Asia Sentinel. It’s quite disturbing to wonder why Syed Abdul Rahman should want to do that. What would he benefit in showing photos of Altantuya’s trip to Paris? Who does these photos benefit actually?

These photos are believed to be from police files and among her possessions. These photos raises many questions, if it is indeed true that the Consul had obtained these from the police with the intention of making it public.

Who is the Consul working for? He has been known to even speak on behalf of Altantuya’s father, without the latter’s knowledge. And why was these photos given only to Asia Sentinel? Has the Consul lost faith in the government controlled media as well?

As far as I know, Altantuya’s father had refused to comment on these photos. So, disheartened he is of the trial which seems to be going nowhere.

Now, all that’s left of this once beautiful woman are portions of verterbrae, skull, tissues, rib bones, clumps of hair and teeth.

Read Asia Sentinel’s take on this: Who was Altantuya Shariibuu?

We will never be sure what she was. But we know what she is now: a dead Mongolian woman whose murderers may never be punished.

I believe what all of us really want to know is WHY Altantuya was killed.

By the way, it would be more worthy if Asia Sentinel could tell us when (date and time, please) Altantuya was in Paris?

19 responses »

  1. ktemoc says:

    Quote “So disheartened [is] he is of the trial which seems to be going nowhere.” unquote.

    So am I, and to be brutally frank I don’t see the murderer brought to justice.

  2. Harrison Bin Hansome says:

    Oh dear, welcome back!

    Such solo photos are trivialities that entails to nothing. It only emanates facts that we had already known, accepted by the court that Altantuya and Razak baginda are lovers even without both in lover-like pose. Not unless the provider has any tantalizing grey areas, the missing No. 2, DPM Najib Razak with them in a single snapshot(an allegation Najib repeatedly rebuked), perhaps only then the credibilities of No.2 will be mired.

    If V.K. Lingam was implicated by a hired intelligenge agency that procured evidences of his holidays with the then Chief Justice, why can’t someone do the same here, shed some light on where Najib Razak was or the photograpic evidences as alleged by Burmaa Oyunchimeg suffers the same fate as the travel records?

    The ongoing trial to date (newspaper sources) wherein almost all evidences on the presumed murderers are negated, will be an analogy of the infamous O.J. Simpson trial. The only difference is that O.J. was exonerated apolitically but by a defence team of magnificent liars and the defendants in the Altantuya’s trial will be exonerated by the unseen hands
    and the deployment of a team of procecuters i wouldn’t even trust for working as securities at Toy r’ Us.

  3. Harrison Bin Hansome says:

    Oh yeah of course, anyone remember a commenter by the handle ‘Rajah (?)’, only him has the ability of profound law knowledge….

    BTW, sorry to say this, the late Altantuya Sharibuu reminds me of a lass I once ‘dated’. Fortunately i managed to jinked out of professed undying love relationship. since then I never saw her again but I swear I never killed her.

  4. kittykat46 says:

    Wah, this gets my conspiracy theory wheel moving again, just when I had lost interest in following the case.
    The photos look genuine enough – its the usual tourist photo ops places in the city.
    When was she in Paris ? Why was she in Paris ? Who did she go with ? Was she meeting somebody there ?
    Why is the Honorary consul releasing those pictures – the deceased and her family deserve their privacy, unless there is something there which may impinge on the ongoing case, like the date perhaps…I’m sure a certain Senior Minister’s travel itinerary can be verified with a bit of detective work…
    Nah…it’s just my crazy brain working overtime again…go back to sleep..

  5. arifabdull says:

    […] Spam Blocked 2 spam comments blocked byAkismet December 7, 2007, 11:03 am Filed under: Demokrasi Go read Aki who? and What do these photos of Altantuya show? […]

  6. hamzah says:

    thank you susan for keeping the flame going 🙂

  7. […] 500 police vs 100 marchers. Arresting a lawyer who stopped Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) personnel from taking down banners on human rights at the Malaysian Bar building. Our very own Attorney-General Abdul Ghani Patail personally heading the prosecution team to charge those arrested on the eve of International Human Rights Day. Why didn’t Ghani lead the even more high-profile Hollywood blockbuster Mongolian Murder Mystery of gruesomely blown-up Mongolian interpreter Altantuya Shaaribuu? […]

  8. rakeem says:

    Yes those are her real photos.

  9. Philip Lau says:

    Hi, When are you to cease mourning. It is very difficult to read your Blog which strains the eyes.

