YES!!! So says the website here. Do we take this as an insinuation (of bad things to come) or compliment? Bloggers United has emphasised time and again, we are not a political movement but one that supports responsible free speech, Rocky and Jeff Ooi.

The pro-UMNO website further stated that this development of “bloggers” must be viewed with concern because these blogs are against Pak Lah, not only as prime minister but as UMNO president, plus our presence are becoming increasingly visible.

It added that the presence of Bloggers United is a concerted effort to attack Pak Lah’s administration, more than the previous websites which mushroomed actively during the reformasi movement launched by Anwar Ibrahim.

The article listed down 15 blogs which had begun blogging against Pak Lah since 2006. Strangely, they have include Nuraina Samad’s blog, though hers started only in January 2007.

The website reiterated that Pak Lah and UMNO should be worried of this development as both are now being attacked not only by the Opposition and NGOs but by people within UMNO and an association of bloggers.

“Ini adalah serangan lebih komprehensif dan agak menyeluruh. Penentangan ini lebih tersusun dan Pak Lah harus risau bukan sahaja kerana kehadiran mereka menentang tetapi ketiadaan penyokong ortodoks yang bangkit mempertahankan. Ini hanya menunjukkan bahawa Pak Lah lebih dalam bahaya dari sewaktu gerakan reformasi. Sistem penentangan terhadap Pak Lah semakin tersusun. dan lebih “advantures” dalam memulakan gerakan”. (UMNO reform)

Translation: This is a more comprehensive and thorough attack. This attack is more organised and Pak Lah should be worried, not only of their presence but because there are no othordox supporters to defend him. This only goes to show that Pak Lah is more in danger now than it was during the reformasi movement. The systematic attack against Pak Lah is increasingly organised, and more ‘adventures” in starting a movement.

Furthermore, UMNO reform said these people are not ‘penembak curi” but those who “open fire” with a certain feature (face), motive and vision (quoting from Sang Kelembai’s blog). This open attack seem to have more substance and looks more thorough while Pah Lah seem to have failed to respond (to compete) with the rising attacks.

“Whatever it is, if Pak Lah failed to defend himself against this attack, it shows that he had failed to see the scenario and sentiment on the ground,” ended the said article.


Well, I’d like to say that not all of us in the BU movement are anti-Pak Lah. Some of us are anti-Anwar as well. And some don’t care whether it is Pak Lah or Anwar who is the focus here. UMNO reform should do some research, homework, investigation, before it produces a baseless article like this. Or least interview some of us. We are just an e-mail away. Please also see 4896 , what a lulu and Gerbang Ruhanie.

Our stand as we have often reiterated is very clear. We have stated it here, and we will say it again:

1. We support all efforts to support freedom of expression and free speech, and those who come together to support Rocky and Jeff Ooi;

2. We recognise the diversity of blogs out there with a multitude of opinions on a variety of issues – some are political, some are not. However, inspite of each blog’s agenda, we are happy if bloggers come together to defend theirs (and others) freedom in blogsphere;

3. We do NOT represent anyone, you are free to make your own choice, whether to support this or that blog, whether to take this stand or that stand, whether you are UMNO, MCA,MIC, PAS, DAP or Keadilan, any party in Sabah or Sarawak, or whether you are partyless, whatever skin color or creed you are, Malaysian or not Malaysian, or somewhere in between;

4. We may not agree to everything you say, but we will defend your right to say it. However, if what you say is detrimental to our cause, we will defend ourselves with debates. We are not being emotional or personal, but if you choose to cross the line, we are at the front line;

5. We will NOT impose our ideas on others, we call for support, but we will not force you to support us if you do not want to. The space is free, and so is your choice. Do not let anyone compel you to do otherwise;

6. Most of all, we promote responsible blogging and will take responsibility for all our actions. If we are wrong, we will apologise, if we are wrong, please feel free to refute, comment or advice us. None of us is above the other; and none of us is above the law.

30 responses »

  1. hasilox says:

    Simply shoot all bloggers that do not sing their monotone songs. Umno reform penembak buta kah?

  2. wits0 says:

    Danger from what? Only from the truth!

    Emulate PRC and censor away? Don’t think M’sia got the clout to influence the Net via Google or Yahoo like China has.

