Thanks to commentator gehjd, who posted this @ 6.37pm on my “Ijok: lessons for the Opposition” post. Is this for real?

By the looks of it, general elections are around the corner. Cikgu-cikgu out there, check and see if your schools have received a copy of this letter.

The letter is addressed to all principles informing them about the 12 GE, which is coming very soon. 

It says the Election Commission has identified schools for polling stations. Election officers have also been appointed. The Education department has also approved for the schools to be used for the elections.

So when is the GE? In May, June, July…..DAP and Opposition leader in Parliament Lim Kit Siang says its around October this year. So, lets guess.


(Sila catatkan no. rujukan Jabatan ini apabila berurusan)
Tel : 03-6203 7777
Fax : 03-6203 7788
Ruj. Kami : JP** $$-$$-07(**)
Tarikh : 3 Mei 2007
Semua Pengetua / Guru Besar
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur

Y. Bhg. Datin/Tuan / Puan,
a. Penggunaan sekolah sebagai Pusat Pengundian Bagi Plilhan Raya Umum Ke 12
b. Pelantikan Guru-Guru dan Kakitangan sekolah sebagai petugas – petugas Pilihan Raya Umum Ke 12
Dengan hormatnya perkara yang tersebut di atas adalah dirujuk.
2. Seperti yang kita sedia maklum, Pilihan Raya Umum Ke 12 akan diadakan dalam masa yang terdekat ini. Pihak Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) telah mengenalpasti sekolah – sekolah berkenaan untuk dijadikan pusat mengundi. Pegawai – pegawai pengurusan pilihan raya juga telah dilantik untuk melaksanakan urusan pilihan raya bagi kawasan – kawasan Pilihan raya Parlimen berkenaan. Pegawai – pegawai pengurus berkenaan juga dikehendaki melantik beberapa petugas pilihan raya seperti Ketua Tempat Mengundi dan kerani tempat mengundi. Lantikan ini akan dibuat dari kalangan guru dan kakitangan sekolah.
3. Justeru itu pihak Jabatan member kebenaran pengunaan bangunan sekolah sebagai pusat mengundi dan perlantikan guru dan kakitangan sekolah sebagai petugas – petugas Pilihan raya Umum yang akan dating.
4. Kerjasama Y. Bhg Datin/Tuan/Puan amat kami hargai dan diucapkan terima kasih.

Saya yang menurut perintah
( ***************)
Ketua Sektor Pengurusan Sekolah
b.p Pengarah Pelajaran
Jabatan Pelajaran ******** *******
a. Semua Ketua Sektor, ****
b. Semua Ketua Unit, ****

26 responses »

  1. monsterball says:

    BN is feeling good with their by-election wins.
    Pak Lah….Likes feeling good slogan to win elections…so he should feel good at his month of birthday…JULY!!

  2. Tim says:

    If this is true, then damn. My voter registration probably won’t get processed in time.

  3. WATTAHACK? says:

    and so the WAR begins….

  4. noname says:


    I thinks its more of a circus and christmas together with all kind of acts and goodies.

  5. jeancumlately says:

    Aiyo…my mp belum sempat mati…

  6. ricky says:

    Dear Fellow Malaysian, Malaysian Of All Races

    Yes the GE is just round the corner and what are we going to do to lend our support for change.

    My take to all in support of change are:

    Do not be afraid

    1)This is our downfall for the past fifty years. Why must we be afraid? Do we want to be intiminated again by their slogan of riots and kris waving? We have only one life and so are they.

    2)Many are saying that they know who we vote for, so what if they know. What can they do to us small fry. There are over 10 million voters, pray tell me how can they monitor each and everyone of the voters. Only their members who want to vote for the oppositions are afraid and these are the people they are going after. Do not be afraid if they know who you vote, they cannot send all who votes for the oppositions to jail.


    For fellow Malays, do not think that the discrimination by bn are just affecting the non malays. You are wrong. Discrimination are all over and affect each and everyone of us irrespective of any race if you do not bow, toe their line and not a member of their executive club.

    The purpose of the NEP, you all know about it, but are they implemented in their true form. Fellow malays, please tell me, have you gain much from this NEP which is suppose to elevate you all to be at par with others. Have it achieve it’s real intention, you answer me.

    Education should be devoid of all political influence and they should be on merit. Using the NEP to project and in a way forcing the Malays to study and graduated them with no merit is not the answer. All capable Malays should be allow to compete with others and use the NEP to provide relevant courses more suitable to the other slower learners.

    Can the Oppositions run the country
    If anyone ask me this question, I will tell them, it is a stupid question.

