Are congratulations in order here?

Or a stunned, cynical response: how ironic?

Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi himself asked: Do I deserve this? – when he received the Napolean Hill Global Leadership Award, in Putrajaya yesterday.

If one is doubtful whether to receive an award, would one accept it?

I remember letting go of a promotion in Malaysiakini as senior journalist because I felt I did not deserve it. It would be embarassing to accept or go on being in a position which you felt you did not deserve. I was merely an insignificant reporter. Pak Lah is prime minister of a nation.

According to Bernama, the floor said: Of course. Of course, he deserved it they said.

But what do your people think, Pak Lah?

Or one better judge by getting to know Napoleon Hill and what he stood for.

Napoleon Hill called his success teachings “The Philosophy of Achievement” and he considered freedom, democracy, capitalism, and harmony to be important contributing elements.

Fear and selfishness had no part to play in his philosophy, and Hill considered them to be the source of failure for unsuccessful people.

Throughout his writings, Hill had said:

  1. “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”
  2. “Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything.”
  3. “Your big opportunity may be right where you are now.”
  4. “If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way. “
  5. “A goal is a dream with a deadline”
  6. “Lack of loyalty is one of the major causes of failure in every walk in life. “
  7. “Perseverance: The majority of men meet with failure because of their lack of persistence in creating new plans to take the place of those who fail.”
  8. “What you think, so you will become.”
  9. “Every adversity carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.”
  10. “Thoughts mixed with definiteness of purpose, persistence, and a burning desire are powerful things.”
  11. “Ideas…They have the power.”

So do you deserve this, Pak Lah?

Let your people be the judge.

20 responses »

  1. wits0 says:

    “Do I deserve this?”

    Isn’t there an old (Chinese)aphorism that says a man sometimes says the most surprisingly truthful thing when a ghost invisibly slaps him on the back?

  2. monsterball says:

    If the wise and smart International politicians think Pak Lah deserve it…..why not? It can only do good for Malaysian reputation.
    But I suspect he said “Do I deserve it?” was feeling sick to the stomach of what Tengku Adnan have said. Fortunately he is smart to get all the foreigners do sight seeing…enjoying themselves until so tired…they could not care less to read….and finlly… get a room massage and go to sleep. ALL FREE!!For that.. Bodohland IS WORLD FAMOUS.

  3. hasilox says:

    Chicken or egg. Which come first?
    Salary or work. Which come first?
    Award or contribution. Which come first?

    Sometimes we can be biased, right? So, doesn’t matter lah. Just make sure both are there at the end of the day. 😉

  4. wits0 says:

    Napoleon Hill was a famous and powerful motivational writer but then his ‘foundation’ now are run by different people who could and may have watered down his ideals just as the UN has not lived up to its stated ideals wrt enforcing them but instead gone totally PC indiotarian. Can’t even handle Darfur.

  5. Rikey® says:

    Don’t mistake the famous Napoleon Hill and the Foundation…
    its not the same and the policies are to make use of his good name.

  6. kittykat46 says:

    Hmm…I thought April 1 had arrive early…

  7. John The Menace says:

    Of course, he “can” have it.
    Forget about the “deserve” mindset.
    Even the wife “can” have a hall in UMNO building named after her, the husband definitely “can” have international recognition.

  8. dfghg says:

    How many millions our public money did our PM pay to the foudation in order to get the award? This is the same as buying degrees from internet degree mills!

  9. bamboo river says:

    According to my late father, “If you are awarded for your deeds, the moment you think you do not deserve it, DON’T ACCEPT.”

  10. monsterball says:

    hi dfghg…Maybe no need one sen….just a huge tender to make millions also can lah.
    bamboo river…Your father is wise. Pak Lah is greedy….period.

  11. inmine says:

    He just asked “Do I deserve this?” just to hear “yes, you deserve it” from the audience. Just to feed his BIG EGO.

  12. wits0 says:

    Yes, immine, a rhetorical question, so craftily designed along the line of false humility.

  13. Kher Sham says:

    Langsung tak layak. Funny as pak Lah doubt about himself, which a leader should not ever do as stated in first chapter in politician manual. Duh he just want the confirmation from the audience on the floor. Well reminds us of the emperor’s new dress…… em

  14. susan loone says:

    “do i deserve it?”
    i guess the rakyat can tell him at the coming general elections 🙂

    make sure you all tell him if he deserve it, ok?

  15. Outsider says:

    Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi himself asked: Do I deserve this? – when he received the Napolean Hill Global Leadership Award, in Putrajaya yesterday. According to Bernama, the floor said: Of course. Of course, he deserved it they said.

    Ask a stupid question and you will get a stupid answer, I say.

    His award reminds me of the Bosnians’ nomination of Mahathir for the Nobel Peace prize.

  16. VTT says:

    Napolean award for the B I G G E S T Napoleon in Malaysia.

  17. visitor says:

    pm is being humble ,only being pm for 3 yrs and awarded, give him time,he may be slow but steady, m`sian need to move up @ slower pace ,the last 20 yrs was fast moving look what happens today ,owes more than one can afford,produces more than kl can accomodate,more cheats,less productivity ,aggression due to material chase

  18. my guy says:

    may be

  19. ylchong says:

    with da award from NHAss (M), I guess we officially can address him as: Big Napoleon, Sir! Little Napoleons like ToyoL, Zak-in-small-house, Close-1-eye Yusof in train, saying: Hail to Emperor Nap (NB: just realise nap means “sleeping”, poetic jest…)

  20. sinomalay says:

    I wonder whether Abdullah Bawadi would return the Napolean Hill Global Leadership Award if he realised that many years ago the Malaysian government banned Mr. Hill’s bestseller, “Think and Grow Rich” for an “offending” passage about Prophet Mohammed which was contained in a book-review written by Mr Thomas Sugrue and published in the Herald-Tribune (now the International Herald Tribune) which Mr. Hill included it in his book at the end of the chapter on “Persistence”. Mr Sugrue was reviewing the book titled, “The Last Great Prophet” written by Essad Bey. I understand the Napolean Hill Foundation later made peace with the Malaysian government and removed the offending article in later editions of “Think and Grow Rich” for the ban to be lifted.

    I would like to know how Abdullah would react to this revelation, he being an Islamic scholar and a staunched Muslim. Shall we expect his trademark response of ignorance: “I didn’t know that!” “It’s news to me!”

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