  3. howsy says:

    Jeff Ooi should feel insulted-he’s not even listed! Hell, even I felt insulted! LOL!

    Seriously, this is a no-brainer! How many UMNO members do they have and what is the internet/broadband penetrance in Malaysia? C’mon lar! Hell, they can even set up hundreds of blogs within minutes for their ‘tetapi ketiadaan penyokong ortodoks yang bangkit mempertahankan’!

  4. Andrew says:

    Ms Loone,

    “A” and SK are a bunch of losers.

    Like many people, they both have no money and no position. But what they crave is recognition, which they have none, no matter how hard they try.

    I saw “A” at Ezam’s ceramah in his house recently. Unlike everyone there, “A” stuck out just like the SB’s. They had no friends. No one to salam to.

    When “SK” ‘works the floor’ at the Umno general assembly, people whisper nasty things about him behind his back, like a cheap prostitue at a seedy bar.

    These two jokers are the ultimate attention-whores. It’s unfortunate I would be having their company in the fiery depths of hell.

    Ms Loone. Don’t waste your time ‘quoting’ these two jokers in the future.

    He neng khian boh kia lang tu lan!

  5. monsterball says:

    Why is UMNO so afraid of bloggeRs or even rumour mongerers..If they are not guilty what are put out? Cetainly not bloggers put out all true stories….but they can always set up a Dept. with spokemen/women to answer all these so call lies ……like the USA government is doing everyday with their represenatives at meeting with the press session EVERYDAY!!
    Here you can see the signs are that …SOME IF NOT ALL SO CALL RUMOURS ARE TRUE AND THEY CANNOT TRUST OTHERS TO SPEAK ON THEIR BEHALF. It is like a boss trying to cheat Income Tax Dept. with false booking entries. They cannot employ the smartest Accountant to do the job. They must be handled by him …his son/daughter or trusted relatives. WHY SO SECRETIVE? International companies have the other way round. IF FOUND NOT PROPER AND TRYING TO CHEAT ANYONE…..HE/SHE WILL BE SACKED IMMEDIATELY. …IF NOT…. HOW CAN THEY CONTROL 120 BRANCHES ALL OVER THE WORLD?

  6. A Voice says:

    Susan n other bloggers n commentators

    UMNO-reform is not a pro-umno website. Have you not read Annuar Md Nor blog?

  7. bakaq says:

    Dearest Susan

    1. Betul apa yang A Voice kata about Umno-reform tu…

    2. this kutu respects Bloggers United stand, respects and loves Women – 7/3 Women’s Day, kan?

    3. Nevertheless, allow me to have my own “…a kutu against irresponsible prime ministers, leaders”

    4. btw, who cares a kutu? (after all, i’m not asking anything too. I’m not asking anybody to pamper me and what i think). So, shout lah!

    5. If someone from the establishment created the list and he or she includes my blog in the list, allow me to say here: bo tambah do, bodo!

  8. Daily Nibbler says:

    Nope, I dun think blogs can threaten Pak Lah. At most, it expedite the dissemination of rumours and expose wrong doings more speedily. Information made available in blogs always has credibility issue and does not reach the rural heartlands where the vote counts most. But, it does spice up the political scene and expedite rumour mongering among the more IT savvy population in this country.

  9. shar101 says:


    There seems to be no end to the speculation of what B.U. stands for despite your exertion (twice so far) and further highlighted by you asper item 3 above.

    So now, there is the so-called top fifteen blogs that’s anti-AAB. That’s what, 5% or less, of the entire MOVEMENT. I call it movement because it is not an association with an established hierarchy and nominated/elected leader(s) with committee members.

    Even within these fifteen blogs, the respective blog owners have differing viewpoints on issues which should serve as reading material for discerning bloggers and readers. If AAB has been incompetent and inept in running his administration, we, as citizens (and bloggers) reserve our sovereign right to voice out our concerns.

    And how on earth can UMNO-reform have left out Screenshots and Malaysia Today.