    Just think back 50 years ago, do the people selected to run the country after gaining independence, have any experience in running a country before. They are given a chance to run the country and pray tell me why we cannot allow the opposition to rule. Just assume we are given the independence today and let the Oppositions lead us like what the loosely formed Alliance at that time was given the chance to do so.


    This is the main culprit that is destroying our country. The whole government system is rotten to the core. They are telling us, including the poor pm that we must make a report, get evidence and proof before they can act.
    Do you all not think that this is just plain stupid?

    Let me ask you, if you do not pay your income tax, what will happen? The IRS will come after you and can you tell them that there is no report against you for not paying, why are they running after you.

    If you do not pay your car road tax and the police stop and issue you a summon, can you tell them there is no report against you for not paying the road tax and why they are going after you?

    These agencies are doing their job to ensure that you abide by the laws of this country.

    Likewise for corruptions, ACA must pursue and act on their own initiative.

    ACA stands for “anti corruption agency” and what is their job?

    To prevent corruption, seek and destroy all corruptors.

    Do they need people to make a report to them, show them all the evidence and proofs before they can act?

    They must act on their own and take action to prevent corruptions from happening. They must be on the prowl to catch corruptors, using their power to search through bank accounts, land office, IRS and other means should they smell or hear anything suspicious like how come that minister can afford two or three oreven four houses, that minister can afford to lose millions in gambling, that mb is so very rich and other ministers living beyond their means.

    Do you really need a report, evidence and proof before you can act, then what the hell do we need ACA for.

    Fellow Malaysian of all races, please open your eyes and lets walk together to show bn the door this coming GE.

  7. Good lah 13th General Elections coming up. People can vote. BN will still win and control somewhat more than 80% of the Dewan Rakyat again. Timing is bloody good. Oppositions not ready!

    On small constituencies like Batu Talam, Machap and Ijok also Oppositions shown their inability to work together and instead complete cock-up. (Dont’ take a guy who is so much UMNO like me for it. Go and read a DAP’s Rocket editor’s perspective how PKR cock-up in Ijok: ) Of course in the next General Elections, when their resources are spread much thinner, they will be united in a bigger cock-up again.

    BN is now consolidating resources for a 90%, 85% or 80% win, that’s all. NOT winning is no longer an option for BN.

    The faster you people live to realism in life, the easier for you to embrace another failure in your political hopes!

  8. monsterball says:

    All opposition parties will be wise and smart to expose their weaknesses. Be broad minded and accepts matter how them and if make sense…must change for the better.That’s what I hope DAP’s Rocket paper is doing.
    If they all love Malaysian people more than themselves or their party….their speeches will touch the hearts of voters…to show the wide differences between themselves and BN. That will ensure them a victory…never seen in Malaysia before. What are the differences?…so many…no need to tell…search their hearts…and show a battle between clean and dirty politics for voters to choose.
    If they cannot find the wide differences…then they deserve to loose.

  9. monsterball says:

    Then the voters. Majority Malays do oppose UMNO. Now more must understand ..putting a vote for DAP… for example is not supporting Chinese …but supporting alternative government for a change. They must cast away their race and religion labels implanted by divide and rule…not for their own benefits..for without the Chineses…Malaysia will not be what is is today…and the pork eaters and dog lovers are not devils in Malaysia. All religions are teaching good. Islam is just one of that. Look at all those Muslim UMNO ministers..fat and filthy rich. But you will say…ah these are not muslims or true Islam followers…but they are ruling us….so make the change.
    Now with internet..everyone can get more sincere news. Look at the newspapers…..not one message from opposition…like everything they speak are evil OR they are deaf and dumb …do not know how to speak? What type of freedom of speech is UMNO and MCA practising? What type of democracy? Getting worst year after year.
    For the Chinese….who never depend on UMNO to help them….and are basically self independent…they now have to look beyond and above the personal benefits and harping too much on peace and harmony concept. They have to think hard for their children’s future…which brings me one important issue…that if opposition dare to say…if they win….say they will convert all schools to teach like the Chinese schools style and will dare to import teachers to replace all half past six teachers/lecturers i9mported from… England..America or India..or any neighbouring countries….and treat the teaching profession seriously …may appeal to CHINESE VOTERS!!…as Chinese will do anything for their children and schooling is most important foundation.
    Chinese need to be less selfish. They know they are a force to be reckon..and the force should be used for the good of all younger generations….that want they need to give them that hope turn into reality for one. If no good…not too late to change back after four years….that is what they need to do. COMMIT TO CHANGES!!!
    Indians are also very hard working people…..and most of their lives were based on being grateful to UMNO for jobs as rubber estates tappers and their various government Depts. They must stop feeling more and more Indians are being disunited by dirty Indian politics ….mooted by MIC. Again..thinking of their children’s futures….what harm can they do to vote oppositions for once? You mean without BN…whole Malaysia will die or go bankcrupt? Infact…Malaysia is heading towards the poorest country soon without oil revenues…that have limited life span and UMNO have mis-used all the money year after year. Look at Brunei…the Sultan really love his people more than even his own brother…sacking him for cheating the country’s wealth. Do you all know that?
    Finally….look at how BN or UMNO supporter talk…so cock sure of winning more than 80% or more. Are they so cocksure and why so?
    I don’t know….you tell me.

