1,000 “angry” Mongolian mothers signed this letter addressed to Malaysians on 31 May 2007. See letter inside.

21 responses »

  1. oA says:


    dpm should answer the security protocol of his dept.

    who ordered her assasination?


  2. Daily Nibbler says:

    These mums rightly so express their anger and naturally demand justice as we all would. Lets hope it will be dispensed in our court. The whole world is eyeing this case.

  3. monsterball says:

    Personally…I think the Mongolians has now gone too far. No need for them to underestimate our intelligence and fairness of the people.
    They chose to stay true to their lives ..and live like before..no change…..it is good….so leave politics out to modern folks like us…and pray to their Gods….that the court case will be fair….starting tomorrow.

  4. liu then tui says:

    Hi Susan,

    I am a regular reader of your blog.

    Since the case of the Mongolian girl is coming up tomorrow and will last for more than a month, perhaps, carrring people in Mongolia and Malaysia should try to sponsor the 2 children of Altantuya to Malaysia. This will show the public how sad it is for the 2 innocent young children to be deprived of motherly care.

    Best rgds
    TT Liu

  5. monsterball says:

    liu then tui…If the lawyers defending the case think the children in court will carry weight…they will do that without help…and engaging Kapal Singh is not cheap….so I guess there is a good Samaritan sponsoring all.

  6. luclai says:

    beautiful letter that speak from the hearts.

    am gonna copy this letter, post it in my blog and also circulate this letter to all friends.

  7. hasilox says:

    1,000 Mongolians!
    Someone, go check the C4 stock. 😛

  8. monsterball says:

    You will be surpise..hasilox…..ALL STOLEN!!

  9. jones says:


    no doubt someone high profile (A) is behind the murder but is there a possibility another high profile (B) will benefit from the trial?


  10. Mason From Kuching says:

    If the verdit is bias in that any accused is exonerated, I call upon all the decendants of Genghis Khan, using all your military arsenal, and sent us back to the stoneage. Oh yeah, I forgotten to mention, I am calling for capital punishments against the murderous criminals, so let me know in advance before you press the buttons.

    Special Thanks to The Mongolians and their Government for doing the job for us.

  11. […] Altantuya: 1,000 ‘angry’ Mongolian Mothers 1,000 “angry” Mongolian mothers signed this letter addressed to Malaysians on 31 May 2007. See letter […] […]

  12. kittykat46 says:

    Hah…the Big Day is today. Lets see the truth come out, or whether the trial becomes the biggest creative fiction effort in Malaysian history…

    By the way Susan, some Umno related fellas are now heavily attacking you over your coverage of the Altantuya issue….keep up the good job, that’s always a sign you are making real impact…

  13. katataknak says:

    Will the true criminal please stand up? What? No, no, let me rephrase the question. Will the fall guy please stand up? Am I doing ok whybee?

  14. Philip Lau says:

    As Katataknak above stated that UMNO is attacking you Susan is a good sign indication that your fruitful exposures of their Big Wig and others are hurting them.

    Keep on continuing your excellent work. as we hope in the end truth will be out with Karpal Singh there, as the trial is now on.

  15. monsterball says:

    Is that so..kittykat46.
    Well good for them …and like everyone…I salute Susan to attract the govt’s attention. Not many can achieve that. I guess no one ..except Susan… so the power of continuously follow up..with so many commenters putting out opinions must frighten the govt…as maybe making the job easier for Kapal?
    We do put out smart detective work messages you know. Who knows…IGP maybe scolding some of his high position investigators…unable to think like us…correct?

  16. Kean-Jin Lim says:


  17. ghenjis khan says:

    are the 1000 Mongolians mothers telling our Malaysian mothers, try not to produce murdering UTK agents, corrupt judges, lawyers, Ministers, politicians …..

  18. monsterball says:

    If I am Kublai Khan…I will be so proud of my ghenjhis khan intelligence….same family…same gene. Wars and weapons are always in his mind…….hahahahahaha

  19. toyolbuster says:

    Dear Mongolian Mothers,

    I cry for you on the demise of your beloved daughter Altantuya. It is impossible for me or any human with a heart to feel your pain as I believe it must be unimaginable.

    You are so right in your accurate observation regarding the corrupt government of Malaysia but I assure you that you have not seen the worse of them and pray hard that you shall never see that most despicable side of them.

    I wish I could say that you are wrong in your assumption about us Malaysians and our perceived reputation, but some of the comments here in this blog from certain people have proven you right yet again. Sad to say, they can be so insensitive, at a time like this, when we have such a disgraceful government.

    Hope seem lost to have a fair trial that would bring about justice and punish the murderer/s, for the gruesome death of Altantuya. Malaysians are not known to be a united force, as you would have hoped for, for our government have divided us through corrupt means. From the beginning, they had closed many of our eyes with Ringgits. Gradually, they close one of their own eyes with more Ringgits. And now, they shamelessly close both their own eyes with most Ringgits, with nothing left for our people.

    Dear Mongolian Mothers, I cannot tell you how shameful I feel to be a Malaysian right now, but I pray for you, for I believe in my GOD, that a miraculous justice shall prevail for your beloved Altantuya, even if our judicial system should fail to convict her real murderer/s.

    God bless you all and may god bless Altantuya’s soul.

  20. Jack says:


    I see the defendents and the prosecutors are on the same side i.e the accused.Which side is the Judge?

    How are you to even expect fair play in the trial ? .

  21. JavaBoy says:

    Wow millions of complains…
    Yet not one form of solution.

    There are many point of views to this murder..
    For example..

    If it was all set up..
    Say to bring down the people involved.

    First off..
    If they want to get rid of someone,
    why use items like C4 and guns.
    Both are easily distinguishable items.
    Explosive residue to bomb triggers are like fingerprints.

    Anyway aside from that, there are some questionable items too..

    1. Altantuya requesting for money?
    Shouldn’t she be asking from the “father” of her child?

    2. Yet she comes all this way with threats and blackmail.

    Reading news about this is interesting.
    I’d like to hear what others think.

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