    On a separate matter, there has been ‘breaking news’ in the mainstream media lately attributing their source as originating from blog(s). It was recently ascertained by a commentator that a particular blog in question was set up with just one pertinent posting prior to the print expose. Coincidence? Maybe it is. Or perhaps, not. There is the possibility that the blog was set up by a ‘whistleblower’ who did not trust the mainstream media. Alternatively, it was deliberately set up to ‘disinform’ and later used to disparage bloggers viz a viz B.U.

    As much as we are encouraged to write responsibly in our blogs/comments, it is also paramountly important that we read responsibly.

  10. nict2007 says:

    To all members. I m new member. The communication is very costly but with the new tech. we can communicate FREE of charge !!


    (Note: SCO = Capital letter)

  11. who cares says:

    “….akhirnya mereka tergabung dalam apa yang disebut bloggers united”

    Its high time for Bloggers United to sue Umno Reform for defamation. What say you?

  12. susan loone says:

    who cares

    if we sue then they’ll say…”see, they ask others not to sue but they sue others themselves…hahaha!

    so just call me sue (as in susan) but dont sue them just yet ok? 🙂

  13. Rikey® says:

    pak lah here’s another one in honour of you….

  14. zewt says:

    wow… did you all check out the slogan for that umno reform site?

    saluran suara rakyat…


  15. Kean-Jin Lim says:


    I have saw it. So HOLY…… I doubt since when that site represent me also? and, I no need that site to represent me too.

    Don’t you?

  16. elviza says:

    Dearest Susan,

    I sigh in regret after reading this posting.

    They completely misconstrued/misinterpreted/didnt understand nuts about BU.

    What annoys me most is their misconception. Tak paham lansung!

    What makes it worse, they didnt bother to check or read the blogs.

    I am so frustrated.

  17. susan loone says:

    Dearest Elviza;
    I guess this is the reason why we cant and should never give up, in our quest for the elusive words called freedom of expression. Plough on…

  18. zewt says:

    kean-jin… definitely no need… need i say more… sigh

  19. Kean-Jin Lim says:

    Zewt, no need lah…… you see I see and you know I know.

  20. Asiana888 says:

    How to get UMNO members to defend Pak Lah? They all busy politiking in Concorde & Shangri La coffehouses (in KL). Also, many of them don’t know how to use internet/blog. Only know how to surf and look … not to contribute. Sorry la.
    If Pak Lah wants to turn around the current state of anti BN (not anti Pak Lah) is for him to get rid of the many of useless/corrupt Ministers and CMs around him. Also, sack all the 4th floor Napoleans …. the first is KJ.
    Next, give all EPF contributing Malaysians who do not have RM 1 million in their EPF account a top up to RM 1 million!!!! Stop using EPF money to buy an almost bankrupt RHB!!!!!

  21. Anonymous says:

    There are internal conflicts within UMNO itself. So it is not just bloggers alone. UMNO should have their own bloggers. But most do not dare to say that they are UMNOputra or UMNOputeri. Pak Lah is not in danger. Why ? Because he was not sprayed on like Tun Mahathir. A lot of people are making sure that Pak Lah stays in this P.M. position. If Pak Lah is not a P.M., many people would think that he is the better guy in UMNO. He is something like Tun Razak and Tun Hussein. It was a last minute desperate act of appointing him to be the P.M. Actually he was not to be. Remember it was Anwar Ibrahim. Malaysians who were used to the big things that were accomplished by Tun Mahathir find it difficulty to accept one who is not as great as him. So if anyone attacks Pak Lah, the people holding him up will surround and protect him. If Tun Mahathir is still in power, do you think you will have this BERSIH rally ? Many of the participants in the rally would be detained under ISA quickly. This is Tun Mahathir’s style. Iron fisted. But with Pak Lah, is there a mention of ISA ? If Pak Lah is removed today, who do you want to be as P.M. ? Khairy Jamaluddin seems to be a new name but it seems like his destiny is already planned out for him by whom if not UMNO firstly ?

  22. Malay says:

    No worries Pak Lah. Not all against you. Let them share their thoughts, as long as they talk about facts.

  23. A song for BN LOSER(s)!!! Harms DONE!! It’s FAIR!!

    Sing it to the TUNE y’all!!!!

    OS: We Just Called To Say We Hate You
    OA: StiLL ah Wonder Why?