  10. lankapo says:

    she is a beautiful woman, no wonder top vvip fall for her

  11. […] Shaaribuu as many Mongolians is a straightforward and trustful man, unable to imagine the tricks of a machiavelian mind. Thus, when Datuk Said asked Shaaribuu for all documents – pictures, notebooks, films, computer files – to help the murder investigation, Shaaribuu did not hesitate : he gave him everything he had found in his daughter appartment in Ulan Bator. This was a bit naive : the double faced diplomat kept the documents for himself, not giving them to the court, or leaked them on some internet news website to discredit the Shaaribuu family. (Asia sentinel’s photos on Altantuya) […]

  12. OrangRojak says:

    “…tell us when …”
    You mean you haven’t pulled up the relevant maps on Google Earth, calculated the time of day from direction of shadows and time of year from length of shadows? Which year is a bit more tricky, you’d have to rely on comparing these photos to other ones of hers. Fortunately for the job in hand, and sadly for her, there aren’t many years to choose from. You might find some small changes in scenes from photos of similar places from Google Image search that would help determine a year too.

  13. OrangRojak says:

    That took a surprisingly long time, I wish I’d kept my mouth (or laptop) shut now! Just in case anybody fancies finishing the job tomorrow while I’m explaining to my wife why I was up so late, the photo altantuya4.jpg is taken (did you all already know?) on the Piazza del Duomo in Milan:
    I finally found it on Google Images “steps square statue in the centre” page 17! Here’s Google Map’s satellite view:
    I’m going to sleep. Got statues burnt onto my retinas.

  14. […] Shaaribuu as many Mongolians is a straightforward and trustful man, unable to imagine the tricks of a machiavelian mind. Thus, when Datuk Syed asked Shaaribuu for all documents – pictures, notebooks, films, computer files – to help the murder investigation, Shaaribuu did not hesitate : he gave him everything he had found in his daughter appartment in Ulan Bator. This was a bit naive : the double faced diplomat kept the documents for himself, not giving them to the court, or leaked them on some internet news website to discredit the Shaaribuu family. (Asia sentinel’s photos on Altantuya) […]

  15. OrangRojak says:

    Finally got round to having a quick look at this. I’ll try to write it up for a blog article at some point. My first attempt at time, from compass direction of shadows (Altantuya faces East, shadows point NNE-NEish) is between 2pm and 3pm Central European Time (though if it was March, it could have been Daylight Savings Time). I didn’t do my own calculations for time of year (I will … maybe!), I used an online solar calculator and some shadow-length guesses to give two sets of dates. Early-year between 7th March and 20th April. Late year between 29th August and 3rd October.

    There’s a tree with bare branches in a photo taken at the Duomo. The tree is at the North East side of the Duomo – see the round objects behind Altantuya in Google Maps? That tree is in the shade most of the day, so I reckon if it was late in the year, it probably should have had some brown leaves on it. It might just be slow to grow new leaves in the spring, given its position. So I’m going with March-April. Could be wrong about the tree!

    As for year – there’s a panorama on Wikipedia showing the Duomo covered up for maintenance. If it was cleaning, maybe Altantuya was there after that – it looks clean! Was her shawl briefly fashionable? Year will be harder: lots more looking at photos, and I nearly went blind finding the Duomo. Got confused by all the ‘Paris’ references. Anybody else want to try filling in the blanks?

  16. […] Shaaribuu as many Mongolians is a straightforward and trustful man, unable to imagine the tricks of a machiavelian mind. Thus, when Datuk Syed asked Shaaribuu for all documents – pictures, notebooks, films, computer files – to help the murder investigation, Shaaribuu did not hesitate : he gave him everything he had found in his daughter appartment in Ulan Bator. This was a bit naive : the double faced diplomat kept the documents for himself, not giving them to the court, or leaked them on some internet news website to discredit the Shaaribuu family. (Asia sentinel’s photos on Altantuya) […]

  17. […] Shaaribuu as many Mongolians is a straightforward and trustful man, unable to imagine the tricks of a machiavelian mind. Thus, when Datuk Syed asked Shaaribuu for all documents – pictures, notebooks, films, computer files – to help the murder investigation, Shaaribuu did not hesitate : he gave him everything he had found in his daughter appartment in Ulan Bator. This was a bit naive : the double faced diplomat kept the documents for himself, not giving them to the court, or leaked them on some internet news website to discredit the Shaaribuu family. (Asia sentinel’s photos on Altantuya) […]

  18. OrangRojak says:

    Not sure I’ll ever get round to checking the calculations, too many guesses involved to make it worthwhile, I think. Here’s that blog article, just in case it inspires anyone!


  19. wits0 says:

    Whoa! Great link, OrangRojak. A clear shot of the Piazza Duomo in Milan :


    No doubt, absolutely, about the location.

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