  10. Daily Nibbler says:

    Great. Will we get goodies like what we saw in Ijok and Machap? All of a sudden, the whole country is having a party, roads tarred, lamp posts sprouting everywhere, promises of projects and the voters get a sense they are important albeit temporal.

    I agree though with BigDog that say what you want, the opposition cannot dislodge the incumbent BN. If we could reduce their majority to a sliver, to tell BN that we voters are important to them, that they should serve us instead of the other way round, I think, that is the democracy in the Malaysian context.

  11. Monsterball,

    Is this another of your figment imagination? So much this and that la. obviously you can’t substantiate.

  12. monsterball says:

    I wonder if Big Dog realised why John Lenon was killed. It was due to his powerful imaginations and the influences he had on the people that they suspect…up to now…. it is the government that planned his death.
    So imaginations can become realities without proofs.

  13. v9 says:

    Dear Big Dog,
    Like you, I don’t think too highly of an Opposition that couldn’t win for the last 40 odd years. Maybe like the rest, they only wanted glory, gold and god (they being the gods). But Aisehman’s lastest posting does have sound validity.

  14. monsterball says:

    I also agree though with Big Dog that say what you want…if the voters do not wake up and read what I and others have said and put their love for the country more for themselves…..applying the famous John F. Kennedy words..”Ask not what the country can do for you. Ask what you can do for the country” So for our country’s sake….VOTE FOR CHANGE or else Big Dog is right….and maybe your next Minister…so accept it.

  15. zewt says:

    hmmmm… so it’s finally here…

  16. monsterball says:

    More sufferings and shit days are in the making zewt..if voters do not vote for dignity and change.

  17. nhm says:

    i’m waiting for the day to come…

  18. […] of country. This one-third better register before the May 31st cut-off date to vote for the next General Elections. We often talk about the disconnect between our elected representatives and the people. This is it […]

  19. […] Malaysia: 12 General Elections is here! […]

  20. adriantai says:

    KLCI hit record high recently… Civil servants pay raise announced yesterday… Hmmm… I think its election time… 🙂

  21. […] reform. Malaysia need the election date that everybody knows. So that it will not be mystery. Click here to see the posting from Susan about the “evidence” that election is coming […]

  22. Gorgeous says:

    I don believe with democracy. The elected person only get ready for new dictatorship. Do u believe with majority votes? let say, if the majority belong to bad people, the country will be in trouble and will ruin.

  23. Exist in Shadow says:

    Its UMNO regime and its aparthied in Malaysia. What happenned in former Yugoslavia and the ongoing problem in Sri Lanka will nosufrace in Malaysia.
    Abdullah regime is highly corrupt and out of control.
    Ladies & Gentlemen, we are already finding it difficult to make good living in Malaysia now. Jobs & businesses are all exploited by Abdullah & UMNO Regime.
    What will happend to our childrens?
    We are now being denied our basic right as citizens of this country and even threatens our human rights.
    We are being denied oppurtunity to be competetive in all sectors.
    Our children are being denied education.
    Our forefarthers worked hard to developed this country to what it is today while the UMNO regime’s forefarthers were being lazy in some kampung waiting for government to help them. And it continues until today.
    Malaysia is not a Islamic country by constitution, and the name Malay in Malaysia doesn’t make Malays the owners of this country.

  24. edws says:

    nanti malaysia by the time financial crisis, worse lols…….
    by this 13 th general elections , i feel no fair because barisan nasional always win,why no other parties form equal to mps and dewan seats ,senator how many of them form the new parties,answer is “no”
    who are leadership ,whos capabities ,who will be trusted ,promises from land not lie to rakyat ……………….if not,everyone will boycott the elections la…………….tried of being raise up taxes on income tax ,land ,assessment ,petrol ,expenses , foods, tolls ,compaun , water and electricity………………lolsssssssssssssssssssss
    who will there can help malaysian ,be more society form to help laaaa

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