    An Election day
    To celebrate
    No DACING covered Smiley hearts to give away
    No 2/3 votes
    Some song to sing
    In fact it’s just an EXTRAORDINARY day
    For an april rain
    when the flower blooms
    That voting Saturday shud be in the month of June
    But vote it is
    It’s something true
    Made up of these rightful votes we portraits to you

    Those just vote to say “we hate you”
    Some just called to say how much they care…yes they do?!
    But we just called to say..” step down you!!”
    And we mean it from the bottom of our heart

    No more flying skies
    No warm applause
    Here comes the MOON to light your crying tender heart
    No more autumn breeze
    You’re like a falling leave
    Bet it’s not the time for you to taste those southern skies
    No LIBRA SON?!
    No HELLO WIN?!
    No thankful thanks to all these voters joy you bring?!
    But what it is
    Though old so new
    To fill your heart like two third votes could ever do

    We did this to say “we hate you”
    Some just called to say how much they care…tho’ not bout u…
    But we will call to say… “step down you”
    And we mean it from the bottom of our heart


    Here’s the vote to say we hate you
    We just called to say how we do care…about us!
    But we DIDN’T call to say…”stay on you”
    COS we MEAN it from the bottom of our heart

    Of OUR heart!!!!
    Of OUT heart!!!

    Lyrics edited by Penganggurpaksa.

  24. abra din says:

    To my knowledge, umno-reform is not pro-umno. They should correct the facts if these facts are wrong. There is no need for court action. Even if you win, the legal costs will more often than not, exceed the damages won.


  25. ND Lalak says:

    Mengapa harus put Pak Lah in dager?? Dia kan ada menantu nya yang datang dari OXFord…..Menantu dia lebih arif tengtang bloggers. Apa kah dia nak ISA kan semua bloggers??

  26. ND Lalak says:

    Kenapa rejim Pak Lah takut sangat dengan bloggers? Mat Taib kata ruang bloggers banyak membantu pembangkang menang dalam PRU12. Tapi Mamat ni lupa yang media kerajaan tak bagi peluang langsung kepada pembangkang. Jadi apa harus di lakukan? Tentu sekali lah ruang bloggers menjadi sasaran. Media perdana dan elektronik kerajaan asyik kutuk pembangkang….RTM syik memburukkan Kelantan. Tapi rakyat tak boleh di tipu……

  27. mim2u says:

    Pemimpin UMNO kebanyakkannya buta IT… gembang jer tentang IT…tapi bodoh macam kuali. So..kepada blogger2 semua…. teruskan perjuangan anda…. jangan biarkan negara kita dijadikan bisness oleh pihak yang tamak haloba dan rakus itu…. UMNO bagus tapi pemimpin yang ada sekarang tak bagus dan buruk macam ET…. dah tua2 dan kolot… cakap dan komen macam budak tak sekolah…meluat aku….nasib baik si samy tu dah tak ada…kalau tak lagi meluat aku dangar komen2 dia…langsung tak der kualiti dan melambangkan tua tak berilmu jer. So…. macam ni jer…bagi aku kalu UMNO sudah parah dan jadi barah….hingga mendatangkan pelbagai penyakit kepada rakyat…. kuburkan ajer UMNO tu… nak simpan buat apa…sayangkan amenda lagi…. Hang Tuah pun sayangkan melayu…..tak der kecoh pun yg parti Hang Tuah tak wujud…. so Untuk menyelamatkan sesuatu bangsa tu ada pelbagai cara….tak semestinya dengan UMNO sahaja… apa….PAS x sayangkan bangsanya ke?… walau apapun…. selagi manusia itu beriman dan percaya kepada Allah ….itulah kunci untuk menyelamatkan kita didunia yang fana dan akhirat yang abadi….sekian….wassalam. Kita tak akan mati dengan tidak memangkah BN….Kita tak akan kebuluran dengan tidak memangkah BN….. Allah itu pemerintahannya amat luas….dan jangan taksub dengan BN…. kerana ia menjurus kepada kesesatan….wassalam.

  28. pakyakelate says:

    saya puji paklah jadi PM saya tak suka najib jadi PM dia seakan akan TUN

  29. Wonderful, glad I came across your blog.,

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